path: root/migrationanalysis/src/wizard/Analyse.bas
diff options
authorRelease Engineers <>2009-05-05 09:13:52 +0000
committerRelease Engineers <>2009-05-05 09:13:52 +0000
commitb96ac756f02d5deac3b2077f8351873f12e26ee6 (patch)
tree4cbb28a2168b9e9a73e80918ecc54736e6dcb36a /migrationanalysis/src/wizard/Analyse.bas
parent2ac6e140e6b8326c6df8f3c573fb09a73b0823e4 (diff)
CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS paw06
2009-04-15 12:26:51 +0200 dv r270831 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS paw06 to trunk@270723 (milestone: DEV300:m46) 2009-04-14 07:51:18 +0200 dv r270745 : Prepare for opensourceing PAW
Diffstat (limited to 'migrationanalysis/src/wizard/Analyse.bas')
1 files changed, 592 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/migrationanalysis/src/wizard/Analyse.bas b/migrationanalysis/src/wizard/Analyse.bas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b74838057e60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/migrationanalysis/src/wizard/Analyse.bas
@@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
+Attribute VB_Name = "Analyse"
+' *
+' *
+' * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+' *
+' * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+' *
+' * $RCSfile: Analyse.bas,v $
+' * $Revision: $
+' *
+' * This file is part of
+' *
+' * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+' * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+' * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+' *
+' * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+' * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+' * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+' * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+' *
+' * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+' * version 3 along with If not, see
+' * <>
+' * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+' *
+' ************************************************************************/
+Option Explicit
+Private Const C_STAT_NOT_STARTED As Integer = 1
+Private Const C_STAT_RETRY As Integer = 2
+Private Const C_STAT_ERROR As Integer = 3
+Private Const C_STAT_DONE As Integer = 4
+Private Const C_STAT_ABORTED As Integer = 5
+Private Const C_MAX_RETRIES As Integer = 5
+Private Const C_ABORT_TIMEOUT As Integer = 30
+Private Const MAX_WAIT_TIME As Long = 600
+Private Const C_STAT_FINISHED As String = "finished"
+Private Const C_STAT_ANALYSED As String = "analysed="
+Private Const C_STAT_ANALYSING As String = "analysing="
+Private Const CSINGLE_FILE As String = "singlefile"
+Private Const CFILE_LIST As String = "filelist"
+Private Const CSTAT_FILE As String = "statfilename"
+Private Const CLAST_CHECKPOINT As String = "LastCheckpoint"
+Private Const CNEXT_FILE As String = "NextFile"
+Private Const C_ABORT_ANALYSIS As String = "AbortAnalysis"
+Private Const CAPPNAME_WORD As String = "word"
+Private Const CAPPNAME_EXCEL As String = "excel"
+Private Const CAPPNAME_POWERPOINT As String = "powerpoint"
+Private Const C_EXENAME_WORD As String = "winword.exe"
+Private Const C_EXENAME_EXCEL As String = "excel.exe"
+Private Const C_EXENAME_POWERPOINT As String = "powerpnt.exe"
+Const CNEW_RESULTS_FILE = "newresultsfile"
+Const C_LAUNCH_DRIVER = ".\resources\LaunchDrivers.exe"
+ cb As Long
+ lpReserved As String
+ lpDesktop As String
+ lpTitle As String
+ dwX As Long
+ dwY As Long
+ dwXSize As Long
+ dwYSize As Long
+ dwXCountChars As Long
+ dwYCountChars As Long
+ dwFillAttribute As Long
+ dwFlags As Long
+ wShowWindow As Integer
+ cbReserved2 As Integer
+ lpReserved2 As Long
+ hStdInput As Long
+ hStdOutput As Long
+ hStdError As Long
+End Type
+ hProcess As Long
+ hThread As Long
+ dwProcessID As Long
+ dwThreadID As Long
+End Type
+Private Declare Function WaitForSingleObject Lib "kernel32" (ByVal _
+ hHandle As Long, ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) As Long
+Private Declare Function CreateProcessA Lib "kernel32" (ByVal _
+ lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpCommandLine As String, ByVal _
+ lpProcessAttributes As Long, ByVal lpThreadAttributes As Long, _
+ ByVal bInheritHandles As Long, ByVal dwCreationFlags As Long, _
+ ByVal lpEnvironment As Long, ByVal lpCurrentDirectory As String, _
+ lpStartupInfo As STARTUPINFO, lpProcessInformation As _
+Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" _
+ (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
+Private Declare Function GetExitCodeProcess Lib "kernel32" _
+ (ByVal hProcess As Long, lpExitCode As Long) As Long
+Private Declare Function TerminateProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Long, _
+ ByVal uExitCode As Long) As Long
+Private Const NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS = &H20&
+Private Const WAIT_TIMEOUT As Long = &H102
+Private Const ABORTED As Long = -2
+' from
+Public Const TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS As Long = 2&
+Public Const MAX_PATH As Long = 260
+ dwSize As Long
+ cntUsage As Long
+ th32ProcessID As Long
+ th32DefaultHeapID As Long
+ th32ModuleID As Long
+ cntThreads As Long
+ th32ParentProcessID As Long
+ pcPriClassBase As Long
+ dwFlags As Long
+ szExeFile As String * MAX_PATH
+End Type
+Public Declare Function CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Lib "kernel32" _
+ (ByVal lFlags As Long, ByVal lProcessID As Long) As Long
+Public Declare Function ProcessFirst Lib "kernel32" _
+ Alias "Process32First" _
+ (ByVal hSnapShot As Long, uProcess As PROCESSENTRY32) As Long
+Public Declare Function ProcessNext Lib "kernel32" _
+ Alias "Process32Next" _
+ (ByVal hSnapShot As Long, uProcess As PROCESSENTRY32) As Long
+Public Function IsOfficeAppRunning(curApplication As String) As Boolean
+'DV: we need some error handling here
+ Dim hSnapShot As Long
+ Dim uProcess As PROCESSENTRY32
+ Dim success As Long
+ Dim bRet As Boolean
+ Dim bAppFound As Boolean
+ Dim exeName As String
+ Dim curExeName As String
+ bRet = True
+ On Error GoTo FinalExit
+ curExeName = LCase$(curApplication)
+ If (curExeName = CAPPNAME_WORD) Then
+ exeName = C_EXENAME_WORD
+ ElseIf (curExeName = CAPPNAME_EXCEL) Then
+ ElseIf (curExeName = CAPPNAME_POWERPOINT) Then
+ Else
+ GoTo FinalExit
+ End If
+ hSnapShot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0&)
+ If hSnapShot = -1 Then GoTo FinalExit
+ uProcess.dwSize = Len(uProcess)
+ success = ProcessFirst(hSnapShot, uProcess)
+ bAppFound = False
+ While ((success = 1) And Not bAppFound)
+ Dim i As Long
+ i = InStr(1, uProcess.szExeFile, Chr(0))
+ curExeName = LCase$(Left$(uProcess.szExeFile, i - 1))
+ If (curExeName = exeName) Then
+ bAppFound = True
+ Else
+ success = ProcessNext(hSnapShot, uProcess)
+ End If
+ Wend
+ bRet = bAppFound
+ Call CloseHandle(hSnapShot)
+ IsOfficeAppRunning = bRet
+End Function
+Private Sub CalculateProgress(statusFileName As String, fso As FileSystemObject, _
+ lastIndex As Long, docOffset As Long, _
+ myDocList As Collection)
+ On Error GoTo FinalExit
+ Dim curFile As String
+ Dim fileCont As TextStream
+ Dim myFile As file
+ If (fso.FileExists(statusFileName)) Then
+ Dim statLine As String
+ Set fileCont = fso.OpenTextFile(statusFileName, ForReading, False, TristateTrue)
+ statLine = fileCont.ReadLine
+ If (Left(statLine, Len(C_STAT_ANALYSED)) = C_STAT_ANALYSED) Then
+ curFile = Mid(statLine, Len(C_STAT_ANALYSED) + 1)
+ ElseIf (Left(statLine, Len(C_STAT_ANALYSING)) = C_STAT_ANALYSING) Then
+ curFile = Mid(statLine, Len(C_STAT_ANALYSING) + 1)
+ End If
+ End If
+ ' when we don't have a file, we will show the name of the last used file in
+ ' the progress window
+ If (curFile = "") Then curFile = myDocList.item(lastIndex)
+ If (GetDocumentIndex(curFile, myDocList, lastIndex)) Then
+ Set myFile = fso.GetFile(curFile)
+ Call ShowProgress.SP_UpdateProgress(myFile.Name, myFile.ParentFolder.path, lastIndex + docOffset)
+ End If
+ If Not (fileCont Is Nothing) Then fileCont.Close
+ Set fileCont = Nothing
+ Set myFile = Nothing
+End Sub
+Function CheckAliveStatus(statFileName As String, _
+ curApplication As String, _
+ lastDate As Date, _
+ fso As FileSystemObject) As Boolean
+ Dim isAlive As Boolean
+ Dim currDate As Date
+ Dim statFile As file
+ Dim testing As Long
+ isAlive = False
+ If Not fso.FileExists(statFileName) Then
+ currDate = Now()
+ If (val(DateDiff("s", lastDate, currDate)) > MAX_WAIT_TIME) Then
+ isAlive = False
+ Else
+ isAlive = True
+ End If
+ Else
+ Set statFile = fso.GetFile(statFileName)
+ currDate = statFile.DateLastModified
+ If (currDate > lastDate) Then
+ lastDate = currDate
+ isAlive = True
+ Else
+ currDate = Now()
+ If (lastDate >= currDate) Then ' There might be some inaccuracies in file and system dates
+ isAlive = True
+ ElseIf (val(DateDiff("s", lastDate, currDate)) > MAX_WAIT_TIME) Then
+ isAlive = False
+ Else
+ isAlive = IsOfficeAppRunning(curApplication)
+ End If
+ End If
+ End If
+ CheckAliveStatus = isAlive
+End Function
+Sub TerminateOfficeApps(fso As FileSystemObject, aParameter As String)
+ Dim msoKillFileName As String
+ msoKillFileName = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(".\resources\msokill.exe")
+ If fso.FileExists(msoKillFileName) Then
+ Shell msoKillFileName & aParameter
+ Else
+ End If
+End Sub
+Public Function launchDriver(statFileName As String, cmdLine As String, _
+ curApplication As String, fso As FileSystemObject, _
+ myDocList As Collection, myOffset As Long, _
+ myIniFilePath As String) As Long
+ Dim start As STARTUPINFO
+ Dim ret As Long
+ Dim currDate As Date
+ Dim lastIndex As Long
+ currDate = Now()
+ lastIndex = 1
+ ' Initialize the STARTUPINFO structure:
+ start.cb = Len(start)
+ ' Start the shelled application:
+ ret = CreateProcessA(vbNullString, cmdLine$, 0&, 0&, 1&, _
+ NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, 0&, vbNullString, start, proc)
+ ' Wait for the shelled application to finish:
+ Do
+ ret = WaitForSingleObject(proc.hProcess, 100)
+ If ret <> WAIT_TIMEOUT Then
+ Exit Do
+ End If
+ If Not CheckAliveStatus(statFileName, curApplication, currDate, fso) Then
+ ' Try to close open office dialogs and then wait a little bit
+ TerminateOfficeApps fso, " --close"
+ ret = WaitForSingleObject(proc.hProcess, 1000)
+ ' next try to kill all office programs and then wait a little bit
+ TerminateOfficeApps fso, " --kill"
+ ret = WaitForSingleObject(proc.hProcess, 1000)
+ ret = TerminateProcess(proc.hProcess, "0")
+ Exit Do
+ End If
+ If (ShowProgress.g_SP_Abort) Then
+ WriteToLog C_ABORT_ANALYSIS, True, myIniFilePath
+ Call HandleAbort(proc.hProcess, curApplication)
+ ret = ABORTED
+ Exit Do
+ End If
+ Call CalculateProgress(statFileName, fso, lastIndex, myOffset, myDocList)
+ DoEvents 'allow other processes
+ Loop While True
+ If (ret <> WAIT_TIMEOUT) And (ret <> ABORTED) Then
+ Call GetExitCodeProcess(proc.hProcess, ret&)
+ End If
+ Call CloseHandle(proc.hThread)
+ Call CloseHandle(proc.hProcess)
+ launchDriver = ret
+End Function
+Function CheckAnalyseStatus(statusFileName As String, _
+ lastFile As String, _
+ fso As FileSystemObject) As Integer
+ Dim currStatus As Integer
+ Dim fileCont As TextStream
+ If Not fso.FileExists(statusFileName) Then
+ currStatus = C_STAT_NOT_STARTED
+ Else
+ Dim statText As String
+ Set fileCont = fso.OpenTextFile(statusFileName, ForReading, False, TristateTrue)
+ statText = fileCont.ReadLine
+ If (statText = C_STAT_FINISHED) Then
+ currStatus = C_STAT_DONE
+ ElseIf (Left(statText, Len(C_STAT_ANALYSED)) = C_STAT_ANALYSED) Then
+ currStatus = C_STAT_RETRY
+ lastFile = Mid(statText, Len(C_STAT_ANALYSED) + 1)
+ ElseIf (Left(statText, Len(C_STAT_ANALYSING)) = C_STAT_ANALYSING) Then
+ currStatus = C_STAT_RETRY
+ lastFile = Mid(statText, Len(C_STAT_ANALYSING) + 1)
+ Else
+ currStatus = C_STAT_ERROR
+ End If
+ fileCont.Close
+ End If
+ CheckAnalyseStatus = currStatus
+End Function
+Function WriteDocsToAnalyze(myDocList As Collection, myApp As String, _
+ fso As FileSystemObject) As String
+ On Error GoTo HandleErrors
+ Dim currentFunctionName As String
+ currentFunctionName = "WriteDocsToAnalyze"
+ Dim TempPath As String
+ Dim fileName As String
+ Dim fileContent As TextStream
+ fileName = ""
+ TempPath = fso.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder).path
+ If (TempPath = "") Then
+ TempPath = "."
+ End If
+ Dim vFileName As Variant
+ Dim Index As Long
+ Dim limit As Long
+ limit = myDocList.count
+ If (limit > 0) Then
+ fileName = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(TempPath & "\FileList" & myApp & ".txt")
+ Set fileContent = fso.OpenTextFile(fileName, ForWriting, True, TristateTrue)
+ For Index = 1 To limit
+ vFileName = myDocList(Index)
+ fileContent.WriteLine (vFileName)
+ Next
+ fileContent.Close
+ End If
+ Set fileContent = Nothing
+ WriteDocsToAnalyze = fileName
+ Exit Function
+ WriteDebug currentFunctionName & " : " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description & " " & Err.Source
+ Resume FinalExit
+End Function
+' This function looks for the given document name in the document collection
+' and returns TRUE and the position of the document in that collection if found,
+' FALSE otherwise
+Function GetDocumentIndex(myDocument As String, _
+ myDocList As Collection, _
+ lastIndex As Long) As Boolean
+ Dim currentFunctionName As String
+ currentFunctionName = "GetDocumentIndex"
+ On Error GoTo HandleErrors
+ Dim lastEntry As Long
+ Dim curIndex As Long
+ Dim curEntry As String
+ Dim entryFound As Boolean
+ entryFound = False
+ lastEntry = myDocList.count
+ curIndex = lastIndex
+ ' We start the search at the position of the last found
+ ' document
+ While Not entryFound And curIndex <= lastEntry
+ curEntry = myDocList.item(curIndex)
+ If (curEntry = myDocument) Then
+ lastIndex = curIndex
+ entryFound = True
+ Else
+ curIndex = curIndex + 1
+ End If
+ Wend
+ ' When we could not find the document, we start the search
+ ' from the beginning of the list
+ If Not entryFound Then
+ curIndex = 1
+ While Not entryFound And curIndex <= lastIndex
+ curEntry = myDocList.item(curIndex)
+ If (curEntry = myDocument) Then
+ lastIndex = curIndex
+ entryFound = True
+ Else
+ curIndex = curIndex + 1
+ End If
+ Wend
+ End If
+ GetDocumentIndex = entryFound
+ Exit Function
+ WriteDebug currentFunctionName & " : " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description & " " & Err.Source
+ Resume FinalExit
+End Function
+Function AnalyseList(myDocList As Collection, _
+ myApp As String, _
+ myIniFilePath As String, _
+ myOffset As Long, _
+ analysisAborted As Boolean) As Boolean
+ On Error GoTo HandleErrors
+ Dim currentFunctionName As String
+ currentFunctionName = "AnalyseList"
+ Dim cmdLine As String
+ Dim filelist As String
+ Dim statFileName As String
+ Dim finished As Boolean
+ Dim analyseStatus As Integer
+ Dim nRetries As Integer
+ Dim lastFile As String
+ Dim lastHandledFile As String
+ Dim launchStatus As Long
+ Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
+ Dim progressTitle As String
+ filelist = WriteDocsToAnalyze(myDocList, myApp, fso)
+ cmdLine = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(C_LAUNCH_DRIVER) & " " & myApp
+ finished = False
+ Dim TempPath As String
+ TempPath = fso.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder).path
+ If (TempPath = "") Then TempPath = "."
+ statFileName = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(TempPath & "\StatFile" & myApp & ".txt")
+ If (fso.FileExists(statFileName)) Then fso.DeleteFile (statFileName)
+ WriteToLog CFILE_LIST, filelist, myIniFilePath
+ WriteToLog CSTAT_FILE, statFileName, myIniFilePath
+ WriteToLog CLAST_CHECKPOINT, "", myIniFilePath
+ WriteToLog CNEXT_FILE, "", myIniFilePath
+ WriteToLog C_ABORT_ANALYSIS, "", myIniFilePath
+ ' In this loop we will restart the driver until we have finished the analysis
+ nRetries = 0
+ While Not finished And nRetries < C_MAX_RETRIES
+ launchStatus = launchDriver(statFileName, cmdLine, myApp, fso, _
+ myDocList, myOffset, myIniFilePath)
+ If (launchStatus = ABORTED) Then
+ finished = True
+ analyseStatus = C_STAT_ABORTED
+ analysisAborted = True
+ Else
+ analyseStatus = CheckAnalyseStatus(statFileName, lastHandledFile, fso)
+ End If
+ If (analyseStatus = C_STAT_DONE) Then
+ finished = True
+ ElseIf (analyseStatus = C_STAT_RETRY) Then
+ If (lastHandledFile = lastFile) Then
+ nRetries = nRetries + 1
+ Else
+ lastFile = lastHandledFile
+ nRetries = 1
+ End If
+ Else
+ nRetries = nRetries + 1
+ End If
+ Wend
+ If (analyseStatus = C_STAT_DONE) Then
+ AnalyseList = True
+ Else
+ AnalyseList = False
+ End If
+ 'The next driver should not overwrite this result file
+ WriteToLog CNEW_RESULTS_FILE, "False", myIniFilePath
+ Set fso = Nothing
+ Exit Function
+ AnalyseList = False
+ WriteDebug currentFunctionName & " : " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description & " " & Err.Source
+ Resume FinalExit
+End Function
+Sub HandleAbort(hProcess As Long, curApplication As String)
+ On Error Resume Next
+ Dim ret As Long
+ Dim curDate As Date
+ Dim stillWaiting As Boolean
+ Dim killApplication As Boolean
+ Dim waitTime As Long
+ curDate = Now()
+ stillWaiting = True
+ killApplication = False
+ While stillWaiting
+ stillWaiting = IsOfficeAppRunning(curApplication)
+ If (stillWaiting) Then
+ waitTime = val(DateDiff("s", curDate, Now()))
+ If (waitTime > C_ABORT_TIMEOUT) Then
+ stillWaiting = False
+ killApplication = True
+ End If
+ End If
+ Wend
+ If (killApplication) Then
+ ShowProgress.g_SP_AllowOtherDLG = True
+ TerminateMSO.Show vbModal, ShowProgress
+ End If
+ ret = TerminateProcess(hProcess, "0")
+End Sub