path: root/graphite
diff options
authorFridrich Štrba <>2011-02-09 16:20:19 +0100
committerFridrich Štrba <>2011-02-09 19:57:34 +0100
commita0c84cafa562960871d8d98f086fefacdb5c784f (patch)
tree2e83da7c7ffa3809395acd8d8d8f374c582f82a8 /graphite
parent93c24cc5b43fae266c99e7b058de3050c3a722fe (diff)
Trying to remove the stlport mention from the code
Diffstat (limited to 'graphite')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/graphite/graphite-2.3.1.patch b/graphite/graphite-2.3.1.patch
index 934eb8eaad49..c15edb785cdd 100644
--- a/graphite/graphite-2.3.1.patch
+++ b/graphite/graphite-2.3.1.patch
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
+### HDU: disabled building with the normal compile flags
+###CPPFLAGS= /Zc:wchar_t- /nologo /W4 /GR /EHsc /I "./src/font" /I "./src/painter" /I "./src/segment" /I "./src/textsource" /I "./src/generic" /I "./include/graphite" /I "../wrappers/win32" /D "GR_NAMESPACE" /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_UNICODE" /D "UNICODE" /D "TRACING" /Fp"$(INTDIR)\graphite.pch" /Fd"$(INTDIR)\\" /FD /c
+### HDU: because for full binary compatibility with the rest of OOo all compile flags must match exactly
-+### which is especially true for template-heavy C++ code with non-default config (e.g. _STLP_DEBUG enabled)
++### which is especially true for template-heavy C++ code with non-default config (e.g. _DEBUG_RUNTIME enabled)
+CPPFLAGS= $(CFLAGS4MSC) /nologo /W4 /I "./src/font" /I "./src/painter" /I "./src/segment" /I "./src/textsource" /I "./src/generic" /I "./include/graphite" /I "../wrappers/win32" /D "GR_NAMESPACE" /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_UNICODE" /D "UNICODE" /D "TRACING" /Fp"$(INTDIR)\graphite.pch" /FD /c
# /Wp62