path: root/extensions
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authorJoachim Lingner <>2001-12-06 08:02:10 +0000
committerJoachim Lingner <>2001-12-06 08:02:10 +0000
commitae19fdff5c2fce5c998a80bbe1fa3cf30fa89aad (patch)
tree60dd617ad9a3eb39323e0b45dbcc78691e0a9b8a /extensions
parent2574c30c6ed9840fef1624d8e1e746c2251fc677 (diff)
*** empty log message ***
Diffstat (limited to 'extensions')
2 files changed, 171 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/test/ole/VisualBasic/Module1.bas b/extensions/test/ole/VisualBasic/Module1.bas
index e8655dccfc91..cd40ec6a3d12 100644
--- a/extensions/test/ole/VisualBasic/Module1.bas
+++ b/extensions/test/ole/VisualBasic/Module1.bas
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ Sub Main()
Dim tmpVar As Variant
Dim ret As Variant
+Dim bError As Boolean
ret = objOleTest.in_methodByte(10)
Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
ret = objOleTest.in_methodFloat(3.14)
@@ -166,12 +167,26 @@ Debug.Print "out Any " & CStr(outString)
' COM obj
Dim retObj As Object
-'OleTest calls a disposing on the object
+'OleTest receives a COM object that implements XEventListener
+'OleTest then calls a disposing on the object. The object then will be
+'asked if it has been called
+objEventListener.setQuiet True
Set retObj = objOleTest.in_methodInvocation(objEventListener)
-'The returned object should be objEventListener, test it
+ret = objEventListener.disposingCalled
+If ret = False Then
+ MsgBox "Error"
+End If
+'The returned object should be objEventListener, test it by calling disposing
' takes an IDispatch as Param ( EventObject).To provide a TypeMismatch
'we put in another IDispatch
-objEventListener.disposing objEventListener
+retObj.disposing objEventListener
+If retObj.disposingCalled = False Then
+ MsgBox "Error"
+End If
' out param gives out the OleTestComponent
objOleTest.testout_methodXInterface retObj
@@ -213,6 +228,7 @@ For countvar = 0 To 2
arrLong(countvar) = countvar + 10
Debug.Print countvar
Set arrObj(countvar) = CreateObject("VBasicEventListener.VBEventListener")
+ arrObj(countvar).setQuiet True
'Arrays always contain VARIANTS
@@ -225,7 +241,11 @@ Next
seq = objOleTest.methodXInterface(arrObj)
For countvar = 0 To 2
Dim tmp As Object
- seq(countvar).disposing tmp
+ seq(countvar).resetDisposing
+ seq(countvar).disposing tmp
+ If seq(countvar).disposingCalled = False Then
+ MsgBox "Error"
+ End If
'Get a sequence created in UNO, out param is Variant ( VT_BYREF|VT_VARIANT)
@@ -266,10 +286,138 @@ Dim key5
For Each key5 In inoutVar
Debug.Print CStr(key5)
+'Multidimensional array
+' Sequence< Sequence<long> > methodSequence( Sequence< Sequence long> >)
+' Real multidimensional array Array
+' 9 is Dim 1 (least significant) with C API
+Dim mulAr(9, 1) As Long
+Dim i As Long, j As Long
+For i = 0 To 1
+ For j = 0 To 9
+ mulAr(j, i) = i * 10 + j
+ Next j
+Next i
+Dim resMul As Variant
+resMul = objOleTest.methodSequence(mulAr)
+Dim countDim1 As Long
+Dim countDim2 As Long
+For countDim2 = 0 To 1
+ Dim arr
+ arr = resMul(countDim2)
+ For countDim1 = 0 To 9
+ Debug.Print arr(countDim1)
+ If arr(countDim1) <> mulAr(countDim1, countDim2) Then
+ MsgBox "Error Multidimensional Array"
+ End If
+ Next countDim1
+Next countDim2
+IsArray (resMul)
+'Array of VARIANTs containing arrays
+Dim mulAr2(1) As Variant
+Dim arr2(9) As Long
+For i = 0 To 1
+ ' Dim arr(9) As Long
+ For j = 0 To 9
+ arr2(j) = i * 10 + j
+ Next j
+ mulAr2(i) = arr2
+Next i
+resMul = 0
+resMul = objOleTest.methodSequence(mulAr2)
+arr = 0
+For countDim2 = 0 To 1
+ arr = resMul(countDim2)
+ tmpVar = mulAr2(countDim2)
+ For countDim1 = 0 To 9
+ Debug.Print arr(countDim1)
+ If arr(countDim1) <> tmpVar(countDim1) Then
+ MsgBox "Error Multidimensional Array"
+ End If
+ Next countDim1
+Next countDim2
+'Try to create a hidden document
+Dim objPropValue
+Set objPropValue = objOleTest.Bridge_GetStruct("")
+'Set the members. If this fails then there is an Error
+objPropValue.Name = "hidden"
+objPropValue.Handle = -1
+objPropValue.Value = True
+'create a hidden document
+'Create the Desktop
+Dim objDesktop As Object
+Set objDesktop = objServiceManager.createInstance("")
+'Open a new empty writer document
+Dim args(0) As Object
+Set args(0) = objPropValue
+Dim objDocument As Object
+Set objDocument = objDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, args())
+'Create a text object
+Dim objText As Object
+Set objText = objDocument.GetText
+' call an UNO function that takes an XEventListener interface
+'We provide a COM implementation (IDispatch) as EventListener
+objDocument.addEventListener objEventListener
+If objEventListener.disposingCalled = False Then
+ MsgBox "Error"
+End If
+Dim objVal As Object
+Set objVal = objOleTest.Bridge_GetValueObject()
+Dim arrByte(9) As Byte
+For countvar = 0 To 9
+ arrByte(countvar) = countvar
+Next countvar
+objVal.Set "[]byte", arrByte
+ret = 0
+ret = objOleTest.methodByte(objVal)
+'Test if ret is the same array
+key = 0
+For Each key In ret
+ If ret(key) <> arrByte(key) Then
+ MsgBox "Error"
+ End If
+ Debug.Print ret(key)
+Next key
+objVal.InitInOutParam "[]byte", 10
+objOleTest.testinout_methodByte objVal
+ret = 0
+ret = objVal.Get()
+Debug.Print ret
+If ret <> 11 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+objOleTest.testout_methodChar objVal 'Returns 'A' (65)
+ret = 0
+ret = objVal.Get()
+Debug.Print ret
+If ret <> 65 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
diff --git a/extensions/test/ole/VisualBasic/readme.txt b/extensions/test/ole/VisualBasic/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..22add1fb2141
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/test/ole/VisualBasic/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Runs a test written in VisualBasic. If no error message appears then the test was ok.
+Installed office
+Component oletest.Oletest (extensions/test/ole/cpnt)
+Component VBasicEventListener.VBEventListener (extensions/test/ole/EventListenerSample/VBEventListener
+OleTest is a UNO component. It needs to be registered with the office rdb. Also there are additional
+types (oletest.rdb in wntmsci7/bin/) which must be merged with the rdb.
+VBEventListener is an ActiveX component. The directory contains a Visual Basic Project and also
+the binary VBasicEventListener.dll. This is necessary because the dll contains the type library
+which is needed by VB. Otherwise VB would generate a new CLSID on a new build.
+The dll must be registered on the system. This is done by
+regsvr32 VBasicEventListener.dll
+by a rebuild of the project.