path: root/wizards/source
diff options
authorVladimir Glazounov <>2001-06-08 22:07:13 +0000
committerVladimir Glazounov <>2001-06-08 22:07:13 +0000
commitb1cc275a7a6e5e35869c223f8f0f82575f760e49 (patch)
treec6ff7b1f7558721ab158f3d284f872d28ac82e72 /wizards/source
parentabe960259448ca99423016a687d087829cfd1ae5 (diff)
Merge SRC633: 09.06.01 - 01:06:33
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/source')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/source/formwizard/dbwizres.src b/wizards/source/formwizard/dbwizres.src
index 084f6129d6bc..9934b14b18e0 100644
--- a/wizards/source/formwizard/dbwizres.src
+++ b/wizards/source/formwizard/dbwizres.src
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: dbwizres.src,v $
- * $Revision: 1.8 $
+ * $Revision: 1.9 $
- * last change: $Author: bc $ $Date: 2001-06-06 09:51:05 $
+ * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2001-06-08 23:07:12 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 0
Text[ arabic ] = "~";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Voltooien";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
Text[ korean ] = "~ ";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Olutur";
Text[ catalan ] = "C~reate";
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 1
Text[ arabic ] = "~ ";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Annuleren";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ȡ";
- Text[ greek ] = "~";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
Text[ korean ] = "";
Text[ turkish ] = "~ptal";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Cancel";
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 2
Text[ arabic ] = "<< ~";
Text[ dutch ] = "<< ~Vorige";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "<< ";
- Text[ greek ] = "<< ~";
+ Text[ greek ] = "<< ";
Text[ korean ] = "<< ڷ";
Text[ turkish ] = "<< Ge~ri";
Text[ catalan ] = "<< ~Back";
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 4
Text[ arabic ] = "~ ";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Database";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ݿ(~D)";
- Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ~";
Text[ korean ] = "ͺ̽";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Veritaban";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Database";
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 5
Text[ arabic ] = "~ ";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Tabelnaam";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~T)";
- Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = "~ ǥ ̸";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Tablo ad";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 7
Text[ arabic ] = " . .";
Text[ dutch ] = "Tijdens het bewerken met de AutoPiloot mag er geen formulier geopend zijn. Sluit het formulier.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ִԶļʱʹеıرѾ򿪵ı";
- Text[ greek ] = " Autopilot . .";
+ Text[ greek ] = " . .";
Text[ korean ] = "ڵϷ Ǵ ¡ȵ˴ϴ. ݾ ֽʽÿ.";
Text[ turkish ] = "OtoPilot alrken ak form bulunmamaldr. Ltfen formu kapatn.";
Text[ catalan ] = "A form cannot be open while running the AutoPilots. Please close the form.";
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 8
Text[ arabic ] = " . .";
Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft minstens n database nodig om de AutoPiloot voor formulieren te kunnen starten.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ûаװݿ⡣ҪһݿԶļ";
- Text[ greek ] = " . AutoPilot .";
+ Text[ greek ] = " . .";
Text[ korean ] = "ͺ̽ ġ ʾҽϴ. ݵ ýۿ ϳ ̻ ͺ̽ ־ ڵϷ ۵ ֽϴ.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Kurulmu veritaban yok. Form OtoPilot'unu balatabilmek iin en az bir veritaban mevcut olmaldr.";
Text[ catalan ] = "A database has not been installed. At least one database is required before the AutoPilot for forms can be started.";
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 12
Text[ language_user1 ] = "ZL: Diese Fehlermeldung betrifft StarOffice API. \"instantiiert werden\" bedeutet \"Uebergabe von \"instance variable\".";
Text[ dutch ] = "De database service ( kon niet genstantieerd.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "޷ʵݿ(";
- Text[ greek ] = " (";
+ Text[ greek ] = " (";
Text[ korean ] = "ͺ̽ ( νϽ ߽ϴ.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Veritaban hizmeti ( oluturulamad.";
Text[ catalan ] = "The database service ( could not be instantiated.";
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 13
Text [ english ] = "The selected table or query could not be opened.";
Text[ english_us ] = "The selected table or query could not be opened.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel abrir a tabela ou a consulta seleccionadas.";
- Text[ greek ] = " .";
+ Text[ greek ] = " .";
Text[ dutch ] = "De geselecteerde tabel of query kon niet worden geopend.";
Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'ouvrir la table ou requte slectionne !";
Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo abrir la tabla o consulta seleccionada.";
@@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 5
Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione campo standard";
Text[ danish ] = ": Standardfeltudvalg";
Text[ swedish ] = ": standardflturval";
- Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr pola domy?lnego";
+ Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr pola domylnego";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Standardfeldauswahl";
Text[ japanese ] = ": W̨ނ̑I";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡ׼ֶ";
@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 6
Text[ italian ] = ": Valore del campo";
Text[ danish ] = ": Feltvrdier";
Text[ swedish ] = ": fltvrden";
- Text[ polish ] = ": Warto?ci pola";
+ Text[ polish ] = ": Wartoci pola";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Feldwerte";
Text[ japanese ] = ": ̨ޒl";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֵֶ";
@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 9
Text[ italian ] = "Indicate in questo dialogo tutti i campi di opzione.";
Text[ danish ] = "Angiv venligst alle alternativfelter i denne dialog.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Ange alla alternativflt i den hr dialogen.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wprowad? w danym oknie dialogowym wszystkie pola opcji.";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Wprowad w danym oknie dialogowym wszystkie pola opcji.";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Geben Sie in diesem Dialog bitte alle Optionsfelder ein.";
Text[ japanese ] = "޲۸ނłׂ͂Ă̵߼̨ނɓ͂܂B";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ԻȫѡֶΡ";
@@ -798,7 +798,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 12
Text[ italian ] = "Volete che il campo di opzione venga selezionato in modo standard?";
Text[ danish ] = "Skal et alternativfelt vlges som standard?";
Text[ swedish ] = "Skall ett alternativflt vara utvalt som standard?";
- Text[ polish ] = "Czy wybra domy?lne pole opcji ?";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Czy wybra domylne pole opcji ?";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Soll ein Optionsfeld standardm??ig ausgew?hlt sein ?";
Text[ japanese ] = "Wŵ߼̨ނP‚͑I܂B";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҪѡһĬѡֶΣ";
@@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 12
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u een bepaald optieveld als standaard selecteren ?";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҪѡһĬѡֶΣ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ;";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ( ) ;";
Text[ korean ] = "ɼ ʵ带 ⺻ Ͻðڽϱ?";
Text[ turkish ] = "Bir seenek alan standart olarak seili olsun mu?";
Text[ catalan ] = "Should one option field be selected as a default?";
@@ -880,7 +880,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 15
Text[ italian ] = "Selezionando un'opzione, verr assegnato un dato valore al gruppo di opzioni.";
Text[ danish ] = "Hvis du vlger et alternativ, fr alternativgruppen tildelt en bestemt vrdi.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Om du vljer ett alternativ tilldelas alternativgruppen ett visst vrde.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Po wybraniu opcji grupie opcji zostanie przypisana okre?lona warto?.";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Po wybraniu opcji grupie opcji zostanie przypisana okrelona warto.";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Wenn Sie eine Option ausw?hlen, wird der Optionsgruppe ein bestimmter Wert zugewiesen.";
Text[ japanese ] = "߼݂P‘IƁA߼ݸٰ߂ɖĒl蓖Ă܂B";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡһѡѡСͻһֵ";
@@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 15
Text[ arabic ] = " ʡ .";
Text[ dutch ] = "Als u een optie kiest wordt er een bepaalde waarde toegewezen aan de optiegroep.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡһѡѡСͻһֵ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " .";
Text[ korean ] = "ɼ ϸ ɼ ׷쿡 Ưѡ Ҵ˴ϴ.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Bir seenek belirlendiinde, seenek grubuna belirli bir deer atanr.";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
@@ -908,7 +908,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 16
Text[ italian ] = "Quale valore desiderate assegnare a ogni opzione?";
Text[ danish ] = "Hvilken vrdi til du tildele hvert alternativ?";
Text[ swedish ] = "Vilket vrde vill du tilldela varje alternativ ?";
- Text[ polish ] = "Jak warto? przypisa pojedynczym opcjom?";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Jak warto przypisa pojedynczym opcjom?";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Welchen Wert m?hten Sie jeder Option zuweisen ?";
Text[ japanese ] = "e߼݂ɂǂ̒l蓖Ă܂B";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ҫָÿѡֵ";
@@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 18
Text[ italian ] = "Potete salvare il valore del gruppo di opzioni in un campo database oppure utilizzarlo per un'operazione successiva.";
Text[ danish ] = "Du kan enten gemme alternativgruppens vrdi i et databasefelt eller bruge den til en senere handling.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Du kan antingen spara alternativgruppens vrde i ett databasflt eller anvnda det till en senare tgrd.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Warto? grupy opcji mona zapisa w polu bazy danych lub uy jej do p?niejszej operacji.";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Warto grupy opcji mona zapisa w polu bazy danych lub uy jej do pniejszej operacji.";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sie k?nen den Wert der Optionsgruppe entweder in einem Datenbankfeld speichern oder ihn f? eine sp?tere Aktion verwenden.";
Text[ japanese ] = "߼ݸٰ߂̒ĺAްް̨ނɕۑ邩A邢͎̱݂Ŏgpł܂B";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ܹѡСֵһݿֶλԱá";
@@ -989,7 +989,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 19
Text[ italian ] = "Volete salvare il valore in un campo database ?";
Text[ danish ] = "Vil du gemme vrdien i et databasefelt?";
Text[ swedish ] = "Vill du spara vrdet i ett databasflt?";
- Text[ polish ] = "Czy zapisa t warto? w polu bazy danych ?";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Czy zapisa t warto w polu bazy danych ?";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "M?hten Sie den Wert in einem Datenbankfeld speichern ?";
Text[ japanese ] = "lްް̨ނɕۑ܂B";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҪֵһݿֶΣ";
@@ -997,7 +997,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 19
Text[ arabic ] = " ʿ";
Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u de waarde opslaan in een databaseveld ?";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҪֵһݿֶΣ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ;";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ;";
Text[ korean ] = "ͺ̽ ʵ Ͻðڽϱ?";
Text[ turkish ] = "Deeri bir veritaban alannda kaydetmek istiyor musunuz?";
Text[ catalan ] = "Do you want to save the value in a database field?";
@@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 21
Text[ italian ] = "Salva il valore solo nel formulario.";
Text[ danish ] = "Nej, jeg vil kun gemme vrdien i formularen.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Nej, jag vill bara spara vrdet i formulret.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Nie, zapisz t warto? tylko w formularzu.";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nie, zapisz t warto tylko w formularzu.";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nein, ich m?hte den Wert nur im Formular speichern.";
Text[ japanese ] = "Al̫тɂۑȂB";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֻ뽫ֵ";
@@ -1078,7 +1078,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 22
Text[ arabic ] = " ߿";
Text[ dutch ] = "Welk naam wilt u uw optiegroep geven ?";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡСƣ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ;";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = "ɼ ׷쿡 ĸ Ͻðڽϱ?";
Text[ turkish ] = "Seenek grubunuza hangi resim altyazs verilsin?";
Text[ catalan ] = "Which caption is to be given to your option group?";
@@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 1
Text[ arabic ] = " . .";
Text[ dutch ] = "De naam is niet bruikbaar, Kies een andere";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "޷ʹ⡣ѡһı⡣";
- Text[ greek ] = " . .";
+ Text[ greek ] = " . .";
Text[ korean ] = " ϴ. ٸ Ͻʽÿ.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Bu balk kullanlamyor. Ltfen baka bir balk ad seiniz.";
Text[ catalan ] = "This title can not be used. Please select a different one.";
@@ -1378,7 +1378,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 9
Text[ arabic ] = ": ";
Text[ dutch ] = ": sjablonen";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽ";
- Text[ greek ] = ":";
+ Text[ greek ] = ": ";
Text[ korean ] = ": ";
Text[ turkish ] = ": ablonlar";
Text[ catalan ] = ": Styles";
@@ -1424,7 +1424,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 11
Text[ italian ] = "Sorgente ~dati";
Text[ danish ] = "Data~kilde";
Text[ swedish ] = "Data~klla";
- Text[ polish ] = "?rdo danych";
+ Text[ polish ] = "rdo danych";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Datenq~uelle";
Text[ japanese ] = "ް";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Դ";
@@ -1432,7 +1432,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 11
Text[ arabic ] = "~ ";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Gegevensbron";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Դ";
- Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
+ Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
Text[ korean ] = " ҽ";
Text[ turkish ] = "Veri kayna";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
@@ -1460,7 +1460,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 12
Text[ arabic ] = "~ ";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Bestaande velden";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "еֶ";
- Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = "ϴ ʵ";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Mevcut alanlar";
Text[ catalan ] = "Ex~isting Fields";
@@ -1613,7 +1613,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 18
Text[ spanish ] = "Ttulo / ~Datos";
Text[ italian ] = "Titolo / ~dati";
Text[ danish ] = "Titel / ~Data";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Titel / ~data";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Titel/~data";
Text[ polish ] = "Tytu / ~Dane";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Titel / ~Daten";
Text[ japanese ] = "قް";
@@ -1650,7 +1650,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 19
Text[ arabic ] = "~";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Naast elkaar";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = "ٵǽ";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Yan yana";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Tile";
@@ -1732,7 +1732,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 22
Text[ arabic ] = "~ ";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Naam document";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ĵ";
- Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = " ";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Belge bal";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Document title";
@@ -1759,7 +1759,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 23
Text[ arabic ] = "~ ...";
Text[ dutch ] = "Na ~voltooing...";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "֮...";
- Text[ greek ] = " ...";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ~ ...";
Text[ korean ] = "Ϸ ...";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Oluturulduktan sonra...";
Text[ catalan ] = "~After completion...";
@@ -1786,7 +1786,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 24
Text[ arabic ] = "~ ";
Text[ dutch ] = "Document ~meteen gebruiken";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʹĵ";
- Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
+ Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
Text[ korean ] = " á";
Text[ turkish ] = "Belgeyi hemen kullan";
Text[ catalan ] = "use document immediately";
@@ -1813,7 +1813,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 25
Text[ arabic ] = "~ ";
Text[ dutch ] = "document ~opslaan";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ĵ";
- Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
+ Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
Text[ korean ] = " ";
Text[ turkish ] = "Belgeyi kaydet";
Text[ catalan ] = "save document";
@@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 27
Text [ english_us ] = "Form names cannot be longer than 32 characters.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Os nomes de formulrios s podem ter um mximo de 32 caracteres.";
Text[ russian ] = " 32 .";
- Text[ greek ] = " 32 .";
+ Text[ greek ] = " 32 .";
Text[ dutch ] = "Formuliernamen mogen maximaal 32 tekens lang zijn.";
Text[ french ] = "Un nom de formulaire peut contenir au maximum 32 caractres.";
Text[ spanish ] = "Los nombres de formularios no pueden exceder los 32 caracteres.";
@@ -2203,7 +2203,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 0
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Query";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Զļ ѯ";
- Text[ greek ] = " AutoPilot";
+ Text[ greek ] = " - ";
Text[ korean ] = "ڵϷ ";
Text[ turkish ] = "Sorgu OtoPilotu";
Text[ catalan ] = "AutoPilot Query";
@@ -2230,7 +2230,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 1
Text[ arabic ] = " . .";
Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft tenminste n database nodig om de autopiloot voor query's te kunnen starten.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ûаװκݿ⡣ִԶļѯʹ֮ǰ밲װһݿ⡣";
- Text[ greek ] = " . AutoPilot .";
+ Text[ greek ] = " . .";
Text[ korean ] = "ͺ̽ ϳ ġǾ ʽϴ. ڵϷ Ϸ ͺ̽ ּ ϳ ʿմϴ.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Kurulmu veritaban yok. Sorgu OtoPilot'unu balatabilmek iin en az bir veritaban mevcut olmaldr.";
Text[ catalan ] = "A database has not been installed. There must be at least one database on the system before the AutoPilot Query can be started.";
@@ -2720,7 +2720,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 19
Text[ arabic ] = "~";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Voorbeeld";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ԥ";
- Text[ greek ] = "~";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
Text[ korean ] = "̸";
Text[ turkish ] = "~nizleme";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Preview";
@@ -2739,7 +2739,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 20
Text[ italian ] = "~Sorgente dati";
Text[ danish ] = "Data~kilde";
Text[ swedish ] = "Data~klla";
- Text[ polish ] = "?rdo danych";
+ Text[ polish ] = "rdo danych";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Datenq~uelle";
Text[ japanese ] = "ް";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Դ";
@@ -2747,7 +2747,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 20
Text[ arabic ] = "~ ";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Gegevensbron";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Դ";
- Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
+ Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
Text[ korean ] = " ҽ";
Text[ turkish ] = "Veri kayna";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
@@ -2775,7 +2775,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 21
Text[ arabic ] = "~ ";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Bestaande velden";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "еֶ";
- Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = "ϴ ʵ";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Mevcut alanlar";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
@@ -2932,7 +2932,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 27
Text[ italian ] = "Valore";
Text[ danish ] = "Vrdi";
Text[ swedish ] = "Vrde";
- Text[ polish ] = "Warto?";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Warto";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Wert";
Text[ japanese ] = "l";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֵ";
@@ -3049,7 +3049,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 31
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "Query meteen ~uitvoeren";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ִвѯ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ~";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = " ";
Text[ turkish ] = "Sorguyu hemen yrt";
Text[ catalan ] = "Execute query immediately";
@@ -3076,7 +3076,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 32
Text[ arabic ] = "~ ";
Text[ dutch ] = "Query ~opslaan";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "̲ѯ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ~";
+ Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
Text[ korean ] = " ";
Text[ turkish ] = "Sorguyu kaydet";
Text[ catalan ] = "Save query";
@@ -3105,7 +3105,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 0
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Berichten";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Զļ ";
- Text[ greek ] = "AutoPilot - ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " - ";
Text[ korean ] = "ڵϷ Ʈ";
Text[ turkish ] = "Rapor OtoPilotu";
Text[ catalan ] = "AutoPilot Report";
@@ -3533,7 +3533,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 16
Text[ italian ] = "~Sorgente dati";
Text[ danish ] = "Data~kilde";
Text[ swedish ] = "Data~klla";
- Text[ polish ] = "?rdo danych";
+ Text[ polish ] = "rdo danych";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Datenq~uelle";
Text[ japanese ] = "ް";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Դ";
@@ -3541,7 +3541,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 16
Text[ arabic ] = "~ ";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Gegevensbron";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Դ";
- Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
+ Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
Text[ korean ] = " ҽ";
Text[ turkish ] = "Veri kayna";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
@@ -3569,7 +3569,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 17
Text[ arabic ] = "~ ";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Bestaande velden";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "еֶ";
- Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = "ϴ ʵ";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Mevcut alanlar";
Text[ catalan ] = "Existing fields";
@@ -3596,7 +3596,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 18
Text[ arabic ] = "~";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Overgenomen";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "~";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
Text[ korean ] = "~";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Seilen";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Applied";
@@ -3650,7 +3650,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 20
Text[ arabic ] = "~";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Sortering";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "~";
+ Text[ greek ] = "~";
Text[ korean ] = "";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Sralama";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Sorting";
@@ -3785,7 +3785,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 25
Text[ arabic ] = "~ A";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Overzicht A";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = " A";
- Text[ greek ] = "~ A";
+ Text[ greek ] = " A";
Text[ korean ] = "ٴܰ A";
Text[ turkish ] = "~ Anahat A";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Outline A";
@@ -3812,7 +3812,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 26
Text[ arabic ] = " B";
Text[ dutch ] = "Over~zicht B";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = " B";
- Text[ greek ] = "~ B";
+ Text[ greek ] = "~ B";
Text[ korean ] = "ٴܰ B";
Text[ turkish ] = "Anahat B";
Text[ catalan ] = "Outline~ B";
@@ -3975,7 +3975,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 32
Text[ arabic ] = "~ ";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Naam bericht";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
+ Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
Text[ korean ] = "Ʈ ̸";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Raporun ad";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Name of Report";
@@ -4030,7 +4030,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 34
Text[ arabic ] = "~ ";
Text[ dutch ] = "Bericht ~weergeven";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʾ";
- Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = " ǥ";
Text[ turkish ] = "Raporu grntle";
Text[ catalan ] = "display Report";
@@ -4057,7 +4057,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 35
Text[ arabic ] = " ~";
Text[ dutch ] = "Bericht ~opslaan";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "̱";
- Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = "Ʈ ";
Text[ turkish ] = "Raporu kaydet";
Text[ catalan ] = "save Report";
@@ -4096,7 +4096,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 37
Text [ english_us ] = "Report names cannot be longer than 32 characters.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Os nomes de relatrios s podem ter um mximo de 32 caracteres.";
Text[ russian ] = " 32 .";
- Text[ greek ] = " 32 .";
+ Text[ greek ] = " 32 .";
Text[ dutch ] = "Namen van berichten mogen maximaal 32 tekens lang zijn.";
Text[ french ] = "Un nom d'tat peut contenir au maximum 32 caractres.";
Text[ spanish ] = "Los nombres de los informes no pueden exceder los 32 caracteres.";
@@ -4164,7 +4164,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 1
Text[ arabic ] = " . .";
Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft ten minste n database nodig om de autopiloot voor tabellen te kunnen starten.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ûаװݿ⡣ҪִԶļıܾȽһݿ⡣";
- Text[ greek ] = " . AutoPilot .";
+ Text[ greek ] = " . .";
Text[ korean ] = "ͺ̽ ġǾ ʽϴ. ǥ ڵϷ Ϸ ּ ϳ ͺ̽ ʿմϴ.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Kurulmu veritaban yok. Tablo OtoPilot'unu balatabilmek iin en az bir veritaban mevcut olmaldr.";
Text[ catalan ] = "A database has not been installed. There must be at least one database so that the AutoPilot Table can be started.";
@@ -4183,7 +4183,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 2
Text[ italian ] = "Il nome $1 gi presente nella lista.";
Text[ danish ] = "Etiket $1 findes allerede i listen.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Identifikatorn $1 finns redan i listan.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Identyfikator $1 znajduje si ju na li?cie.";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Identyfikator $1 znajduje si ju na licie.";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Der Bezeichner $1 ist bereits in der Liste vorhanden.";
Text[ japanese ] = "ID $1 ͂łؽĂɂ܂B";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = " $1 Ѿе֮С";
@@ -4245,7 +4245,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 4
Text[ arabic ] = " .";
Text[ dutch ] = "De tabel werd gemaakt.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ѿ";
- Text[ greek ] = " .";
+ Text[ greek ] = " .";
Text[ korean ] = "ǥ ϴ.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Tablo oluturuldu.";
Text[ catalan ] = "The table has been created.";
@@ -4489,7 +4489,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 13
Text[ arabic ] = "~";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Overgenomen";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "~";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
Text[ korean ] = "";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Seilen";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Applied";
@@ -4516,7 +4516,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 14
Text[ arabic ] = "~ ";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Veldnaam";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֶ";
- Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = " ̸";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Alan ad";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Field name";
@@ -4543,7 +4543,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 15
Text[ arabic ] = "~";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Overnemen";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "~";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
Text[ korean ] = "";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Seilen";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Apply";
@@ -4589,7 +4589,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 17
Text[ italian ] = "Inserisci i dati nella ~tabella";
Text[ danish ] = "~Indst data i tabel";
Text[ swedish ] = "Mata in ~data i tabell";
- Text[ polish ] = "~Wprowad? dane do tabeli";
+ Text[ polish ] = "~Wprowad dane do tabeli";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Daten in Tabelle eingeben";
Text[ japanese ] = "ðقް";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "֮";
@@ -4597,7 +4597,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 17
Text[ arabic ] = "~ ";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Gegevens invoeren in tabel";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "֮";
- Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ~ ";
Text[ korean ] = "~ ǥ Է";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Verileri tabloya gir";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
@@ -4982,7 +4982,7 @@ String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 11
Text[ arabic ] = "~ ";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Bestaande velden";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "еֶ";
- Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = "ϴ ʵ";
Text[ turkish ] = "Mevcut alanlar";
Text[ catalan ] = "Existing fields";
@@ -5066,7 +5066,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 1
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "AutPiloot - Keuzelijst";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Զĵ е";
- Text[ greek ] = "AutoPilot - ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " - ";
Text[ korean ] = "ڵϷ - ʵ";
Text[ turkish ] = "OtoPilot - Liste alan";
Text[ catalan ] = "Auto Pilot - List field";
@@ -5276,7 +5276,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 9
Text[ italian ] = "~Tabella valori";
Text[ danish ] = "~Vrditabel";
Text[ swedish ] = "~Vrdetabell";
- Text[ polish ] = "Tabela z warto?ciami";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Tabela z wartociami";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Which label do you want for each option?";
Text[ japanese ] = "lð";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֵ";
@@ -5284,7 +5284,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 9
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Waardentabel";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֵ";
- Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = "ǥ";
Text[ turkish ] = "Deer tablosu";
Text[ catalan ] = "Table of Values";
@@ -5303,7 +5303,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 10
Text[ italian ] = "Tabella per contenuto ~elenco";
Text[ danish ] = "Tabel for ~listeindhold";
Text[ swedish ] = "Tabell fr ~listinnehll";
- Text[ polish ] = "Tabela na zawarto? listy";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Tabela na zawarto listy";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Option";
Text[ japanese ] = "ؽēe̕\\";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "еݵı";
@@ -5338,7 +5338,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 11
Text[ arabic ] = "~ ";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Voorhanden velden";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "еֶ";
- Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = "ϴ ʵ";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Mevcut alanlar";
Text[ catalan ] = "Existing Fields";
@@ -5357,7 +5357,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 12
Text[ italian ] = "~Campo di visualizzazione";
Text[ danish ] = "Vi~sningsfelt";
Text[ swedish ] = "~Visningsflt:";
- Text[ polish ] = "Pole wy?wietlania";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Pole wywietlania";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Yes, the default choice is:";
Text[ japanese ] = "\\̨";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʾ";
@@ -5384,7 +5384,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 13
Text[ italian ] = "Il contenuto del campo selezionto viene mostrato nell'elenco della casella combinata.";
Text[ danish ] = "Det valgte felts indhold bliver vist i kombinationsboksens liste.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Innehllet i det utvalda fltet visas i kombinationsfltets lista.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Zawarto? wybranego pola wy?wietlona zostanie na li?cie pola kombi.";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Zawarto wybranego pola wywietlona zostanie na licie pola kombi.";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No, no I don't want an option to be the default.";
Text[ japanese ] = "Įނ̓éAޯؽĂɕ\\܂";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡеֶεݻʾеڡ";
@@ -5411,7 +5411,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 14
Text[ italian ] = "Il contenuto del campo selezionato verr mostrato nella casella di riepilogo quando i campi collegati coincidono.";
Text[ danish ] = "Det valgte felts indhold bliver vist i rullelisten, hvis de kdede felter svarer til hinanden.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Innehllet i det utvalda fltet visas i listrutan om de lnkade flten stmmer verens.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Je?li poczone pola si zgadzaj, zawarto? wybranego pola wy?wietlona zostanie w polu listy.";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Jeli poczone pola si zgadzaj, zawarto wybranego pola wywietlona zostanie w polu listy.";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "If an option has been selected, a specific value will be assigned to the option group.";
Text[ japanese ] = "Įނ̓éAݸ̨ނƈvƂؽޯɕ\\܂B";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ӵֶһ£ѡеֶݾͻʾеڡ";
@@ -5465,7 +5465,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 16
Text[ italian ] = "Campo dalla tabella dei ~valori";
Text[ danish ] = "Felt fra ~vrditabellen";
Text[ swedish ] = "Flt frn ~vrdetabellen";
- Text[ polish ] = "Pole z tabeli warto?ci";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Pole z tabeli wartoci";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "You can save the option group value in a database field or use it for a later action.";
Text[ japanese ] = "lðق̨";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֵֶ";
@@ -5519,7 +5519,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 18
Text[ italian ] = "Potete salvare il valore della casella combinata in un campo database oppure utilizzarlo solo per visualizzarlo.";
Text[ danish ] = "Du kan enten gemme kombinationsboksens vrdi i et databasefelt eller kun bruge den til visning.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Du kan antingen spara kombinationsfltets vrde i ett databasflt eller bara anvnda det fr visning.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Warto? pola kombi mona zapisa w polu bazy danych lub uy jej tylko do wy?wietlenia.";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Warto pola kombi mona zapisa w polu bazy danych lub uy jej tylko do wywietlenia.";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Yes, in the following database:";
Text[ japanese ] = "ޯ̒ĺAްް̨ނɕۑ邩A邢͕\\płgpł܂B";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "֮еֵԴݿֶλʾ";
@@ -5547,7 +5547,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 19
Text[ italian ] = "Potete salvare il valore della casella di riepilogo in un campo database oppure utilizzarlo per visualizzarlo.";
Text[ danish ] = "Du kan enten gemme rullelistens vrdi i et databasefelt eller kun bruge den visning.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Du kan antingen spara listrutans vrde i ett databasflt eller bara anvnda det fr visning.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Warto? pola listy mona zapisa w polu bazy danych lub uy jej tylko do wy?wietlenia.";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Warto pola listy mona zapisa w polu bazy danych lub uy jej tylko do wywietlenia.";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No, I want to save the value only in the form.";
Text[ japanese ] = "ؽ̨ނ̒ĺAްްɕۑ邩A邢͕\\płgpł܂B";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "еֶ֮еֵԴݿֶλʾ";
@@ -5574,7 +5574,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 20
Text[ italian ] = "Volete salvare il valore in un campo database?";
Text[ danish ] = "Vil du gemme vrdien i et databasefelt?";
Text[ swedish ] = "Vill du spara vrdet i ett databasflt?";
- Text[ polish ] = "Czy zapisa warto? w polu bazy danych?";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Czy zapisa warto w polu bazy danych?";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "What caption do you want for the option group ?";
Text[ japanese ] = "lްް̨ނɕۑ܂B";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҪֵݿֶΣ";
@@ -5582,7 +5582,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 20
Text[ arabic ] = " ʿ";
Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u de waarde in een databaseveld opslaan?";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҪֵݿֶΣ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ;";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ;";
Text[ korean ] = "ͺ̽ Ͻðڽϱ?";
Text[ turkish ] = "Deeri bir veritaban alannda kaydetmek istiyor musunuz?";
Text[ catalan ] = "Do you want to save the value in a database field?";
@@ -5609,7 +5609,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 21
Text[ arabic ] = "~ :";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Ja, en wel in het volgende databaseveld : ";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ǣݿֶΣ";
- Text[ greek ] = "~, :";
+ Text[ greek ] = ", ~ :";
Text[ korean ] = ", ͺ̽ ʵ忡 ϰڽϴ:";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Evet, aada belirtilen veritaban alanna kaydet :";
Text[ catalan ] = "Yes, save in the following database field :";
@@ -5628,7 +5628,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 22
Text[ italian ] = "~No, utilizza il valore solo per la visualizzazione.";
Text[ danish ] = "~Nej, jeg vil kun bruge vrdien til visning.";
Text[ swedish ] = "~Nej, jag vill bara anvnda vrdet fr visning.";
- Text[ polish ] = "~Nie, chc uy tej warto?ci tylko do wy?wietlenia.";
+ Text[ polish ] = "~Nie, chc uy tej wartoci tylko do wywietlenia.";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Nein, ich m?hte den Wert nur zum Anzeigen verwenden.";
Text[ japanese ] = "Al͕\\pɂgp܂B";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֻҪʾֵ";
@@ -5643,3 +5643,4 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 22
Text[ finnish ] = "~Nein, ich mchte den Wert nur zum Anzeigen verwenden.";