diff options
7 files changed, 40 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_languages/Control.ulf b/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_languages/Control.ulf
index f4293a542b44..4d39022a8a27 100644
--- a/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_languages/Control.ulf
+++ b/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_languages/Control.ulf
@@ -684,3 +684,19 @@ en-US = "Create a start link on desktop"
en-US = "Load [ProductName] during system start-up"
+en-US = "Some files that need to be updated are currently in use."
+en-US = "The following applications are using files that need to be updated by this setup. You can let Installation Wizard close them and attempt to restart them or reboot the machine later."
+en-US = "{&MSSansBold8}Files in Use"
+en-US = "Cancel"
+en-US = "OK"
diff --git a/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_languages/RadioBut.ulf b/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_languages/RadioBut.ulf
index e3115581f3c3..9bd6e440ab73 100644
--- a/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_languages/RadioBut.ulf
+++ b/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_languages/RadioBut.ulf
@@ -43,3 +43,9 @@ en-US = "&Anyone who uses this computer (all users)"
en-US = "Only for &me ([USERNAME])"
+en-US = "&Close the applications and attempt to restart them."
+en-US = "&Do not close applications. A reboot will be required."
diff --git a/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_templates/Control.idt b/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_templates/Control.idt
index 11def31caaaa..f90d76f5717b 100644
--- a/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_templates/Control.idt
+++ b/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_templates/Control.idt
@@ -177,6 +177,16 @@ MaintenanceWelcome Image Bitmap 0 0 122 234 1 ImageBmp
MaintenanceWelcome Next PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_148 Cancel
MaintenanceWelcome TextLine1 Text 135 8 225 45 65539 OOO_CONTROL_149
MaintenanceWelcome TextLine2 Text 135 55 228 50 65539 OOO_CONTROL_150
+MsiRMFilesInUse Banner Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 BannerBmp
+MsiRMFilesInUse DlgTitle Text 13 6 280 15 196611 OOO_CONTROL_324
+MsiRMFilesInUse DlgDesc Text 21 23 272 25 196611 OOO_CONTROL_322
+MsiRMFilesInUse BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
+MsiRMFilesInUse DlgText Text 21 51 326 43 3 OOO_CONTROL_323
+MsiRMFilesInUse List ListBox 21 95 332 85 7 FileInUseProcess
+MsiRMFilesInUse ShutdownOption RadioButtonGroup 26 190 305 45 3 MsiUIRMOption OK
+MsiRMFilesInUse DlgLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
+MsiRMFilesInUse OK PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_326 Cancel
+MsiRMFilesInUse Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_325 ShutdownOption
OutOfSpace Banner Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 BannerBmp
OutOfSpace BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
OutOfSpace DlgDesc Text 21 23 272 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_153
diff --git a/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_templates/ControlE.idt b/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_templates/ControlE.idt
index a7683a72519d..24301a54aad9 100644
--- a/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_templates/ControlE.idt
+++ b/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_templates/ControlE.idt
@@ -80,6 +80,9 @@ MaintenanceType Next Reinstall ALL _IsMaintenance = "Reinstall" 10
MaintenanceType Next ReinstallMode [ReinstallModeText] _IsMaintenance = "Reinstall" 9
MaintenanceWelcome Cancel SpawnDialog CancelSetup 1 0
MaintenanceWelcome Next NewDialog MaintenanceType 1 0
+MsiRMFilesInUse Cancel EndDialog Exit 1 1
+MsiRMFilesInUse OK EndDialog Return 1 1
+MsiRMFilesInUse OK RMShutdownAndRestart 0 MsiUIRMOption~="UseRM" 2
OutOfSpace Resume NewDialog AdminNetworkLocation ACTION = "ADMIN" 0
OutOfSpace Resume NewDialog CustomSetup ACTION <> "ADMIN" 0
PatchWelcome Back NewDialog SplashBitmap Display_IsBitmapDlg 0
diff --git a/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_templates/Dialog.idt b/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_templates/Dialog.idt
index 1b2694afa305..73d6ad862c26 100644
--- a/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_templates/Dialog.idt
+++ b/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_templates/Dialog.idt
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ LanguageInfo1 50 50 260 85 3 [ProductName] - [STR_INSTALLATION_WIZARD] OK OK OK
LicenseAgreement 50 50 374 266 2 [ProductName] - [STR_INSTALLATION_WIZARD] Agree Next Cancel
MaintenanceType 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] - [STR_INSTALLATION_WIZARD] RadioGroup Next Cancel
MaintenanceWelcome 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] - [STR_INSTALLATION_WIZARD] Next Next Cancel
+MsiRMFilesInUse 50 50 374 266 19 [ProductName] - [STR_INSTALLATION_WIZARD] OK OK Cancel
OutOfSpace 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] - [STR_INSTALLATION_WIZARD] Resume Resume Resume
PatchWelcome 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] Patch - [STR_INSTALLATION_WIZARD] Next Next Cancel
ReadyToInstall 50 50 374 266 35 [ProductName] - [STR_INSTALLATION_WIZARD] InstallNow InstallNow Cancel
diff --git a/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_templates/Property.idt b/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_templates/Property.idt
index b771f8bc706e..b16732079076 100644
--- a/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_templates/Property.idt
+++ b/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_templates/Property.idt
+MsiUIRMOption DontUseRM
PIDTemplate 12345<###-%%%%%%%>@@@@@
ProductID none
diff --git a/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_templates/RadioBut.idt b/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_templates/RadioBut.idt
index a08edf3a734c..c0425876b93f 100644
--- a/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_templates/RadioBut.idt
+++ b/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_templates/RadioBut.idt
@@ -10,3 +10,5 @@ AgreeToLicense 1 No 0 15 295 15 OOO_RADIOBUTTON_6
AgreeToLicense 2 Yes 0 0 295 15 OOO_RADIOBUTTON_7
ApplicationUsers 1 AllUsers 1 7 290 14 OOO_RADIOBUTTON_8
ApplicationUsers 2 OnlyCurrentUser 1 23 290 14 OOO_RADIOBUTTON_9
+MsiUIRMOption 1 UseRM 0 0 295 16 OOO_RADIOBUTTON_10
+MsiUIRMOption 2 DontUseRM 0 20 295 16 OOO_RADIOBUTTON_11