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2 files changed, 341 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/librelogo/source/LibreLogo/ b/librelogo/source/LibreLogo/
index bb776ca18c81..562095a15383 100644
--- a/librelogo/source/LibreLogo/
+++ b/librelogo/source/LibreLogo/
@@ -134,6 +134,26 @@ __TURTLE__ = "turtle"
__ACTUAL__ = "actual"
__BASEFONTFAMILY__ = "Linux Biolinum G"
__LineStyle_DOTTED__ = 2
+# LABEL supports font features with the simplified syntax <FEATURE>text</FEATURE>, e.g.
+# LABEL "Small caps: <smcp>text</smcp>"
+# prints "Small caps: TEXT", where TEXT is small capital, if that feature is supported by the font
+# See
+__match_fontfeatures__ = re.compile( r"(</?)("
+ # OpenType
+ "abvf|abvm|abvs|blwf|blwm|blws|pref|pres|psts|pstf|dist|akhn|haln|half|nukt|rkrf|rphf|vatu|cjct|cfar|"
+ "smpl|trad|tnam|expt|hojo|nlck|jp78|jp83|jp90|jp04|hngl|ljmo|tjmo|vjmo|fwid|hwid|halt|twid|qwid|pwid|palt|pkna|ruby|hkna|vkna|cpct|"
+ "curs|jalt|mset|rclt|rlig|isol|init|medi|med2|fina|fin2|fin3|falt|stch|"
+ "lnum|onum|pnum|tnum|frac|afrc|dnom|numr|sinf|zero|mgrk|flac|dtls|ssty|"
+ "smcp|c2sc|pcap|c2pc|unic|cpsp|case|ital|ordn|"
+ "valt|vhal|vpal|vert|vrt2|vrtr|vkrn|ltra|ltrm|rtla|rtlm"
+ "aalt|swsh|cswh|calt|hist|locl|rand|nalt|cv[0-9][0-9]|salt|ss[01][0-9]|ss20|subs|sups|titl|rvrn|clig|dlig|hlig|liga"
+ "ccmp|kern|mark|mkmk|opbd|lfbd|rtbd|"
+ # Linux Libertine G
+ "size|ornm|ingl|algn|arti|caps|circ|dash|dbls|foot|frsp|grkn|hang|itlc|ligc|minu|nfsp|para|quot|texm|thou|vari)((=.*)?>)", re.IGNORECASE )
+# LABEL localized color tags, e.g. <red>text in red</red>
+__match_localized_colors__ = {}
+# LABEL not localized tags (localized translated to these):
+__match_tags__ = [re.compile(i, re.IGNORECASE) for i in [r'<(b|strong)>', r'</(b|strong)>', r'<(i|em)>', r'</(i|em)>', '<u>', '</u>', r'<(s|del)>', r'</(s|del)>', '<sup>', '</sup>', '<sub>', '</sub>', r'<(fontcolor) ([^<>]*)>', r'</(fontcolor)>', r'<(fillcolor) ([^<>]*)>', r'</(fillcolor)>', r'<(fontfamily) ([^<>]*)>', r'</(fontfamily)>', r'<(fontfeature) ([^<>]*)>', r'</(fontfeature) ?([^<>]*)>', r'<(fontheight) ([^<>]*)>', r'</(fontheight)>']]
class __Doc__:
def __init__(self, doc):
@@ -204,6 +224,7 @@ from import ARC as __ARC__
from import NONE as __Slant_NONE__
from import ITALIC as __Slant_ITALIC__
from import SINGLE as __Underline_SINGLE__
+from import SINGLE as __Strikeout_SINGLE__
from import Size as __Size__
from import WindowDescriptor as __WinDesc__
from import MODALTOP as __MODALTOP__
@@ -1275,51 +1296,113 @@ def __get_HTML_format__(orig_st):
"Process HTML-like tags, and return with text and formatting vector"
st = orig_st.replace('&lt;', '\uE000')
if not ('<' in st and '>' in st):
- return st.replace('\uE000', '<'), None
+ return st.replace('\uE000', '<'), None, None
+ # convert localized bold, and italic values to <B> and <I> tags
+ for i in ('BOLD', 'ITALIC'):
+ st = re.sub(r'(</?)(' + __l12n__(_.lng)[i] + r')>', r'\1%s>' % i[0], st, flags=re.I)
+ st = re.sub(r'<(' + __l12n__(_.lng)[i] + r')( *[^<> ][^<>]*)>', r'<%s\2>' % i.lower(), st, flags=re.I)
+ st = re.sub(r'</(' + __l12n__(_.lng)[i] + r')>', r'</%s>' % i.lower(), st, flags=re.I)
+ # expand localized color names
+ if _.lng not in __match_localized_colors__:
+ __match_localized_colors__[_.lng] = re.compile(r'<(/?)(' + '|'.join(__colors__[_.lng].keys()) + ')>', re.IGNORECASE)
+ # replacement lambda function: if it's an opening tag, return with the argument, too
+ get_fontcolor_tag = lambda m: "<fontcolor %s>" % if len( == 0 else "</fontcolor>"
+ st = re.sub(__match_localized_colors__[_.lng], get_fontcolor_tag, st)
+ # expand abbreviated forms of font features
+ # <smcp>small caps</smcp> -> <fontfeature smcp>small caps</fontfeature smcp>
+ st = re.sub(__match_fontfeatures__, r'\1fontfeature \2\3', st)
tex = "" # characters without HTML tags
pat = [] # bit vectors of the previous characters
- # 1st bit: bold
- # 2nd bit: italic
- # 3rd bit: underline
+ extra_pat = [] # extra data of the previous characters
+ # 0th bit: bold
+ # 1st bit: italic
+ # 2nd bit: underline
+ # 3rd bit: strikethrough
+ # 4th bit: superscript
+ # 5th bit: subscript
+ # 6th bit: color
+ # 7th bit: background color
+ # 8th bit: font family
+ # 9th bit: font feature (Graphite or OpenType)
+ # 10th bit: font size
f = 0
- tags = ['<b>', '</b>', '<i>', '</i>', '<u>', '</u>']
# store embedding level of the same element to disable it
# only at the most outer closing tag, e.g. <i>a <i>double</i> italic here, too</i>
- bit_level = {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0}
+ # bit_level = {0: 0, ..., 10: 0}
+ bit_level = { i: 0 for i in range(11) }
+ extra_data = {}
i = 0
while i < len(st):
is_tag = False
- for j in range(len(tags)):
- if st[i:i + 4].lower().startswith(tags[j]):
+ if st[i] == '<':
+ for j in range(len(__match_tags__)):
+ m = __match_tags__[j].match(st[i:])
+ if m:
+ tag = ""
bit = j // 2
+ if bit > 5:
+ tag =
# opening tag
if j % 2 == 0:
f |= (1 << bit)
bit_level[bit] += 1
+ # extra data (color bit and over)
+ if bit > 5:
+ if tag in extra_data:
+ extra_data[tag] = extra_data[tag] + []
+ else:
+ extra_data[tag] = []
if bit_level[bit] > 0:
bit_level[bit] -= 1
if bit_level[bit] == 0:
f &= ~(1 << bit)
- i += len(tags[j]) - 1
+ # extra data for font feature
+ # fontfeature has a special closing tag, remove that from the extra_data
+ # (allowing to use overlapping elements)
+ if bit > 5 and (tag in extra_data):
+ if bit == 9 and len( > 0:
+ # create a new list to keep the extra data of the previous characters,
+ # and remove the last occurance of the feature
+ z = list(extra_data[tag])
+ for j in reversed(range(len(z))):
+ if z[j].startswith(
+ z.pop(j)
+ extra_data[tag] = z
+ break
+ # extra data
+ else:
+ extra_data[tag] = extra_data[tag][:-1]
+ i += len( - 1
is_tag = True
if not is_tag:
tex = tex + st[i]
+ extra_pat.append(dict(extra_data))
i += 1
# no tags
if len(st) == len(tex):
pat = None
+ extra_pat = None
- return tex.replace('\uE000', '<'), pat
+ return tex.replace('\uE000', '<'), pat, extra_pat
def text(shape, orig_st):
if shape:
# analyse HTML
- st, formatting = __get_HTML_format__(orig_st)
+ st, formatting, extra_data = __get_HTML_format__(orig_st)
shape.setString(__string__(st, _.decimal))
c = shape.createTextCursor()
@@ -1329,14 +1412,16 @@ def text(shape, orig_st):
c.CharWeight = __fontweight__(_.fontweight)
c.CharPosture = __fontstyle__(_.fontstyle)
c.CharFontName = _.fontfamily
# has HTML-like formatting
if formatting != None:
prev_format = 0
+ prev_extra_data = extra_data[0]
n = 0 # length of the previous text span
formatting.append(0) # add terminating 0 to process last span
for i in formatting:
- if i != prev_format:
+ if i != prev_format or (len(extra_data) > 0 and extra_data[0] != prev_extra_data):
do_formatting = prev_format != 0
c.goRight(n, do_formatting) # move cursor with optional selection
if do_formatting:
@@ -1346,10 +1431,35 @@ def text(shape, orig_st):
c.CharPosture = __Slant_ITALIC__
if prev_format & (1 << 2):
c.CharUnderline = __Underline_SINGLE__
+ if prev_format & (1 << 3):
+ c.CharStrikeout = __Strikeout_SINGLE__
+ if prev_format & (1 << 4):
+ c.CharEscapement = 14000 # magic number for default superscript, see DFLT_ESC_AUTO_SUPER
+ c.CharEscapementHeight = 58
+ if prev_format & (1 << 5):
+ c.CharEscapement = -14000 # magic number for default subscript, see DFLT_ESC_AUTO_SUB
+ c.CharEscapementHeight = 58
+ if prev_format & (1 << 6):
+ c.CharColor, c.CharTransparence = __splitcolor__(__color__(prev_extra_data['fontcolor'][-1]))
+ if prev_format & (1 << 7):
+ c.CharBackColor = __color__(prev_extra_data['fillcolor'][-1])
+ if prev_format & (1 << 8):
+ c.CharFontName = prev_extra_data['fontfamily'][-1]
+ if prev_format & (1 << 9):
+ # font features uses the following syntax: font_name:feat1&feat2&feat3=value&etc.
+ if ":" in c.CharFontName:
+ c.CharFontName = c.CharFontName + "&" + "&".join(prev_extra_data['fontfeature'])
+ else:
+ c.CharFontName = c.CharFontName + ":" + "&".join(prev_extra_data['fontfeature'])
+ if prev_format & (1 << 10):
+ c.CharHeight = prev_extra_data['fontheight'][-1]
n = 0
n += 1
prev_format = i
+ if len(extra_data) > 0:
+ prev_extra_data = extra_data.pop(0)
def sleep(t):
_.time = _.time + t
@@ -1401,11 +1511,13 @@ def __color__(c):
for i in range(0, 3):
newcol[i] = 255 * (rgray + (newcol[i]/255.0 - rgray) * rdark)
return __color__(newcol)
- if c[0:1] == '~':
+ elif c[0:1] == '~':
c = __componentcolor__(__colors__[_.lng][c[1:].lower()])
for i in range(3):
c[i] = max(min(c[i] + int(random.random() * 64) - 32, 255), 0)
return __color__(c)
+ elif c[0].isdigit():
+ return int(c, 0) # recognize hex and decimal numbers as strings
return __colors__[_.lng][c.lower()]
if type(c) == list:
if len(c) == 1: # color index
diff --git a/sw/qa/uitest/librelogo/ b/sw/qa/uitest/librelogo/
index 1f01fbf0d16c..6bcca4ade8a8 100644
--- a/sw/qa/uitest/librelogo/
+++ b/sw/qa/uitest/librelogo/
@@ -9,6 +9,12 @@
from uitest.framework import UITestCase
from uitest.uihelper.common import type_text
+from import NONE as __Slant_NONE__
+from import ITALIC as __Slant_ITALIC__
+from import NONE as __Underline_NONE__
+from import SINGLE as __Underline_SINGLE__
+from import NONE as __Strikeout_NONE__
+from import SINGLE as __Strikeout_SINGLE__
class LibreLogoTest(UITestCase):
LIBRELOGO_PATH = "|$%s?language=Python&location=share"
@@ -94,5 +100,215 @@ x 3 ; draw only a few levels
# new shape + previous two ones = 3
self.assertEqual(document.DrawPage.getCount(), 3)
+ def test_LABEL(self):
+ with self.ui_test.create_doc_in_start_center("writer") as document:
+ xWriterDoc = self.xUITest.getTopFocusWindow()
+ xWriterEdit = xWriterDoc.getChild("writer_edit")
+ # to check the state of LibreLogo program execution
+ xIsAlive = self.getScript("__is_alive__")
+ #1 run a program with basic LABEL command
+ type_text(xWriterEdit, "LABEL 'Hello, World!'")
+ self.logo("run")
+ # wait for LibreLogo program termination
+ while xIsAlive.invoke((), (), ())[0]:
+ pass
+ # turtle and text shape
+ self.assertEqual(document.DrawPage.getCount(), 2)
+ textShape = document.DrawPage.getByIndex(1)
+ # text in the text shape
+ self.assertEqual(textShape.getString(), "Hello, World!")
+ #2 check italic, bold, underline + red and blue formatting
+ document.Text.String = "CLEARSCREEN LABEL '<i><red>Hello</red>, <bold><blue>W<u>orld</blue></bold>!</i></u>'"
+ self.logo("run")
+ # wait for LibreLogo program termination
+ while xIsAlive.invoke((), (), ())[0]:
+ pass
+ # turtle and text shape
+ self.assertEqual(document.DrawPage.getCount(), 2)
+ textShape = document.DrawPage.getByIndex(1)
+ # text in the text shape
+ self.assertEqual(textShape.getString(), "Hello, World!")
+ # check portion formatting
+ c = textShape.createTextCursor()
+ c.gotoStart(False)
+ # before character "H"
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharPosture, __Slant_ITALIC__) # cursive
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharUnderline, __Underline_NONE__) # no underline
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharWeight, 100) # normal weight
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharColor, 0xFF0000) # red color
+ # after character " "
+ c.goRight(6, False)
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharPosture, __Slant_ITALIC__) # cursive
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharUnderline, __Underline_NONE__) # no underline
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharWeight, 100) # normal weight
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharColor, 0x000000) # black color
+ # after character "W"
+ c.goRight(2, False)
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharPosture, __Slant_ITALIC__) # cursive
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharUnderline, __Underline_NONE__) # no underline
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharWeight, 150) # bold
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharColor, 0x0000FF) # blue color
+ # 9th: after character "o"
+ c.goRight(1, False)
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharPosture, __Slant_ITALIC__) # cursive
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharUnderline, __Underline_SINGLE__) # underline
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharWeight, 150) # bold
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharColor, 0x0000FF) # blue color
+ # last: after character "!"
+ c.gotoEnd(False)
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharPosture, __Slant_ITALIC__) # cursive
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharUnderline, __Underline_SINGLE__) # underline
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharWeight, 100) # normal weight
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharColor, 0x000000) # black color
+ #2 check strike out, sub, sup, font name and font size formatting
+ document.Text.String = (
+ "LABEL '<s>x</s>, <sub>x</sub>, <sup>x</sup>, " +
+ "<FONTFAMILY Liberation Sans>x</FONTFAMILY>, " +
+ self.logo("run")
+ # wait for LibreLogo program termination
+ while xIsAlive.invoke((), (), ())[0]:
+ pass
+ # turtle and text shape
+ self.assertEqual(document.DrawPage.getCount(), 2)
+ textShape = document.DrawPage.getByIndex(1)
+ # text in the text shape
+ self.assertEqual(textShape.getString(), "x, x, x, x, x...")
+ # check portion formatting
+ c = textShape.createTextCursor()
+ c.gotoStart(False)
+ # check portion formatting
+ c = textShape.createTextCursor()
+ c.gotoStart(False)
+ # strike out
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharStrikeout, __Strikeout_SINGLE__) # strike out
+ c.goRight(4, False)
+ # subscript
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharStrikeout, __Strikeout_NONE__) # no strike out
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharEscapement, -14000) # magic number for default subscript, see DFLT_ESC_AUTO_SUB
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharEscapementHeight, 58) # size in percent
+ c.goRight(3, False)
+ # superscript
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharEscapement, 14000) # magic number for default superscript, see DFLT_ESC_AUTO_SUPER
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharEscapementHeight, 58) # size in percent
+ c.goRight(3, False)
+ # font family
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharEscapement, 0) # no superscript
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharEscapementHeight, 100) # no superscript
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharFontName, "Liberation Sans") # new font family
+ c.goRight(3, False)
+ # font size
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharFontName, "Linux Biolinum G") # default font family
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharHeight, 20) # new font size
+ c.goRight(3, False)
+ # default font size
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharHeight, 12)
+ #3 check colors
+ document.Text.String = (
+ "LABEL '<red>x</red>, <BLUE>x</BLUE>, " + # check ignoring case
+ "<FONTCOLOR GREEN>x</FONTCOLOR>, " + # check with command
+ "<FONTCOLOR 0x0000FF>x, " + # check with hexa code
+ "<FILLCOLOR ORANGE>x</FILLCOLOR>, " + # blue text with orange highlighting
+ "<FILLCOLOR 0xFF00FF>x</FILLCOLOR>" + # blue text with purple highlighting
+ "...</FONTCOLOR>'" )
+ self.logo("run")
+ # wait for LibreLogo program termination
+ while xIsAlive.invoke((), (), ())[0]:
+ pass
+ # turtle and text shape
+ self.assertEqual(document.DrawPage.getCount(), 2)
+ textShape = document.DrawPage.getByIndex(1)
+ # text in the text shape
+ self.assertEqual(textShape.getString(), "x, x, x, x, x, x...")
+ # check portion formatting
+ c = textShape.createTextCursor()
+ c.gotoStart(False)
+ # check portion formatting
+ c = textShape.createTextCursor()
+ c.gotoStart(False)
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharColor, 0xFF0000) # red
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharBackColor, -1) # transparent highlight
+ c.goRight(4, False)
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharColor, 0x0000FF) # blue
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharBackColor, -1) # transparent highlight
+ c.goRight(3, False)
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharColor, 0x008000) # green
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharBackColor, -1) # transparent highlight
+ c.goRight(3, False)
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharColor, 0x0000FF) # blue
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharBackColor, -1) # transparent highlight
+ c.goRight(3, False)
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharColor, 0x0000FF) # blue
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharBackColor, 0xFFA500) # orange highlight
+ c.goRight(3, False)
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharColor, 0x0000FF) # blue
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharBackColor, 0xFF00FF) # purple highlight
+ c.goRight(3, False)
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharColor, 0x0000FF) # blue
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharBackColor, -1) # transparent highlight
+ #4 check font features
+ document.Text.String = (
+ "CLEARSCREEN FONTFAMILY 'Linux Biolinum G' " +
+ "LABEL 'a <smcp>smcp <pnum>1<onum>1</pnum> 1</onum>1</smcp>...'" )
+ self.logo("run")
+ # wait for LibreLogo program termination
+ while xIsAlive.invoke((), (), ())[0]:
+ pass
+ # turtle and text shape
+ self.assertEqual(document.DrawPage.getCount(), 2)
+ textShape = document.DrawPage.getByIndex(1)
+ # text in the text shape
+ self.assertEqual(textShape.getString(), "a smcp 11 11...")
+ # check portion formatting
+ c = textShape.createTextCursor()
+ c.gotoStart(False)
+ # check portion formatting
+ c = textShape.createTextCursor()
+ c.gotoStart(False)
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharFontName, "Linux Biolinum G")
+ c.goRight(3, False)
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharFontName, "Linux Biolinum G:smcp")
+ c.goRight(5, False)
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharFontName, "Linux Biolinum G:smcp&pnum")
+ c.goRight(1, False)
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharFontName, "Linux Biolinum G:smcp&pnum&onum")
+ c.goRight(2, False)
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharFontName, "Linux Biolinum G:smcp&onum")
+ c.goRight(1, False)
+ self.assertEqual(c.CharFontName, "Linux Biolinum G:smcp")
# vim: set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: