path: root/extensions/test
diff options
authorVladimir Glazounov <>2003-05-22 09:00:32 +0000
committerVladimir Glazounov <>2003-05-22 09:00:32 +0000
commit7168d7de0e9f39c79c3ac07f8890e09aa8daa883 (patch)
tree97848d8577baeda0b8be70b4e622d05980c5bed9 /extensions/test
parenta18150155e7ae2a27ff5f94b0c2ba5c939280823 (diff)
2003/05/07 15:51:21 jl *** empty log message ***
Diffstat (limited to 'extensions/test')
1 files changed, 743 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/test/ole/VisualBasic/Module1.bas b/extensions/test/ole/VisualBasic/Module1.bas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e3ab7b34e46e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/test/ole/VisualBasic/Module1.bas
@@ -0,0 +1,743 @@
+Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
+Option Explicit
+Private objServiceManager
+Private objCoreReflection
+Private objOleTest
+Private objEventListener
+Sub Main()
+ Set objServiceManager = CreateObject("")
+ Set objCoreReflection = objServiceManager.createInstance("")
+ ' extensions/test/ole/cpnt
+ Set objOleTest = objServiceManager.createInstance("oletest.OleTest")
+ ' extensions/test/ole/EventListenerSample/VBEventListener
+ Set objEventListener = CreateObject("VBasicEventListener.VBEventListener")
+ Debug.Print TypeName(objOleTest)
+' In Parameter, simple types
+Dim tmpVar As Variant
+Dim ret As Variant
+Dim bError As Boolean
+ret = objOleTest.in_methodByte(10)
+Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
+If ret <> 10 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+ret = objOleTest.in_methodFloat(3.14)
+Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
+If ret <> 3.14 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+Dim d As Double 'try conversion
+d = 3.14
+ret = objOleTest.in_methodFloat(3.14)
+Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
+If ret <> 3.14 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+ret = objOleTest.in_methodDouble(4.14)
+Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
+If ret <> 4.14 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+Dim s As Single
+s = 4.14
+ret = objOleTest.in_methodDouble(s)
+Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
+If (ret < 4.13) And (ret > 4.15) Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+ret = objOleTest.in_methodBool(True)
+Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
+If ret <> True Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+ret = objOleTest.in_methodBool(False)
+Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
+If ret <> False Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+ret = objOleTest.in_methodShort(-10)
+Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
+If ret <> -10 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+ret = objOleTest.in_methodUShort(10)
+Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
+If ret <> 10 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+ret = objOleTest.in_methodLong(-1000000)
+Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
+If ret <> -1000000 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+ret = objOleTest.in_methodULong(1000000)
+Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
+If ret <> 1000000 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+ret = objOleTest.in_methodString("This is a String")
+Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
+If CStr(ret) <> "This is a String" Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+'different character tests
+ret = objOleTest.in_methodChar("A")
+Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
+If ret <> 65 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+'!!!Function returns char, i.e sal_Unicode which VB converts to String
+Dim ret1 As String
+ret1 = objOleTest.in_methodChar("A")
+Debug.Print TypeName(ret1) & " " & CStr(ret1)
+If ret <> 65 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+ret1 = objOleTest.in_methodChar(65)
+Debug.Print TypeName(ret1) & " " & CStr(ret1)
+If ret <> 65 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+ret = objOleTest.in_methodAny("input string")
+Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
+If ret <> "input string" Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+'Call objOleTest.in_methodAll(10, 10.1, 10.111, True, 10, 11, 12, 13, _
+' "A String", "A", "A String in an Any")
+'Out Parameter simple types
+Dim outByte As Byte
+objOleTest.testout_methodByte outByte
+Debug.Print "out byte " & CStr(outByte)
+If outByte <> 111 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+Dim outFloat As Single
+objOleTest.testout_methodFloat outFloat
+Debug.Print "out float " & CStr(outFloat)
+If outFloat <> 3.14 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+Dim outDouble As Double
+objOleTest.testout_methodDouble outDouble
+Debug.Print "out double " & CStr(outDouble)
+If outDouble <> 3.14 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+Dim outBool As Boolean
+objOleTest.testout_methodBool outBool
+Debug.Print "out bool " & CStr(outBool)
+If outBool <> True Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+Dim outInt As Integer
+objOleTest.testout_methodShort outInt
+Debug.Print "out short " & CStr(outInt)
+If outInt <> 222 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+objOleTest.testout_methodUShort outInt
+Debug.Print "out unsignedshort " & CStr(outInt)
+If outInt <> 333 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+Dim outLong As Long
+objOleTest.testout_methodLong outLong
+Debug.Print "out long " & CStr(outLong)
+If outLong <> 444 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+objOleTest.testout_methodULong outLong
+Debug.Print "out unsigned long " & CStr(outLong)
+If outLong <> 555 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+Dim outString As String
+objOleTest.testout_methodString outString
+Debug.Print "out string " & CStr(outString)
+If outString <> "a little string" Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+Dim outChar As Integer
+objOleTest.testout_methodChar outChar
+Debug.Print "out char " & CStr(outChar)
+If outChar <> 65 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+Dim outCharS As String
+objOleTest.testout_methodChar outCharS
+Debug.Print "out char (String) " & CStr(outCharS)
+If outCharS <> "A" Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+objOleTest.testout_methodAny outString
+Debug.Print "out Any " & CStr(outString)
+'Out Parameter simple types (VARIANT var)
+Dim outVar As Variant
+objOleTest.testout_methodByte outVar
+Debug.Print "out Byte (VARIANT) " & CStr(outVar)
+If outVar <> 111 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+objOleTest.testout_methodFloat outVar
+Debug.Print "out float (VARIANT) " & CStr(outVar)
+If outVar <> 3.14 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+objOleTest.testout_methodDouble outVar
+Debug.Print "out double (VARIANT) " & CStr(outVar)
+If outVar <> 3.14 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+objOleTest.testout_methodBool outVar
+Debug.Print "out bool (VARIANT) " & CStr(outVar)
+If outVar <> True Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+objOleTest.testout_methodShort outVar
+Debug.Print "out short (VARIANT) " & CStr(outVar)
+If outVar <> 222 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+objOleTest.testout_methodUShort outVar
+Debug.Print "out unsigned short (VARIANT) " & CStr(outVar)
+If outVar <> 333 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+objOleTest.testout_methodLong outVar
+Debug.Print "out long (VARIANT) " & CStr(outVar)
+If outVar <> 444 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+objOleTest.testout_methodULong outVar
+Debug.Print "out unsigned long (VARIANT) " & CStr(outVar)
+If outVar <> 555 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+objOleTest.testout_methodString outVar
+Debug.Print "out string (VARIANT) " & CStr(outVar)
+If outVar <> "a little string" Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+objOleTest.testout_methodChar outVar
+Debug.Print "out char (VARIANT) " & CStr(outVar)
+If outVar <> 65 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+objOleTest.testout_methodAny outVar
+Debug.Print "out any (VARIANT) " & CStr(outVar)
+If outVar <> "I am a string in an any" Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+'In/Out simple types
+outByte = 10
+objOleTest.testinout_methodByte outByte
+Debug.Print "inout byte " & CStr(outByte)
+If outByte <> 11 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+outFloat = 3.14
+objOleTest.testinout_methodFloat outFloat
+Debug.Print "inout float " & CStr(outFloat)
+If (outFloat > 4.15) And (outFloat < 4.13) Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+outDouble = 4.14
+objOleTest.testinout_methodDouble outDouble
+Debug.Print "inout double " & CStr(outDouble)
+If outDouble <> 5.14 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+outBool = True
+objOleTest.testinout_methodBool outBool
+Debug.Print "inout bool " & CStr(outBool)
+If outBool <> False Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+outInt = 10
+objOleTest.testinout_methodShort outInt
+Debug.Print "inout short " & CStr(outInt)
+If outInt <> 11 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+outInt = 20
+objOleTest.testinout_methodUShort outInt
+Debug.Print "inout unsignedshort " & CStr(outInt)
+If outInt <> 21 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+outLong = 30
+objOleTest.testinout_methodLong outLong
+Debug.Print "inout long " & CStr(outLong)
+If outLong <> 31 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+outLong = 40
+objOleTest.testinout_methodULong outLong
+Debug.Print "inout unsigned long " & CStr(outLong)
+If outLong <> 41 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+outString = "this is an in string"
+objOleTest.testinout_methodString outString
+Debug.Print "inout string " & CStr(outString)
+If outString <> "this is an in string out string" Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+'different Char conversions
+objOleTest.testout_methodChar outString
+Debug.Print "out char (in: String)" & CStr(outString)
+If outString <> "A" Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+objOleTest.testout_methodChar outInt
+Debug.Print "out char (in: Int)" & CStr(outInt)
+If outInt <> 65 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+outString = "this is another in out string"
+objOleTest.testout_methodAny outString
+Debug.Print "out Any " & CStr(outString)
+If outString <> "I am a string in an any" Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+' COM obj
+Dim retObj As Object
+'OleTest receives a COM object that implements XEventListener
+'OleTest then calls a disposing on the object. The object then will be
+'asked if it has been called
+objEventListener.setQuiet True
+Set retObj = objOleTest.in_methodInvocation(objEventListener)
+ret = objEventListener.disposingCalled
+If ret = False Then
+ MsgBox "Error"
+End If
+'The returned object should be objEventListener, test it by calling disposing
+' takes an IDispatch as Param ( EventObject).To provide a TypeMismatch
+'we put in another IDispatch
+retObj.disposing objEventListener
+If retObj.disposingCalled = False Then
+ MsgBox "Error"
+End If
+' out param gives out the OleTestComponent
+objOleTest.testout_methodXInterface retObj
+outVar = Null
+retObj.testout_methodAny outVar
+Debug.Print "test out Interface " & CStr(outVar)
+If outVar <> "I am a string in an any" Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+'in out
+' in: UNO object, the same is expected as out param
+' the function expects OleTest as parameter and sets a value
+Dim objOleTest2 As Object
+Set objOleTest2 = objServiceManager.createInstance("oletest.OleTest")
+'Set a value
+objOleTest2.AttrAny2 = "VBString "
+objOleTest.testinout_methodXInterface2 objOleTest2
+tmpVar = Null
+tmpVar = objOleTest2.AttrAny2
+Debug.Print "in: Uno out: the same object // " & CStr(tmpVar)
+If tmpVar <> "VBString this string was written in the UNO component to the inout pararmeter" Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+'create a struct
+Dim structClass As Object
+Set structClass = objCoreReflection.forName("oletest.SimpleStruct")
+Dim structInstance As Object
+structClass.CreateObject structInstance
+structInstance.message = "Now we are in VB"
+Debug.Print "struct out " & structInstance.message
+If structInstance.message <> "Now we are in VB" Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+'put the struct into OleTest. The same struct will be returned with an added String
+Dim structRet As Object
+Set structRet = objOleTest.in_methodStruct(structInstance)
+Debug.Print "struct in - return " & structRet.message
+If structRet.message <> "Now we are in VBThis string was set in OleTest" Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+'inout later
+Dim arrLong(2) As Long
+Dim arrObj(2) As Object
+Dim countvar As Long
+For countvar = 0 To 2
+ arrLong(countvar) = countvar + 10
+ Debug.Print countvar
+ Set arrObj(countvar) = CreateObject("VBasicEventListener.VBEventListener")
+ arrObj(countvar).setQuiet True
+'Arrays always contain VARIANTS
+Dim seq() As Variant
+seq = objOleTest.methodLong(arrLong)
+For countvar = 0 To 2
+ Debug.Print CStr(seq(countvar))
+ If arrLong(countvar) <> seq(countvar) Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+ End If
+seq = objOleTest.methodXInterface(arrObj)
+For countvar = 0 To 2
+ Dim tmp As Object
+ seq(countvar).resetDisposing
+ seq(countvar).disposing tmp
+ If seq(countvar).disposingCalled = False Then
+ MsgBox "Error"
+ End If
+'Array containing interfaces (element type is VT_DISPATCH)
+Dim arEventListener(2) As Object
+For countvar = 0 To 2
+ Set arEventListener(countvar) = CreateObject("VBasicEventListener.VBEventListener")
+ arEventListener(countvar).setQuiet True
+'The function calls disposing on the listeners
+seq = objOleTest.methodXEventListeners(arEventListener)
+Dim count
+For countvar = 0 To 2
+ If arEventListener(countvar).disposingCalled = False Then
+ MsgBox "Error"
+ End If
+'Array containing interfaces (element type is VT_VARIANT which contains VT_DISPATCH
+Dim arEventListener2(2) As Variant
+For countvar = 0 To 2
+ Set arEventListener2(countvar) = CreateObject("VBasicEventListener.VBEventListener")
+ arEventListener2(countvar).setQuiet True
+seq = objOleTest.methodXEventListeners(arEventListener2)
+For countvar = 0 To 2
+ If arEventListener2(countvar).disposingCalled = False Then
+ MsgBox "Error"
+ End If
+'Variant containing Array containing interfaces (element type is VT_VARIANT which contains VT_DISPATCH
+Dim arEventListener3(2) As Variant
+For countvar = 0 To 2
+ Dim var As Variant
+ Set arEventListener3(countvar) = CreateObject("VBasicEventListener.VBEventListener")
+ arEventListener3(countvar).setQuiet True
+Dim varContAr As Variant
+varContAr = arEventListener3
+seq = objOleTest.methodXEventListeners(varContAr)
+For countvar = 0 To 2
+ If arEventListener3(countvar).disposingCalled = False Then
+ MsgBox "Error"
+ End If
+'Get a sequence created in UNO, out param is Variant ( VT_BYREF|VT_VARIANT)
+Dim seqX As Variant
+objOleTest.testout_methodSequence seqX
+Dim key
+For Each key In seqX
+ Debug.Print CStr(seqX(key))
+ If seqX(key) <> key Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+ End If
+'Get a sequence created in UNO, out param is array Variant ( VT_BYREF|VT_VARIANT|VT_ARRAY)
+Dim seqX2() As Variant
+objOleTest.testout_methodSequence seqX2
+For Each key In seqX2
+ Debug.Print CStr(seqX2(key))
+'pass it to UNO and get it back
+Dim seq7() As Variant
+seq7 = objOleTest.methodLong(seqX)
+Dim key2
+For Each key2 In seq7
+ Debug.Print CStr(seq7(key2))
+ If seqX2(key) <> key Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+ End If
+'in out Array
+' arrLong is Long Array
+Dim inoutVar(2) As Variant
+For countvar = 0 To 2
+ inoutVar(countvar) = countvar + 10
+objOleTest.testinout_methodSequence inoutVar
+countvar = 0
+For countvar = 0 To 2
+ Debug.Print CStr(inoutVar(countvar))
+ If inoutVar(countvar) <> countvar + 11 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+ End If
+'Multidimensional array
+' Sequence< Sequence<long> > methodSequence( Sequence< Sequence long> >)
+' Real multidimensional array Array
+' 9 is Dim 1 (least significant) with C API
+Dim mulAr(9, 1) As Long
+Dim i As Long, j As Long
+For i = 0 To 1
+ For j = 0 To 9
+ mulAr(j, i) = i * 10 + j
+ Next j
+Next i
+Dim resMul As Variant
+resMul = objOleTest.methodSequence(mulAr)
+Dim countDim1 As Long
+Dim countDim2 As Long
+For countDim2 = 0 To 1
+ Dim arr
+ arr = resMul(countDim2)
+ For countDim1 = 0 To 9
+ Debug.Print arr(countDim1)
+ If arr(countDim1) <> mulAr(countDim1, countDim2) Then
+ MsgBox "Error Multidimensional Array"
+ End If
+ Next countDim1
+Next countDim2
+IsArray (resMul)
+'Array of VARIANTs containing arrays
+Dim mulAr2(1) As Variant
+Dim arr2(9) As Long
+For i = 0 To 1
+ ' Dim arr(9) As Long
+ For j = 0 To 9
+ arr2(j) = i * 10 + j
+ Next j
+ mulAr2(i) = arr2
+Next i
+resMul = 0
+resMul = objOleTest.methodSequence(mulAr2)
+arr = 0
+For countDim2 = 0 To 1
+ arr = resMul(countDim2)
+ tmpVar = mulAr2(countDim2)
+ For countDim1 = 0 To 9
+ Debug.Print arr(countDim1)
+ If arr(countDim1) <> tmpVar(countDim1) Then
+ MsgBox "Error Multidimensional Array"
+ End If
+ Next countDim1
+Next countDim2
+'Array containing interfaces (element type is VT_DISPATCH)
+Dim arArEventListener(1, 2) As Object
+For i = 0 To 1
+ For j = 0 To 2
+ Set arArEventListener(i, j) = CreateObject("VBasicEventListener.VBEventListener")
+ arArEventListener(i, j).setQuiet True
+ Next
+'The function calls disposing on the listeners
+seq = objOleTest.methodXEventListenersMul(arArEventListener)
+For i = 0 To 1
+ For j = 0 To 2
+ If arArEventListener(i, j).disposingCalled = False Then
+ MsgBox "Error"
+ End If
+ Next
+'Array containing interfaces (element type is VT_VARIANT containing VT_DISPATCH)
+Dim arArEventListener2(1, 2) As Variant
+For i = 0 To 1
+ For j = 0 To 2
+ Set arArEventListener2(i, j) = CreateObject("VBasicEventListener.VBEventListener")
+ arArEventListener2(i, j).setQuiet True
+ Next
+'The function calls disposing on the listeners
+seq = objOleTest.methodXEventListenersMul(arArEventListener2)
+For i = 0 To 1
+ For j = 0 To 2
+ If arArEventListener2(i, j).disposingCalled = False Then
+ MsgBox "Error"
+ End If
+ Next
+'The ultimate element type is VT_DISPATCH ( XEventListener)
+Dim arEventListener4(1) As Variant
+Dim seq1(2) As Object
+Dim seq2(2) As Object
+For i = 0 To 2
+ Set seq1(i) = CreateObject("VBasicEventListener.VBEventListener")
+ Set seq2(i) = CreateObject("VBasicEventListener.VBEventListener")
+ seq1(i).setQuiet True
+ seq2(i).setQuiet True
+arEventListener4(0) = seq1
+arEventListener4(1) = seq2
+'The function calls disposing on the listeners
+seq = objOleTest.methodXEventListenersMul(arEventListener4)
+For i = 0 To 2
+ If seq1(i).disposingCalled = False Or seq2(i).disposingCalled = False Then
+ MsgBox "Error"
+ End If
+'Try to create a hidden document
+Dim objPropValue
+Set objPropValue = objOleTest.Bridge_GetStruct("")
+'Set the members. If this fails then there is an Error
+objPropValue.Name = "hidden"
+objPropValue.Handle = -1
+objPropValue.Value = True
+'create a hidden document
+'Create the Desktop
+Dim objDesktop As Object
+Set objDesktop = objServiceManager.createInstance("")
+'Open a new empty writer document
+Dim args(0) As Object
+Set args(0) = objPropValue
+Dim objDocument As Object
+Set objDocument = objDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, args())
+'Create a text object
+Dim objText As Object
+Set objText = objDocument.GetText
+' call an UNO function that takes an XEventListener interface
+'We provide a COM implementation (IDispatch) as EventListener
+objDocument.addEventListener objEventListener
+If objEventListener.disposingCalled = False Then
+ MsgBox "Error"
+End If
+Dim objVal As Object
+Set objVal = objOleTest.Bridge_GetValueObject()
+Dim arrByte(9) As Byte
+For countvar = 0 To 9
+ arrByte(countvar) = countvar
+Next countvar
+objVal.Set "[]byte", arrByte
+ret = 0
+ret = objOleTest.methodByte(objVal)
+'Test if ret is the same array
+key = 0
+For Each key In ret
+ If ret(key) <> arrByte(key) Then
+ MsgBox "Error"
+ End If
+ Debug.Print ret(key)
+Next key
+objVal.InitInOutParam "byte", 10
+objOleTest.testinout_methodByte objVal
+ret = 0
+ret = objVal.Get()
+Debug.Print ret
+If ret <> 11 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+objOleTest.testout_methodChar objVal 'Returns 'A' (65)
+ret = 0
+ret = objVal.Get()
+Debug.Print ret
+If ret <> 65 Then
+ MsgBox "error"
+End If
+End Sub