path: root/drawinglayer/source/primitive2d/textprimitive2d.cxx
diff options
authorArmin Weiss <>2006-10-19 09:40:02 +0000
committerArmin Weiss <>2006-10-19 09:40:02 +0000
commit821e3b2b3026f21e396a8da3e152781a546ef5f5 (patch)
tree93c50872528b5002b4096e3c4ff704c2640272d3 /drawinglayer/source/primitive2d/textprimitive2d.cxx
parent0e1043d292a8f5165742a8711d71c28d62b0f4c7 (diff)
#i39532# primitive
Diffstat (limited to 'drawinglayer/source/primitive2d/textprimitive2d.cxx')
1 files changed, 378 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drawinglayer/source/primitive2d/textprimitive2d.cxx b/drawinglayer/source/primitive2d/textprimitive2d.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..286cf88bf2e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drawinglayer/source/primitive2d/textprimitive2d.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: textprimitive2d.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: 1.1 $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: aw $ $Date: 2006-10-19 10:35:04 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to
+ * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
+ *
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/textprimitive2d.hxx>
+#include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/textlayoutdevice.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_VIRDEV_HXX
+#include <vcl/virdev.hxx>
+#include <basegfx/color/bcolor.hxx>
+#include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/polypolygonprimitive2d.hxx>
+#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygontools.hxx>
+#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygon.hxx>
+#include <basegfx/numeric/ftools.hxx>
+#include <basegfx/tools/canvastools.hxx>
+namespace drawinglayer
+ namespace primitive2d
+ {
+ Font getVclFontFromFontAttributes(const FontAttributes& rFontAttributes, const basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rTransform)
+ {
+ // decompose matrix to have position and size of text
+ basegfx::B2DVector aScale, aTranslate;
+ double fRotate, fShearX;
+ rTransform.decompose(aScale, aTranslate, fRotate, fShearX);
+ return getVclFontFromFontAttributes(rFontAttributes, aScale, fRotate);
+ }
+ Font getVclFontFromFontAttributes(const FontAttributes& rFontAttributes, const basegfx::B2DVector& rFontSize, double fFontRotation)
+ {
+ sal_uInt32 nWidth(basegfx::fround(fabs(rFontSize.getX())));
+ sal_uInt32 nHeight(basegfx::fround(fabs(rFontSize.getY())));
+ if(nWidth == nHeight)
+ {
+ nWidth = 0L;
+ }
+ Font aRetval(
+ rFontAttributes.maFamilyName,
+ rFontAttributes.maStyleName,
+ Size(nWidth, nHeight));
+ if(!basegfx::fTools::equalZero(fFontRotation))
+ {
+ sal_Int16 aRotate10th((sal_Int16)(fFontRotation * (-1800.0/F_PI)));
+ aRetval.SetOrientation(aRotate10th % 3600);
+ }
+ aRetval.SetAlign(ALIGN_BASELINE);
+ aRetval.SetCharSet(rFontAttributes.mbSymbol ? RTL_TEXTENCODING_SYMBOL : RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE);
+ aRetval.SetVertical(rFontAttributes.mbVertical ? TRUE : FALSE);
+ aRetval.SetWeight(static_cast<FontWeight>(rFontAttributes.mnWeight));
+ aRetval.SetItalic(rFontAttributes.mbItalic ? ITALIC_NORMAL : ITALIC_NONE);
+ return aRetval;
+ }
+ FontAttributes getFontAttributesFromVclFont(basegfx::B2DVector& rSize, const Font& rFont)
+ {
+ FontAttributes aRetval;
+ aRetval.maFamilyName = rFont.GetName();
+ aRetval.maStyleName = rFont.GetStyleName();
+ aRetval.mbSymbol = (RTL_TEXTENCODING_SYMBOL == rFont.GetCharSet());
+ aRetval.mbVertical = rFont.IsVertical();
+ aRetval.mnWeight = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(rFont.GetWeight());
+ aRetval.mbItalic = (rFont.GetItalic() != ITALIC_NONE);
+ const sal_Int32 nWidth(rFont.GetSize().getWidth());
+ const sal_Int32 nHeight(rFont.GetSize().getHeight());
+ rSize.setX(nWidth ? nWidth : nHeight);
+ rSize.setY(nHeight);
+ return aRetval;
+ }
+ } // end of namespace primitive2d
+} // end of namespace drawinglayer
+using namespace com::sun::star;
+namespace drawinglayer
+ namespace primitive2d
+ {
+ Primitive2DSequence TextSimplePortionPrimitive2D::createLocalDecomposition(const geometry::ViewInformation2D& /*rViewInformation*/) const
+ {
+ // get integer DXArray for getTextOutlines call (ATM uses vcl)
+ ::std::vector< sal_Int32 > aNewIntegerDXArray;
+ getIntegerDXArray(aNewIntegerDXArray);
+ // get outlines
+ TextLayouterDevice aTextLayouter;
+ aTextLayouter.setFontAttributes(getFontAttributes(), getTextTransform());
+ PolyPolyVector aPolyPolyVector;
+ aTextLayouter.getTextOutlines(aPolyPolyVector, getText(), 0L, getText().Len(), aNewIntegerDXArray);
+ // get result count
+ const sal_uInt32 nCount(aPolyPolyVector.size());
+ if(nCount)
+ {
+ // outlines already have scale and rotate included, so build new transformation
+ basegfx::B2DVector aScale, aTranslate;
+ double fRotate, fShearX;
+ getTextTransform().decompose(aScale, aTranslate, fRotate, fShearX);
+ basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aNewTransform;
+ const bool bShearUsed(!basegfx::fTools::equalZero(fShearX));
+ const bool bRotateUsed(!basegfx::fTools::equalZero(fRotate));
+ if(bShearUsed)
+ {
+ // The order would be wrong when just adding shear, so rotate back, apply shear, rotate again
+ if(bRotateUsed)
+ {
+ aNewTransform.rotate(-fRotate);
+ }
+ // add shear (before rotate)
+ aNewTransform.shearX(fShearX);
+ if(bRotateUsed)
+ {
+ aNewTransform.rotate(fRotate);
+ }
+ }
+ // add translation
+ aNewTransform.translate(aTranslate.getX(), aTranslate.getY());
+ // prepare retval
+ Primitive2DSequence aRetval(nCount);
+ for(sal_uInt32 a(0L); a < nCount; a++)
+ {
+ // prepare polygon
+ basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aPolyPolygon(aPolyPolyVector[a].getB2DPolyPolygon());
+ aPolyPolygon.transform(aNewTransform);
+ // create primitive
+ const Primitive2DReference xRef(new PolyPolygonColorPrimitive2D(aPolyPolygon, getFontColor()));
+ aRetval[a] = xRef;
+ }
+ return aRetval;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return Primitive2DSequence();
+ }
+ }
+ TextSimplePortionPrimitive2D::TextSimplePortionPrimitive2D(
+ const basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rNewTransform,
+ const String& rText,
+ const ::std::vector< double >& rDXArray,
+ const FontAttributes& rFontAttributes,
+ const basegfx::BColor& rFontColor)
+ : BasePrimitive2D(),
+ maTextTransform(rNewTransform),
+ maText(rText),
+ maDXArray(rDXArray),
+ maFontAttributes(rFontAttributes),
+ maFontColor(rFontColor)
+ {
+ }
+ void TextSimplePortionPrimitive2D::getIntegerDXArray(::std::vector< sal_Int32 >& rDXArray) const
+ {
+ rDXArray.clear();
+ if(getDXArray().size())
+ {
+ rDXArray.reserve(getDXArray().size());
+ const basegfx::B2DVector aPixelVector(getTextTransform() * basegfx::B2DVector(1.0, 0.0));
+ const double fPixelVectorLength(aPixelVector.getLength());
+ for(::std::vector< double >::const_iterator aStart(getDXArray().begin()); aStart != getDXArray().end(); aStart++)
+ {
+ rDXArray.push_back(basegfx::fround((*aStart) * fPixelVectorLength));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool TextSimplePortionPrimitive2D::operator==(const BasePrimitive2D& rPrimitive) const
+ {
+ if(BasePrimitive2D::operator==(rPrimitive))
+ {
+ const TextSimplePortionPrimitive2D& rCompare = (TextSimplePortionPrimitive2D&)rPrimitive;
+ return (getTextTransform() == rCompare.getTextTransform()
+ && getText() == rCompare.getText()
+ && getDXArray() == rCompare.getDXArray()
+ && getFontAttributes() == rCompare.getFontAttributes()
+ && getFontColor() == rCompare.getFontColor());
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ sal_uInt32 TextSimplePortionPrimitive2D::getPrimitiveID() const
+ {
+ return Create2DPrimitiveID('2','T','S','i');
+ }
+ basegfx::B2DRange TextSimplePortionPrimitive2D::getB2DRange(const geometry::ViewInformation2D& /*rViewInformation*/) const
+ {
+ const xub_StrLen aStrLen(getText().Len());
+ basegfx::B2DRange aRetval;
+ if(aStrLen)
+ {
+ // get TextBoundRect as base size
+ TextLayouterDevice aTextLayouter;
+ aTextLayouter.setFontAttributes(getFontAttributes(), getTextTransform());
+ aRetval = aTextLayouter.getTextBoundRect(getText(), 0L, aStrLen);
+ // apply textTransform to it, but without scaling. The scale defines the font size
+ // which is already part of the fetched textRange
+ basegfx::B2DVector aScale, aTranslate;
+ double fRotate, fShearX;
+ basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aTextTransformWithoutScale;
+ getTextTransform().decompose(aScale, aTranslate, fRotate, fShearX);
+ aTextTransformWithoutScale.shearX(fShearX);
+ aTextTransformWithoutScale.rotate(fRotate);
+ aTextTransformWithoutScale.translate(aTranslate.getX(), aTranslate.getY());
+ aRetval.transform(aTextTransformWithoutScale);
+ }
+ return aRetval;
+ }
+ } // end of namespace primitive2d
+} // end of namespace drawinglayer
+namespace drawinglayer
+ namespace primitive2d
+ {
+ Primitive2DSequence TextComplexPortionPrimitive2D::createLocalDecomposition(const geometry::ViewInformation2D& /*rViewInformation*/) const
+ {
+ // TODO: need to take care of
+ // -underline
+ // -strikethrough
+ // -emphasis mark
+ // -relief (embosses/engraved)
+ // -shadow
+ // -outline
+ // ATM: Just create a simple text primitive and ignore other attributes
+ const Primitive2DReference xRef(new TextSimplePortionPrimitive2D(getTextTransform(), getText(), getDXArray(), getFontAttributes(), getFontColor()));
+ return Primitive2DSequence(&xRef, 1L);
+ }
+ TextComplexPortionPrimitive2D::TextComplexPortionPrimitive2D(
+ const basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rNewTransform,
+ const String& rText,
+ const ::std::vector< double >& rDXArray,
+ const FontAttributes& rFontAttributes,
+ const basegfx::BColor& rFontColor,
+ FontUnderline eFontUnderline,
+ bool bUnderlineAbove,
+ FontStrikeout eFontStrikeout,
+ bool bWordLineMode,
+ FontEmphasisMark eFontEmphasisMark,
+ bool bEmphasisMarkAbove,
+ bool bEmphasisMarkBelow,
+ FontRelief eFontRelief,
+ bool bShadow,
+ bool bOutline)
+ : TextSimplePortionPrimitive2D(rNewTransform, rText, rDXArray, rFontAttributes, rFontColor),
+ meFontUnderline(eFontUnderline),
+ meFontStrikeout(eFontStrikeout),
+ meFontRelief(eFontRelief),
+ mbUnderlineAbove(bUnderlineAbove),
+ mbWordLineMode(bWordLineMode),
+ meFontEmphasisMark(eFontEmphasisMark),
+ mbEmphasisMarkAbove(bEmphasisMarkAbove),
+ mbEmphasisMarkBelow(bEmphasisMarkBelow),
+ mbShadow(bShadow),
+ mbOutline(bOutline)
+ {
+ }
+ bool TextComplexPortionPrimitive2D::operator==(const BasePrimitive2D& rPrimitive) const
+ {
+ if(TextSimplePortionPrimitive2D::operator==(rPrimitive))
+ {
+ const TextComplexPortionPrimitive2D& rCompare = (TextComplexPortionPrimitive2D&)rPrimitive;
+ return (getFontUnderline() == rCompare.getFontUnderline()
+ && getFontStrikeout() == rCompare.getFontStrikeout()
+ && getUnderlineAbove() == rCompare.getUnderlineAbove()
+ && getWordLineMode() == rCompare.getWordLineMode()
+ && getFontEmphasisMark() == rCompare.getFontEmphasisMark()
+ && getEmphasisMarkAbove() == rCompare.getEmphasisMarkAbove()
+ && getEmphasisMarkBelow() == rCompare.getEmphasisMarkBelow()
+ && getFontRelief() == rCompare.getFontRelief()
+ && getShadow() == rCompare.getShadow()
+ && getOutline() == rCompare.getOutline());
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ sal_uInt32 TextComplexPortionPrimitive2D::getPrimitiveID() const
+ {
+ return Create2DPrimitiveID('2','T','C','o');
+ }
+ } // end of namespace primitive2d
+} // end of namespace drawinglayer
+// eof