path: root/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/web/
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authorXisco Fauli <>2011-08-08 19:34:04 +0200
committerBjoern Michaelsen <>2011-08-18 02:57:44 +0200
commit9ad82442fb37f42d3f2797b9594c7021aeb34de4 (patch)
treeabfd71bb04b74d992f21d57dc1cc5574068493d7 /wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/web/
parent3f92e275dafc0a54160937710cf77a9995c08cb5 (diff)
first attempt to create the web wizard
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/web/')
1 files changed, 623 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/web/ b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/web/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5709de9125e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/web/
@@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
+from WWD_General import *
+from common.Configuration import Configuration
+from common.FileAccess import FileAccess
+from data.CGSettings import CGSettings
+from data.CGSessionName import CGSessionName
+from ui.event.ListModelBinder import ListModelBinder
+from ui.event.UnoDataAware import UnoDataAware
+from ui.event.RadioDataAware import RadioDataAware
+from data.CGDocument import CGDocument
+from ui.DocumentPreview import DocumentPreview
+from StylePreview import StylePreview
+Web Wizard Dialog implementation : Startup.
+This class contains the startup implementation and session mounting methods.
+<h2> Data Aware Concept </h2>
+<p> I use DataAware objects, which synchronize
+UI and Data. A DataAware object a kind of interface
+between a Value and a UI element.
+A Value is either a JavaBean property with
+a Getter and a Setter or a public class Memeber.
+When the UI Control changes, the Value changes correspondingly.
+This depends on WWD_Startup.settings a Listener which calls the updateData()
+method od the DataAware object.
+When the Value changes, the UI Control changes respopndingly.
+This also depends on WWD_Startup.settings a Listener which calls the updateUI
+method of the DataAware object.
+here I use only UI Listeners, and keep calling
+the updateUI() method whenever I change the Value.
+To contain the Data, I use the Configuration Data Objects
+which read themselfs out of the Configuration. they are all located under
+the data package.
+Different groups of DataAware objects are grouped into vectors.
+Each group (all elements of a vector) uses the same DataObject,
+so when I change the underlying dataObject, I change the whole vector's
+DataObject, thus actualizing UI.<br/>
+This is what happends when a session loads: I Load the session into
+a tree of DataObjects, and change the DataAware's DataObject. <br/>
+One could also look at this as a kind of "View-Model" relationship.
+The controls are the View, The DataObjects are the Model, containing the
+Data rad directly from the configuration, and the DataAware objects
+are the controller inbetween.
+@author rpiterman
+class WWD_Startup(WWD_General):
+ settings = None
+ '''
+ He - my constructor !
+ I call/do here in this order: <br/>
+ Check if ftp http proxy is set, and warn user he can not use
+ ftp if it is.<br/>
+ draw NaviBar and steps 1 to 7, incl. Step X,
+ which is the Layouts ImageList on step 3.<br/>
+ load the WWD_Startup.settings from the configuration. <br/>
+ set the default save session name to the first
+ available one (sessionX or something like that). <br/>
+ set the Layouts ImageList ListModel, and call
+ its "create()" method. <br/>
+ check the content (documents) specified in the default session.<br/>
+ fill the list boxes (saved sessions, styles, combobox save session). <br/>
+ make data aware. <br/>
+ updateUI (refreshes the display to crrespond to the data in
+ the default session.)<br/>
+ fill the documents listbox. <br/>
+ if proxies are set, disable the ftp controls in step 7.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, xmsf):
+ super(WWD_Startup, self).__init__(xmsf)
+ self.sda = None
+ self.selectedDoc = 0
+ self.proxies = self.getOOProxies()
+ soTemplateDir = FileAccess.getOfficePath2(
+ xmsf, "Template", "share", "/wizard")
+ exclamationURL = FileAccess.connectURLs(
+ soTemplateDir, "../wizard/bitmap/caution_16.png")
+ self.drawNaviBar()
+ self.buildStep1()
+ self.buildStep2()
+ self.buildStep3()
+ self.buildStep4()
+ self.buildStep5()
+ self.buildStep6()
+ self.buildStep7(self.proxies, exclamationURL)
+ self.buildStepX()
+ self.xMSF = xmsf
+ xDesktop = Desktop.getDesktop(xmsf)
+ self.myFrame = OfficeDocument.createNewFrame(xmsf, self)
+ doc = OfficeDocument.createNewDocument(
+ self.myFrame, "swriter", False, True)
+ self.loadSettings(doc)
+ self.setSaveSessionName(WWD_Startup.settings.cp_DefaultSession)
+ self.ilLayouts.listModel = WWD_Startup.settings.cp_Layouts
+ self.ilLayouts.create(self)
+ #self.checkContent(WWD_Startup.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Content, Task ("", "", 99999), self.xControl)
+ #saved sessions, styles, combobox save session.
+ # also set the chosen saved session...
+ self.fillLists()
+ self.makeDataAware()
+ self.checkPublish()
+ # fill the documents listbox.
+ #self.mount(self.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Content)
+ if self.proxies:
+ self.setEnabled(btnFTP, False)
+ self.setEnabled(chkFTP, False)
+ '''
+ return true if http proxies or other proxies
+ which do not enable ftp to function correctly are set.
+ @return true if (http) proxies are on.
+ @throws Exception
+ '''
+ def getOOProxies(self):
+ node = Configuration.getConfigurationRoot(
+ self.xMSF, "org.openoffice.Inet/Settings", False)
+ i = int(node.getByName("ooInetProxyType"))
+ if i== 0:
+ #no proxies
+ return False
+ elif i == 2:
+ #http proxies
+ return True
+ else:
+ return True
+ '''
+ calculates the first available session name,
+ and sets the current session name to it.
+ The combobox text in step 7 will be updated
+ automatically when updateUI() is called.
+ '''
+ def setSaveSessionName(self, session):
+ maxValue = 0
+ length = self.resources.resSessionName
+ # traverse between the sessions and find the one that
+ # has the biggest number.
+ for i in xrange(WWD_Startup.settings.cp_SavedSessions.getSize()):
+ sessionName = \
+ WWD_Startup.settings.cp_SavedSessions.getElementAt(i).cp_Name
+ if sessionName.startswith(self.resources.resSessionName):
+ maxValue = max(maxValue, int(sessionName[length:]))
+ '''
+ fills the road map, and sets the necessary properties,
+ like MaxStep, Complete, Interactive-
+ Disables the finbihButton.
+ '''
+ def addRoadMapItems(self):
+ self.insertRoadMapItems(
+ [True, True, False, False, False, False, False],
+ [self.resources.resStep1, self.resources.resStep2,
+ self.resources.resStep3, self.resources.resStep4,
+ self.resources.resStep5, self.resources.resStep6,
+ self.resources.resStep7])
+ self.setRoadmapInteractive(True)
+ self.setRoadmapComplete(True)
+ self.setCurrentRoadmapItemID(1)
+ self.nMaxStep = 7
+ self.enableFinishButton(False)
+ '''
+ create the peer, add roadmap,
+ add roadmap items, add style-preview,
+ disable the steps 3 to 7 if no documents are
+ on the list, and... show the dialog!
+ '''
+ def show(self):
+ try:
+ xContainerWindow = self.myFrame.getComponentWindow()
+ self.createWindowPeer(xContainerWindow)
+ self.addRoadmap()
+ self.addRoadMapItems()
+ self.addStylePreview()
+ self.checkSteps()
+ self.executeDialogFromComponent(self.myFrame)
+ self.removeTerminateListener()
+ except Exception:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ '''
+ initializes the style preview.
+ '''
+ def addStylePreview(self):
+ try:
+ self.dpStylePreview = DocumentPreview(self.xMSF, self.imgPreview)
+ self.stylePreview = StylePreview(
+ self.xMSF, WWD_Startup.settings.workPath)
+ self.stylePreview.refresh(
+ WWD_Startup.settings.cp_DefaultSession.getStyle(
+ WWD_Startup.settings.cp_Styles),
+ WWD_Startup.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Design.cp_BackgroundImage)
+ self.dpStylePreview.setDocument(
+ self.stylePreview.htmlFilename, DocumentPreview.PREVIEW_MODE)
+ except Exception:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ '''
+ Loads the web wizard WWD_Startup.settings from the registry.
+ '''
+ def loadSettings(self, document):
+ try:
+ # instanciate
+ WWD_Startup.settingsResources = \
+ [self.resources.resPages, self.resources.resSlides,
+ self.resources.resCreatedTemplate,
+ self.resources.resUpdatedTemplate,
+ self.resources.resSizeTemplate]
+ WWD_Startup.settings = CGSettings(
+ self.xMSF, WWD_Startup.settingsResources, document)
+ # get configuration view
+ confRoot = Configuration.getConfigurationRoot(
+ self.xMSF, CONFIG_PATH, False)
+ # read
+ WWD_Startup.settings.readConfiguration(
+ configSet = WWD_Startup.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Publishing
+ # now if path variables are used in publisher pathes, they
+ # are getting replaced here...
+ for i in xrange(configSet.getSize()):
+ p = configSet.getElementAt(i)
+ p.cp_URL = self.substitute(p.cp_URL)
+ # initialize the WWD_Startup.settings.
+ WWD_Startup.settings.configure(self.xMSF)
+ # set resource needed for web page.
+ # sort the styles alphabetically
+ WWD_Startup.settings.cp_Styles.sort(None)
+ self.prepareSessionLists()
+ if self.proxies:
+ self.__ftp = self.getPublisher(FTP_PUBLISHER).cp_Publish
+ self.getPublisher(FTP_PUBLISHER).cp_Publish = False
+ except Exception:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ def prepareSessionLists(self):
+ # now copy the sessions list...
+ sessions = WWD_Startup.settings.cp_SavedSessions.childrenList
+ WWD_Startup.settings.savedSessions.clear()
+ for index,item in enumerate(sessions):
+ WWD_Startup.settings.savedSessions.add(index, item)
+ # add an empty session to the saved session
+ # list which apears in step 1
+ sn = CGSessionName()
+ sn.cp_Name = self.resources.resSessionNameNone
+ WWD_Startup.settings.cp_SavedSessions.add(0, sn)
+ '''
+ fills the saved session list, the styles list,
+ and save session combo box.
+ Also set the selected "load" session to the last session
+ which was saved.
+ '''
+ def fillLists(self):
+ # fill the saved session list.
+ ListModelBinder.fillList(self.lstLoadSettings,
+ WWD_Startup.settings.cp_SavedSessions.childrenList, None)
+ # set the selected session to load. (step 1)
+ self.selectSession()
+ # fill the styles list.
+ ListModelBinder.fillList(self.lstStyles,
+ WWD_Startup.settings.cp_Styles.childrenList, None)
+ # fill the save session combobox (step 7)
+ ListModelBinder.fillComboBox(self.cbSaveSettings,
+ WWD_Startup.settings.savedSessions.childrenList, None)
+ def selectSession(self):
+ selectedSession = 0
+ if WWD_Startup.settings.cp_LastSavedSession is not None \
+ and not WWD_Startup.settings.cp_LastSavedSession == "":
+ ses = WWD_Startup.settings.cp_SavedSessions.getElement(
+ settings.cp_LastSavedSession)
+ if ses is not None:
+ selectedSession = \
+ WWD_Startup.settings.cp_SavedSessions.getIndexOf(ses)
+ Helper.setUnoPropertyValue(
+ self.lstLoadSettings.Model, "SelectedItems", (selectedSession,))
+ '''
+ attaches to each ui-data-control (like checkbox, groupbox or
+ textbox, no buttons though), a DataObject's JavaBean Property,
+ or class member.
+ '''
+ def makeDataAware(self):
+ #page 1
+ ListModelBinder(
+ self.lstLoadSettings, WWD_Startup.settings.cp_SavedSessions)
+ #page 2 : document properties
+ self.docListDA = UnoDataAware.attachListBox(
+ self, "selectedDoc", self.lstDocuments, False)
+ self.docListDA.disableObjects = \
+ [self.lnDocsInfo, self.btnRemoveDoc, self.lblDocTitle,
+ self.txtDocTitle, self.lblDocInfo, self.txtDocInfo,
+ self.lblDocAuthor, self.txtDocAuthor, self.lblDocExportFormat,
+ self.lstDocTargetType]
+ self.docListDA.updateUI()
+ doc = CGDocument
+ #dummy
+ self.docsBinder = ListModelBinder(self.lstDocuments,
+ WWD_Startup.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Content.cp_Documents)
+ UnoDataAware.attachEditControl(
+ doc, "cp_Title", self.txtDocTitle, True)
+ UnoDataAware.attachEditControl(
+ doc, "cp_Description", self.txtDocInfo, True)
+ UnoDataAware.attachEditControl(
+ doc, "cp_Author", self.txtDocAuthor, True)
+ UnoDataAware.attachListBox(
+ doc, "Exporter", self.lstDocTargetType, False)
+ #page 3 : Layout
+ design = WWD_Startup.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Design
+ #self.sda = SimpleDataAware.SimpleDataAware_unknown(design, DataAware.PropertyValue ("Layout", design), ilLayouts, DataAware.PropertyValue ("Selected", ilLayouts))
+ #self.ilLayouts.addItemListener(None)
+ #page 4 : layout 2
+ UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
+ design, "cp_DisplayDescription", self.chbDocDesc, True)
+ UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
+ design, "cp_DisplayAuthor", self.chbDocAuthor, True)
+ UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
+ design, "cp_DisplayCreateDate", self.chkDocCreated, True)
+ UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
+ design, "cp_DisplayUpdateDate", self.chkDocChanged, True)
+ UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
+ design, "cp_DisplayFilename", self.chkDocFilename, True)
+ UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
+ design, "cp_DisplayFileFormat", self.chkDocFormat, True)
+ UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
+ design, "cp_DisplayFormatIcon", self.chkDocFormatIcon, True)
+ UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
+ design, "cp_DisplayPages", self.chkDocPages, True)
+ UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
+ design, "cp_DisplaySize", self.chkDocSize, True)
+ RadioDataAware.attachRadioButtons(
+ WWD_Startup.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Design,
+ "cp_OptimizeDisplaySize",
+ (self.optOptimize640x480, self.optOptimize800x600,
+ self.optOptimize1024x768), True)
+ #page 5 : Style
+ '''
+ note : on style change, i do not call here refresh ,but rather on
+ a special method which will perform some display, background and Iconsets changes.
+ '''
+ UnoDataAware.attachListBox(
+ WWD_Startup.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Design,
+ "Style", self.lstStyles, False)
+ #page 6 : site general props
+ UnoDataAware.attachEditControl(
+ WWD_Startup.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_GeneralInfo,
+ "cp_Title", self.txtSiteTitle, True)
+ UnoDataAware.attachEditControl(
+ WWD_Startup.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_GeneralInfo,
+ "cp_Description", self.txtSiteDesc, True)
+ UnoDataAware.attachDateControl(
+ WWD_Startup.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_GeneralInfo,
+ "CreationDate", self.dateSiteCreated, False)
+ UnoDataAware.attachDateControl(
+ WWD_Startup.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_GeneralInfo,
+ "UpdateDate", self.dateSiteUpdate, False)
+ UnoDataAware.attachEditControl(
+ WWD_Startup.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_GeneralInfo,
+ "cp_Email", self.txtEmail, True)
+ UnoDataAware.attachEditControl(
+ WWD_Startup.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_GeneralInfo,
+ "cp_Copyright", self.txtCopyright, True)
+ #page 7 : publishing
+ self.pubAware(
+ LOCAL_PUBLISHER, self.chkLocalDir, self.txtLocalDir, False)
+ self.pubAware(
+ FTP_PUBLISHER, self.chkFTP, self.lblFTP, True)
+ self.pubAware(
+ ZIP_PUBLISHER, self.chkZip, self.txtZip, False)
+ self.sessionNameDA = UnoDataAware.attachEditControl(
+ WWD_Startup.settings.cp_DefaultSession, "cp_Name",
+ self.cbSaveSettings, True)
+ '''
+ A help method to attach a Checkbox and a TextBox to
+ a CGPublish object properties/class members,
+ @param publish
+ @param checkbox
+ @param textbox
+ '''
+ def pubAware(self, publish, checkbox, textbox, isLabel):
+ p = WWD_Startup.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Publishing.getElement(publish)
+ uda = UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(p, "cp_Publish", checkbox, True)
+ uda.Inverse = True
+ uda.disableObjects = [textbox]
+ '''if isLabel:
+ aux = UnoDataAware.attachLabel(p, "URL", textbox, False)
+ else:
+ aux = UnoDataAware.attachEditControl(p, "URL", textbox, False)'''
+ '''
+ Session load methods
+ (are used both on the start of the wizard and
+ when the user loads a session)
+ Is called when a new session/settings is
+ loaded. <br/>
+ Checks the documents (validate), fills the
+ documents listbox, and changes the
+ DataAware data objects to the
+ new session's objects.<br/>
+ Task advances 4 times in the mount method,
+ and ??? times for each document in the session.
+ '''
+ def mount(self, session, task, refreshStyle, xC):
+ '''
+ This checks the documents. If the user
+ chooses to cancel, the session is not loaded.
+ '''
+ checkContent(session.cp_Content, task, xC)
+ settings.cp_DefaultSession = session;
+ mount(session.cp_Content)
+ task.advance(True)
+ mount(session.cp_Design, self.designAware)
+ mount(session.cp_GeneralInfo, self.genAware)
+ task.advance(True)
+ mount(session.cp_Publishing.getElement(LOCAL_PUBLISHER), 0)
+ mount(session.cp_Publishing.getElement(FTP_PUBLISHER), 1)
+ mount(session.cp_Publishing.getElement(ZIP_PUBLISHER), 2)
+ task.advance(True)
+ self.sessionNameDA.setDataObject(session, True)
+ Helper.setUnoPropertyValue(
+ chkSaveSettings.Model, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STATE, 1)
+ self.docListDA.updateUI()
+ task.advance(True)
+ if refreshStyle:
+ self.refreshStylePreview()
+ self.updateIconsetText()
+ '''
+ used to mount the publishing objects. This is somehow cryptic -
+ there are 6 DataAware objects, 2 for each Publishing Object (CGPublish).
+ All 6 reside on one Vector (pubAware).
+ Since, otherwise than other DataAware objects, different
+ Objects on the same Vector need different DataObjectBinding,
+ I use this method...
+ @param data the CGPublish object
+ @param i the number of the object (0 = local, 1 = ftp, 2 = zip)
+ '''
+ def mount(self, data, i):
+ (self.pubAware.get(i * 2)).setDataObject(data, True)
+ (self.pubAware.get(i * 2 + 1)).setDataObject(data, True)
+ '''
+ Fills the documents listbox.
+ @param root the CGContent object
+ that contains the documents (a ListModel)
+ '''
+ def mount(self, root):
+ ListModelBinder.fillList(lstDocuments, root.cp_Documents.items(), None)
+ self.docsBinder.setListModel(root.cp_Documents)
+ disableDocUpDown()
+ '''
+ changes the DataAwares Objects' (in
+ the gioen list) DataObject to the
+ @param data
+ @param list
+ '''
+ def mount(self, data, list):
+ i = 0
+ while i < list.size():
+ (list.get(i)).setDataObject(data, True)
+ i += 1
+ '''
+ Checks if the document specified by the given CGDocument
+ object (cp_URL) exists. Calls also the validate(...) method
+ of this document.
+ If the document does not exist, it asks the user whether
+ to specify a new URL, or forget about this document.
+ @param doc the document to check.
+ @param task while loading a session, a status is
+ displayed, using the Task object to monitor progress.
+ @return true if the document is ok (a file exists in the given url).
+ '''
+ def checkDocument(self, doc, task, xC):
+ try:
+ doc.validate(xMSF, task)
+ return True
+ except FileNotFoundException, ex:
+ relocate = SystemDialog.showMessageBox(
+ self.xMSF, xC.Peer, "WarningBox",
+ VclWindowPeerAttribute.YES_NO + VclWindowPeerAttribute.DEF_NO,
+ getFileAccess().getPath(doc.cp_URL, "") + "\n\n" + \
+ self.resources.resSpecifyNewFileLocation)
+ if relocate == 2:
+ file = getDocAddDialog().callOpenDialog(
+ False, FileAccess.getParentDir(doc.cp_URL))
+ if file is None:
+ return False
+ else:
+ doc.cp_URL = file[0]
+ return checkDocument(doc, task, xC)
+ else:
+ return False
+ except IllegalArgumentException, iaex:
+ #file is a directory
+ AbstractErrorHandler.showMessage(
+ self.xMSF, xControl.Peer,
+ self.resources.resErrIsDirectory.replace(
+ "%FILENAME", getFileAccess().getPath(doc.cp_URL, "")),
+ return False
+ except Exceptionp:
+ #something went wrong.
+ exp.printStackTrace()
+ AbstractErrorHandler.showMessage(
+ self.xMSF, xControl.Peer,
+ self.resources.resErrDocValidate.replace(
+ "%FILENAME", getFileAccess().getPath(doc.cp_URL, "")),
+ return False
+ '''
+ Checks the documents contained in this content.
+ @param content
+ @param task
+ '''
+ def checkContent(self, content, task, xC):
+ i = 0
+ while i < content.cp_Documents.getSize():
+ if not checkDocument(content.cp_Documents.getElementAt(i), task, xC):
+ # I use here 'i--' since, when the document is removed
+ # an index change accures
+ content.cp_Documents.remove(i)
+ i -= 1
+ i += 1
+ '''
+ Disables/enables the docUpDown buttons (step 2)
+ according to the currently selected document
+ (no doc selected - both disbaled, last doc selected,
+ down disabled and so on...)
+ '''
+ def disableDocUpDown(self):
+ try:
+ '''setEnabled(btnDocUp, self.selectedDoc.length == 0 ? Boolean.FALSE : (self.selectedDoc[0] == 0 ? Boolean.FALSE : Boolean.TRUE))
+ setEnabled(btnDocDown, self.selectedDoc.length == 0 ? Boolean.FALSE : (self.selectedDoc[0] + 1 < WWD_Startup.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Content.cp_Documents.getSize() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE))'''
+ except Exception, e:
+ e.printStackTrace()
+ def updateBackgroundText(self):
+ bg = \
+ WWD_Startup.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Design.cp_BackgroundImage
+ if bg is None or bg.equals(""):
+ bg = self.resources.resBackgroundNone
+ else:
+ bg = FileAccess.getPathFilename(getFileAccess().getPath(bg, None))
+ Helper.setUnoPropertyValue(
+ txtBackground.Model, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_LABEL, bg)
+ def updateIconsetText(self):
+ iconset = WWD_Startup.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Design.cp_IconSet
+ if iconset is None or iconset.equals(""):
+ iconsetName = self.resources.resIconsetNone
+ else:
+ IconSet = WWD_Startup.settings.cp_IconSets.getElement(iconset)
+ if IconSet is None:
+ iconsetName = self.resources.resIconsetNone
+ else:
+ iconsetName = IconSet.cp_Name
+ Helper.setUnoPropertyValue(
+ txtIconset.Model, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_LABEL, iconsetName)
+ '''
+ refreshes the style preview.
+ I also call here "updateBackgroundtext", because always
+ when the background is changed, this method
+ has to be called, so I am walking on the safe side here...
+ '''
+ def refreshStylePreview(self):
+ try:
+ updateBackgroundText()
+ self.stylePreview.refresh(settings.cp_DefaultSession.getStyle(), WWD_Startup.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Design.cp_BackgroundImage)
+ self.dpStylePreview.reload(xMSF)
+ except Exception:
+ ex.printStackTrace()