path: root/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
diff options
authorHans-Joachim Lankenau <>2010-09-17 15:22:21 +0200
committerHans-Joachim Lankenau <>2010-09-17 15:22:21 +0200
commit78f4c0b79d80cae6561dd919571d1f9eead2f4bc (patch)
tree80bc2374ed4276b6df3686378d38cac9c4a6ce8b /testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
parentad6da2026c70bab474e4c5f34b312094ee012392 (diff)
parent18336e859d81a2c97785e6c9af9b140831e23b28 (diff)
CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS impress186
split repo tag: testing_ooo/DEV300_m88
Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/')
1 files changed, 274 insertions, 378 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/ b/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
index 5e0a2f3ec811..3beefb13dd64 100644
--- a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
+++ b/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ testcase tPNG
hFileOpen( gTesttoolPath & "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." & ExtensionString )
if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "PNGOptionen"
- if PNGOptionen.Exists (2) then
- Kompression.ToMax
+ Kontext "PNGOptions"
+ if PNGOptions.Exists (2) then
+ Compression.ToMax
- PNGOptionen.OK
+ PNGOptions.OK
iWaitIndex = 0
- do while PNGOptionen.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30
+ do while PNGOptions.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30
sleep (1)
iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1
@@ -87,25 +87,19 @@ testcase tSVM
sFilter = "SVM - StarView Metafile (.svm)"
sExt = ".svm"
+ printlog "opening test file"
sDocument = ConvertPath ( gTesttoolPath & "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." & ExtensionString)
hFileOpen sDocument
+ printlog "Trying export and canceling it.."
if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "SVMOptionen"
- if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
- Original.Check
- if Breite.IsEnabled then
- warnlog " :-("
- endif
- if Hoehe.IsEnabled then
- warnlog " :-("
- endif
- Groesse.Check
- Breite.More
- Hoehe.Less
- SVMOptionen.Cancel
+ Kontext "SVMOptions"
+ if SVMOptions.Exists (2) then
+ Exportwidth.More
+ Exportheight.Less
+ SVMOptions.Cancel
sleep 5
+ printlog "Checking if directory is still empty.."
if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) = "") then ' inspired by bug #99932 Graphic is exported though cancel is pressed
Printlog "ok :-)"
@@ -122,13 +116,14 @@ testcase tSVM
end if
end if
+ printlog "Doing real SVM export."
if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "SVMOptionen"
- if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
- Groesse.Check
- Breite.Less
- Hoehe.More
- SVMOptionen.OK
+ Kontext "SVMOptions"
+ if SVMOptions.Exists (2) then
+ Exportwidth.Less
+ Exportheight.More
+ SVMOptions.OK
sleep 5
if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) <> "") then
@@ -136,56 +131,77 @@ testcase tSVM
warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
- hCloseDocument ()
- sleep 5
- hNewDocument()
- sleep 5
- Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO+sExt )
+ printlog "Closing TestDoc."
hCloseDocument ()
+ sleep 5
+ printlog "Opening new doc and inserting exported file."
+ hNewDocument()
+ sleep 5
+ Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO+sExt )
+ printlog "Closing doc with inserted file."
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ printlog "Loading testdoc."
hFileOpen (sDocument)
sleep (10)
+ printlog "Making doc editable."
call fMakeDocumentWritable
+ printlog "Selecting part of doc."
hTypeKeys ("<escape><tab>")
+ printlog "getting size of part. "
fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, TRUE
+ printlog "exporting part of doc."
if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "1" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "SVMOptionen"
- if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
- Original.Check
- SVMOptionen.OK
- sleep 5
- endif
+ Kontext "SVMOptions"
+ SVMOptions.OK
+ sleep 5
if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt) <> "") then
Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt & "'"
warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ printlog "Closing testdoc."
hCloseDocument ()
sleep 5
+ printlog "Opening new doc."
sleep 5
+ printlog "Inserting exported part of Testdoc."
Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt )
bTemp = FALSE
+ printlog "checking size of inserted file."
fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp
if (bTemp = FALSE) then
warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-("
+ printlog "closing doc."
hCloseDocument ()
+ printlog "opening new doc."
+ printlog "inserting Rectangle."
hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 30, 40 )
+ printlog "Exporting Rectangle"
if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "2" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "SVMOptionen"
- if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
- Groesse.Check
- Breite.SetText "9"
- Hoehe.SetText "9"
- Groesse.Check 'Check to make settings go throught
- sx1 = Breite.GetText
- sY = Hoehe.GetText
- SVMOptionen.OK
+ Kontext "SVMOptions"
+ if SVMOptions.Exists (2) then
+ Exportwidth.SetText "9"
+ if Exportmeasurement.GetSelText = "inches" then
+ sx1 = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ """"
+ printlog "sx1= " & sx1
+ else
+ sx1 = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ "cm"
+ endif
+ if Exportmeasurement.GetSelText = "inches" then
+ sY = (Exportheight.GetText)+ """"
+ printlog "sY= " & sY
+ else
+ sY = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ "cm"
+ endif
+ SVMOptions.OK
sleep 5
if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt) <> "") then
@@ -193,8 +209,10 @@ testcase tSVM
warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ printlog "Closing doc."
hCloseDocument ()
sleep 5
+ printlog "Opening exported rectangle."
hFileOpen (OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt)
kontext "Filterauswahl"
if Filterauswahl.exists then
@@ -204,6 +222,7 @@ testcase tSVM
kontext "DocumentDraw"
DocumentDraw.TypeKeys ("<escape><tab>")
+ printlog "Selecting and checking size.."
bTemp = FALSE
fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp
@@ -211,31 +230,8 @@ testcase tSVM
warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-("
- if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "3" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "SVMOptionen"
- if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
- Groesse.Check
- sX2 = Breite.GetText
- if (LiberalMeasurement(sx1, sX2)) <> TRUE then
- if (val(str(StrToDouble(sx1)+5)) >= StrToDouble(sX2) ) AND (val(str(StrToDouble ( sx1 )-5)) <= StrToDouble ( sX2 )) then
- Printlog "Width was ok. Expected: " & sx1 & "' was: '" & sX2 & "'"
- else
- warnLog "Width is different expected: '" & sx1 & "' is: '" & sX2 & "'"
- endif
- endif
- sY2 = Hoehe.GetText
- if (LiberalMeasurement(sY, sY2)) <> TRUE then
- if ( val(str(StrToDouble(sY)+5)) >= StrToDouble(sY2) ) AND (val(str(StrToDouble ( sY )-5)) <= StrToDouble ( sY2 )) then
- Printlog "Height was ok. Expected: " & sY & "' was: '" & sY2 & "'"
- else
- warnLog "Height is different expected: '" & sY & "' is: '" & sY2 & "'"
- endif
- endif
- SVMOptionen.Cancel
- sleep 5
- endif
- endif
+ printlog "Closing doc."
call hCloseDocument
endcase 'tSVM
@@ -657,7 +653,7 @@ endcase 'tSVG
testcase tBMP
dim x as integer
dim i as integer
dim bTemp as boolean
@@ -668,50 +664,24 @@ qaerrorlog
dim sY2 as string
dim sDocument as string
- '/// open the document
+ printlog "open the Test-document"
sDocument = ConvertPath ( gTesttoolPath + "graphics\required\input\graphicexport."+ExtensionString)
hFileOpen sDocument
- if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , "BMP - Windows Bitmap (.bmp)" ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "BMPOptionen"
- if BMPOptionen.Exists (2) then
- '/// check if all properties have the right count, and depend on each other ///'
- '/// 'Color Resolution' listbox contains eight items ///'
- x = Farbaufloesung.GetItemCount
- if x <> 8 then warnlog "Color Resolution Count is wrong; should be:8, is:" + x
+ printlog "Trying to export and canceling.."
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , "BMP - Windows Bitmap (.bmp)" ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "BMPOptions"
+ if BMPOptions.Exists (2) then
+ x = Colordepth.GetItemCount
+ if x <> 7 then warnlog "Color Resolution Count is wrong; should be:7, is:" + x
for i = 1 to x
- Farbaufloesung.Select i
+ Colordepth.Select i
sleep 1
- Printlog " - " + i + ": '" +Farbaufloesung.GetSelText + "'"
- '/// checkbox RLE coding has to be enabled only for '4 and 8 bit' color palettes ///'
- if ((i > 3) AND (i < 8)) then
- if RLEKodierung.IsEnabled <> TRUE then warnlog "'RLE coding' is not checkable :-("
- else
- if RLEKodierung.IsEnabled <> FALSE then warnlog "'RLE coding' is checkable :-("
- endif
+ Printlog " - " + i + ": '" +Colordepth.GetSelText + "'"
next i
- '/// if Mode 'original' is selected, DPI///'
- Original.Check
- if DPI.IsEnabled then warnlog " :-("
- if Breite.IsEnabled then warnlog " :-("
- if Hoehe.IsEnabled then warnlog " :-("
- Aufloesung.Check
- x = DPI.GetItemCount
- '/// 'DPI' listbox contains eight items ///'
- if x <> 4 then warnlog "'DPI' Count is wrong; should be:4, is:" + x
- for i = 1 to x
- DPI.Select i
- Printlog " - " + i + ": '" +DPI.GetSelText + "'"
- next i
- if Breite.IsEnabled then warnlog " :-("
- if Hoehe.IsEnabled then warnlog " :-("
- Groesse.Check
- if DPI.IsEnabled then warnlog " :-("
- Breite.More
- Hoehe.Less
Sleep 1
- '/// leave dialog with cancel -> there has to be no file created! ///'
- BMPOptionen.Cancel
+ printlog "Leave dialog with cancel -> there has to be no file created!"
+ BMPOptions.Cancel
sleep 5
if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+".bmp") = "") then ' inspired by bug #99932 Graphic is exported though cancel is pressed
Printlog "ok :-)"
@@ -729,15 +699,14 @@ qaerrorlog
end if
end if
- Printlog "'/// now save it realy and load the file afterwards ///'"
+ Printlog " now save it really and load the file afterwards"
if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , "BMP - Windows Bitmap (.bmp)" ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "BMPOptionen"
- if BMPOptionen.Exists (2) then
- Farbaufloesung.Select 7
- RLEKodierung.Check
- Aufloesung.Check
- DPI.Select 3
- BMPOptionen.OK
+ Kontext "BMPOptions"
+ if BMPOptions.Exists (2) then
+ Colordepth.Select 7
+ Compression.Check
+ BMPOptions.OK
sleep 5
if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+".bmp") <> "") then
@@ -745,14 +714,18 @@ qaerrorlog
warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ printlog "Closing doc."
hCloseDocument ()
sleep 5
+ printlog "Opening new doc."
sleep 5
+ printlog "Inserting exported file."
Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO+".bmp" )
+ printlog "Closing doc again."
hCloseDocument ()
- Printlog "'/// now save a SELECTION in ORIGINAL SIZE and load the file afterwards ///'"
+ Printlog "Now save a SELECTION in and load the file afterwards"
hFileOpen (sDocument)
kontext "Filterauswahl"
@@ -762,51 +735,58 @@ qaerrorlog
goto endsub
- ' check if the document is writable
+ printlog "check if the document is writable"
call fMakeDocumentWritable
hTypeKeys ("<escape><tab>")
fGetSizeXY sx1, sy, TRUE
- if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO + "1" , "BMP - Windows Bitmap (.bmp)", TRUE ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "BMPOptionen"
- if BMPOptionen.Exists (2) then
- Original.Check
- BMPOptionen.OK
- sleep 5
- endif
- if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO + "1"+".bmp") <> "") then
- Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" + OutputGrafikTBO + "1"+".bmp" + "'"
- else
- warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
- endif
- hCloseDocument ()
- sleep 5
- hNewDocument()
- sleep 5
- Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO + "1"+".bmp" )
- bTemp = FALSE
- fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp
- if (bTemp = FALSE) then
- warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-("
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO + "1" , "BMP - Windows Bitmap (.bmp)", TRUE ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "BMPOptions"
+ if BMPOptions.Exists (2) then
+ BMPOptions.OK
+ sleep 5
+ endif
+ if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO + "1"+".bmp") <> "") then
+ Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" + OutputGrafikTBO + "1"+".bmp" + "'"
+ else
+ warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ sleep 5
+ hNewDocument()
+ sleep 5
+ Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO + "1"+".bmp" )
+ bTemp = FALSE
+ fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp
+ if (bTemp = FALSE) then
+ warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-("
hCloseDocument ()
- Printlog "'/// now CREATE a rectangle, select it, save it in SIZE and load the file afterwards ///'"
+ Printlog "Now create a rectangle, select it, save it in SIZE and load the file afterwards"
hTypeKeys "<TAB>"
gMouseClick 50, 50
hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 30, 40 )
if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO + "2" , "BMP - Windows Bitmap (.bmp)", TRUE ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "BMPOptionen"
- if BMPOptionen.Exists (2) then
- Groesse.Check
- Breite.SetText "9"
- Hoehe.SetText "9"
- Groesse.Check 'Press "Size" one more time in order to make the change go through"
- sx1 = Breite.GetText
- sY = Hoehe.GetText
- BMPOptionen.OK
+ Kontext "BMPOptions"
+ if BMPOptions.Exists (2) then
+ Exportwidth.SetText "9"
+ if Exportmeasurement.GetSelText = "inches" then
+ sx1 = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ """"
+ printlog "sx1= " & sx1
+ else
+ sx1 = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ "cm"
+ endif
+ if Exportmeasurement.GetSelText = "inches" then
+ sY = (Exportheight.GetText)+ """"
+ printlog "sY= " & sY
+ else
+ sY = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ "cm"
+ endif
+ BMPOptions.OK
sleep 5
if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO + "2"+".bmp") <> "") then
@@ -814,6 +794,7 @@ qaerrorlog
warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ printlog "Closing doc."
hCloseDocument ()
sleep 5
hFileOpen (OutputGrafikTBO + "2"+".bmp")
@@ -834,31 +815,6 @@ qaerrorlog
- if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO + "3" , "BMP - Windows Bitmap (.bmp)", TRUE ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "BMPOptionen"
- if BMPOptionen.Exists (2) then
- Groesse.Check
- sX2 = Breite.GetText
- if (LiberalMeasurement(sx1, sX2)) <> TRUE then
- if (val(str(StrToDouble(sx1)+5)) >= StrToDouble(sX2) ) AND (val(str(StrToDouble ( sx1 )-5)) <= StrToDouble ( sX2 )) then
- Printlog "Width was ok. Expected: " + sx1 + "' was: '" + sX2 + "'"
- else
- warnLog "Width is different expected: '" + sx1 + "' is: '" + sX2 + "'"
- endif
- endif
- sY2 = Hoehe.GetText
- if (LiberalMeasurement(sY, sY2)) <> TRUE then
- if ( val(str(StrToDouble(sY)+5)) >= StrToDouble(sY2) ) AND (val(str(StrToDouble ( sY )-5)) <= StrToDouble ( sY2 )) then
- Printlog "Height was ok. Expected: " + sY + "' was: '" + sY2 + "'"
- else
- warnLog "Height is different expected: '" + sY + "' is: '" + sY2 + "'"
- endif
- endif
- BMPOptionen.Cancel
- sleep 5
- endif
- endif
call hCloseDocument
endcase 'tBMP
@@ -884,19 +840,11 @@ testcase tEMF
hFileOpen sDocument
if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "SVMOptionen"
- if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
- Original.Check
- if Breite.IsEnabled then
- warnlog " :-("
- endif
- if Hoehe.IsEnabled then
- warnlog " :-("
- endif
- Groesse.Check
- Breite.More
- Hoehe.Less
- SVMOptionen.Cancel
+ Kontext "EMFOptions"
+ if EMFOptions.Exists (2) then
+ Exportwidth.More
+ Exportheight.Less
+ EMFOptions.Cancel
sleep 5
if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) = "") then ' inspired by bug #99932 Graphic is exported though cancel is pressed
Printlog "ok :-)"
@@ -915,12 +863,11 @@ testcase tEMF
end if
end if
if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "SVMOptionen"
- if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
- Groesse.Check
- Breite.Less
- Hoehe.More
- SVMOptionen.OK
+ Kontext "EMFOptions"
+ if EMFOptions.Exists (2) then
+ Exportwidth.More
+ Exportheight.Less
+ EMFOptions.OK
sleep 5
if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) <> "") then
@@ -935,53 +882,26 @@ testcase tEMF
Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO+sExt )
hCloseDocument ()
- hFileOpen (sDocument)
- kontext "Filterauswahl"
- if Filterauswahl.Exists(10) then
- Warnlog "Error when loading the file. The Filter-dialogue came up. Test aborted."
- Filterauswahl.Cancel
- goto endsub
- endif
- printlog "making doc editable if it is readonly"
- call fMakeDocumentWritable
- hTypeKeys ("<escape><tab>")
- fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, TRUE
- if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "1" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "SVMOptionen"
- if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
- Original.Check
- SVMOptionen.OK
- sleep 5
- endif
- if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt) <> "") then
- Printlog "Ok :-) saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt & "'"
- else
- warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
- endif
- hCloseDocument ()
- sleep 5
- hNewDocument()
- sleep 5
- Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt )
- bTemp = FALSE
- fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp
- if (bTemp = FALSE) then
- warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-("
- endif
- endif
- hCloseDocument ()
hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 30, 40 )
if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "2" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "SVMOptionen"
- if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
- Groesse.Check
- Breite.SetText "9"
- Hoehe.SetText "9"
- Groesse.Check 'Press "Size" one more time to make the change go through"
- sx1 = Breite.GetText
- sY = Hoehe.GetText
- SVMOptionen.OK
+ Kontext "EMFOptions"
+ if EMFOptions.Exists (2) then
+ Exportwidth.SetText "9"
+ if Exportmeasurement.GetSelText = "inches" then
+ sx1 = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ """"
+ printlog "sx1= " & sx1
+ else
+ sx1 = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ "cm"
+ endif
+ if Exportmeasurement.GetSelText = "inches" then
+ sY = (Exportheight.GetText)+ """"
+ printlog "sY= " & sY
+ else
+ sY = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ "cm"
+ endif
+ EMFOptions.OK
sleep 5
if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt) <> "") then
@@ -1002,10 +922,9 @@ testcase tEMF
if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "3" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "SVMOptionen"
- if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
- Groesse.Check
- sX2 = Breite.GetText
+ Kontext "EMFOptions"
+ if EMFOptions.Exists (2) then
+ sX2 = Exportwidth.GetText
if (LiberalMeasurement(sx1, sX2)) <> TRUE then
if (val(str(StrToDouble(sx1)+5)) >= StrToDouble(sX2) ) AND (val(str(StrToDouble ( sx1 )-5)) <= StrToDouble ( sX2 )) then
Printlog "Width was ok. Expected: " & sx1 & "' was: '" & sX2 & "'"
@@ -1013,7 +932,7 @@ testcase tEMF
warnLog "Width is different expected: '" & sx1 & "' is: '" & sX2 & "'"
- sY2 = Hoehe.GetText
+ sY2 = Exportheight.GetText
if (LiberalMeasurement(sY, sY2)) <> TRUE then
if ( val(str(StrToDouble(sY)+5)) >= StrToDouble(sY2) ) AND (val(str(StrToDouble ( sY )-5)) <= StrToDouble ( sY2 )) then
Printlog "Height was ok. Expected: " & sY & "' was: '" & sY2 & "'"
@@ -1021,7 +940,7 @@ testcase tEMF
warnLog "Height is different expected: '" & sY & "' is: '" & sY2 & "'"
- SVMOptionen.Cancel
+ EMFOptions.Cancel
sleep 5
@@ -1050,32 +969,26 @@ testcase tMET
sExt = ".met"
sDocument = gTesttoolPath & "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." & ExtensionString
+ printlog "loading Test File"
hFileOpen sDocument
+ printlog "----------1st: Trying to export and then canceling it"
if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "METOptionen"
- if METOptionen.Exists (2) then
- Original.Check
- if Breite.IsEnabled then
- warnlog " :-("
- endif
- if Hoehe.IsEnabled then
- warnlog " :-("
- endif
- Groesse.Check
- sTemp = Breite.getText
- Breite.More
- if (sTemp = Breite.getText) then
+ Kontext "METOptions"
+ if METOptions.Exists (2) then
+ sTemp = Exportwidth.getText
+ Exportwidth.More
+ if (sTemp = Exportwidth.getText) then
qaErrorLog "Width didn't change on pressing button 'More' #112225#"
- Breite.setText "10"
- Hoehe.setText "10"
+ Exportwidth.setText "10"
- sTemp = Hoehe.getText
- Hoehe.Less
- if (sTemp = Hoehe.getText) then
+ sTemp = Exportheight.getText
+ Exportheight.Less
+ if (sTemp = Exportheight.getText) then
warnlog "Height didn't change on pressing button 'Less'"
- METOptionen.Cancel
+ printlog "Canceling export..."
+ METOptions.Cancel
sleep 5
if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) = "") then ' inspired by bug #99932 Graphic is exported though cancel is pressed
Printlog "ok :-)"
@@ -1093,25 +1006,24 @@ testcase tMET
end if
end if
+ printlog "----------2nd: doing real export.."
if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "METOptionen"
- if METOptionen.Exists (2) then
- Groesse.Check
- sTemp = Breite.getText
- Breite.Less
- if (sTemp = Breite.getText) then
+ Kontext "METOptions"
+ if METOptions.Exists (2) then
+ sTemp = Exportwidth.getText
+ Exportwidth.Less
+ if (sTemp = Exportwidth.getText) then
warnlog "Width didn't change on pressing button 'Less'"
- sTemp = Hoehe.getText
- Hoehe.More
- if (sTemp = Hoehe.getText) then
+ sTemp = Exportheight.getText
+ Exportheight.More
+ if (sTemp = Exportheight.getText) then
qaErrorLog "Height didn't change on pressing button 'More' #112225#"
- Breite.setText "10"
- Hoehe.setText "10"
+ Exportwidth.setText "10"
- METOptionen.OK
+ METOptions.OK
iWaitIndex = 0
- do while METOptionen.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30
+ do while METOptions.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30
sleep (1)
iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1
@@ -1121,28 +1033,33 @@ testcase tMET
warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ printlog "Closing test doc."
hCloseDocument ()
sleep 5
+ printlog "----------3rd: Inserting export into new doc."
+ printlog "Opening new doc."
sleep 5
+ printlog "Inserting the exported file..."
Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO+sExt )
+ printlog "Closing file with inserted graphic."
hCloseDocument ()
+ printlog "----------4th: Exporting part of test doc."
+ printlog "Opening test file.."
hFileOpen (sDocument)
sleep (10)
printlog "making doc editable if it is readonly"
call fMakeDocumentWritable
+ printlog "Selecting part of doc for export.."
hTypeKeys ("<escape><tab>")
fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, TRUE
if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "1" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "METOptionen"
- if METOptionen.Exists (2) then
- Original.Check
- METOptionen.OK
+ Kontext "METOptions"
+ if METOptions.Exists (2) then
+ METOptions.OK
iWaitIndex = 0
- do while METOptionen.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30
+ do while METOptions.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30
sleep (1)
iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1
@@ -1152,32 +1069,51 @@ testcase tMET
warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ printlog "Closing testfile"
hCloseDocument ()
sleep 5
+ printlog "----------5th: Inserting exported part into new doc."
+ printlog "Opening new file.."
sleep 5
+ printlog "inserting exported part."
Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt )
bTemp = FALSE
+ printlog "Checking size."
fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp
if (bTemp = FALSE) then
warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-("
+ printlog "Closing doc."
hCloseDocument ()
+ printlog "----------6th: exporting fresh rectangle."
+ printlog "opening new file."
+ printlog "inserting rectangle."
hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 30, 40 )
+ printlog "Exporting rectangle.."
if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "2" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "METOptionen"
- if METOptionen.Exists (2) then
- Groesse.Check
- Breite.SetText "9"
- Hoehe.SetText "9"
- Groesse.Check ' Click "Size" one more time to make the changes go through.
- sx1 = Breite.GetText
- sY = Hoehe.GetText
- METOptionen.OK
+ Kontext "METOptions"
+ if METOptions.Exists (2) then
+ Exportwidth.SetText "9"
+ if Exportmeasurement.GetSelText = "inches" then
+ sx1 = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ """"
+ printlog "sx1= " & sx1
+ else
+ sx1 = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ "cm"
+ endif
+ if Exportmeasurement.GetSelText = "inches" then
+ sY = (Exportheight.GetText)+ """"
+ printlog "sY= " & sY
+ else
+ sY = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ "cm"
+ endif
+ METOptions.OK
iWaitIndex = 0
- do while METOptionen.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30
+ do while METOptions.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30
sleep (1)
iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1
@@ -1187,11 +1123,14 @@ testcase tMET
warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ printlog "closing doc."
hCloseDocument ()
sleep 5
+ printlog "----------7th:Opening exported file with rectangle"
hFileOpen (OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt)
kontext "DocumentDraw"
DocumentDraw.TypeKeys ("<escape><tab>")
+ printlog "Checking file size."
bTemp = FALSE
fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp
@@ -1199,30 +1138,6 @@ testcase tMET
warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-("
- if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "3" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "METOptionen"
- if METOptionen.Exists (2) then
- Groesse.Check
- sX2 = Breite.GetText
- if (LiberalMeasurement(sx1, sX2)) <> TRUE then
- if (val(str(StrToDouble(sx1)+5)) >= StrToDouble(sX2) ) AND (val(str(StrToDouble ( sx1 )-5)) <= StrToDouble ( sX2 )) then
- Printlog "Width was ok. Expected: " & sx1 & "' was: '" & sX2 & "'"
- else
- warnLog "Width is different expected: '" & sx1 & "' is: '" & sX2 & "'"
- endif
- endif
- sY2 = Hoehe.GetText
- if (LiberalMeasurement(sY, sY2)) <> TRUE then
- if ( val(str(StrToDouble(sY)+5)) >= StrToDouble(sY2) ) AND (val(str(StrToDouble ( sY )-5)) <= StrToDouble ( sY2 )) then
- Printlog "Height was ok. Expected: " & sY & "' was: '" & sY2 & "'"
- else
- warnLog "Height is different expected: '" & sY & "' is: '" & sY2 & "'"
- endif
- endif
- METOptionen.Cancel
- sleep 5
- endif
- endif
call hCloseDocument
endcase 'tMET
@@ -1270,27 +1185,20 @@ testcase tWMF
sFilter = "WMF - Windows Metafile (.wmf)"
sExt = ".wmf"
sDocument = gTesttoolPath & "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." & ExtensionString
+ printlog "Loading testdoc."
hFileOpen sDocument
+ printlog "Starting export as WMF and canceling.."
if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "SVMOptionen"
- if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
- Original.Check
- if Breite.IsEnabled then
- warnlog " :-("
- endif
- if Hoehe.IsEnabled then
- warnlog " :-("
- endif
- Groesse.Check
- Breite.More
- Hoehe.Less
- SVMOptionen.Cancel
+ Kontext "WMFOptions"
+ if WMFOptions.Exists (2) then
+ Exportwidth.Less
+ Exportheight.More
+ WMFOptions.Cancel
sleep 5
if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) = "") then ' inspired by bug #99932 Graphic is exported though cancel is pressed
- Printlog "ok :-)"
+ Printlog "ok :-), nothing exported due to canceling."
warnlog "Dialog was canceled, but file got saved, too :-( - i35177"
@@ -1305,15 +1213,15 @@ testcase tWMF
end if
end if
+ printlog "Doing real export."
if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "SVMOptionen"
- if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
- Groesse.Check
- Breite.Less
- Hoehe.More
- SVMOptionen.OK
+ Kontext "WMFOptions"
+ if WMFOptions.Exists (2) then
+ Exportwidth.Less
+ Exportheight.More
+ WMFOptions.OK
iWaitIndex = 0
- do while SVMOptionen.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30
+ do while WMFOptions.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30
sleep (1)
iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1
@@ -1323,13 +1231,18 @@ testcase tWMF
warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ Printlog "Closing test doc."
hCloseDocument ()
sleep 5
+ printlog "Opening new odc."
sleep 5
+ printlog "Inserting exported graphic."
Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO+sExt )
+ printlog "Closing."
hCloseDocument ()
+ Printlog "Opening exported file."
hFileOpen (sDocument)
sleep (10)
@@ -1339,12 +1252,11 @@ testcase tWMF
hTypeKeys ("<escape><tab>")
fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, TRUE
if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "1" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "SVMOptionen"
- if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
- Original.Check
- SVMOptionen.OK
+ Kontext "WMFOptions"
+ if WMFOptions.Exists (2) then
+ WMFOptions.OK
iWaitIndex = 0
- do while SVMOptionen.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30
+ do while WMFOptions.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30
sleep (1)
iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1
@@ -1369,17 +1281,25 @@ testcase tWMF
hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 30, 40 )
if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "2" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "SVMOptionen"
- if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
- Groesse.Check
- Breite.SetText "9"
- Hoehe.SetText "9"
- Groesse.Check 'Check "Size" to make changes really go through.
- sx1 = Breite.GetText
- sY = Hoehe.GetText
- SVMOptionen.OK
+ Kontext "WMFOptions"
+ if WMFOptions.Exists (2) then
+ Exportwidth.SetText "9"
+ if Exportmeasurement.GetSelText = "inches" then
+ sx1 = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ """"
+ printlog "sx1= " & sx1
+ else
+ sx1 = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ "cm"
+ endif
+ if Exportmeasurement.GetSelText = "inches" then
+ sY = (Exportheight.GetText)+ """"
+ printlog "sY= " & sY
+ else
+ sY = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ "cm"
+ endif
+ WMFOptions.OK
iWaitIndex = 0
- do while SVMOptionen.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30
+ do while WMFOptions.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30
sleep (1)
iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1
@@ -1401,30 +1321,6 @@ testcase tWMF
warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-("
- if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "3" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then
- Kontext "SVMOptionen"
- if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
- Groesse.Check
- sX2 = Breite.GetText
- if (LiberalMeasurement(sx1, sX2)) <> TRUE then
- if (val(str(StrToDouble(sx1)+5)) >= StrToDouble(sX2) ) AND (val(str(StrToDouble ( sx1 )-5)) <= StrToDouble ( sX2 )) then
- Printlog "Width was ok. Expected: " & sx1 & "' was: '" & sX2 & "'"
- else
- warnLog "Width is different expected: '" & sx1 & "' is: '" & sX2 & "'"
- endif
- endif
- sY2 = Hoehe.GetText
- if (LiberalMeasurement(sY, sY2)) <> TRUE then
- if ( val(str(StrToDouble(sY)+5)) >= StrToDouble(sY2) ) AND (val(str(StrToDouble ( sY )-5)) <= StrToDouble ( sY2 )) then
- Printlog "Height was ok. Expected: " & sY & "' was: '" & sY2 & "'"
- else
- warnLog "Height is different expected: '" & sY & "' is: '" & sY2 & "'"
- endif
- endif
- SVMOptionen.Cancel
- sleep 5
- endif
- endif
call hCloseDocument
endcase 'tWMF