path: root/basctl/source/basicide/baside2.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'basctl/source/basicide/baside2.cxx')
1 files changed, 1757 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/basctl/source/basicide/baside2.cxx b/basctl/source/basicide/baside2.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6df383e07e2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/basctl/source/basicide/baside2.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1757 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_basctl.hxx"
+#include <ide_pch.hxx>
+#include <svtools/texteng.hxx>
+#include <svtools/textview.hxx>
+#include <svtools/xtextedt.hxx>
+#include <basic/sbx.hxx>
+#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
+#include <com/sun/star/ui/dialogs/XFilePicker.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/ui/dialogs/XFilePickerControlAccess.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/ui/dialogs/XFilterManager.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/ui/dialogs/TemplateDescription.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/ui/dialogs/ExtendedFilePickerElementIds.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/script/XLibraryContainer2.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/document/MacroExecMode.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/script/ModuleType.hpp>
+#include <toolkit/helper/vclunohelper.hxx>
+#include <sfx2/docfile.hxx>
+#include <basic/basrdll.hxx>
+#include <baside2.hrc>
+#include <baside2.hxx>
+#include <objdlg.hxx>
+#include <iderdll.hxx>
+#include <iderdll2.hxx>
+#include <basobj.hxx>
+#include <brkdlg.hxx>
+#include <svx/srchdlg.hxx>
+#include <vcl/sound.hxx>
+#include <unotools/textsearch.hxx>
+#include <tools/diagnose_ex.h>
+using namespace ::com::sun::star;
+using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
+#define SPLIT_MARGIN 5
+#define SPLIT_HEIGHT 2
+#define LMARGPRN 1700
+#define RMARGPRN 900
+#define TMARGPRN 2000
+#define BMARGPRN 1000
+#define BORDERPRN 300
+#define APPWAIT_START 100
+#define VALIDWINDOW 0x1234
+#if defined(OW) || defined(MTF)
+#define FILTERMASK_ALL "*"
+#elif defined(PM2)
+#define FILTERMASK_ALL ""
+#define FILTERMASK_ALL "*.*"
+using namespace ::com::sun::star;
+using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
+using namespace ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs;
+using namespace utl;
+using namespace comphelper;
+DBG_NAME( ModulWindow )
+TYPEINIT1( ModulWindow , IDEBaseWindow );
+void lcl_PrintHeader( Printer* pPrinter, USHORT nPages, USHORT nCurPage, const String& rTitle, bool bOutput )
+ short nLeftMargin = LMARGPRN;
+ Size aSz = pPrinter->GetOutputSize();
+ short nBorder = BORDERPRN;
+ const Color aOldLineColor( pPrinter->GetLineColor() );
+ const Color aOldFillColor( pPrinter->GetFillColor() );
+ const Font aOldFont( pPrinter->GetFont() );
+ pPrinter->SetLineColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) );
+ pPrinter->SetFillColor();
+ Font aFont( aOldFont );
+ aFont.SetWeight( WEIGHT_BOLD );
+ aFont.SetAlign( ALIGN_BOTTOM );
+ pPrinter->SetFont( aFont );
+ long nFontHeight = pPrinter->GetTextHeight();
+ // 1.Border => Strich, 2+3 Border = Freiraum.
+ long nYTop = TMARGPRN-3*nBorder-nFontHeight;
+ long nXLeft = nLeftMargin-nBorder;
+ long nXRight = aSz.Width()-RMARGPRN+nBorder;
+ if( bOutput )
+ pPrinter->DrawRect( Rectangle(
+ Point( nXLeft, nYTop ),
+ Size( nXRight-nXLeft, aSz.Height() - nYTop - BMARGPRN + nBorder ) ) );
+ long nY = TMARGPRN-2*nBorder;
+ Point aPos( nLeftMargin, nY );
+ if( bOutput )
+ pPrinter->DrawText( aPos, rTitle );
+ if ( nPages != 1 )
+ {
+ aFont.SetWeight( WEIGHT_NORMAL );
+ pPrinter->SetFont( aFont );
+ String aPageStr( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( " [" ) );
+ aPageStr += String( IDEResId( RID_STR_PAGE ) );
+ aPageStr += ' ';
+ aPageStr += String::CreateFromInt32( nCurPage );
+ aPageStr += ']';
+ aPos.X() += pPrinter->GetTextWidth( rTitle );
+ if( bOutput )
+ pPrinter->DrawText( aPos, aPageStr );
+ }
+ nY = TMARGPRN-nBorder;
+ if( bOutput )
+ pPrinter->DrawLine( Point( nXLeft, nY ), Point( nXRight, nY ) );
+ pPrinter->SetFont( aOldFont );
+ pPrinter->SetFillColor( aOldFillColor );
+ pPrinter->SetLineColor( aOldLineColor );
+void lcl_ConvertTabsToSpaces( String& rLine )
+ if ( rLine.Len() )
+ {
+ USHORT nPos = 0;
+ USHORT nMax = rLine.Len();
+ while ( nPos < nMax )
+ {
+ if ( rLine.GetChar( nPos ) == '\t' )
+ {
+ // Nicht 4 Blanks, sondern an 4er TabPos:
+ String aBlanker;
+ aBlanker.Fill( ( 4 - ( nPos % 4 ) ), ' ' );
+ rLine.Erase( nPos, 1 );
+ rLine.Insert( aBlanker, nPos );
+ nMax = rLine.Len();
+ }
+ nPos++; // Nicht optimal, falls Tab, aber auch nicht verkehrt...
+ }
+ }
+ModulWindow::ModulWindow( ModulWindowLayout* pParent, const ScriptDocument& rDocument, String aLibName,
+ String aName, ::rtl::OUString& aModule )
+ :IDEBaseWindow( pParent, rDocument, aLibName, aName )
+ ,aXEditorWindow( this )
+ ,m_aModule( aModule )
+ DBG_CTOR( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ pLayout = pParent;
+ aXEditorWindow.Show();
+ SetBackground();
+SbModuleRef ModulWindow::XModule()
+ // ModuleWindows can now be created as a result of the
+ // modules getting created via the api. This is a result of an
+ // elementInserted event from the BasicLibrary container.
+ // However the SbModule is also created from a different listener to
+ // the same event ( in basmgr ) Therefore it is possible when we look
+ // for xModule it may not yet be available, here we keep tring to access
+ // the module until such time as it exists
+ if ( !xModule.Is() )
+ {
+ BasicManager* pBasMgr = GetDocument().getBasicManager();
+ if ( pBasMgr )
+ {
+ StarBASIC* pBasic = pBasMgr->GetLib( GetLibName() );
+ if ( pBasic )
+ {
+ xBasic = pBasic;
+ xModule = (SbModule*)pBasic->FindModule( GetName() );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return xModule;
+ DBG_DTOR( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ nValid = 0;
+ StarBASIC::Stop();
+void ModulWindow::GetFocus()
+ if ( nValid != VALIDWINDOW )
+ return;
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ aXEditorWindow.GetEdtWindow().GrabFocus();
+ // Basisklasse nicht rufen, weil Focus jetzt woanders...
+void ModulWindow::DoInit()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ // Wird beim Umschalten der Fenster gerufen...
+ if ( GetVScrollBar() )
+ GetVScrollBar()->Hide();
+ GetHScrollBar()->Show();
+// GetEditorWindow().SetScrollBarRanges();
+ GetEditorWindow().InitScrollBars();
+// GetEditorWindow().GrabFocus();
+void ModulWindow::Paint( const Rectangle& )
+void ModulWindow::Resize()
+ aXEditorWindow.SetPosSizePixel( Point( 0, 0 ),
+ Size( GetOutputSizePixel() ) );
+// "Import" von baside4.cxx
+void CreateEngineForBasic( StarBASIC* pBasic );
+void ModulWindow::CheckCompileBasic()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ if ( XModule().Is() )
+ {
+ // Zur Laufzeit wird niemals compiliert!
+ BOOL bRunning = StarBASIC::IsRunning();
+ BOOL bModified = ( !xModule->IsCompiled() ||
+ ( GetEditEngine() && GetEditEngine()->IsModified() ) );
+ if ( !bRunning && bModified )
+ {
+ BOOL bDone = FALSE;
+ BasicIDEShell* pIDEShell = IDE_DLL()->GetShell();
+ pIDEShell->GetViewFrame()->GetWindow().EnterWait();
+ if( bModified )
+ {
+ AssertValidEditEngine();
+ GetEditorWindow().SetSourceInBasic( FALSE );
+ }
+ BOOL bWasModified = GetBasic()->IsModified();
+ bDone = GetBasic()->Compile( xModule );
+ if ( !bWasModified )
+ GetBasic()->SetModified( FALSE );
+ if ( bDone )
+ {
+ GetBreakPoints().SetBreakPointsInBasic( xModule );
+ }
+ pIDEShell->GetViewFrame()->GetWindow().LeaveWait();
+ aStatus.bError = !bDone;
+ aStatus.bIsRunning = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+BOOL ModulWindow::BasicExecute()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ // #116444# check security settings before macro execution
+ ScriptDocument aDocument( GetDocument() );
+ if ( aDocument.isDocument() )
+ {
+ if ( !aDocument.allowMacros() )
+ {
+ WarningBox( this, WB_OK, String( IDEResId( RID_STR_CANNOTRUNMACRO ) ) ).Execute();
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ CheckCompileBasic();
+ if ( XModule().Is() && xModule->IsCompiled() && !aStatus.bError )
+ {
+ if ( GetBreakPoints().size() )
+ aStatus.nBasicFlags = aStatus.nBasicFlags | SbDEBUG_BREAK;
+ if ( !aStatus.bIsRunning )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT( xModule.Is(), "Kein Modul!" );
+ USHORT nStart, nEnd, nCurMethodStart = 0;
+ TextSelection aSel = GetEditView()->GetSelection();
+ // Init cursor to top
+ nCurMethodStart = ( aSel.GetStart().GetPara() + 1 );
+ SbMethod* pMethod = 0;
+ // erstes Macro, sonst blind "Main" (ExtSearch?)
+ for ( USHORT nMacro = 0; nMacro < xModule->GetMethods()->Count(); nMacro++ )
+ {
+ SbMethod* pM = (SbMethod*)xModule->GetMethods()->Get( nMacro );
+ DBG_ASSERT( pM, "Method?" );
+ pM->GetLineRange( nStart, nEnd );
+ if ( nCurMethodStart >= nStart && nCurMethodStart <= nEnd )
+ {
+ // matched a method to the cursor position
+ pMethod = pM;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !pMethod )
+ {
+ // If not in a method then prompt the user
+ return ( BasicIDE::ChooseMacro( uno::Reference< frame::XModel >(), FALSE, rtl::OUString() ).getLength() > 0 ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ }
+ if ( pMethod )
+ {
+ pMethod->SetDebugFlags( aStatus.nBasicFlags );
+ BasicDLL::SetDebugMode( TRUE );
+ BasicIDE::RunMethod( pMethod );
+ BasicDLL::SetDebugMode( FALSE );
+ // Falls waehrend Interactive=FALSE abgebrochen
+ BasicDLL::EnableBreak( TRUE );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ aStatus.bIsRunning = FALSE; // Abbruch von Reschedule()
+ }
+ BOOL bDone = !aStatus.bError;
+ return bDone;
+BOOL ModulWindow::CompileBasic()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ CheckCompileBasic();
+ BOOL bIsCompiled = FALSE;
+ if ( XModule().Is() )
+ bIsCompiled = xModule->IsCompiled();
+ return bIsCompiled;
+BOOL ModulWindow::BasicRun()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ aStatus.nBasicFlags = 0;
+ BOOL bDone = BasicExecute();
+ return bDone;
+BOOL ModulWindow::BasicStepOver()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ BOOL bDone = BasicExecute();
+ return bDone;
+BOOL ModulWindow::BasicStepInto()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ aStatus.nBasicFlags = SbDEBUG_STEPINTO;
+ BOOL bDone = BasicExecute();
+ return bDone;
+BOOL ModulWindow::BasicStepOut()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ aStatus.nBasicFlags = SbDEBUG_STEPOUT;
+ BOOL bDone = BasicExecute();
+ return bDone;
+void ModulWindow::BasicStop()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ GetBasic()->Stop();
+ aStatus.bIsRunning = FALSE;
+BOOL ModulWindow::LoadBasic()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ BOOL bDone = FALSE;
+ Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xMSF( ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory() );
+ Reference < XFilePicker > xFP;
+ if( )
+ {
+ Sequence <Any> aServiceType(1);
+ aServiceType[0] <<= TemplateDescription::FILEOPEN_SIMPLE;
+ xFP = Reference< XFilePicker >( xMSF->createInstanceWithArguments(
+ ::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "" ) ), aServiceType ), UNO_QUERY );
+ }
+ if ( aCurPath.Len() )
+ xFP->setDisplayDirectory ( aCurPath );
+ //xFP->setTitle( String( IDEResId( RID_STR_OPEN ) ) );
+ Reference< XFilterManager > xFltMgr(xFP, UNO_QUERY);
+ xFltMgr->appendFilter( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "BASIC" ) ), String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "*.bas" ) ) );
+ xFltMgr->setCurrentFilter( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "BASIC" ) ) );
+ if( xFP->execute() == RET_OK )
+ {
+ Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > aPaths = xFP->getFiles();
+ aCurPath = aPaths[0];
+ SvStream* pStream = aMedium.GetInStream();
+ if ( pStream )
+ {
+ AssertValidEditEngine();
+ ULONG nLines = CalcLineCount( *pStream );
+ // nLines*4: ReadText/Formatting/Highlighting/Formatting
+ GetEditorWindow().CreateProgress( String( IDEResId( RID_STR_GENERATESOURCE ) ), nLines*4 );
+ GetEditEngine()->SetUpdateMode( FALSE );
+ GetEditView()->Read( *pStream );
+ GetEditEngine()->SetUpdateMode( TRUE );
+ GetEditorWindow().Update(); // Es wurde bei UpdateMode = TRUE nur Invalidiert
+ GetEditorWindow().ForceSyntaxTimeout();
+ GetEditorWindow().DestroyProgress();
+ ULONG nError = aMedium.GetError();
+ if ( nError )
+ ErrorHandler::HandleError( nError );
+ else
+ bDone = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ ErrorBox( this, WB_OK | WB_DEF_OK, String( IDEResId( RID_STR_COULDNTREAD ) ) ).Execute();
+ }
+ return bDone;
+BOOL ModulWindow::SaveBasicSource()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ BOOL bDone = FALSE;
+ Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xMSF( ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory() );
+ Reference < XFilePicker > xFP;
+ if( )
+ {
+ Sequence <Any> aServiceType(1);
+ aServiceType[0] <<= TemplateDescription::FILESAVE_AUTOEXTENSION_PASSWORD;
+ xFP = Reference< XFilePicker >( xMSF->createInstanceWithArguments(
+ ::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "" ) ), aServiceType ), UNO_QUERY );
+ }
+ Reference< XFilePickerControlAccess > xFPControl(xFP, UNO_QUERY);
+ xFPControl->enableControl(ExtendedFilePickerElementIds::CHECKBOX_PASSWORD, sal_False);
+ Any aValue;
+ aValue <<= (sal_Bool) sal_True;
+ xFPControl->setValue(ExtendedFilePickerElementIds::CHECKBOX_AUTOEXTENSION, 0, aValue);
+ if ( aCurPath.Len() )
+ xFP->setDisplayDirectory ( aCurPath );
+ //xFP->setTitle( String( IDEResId( RID_STR_SAVE ) ) );
+ Reference< XFilterManager > xFltMgr(xFP, UNO_QUERY);
+ xFltMgr->appendFilter( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "BASIC" ) ), String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "*.bas" ) ) );
+ xFltMgr->setCurrentFilter( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "BASIC" ) ) );
+ if( xFP->execute() == RET_OK )
+ {
+ Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > aPaths = xFP->getFiles();
+ aCurPath = aPaths[0];
+ SvStream* pStream = aMedium.GetOutStream();
+ if ( pStream )
+ {
+ EnterWait();
+ AssertValidEditEngine();
+ GetEditEngine()->Write( *pStream );
+ aMedium.Commit();
+ LeaveWait();
+ ULONG nError = aMedium.GetError();
+ if ( nError )
+ ErrorHandler::HandleError( nError );
+ else
+ bDone = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ ErrorBox( this, WB_OK | WB_DEF_OK, String( IDEResId( RID_STR_COULDNTWRITE) ) ).Execute();
+ }
+ return bDone;
+BOOL implImportDialog( Window* pWin, const String& rCurPath, const ScriptDocument& rDocument, const String& aLibName );
+BOOL ModulWindow::ImportDialog()
+ const ScriptDocument& rDocument = GetDocument();
+ String aLibName = GetLibName();
+ BOOL bRet = implImportDialog( this, aCurPath, rDocument, aLibName );
+ return bRet;
+BOOL ModulWindow::ToggleBreakPoint( ULONG nLine )
+ DBG_ASSERT( XModule().Is(), "Kein Modul!" );
+ BOOL bNewBreakPoint = FALSE;
+ if ( XModule().Is() )
+ {
+ CheckCompileBasic();
+ if ( aStatus.bError )
+ {
+ Sound::Beep();
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ BreakPoint* pBrk = GetBreakPoints().FindBreakPoint( nLine );
+ if ( pBrk ) // entfernen
+ {
+ xModule->ClearBP( (USHORT)nLine );
+ delete GetBreakPoints().remove( pBrk );
+ }
+ else // einen erzeugen
+ {
+ if ( xModule->SetBP( (USHORT)nLine) )
+ {
+ GetBreakPoints().InsertSorted( new BreakPoint( nLine ) );
+ bNewBreakPoint = TRUE;
+ if ( StarBASIC::IsRunning() )
+ {
+ for ( USHORT nMethod = 0; nMethod < xModule->GetMethods()->Count(); nMethod++ )
+ {
+ SbMethod* pMethod = (SbMethod*)xModule->GetMethods()->Get( nMethod );
+ DBG_ASSERT( pMethod, "Methode nicht gefunden! (NULL)" );
+ pMethod->SetDebugFlags( pMethod->GetDebugFlags() | SbDEBUG_BREAK );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !bNewBreakPoint )
+ Sound::Beep();
+ }
+ }
+ return bNewBreakPoint;
+void ModulWindow::UpdateBreakPoint( const BreakPoint& rBrk )
+ DBG_ASSERT( XModule().Is(), "Kein Modul!" );
+ if ( XModule().Is() )
+ {
+ CheckCompileBasic();
+ if ( rBrk.bEnabled )
+ xModule->SetBP( (USHORT)rBrk.nLine );
+ else
+ xModule->ClearBP( (USHORT)rBrk.nLine );
+ }
+BOOL ModulWindow::BasicToggleBreakPoint()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ AssertValidEditEngine();
+ TextSelection aSel = GetEditView()->GetSelection();
+ aSel.GetStart().GetPara()++; // Basic-Zeilen beginnen bei 1!
+ aSel.GetEnd().GetPara()++;
+ BOOL bNewBreakPoint = FALSE;
+ for ( ULONG nLine = aSel.GetStart().GetPara(); nLine <= aSel.GetEnd().GetPara(); nLine++ )
+ {
+ if ( ToggleBreakPoint( nLine ) )
+ bNewBreakPoint = TRUE;
+ }
+ aXEditorWindow.GetBrkWindow().Invalidate();
+ return bNewBreakPoint;
+void ModulWindow::BasicToggleBreakPointEnabled()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ AssertValidEditEngine();
+ ExtTextView* pView = GetEditView();
+ if ( pView )
+ {
+ TextSelection aSel = pView->GetSelection();
+ BreakPointList& rList = GetBreakPoints();
+ for ( ULONG nLine = ++aSel.GetStart().GetPara(), nEnd = ++aSel.GetEnd().GetPara(); nLine <= nEnd; ++nLine )
+ {
+ BreakPoint* pBrk = rList.FindBreakPoint( nLine );
+ if ( pBrk )
+ {
+ pBrk->bEnabled = pBrk->bEnabled ? FALSE : TRUE;
+ UpdateBreakPoint( *pBrk );
+ }
+ }
+ GetBreakPointWindow().Invalidate();
+ }
+void ModulWindow::ManageBreakPoints()
+ BreakPointWindow& rBrkWin = GetBreakPointWindow();
+ BreakPointDialog aBrkDlg( &rBrkWin, GetBreakPoints() );
+ aBrkDlg.Execute();
+ rBrkWin.Invalidate();
+IMPL_LINK( ModulWindow, BasicErrorHdl, StarBASIC *, pBasic )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ GoOnTop();
+ // ReturnWert: BOOL
+ // FALSE: Abbrechen
+ // TRUE: Weiter....
+ String aErrorText( pBasic->GetErrorText() );
+ USHORT nErrorLine = pBasic->GetLine() - 1;
+ USHORT nErrCol1 = pBasic->GetCol1();
+ USHORT nErrCol2 = pBasic->GetCol2();
+ if ( nErrCol2 != 0xFFFF )
+ nErrCol2++;
+ AssertValidEditEngine();
+ GetEditView()->SetSelection( TextSelection( TextPaM( nErrorLine, nErrCol1 ), TextPaM( nErrorLine, nErrCol2 ) ) );
+ String aErrorTextPrefix;
+ if( pBasic->IsCompilerError() )
+ {
+ aErrorTextPrefix = String( IDEResId( RID_STR_COMPILEERROR ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aErrorTextPrefix = String( IDEResId( RID_STR_RUNTIMEERROR ) );
+ aErrorTextPrefix += StarBASIC::GetVBErrorCode( pBasic->GetErrorCode() );
+ aErrorTextPrefix += ' ';
+ pLayout->GetStackWindow().UpdateCalls();
+ }
+ // Wenn anderes Basic, dan sollte die IDE versuchen, da richtige
+ // Modul anzuzeigen...
+ BOOL bMarkError = ( pBasic == GetBasic() ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ if ( bMarkError )
+ aXEditorWindow.GetBrkWindow().SetMarkerPos( nErrorLine, TRUE );
+// ErrorBox( this, WB_OK | WB_DEF_OK, String( aErrorTextPrefix + aErrorText ) ).Execute();
+// ErrorHandler::HandleError( pBasic->GetErrorCode() );
+ // #i47002#
+ Reference< awt::XWindow > xWindow = VCLUnoHelper::GetInterface( this );
+ ErrorHandler::HandleError( StarBASIC::GetErrorCode() );
+ // #i47002#
+ Window* pWindow = VCLUnoHelper::GetWindow( xWindow );
+ if ( !pWindow )
+ return FALSE;
+ if ( bMarkError )
+ aXEditorWindow.GetBrkWindow().SetMarkerPos( MARKER_NOMARKER );
+ return FALSE;
+long ModulWindow::BasicBreakHdl( StarBASIC* pBasic )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ // Ein GoOnTop aktiviert da Fenster, das veraendert aber den Context fuer
+ // das Programm!
+// GoOnTop();
+ // #i69280 Required in Window despite normal usage in next command!
+ (void)pBasic;
+ // ReturnWert: USHORT => siehe SB-Debug-Flags
+ USHORT nErrorLine = pBasic->GetLine();
+ // Gibt es hier einen BreakPoint?
+ BreakPoint* pBrk = GetBreakPoints().FindBreakPoint( nErrorLine );
+ if ( pBrk )
+ {
+ pBrk->nHitCount++;
+ if ( pBrk->nHitCount < pBrk->nStopAfter && GetBasic()->IsBreak() )
+ return aStatus.nBasicFlags; // weiterlaufen...
+ }
+ nErrorLine--; // EditEngine begint bei 0, Basic bei 1
+ // Alleine schon damit gescrollt wird...
+ AssertValidEditEngine();
+ GetEditView()->SetSelection( TextSelection( TextPaM( nErrorLine, 0 ), TextPaM( nErrorLine, 0 ) ) );
+ aXEditorWindow.GetBrkWindow().SetMarkerPos( nErrorLine );
+ pLayout->GetWatchWindow().UpdateWatches();
+ pLayout->GetStackWindow().UpdateCalls();
+ aStatus.bIsInReschedule = TRUE;
+ aStatus.bIsRunning = TRUE;
+ BasicIDE::InvalidateDebuggerSlots();
+ while( aStatus.bIsRunning )
+ Application::Yield();
+ aStatus.bIsInReschedule = FALSE;
+ aXEditorWindow.GetBrkWindow().SetMarkerPos( MARKER_NOMARKER );
+ return aStatus.nBasicFlags;
+void ModulWindow::BasicAddWatch()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ String aWatchStr;
+ BOOL bInserted = FALSE;
+ AssertValidEditEngine();
+ BOOL bAdd = TRUE;
+ if ( !GetEditView()->HasSelection() )
+ {
+// bAdd = GetEditView()->SelectCurrentWord();
+ TextPaM aWordStart;
+ String aWord = GetEditEngine()->GetWord( GetEditView()->GetSelection().GetEnd(), &aWordStart );
+ if ( aWord.Len() )
+ {
+ TextSelection aSel( aWordStart );
+ USHORT& rIndex = aSel.GetEnd().GetIndex();
+ rIndex = rIndex + aWord.Len();
+ // aSel.GetEnd().GetIndex() += sal::static_int_cast<int>( aWord.Len() );
+ GetEditView()->SetSelection( aSel );
+ bAdd = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( bAdd )
+ {
+ TextSelection aSel = GetEditView()->GetSelection();
+ if ( aSel.GetStart().GetPara() == aSel.GetEnd().GetPara() )
+ {
+ aWatchStr = GetEditView()->GetSelected();
+ pLayout->GetWatchWindow().AddWatch( aWatchStr );
+ pLayout->GetWatchWindow().UpdateWatches();
+ bInserted = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !bInserted )
+ Sound::Beep();
+void ModulWindow::BasicRemoveWatch()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ BOOL bRemoved = pLayout->GetWatchWindow().RemoveSelectedWatch();
+ if ( !bRemoved )
+ Sound::Beep();
+void ModulWindow::EditMacro( const String& rMacroName )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ DBG_ASSERT( XModule().Is(), "Kein Modul!" );
+ if ( XModule().Is() )
+ {
+ CheckCompileBasic();
+ if ( !aStatus.bError )
+ {
+ USHORT nStart, nEnd;
+ SbMethod* pMethod = (SbMethod*)xModule->Find( rMacroName, SbxCLASS_METHOD );
+ if ( pMethod )
+ {
+ pMethod->GetLineRange( nStart, nEnd );
+ if ( nStart )
+ {
+ // Basic beginnt bei 1
+ nStart--;
+ nEnd--;
+ }
+ TextSelection aSel( TextPaM( nStart, 0 ), TextPaM( nStart, 0 ) );
+ AssertValidEditEngine();
+ TextView * pView = GetEditView();
+ // ggf. hinscrollen, so dass erste Zeile oben...
+ long nVisHeight = GetOutputSizePixel().Height();
+ if ( (long)pView->GetTextEngine()->GetTextHeight() > nVisHeight )
+ {
+ long nMaxY = pView->GetTextEngine()->GetTextHeight() - nVisHeight;
+ long nOldStartY = pView->GetStartDocPos().Y();
+ long nNewStartY = nStart * pView->GetTextEngine()->GetCharHeight();
+ nNewStartY = Min( nNewStartY, nMaxY );
+ pView->Scroll( 0, -(nNewStartY-nOldStartY) );
+ pView->ShowCursor( FALSE, TRUE );
+ GetEditVScrollBar().SetThumbPos( pView->GetStartDocPos().Y() );
+ }
+ pView->SetSelection( aSel );
+ pView->ShowCursor();
+ pView->GetWindow()->GrabFocus();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void ModulWindow::StoreData()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ // StoreData wird gerufen, wenn der BasicManager zerstoert oder
+ // dieses Fenster beendet wird.
+ // => Keine Unterbrechungen erwuenscht!
+ // Und bei SAVE, wenn AppBasic...
+ GetEditorWindow().SetSourceInBasic( TRUE );
+ // Nicht das Modify loeschen, sonst wird das Basic nicht gespeichert
+ // Es wird beim Speichern sowieso geloescht.
+// xModule->SetModified( FALSE );
+BOOL ModulWindow::CanClose()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL ModulWindow::AllowUndo()
+ return GetEditorWindow().CanModify();
+void ModulWindow::UpdateData()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ DBG_ASSERT( XModule().Is(), "Kein Modul!" );
+ // UpdateData wird gerufen, wenn sich der Source von aussen
+ // geaendert hat.
+ // => Keine Unterbrechungen erwuenscht!
+ if ( XModule().Is() )
+ {
+ SetModule( xModule->GetSource32() );
+ if ( GetEditView() )
+ {
+ TextSelection aSel = GetEditView()->GetSelection();
+ setTextEngineText( GetEditEngine(), xModule->GetSource32() );
+ GetEditView()->SetSelection( aSel );
+ GetEditEngine()->SetModified( FALSE );
+ BasicIDE::MarkDocumentModified( GetDocument() );
+ }
+ }
+sal_Int32 ModulWindow::countPages( Printer* pPrinter )
+ return FormatAndPrint( pPrinter, -1 );
+void ModulWindow::printPage( sal_Int32 nPage, Printer* pPrinter )
+ FormatAndPrint( pPrinter, nPage );
+/* implementation note: this is totally inefficient for the XRenderable interface
+ usage since the whole "document" will be format for every page. Should this ever
+ become a problem we should
+ - format only once for every new printer
+ - keep an index list for each page which is the starting paragraph
+sal_Int32 ModulWindow::FormatAndPrint( Printer* pPrinter, sal_Int32 nPrintPage )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ AssertValidEditEngine();
+ MapMode eOldMapMode( pPrinter->GetMapMode() );
+ Font aOldFont( pPrinter->GetFont() );
+// Font aFont( GetEditEngine()->CreateFontFromItemSet( GetEditEngine()->GetEmptyItemSet() ) );
+ Font aFont( GetEditEngine()->GetFont() );
+ aFont.SetAlign( ALIGN_BOTTOM );
+ aFont.SetTransparent( TRUE );
+ aFont.SetSize( Size( 0, 360 ) );
+ pPrinter->SetFont( aFont );
+ pPrinter->SetMapMode( MAP_100TH_MM );
+ String aTitle( CreateQualifiedName() );
+ USHORT nLineHeight = (USHORT) pPrinter->GetTextHeight(); // etwas mehr.
+ USHORT nParaSpace = 10;
+ Size aPaperSz = pPrinter->GetOutputSize();
+ aPaperSz.Width() -= (LMARGPRN+RMARGPRN);
+ aPaperSz.Height() -= (TMARGPRN+BMARGPRN);
+ // nLinepPage stimmt nicht, wenn Zeilen umgebrochen werden muessen...
+ USHORT nLinespPage = (USHORT) (aPaperSz.Height()/nLineHeight);
+ USHORT nCharspLine = (USHORT) (aPaperSz.Width() / pPrinter->GetTextWidth( 'X' ) );
+ ULONG nParas = GetEditEngine()->GetParagraphCount();
+ USHORT nPages = (USHORT) (nParas/nLinespPage+1 );
+ USHORT nCurPage = 1;
+ // Header drucken...
+ lcl_PrintHeader( pPrinter, nPages, nCurPage, aTitle, nPrintPage == 0 );
+ for ( ULONG nPara = 0; nPara < nParas; nPara++ )
+ {
+ String aLine( GetEditEngine()->GetText( nPara ) );
+ lcl_ConvertTabsToSpaces( aLine );
+ USHORT nLines = aLine.Len()/nCharspLine+1;
+ for ( USHORT nLine = 0; nLine < nLines; nLine++ )
+ {
+ String aTmpLine( aLine, nLine*nCharspLine, nCharspLine );
+ aPos.Y() += nLineHeight;
+ if ( aPos.Y() > ( aPaperSz.Height()+TMARGPRN ) )
+ {
+ nCurPage++;
+ lcl_PrintHeader( pPrinter, nPages, nCurPage, aTitle, nCurPage-1 == nPrintPage );
+ aPos = Point( LMARGPRN, TMARGPRN+nLineHeight );
+ }
+ if( nCurPage-1 == nPrintPage )
+ pPrinter->DrawText( aPos, aTmpLine );
+ }
+ aPos.Y() += nParaSpace;
+ }
+ pPrinter->SetFont( aOldFont );
+ pPrinter->SetMapMode( eOldMapMode );
+ return sal_Int32(nCurPage);
+void ModulWindow::ExecuteCommand( SfxRequest& rReq )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ AssertValidEditEngine();
+ USHORT nSlot = rReq.GetSlot();
+ switch ( nSlot )
+ {
+ {
+ BasicRun();
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ CompileBasic();
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ BasicStepOver();
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ BasicStepInto();
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ BasicStepOut();
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ LoadBasic();
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ SaveBasicSource();
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ ImportDialog();
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ if ( !GetEditView()->MatchGroup() )
+ Sound::Beep();
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ BasicToggleBreakPoint();
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ ManageBreakPoints();
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ BasicToggleBreakPointEnabled();
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ BasicAddWatch();
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ BasicRemoveWatch();
+ }
+ break;
+ case SID_CUT:
+ {
+ if ( !IsReadOnly() )
+ {
+ GetEditView()->Cut();
+ SfxBindings* pBindings = BasicIDE::GetBindingsPtr();
+ if ( pBindings )
+ pBindings->Invalidate( SID_DOC_MODIFIED );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case SID_COPY:
+ {
+ GetEditView()->Copy();
+ }
+ break;
+ case SID_PASTE:
+ {
+ if ( !IsReadOnly() )
+ {
+ GetEditView()->Paste();
+ SfxBindings* pBindings = BasicIDE::GetBindingsPtr();
+ if ( pBindings )
+ pBindings->Invalidate( SID_DOC_MODIFIED );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ GetBreakPointWindow().Invalidate();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+void ModulWindow::GetState( SfxItemSet &rSet )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ SfxWhichIter aIter(rSet);
+ for ( USHORT nWh = aIter.FirstWhich(); 0 != nWh; nWh = aIter.NextWhich() )
+ {
+ switch ( nWh )
+ {
+ // allgemeine Items:
+ case SID_CUT:
+ {
+ if ( !GetEditView() || !GetEditView()->HasSelection() )
+ rSet.DisableItem( nWh );
+ if ( IsReadOnly() )
+ rSet.DisableItem( nWh );
+ }
+ break;
+ case SID_COPY:
+ {
+ if ( !GetEditView() || !GetEditView()->HasSelection() )
+ rSet.DisableItem( nWh );
+ }
+ break;
+ case SID_PASTE:
+ {
+ if ( !IsPasteAllowed() )
+ rSet.DisableItem( nWh );
+ if ( IsReadOnly() )
+ rSet.DisableItem( nWh );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ TextView* pView = GetEditView();
+ if ( pView )
+ {
+ TextSelection aSel = pView->GetSelection();
+ String aPos( IDEResId( RID_STR_LINE ) );
+ aPos += ' ';
+ aPos += String::CreateFromInt32( aSel.GetEnd().GetPara()+1 );
+ aPos += String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ", " ) );
+ aPos += String( IDEResId( RID_STR_COLUMN ) );
+ aPos += ' ';
+ aPos += String::CreateFromInt32( aSel.GetEnd().GetIndex()+1 );
+ SfxStringItem aItem( SID_BASICIDE_STAT_POS, aPos );
+ rSet.Put( aItem );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ TextView* pView = GetEditView();
+ if ( pView )
+ {
+ SfxBoolItem aItem( SID_ATTR_INSERT, pView->IsInsertMode() );
+ rSet.Put( aItem );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void ModulWindow::DoScroll( ScrollBar* pCurScrollBar )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS( ModulWindow, 0 );
+ if ( ( pCurScrollBar == GetHScrollBar() ) && GetEditView() )
+ {
+ // Nicht mit dem Wert Scrollen, sondern lieber die Thumb-Pos fuer die
+ // VisArea verwenden:
+ long nDiff = GetEditView()->GetStartDocPos().X() - pCurScrollBar->GetThumbPos();
+ GetEditView()->Scroll( nDiff, 0 );
+ GetEditView()->ShowCursor( FALSE, TRUE );
+ pCurScrollBar->SetThumbPos( GetEditView()->GetStartDocPos().X() );
+ }
+BOOL ModulWindow::IsModified()
+ return GetEditEngine() ? GetEditEngine()->IsModified() : FALSE;
+void ModulWindow::GoOnTop()
+ IDE_DLL()->GetShell()->GetViewFrame()->ToTop();
+String ModulWindow::GetSbModuleName()
+ String aModuleName;
+ if ( XModule().Is() )
+ aModuleName = xModule->GetName();
+ return aModuleName;
+String ModulWindow::GetTitle()
+ return GetSbModuleName();
+void ModulWindow::FrameWindowMoved()
+// if ( GetEditEngine() && GetEditEngine()->IsInSelectionMode() )
+// GetEditEngine()->StopSelectionMode();
+void ModulWindow::ShowCursor( BOOL bOn )
+ if ( GetEditEngine() )
+ {
+ TextView* pView = GetEditEngine()->GetActiveView();
+ if ( pView )
+ {
+ if ( bOn )
+ pView->ShowCursor();
+ else
+ pView->HideCursor();
+ }
+ }
+Window* ModulWindow::GetLayoutWindow()
+ return pLayout;
+void ModulWindow::AssertValidEditEngine()
+ if ( !GetEditEngine() )
+ GetEditorWindow().CreateEditEngine();
+void ModulWindow::Deactivating()
+ if ( GetEditView() )
+ GetEditView()->EraseVirtualDevice();
+USHORT ModulWindow::StartSearchAndReplace( const SvxSearchItem& rSearchItem, BOOL bFromStart )
+ // Mann koennte fuer das blinde Alle-Ersetzen auch auf
+ // Syntaxhighlighting/Formatierung verzichten...
+ AssertValidEditEngine();
+ ExtTextView* pView = GetEditView();
+ TextSelection aSel;
+ if ( bFromStart )
+ {
+ aSel = pView->GetSelection();
+ if ( !rSearchItem.GetBackward() )
+ pView->SetSelection( TextSelection() );
+ else
+ pView->SetSelection( TextSelection( TextPaM( 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFF ), TextPaM( 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFF ) ) );
+ }
+ BOOL bForward = !rSearchItem.GetBackward();
+ USHORT nFound = 0;
+ if ( ( rSearchItem.GetCommand() == SVX_SEARCHCMD_FIND ) ||
+ ( rSearchItem.GetCommand() == SVX_SEARCHCMD_FIND_ALL ) )
+ {
+ nFound = pView->Search( rSearchItem.GetSearchOptions() , bForward );
+ }
+ else if ( ( rSearchItem.GetCommand() == SVX_SEARCHCMD_REPLACE ) ||
+ ( rSearchItem.GetCommand() == SVX_SEARCHCMD_REPLACE_ALL ) )
+ {
+ if ( !IsReadOnly() )
+ {
+ BOOL bAll = rSearchItem.GetCommand() == SVX_SEARCHCMD_REPLACE_ALL;
+ nFound = pView->Replace( rSearchItem.GetSearchOptions() , bAll , bForward );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( bFromStart && !nFound )
+ pView->SetSelection( aSel );
+ return nFound;
+SfxUndoManager* ModulWindow::GetUndoManager()
+ if ( GetEditEngine() )
+ return &GetEditEngine()->GetUndoManager();
+ return NULL;
+USHORT ModulWindow::GetSearchOptions()
+ if ( !IsReadOnly() )
+ {
+ }
+ return nOptions;
+void ModulWindow::BasicStarted()
+ if ( XModule().Is() )
+ {
+ aStatus.bIsRunning = TRUE;
+ BreakPointList& rList = GetBreakPoints();
+ if ( rList.size() )
+ {
+ rList.ResetHitCount();
+ rList.SetBreakPointsInBasic( xModule );
+ for ( USHORT nMethod = 0; nMethod < xModule->GetMethods()->Count(); nMethod++ )
+ {
+ SbMethod* pMethod = (SbMethod*)xModule->GetMethods()->Get( nMethod );
+ DBG_ASSERT( pMethod, "Methode nicht gefunden! (NULL)" );
+ pMethod->SetDebugFlags( pMethod->GetDebugFlags() | SbDEBUG_BREAK );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void ModulWindow::BasicStopped()
+ aStatus.bIsRunning = FALSE;
+ GetBreakPointWindow().SetMarkerPos( MARKER_NOMARKER );
+BasicEntryDescriptor ModulWindow::CreateEntryDescriptor()
+ ScriptDocument aDocument( GetDocument() );
+ String aLibName( GetLibName() );
+ LibraryLocation eLocation = aDocument.getLibraryLocation( aLibName );
+ String aModName( GetName() );
+ String aLibSubName;
+ if( xBasic.Is() && aDocument.isInVBAMode() && XModule().Is() )
+ {
+ switch( xModule->GetModuleType() )
+ {
+ case script::ModuleType::DOCUMENT:
+ {
+ aLibSubName = String( IDEResId( RID_STR_DOCUMENT_OBJECTS ) );
+ uno::Reference< container::XNameContainer > xLib = aDocument.getOrCreateLibrary( E_SCRIPTS, aLibName );
+ if( )
+ {
+ String sObjName;
+ ModuleInfoHelper::getObjectName( xLib, aModName, sObjName );
+ if( sObjName.Len() )
+ {
+ aModName.AppendAscii(" (").Append(sObjName).AppendAscii(")");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case script::ModuleType::FORM:
+ aLibSubName = String( IDEResId( RID_STR_USERFORMS ) );
+ break;
+ case script::ModuleType::NORMAL:
+ aLibSubName = String( IDEResId( RID_STR_NORMAL_MODULES ) );
+ break;
+ case script::ModuleType::CLASS:
+ aLibSubName = String( IDEResId( RID_STR_CLASS_MODULES ) );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return BasicEntryDescriptor( aDocument, eLocation, aLibName, aLibSubName, aModName, OBJ_TYPE_MODULE );
+void ModulWindow::SetReadOnly( BOOL b )
+ if ( GetEditView() )
+ GetEditView()->SetReadOnly( b );
+BOOL ModulWindow::IsReadOnly()
+ BOOL bReadOnly = FALSE;
+ if ( GetEditView() )
+ bReadOnly = GetEditView()->IsReadOnly();
+ return bReadOnly;
+BOOL ModulWindow::IsPasteAllowed()
+ BOOL bPaste = FALSE;
+ // get clipboard
+ Reference< datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboard > xClipboard = GetClipboard();
+ if ( )
+ {
+ // get clipboard content
+ const sal_uInt32 nRef = Application::ReleaseSolarMutex();
+ Reference< datatransfer::XTransferable > xTransf = xClipboard->getContents();
+ Application::AcquireSolarMutex( nRef );
+ if ( )
+ {
+ datatransfer::DataFlavor aFlavor;
+ SotExchange::GetFormatDataFlavor( SOT_FORMAT_STRING, aFlavor );
+ if ( xTransf->isDataFlavorSupported( aFlavor ) )
+ {
+ bPaste = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return bPaste;
+ModulWindowLayout::ModulWindowLayout( Window* pParent ) :
+ Window( pParent, WB_CLIPCHILDREN ),
+ aVSplitter( this, WinBits( WB_VSCROLL ) ),
+ aHSplitter( this, WinBits( WB_HSCROLL ) ),
+ aWatchWindow( this ),
+ aStackWindow( this ),
+ bVSplitted(FALSE),
+ bHSplitted(FALSE),
+ m_pModulWindow(0),
+ m_aImagesNormal(IDEResId(RID_IMGLST_LAYOUT))
+ SetBackground(GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetWindowColor());
+ aVSplitter.SetSplitHdl( LINK( this, ModulWindowLayout, SplitHdl ) );
+ aHSplitter.SetSplitHdl( LINK( this, ModulWindowLayout, SplitHdl ) );
+ aVSplitter.Show();
+ aHSplitter.Show();
+ aWatchWindow.Show();
+ aStackWindow.Show();
+ Color aColor(GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetFieldTextColor());
+ m_aSyntaxColors[TT_UNKNOWN] = aColor;
+ m_aSyntaxColors[TT_WHITESPACE] = aColor;
+ m_aSyntaxColors[TT_EOL] = aColor;
+ m_aColorConfig.AddListener(this);
+ m_aSyntaxColors[TT_IDENTIFIER]
+ = Color(m_aColorConfig.GetColorValue(svtools::BASICIDENTIFIER).nColor);
+ m_aSyntaxColors[TT_NUMBER]
+ = Color(m_aColorConfig.GetColorValue(svtools::BASICNUMBER).nColor);
+ m_aSyntaxColors[TT_STRING]
+ = Color(m_aColorConfig.GetColorValue(svtools::BASICSTRING).nColor);
+ m_aSyntaxColors[TT_COMMENT]
+ = Color(m_aColorConfig.GetColorValue(svtools::BASICCOMMENT).nColor);
+ m_aSyntaxColors[TT_ERROR]
+ = Color(m_aColorConfig.GetColorValue(svtools::BASICERROR).nColor);
+ m_aSyntaxColors[TT_OPERATOR]
+ = Color(m_aColorConfig.GetColorValue(svtools::BASICOPERATOR).nColor);
+ m_aSyntaxColors[TT_KEYWORDS]
+ = Color(m_aColorConfig.GetColorValue(svtools::BASICKEYWORD).nColor);
+ Font aFont( GetFont() );
+ Size aSz( aFont.GetSize() );
+ aSz.Height() *= 3;
+ aSz.Height() /= 2;
+ aFont.SetSize( aSz );
+ aFont.SetWeight( WEIGHT_BOLD );
+ aFont.SetColor(GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetWindowTextColor());
+ SetFont( aFont );
+ m_aColorConfig.RemoveListener(this);
+void ModulWindowLayout::Resize()
+ // ScrollBars, etc. passiert in BasicIDEShell:Adjust...
+ ArrangeWindows();
+// Invalidate();
+void ModulWindowLayout::Paint( const Rectangle& )
+ DrawText( Point(), String( IDEResId( RID_STR_NOMODULE ) ) );
+void ModulWindowLayout::ArrangeWindows()
+ Size aSz = GetOutputSizePixel();
+ // prueffen, ob der Splitter in einem gueltigen Bereich liegt...
+ long nMinPos = SPLIT_MARGIN;
+ long nMaxPos = aSz.Height() - SPLIT_MARGIN;
+ long nVSplitPos = aVSplitter.GetSplitPosPixel();
+ long nHSplitPos = aHSplitter.GetSplitPosPixel();
+ if ( !bVSplitted )
+ {
+ // Wenn noch nie gesplitted wurde, Verhaeltniss = 3 : 4
+ nVSplitPos = aSz.Height() * 3 / 4;
+ aVSplitter.SetSplitPosPixel( nVSplitPos );
+ }
+ if ( !bHSplitted )
+ {
+ // Wenn noch nie gesplitted wurde, Verhaeltniss = 2 : 3
+ nHSplitPos = aSz.Width() * 2 / 3;
+ aHSplitter.SetSplitPosPixel( nHSplitPos );
+ }
+ if ( ( nVSplitPos < nMinPos ) || ( nVSplitPos > nMaxPos ) )
+ nVSplitPos = ( nVSplitPos < nMinPos ) ? 0 : ( aSz.Height() - SPLIT_HEIGHT );
+ Size aXEWSz;
+ aXEWSz.Width() = aSz.Width();
+ aXEWSz.Height() = nVSplitPos + 1;
+ if ( m_pModulWindow )
+ {
+ DBG_CHKOBJ( m_pModulWindow, ModulWindow, 0 );
+ m_pModulWindow->SetPosSizePixel( Point( 0, 0 ), aXEWSz );
+ }
+ aVSplitter.SetDragRectPixel( Rectangle( Point( 0, 0 ), Size( aSz.Width(), aSz.Height() ) ) );
+ aVSplitter.SetPosPixel( Point( 0, nVSplitPos ) );
+ aVSplitter.SetSizePixel( Size( aSz.Width(), SPLIT_HEIGHT ) );
+ aHSplitter.SetDragRectPixel( Rectangle( Point( 0, nVSplitPos+SPLIT_HEIGHT ), Size( aSz.Width(), aSz.Height() - nVSplitPos - SPLIT_HEIGHT ) ) );
+ aHSplitter.SetPosPixel( Point( nHSplitPos, nVSplitPos ) );
+ aHSplitter.SetSizePixel( Size( SPLIT_HEIGHT, aSz.Height() - nVSplitPos ) );
+ Size aWWSz;
+ Point aWWPos( 0, nVSplitPos+SPLIT_HEIGHT );
+ aWWSz.Width() = nHSplitPos;
+ aWWSz.Height() = aSz.Height() - aWWPos.Y();
+ if ( !aWatchWindow.IsFloatingMode() )
+ aWatchWindow.SetPosSizePixel( aWWPos, aWWSz );
+ Size aSWSz;
+ Point aSWPos( nHSplitPos+SPLIT_HEIGHT, nVSplitPos+SPLIT_HEIGHT );
+ aSWSz.Width() = aSz.Width() - aSWPos.X();
+ aSWSz.Height() = aSz.Height() - aSWPos.Y();
+ if ( !aStackWindow.IsFloatingMode() )
+ aStackWindow.SetPosSizePixel( aSWPos, aSWSz );
+ if ( aStackWindow.IsFloatingMode() && aWatchWindow.IsFloatingMode() )
+ aHSplitter.Hide();
+ else
+ aHSplitter.Show();
+ long nHDoubleClickSplitPosX = aSz.Width()-aHSplitter.GetSizePixel().Width();
+ if ( aHSplitter.GetSplitPosPixel() < nHDoubleClickSplitPosX )
+ aHSplitter.SetLastSplitPosPixel( nHDoubleClickSplitPosX );
+ long nHDoubleClickSplitPosY = aSz.Height()-aVSplitter.GetSizePixel().Height();
+ if ( aVSplitter.GetSplitPosPixel() < nHDoubleClickSplitPosY )
+ aVSplitter.SetLastSplitPosPixel( nHDoubleClickSplitPosY );
+IMPL_LINK( ModulWindowLayout, SplitHdl, Splitter *, pSplitter )
+ if ( pSplitter == &aVSplitter )
+ bVSplitted = TRUE;
+ else
+ bHSplitted = TRUE;
+ ArrangeWindows();
+ return 0;
+BOOL ModulWindowLayout::IsToBeDocked( DockingWindow* pDockingWindow, const Point& rPos, Rectangle& rRect )
+ // prueffen, ob als Dock oder als Child:
+ // TRUE: Floating
+ // FALSE: Child
+ Point aPosInMe = ScreenToOutputPixel( rPos );
+ Size aSz = GetOutputSizePixel();
+ if ( ( aPosInMe.X() > 0 ) && ( aPosInMe.X() < aSz.Width() ) &&
+ ( aPosInMe.Y() > 0 ) && ( aPosInMe.Y() < aSz.Height() ) )
+ {
+ long nVSplitPos = aVSplitter.GetSplitPosPixel();
+ long nHSplitPos = aHSplitter.GetSplitPosPixel();
+ if ( pDockingWindow == &aWatchWindow )
+ {
+ if ( ( aPosInMe.Y() > nVSplitPos ) && ( aPosInMe.X() < nHSplitPos ) )
+ {
+ rRect.SetSize( Size( nHSplitPos, aSz.Height() - nVSplitPos ) );
+ rRect.SetPos( OutputToScreenPixel( Point( 0, nVSplitPos ) ) );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( pDockingWindow == &aStackWindow )
+ {
+ if ( ( aPosInMe.Y() > nVSplitPos ) && ( aPosInMe.X() > nHSplitPos ) )
+ {
+ rRect.SetSize( Size( aSz.Width() - nHSplitPos, aSz.Height() - nVSplitPos ) );
+ rRect.SetPos( OutputToScreenPixel( Point( nHSplitPos, nVSplitPos ) ) );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+void ModulWindowLayout::DockaWindow( DockingWindow* pDockingWindow )
+ if ( pDockingWindow == &aWatchWindow )
+ {
+ // evtl. Sonderbehandlung...
+ ArrangeWindows();
+ }
+ else if ( pDockingWindow == &aStackWindow )
+ {
+ // evtl. Sonderbehandlung...
+ ArrangeWindows();
+ }
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ else
+ DBG_ERROR( "Wer will sich denn hier andocken ?" );
+void ModulWindowLayout::SetModulWindow( ModulWindow* pModWin )
+ m_pModulWindow = pModWin;
+ ArrangeWindows();
+// virtual
+void ModulWindowLayout::DataChanged(DataChangedEvent const & rDCEvt)
+ Window::DataChanged(rDCEvt);
+ && (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE) != 0)
+ {
+ bool bInvalidate = false;
+ Color aColor(GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetWindowColor());
+ if (aColor
+ != rDCEvt.GetOldSettings()->GetStyleSettings().GetWindowColor())
+ {
+ SetBackground(Wallpaper(aColor));
+ bInvalidate = true;
+ }
+ aColor = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetWindowTextColor();
+ if (aColor != rDCEvt.GetOldSettings()->
+ GetStyleSettings().GetWindowTextColor())
+ {
+ Font aFont(GetFont());
+ aFont.SetColor(aColor);
+ SetFont(aFont);
+ bInvalidate = true;
+ }
+ if (bInvalidate)
+ Invalidate();
+ aColor = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetFieldTextColor();
+ if (aColor != m_aSyntaxColors[TT_UNKNOWN])
+ {
+ m_aSyntaxColors[TT_UNKNOWN] = aColor;
+ m_aSyntaxColors[TT_WHITESPACE] = aColor;
+ m_aSyntaxColors[TT_EOL] = aColor;
+ updateSyntaxHighlighting();
+ }
+ }
+// virtual
+void ModulWindowLayout::ConfigurationChanged( utl::ConfigurationBroadcaster*, sal_uInt32 )
+ {
+ Color aColor(m_aColorConfig.GetColorValue(svtools::BASICIDENTIFIER).
+ nColor);
+ bool bChanged = aColor != m_aSyntaxColors[TT_IDENTIFIER];
+ m_aSyntaxColors[TT_IDENTIFIER] = aColor;
+ aColor = Color(m_aColorConfig.GetColorValue(svtools::BASICNUMBER).nColor);
+ if (bChanged || aColor != m_aSyntaxColors[TT_NUMBER])
+ bChanged = true;
+ m_aSyntaxColors[TT_NUMBER] = aColor;
+ aColor = Color(m_aColorConfig.GetColorValue(svtools::BASICSTRING).nColor);
+ if (bChanged || aColor != m_aSyntaxColors[TT_STRING])
+ bChanged = true;
+ m_aSyntaxColors[TT_STRING] = aColor;
+ aColor = Color(m_aColorConfig.GetColorValue(svtools::BASICCOMMENT).
+ nColor);
+ if (bChanged || aColor != m_aSyntaxColors[TT_COMMENT])
+ bChanged = true;
+ m_aSyntaxColors[TT_COMMENT] = aColor;
+ aColor = Color(m_aColorConfig.GetColorValue(svtools::BASICERROR).nColor);
+ if (bChanged || aColor != m_aSyntaxColors[TT_ERROR])
+ bChanged = true;
+ m_aSyntaxColors[TT_ERROR] = aColor;
+ aColor = Color(m_aColorConfig.GetColorValue(svtools::BASICOPERATOR).
+ nColor);
+ if (bChanged || aColor != m_aSyntaxColors[TT_OPERATOR])
+ bChanged = true;
+ m_aSyntaxColors[TT_OPERATOR] = aColor;
+ aColor = Color(m_aColorConfig.GetColorValue(svtools::BASICKEYWORD).
+ nColor);
+ if (bChanged || aColor != m_aSyntaxColors[TT_KEYWORDS])
+ bChanged = true;
+ m_aSyntaxColors[TT_KEYWORDS] = aColor;
+ if (bChanged)
+ updateSyntaxHighlighting();
+ }
+void ModulWindowLayout::updateSyntaxHighlighting()
+ if (m_pModulWindow != 0)
+ {
+ EditorWindow & rEditor = m_pModulWindow->GetEditorWindow();
+ ULONG nCount = rEditor.GetEditEngine()->GetParagraphCount();
+ for (ULONG i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
+ rEditor.DoDelayedSyntaxHighlight(i);
+ }
+Image ModulWindowLayout::getImage(USHORT nId) const
+ return m_aImagesNormal.GetImage(nId);
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */