path: root/xmlscript/test
diff options
authorDaniel Boelzle <>2001-03-14 15:41:59 +0000
committerDaniel Boelzle <>2001-03-14 15:41:59 +0000
commitc2af40ce0ef3b4cf061119f75bc702610b3ad2ab (patch)
treee7cdb465599784123b5f84be6714e8506c3ce16b /xmlscript/test
parent2cbacc4c7fc7f133dd013376446f81d867b54311 (diff)
*** empty log message ***
Diffstat (limited to 'xmlscript/test')
2 files changed, 118 insertions, 95 deletions
diff --git a/xmlscript/test/imexp.cxx b/xmlscript/test/imexp.cxx
index 9792d53a1578..d2956f0dd895 100644
--- a/xmlscript/test/imexp.cxx
+++ b/xmlscript/test/imexp.cxx
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: imexp.cxx,v $
- * $Revision: 1.4 $
+ * $Revision: 1.5 $
- * last change: $Author: dbo $ $Date: 2001-02-28 18:22:08 $
+ * last change: $Author: dbo $ $Date: 2001-03-14 16:41:59 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > createApplicationServiceManager()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-Sequence< Reference< container::XNameContainer > > importFile(
+Reference< container::XNameContainer > importFile(
char const * fname )
// create the input stream
@@ -232,13 +232,16 @@ Sequence< Reference< container::XNameContainer > > importFile(
int nLength = ::ftell( f );
::fseek( f, 0, SEEK_SET );
- Sequence< sal_Int8 > bytes( nLength );
+ ByteSequence bytes( nLength );
::fread( bytes.getArray(), nLength, 1, f );
::fclose( f );
- Sequence< Reference< container::XNameContainer > > models;
- ::xmlscript::importDialogModelsFromByteSequence( &models, bytes );
- return models;
+ Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xSMgr( ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory() );
+ Reference< container::XNameContainer > xModel( xSMgr->createInstance(
+ ::xmlscript::importDialogModel( ::xmlscript::createInputStream( bytes ), xModel );
+ return xModel;
@@ -249,10 +252,26 @@ Sequence< Reference< container::XNameContainer > > importFile(
void exportToFile(
char const * fname,
- Sequence< Reference< container::XNameContainer > > const & models )
+ Reference< container::XNameContainer > const & xModel )
+ Reference< io::XInputStreamProvider > xProvider( ::xmlscript::exportDialogModel( xModel ) );
+ Reference< io::XInputStream > xStream( xProvider->createInputStream() );
Sequence< sal_Int8 > bytes;
- ::xmlscript::exportDialogModelsToByteSequence( &bytes, models );
+ sal_Int32 nPos = xStream->readBytes( bytes, xStream->available() );
+ while (xStream->available() > 0)
+ {
+ Sequence< sal_Int8 > addBytes;
+ sal_Int32 nRead = xStream->readBytes( addBytes, xStream->available() );
+ sal_Int8 * pBytes = bytes.getArray();
+ sal_Int8 const * pAddBytes = addBytes.getConstArray();
+ sal_Int32 nPos = nRead;
+ while (nRead--)
+ {
+ pBytes[ nPos + nPos ] = pAddBytes[ nPos ];
+ }
+ nPos += nRead;
+ }
FILE * f = ::fopen( fname, "w" );
::fwrite( bytes.getConstArray(), 1, bytes.getLength(), f );
@@ -265,7 +284,7 @@ void exportToFile(
class MyApp : public Application
- void Main();
+ void Main();
MyApp aMyApp;
@@ -293,26 +312,34 @@ void MyApp::Main()
// import dialogs
OString aParam1( OUStringToOString( OUString( GetCommandLineParam( 0 ) ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
- Sequence< Reference< container::XNameContainer > > models( importFile( aParam1.getStr() ) );
+ Reference< container::XNameContainer > xModel( importFile( aParam1.getStr() ) );
- Reference< container::XNameContainer > const * pModels = models.getConstArray();
- for ( sal_Int32 nPos = 0; nPos < models.getLength(); ++nPos )
- {
- Reference< awt::XControl > xDlg( xMSF->createInstance(
- xDlg->setModel( Reference< awt::XControlModel >::query( pModels[ nPos ] ) );
- xDlg->createPeer( xToolkit, 0 );
- Reference< awt::XDialog > xD( xDlg, UNO_QUERY );
- xD->execute();
- }
+ Reference< awt::XControl > xDlg( xMSF->createInstance(
+ xDlg->setModel( Reference< awt::XControlModel >::query( xModel ) );
+ xDlg->createPeer( xToolkit, 0 );
+ Reference< awt::XDialog > xD( xDlg, UNO_QUERY );
+ xD->execute();
if (GetCommandLineParamCount() == 2)
// write modified dialogs
OString aParam2( OUStringToOString( OUString( GetCommandLineParam( 1 ) ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
- exportToFile( aParam2.getStr(), models );
+ exportToFile( aParam2.getStr(), xModel );
+ catch (xml::sax::SAXException & rExc)
+ {
+ OString aStr( OUStringToOString( rExc.Message, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
+ uno::Exception exc;
+ if (rExc.WrappedException >>= exc)
+ {
+ aStr += OString( " >>> " );
+ aStr += OUStringToOString( exc.Message, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
+ }
+ OSL_ENSURE( 0, aStr.getStr() );
+ }
catch (uno::Exception & rExc)
OString aStr( OUStringToOString( rExc.Message, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
diff --git a/xmlscript/test/test.xml b/xmlscript/test/test.xml
index 0d812819e590..ad3d0bacd0c9 100644
--- a/xmlscript/test/test.xml
+++ b/xmlscript/test/test.xml
@@ -1,88 +1,84 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE dialog:dialogs SYSTEM "../dtd/dialog.dtd">
-<dialogs xmlns="">
+<window xmlns=""
+ xmlns:dlg=""
+ id="window1" title="Test-Dialog" left="50" top="50" height="660" width="400">
- <window xmlns:dlg=""
- id="window1" title="Test-Dialog" left="50" top="50" height="660" width="400">
+ <dlg:styles xmlns:dlg="">
+ <dlg:style style-id="bla" background-color="0xffffff" dlg:text-color="255"/>
+ <dlg:style style-id="bla3" background-color="0" dlg:text-color="0xffffff" font-name="Arial" font-height="24"/>
+ <dlg:style style-id="no_border" border="none"/>
+ </dlg:styles>
- <dlg:styles>
- <dlg:style style-id="bla" background-color="0xffffff" dlg:text-color="255"/>
- <dlg:style style-id="bla3" background-color="0" dlg:text-color="0xffffff" font-name="Arial" font-height="24"/>
- <dlg:style style-id="no_border" border="none"/>
- </dlg:styles>
+ <dlg:bulletinboard xmlns:ns="http://www.fake" xmlns:dlg="">
- <dlg:bulletinboard xmlns:ns="http://www.fake">
+ <button dlg:id="button1" ns:value="hallo" dlg:left="50" ns:top="50" width="50" height="50" style-id="bla3" xmlns:ns="">
+ <event listener-type="type" event-method="clicked" script-type="basic" script-code="code" param="testi"/>
+ </button>
- <button dlg:id="button1" ns:value="hallo" dlg:left="50" ns:top="50" width="50" height="50" style-id="bla3" xmlns:ns="">
- <event listener-type="type" event-method="clicked" script-type="basic" script-code="code" param="testi"/>
- </button>
- <button dlg:id="button3" ns:value="hallo2" dlg:left="250" ns:top="50" width="50" height="50" style-id="bla" xmlns:ns=""/>
- <checkbox id="check1" value="checked" left="50" top="150" width="100" height="20" checked="true"/>
- <checkbox id="check2" value="dontknow" left="50" top="170" width="100" height="20" tristate="true"/>
- <checkbox id="check3" value="tristate_checked" left="50" top="190" width="100" height="20" checked="true" tristate="true"/>
- <menulist id="list1" multiselection="true" left="50" top="400" width="100" height="100">
- <menupopup>
- <menuitem value="item1"/>
- <menuitem value="item2 sel" selected="true"/>
- <menuitem value="item3 sel" selected="true"/>
- </menupopup>
- </menulist>
- <menulist id="list2" left="250" top="400" width="100" height="100">
- <menupopup>
- <menuitem value="item4" selected="false"/>
- <menuitem value="item5 sel" selected="true"/>
- <menuitem value="item6"/>
- </menupopup>
- </menulist>
- <combobox id="combo1" value="combotext1" left="250" top="150" width="50" height="50">
- <menupopup>
- <menuitem value="Citem1"/>
- <menuitem value="Citem2"/>
- </menupopup>
- </combobox>
- <combobox id="combo2" value="combotext2" left="310" top="150" width="50" height="50" spin="true">
- <menupopup>
- <menuitem value="Citem3"/>
- <menuitem value="Citem4"/>
- </menupopup>
- </combobox>
- <radiogroup>
- <radio id="radio1" value="default radio" left="50" top="250" width="100" height="20"/>
- <radio id="radio2" value="checked" left="50" top="270" width="100" height="20" checked="true"/>
- <radio id="radio3" value="unchecked" left="50" top="290" width="100" height="20" checked="false"/>
- <radio id="radio4" value="dont know" left="50" top="310" width="100" height="20" tristate="true"/>
- </radiogroup>
- <titledbox id="groupbox1" left="250" top="250" width="120" height="100">
- <title value="grouped"/>
- <radio id="radio5" value="default radio" left="5" top="15" width="100" height="20"/>
- <radio id="radio6" value="dont know" left="5" top="35" width="100" height="20" tristate="true"/>
- <radio id="radio7" value="tristate checked" left="5" top="55" width="100" height="20" tristate="true" checked="true"/>
- <radio id="radio8" value="checked" left="5" top="75" width="100" height="20" checked="true"/>
- </titledbox>
- <text id="fixed1" left="50" top="520" width="180" height="20" value="fixed text is here..." multiline="true" align="center"/>
- <textfield id="field1" left="250" top="520" width="50" height="40" value="edit no text here..." readonly="true" vscroll="true" multiline="true" align="right" style-id="no_border"/>
- <textfield id="field2" left="320" top="520" width="50" height="40" value="hidden text" hscroll="true" echochar="*" align="left"/>
- <img id="image1" left="50" top="600" width="80" height="50" src="../../test/w3c.jpg"/>
- <filecontrol id="file1" left="150" top="600" width="100" height="20" value="../../test/w3c.jpg"/>
+ <button dlg:id="button3" ns:value="hallo2" dlg:left="250" ns:top="50" width="50" height="50" style-id="bla" xmlns:ns=""/>
- </dlg:bulletinboard>
+ <checkbox id="check1" value="checked" left="50" top="150" width="100" height="20" checked="true"/>
+ <checkbox id="check2" value="dontknow" left="50" top="170" width="100" height="20" tristate="true"/>
+ <checkbox id="check3" value="tristate_checked" left="50" top="190" width="100" height="20" checked="true" tristate="true"/>
- </window>
+ <menulist id="list1" multiselection="true" left="50" top="400" width="100" height="100">
+ <menupopup>
+ <menuitem value="item1"/>
+ <menuitem value="item2 sel" selected="true"/>
+ <menuitem value="item3 sel" selected="true"/>
+ </menupopup>
+ </menulist>
- <window xmlns:dlg2=""
- id="window2" title="Test-Dialog2" left="100" top="100" height="200" width="200">
+ <dlg:menulist id="list2" left="250" top="400" width="100" height="100">
+ <menupopup>
+ <menuitem value="item4" selected="false"/>
+ <menuitem value="item5 sel" selected="true"/>
+ <menuitem value="item6"/>
+ </menupopup>
+ </dlg:menulist>
- <dlg2:bulletinboard>
+ <combobox id="combo1" value="combotext1" left="250" top="150" width="50" height="50">
+ <menupopup>
+ <menuitem value="Citem1"/>
+ <menuitem value="Citem2"/>
+ </menupopup>
+ </combobox>
- <dlg2:datefield id="datefield1" left="20" top="20" width="100" height="20" date-format="short_DDMMYY" spin="true" value="20010301"/>
- <timefield id="time1" left="20" top="50" width="100" height="20" time-format="24h_long" value-min="0" value-max="24000000" strict-format="true" value="12000000" spin="true"/>
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- <numericfield id="numeric1" left="20" top="140" width="100" height="20" value="5.6075" value-min="0.5" value-max="10.0" value-step="0.1" thousands-separator="true"/>
+ <combobox id="combo2" value="combotext2" left="310" top="150" width="50" height="50" spin="true">
+ <menupopup>
+ <menuitem value="Citem3"/>
+ <menuitem value="Citem4"/>
+ </menupopup>
+ </combobox>
- </dlg2:bulletinboard>
+ <radiogroup>
+ <radio id="radio1" value="default radio" left="50" top="250" width="100" height="20"/>
+ <radio id="radio2" value="checked" left="50" top="270" width="100" height="20" checked="true"/>
+ <radio id="radio3" value="unchecked" left="50" top="290" width="100" height="20" checked="false"/>
+ <radio id="radio4" value="dont know" left="50" top="310" width="100" height="20" tristate="true"/>
+ </radiogroup>
- </window>
+ <titledbox id="groupbox1" left="250" top="250" width="120" height="100">
+ <title value="grouped"/>
+ <radio id="radio5" value="default radio" left="5" top="15" width="100" height="20"/>
+ <radio id="radio6" value="dont know" left="5" top="35" width="100" height="20" tristate="true"/>
+ <radio id="radio7" value="tristate checked" left="5" top="55" width="100" height="20" tristate="true" checked="true"/>
+ <radio id="radio8" value="checked" left="5" top="75" width="100" height="20" checked="true"/>
+ </titledbox>
+ <text id="fixed1" left="50" top="520" width="180" height="20" value="fixed text is here..." multiline="true" align="center"/>
+ <textfield id="field1" left="250" top="520" width="50" height="40" value="edit no text here..." readonly="true" vscroll="true" multiline="true" align="right" style-id="no_border"/>
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+ <filecontrol id="file1" left="150" top="585" width="100" height="20" value="../../test/w3c.jpg"/>
+ <datefield id="datefield1" left="20" top="610" width="100" height="20" date-format="short_DDMMYY" spin="true" value="20010301"/>
+ <timefield id="time1" left="20" top="635" width="100" height="20" time-format="24h_long" value-min="0" value-max="24000000" strict-format="true" value="12000000" spin="true"/>
+ <patternfield id="pattern1" left="20" top="0" width="100" height="20" value="pattern" strict-format="true" readonly="true"/>
+ <currencyfield id="currency1" left="200" top="610" width="100" height="20" value="5.6075" value-min="0.5" value-max="10.0" value-step="0.1" spin="true" thousands-separator="true" currency-symbol="$"/>
+ <numericfield id="numeric1" left="200" top="635" width="100" height="20" value="5.6075" value-min="0.5" value-max="10.0" value-step="0.1" thousands-separator="true"/>
+ </dlg:bulletinboard>