path: root/lingucomponent/source/hyphenator/altlinuxhyph/hyphtabs
diff options
authornidd <>2001-12-25 07:33:48 +0000
committernidd <>2001-12-25 07:33:48 +0000
commit2295f7090ed4c8cd36e71051188ffa374d284a9e (patch)
tree714d483d8b79afd3a59d04ab399ad303951e0a30 /lingucomponent/source/hyphenator/altlinuxhyph/hyphtabs
parentc80769b06e865d0a6bc066c8cc37b8ba369e4416 (diff)
Import of hyphenation data files.
Diffstat (limited to 'lingucomponent/source/hyphenator/altlinuxhyph/hyphtabs')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lingucomponent/source/hyphenator/altlinuxhyph/hyphtabs/ b/lingucomponent/source/hyphenator/altlinuxhyph/hyphtabs/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..2f27b6b8e95d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lingucomponent/source/hyphenator/altlinuxhyph/hyphtabs/
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# A utility for finding substring embeddings in patterns
+$fn = $ARGV[0];
+if (!-e $fn) { $fn = ""; }
+open HYPH, $fn;
+open OUT, ">$ARGV[1]";
+while (<HYPH>)
+ if (/^\%/) {
+ #comment, ignore
+ } elsif (/^(.+)\%/) {
+ $origpat = $1;
+ $pat = $1;
+ $pat =~ s/\d//g;
+ push @patlist, $pat;
+ $pattab{$pat} = $origpat;
+ } elsif (/^(.+)$/) {
+ $origpat = $1;
+ $pat = $1;
+ $pat =~ s/\d//g;
+ push @patlist, $pat;
+ $pattab{$pat} = $origpat;
+ }
+foreach $pat (@patlist) {
+ $patsize = length $pat;
+ for $i (0..$patsize - 1) {
+ for $j (1..$patsize - $i) {
+ $subpat = substr ($pat, $i, $j);
+# print "$pattab{$pat} $i $j $subpat $pattab{$subpat}\n";
+ if (defined $pattab{$subpat}) {
+ print "$pattab{$subpat} is embedded in $pattab{$pat}\n";
+ $newpat = substr $pat, 0, $i + $j;
+ if (!defined $newpattab{$newpat}) {
+ $newpattab{$newpat} =
+ substr ($pat, 0, $i).$pattab{$subpat};
+ $ss = substr ($pat, 0, $i);
+ print "$ss+$pattab{$subpat}\n";
+ push @newpatlist, $newpat;
+ } else {
+ $tmp = $newpattab{$newpat};
+ $newpattab{$newpat} =
+ combine ($newpattab{$newpat}, $pattab{$subpat});
+ print "$tmp + $pattab{$subpat} -> $newpattab{$newpat}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+foreach $pat (@newpatlist) {
+ print OUT $newpattab{$pat}."\n";
+#convert 'n1im' to 0n1i0m0 expresed as a list
+sub expand {
+ my ($pat) = @_;
+ my $last = '.';
+ my @exp = ();
+ foreach $c (split (//, $pat)) {
+ if ($last =~ /[\D]/ && $c =~ /[\D]/) {
+ push @exp, 0;
+ }
+ push @exp, $c;
+ $last = $c;
+ }
+ if ($last =~ /[\D]/) {
+ push @exp, 0;
+ }
+ return @exp;
+# Combine two patterns, i.e. .ad4der + a2d becomes .a2d4der
+# The second pattern needs to be a substring of the first (modulo digits)
+sub combine {
+ my @exp = expand shift;
+ my @subexp = expand shift;
+ my $pat1, $pat2;
+ my $i;
+ $pat1 = join ('', map { $_ =~ /\d/ ? () : $_ } @exp);
+ $pat2 = join ('', map { $_ =~ /\d/ ? () : $_ } @subexp);
+ for $i (0..length ($pat1) - length ($pat2)) {
+ if (substr ($pat1, $i, length $pat2) eq $subpat) {
+ for ($j = 0; $j < @subexp; $j += 2) {
+# print ("$i $j $subexp[$j] $exp[2 * $i + $j]\n");
+ if ($subexp[$j] > $exp[2 * $i + $j]) {
+ $exp[2 * $i + $j] = $subexp[$j];
+ }
+ }
+ print ("$pat1 includes $pat2 at pos $i\n");
+ }
+ }
+ return join ('', map { $_ eq '0' ? () : $_ } @exp);