path: root/slideshow
diff options
authorRĂ¼diger Timm <>2004-11-26 18:15:59 +0000
committerRĂ¼diger Timm <>2004-11-26 18:15:59 +0000
commit08c7f809e4f3337f8369d53d1898fabe2fbba756 (patch)
tree8c3efe7aa876b626c364971d9ce9b77bf3dfe501 /slideshow
parentb9768469ef397172a11f58431dabf509f72b6bc0 (diff)
INTEGRATION: CWS presentationengine01 (1.1.2); FILE ADDED
2004/11/03 18:41:28 thb #i36221# Now honoring interactive sequences (apart from the main animation sequence), which enables trigger effects to work. Had to tweak quite some more, to get click handling, and mouse cursor changes to work with that (now, a registered shape click event at the UserEventQueue automatically sets the shape cursor to REFHAND, as long as events are pending for that shape) 2004/10/21 23:24:38 thb #i35043# Added Event and EventTrigger functionality for after effect (but also for most of the other EventTrigger types); faked a DimColor implementation (currently based on fillcolor); refactored a little bit 2004/10/13 12:10:57 thb #i34997#, #i35130#: Fixed transparency problem for static shapes, added mouse cursor setup when user paint mode is enabled 2004/09/06 16:07:33 thb #i10000# Fixed various unixoid build breakages (missing types, gcc bind peculiarities, hdl instead of hpp etc. 2004/09/06 13:43:07 thb #110496# Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'slideshow')
1 files changed, 682 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/slideshow/source/inc/eventmultiplexer.hxx b/slideshow/source/inc/eventmultiplexer.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..84a54a6e82ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slideshow/source/inc/eventmultiplexer.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,682 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: eventmultiplexer.hxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: 1.2 $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2004-11-26 19:15:59 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _OSL_MUTEX_HXX_
+#include <osl/mutex.hxx>
+#ifndef _RTL_REF_HXX_
+#include <rtl/ref.hxx>
+#include <com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx>
+#include <com/sun/star/awt/XMouseListener.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/awt/XMouseMotionListener.hpp>
+#include <cppuhelper/compbase2.hxx>
+#include <comphelper/broadcasthelper.hxx>
+#include <eventhandler.hxx>
+#include <mouseeventhandler.hxx>
+#include <animationeventhandler.hxx>
+#include <pauseeventhandler.hxx>
+#include <animationnode.hxx>
+#include <eventqueue.hxx>
+#include <unoview.hxx>
+#include <vector>
+namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star { namespace awt
+ struct MouseEvent;
+} } } }
+/* Definition of EventMultiplexer class */
+namespace presentation
+ namespace internal
+ {
+ /** This class multiplexes user-activated and
+ slide-show-global events.
+ This class listens at the XSlideShowView and fires events
+ registered for certain user actions. Furthermore, global
+ slide show state changes (such as start or end of a slide)
+ are handled as well. Note that registered events which
+ have a non-zero timeout (i.e. events that return non-zero
+ from getActivationTime()) will not be fired immediately
+ after the user action occured, but only after the given
+ timeout. Which is actually a feature.
+ */
+ class EventMultiplexer
+ {
+ public:
+ /** Create an event multiplexer
+ @param rEventQueue
+ Reference to the main event queue. Since we hold this
+ object by plain reference, it must live longer than we
+ do. On the other hand, that queue must not fire events
+ after this object is destroyed, since we might
+ schedule events there which itself contain plain
+ references to this object. Basically, EventQueue and
+ EventMultiplexer should have the same lifetime, and since
+ this is not possible, both must be destructed in a
+ phased mode: first clear both of any remaining events,
+ then destruct them.
+ */
+ EventMultiplexer( EventQueue& );
+ ~EventMultiplexer();
+ // Management methods
+ // =========================================================
+ /** Add a view the show is displayed upon.
+ This method adds another view, which the show is
+ displayed on. On every added view, the EventMultiplexer
+ registers mouse and motion event listeners.
+ */
+ bool addView( const UnoViewSharedPtr& rView );
+ /** Remove a view the show was displayed upon.
+ This method removes a view. Registered mouse and
+ motion event listeners are revoked.
+ */
+ bool removeView( const UnoViewSharedPtr& rView );
+ /** Clear all registered handlers.
+ */
+ void clear();
+ // TODO(Q3): This is a wart. Remove from this class!
+ // Probably, there should exist a separate ViewContainer,
+ // which would expose such a method.
+ /**
+ */
+ void setMouseCursor( sal_Int16 );
+ // TODO(Q3): This is a wart. Remove from this class!
+ // Probably, there should exist a separate ViewContainer,
+ // which would expose such a method.
+ /** Set volatile mouse cursor.
+ A volatile mouse cursor only stays in effect, as long
+ as the mouse has not moved. As soon as the mouse
+ moves, the mouse cursor is set back to the value set
+ by setMouseCursor().
+ */
+ void setVolatileMouseCursor( sal_Int16 );
+ // Automatic mode methods
+ // =========================================================
+ /** Change automatic mode.
+ @param bIsAuto
+ When true, events will be fired automatically, not
+ only triggered by UI events. When false, auto events
+ will quit.
+ */
+ void setAutomaticMode( bool bIsAuto );
+ /** Get automatic mode setting.
+ */
+ bool getAutomaticMode() const;
+ /** Set the timeout for automatic mode.
+ @param nTimeout
+ Timeout, between end of effect until start of next
+ effect.
+ */
+ void setAutomaticTimeout( double nTimeout );
+ /** Get automatic mode timeout value.
+ */
+ double getAutomaticTimeout() const;
+ // Handler registration methods
+ // =========================================================
+ /** Register an event handler that will be called when the
+ user requests the next effect.
+ For every nextEffect event, only one of the handlers
+ registered here is called. The handlers are considered
+ with decreasing priority, i.e. the handler with the
+ currently highest priority will be called.
+ @param rHandler
+ Handler to call when the next slide starts
+ @param nPriority
+ Priority with which the handlers are called. The
+ higher the priority, the earlier this handler will be
+ tried.
+ */
+ void addNextEffectHandler( const EventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler,
+ double nPriority );
+ void removeNextEffectHandler( const EventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ /** Register an event handler that will be called when the
+ slide is just shown.
+ Note that <em>all</em> registered handlers will be called
+ when the slide start occurs. This is in contrast to
+ the mouse events below.
+ @param rHandler
+ Handler to call when the next slide starts
+ */
+ void addSlideStartHandler( const EventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ void removeSlideStartHandler( const EventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ /** Register an event handler that will be called when the
+ slide is about to vanish.
+ Note that <em>all</em> registered handlers will be
+ called when the slide end occurs. This is in contrast
+ to the mouse events below.
+ @param rHandler
+ Handler to call when the current slide ends
+ */
+ void addSlideEndHandler( const EventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ void removeSlideEndHandler( const EventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ /** Register an event handler that will be called when an
+ XAnimationNode starts its active duration.
+ Note that <em>all</em> registered handlers will be called
+ when the animation start occurs. This is in contrast to
+ the mouse events below.
+ @param rHandler
+ Handler to call when the animation start
+ */
+ void addAnimationStartHandler( const AnimationEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ void removeAnimationStartHandler( const AnimationEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ /** Register an event handler that will be called when an
+ XAnimationNode ends its active duration.
+ Note that <em>all</em> registered handlers will be called
+ when the animation end occurs. This is in contrast to
+ the mouse events below.
+ @param rHandler
+ Handler to call when the animation ends
+ */
+ void addAnimationEndHandler( const AnimationEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ void removeAnimationEndHandler( const AnimationEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ /** Register an event handler that will be called when the
+ main animation sequence of a slide ends its active
+ duration.
+ Note that <em>all</em> registered handlers will be
+ called when the animation end occurs. This is in
+ contrast to the mouse events below.
+ @param rHandler
+ Handler to call when the animation ends
+ */
+ void addSlideAnimationsEndHandler( const EventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ void removeSlideAnimationsEndHandler( const EventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ /** Register an event handler that will be called when an
+ XAudio node's sound stops playing.
+ Note that <em>all</em> registered handlers will be
+ called when the audio stops. This is in contrast to
+ the mouse events below.
+ @param rHandler
+ Handler to call when the audio stops
+ */
+ void addAudioStoppedHandler( const AnimationEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ void removeAudioStoppedHandler( const AnimationEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ /** Register a handler that is called when the show enters
+ or exits pause mode.
+ */
+ void addPauseHandler( const PauseEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ void removePauseHandler( const PauseEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ /** Register a mouse handler that is called on mouse click
+ For every mouse click, only one of the handlers
+ registered here is called. The handlers are considered
+ with decreasing priority, i.e. the handler with the
+ currently highest priority will be called.
+ Since the handlers can reject down and up events
+ individually, handlers should expect to be called with
+ non-matching down and up-press counts. If your handler
+ cannot cope with that, it must have the highest
+ priority of all added handlers.
+ */
+ void addClickHandler( const MouseEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler,
+ double nPriority );
+ void removeClickHandler( const MouseEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ /** Register a mouse handler that is called on a double
+ mouse click
+ For every mouse double click, only one of the handlers
+ registered here is called. The handlers are considered
+ with decreasing priority, i.e. the handler with the
+ currently highest priority will be called.
+ Since the handlers can reject down and up events
+ individually, handlers should expect to be called with
+ non-matching down and up-press counts. If your handler
+ cannot cope with that, it must have the highest
+ priority of all added handlers.
+ */
+ void addDoubleClickHandler( const MouseEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler,
+ double nPriority );
+ void removeDoubleClickHandler( const MouseEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ /** Register a mouse handler that is called for mouse moves.
+ For every mouse move, only one of the handlers
+ registered here is called. The handlers are considered
+ with decreasing priority, i.e. the handler with the
+ currently highest priority will be called.
+ */
+ void addMouseMoveHandler( const MouseEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler,
+ double nPriority );
+ void removeMouseMoveHandler( const MouseEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ // External event notifications
+ // =========================================================
+ /** Notify that the user requested the next effect.
+ This requests the slideshow to display the next
+ effect, or move to the next slide, if none are left.
+ @return true, if this event was processed by
+ anybody. If false is returned, no handler processed
+ this event (and probably, nothing will happen at all)
+ */
+ bool notifyNextEffect();
+ /** Notify that a new slide has started
+ This method is to be used from the Presentation object
+ to signal that a new slide is starting now. This will
+ invoke all registered slide start handlers.
+ @return true, if this event was processed by
+ anybody. If false is returned, no handler processed
+ this event (and probably, nothing will happen at all)
+ */
+ bool notifySlideStartEvent();
+ /** Notify that a slide has ended
+ This method is to be used from the Presentation object
+ to signal that a slide is ending now. This will invoke
+ all registered slide end handlers.
+ @return true, if this event was processed by
+ anybody. If false is returned, no handler processed
+ this event (and probably, nothing will happen at all)
+ */
+ bool notifySlideEndEvent();
+ /** Notify that the given node enters its active duration.
+ This method is to be used from the AnimationNode
+ objects to signal that the active duration
+ begins. This will invoke all registered animation
+ start handlers.
+ @param rNode
+ Node which enters active duration.
+ @return true, if this event was processed by
+ anybody. If false is returned, no handler processed
+ this event (and probably, nothing will happen at all)
+ */
+ bool notifyAnimationStart( const AnimationNodeSharedPtr& rNode );
+ /** Notify that the given node leaves its active duration.
+ This method is to be used from the AnimationNode
+ objects to signal that the active duration
+ ends now. This will invoke all registered animation
+ end handlers.
+ @param rNode
+ Node which leaves active duration.
+ @return true, if this event was processed by
+ anybody. If false is returned, no handler processed
+ this event (and probably, nothing will happen at all)
+ */
+ bool notifyAnimationEnd( const AnimationNodeSharedPtr& rNode );
+ /** Notify that the slide animations sequence leaves its
+ active duration.
+ @return true, if this event was processed by
+ anybody. If false is returned, no handler processed
+ this event (and probably, nothing will happen at all)
+ */
+ bool notifySlideAnimationsEnd();
+ /** Notify that for the given node, audio output has stopped.
+ This method is to be used from the AnimationNode
+ objects to signal that audio playback has just
+ stopped. This will invoke all registered audio
+ stopped andlers.
+ @param rNode
+ Node for which audio has stopped.
+ @return true, if this event was processed by
+ anybody. If false is returned, no handler processed
+ this event (and probably, nothing will happen at all)
+ */
+ bool notifyAudioStopped( const AnimationNodeSharedPtr& rNode );
+ /** Notify that the show has entered or exited pause mode
+ This method is to be used from the Presentation object
+ to signal that a slide is entering (bPauseShow=true)
+ or exiting (bPauseShow=false) pause mode. This will
+ invoke all registered slide end handlers.
+ @return true, if this event was processed by
+ anybody. If false is returned, no handler processed
+ this event (and probably, nothing will happen at all)
+ */
+ bool notifyPauseMode( bool bPauseShow );
+ public:
+ typedef ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper2< ::com::sun::star::awt::XMouseListener,
+ ::com::sun::star::awt::XMouseMotionListener > Listener_UnoBase;
+ /** Listener class
+ Since EventMultiplexer is held by value from clients,
+ had to factor out the UNO interface listener
+ functionality (since UNO is ref-counted only)
+ All methods are forwarded to from EventMultiplexer. See
+ docs there.
+ */
+ class Listener : public ::comphelper::OBaseMutex,
+ public Listener_UnoBase
+ {
+ public:
+ Listener( EventQueue& );
+ // parent method implementations
+ bool addView( const UnoViewSharedPtr& rView );
+ bool removeView( const UnoViewSharedPtr& rView );
+ void clear();
+ void setMouseCursor( sal_Int16 );
+ void setVolatileMouseCursor( sal_Int16 );
+ void setAutomaticMode( bool bIsAuto );
+ bool getAutomaticMode() const;
+ void setAutomaticTimeout( double nTimeout );
+ double getAutomaticTimeout() const;
+ void addNextEffectHandler ( const EventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler,
+ double nPriority );
+ void removeNextEffectHandler ( const EventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ void addSlideStartHandler ( const EventHandlerSharedPtr& rEvent );
+ void removeSlideStartHandler ( const EventHandlerSharedPtr& rEvent );
+ void addSlideEndHandler ( const EventHandlerSharedPtr& rEvent );
+ void removeSlideEndHandler ( const EventHandlerSharedPtr& rEvent );
+ void addAnimationStartHandler ( const AnimationEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ void removeAnimationStartHandler( const AnimationEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ void addAnimationEndHandler ( const AnimationEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ void removeAnimationEndHandler ( const AnimationEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ void addSlideAnimationsEndHandler ( const EventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ void removeSlideAnimationsEndHandler( const EventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ void addAudioStoppedHandler ( const AnimationEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ void removeAudioStoppedHandler ( const AnimationEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ void addPauseHandler ( const PauseEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ void removePauseHandler ( const PauseEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ void addClickHandler ( const MouseEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler,
+ double nPriority );
+ void removeClickHandler ( const MouseEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ void addDoubleClickHandler ( const MouseEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler,
+ double nPriority );
+ void removeDoubleClickHandler ( const MouseEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ void addMouseMoveHandler ( const MouseEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler,
+ double nPriority );
+ void removeMouseMoveHandler ( const MouseEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler );
+ bool notifyNextEffect ();
+ bool notifySlideStartEvent ();
+ bool notifySlideEndEvent ();
+ bool notifyAnimationStart ( const AnimationNodeSharedPtr& rNode );
+ bool notifyAnimationEnd ( const AnimationNodeSharedPtr& rNode );
+ bool notifySlideAnimationsEnd ();
+ bool notifyAudioStopped ( const AnimationNodeSharedPtr& rNode );
+ bool notifyPauseMode ( bool bPauseShow );
+ // internal method implementations
+ virtual void SAL_CALL dispose() throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException);
+ // XMouseListener implementation
+ virtual void SAL_CALL disposing( const ::com::sun::star::lang::EventObject& Source ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException);
+ virtual void SAL_CALL mousePressed( const ::com::sun::star::awt::MouseEvent& e ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException);
+ virtual void SAL_CALL mouseReleased( const ::com::sun::star::awt::MouseEvent& e ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException);
+ virtual void SAL_CALL mouseEntered( const ::com::sun::star::awt::MouseEvent& e ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException);
+ virtual void SAL_CALL mouseExited( const ::com::sun::star::awt::MouseEvent& e ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException);
+ // XMouseMotionListener implementation
+ virtual void SAL_CALL mouseDragged( const ::com::sun::star::awt::MouseEvent& e ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException);
+ virtual void SAL_CALL mouseMoved( const ::com::sun::star::awt::MouseEvent& e ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException);
+ private:
+ bool isMouseListenerRegistered() const;
+ struct MouseEventHandlerEntry
+ {
+ MouseEventHandlerEntry( const MouseEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler,
+ double nPriority ) :
+ mpHandler( rHandler ),
+ mnPriority( nPriority )
+ {
+ }
+ MouseEventHandlerSharedPtr mpHandler;
+ double mnPriority;
+ /** To facilitate bind access.
+ Note: though this should normally be a return
+ by value, current gcc chokes on that in the
+ nested bind case (see EventMultiplexer.cxx,
+ last statement in the processHandlers method
+ */
+ const MouseEventHandlerSharedPtr& getHandler() const
+ {
+ return mpHandler;
+ }
+ /// To sort according to priority
+ bool operator<( const MouseEventHandlerEntry& rRHS ) const
+ {
+ // reversed order - high prioritized entries
+ // should be at the beginning of the queue
+ return mnPriority > rRHS.mnPriority;
+ }
+ /// To permit ::std::remove in removeHandler template
+ bool operator==( const MouseEventHandlerSharedPtr& rRHS ) const
+ {
+ return mpHandler == rRHS;
+ }
+ };
+ typedef ::std::vector< EventHandlerSharedPtr > ImplEventHandlers;
+ typedef ::std::vector< AnimationEventHandlerSharedPtr > ImplAnimationHandlers;
+ typedef ::std::vector< PauseEventHandlerSharedPtr > ImplPauseHandlers;
+ typedef ::std::vector< MouseEventHandlerEntry > ImplMouseHandlers;
+ template< typename Container, typename Handler >
+ void addHandler( Container& rContainer,
+ const ::boost::shared_ptr< Handler >& rHandler );
+ template< typename Container, typename Handler >
+ void removeHandler( Container& rContainer,
+ const ::boost::shared_ptr< Handler >& rHandler );
+ template< typename Function > void forEachView( Function pViewMethod );
+ template< typename RegisterFunction >
+ void addMouseHandler( ImplMouseHandlers& rHandlerContainer,
+ const MouseEventHandlerSharedPtr& rHandler,
+ double nPriority,
+ RegisterFunction pRegisterListener );
+ bool notifyHandlers( const EventMultiplexer::Listener::ImplEventHandlers& rHandlerContainer );
+ bool notifyHandlers( const EventMultiplexer::Listener::ImplAnimationHandlers& rHandlerContainer,
+ const AnimationNodeSharedPtr& rNode );
+ bool notifyHandlers( const EventMultiplexer::Listener::ImplMouseHandlers& rQueue,
+ bool (MouseEventHandler::*pHandlerMethod)( const ::com::sun::star::awt::MouseEvent& ),
+ const ::com::sun::star::awt::MouseEvent& e );
+ /// Called for automatic nextEffect
+ void tick();
+ /// Schedules a tick event
+ void scheduleTick();
+ /// Schedules tick events, if mbIsAutoMode is true
+ void handleTicks();
+ void implSetMouseCursor( sal_Int16 ) const;
+ EventQueue& mrEventQueue;
+ UnoViewVector maViews;
+ ImplEventHandlers maNextEffectHandlers;
+ ImplEventHandlers maSlideStartHandlers;
+ ImplEventHandlers maSlideEndHandlers;
+ ImplAnimationHandlers maAnimationStartHandlers;
+ ImplAnimationHandlers maAnimationEndHandlers;
+ ImplEventHandlers maSlideAnimationsEndHandlers;
+ ImplAnimationHandlers maAudioStoppedHandlers;
+ ImplPauseHandlers maPauseHandlers;
+ ImplMouseHandlers maMouseClickHandlers;
+ ImplMouseHandlers maMouseDoubleClickHandlers;
+ ImplMouseHandlers maMouseMoveHandlers;
+ double mnTimeout;
+ sal_Int16 mnMouseCursor;
+ sal_Int16 mnVolatileMouseCursor;
+ sal_Int16 mnLastVolatileMouseCursor;
+ bool mbIsAutoMode;
+ };
+ private:
+ // default: disabled copy/assignment
+ EventMultiplexer(const EventMultiplexer&);
+ EventMultiplexer& operator=( const EventMultiplexer& );
+ typedef ::rtl::Reference< Listener > ListenerRef;
+ // Ref-counted Listener
+ ListenerRef mpListener;
+ };
+ }