path: root/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/common/
diff options
authorXisco Fauli <>2011-09-24 12:59:08 +0200
committerXisco Fauli <>2011-09-24 12:59:08 +0200
commit0f7d6910567f1df22f1706623043554989216a7c (patch)
treedd743bac473b0e8822bb2c3f4038b922c863a778 /wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/common/
parentcf16ef6c250a2755155a02f24bad861b35a1f92b (diff)
Remote the python code for now.
The reason I delete it is because this code is not used yet. I still keep working in the feature branch, so when i'll finish there i'll merge it into master. It doesn't make sense to have it in master for now
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/common/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 231 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/common/ b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index a3deb173022f..000000000000
--- a/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-import traceback
-from import Locale
-class NumberFormatter(object):
- def __init__(self, _xNumberFormatsSupplier, _aLocale, _xMSF=None):
- self.iDateFormatKey = -1
- self.iDateTimeFormatKey = -1
- self.iNumberFormatKey = -1
- self.iTextFormatKey = -1
- self.iTimeFormatKey = -1
- self.iLogicalFormatKey = -1
- self.bNullDateCorrectionIsDefined = False
- self.aLocale = _aLocale
- if _xMSF is not None:
- self.xNumberFormatter = _xMSF.createInstance(
- "")
- self.xNumberFormats = _xNumberFormatsSupplier.NumberFormats
- self.xNumberFormatSettings = \
- _xNumberFormatsSupplier.NumberFormatSettings
- self.xNumberFormatter.attachNumberFormatsSupplier(
- _xNumberFormatsSupplier)
- '''
- @param _xMSF
- @param _xNumberFormatsSupplier
- @return
- @throws Exception
- @deprecated
- '''
- @classmethod
- def createNumberFormatter(self, _xMSF, _xNumberFormatsSupplier):
- oNumberFormatter = _xMSF.createInstance(
- "")
- oNumberFormatter.attachNumberFormatsSupplier(_xNumberFormatsSupplier)
- return oNumberFormatter
- '''
- gives a key to pass to a NumberFormat object. <br/>
- example: <br/>
- <pre>
- XNumberFormatsSupplier nsf =
- (XNumberFormatsSupplier)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(...,document)
- int key = Desktop.getNumberFormatterKey(
- nsf,
- XNumberFormatter nf = Desktop.createNumberFormatter(xmsf, nsf);
- nf.convertNumberToString( key, 1972 );
- </pre>
- @param numberFormatsSupplier
- @param type - a constant out of i18n.NumberFormatIndex enumeration.
- @return a key to use with a util.NumberFormat instance.
- '''
- @classmethod
- def getNumberFormatterKey(self, numberFormatsSupplier, Type):
- return numberFormatsSupplier.NumberFormats.getFormatIndex(
- Type, Locale())
- def convertNumberToString(self, _nkey, _dblValue, _xNumberFormatter=None):
- if _xNumberFormatter is None:
- return self.xNumberFormatter.convertNumberToString(
- _nkey, _dblValue)
- else:
- return _xNumberFormatter.convertNumberToString(_nkey, _dblValue)
- def convertStringToNumber(self, _nkey, _sString):
- return self.xNumberFormatter.convertStringToNumber(_nkey, _sString)
- '''
- @param dateCorrection The lDateCorrection to set.
- '''
- def setNullDateCorrection(self, dateCorrection):
- self.lDateCorrection = dateCorrection
- def defineNumberFormat(self, _FormatString):
- try:
- NewFormatKey = self.xNumberFormats.queryKey(
- _FormatString, self.aLocale, True)
- if NewFormatKey is -1:
- NewFormatKey = self.xNumberFormats.addNew(
- _FormatString, self.aLocale)
- return NewFormatKey
- except Exception, e:
- traceback.print_exc()
- return -1
- '''
- returns a numberformat for a FormatString.
- @param _FormatString
- @param _aLocale
- @return
- '''
- def defineNumberFormat(self, _FormatString, _aLocale):
- try:
- NewFormatKey = self.xNumberFormats.queryKey(
- _FormatString, _aLocale, True)
- if NewFormatKey == -1:
- NewFormatKey = self.xNumberFormats.addNew(
- _FormatString, _aLocale)
- return NewFormatKey
- except Exception, e:
- traceback.print_exc()
- return -1
- def setNumberFormat(self, _xFormatObject, _FormatKey, _oNumberFormatter):
- try:
- xNumberFormat = _oNumberFormatter.xNumberFormats.getByKey(
- _FormatKey)
- FormatString = str(Helper.getUnoPropertyValue(
- xNumberFormat, "FormatString"))
- oLocale = Helper.getUnoPropertyValue(xNumberFormat, "Locale")
- NewFormatKey = defineNumberFormat(FormatString, oLocale)
- _xFormatObject.setPropertyValue(
- "FormatsSupplier",
- _oNumberFormatter.xNumberFormatter.getNumberFormatsSupplier())
- if _xFormatObject.getPropertySetInfo().hasPropertyByName(
- "NumberFormat"):
- _xFormatObject.setPropertyValue("NumberFormat", NewFormatKey)
- elif _xFormatObject.getPropertySetInfo().hasPropertyByName(
- "FormatKey"):
- _xFormatObject.setPropertyValue("FormatKey", NewFormatKey)
- else:
- # TODO: throws a exception in a try catch environment, very helpful?
- raise Exception
- except Exception, exception:
- traceback.print_exc()
- def getNullDateCorrection(self):
- if not self.bNullDateCorrectionIsDefined:
- dNullDate = Helper.getUnoStructValue(
- self.xNumberFormatSettings, "NullDate")
- lNullDate = Helper.convertUnoDatetoInteger(dNullDate)
- oCal = java.util.Calendar.getInstance()
- oCal.set(1900, 1, 1)
- dTime = oCal.getTime()
- lTime = dTime.getTime()
- lDBNullDate = lTime / (3600 * 24000)
- self.lDateCorrection = lDBNullDate - lNullDate
- return self.lDateCorrection
- else:
- return self.lDateCorrection
- def setBooleanReportDisplayNumberFormat(self):
- FormatString = "[=1]" + str(9745) + ";[=0]" + str(58480) + ";0"
- self.iLogicalFormatKey = self.xNumberFormats.queryKey(
- FormatString, self.aLocale, True)
- try:
- if self.iLogicalFormatKey == -1:
- self.iLogicalFormatKey = self.xNumberFormats.addNew(
- FormatString, self.aLocale)
- except Exception, e:
- #MalformedNumberFormat
- traceback.print_exc()
- self.iLogicalFormatKey = self.xNumberFormats.getStandardFormat(
- NumberFormat.LOGICAL, self.aLocale)
- return self.iLogicalFormatKey
- '''
- @return Returns the iDateFormatKey.
- '''
- def getDateFormatKey(self):
- if self.iDateFormatKey == -1:
- self.iDateFormatKey = self.xNumberFormats.getStandardFormat(
- NumberFormat.DATE, self.aLocale)
- return self.iDateFormatKey
- '''
- @return Returns the iDateTimeFormatKey.
- '''
- def getDateTimeFormatKey(self):
- if self.iDateTimeFormatKey == -1:
- self.iDateTimeFormatKey = self.xNumberFormats.getStandardFormat(
- NumberFormat.DATETIME, self.aLocale)
- return self.iDateTimeFormatKey
- '''
- @return Returns the iLogicalFormatKey.
- '''
- def getLogicalFormatKey(self):
- if self.iLogicalFormatKey == -1:
- self.iLogicalFormatKey = self.xNumberFormats.getStandardFormat(
- NumberFormat.LOGICAL, self.aLocale)
- return self.iLogicalFormatKey
- '''
- @return Returns the iNumberFormatKey.
- '''
- def getNumberFormatKey(self):
- if self.iNumberFormatKey == -1:
- self.iNumberFormatKey = self.xNumberFormats.getStandardFormat(
- NumberFormat.NUMBER, self.aLocale)
- return self.iNumberFormatKey
- '''
- @return Returns the iTextFormatKey.
- '''
- def getTextFormatKey(self):
- if self.iTextFormatKey == -1:
- self.iTextFormatKey = self.xNumberFormats.getStandardFormat(
- NumberFormat.TEXT, self.aLocale)
- return self.iTextFormatKey
- '''
- @return Returns the iTimeFormatKey.
- '''
- def getTimeFormatKey(self):
- if self.iTimeFormatKey == -1:
- self.iTimeFormatKey = self.xNumberFormats.getStandardFormat(
- NumberFormat.TIME, self.aLocale)
- return self.iTimeFormatKey