path: root/compilerplugins/clang/constantparam.booleans.results
diff options
authorNoel Grandin <>2017-05-24 14:29:48 +0200
committerNoel Grandin <>2017-05-25 08:12:17 +0200
commit4a340e36e8d3713806719351f455711c1254a178 (patch)
tree4be5ffdd176b2f45e4f549f7eb4d88da9225c18e /compilerplugins/clang/constantparam.booleans.results
parent50fc62ce76bc51f18b16eae937761d0a8872df3e (diff)
add the results files so I can just see the diff in future Change-Id: Ia20a1aa6418be95ed620719cde340c00b7b053e1 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
Diffstat (limited to 'compilerplugins/clang/constantparam.booleans.results')
1 files changed, 3040 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compilerplugins/clang/constantparam.booleans.results b/compilerplugins/clang/constantparam.booleans.results
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..86ec39a2fca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compilerplugins/clang/constantparam.booleans.results
@@ -0,0 +1,3040 @@
+ void (anonymous namespace)::OToolBoxWindowItem::OToolBoxWindowItem(int,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext> &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessible> &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessible> &)
+ int _nIndexInParent
+ 0
+ void basctl::LibDialog::EnableReference(_Bool)
+ _Bool b
+ 0
+ void basctl::ScriptDocument::ScriptDocument(enum basctl::ScriptDocument::SpecialDocument)
+ enum basctl::ScriptDocument::SpecialDocument _eType
+ 0
+ void CoordinateDataArray2D::CoordinateDataArray2D(unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nCount
+ 0
+ void CoordinateDataArray3D::CoordinateDataArray3D(unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nCount
+ 0
+ void cairocanvas::CanvasHelper::useStates(const struct com::sun::star::rendering::ViewState &,const struct com::sun::star::rendering::RenderState &,_Bool)
+ _Bool setColor
+ 1
+ void vclcanvas::SpriteCanvasHelper::init(const class std::shared_ptr<class vclcanvas::OutDevProvider> &,class vclcanvas::SpriteCanvas &,class canvas::SpriteRedrawManager &,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bHaveAlpha
+ 0
+ void vclcanvas::SpriteCanvasHelper::init(const class std::shared_ptr<class vclcanvas::OutDevProvider> &,class vclcanvas::SpriteCanvas &,class canvas::SpriteRedrawManager &,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bProtect
+ 0
+ void Chart2DumpTest::Chart2DumpTest(_Bool)
+ _Bool bDumpMode
+ 0
+ void chart::ChartTypeParameter::ChartTypeParameter(int,_Bool,_Bool,enum chart::GlobalStackMode,_Bool,_Bool,enum com::sun::star::chart2::CurveStyle)
+ enum com::sun::star::chart2::CurveStyle eCurveStyle
+ 0
+ void chart::DataBrowserModel::tDataColumn::tDataColumn(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::chart2::XDataSeries> &,const class rtl::OUString &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence> &,enum chart::DataBrowserModel::eCellType,int)
+ enum chart::DataBrowserModel::eCellType aCellType
+ 0
+ struct (anonymous namespace)::lcl_DataSeriesContainerAppend & (anonymous namespace)::lcl_DataSeriesContainerAppend::operator++(int)
+ int
+ 0
+ struct (anonymous namespace)::lcl_RolesWithRangeAppend & (anonymous namespace)::lcl_RolesWithRangeAppend::operator++(int)
+ int
+ 0
+ class chart::ChartController::TheModelRef & chart::ChartController::TheModelRef::operator=(class chart::ChartController::TheModel *)
+ ###1
+ 0
+ void chart::ColumnLineChartTypeTemplate::ColumnLineChartTypeTemplate(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext> &,const class rtl::OUString &,enum chart::StackMode,int)
+ int nNumberOfLines
+ 1
+ void chart::ScatterChartType::ScatterChartType(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext> &,enum com::sun::star::chart2::CurveStyle,int,int)
+ enum com::sun::star::chart2::CurveStyle eCurveStyle
+ 0
+ void chart::(anonymous namespace)::lcl_setAnyAtLevelFromStringSequence::lcl_setAnyAtLevelFromStringSequence(int)
+ int nLevel
+ 0
+ struct chart::TickmarkProperties chart::AxisProperties::makeTickmarkPropertiesForComplexCategories(int,int) const
+ int nTickStartDistanceToAxis
+ 0
+ void chart::CategoryPositionHelper::CategoryPositionHelper(double,double)
+ double fSeriesCount
+ 1
+ float chart::GL3DBarChart::addScreenTextShape(class rtl::OUString &,const struct glm::detail::tvec2<float> &,float,_Bool,const struct glm::detail::tvec4<float> &,const struct glm::detail::tvec3<float> &,unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nEvent
+ 0
+ void chart::opengl3D::OpenGL3DRenderer::Set3DSenceInfo(unsigned int,_Bool)
+ _Bool twoSidesLighting
+ 1
+ void chart::opengl3D::OpenGL3DRenderer::SetLightInfo(_Bool,unsigned int,const struct glm::detail::tvec4<float> &)
+ _Bool lightOn
+ 1
+ void chart::opengl3D::OpenGL3DRenderer::AddShape3DExtrudeObject(_Bool,unsigned int,unsigned int,const struct glm::detail::tmat4x4<float> &,unsigned int)
+ _Bool roundedCorner
+ 1
+ void chart::PlottingPositionHelper::AllowShiftXAxisPos(_Bool)
+ _Bool bAllowShift
+ 1
+ void chart::PlottingPositionHelper::AllowShiftZAxisPos(_Bool)
+ _Bool bAllowShift
+ 1
+ void chart::Stripe::InvertNormal(_Bool)
+ _Bool bInvertNormal
+ 1
+ _Bool chart::AxesNumberFormats::hasFormat(int,int) const
+ int nDimIndex
+ 1
+ int chart::AxesNumberFormats::getFormat(int,int) const
+ int nDimIndex
+ 1
+ void chart::VButton::showArrow(_Bool)
+ _Bool bShowArrow
+ 0
+ void codemaker::javamaker::ClassFile::Code::storeLocalReference(unsigned short)
+ unsigned short index
+ 1
+ void Foo::Foo(const class rtl::OUString &,int)
+ int
+ 1
+ void pq_sdbc_driver::cstr_vector::push_back(const char *,enum __sal_NoAcquire)
+ enum __sal_NoAcquire
+ 0
+ _Bool pq_sdbc_driver::ResultSetMetaData::getBoolColumnProperty(const class rtl::OUString &,int,_Bool)
+ _Bool def
+ 0
+ _Bool connectivity::dbase::ODbaseIndex::Find(unsigned int,const class connectivity::ORowSetValue &)
+ unsigned int nRec
+ 0
+ void connectivity::OColumn::OColumn(const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,int,int,int,int,int)
+ int _aScale
+ 0
+ void SvxColorTabPage::SetPropertyList(enum XPropertyListType,const class rtl::Reference<class XPropertyList> &)
+ enum XPropertyListType t
+ 0
+ void svx::SuggestionDisplay::SelectEntryPos(unsigned short)
+ unsigned short nPos
+ 0
+ class rtl::OUString svx::SuggestionDisplay::GetEntry(unsigned short) const
+ unsigned short nPos
+ 0
+ class SvTreeListEntry * SFTreeListBox::insertEntry(const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,class SvTreeListEntry *,_Bool,class std::unique_ptr<class SFEntry, struct std::default_delete<class SFEntry> > &&,const class rtl::OUString &)
+ _Bool bChildrenOnDemand
+ 1
+ class SvTreeListEntry * SFTreeListBox::insertEntry(const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,class SvTreeListEntry *,_Bool,class std::unique_ptr<class SFEntry, struct std::default_delete<class SFEntry> > &&,const class rtl::OUString &)
+ class SvTreeListEntry * pParent
+ 0
+ void svx::SentenceEditWindow_Impl::SetAttrib(const class TextAttrib &,unsigned long,unsigned short,unsigned short)
+ unsigned long nPara
+ 0
+ void SvxJSearchOptionsPage::EnableSaveOptions(_Bool)
+ _Bool bVal
+ 0
+ void dbaccess::DocumentGuard::DocumentGuard(const class dbaccess::ODatabaseDocument &,enum dbaccess::DocumentGuard::DefaultMethod_)
+ enum dbaccess::DocumentGuard::DefaultMethod_
+ 0
+ void dbaccess::DocumentGuard::DocumentGuard(const class dbaccess::ODatabaseDocument &,enum dbaccess::DocumentGuard::InitMethod_)
+ enum dbaccess::DocumentGuard::InitMethod_
+ 0
+ void dbaccess::DocumentGuard::DocumentGuard(const class dbaccess::ODatabaseDocument &,enum dbaccess::DocumentGuard::MethodUsedDuringInit_)
+ enum dbaccess::DocumentGuard::MethodUsedDuringInit_
+ 0
+ void dbaccess::DocumentGuard::DocumentGuard(const class dbaccess::ODatabaseDocument &,enum dbaccess::DocumentGuard::MethodWithoutInit_)
+ enum dbaccess::DocumentGuard::MethodWithoutInit_
+ 0
+ void dbaccess::OColumns::OColumns(class cppu::OWeakObject &,class osl::Mutex &,_Bool,const class std::__debug::vector<class rtl::OUString, class std::allocator<class rtl::OUString> > &,class dbaccess::IColumnFactory *,class connectivity::sdbcx::IRefreshableColumns *,_Bool,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool _bDropColumn
+ 0
+ void dbaccess::OColumns::OColumns(class cppu::OWeakObject &,class osl::Mutex &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::container::XNameAccess> &,_Bool,const class std::__debug::vector<class rtl::OUString, class std::allocator<class rtl::OUString> > &,class dbaccess::IColumnFactory *,class connectivity::sdbcx::IRefreshableColumns *,_Bool,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool _bUseHardRef
+ 1
+ class SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry * dbaui::OApplicationSwapWindow::GetEntry(unsigned long) const
+ unsigned long nPos
+ 0
+ class dbaui::OCharsetDisplay::ExtendedCharsetIterator dbaui::OCharsetDisplay::findEncoding(const unsigned short) const
+ const unsigned short _eEncoding
+ 0
+ void dbaui::IUpdateHelper::updateInt(int,int)
+ int _nPos
+ 1
+ void dbaui::OWizTypeSelect::EnableAuto(_Bool)
+ _Bool bEnable
+ 0
+ void dp_gui::ExtensionCmd::ExtensionCmd(const enum dp_gui::ExtensionCmd::E_CMD_TYPE,const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,const _Bool)
+ const enum dp_gui::ExtensionCmd::E_CMD_TYPE eCommand
+ 0
+ void dp_gui::TheExtensionManager::ToTop(enum ToTopFlags)
+ enum ToTopFlags nFlags
+ 1
+ void InternalEditStatus::TurnOnFlags(enum EEControlBits)
+ enum EEControlBits nFlags
+ 1
+ void InternalEditStatus::TurnOffFlags(enum EEControlBits)
+ enum EEControlBits nFlags
+ 1
+ unsigned short ImpEditEngine::GetLineHeight(int,int)
+ int nLine
+ 0
+ void pcr::PropertyHandler::addDoublePropertyDescription(class std::__debug::vector<struct com::sun::star::beans::Property, class std::allocator<struct com::sun::star::beans::Property> > &,const class rtl::OUString &,short) const
+ short _nAttribs
+ 1
+ void pcr::PropertyHandler::addDatePropertyDescription(class std::__debug::vector<struct com::sun::star::beans::Property, class std::allocator<struct com::sun::star::beans::Property> > &,const class rtl::OUString &,short) const
+ short _nAttribs
+ 1
+ void pcr::PropertyHandler::addTimePropertyDescription(class std::__debug::vector<struct com::sun::star::beans::Property, class std::allocator<struct com::sun::star::beans::Property> > &,const class rtl::OUString &,short) const
+ short _nAttribs
+ 1
+ void pcr::PropertyHandler::addDateTimePropertyDescription(class std::__debug::vector<struct com::sun::star::beans::Property, class std::allocator<struct com::sun::star::beans::Property> > &,const class rtl::OUString &,short) const
+ short _nAttribs
+ 1
+ void GridWindow::Init(double *,double *,int,_Bool,const class BitmapEx &)
+ _Bool bCutValues
+ 1
+ void GridDialog::setBoundings(double,double,double,double)
+ double fMinX
+ 0
+ void swf::Writer::gotoFrame(unsigned short)
+ unsigned short nFrame
+ 0
+ void swf::Writer::Impl_writePolygon(const class tools::Polygon &,_Bool,const class Color &,const class Color &)
+ _Bool bFilled
+ 1
+ void PSWriter::ImplWriteLineColor(unsigned long)
+ unsigned long nMode
+ 1
+ void PSWriter::ImplWriteFillColor(unsigned long)
+ unsigned long nMode
+ 1
+ unsigned char CGM::ImplGetByte(unsigned int,unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nPrecision
+ 1
+ _Bool SVGFilter::implExportMasterPages(const class std::__debug::vector<class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::drawing::XDrawPage>, class std::allocator<class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::drawing::XDrawPage> > > &,int,int)
+ int nFirstPage
+ 0
+ void SVGFilter::implExportDrawPages(const class std::__debug::vector<class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::drawing::XDrawPage>, class std::allocator<class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::drawing::XDrawPage> > > &,int,int)
+ int nFirstPage
+ 0
+ void SVGTextWriter::startTextPosition(_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bExportY
+ 1
+ void frm::ODatabaseForm::fire(int *,const class com::sun::star::uno::Any *,const class com::sun::star::uno::Any *,int)
+ int nCount
+ 1
+ const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet> & frm::OGroup::GetObject(unsigned short) const
+ unsigned short nP
+ 0
+ void frm::IFeatureDispatcher::dispatchWithArgument(short,const char *,const class com::sun::star::uno::Any &) const
+ short _nFeatureId
+ 1
+ class SvTreeListEntry * formula::StructPage::InsertEntry(const class rtl::OUString &,class SvTreeListEntry *,unsigned short,unsigned long,class formula::IFormulaToken *)
+ unsigned long nPos
+ 0
+ void framework::UICommandDescription::UICommandDescription(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext> &,_Bool)
+ _Bool
+ 1
+ void fs::path::path(const class std::basic_string<char, struct std::char_traits<char>, class std::allocator<char> > &,enum fs::convert)
+ enum fs::convert
+ 0
+ void HelpProcessingException::HelpProcessingException(enum HelpProcessingErrorClass,const class std::basic_string<char, struct std::char_traits<char>, class std::allocator<char> > &)
+ enum HelpProcessingErrorClass eErrorClass
+ 1
+ const char * HWPFont::GetFontName(int,int)
+ int lang
+ 0
+ void HWPFile::Read4b(void *,unsigned long)
+ unsigned long nmemb
+ 1
+ class rtl::OUString LocaleNode::writeParameterCheckLen(const class OFileWriter &,const char *,const char *,int,int) const
+ int nMinLen
+ 1
+ void avmedia::MediaFloater::setURL(const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bPlayImmediately
+ 1
+ void basegfx::B2DPolygon::insert(unsigned int,const class basegfx::B2DPoint &,unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nCount
+ 1
+ void basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon::insert(unsigned int,const class basegfx::B2DPolygon &,unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nCount
+ 1
+ void basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon::insert(unsigned int,const class basegfx::B2DPolygon &,unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nIndex
+ 0
+ void basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon::append(const class basegfx::B2DPolygon &,unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nCount
+ 1
+ void basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon::remove(unsigned int,unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nCount
+ 1
+ void basegfx::B3DPolygon::append(const class basegfx::B3DPoint &,unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nCount
+ 1
+ void basegfx::B3DPolygon::append(const class basegfx::B3DPolygon &,unsigned int,unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nCount
+ 0
+ void basegfx::B3DPolygon::append(const class basegfx::B3DPolygon &,unsigned int,unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nIndex
+ 0
+ void basegfx::B3DPolygon::remove(unsigned int,unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nCount
+ 1
+ void basegfx::B3DPolyPolygon::append(const class basegfx::B3DPolygon &,unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nCount
+ 1
+ void basegfx::B3DPolyPolygon::remove(unsigned int,unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nCount
+ 1
+ void basegfx::B2DPolyRange::appendElement(const class basegfx::B2DRange &,enum basegfx::B2VectorOrientation,unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nCount
+ 1
+ void basegfx::B2IBox::B2IBox(int,int,int,int)
+ int y1
+ 0
+ void basegfx::B2IBox::B2IBox(int,int,int,int)
+ int x1
+ 0
+ class SbxVariable * StarBASIC::VBAFind(const class rtl::OUString &,enum SbxClassType)
+ enum SbxClassType t
+ 1
+ class SbxVariable * SbxObject::FindQualified(const class rtl::OUString &,enum SbxClassType)
+ enum SbxClassType
+ 1
+ void SbxObject::Remove(const class rtl::OUString &,enum SbxClassType)
+ enum SbxClassType
+ 1
+ void canvas::ParametricPolyPolygon::ParametricPolyPolygon(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::rendering::XGraphicDevice> &,enum canvas::ParametricPolyPolygon::GradientType,const class com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<class com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<double> > &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<double> &)
+ enum canvas::ParametricPolyPolygon::GradientType eType
+ 0
+ void canvas::SpriteRedrawManager::SpriteInfo::SpriteInfo(const class rtl::Reference<class canvas::Sprite> &,const class basegfx::B2DRange &,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bNeedsUpdate
+ 1
+ void comphelper::PropertySetHelper::PropertySetHelper(class comphelper::PropertySetInfo *,enum __sal_NoAcquire)
+ enum __sal_NoAcquire
+ 0
+ void comphelper::unique_disposing_solar_mutex_reset_ptr::unique_disposing_solar_mutex_reset_ptr<T>(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::lang::XComponent> &,type-parameter-?-? *,_Bool)
+ _Bool bComponent
+ 1
+ void comphelper::unique_disposing_solar_mutex_reset_ptr::reset(type-parameter-?-? *)
+ type-parameter-?-? * p
+ 0
+ const class rtl::OUString & dbtools::FilterManager::getFilterComponent(enum dbtools::FilterManager::FilterComponent) const
+ enum dbtools::FilterManager::FilterComponent _eWhich
+ 0
+ void connectivity::TSetBound::TSetBound(_Bool)
+ _Bool _bBound
+ 0
+ void connectivity::sdbcx::OIndex::OIndex(_Bool)
+ _Bool _bCase
+ 1
+ void connectivity::sdbcx::OIndex::OIndex(const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,_Bool,_Bool,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool _bCase
+ 1
+ void connectivity::sdbcx::OKey::OKey(_Bool)
+ _Bool _bCase
+ 1
+ void connectivity::sdbcx::OKey::OKey(const class rtl::OUString &,const class std::shared_ptr<struct connectivity::sdbcx::KeyProperties> &,_Bool)
+ _Bool _bCase
+ 1
+ void connectivity::sdbcx::OUser::OUser(_Bool)
+ _Bool _bCase
+ 1
+ void connectivity::sdbcx::OUser::OUser(const class rtl::OUString &,_Bool)
+ _Bool _bCase
+ 1
+ void connectivity::OSQLScanner::prepareScan(const class rtl::OUString &,const class connectivity::IParseContext *,_Bool)
+ _Bool bInternational
+ 1
+ _Bool SvxBoxItem::HasBorder(_Bool) const
+ _Bool bTreatPaddingAsBorder
+ 1
+ void SvxBackgroundColorItem::SvxBackgroundColorItem(const unsigned short)
+ const unsigned short nId
+ 0
+ void EditEngine::dumpAsXmlEditDoc(struct _xmlTextWriter *) const
+ struct _xmlTextWriter * pWriter
+ 0
+ class EditPaM EditEngine::CursorLeft(const class EditPaM &,unsigned short)
+ unsigned short nCharacterIteratorMode
+ 0
+ const class SvxFieldData * EditTextObject::GetFieldData(int,unsigned long,int) const
+ unsigned long nPos
+ 0
+ const class SvxFieldData * EditTextObject::GetFieldData(int,unsigned long,int) const
+ int nType
+ 1
+ const class SvxFieldData * EditTextObject::GetFieldData(int,unsigned long,int) const
+ int nPara
+ 0
+ void SvxFontWidthItem::SvxFontWidthItem(const unsigned short,const unsigned short,const unsigned short)
+ const unsigned short nSz
+ 0
+ void OutlinerView::SelectRange(int,int)
+ int nFirst
+ 0
+ _Bool Outliner::ImpCanDeleteSelectedPages(class OutlinerView *,int,int)
+ int nPages
+ 1
+ void SvxPageModelItem::SvxPageModelItem(unsigned short)
+ unsigned short nWh
+ 0
+ void SvxSpellWrapper::SvxSpellWrapper(class vcl::Window *,const _Bool,const _Bool)
+ const _Bool bIsAllRight
+ 0
+ void EscherExAtom::EscherExAtom(class SvStream &,const unsigned short,const unsigned short,const unsigned char)
+ const unsigned char nVersion
+ 0
+ void EscherGraphicProvider::WriteBlibStoreEntry(class SvStream &,unsigned int,unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nBlipId
+ 1
+ void EscherPropertyContainer::CreateFillProperties(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet> &,_Bool,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::drawing::XShape> &)
+ _Bool bEdge
+ 1
+ void EscherEx::EndAtom(unsigned short,int,int)
+ int nRecVersion
+ 0
+ void SvxMSDffManager::ExchangeInShapeOrder(class SdrObject *,unsigned long,class SdrObject *) const
+ unsigned long nTxBx
+ 0
+ void SvxMSDffShapeInfo::SvxMSDffShapeInfo(unsigned long,unsigned int,unsigned short,unsigned short)
+ unsigned short nBoxId
+ 0
+ void SvxMSDffShapeInfo::SvxMSDffShapeInfo(unsigned long,unsigned int,unsigned short,unsigned short)
+ unsigned short nSeqId
+ 0
+ void formula::FormulaCompiler::PushTokenArray(class formula::FormulaTokenArray *,_Bool)
+ _Bool
+ 1
+ void formula::FormulaByteToken::FormulaByteToken(enum OpCode,unsigned char,enum formula::StackVar,enum formula::ParamClass)
+ enum formula::ParamClass c
+ 0
+ void formula::VectorRefArray::VectorRefArray(enum formula::VectorRefArray::InitInvalid)
+ enum formula::VectorRefArray::InitInvalid
+ 0
+ void framework::PreventDuplicateInteraction::InteractionInfo::InteractionInfo(const class com::sun::star::uno::Type &,int)
+ int nMaxCount
+ 1
+ unsigned long o3tl::basic_string_view::copy(type-parameter-?-? *,unsigned long,unsigned long) const
+ unsigned long pos
+ 1
+ int o3tl::basic_string_view::compare(unsigned long,unsigned long,basic_string_view<charT, traits>) const
+ unsigned long pos1
+ 0
+ int o3tl::basic_string_view::compare(unsigned long,unsigned long,basic_string_view<charT, traits>,unsigned long,unsigned long) const
+ unsigned long pos2
+ 0
+ int o3tl::basic_string_view::compare(unsigned long,unsigned long,basic_string_view<charT, traits>,unsigned long,unsigned long) const
+ unsigned long pos1
+ 0
+ int o3tl::basic_string_view::compare(unsigned long,unsigned long,const type-parameter-?-? *) const
+ unsigned long pos1
+ 1
+ int o3tl::basic_string_view::compare(unsigned long,unsigned long,const type-parameter-?-? *,unsigned long) const
+ unsigned long pos1
+ 1
+ unsigned long o3tl::basic_string_view::find(type-parameter-?-?,unsigned long) const
+ unsigned long pos
+ 0
+ unsigned long o3tl::basic_string_view::find(const type-parameter-?-? *,unsigned long,unsigned long) const
+ unsigned long pos
+ 0
+ unsigned long o3tl::basic_string_view::find(const type-parameter-?-? *,unsigned long) const
+ unsigned long pos
+ 0
+ unsigned long o3tl::basic_string_view::find_first_of(type-parameter-?-?,unsigned long) const
+ unsigned long pos
+ 0
+ unsigned long o3tl::basic_string_view::find_first_of(const type-parameter-?-? *,unsigned long,unsigned long) const
+ unsigned long pos
+ 0
+ unsigned long o3tl::basic_string_view::find_first_of(const type-parameter-?-? *,unsigned long) const
+ unsigned long pos
+ 0
+ unsigned long o3tl::basic_string_view::find_first_not_of(type-parameter-?-?,unsigned long) const
+ unsigned long pos
+ 0
+ unsigned long o3tl::basic_string_view::find_first_not_of(const type-parameter-?-? *,unsigned long,unsigned long) const
+ unsigned long pos
+ 0
+ unsigned long o3tl::basic_string_view::find_first_not_of(const type-parameter-?-? *,unsigned long) const
+ unsigned long pos
+ 0
+ void o3tl::strong_int::strong_int<UNDERLYING_TYPE, PHANTOM_TYPE>(type-parameter-?-?,typename enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value, int>::type)
+ typename enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value, int>::type
+ 0
+ strong_int<UNDERLYING_TYPE, PHANTOM_TYPE> o3tl::strong_int::operator++(int)
+ ###1
+ 0
+ _Bool oox::core::BinaryCodec_RCF::startBlock(int)
+ int nCounter
+ 0
+ void oox::core::Encrypt::Encrypt(class std::__debug::vector<unsigned char, class std::allocator<unsigned char> > &,class std::__debug::vector<unsigned char, class std::allocator<unsigned char> > &,enum oox::core::Crypto::CryptoType)
+ enum oox::core::Crypto::CryptoType type
+ 1
+ long oox::AttributeList::getHyper(int,long) const
+ long nDefault
+ 0
+ void oox::Matrix::Matrix<Type>(typename vector<type-parameter-?-?, allocator<type-parameter-?-?> >::size_type,typename vector<type-parameter-?-?, allocator<type-parameter-?-?> >::size_type)
+ typename vector<type-parameter-?-?, allocator<type-parameter-?-?> >::size_type nHeight
+ 1
+ typename vector<type-parameter-?-?, allocator<type-parameter-?-?> >::iterator oox::Matrix::at(typename vector<type-parameter-?-?, allocator<type-parameter-?-?> >::size_type,typename vector<type-parameter-?-?, allocator<type-parameter-?-?> >::size_type)
+ typename vector<type-parameter-?-?, allocator<type-parameter-?-?> >::size_type nY
+ 0
+ void oox::formulaimport::XmlStream::skipElementInternal(int,_Bool)
+ _Bool silent
+ 0
+ void oox::ole::ControlConverter::convertToAxState(class oox::PropertySet &,class rtl::OUString &,int &,enum oox::ole::ApiDefaultStateMode,_Bool)
+ enum oox::ole::ApiDefaultStateMode eDefStateMode
+ 0
+ void oox::ole::OleStorage::OleStorage(const class oox::ole::OleStorage &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer> &,const class rtl::OUString &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bReadOnly
+ 1
+ void oox::ole::VbaUserForm::VbaUserForm(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext> &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::frame::XModel> &,const class oox::GraphicHelper &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bDefaultColorBgr
+ 1
+ int ZipUtils::Deflater::doDeflateSegment(class com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<signed char> &,int,int)
+ int nNewOffset
+ 0
+ unsigned int SfxDispatcher::GetObjectBarId(unsigned short) const
+ unsigned short nPos
+ 1
+ void SfxMedium::SfxMedium(const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,enum StreamMode,class std::shared_ptr<const class SfxFilter>,class SfxItemSet *)
+ class SfxItemSet * pSet
+ 0
+ void SfxMedium::SfxMedium(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::embed::XStorage> &,const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,const class SfxItemSet *)
+ const class SfxItemSet * pSet
+ 0
+ void SfxPrintingHint::SfxPrintingHint(enum com::sun::star::view::PrintableState,const class com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<struct com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue> &,class SfxObjectShell *,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::frame::XController2> &)
+ enum com::sun::star::view::PrintableState nState
+ 0
+ void SfxFilterMatcherIter::SfxFilterMatcherIter(const class SfxFilterMatcher &,enum SfxFilterFlags,enum SfxFilterFlags)
+ enum SfxFilterFlags nMask
+ 0
+ void sfx2::FileDialogHelper::FileDialogHelper(short,enum FileDialogFlags,const class rtl::OUString &,enum SfxFilterFlags,enum SfxFilterFlags)
+ enum SfxFilterFlags nDont
+ 0
+ void sfx2::FileDialogHelper::FileDialogHelper(short,enum FileDialogFlags,const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<class rtl::OUString> &,class vcl::Window *)
+ class vcl::Window * _pPreferredParent
+ 0
+ void sfx::DummyItemConnection::DummyItemConnection(unsigned short,class vcl::Window &,enum ItemConnFlags)
+ enum ItemConnFlags nFlags
+ 1
+ void sfx::MetricConnection::MetricConnection<ItemWrpT>(unsigned short,class MetricField &,enum FieldUnit,enum ItemConnFlags)
+ enum ItemConnFlags nFlags
+ 1
+ void sfx::ListBoxConnection::ListBoxConnection<ItemWrpT>(unsigned short,class ListBox &,const typename ItemControlConnection<type-parameter-?-?, ListBoxWrapper<typename type-parameter-?-?::ItemValueType> >::ControlWrapperType::MapEntryType *,enum ItemConnFlags)
+ enum ItemConnFlags nFlags
+ 1
+ void sfx::ValueSetConnection::ValueSetConnection<ItemWrpT>(unsigned short,class ValueSet &,const typename ItemControlConnection<type-parameter-?-?, ValueSetWrapper<typename type-parameter-?-?::ItemValueType> >::ControlWrapperType::MapEntryType *,enum ItemConnFlags)
+ enum ItemConnFlags nFlags
+ 1
+ void SvxOpenGraphicDialog::EnableLink(_Bool)
+ _Bool
+ 0
+ void SfxPasswordDialog::ShowMinLengthText(_Bool)
+ _Bool bShow
+ 0
+ void SfxRequest::SfxRequest(const class SfxSlot *,const class com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<struct com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue> &,enum SfxCallMode,class SfxItemPool &)
+ enum SfxCallMode nCallMode
+ 1
+ void SfxRequest::SfxRequest(unsigned short,enum SfxCallMode,const class SfxAllItemSet &,const class SfxAllItemSet &)
+ enum SfxCallMode nCallMode
+ 1
+ void SfxRequest::AllowRecording(_Bool)
+ _Bool
+ 1
+ _Bool sfx2::sidebar::FocusManager::IsPanelTitleVisible(const int) const
+ const int nPanelIndex
+ 0
+ void sfx2::sidebar::SidebarToolBox::SetController(const unsigned short,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::frame::XToolbarController> &)
+ const unsigned short nItemId
+ 1
+ void SfxTabDialog::AddTabPage(unsigned short,const class rtl::OUString &,class VclPtr<class SfxTabPage> (*)(class vcl::Window *, const class SfxItemSet *),const unsigned short *(*)(void),unsigned short)
+ const unsigned short *(*)(void) pRangesFunc
+ 0
+ void ThumbnailView::ShowTooltips(_Bool)
+ _Bool bShowTooltips
+ 1
+ void Storage::Storage(const class rtl::OUString &,enum StreamMode,_Bool)
+ _Bool bDirect
+ 1
+ void UCBStorage::UCBStorage(const class ucbhelper::Content &,const class rtl::OUString &,enum StreamMode,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bDirect
+ 0
+ void UCBStorage::UCBStorage(const class ucbhelper::Content &,const class rtl::OUString &,enum StreamMode,_Bool,_Bool)
+ enum StreamMode nMode
+ 1
+ void UCBStorage::UCBStorage(const class ucbhelper::Content &,const class rtl::OUString &,enum StreamMode,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bIsRoot
+ 1
+ void UCBStorage::UCBStorage(const class rtl::OUString &,enum StreamMode,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bDirect
+ 1
+ void UCBStorage::UCBStorage(const class rtl::OUString &,enum StreamMode,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bIsRoot
+ 1
+ void UCBStorage::UCBStorage(const class rtl::OUString &,enum StreamMode,_Bool,_Bool,_Bool,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::ucb::XProgressHandler> &)
+ _Bool bIsRoot
+ 0
+ storeError store::OStoreStream::writeAt(unsigned int,const void *,unsigned int,unsigned int &)
+ unsigned int nOffset
+ 0
+ const class rtl::OUString & SvAddressParser::GetEmailAddress(int) const
+ int nIndex
+ 0
+ void SfxSingleRecordWriter::SfxSingleRecordWriter(unsigned char,class SvStream *,unsigned short,unsigned char)
+ unsigned char nCurVer
+ 0
+ void svl::GridPrinter::GridPrinter(unsigned long,unsigned long,_Bool)
+ _Bool bPrint
+ 0
+ void DdeLink::DdeLink(class DdeConnection &,const class rtl::OUString &,long)
+ long
+ 0
+ _Bool SvNumberformat::IsIso8601(unsigned short)
+ unsigned short nNumFor
+ 0
+ _Bool svt::IAccessibleTableProvider::GetGlyphBoundRects(const class Point &,const class rtl::OUString &,int,int,class std::__debug::vector<class tools::Rectangle, class std::allocator<class tools::Rectangle> > &)
+ int nIndex
+ 0
+ void LineListBox::SelectEntry(enum SvxBorderLineStyle,_Bool)
+ _Bool bSelect
+ 1
+ void MultiLineEditSyntaxHighlight::MultiLineEditSyntaxHighlight(class vcl::Window *,long,enum HighlighterLanguage)
+ enum HighlighterLanguage aLanguage
+ 1
+ void SfxErrorContext::SfxErrorContext(unsigned short,class vcl::Window *,unsigned short,class ResMgr *)
+ class ResMgr * pMgrP
+ 0
+ void SvtFileView::EnableDelete(_Bool)
+ _Bool bEnable
+ 1
+ class SvStream & HTMLOutFuncs::Out_Hex(class SvStream &,unsigned long,unsigned char,unsigned short)
+ unsigned short eDestEnc
+ 1
+ void HtmlWriter::prettyPrint(_Bool)
+ _Bool b
+ 0
+ void SvtURLBox::SvtURLBox(class vcl::Window *,enum INetProtocol,_Bool)
+ _Bool bSetDefaultHelpID
+ 1
+ void HTMLParser::FinishHeader(_Bool)
+ _Bool bBody
+ 1
+ void Ruler::SetWinPos(long,long)
+ long nWidth
+ 0
+ void SvLBoxButtonData::SvLBoxButtonData(const class Control *,_Bool)
+ _Bool _bRadioBtn
+ 1
+ void ExtMultiLineEdit::SetAttrib(const class TextAttrib &,unsigned int,int,int)
+ int nStart
+ 0
+ void TransferableHelper::StartDrag(class vcl::Window *,signed char,int)
+ int nDragPointer
+ 0
+ class SvTreeListEntry * SvTreeListBox::InsertEntry(const class rtl::OUString &,const class Image &,const class Image &,class SvTreeListEntry *,_Bool,unsigned long,void *,enum SvLBoxButtonKind)
+ enum SvLBoxButtonKind eButtonKind
+ 0
+ void SvTreeListBox::MakeVisible(class SvTreeListEntry *,_Bool)
+ _Bool bMoveToTop
+ 1
+ unsigned long SvTreeListBox::SelectChildren(class SvTreeListEntry *,_Bool)
+ _Bool bSelect
+ 0
+ void ValueSet::EnableFullItemMode(_Bool)
+ _Bool bFullMode
+ 0
+ void ValueSet::SetItemColor(unsigned short,const class Color &)
+ unsigned short nItemId
+ 1
+ void SvxOrientationItem::SvxOrientationItem(int,_Bool,const unsigned short)
+ const unsigned short nId
+ 0
+ void SvxTPFilter::SelectedAuthorPos(int)
+ int nPos
+ 0
+ void SvxTPFilter::CheckAction(_Bool)
+ _Bool bFlag
+ 0
+ void SvxRectCtl::DoCompletelyDisable(_Bool)
+ _Bool bNew
+ 1
+ void FmFormModel::FmFormModel(class SfxItemPool *,class SfxObjectShell *)
+ class SfxObjectShell * pPers
+ 0
+ void FmFormModel::FmFormModel(const class rtl::OUString &,class SfxItemPool *,class SfxObjectShell *)
+ class SfxItemPool * pPool
+ 0
+ void FmFormModel::FmFormModel(const class rtl::OUString &,class SfxItemPool *,class SfxObjectShell *,_Bool)
+ _Bool bUseExtColorTable
+ 1
+ void CursorWrapper::CursorWrapper(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::sdbc::XRowSet> &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bUseCloned
+ 0
+ void FmXDisposeListener::disposing(const struct com::sun::star::lang::EventObject &,short)
+ short _nId
+ 0
+ void svx::frame::Style::Style(double,double,double,enum SvxBorderLineStyle)
+ double nS
+ 0
+ void svx::frame::Style::Style(double,double,double,enum SvxBorderLineStyle)
+ enum SvxBorderLineStyle nType
+ 0
+ void svx::frame::Style::Style(double,double,double,enum SvxBorderLineStyle)
+ double nD
+ 0
+ void svx::frame::Array::DrawRange(class OutputDevice &,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long) const
+ unsigned long nFirstCol
+ 0
+ void svx::frame::Array::DrawRange(class OutputDevice &,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long) const
+ unsigned long nFirstRow
+ 0
+ void svx::FrameSelector::SelectAllBorders(_Bool)
+ _Bool bSelect
+ 0
+ void GalleryHint::GalleryHint(enum GalleryHintType,const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,unsigned long)
+ unsigned long nData1
+ 0
+ void DbGridControl::RemoveRows(_Bool)
+ _Bool bNewCursor
+ 0
+ void SvxLanguageBoxBase::ImplSelectEntryPos(int,_Bool)
+ _Bool bSelect
+ 1
+ unsigned short svx::sidebar::NBOTypeMgrBase::GetNBOIndexForNumRule(class SvxNumRule &,unsigned short,unsigned short)
+ unsigned short nFromIndex
+ 0
+ class rtl::OUString svx::sidebar::NBOTypeMgrBase::GetDescription(unsigned short,_Bool)
+ _Bool isDefault
+ 1
+ void SvxPostItAuthorItem::SvxPostItAuthorItem(unsigned short)
+ unsigned short nWhich
+ 0
+ void SvxPostItDateItem::SvxPostItDateItem(unsigned short)
+ unsigned short nWhich
+ 0
+ void SvxPostItTextItem::SvxPostItTextItem(unsigned short)
+ unsigned short nWhich
+ 0
+ void SvxPostItIdItem::SvxPostItIdItem(unsigned short)
+ unsigned short nWhich
+ 0
+ void SvxRelativeField::EnableRelativeMode(unsigned short,unsigned short,unsigned short)
+ unsigned short nMin
+ 0
+ void SvxColumnDescription::SvxColumnDescription(long,long,_Bool)
+ _Bool bVis
+ 1
+ void SdrGrafInvertItem::SdrGrafInvertItem(_Bool)
+ _Bool bInvert
+ 0
+ void sdr::overlay::OverlayObject::allowAntiAliase(_Bool)
+ _Bool bNew
+ 0
+ void E3dSphereObj::E3dSphereObj(enum E3dSphereObj::Dummy)
+ enum E3dSphereObj::Dummy dummy
+ 0
+ void SdrHelpLine::SdrHelpLine(enum SdrHelpLineKind)
+ enum SdrHelpLineKind eNewKind
+ 0
+ void SdrLayerAdmin::NewStandardLayer(unsigned short)
+ unsigned short nPos
+ 0
+ void SdrView::EnableExtendedKeyInputDispatcher(_Bool)
+ _Bool bOn
+ 0
+ void SdrView::EnableExtendedCommandEventDispatcher(_Bool)
+ _Bool bOn
+ 0
+ void SdrView::EnableTextEditOnObjectsWithoutTextIfTextTool(_Bool)
+ _Bool bOn
+ 1
+ void Svx3DReducedLineGeometryItem::Svx3DReducedLineGeometryItem(_Bool)
+ _Bool bVal
+ 0
+ void AbstractSvxZoomDialog::HideButton(enum ZoomButtonId)
+ enum ZoomButtonId nBtnId
+ 1
+ void SvxPresetListBox::FillPresetListBox(class XGradientList &,unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nStartIndex
+ 1
+ void SvxPresetListBox::FillPresetListBox(class XHatchList &,unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nStartIndex
+ 1
+ void SvxPresetListBox::FillPresetListBox(class XBitmapList &,unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nStartIndex
+ 1
+ void SvxPresetListBox::FillPresetListBox(class XPatternList &,unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nStartIndex
+ 1
+ void SdrCaptionAngleItem::SdrCaptionAngleItem(long)
+ long nAngle
+ 0
+ void SdrEdgeNode1GlueDistItem::SdrEdgeNode1GlueDistItem(long)
+ long nVal
+ 0
+ void SdrEdgeNode2GlueDistItem::SdrEdgeNode2GlueDistItem(long)
+ long nVal
+ 0
+ void SdrMeasureTextIsFixedAngleItem::SdrMeasureTextIsFixedAngleItem(_Bool)
+ _Bool bOn
+ 0
+ void SdrMeasureTextFixedAngleItem::SdrMeasureTextFixedAngleItem(long)
+ long nVal
+ 0
+ void SdrMeasureTextUpsideDownItem::SdrMeasureTextUpsideDownItem(_Bool)
+ _Bool bOn
+ 0
+ void TextChain::SetPendingOverflowCheck(const class SdrTextObj *,_Bool)
+ _Bool
+ 1
+ void SvxUnoDrawPool::SvxUnoDrawPool(class SdrModel *,int)
+ int nServiceId
+ 1
+ void XFillBmpSizeLogItem::XFillBmpSizeLogItem(_Bool)
+ _Bool bLog
+ 1
+ void XFormTextShadowTranspItem::XFormTextShadowTranspItem(unsigned short)
+ unsigned short nShdwTransparence
+ 0
+ void MetafileXmlDump::filterActionType(const enum MetaActionType,_Bool)
+ _Bool bShouldFilter
+ 0
+ void Date::Date(enum Date::DateInitEmpty)
+ enum Date::DateInitEmpty
+ 0
+ void Date::Date(enum Date::DateInitSystem)
+ enum Date::DateInitSystem
+ 0
+ void DateTime::DateTime(enum DateTime::DateTimeInitEmpty)
+ enum DateTime::DateTimeInitEmpty
+ 0
+ void DateTime::DateTime(enum DateTime::DateTimeInitSystem)
+ enum DateTime::DateTimeInitSystem
+ 0
+ void ResId::ImplInit(unsigned int,class ResMgr &,struct RSHEADER_TYPE *)
+ struct RSHEADER_TYPE * pRes
+ 0
+ _Bool SvFileStream::LockRange(unsigned long,unsigned long)
+ unsigned long nBytes
+ 0
+ _Bool SvFileStream::LockRange(unsigned long,unsigned long)
+ unsigned long nByteOffset
+ 0
+ _Bool SvFileStream::UnlockRange(unsigned long,unsigned long)
+ unsigned long nByteOffset
+ 0
+ _Bool SvFileStream::UnlockRange(unsigned long,unsigned long)
+ unsigned long nBytes
+ 0
+ void tools::Time::Time(enum tools::Time::TimeInitEmpty)
+ enum tools::Time::TimeInitEmpty
+ 0
+ void tools::Time::Time(enum tools::Time::TimeInitSystem)
+ enum tools::Time::TimeInitSystem
+ 0
+ class rtl::OUString INetURLObject::GetRelURL(const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,enum INetURLObject::EncodeMechanism,enum INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism,unsigned short,enum FSysStyle)
+ enum INetURLObject::EncodeMechanism eEncodeMechanism
+ 1
+ class rtl::OUString INetURLObject::encode(const class rtl::OUString &,enum INetURLObject::Part,enum INetURLObject::EncodeMechanism,unsigned short)
+ enum INetURLObject::EncodeMechanism eMechanism
+ 0
+ void CalendarWrapper::addValue(short,int)
+ short nFieldIndex
+ 1
+ class rtl::OUString CharClass::titlecase(const class rtl::OUString &,int,int) const
+ int nPos
+ 0
+ _Bool CharClass::isAlphaNumeric(const class rtl::OUString &,int) const
+ int nPos
+ 0
+ _Bool SvtCommandOptions::HasEntries(enum SvtCommandOptions::CmdOption) const
+ enum SvtCommandOptions::CmdOption eOption
+ 0
+ _Bool SvtCommandOptions::Lookup(enum SvtCommandOptions::CmdOption,const class rtl::OUString &) const
+ enum SvtCommandOptions::CmdOption eOption
+ 0
+ void ConvertChar::RecodeString(class rtl::OUString &,int,int) const
+ int nIndex
+ 0
+ unsigned int SvtHistoryOptions::GetSize(enum EHistoryType) const
+ enum EHistoryType eHistory
+ 0
+ void SvtHistoryOptions::DeleteItem(enum EHistoryType,const class rtl::OUString &)
+ enum EHistoryType eHistory
+ 0
+ class com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<struct com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue> utl::MediaDescriptor::requestAndVerifyDocPassword(class comphelper::IDocPasswordVerifier &,enum comphelper::DocPasswordRequestType,const class std::__debug::vector<class rtl::OUString, class std::allocator<class rtl::OUString> > *)
+ enum comphelper::DocPasswordRequestType eRequestType
+ 1
+ void utl::SharedUNOComponent::SharedUNOComponent<INTERFACE, COMPONENT>(const class com::sun::star::uno::BaseReference &,enum com::sun::star::uno::UnoReference_QueryThrow)
+ enum com::sun::star::uno::UnoReference_QueryThrow _queryThrow
+ 0
+ _Bool utl::SharedUNOComponent::set(const class com::sun::star::uno::BaseReference &,enum com::sun::star::uno::UnoReference_Query)
+ enum com::sun::star::uno::UnoReference_Query _query
+ 0
+ void utl::SharedUNOComponent::set(const Reference<type-parameter-?-?> &,enum com::sun::star::uno::UnoReference_SetThrow)
+ enum com::sun::star::uno::UnoReference_SetThrow _setThrow
+ 0
+ void utl::SharedUNOComponent::set(const SharedUNOComponent<INTERFACE, COMPONENT> &,enum com::sun::star::uno::UnoReference_SetThrow)
+ enum com::sun::star::uno::UnoReference_SetThrow _setThrow
+ 0
+ class rtl::OUString utl::TransliterationWrapper::transliterate(const class rtl::OUString &,int,int) const
+ int nStart
+ 0
+ _Bool utl::TransliterationWrapper::equals(const class rtl::OUString &,int,int,int &,const class rtl::OUString &,int,int,int &) const
+ int nPos2
+ 0
+ _Bool utl::TransliterationWrapper::equals(const class rtl::OUString &,int,int,int &,const class rtl::OUString &,int,int,int &) const
+ int nPos1
+ 0
+ _Bool AlphaMask::Replace(unsigned char,unsigned char)
+ unsigned char cSearchTransparency
+ 0
+ void BmpFilterParam::BmpFilterParam(unsigned char,unsigned long,unsigned long)
+ unsigned long nProgressStart
+ 0
+ void BmpFilterParam::BmpFilterParam(unsigned char,unsigned long,unsigned long)
+ unsigned long nProgressEnd
+ 0
+ void BmpFilterParam::BmpFilterParam(double,unsigned long,unsigned long)
+ unsigned long nProgressStart
+ 0
+ void BmpFilterParam::BmpFilterParam(double,unsigned long,unsigned long)
+ unsigned long nProgressEnd
+ 0
+ void BmpFilterParam::BmpFilterParam(unsigned short,unsigned long,unsigned long)
+ unsigned long nProgressEnd
+ 0
+ void BmpFilterParam::BmpFilterParam(unsigned short,unsigned long,unsigned long)
+ unsigned long nProgressStart
+ 0
+ void BmpFilterParam::BmpFilterParam(const class Size &,unsigned long,unsigned long)
+ unsigned long nProgressStart
+ 0
+ void BmpFilterParam::BmpFilterParam(const class Size &,unsigned long,unsigned long)
+ unsigned long nProgressEnd
+ 0
+ void BmpFilterParam::BmpFilterParam(unsigned short,unsigned short,unsigned long,unsigned long)
+ unsigned long nProgressStart
+ 0
+ void BmpFilterParam::BmpFilterParam(unsigned short,unsigned short,unsigned long,unsigned long)
+ unsigned long nProgressEnd
+ 0
+ void ButtonDialog::AddButton(const class rtl::OUString &,unsigned short,enum ButtonDialogFlags,long)
+ long nSepPixel
+ 0
+ unsigned short ButtonDialog::GetButtonId(unsigned short) const
+ unsigned short nButton
+ 0
+ void Button::EnableImageDisplay(_Bool)
+ _Bool bEnable
+ 1
+ void ComboBox::EnableDDAutoWidth(_Bool)
+ _Bool b
+ 0
+ void ComboBox::EnableMultiSelection(_Bool)
+ _Bool bMulti
+ 0
+ void Dialog::SetModalInputMode(_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bSubModalDialogs
+ 1
+ void Edit::ImplClearBackground(class OutputDevice &,const class tools::Rectangle &,long,long)
+ long nXStart
+ 0
+ void Edit::ImplPaintBorder(class OutputDevice &,long,long)
+ long nXStart
+ 0
+ void Idle::Idle(_Bool,const char *)
+ _Bool bAuto
+ 0
+ void ListBox::EnableDDAutoWidth(_Bool)
+ _Bool b
+ 0
+ void ListBox::EnableUserDraw(_Bool)
+ _Bool bUserDraw
+ 1
+ void ListBox::EnableQuickSelection(_Bool)
+ _Bool b
+ 0
+ _Bool OutputDevice::SupportsOperation(enum OutDevSupportType) const
+ enum OutDevSupportType
+ 0
+ void OutputDevice::ImplDrawWaveTextLine(long,long,long,long,long,enum FontLineStyle,class Color,_Bool)
+ long nY
+ 0
+ void OutputDevice::ImplDrawStraightTextLine(long,long,long,long,long,enum FontLineStyle,class Color,_Bool)
+ long nY
+ 0
+ void OutputDevice::ImplDrawStrikeoutLine(long,long,long,long,long,enum FontStrikeout,class Color)
+ long nY
+ 0
+ void OutputDevice::ImplDrawStrikeoutChar(long,long,long,long,long,enum FontStrikeout,class Color)
+ long nY
+ 0
+ void OutputDevice::RefreshFontData(const _Bool)
+ const _Bool bNewFontLists
+ 1
+ void OutputDevice::ImplClearFontData(_Bool)
+ _Bool bNewFontLists
+ 1
+ _Bool OutputDevice::GetTextIsRTL(const class rtl::OUString &,int,int) const
+ int nIndex
+ 0
+ void SplitWindow::InsertItem(unsigned short,long,unsigned short,unsigned short,enum SplitWindowItemFlags)
+ unsigned short nIntoSetId
+ 0
+ long SplitWindow::GetItemSize(unsigned short,enum SplitWindowItemFlags) const
+ enum SplitWindowItemFlags nBits
+ 1
+ void SystemChildWindow::EnableEraseBackground(_Bool)
+ _Bool bEnable
+ 0
+ void TextEngine::RemoveAttribs(unsigned int,unsigned short)
+ unsigned int nPara
+ 0
+ void TextView::SupportProtectAttribute(_Bool)
+ _Bool bSupport
+ 1
+ void Timer::Invoke(class Timer *)
+ class Timer * arg
+ 0
+ void ToolBox::InsertItem(unsigned short,const class Image &,enum ToolBoxItemBits,unsigned long)
+ enum ToolBoxItemBits nBits
+ 0
+ void ToolBox::InsertWindow(unsigned short,class vcl::Window *,enum ToolBoxItemBits,unsigned long)
+ enum ToolBoxItemBits nBits
+ 0
+ class Size ToolBox::CalcWindowSizePixel(unsigned long,enum WindowAlign)
+ unsigned long nCalcLines
+ 1
+ void ToolBox::EnableCustomize(_Bool)
+ _Bool bEnable
+ 1
+ void VclPtr::VclPtr<T>(type-parameter-?-? *,enum __sal_NoAcquire)
+ enum __sal_NoAcquire
+ 0
+ void VclPtr::VclPtr<T>(const VclPtr<type-parameter-?-?> &,typename UpCast<type-parameter-?-?, type-parameter-?-?>::t)
+ typename UpCast<type-parameter-?-?, type-parameter-?-?>::t
+ 0
+ void ScopedVclPtr::ScopedVclPtr<reference_type>(const VclPtr<type-parameter-?-?> &,typename UpCast<type-parameter-?-?, type-parameter-?-?>::t)
+ typename UpCast<type-parameter-?-?, type-parameter-?-?>::t
+ 0
+ void ScopedVclPtr::ScopedVclPtr<reference_type>(type-parameter-?-? *,enum __sal_NoAcquire)
+ enum __sal_NoAcquire
+ 0
+ void vcl::Window::ImplSetMouseTransparent(_Bool)
+ _Bool bTransparent
+ 1
+ void XMLStyleExport::exportStyleFamily(const char *,const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::Reference<class SvXMLExportPropertyMapper> &,_Bool,unsigned short,const class rtl::OUString *)
+ const class rtl::OUString * pPrefix
+ 0
+ void XMLTextParagraphExport::exportText(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::text::XText> &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::text::XTextSection> &,_Bool,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bExportParagraph
+ 1
+ void XMLEventExport::Export(class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::document::XEventsSupplier> &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bUseWhitespace
+ 1
+ void PoOfstream::PoOfstream(const class rtl::OString &,enum PoOfstream::OpenMode)
+ enum PoOfstream::OpenMode aMode
+ 1
+ void LwpCurrencyInfo::LwpCurrencyInfo(const class rtl::OUString &,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bShowSpace_
+ 1
+ void XFBorder::SetDoubleLine(_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool dual
+ 1
+ void XFBorder::SetDoubleLine(_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bSameWidth
+ 0
+ void XFCellStyle::SetAlignType(enum enumXFAlignType,enum enumXFAlignType)
+ enum enumXFAlignType hori
+ 0
+ void XFDrawStyle::SetFontWorkStyle(enum enumXFFWStyle,enum enumXFFWAdjust)
+ enum enumXFFWAdjust eAdjust
+ 0
+ void XFFrameStyle::SetProtect(_Bool,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool size
+ 1
+ void XFFrameStyle::SetProtect(_Bool,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool pos
+ 1
+ void XFFrameStyle::SetProtect(_Bool,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool content
+ 1
+ void XFIndexTemplate::AddTabEntry(enum enumXFTab,double,char16_t,char16_t,const class rtl::OUString &)
+ double len
+ 0
+ void XFParaStyle::SetDropCap(short,short,double)
+ double fDistance
+ 0
+ void o3tltests::cow_wrapper_client1::cow_wrapper_client1(int)
+ int nVal
+ 1
+ void oox::drawingml::chart::TypeGroupConverter::convertLineSmooth(class oox::PropertySet &,_Bool) const
+ _Bool bOoxSmooth
+ 1
+ void oox::drawingml::TextSpacing::TextSpacing(int)
+ int nPoints
+ 0
+ void oox::drawingml::ColorPropertySet::ColorPropertySet(int,_Bool)
+ _Bool bFillColor
+ 1
+ void oox::ppt::AnimColor::AnimColor(short,int,int,int)
+ int o
+ 0
+ void oox::ppt::AnimColor::AnimColor(short,int,int,int)
+ int th
+ 0
+ void oox::ppt::AnimColor::AnimColor(short,int,int,int)
+ int t
+ 0
+ void oox::ppt::AnimColor::AnimColor(short,int,int,int)
+ short cs
+ 0
+ void pyuno::PyRef::PyRef(struct _object *,enum __sal_NoAcquire)
+ enum __sal_NoAcquire
+ 0
+ void pyuno::PyRef::PyRef(struct _object *,enum __sal_NoAcquire,enum pyuno::NotNull)
+ enum __sal_NoAcquire
+ 0
+ void pyuno::PyRef::PyRef(struct _object *,enum __sal_NoAcquire,enum pyuno::NotNull)
+ enum pyuno::NotNull
+ 0
+ void log(struct pyuno::RuntimeCargo *,int,const class rtl::OUString &)
+ int level
+ 1
+ void rptxml::OXMLCharContent::OXMLCharContent(class SvXMLImport &,class rptxml::OXMLFixedContent *,unsigned short,const class rtl::OUString &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::xml::sax::XAttributeList> &,short)
+ short nControl
+ 1
+ void rptxml::OReportStylesContext::OReportStylesContext(class rptxml::ORptFilter &,unsigned short,const class rtl::OUString &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::xml::sax::XAttributeList> &,const _Bool)
+ unsigned short nPrfx
+ 0
+ void rptui::ODesignView::setMarked(const class com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::report::XReportComponent> > &,_Bool)
+ _Bool _bMark
+ 1
+ void rptui::GeometryHandler::implCreateListLikeControl(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::inspection::XPropertyControlFactory> &,struct com::sun::star::inspection::LineDescriptor &,unsigned short,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool _bReadOnlyControl
+ 0
+ void rptui::GeometryHandler::implCreateListLikeControl(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::inspection::XPropertyControlFactory> &,struct com::sun::star::inspection::LineDescriptor &,unsigned short,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool _bTrueIfListBoxFalseIfComboBox
+ 1
+ void FileHandle_Impl::FileHandle_Impl(int,enum FileHandle_Impl::Kind,const char *)
+ enum FileHandle_Impl::Kind kind
+ 1
+ void osl_FileBase::getAbsoluteFileURL::check_getAbsoluteFileURL(const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OString &,enum osl::FileBase::RC,const class rtl::OUString &)
+ enum osl::FileBase::RC _nAssumeError
+ 0
+ void ThreadSafeValue::ThreadSafeValue<T>(type-parameter-?-?)
+ type-parameter-?-? n
+ 0
+ void rtl_random::Statistics::addValue(unsigned char,int)
+ int _nValue
+ 1
+ void ScAddress::Format(class rtl::OStringBuffer &,enum ScRefFlags,const class ScDocument *,const struct ScAddress::Details &) const
+ const class ScDocument * pDocument
+ 0
+ void ScRange::ScRange(enum ScAddress::Uninitialized)
+ enum ScAddress::Uninitialized eUninitialized
+ 0
+ void ScRange::ScRange(enum ScAddress::InitializeInvalid)
+ enum ScAddress::InitializeInvalid eInvalid
+ 0
+ void ScChangeActionContent::PutOldValueToDoc(class ScDocument *,short,int) const
+ short nDx
+ 0
+ void ScChangeActionContent::PutOldValueToDoc(class ScDocument *,short,int) const
+ int nDy
+ 0
+ void ScColumn::AttachNewFormulaCell(const class mdds::__mtv::iterator_base<struct mdds::multi_type_vector<struct mdds::mtv::custom_block_func3<struct mdds::mtv::default_element_block<52, class svl::SharedString>, struct mdds::mtv::noncopyable_managed_element_block<53, class EditTextObject>, struct mdds::mtv::noncopyable_managed_element_block<54, class ScFormulaCell> >, class sc::CellStoreEvent>::iterator_trait, struct mdds::__mtv::private_data_forward_update<struct mdds::__mtv::iterator_value_node<unsigned long, struct mdds::mtv::base_element_block> > > &,int,class ScFormulaCell &,_Bool,enum sc::StartListeningType)
+ _Bool bJoin
+ 1
+ void sc::ColumnSpanSet::ColumnType::ColumnType(int,int,_Bool)
+ int nStart
+ 0
+ void sc::ColumnSpanSet::set(short,short,int,_Bool)
+ _Bool bVal
+ 1
+ void sc::ColumnSpanSet::set(const class ScRange &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bVal
+ 1
+ void sc::ColumnSpanSet::set(short,short,const class sc::SingleColumnSpanSet &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bVal
+ 1
+ void sc::ColumnSpanSet::scan(const class ScDocument &,short,short,int,short,int,_Bool)
+ _Bool bVal
+ 1
+ char16_t ScCompiler::GetNativeAddressSymbol(enum ScCompiler::Convention::SpecialSymbolType) const
+ enum ScCompiler::Convention::SpecialSymbolType eType
+ 0
+ void ScBitMaskCompressedArray::ScBitMaskCompressedArray<A, D>(type-parameter-?-?,const type-parameter-?-? &,unsigned long)
+ const type-parameter-?-? & rValue
+ 0
+ void ScBitMaskCompressedArray::CopyFromAnded(const ScBitMaskCompressedArray<A, D> &,type-parameter-?-?,type-parameter-?-?,const type-parameter-?-? &)
+ type-parameter-?-? nStart
+ 0
+ void ScFieldIdentifier::ScFieldIdentifier(const class rtl::OUString &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bDataLayout
+ 1
+ void ScUsedAreaIterator::ScUsedAreaIterator(class ScDocument *,short,short,int,short,int)
+ short nCol1
+ 0
+ void ScUsedAreaIterator::ScUsedAreaIterator(class ScDocument *,short,short,int,short,int)
+ int nRow1
+ 0
+ void ScDocRowHeightUpdater::TabRanges::TabRanges(short)
+ short nTab
+ 0
+ void ScDocument::SetPendingRowHeights(short,_Bool)
+ _Bool bSet
+ 0
+ void ScDocument::SetScenario(short,_Bool)
+ _Bool bFlag
+ 1
+ void ScDocument::EnableUserInteraction(_Bool)
+ _Bool bVal
+ 0
+ void ScDocument::CopyMultiRangeFromClip(const class ScAddress &,const class ScMarkData &,enum InsertDeleteFlags,class ScDocument *,_Bool,_Bool,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bResetCut
+ 1
+ void ScDocument::UndoToDocument(short,int,short,short,int,short,enum InsertDeleteFlags,_Bool,class ScDocument &)
+ _Bool bMarked
+ 0
+ void ScDocument::UndoToDocument(short,int,short,short,int,short,enum InsertDeleteFlags,_Bool,class ScDocument &)
+ short nCol1
+ 0
+ void ScDocument::UndoToDocument(const class ScRange &,enum InsertDeleteFlags,_Bool,class ScDocument &)
+ _Bool bMarked
+ 0
+ const class ScPatternAttr * ScDocument::GetMostUsedPattern(short,int,int,short) const
+ int nStartRow
+ 0
+ unsigned long ScDocument::GetColWidth(short,short,short) const
+ short nStartCol
+ 0
+ void ScDocument::ShowRow(int,short,_Bool)
+ _Bool bShow
+ 0
+ void ScDocument::SetRowFlags(int,int,short,enum CRFlags)
+ int nStartRow
+ 0
+ void ScDocument::GetAllRowBreaks(class std::__debug::set<int, struct std::less<int>, class std::allocator<int> > &,short,_Bool,_Bool) const
+ _Bool bPage
+ 0
+ void ScDocument::GetAllRowBreaks(class std::__debug::set<int, struct std::less<int>, class std::allocator<int> > &,short,_Bool,_Bool) const
+ _Bool bManual
+ 1
+ void ScDocument::GetAllColBreaks(class std::__debug::set<short, struct std::less<short>, class std::allocator<short> > &,short,_Bool,_Bool) const
+ _Bool bManual
+ 1
+ void ScDocument::GetAllColBreaks(class std::__debug::set<short, struct std::less<short>, class std::allocator<short> > &,short,_Bool,_Bool) const
+ _Bool bPage
+ 0
+ void ScDocument::RemoveRowBreak(int,short,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bManual
+ 1
+ void ScDocument::RemoveRowBreak(int,short,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bPage
+ 0
+ void ScDocument::RemoveColBreak(short,short,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bPage
+ 0
+ void ScDocument::RemoveColBreak(short,short,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bManual
+ 1
+ void ScDocument::UpdateBroadcastAreas(enum UpdateRefMode,const class ScRange &,short,int,short)
+ enum UpdateRefMode eUpdateRefMode
+ 0
+ void ScDocument::CollectAllAreaListeners(class std::__debug::vector<class SvtListener *, class std::allocator<class SvtListener *> > &,const class ScRange &,enum sc::AreaOverlapType)
+ enum sc::AreaOverlapType eType
+ 1
+ void ScDocumentImport::setRowsVisible(short,int,int,_Bool)
+ _Bool bVisible
+ 0
+ _Bool sc::DocumentLinkManager::hasDdeOrOleLinks(_Bool,_Bool) const
+ _Bool bDde
+ 1
+ class rtl::OUString ScDPDimensionSaveData::CreateDateGroupDimName(int,const class ScDPObject &,_Bool,const class std::__debug::vector<class rtl::OUString, class std::allocator<class rtl::OUString> > *)
+ _Bool bAllowSource
+ 1
+ void ScDPValue::Set(double,enum ScDPValue::Type)
+ enum ScDPValue::Type eT
+ 0
+ void ScDPSaveDimension::Dump(int) const
+ int nIndent
+ 0
+ const class ScDPItemData * ScDPTableData::GetMemberByIndex(long,long)
+ long nIndex
+ 0
+ void ScDPRelativePos::ScDPRelativePos(long,long)
+ long nBase
+ 0
+ unsigned long ScFormatFilterPlugin::ScExportExcel5(class SfxMedium &,class ScDocument *,enum ExportFormatExcel,unsigned short)
+ unsigned short eDest
+ 1
+ void ScFormatFilterPlugin::ScExportHTML(class SvStream &,const class rtl::OUString &,class ScDocument *,const class ScRange &,const unsigned short,_Bool,const class rtl::OUString &,class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &)
+ const unsigned short eDest
+ 0
+ void ScFormatFilterPlugin::ScExportRTF(class SvStream &,class ScDocument *,const class ScRange &,const unsigned short)
+ const unsigned short eDest
+ 0
+ void ScFormulaCell::ScFormulaCell(class ScDocument *,const class ScAddress &,class ScTokenArray *,const enum formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar,enum ScMatrixMode)
+ enum ScMatrixMode cMatInd
+ 0
+ void ScPostIt::ScPostIt(class ScDocument &,const class ScAddress &,unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nPostItId
+ 0
+ void ScProgress::SetStateText(unsigned long,const class rtl::OUString &)
+ unsigned long nVal
+ 0
+ class VclPtr<class AbstractScMetricInputDlg> ScAbstractDialogFactory::CreateScMetricInputDlg(class vcl::Window *,const class rtl::OString &,long,long,enum FieldUnit,unsigned short,long,long)
+ long nMinimum
+ 0
+ void sc::UndoSwitch::UndoSwitch(class ScDocument &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bUndo
+ 1
+ void sc::IdleSwitch::IdleSwitch(class ScDocument &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bEnableIdle
+ 0
+ void ScTable::SetOptimalHeightOnly(class sc::RowHeightContext &,int,int,class ScProgress *,unsigned long)
+ int nStartRow
+ 0
+ _Bool ScTable::RowHiddenLeaf(int,int *,int *) const
+ int * pFirstRow
+ 0
+ void ScTable::CopyColHidden(class ScTable &,short,short)
+ short nStartCol
+ 0
+ void ScTable::CopyRowHidden(class ScTable &,int,int)
+ int nStartRow
+ 0
+ _Bool ScTable::ColFiltered(short,short *,short *) const
+ short * pFirstCol
+ 0
+ void ScTable::CopyColFiltered(class ScTable &,short,short)
+ short nStartCol
+ 0
+ void ScTable::CopyRowFiltered(class ScTable &,int,int)
+ int nStartRow
+ 0
+ void ScRefListToken::ScRefListToken(_Bool)
+ _Bool bArrayResult
+ 1
+ void sc::MultiDataCellState::MultiDataCellState(enum sc::MultiDataCellState::StateType)
+ enum sc::MultiDataCellState::StateType eState
+ 1
+ void BoolResetter::BoolResetter(_Bool &,_Bool)
+ _Bool b
+ 1
+ class std::basic_string<char, struct std::char_traits<char>, class std::allocator<char> > sc::opencl::DynamicKernelSlidingArgument::GenSlidingWindowDeclRef(_Bool) const
+ _Bool nested
+ 0
+ class std::basic_string<char, struct std::char_traits<char>, class std::allocator<char> > sc::opencl::DynamicKernelArgument::GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef(_Bool) const
+ _Bool
+ 0
+ class std::basic_string<char, struct std::char_traits<char>, class std::allocator<char> > sc::opencl::DynamicKernelArgument::GenStringSlidingWindowDeclRef(_Bool) const
+ _Bool
+ 0
+ void ConventionOOO_A1::ConventionOOO_A1(enum formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention)
+ enum formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention eConv
+ 1
+ void XclExpFmlaCompImpl::ConvertRefData(struct ScComplexRefData &,struct XclRange &,_Bool) const
+ _Bool bNatLangRef
+ 0
+ void XclExpFmlaCompImpl::Append(unsigned char,unsigned long)
+ unsigned char nData
+ 0
+ void XclExpFmlaCompImpl::Append(unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nData
+ 0
+ void XclExpFmlaCompImpl::AppendExt(unsigned char,unsigned long)
+ unsigned char nData
+ 0
+ _Bool oox::xls::AddressConverter::parseOoxRange2d(int &,int &,int &,int &,const class rtl::OUString &,int)
+ int nStart
+ 0
+ _Bool oox::xls::AddressConverter::convertToCellAddress(class ScAddress &,const char *,short,_Bool)
+ _Bool bTrackOverflow
+ 1
+ class ScAddress oox::xls::AddressConverter::createValidCellAddress(const class rtl::OUString &,short,_Bool)
+ _Bool bTrackOverflow
+ 0
+ _Bool oox::xls::AddressConverter::convertToCellRange(class ScRange &,const class rtl::OUString &,short,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bAllowOverflow
+ 1
+ _Bool oox::xls::AddressConverter::convertToCellRange(class ScRange &,const struct oox::xls::BinRange &,short,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bAllowOverflow
+ 1
+ void oox::xls::AddressConverter::validateCellRangeList(class ScRangeList &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bTrackOverflow
+ 0
+ void oox::xls::ApiFilterSettings::appendField(_Bool,const class std::__debug::vector<class rtl::OUString, class std::allocator<class rtl::OUString> > &)
+ _Bool bAnd
+ 1
+ void XclExpSheetProtection::XclExpSheetProtection(_Bool,short)
+ _Bool bValue
+ 1
+ enum ConvErr ExcelConverterBase::Convert(class ScRangeListTabs &,class XclImpStream &,unsigned long,short,const enum FORMULA_TYPE)
+ const enum FORMULA_TYPE eFT
+ 1
+ void oox::xls::ApiTokenIterator::ApiTokenIterator(const class com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<struct com::sun::star::sheet::FormulaToken> &,int,_Bool)
+ _Bool bSkipSpaces
+ 1
+ void oox::xls::FormulaProcessorBase::convertStringToStringList(class com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<struct com::sun::star::sheet::FormulaToken> &,char16_t,_Bool) const
+ _Bool bTrimLeadingSpaces
+ 1
+ void oox::xls::PivotCacheField::PivotCacheField(const class oox::xls::WorkbookHelper &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bIsDatabaseField
+ 1
+ class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::style::XStyle> oox::xls::WorkbookHelper::getStyleObject(const class rtl::OUString &,_Bool) const
+ _Bool bPageStyle
+ 1
+ class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::style::XStyle> oox::xls::WorkbookHelper::createStyleObject(class rtl::OUString &,_Bool) const
+ _Bool bPageStyle
+ 1
+ void XclExpChFutureRecordBase::XclExpChFutureRecordBase(const class XclExpChRoot &,enum XclFutureRecType,unsigned short,unsigned long)
+ enum XclFutureRecType eRecType
+ 1
+ void XclExpChFrameBase::SetDefaultFrameBase(const class XclExpChRoot &,enum XclChFrameType,_Bool)
+ enum XclChFrameType eDefFrameType
+ 1
+ void XclExpChFrame::SetAutoFlags(_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bAutoPos
+ 0
+ void XclExpChFrame::SetAutoFlags(_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bAutoSize
+ 0
+ class std::shared_ptr<class XclExpExt> XclExtLst::GetItem(enum XclExpExtType)
+ enum XclExpExtType eType
+ 0
+ struct XclAddress XclExpAddressConverter::CreateValidAddress(const class ScAddress &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bWarn
+ 0
+ void XclExpAddressConverter::ValidateRangeList(class ScRangeList &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bWarn
+ 0
+ unsigned short XclExpPTField::GetItemIndex(const class rtl::OUString &,unsigned short) const
+ unsigned short nDefaultIdx
+ 0
+ class std::shared_ptr<class sax_fastparser::FastSerializerHelper> & XclExpXmlStream::WriteAttributes(int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,struct FSEND_t)
+ const char * value2
+ 0
+ class std::shared_ptr<class sax_fastparser::FastSerializerHelper> & XclExpXmlStream::WriteAttributes(int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,struct FSEND_t)
+ const char * value8
+ 0
+ class std::shared_ptr<class sax_fastparser::FastSerializerHelper> & XclExpXmlStream::WriteAttributes(int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,struct FSEND_t)
+ const char * value4
+ 0
+ class std::shared_ptr<class sax_fastparser::FastSerializerHelper> & XclExpXmlStream::WriteAttributes(int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,struct FSEND_t)
+ const char * value3
+ 0
+ class std::shared_ptr<class sax_fastparser::FastSerializerHelper> & XclExpXmlStream::WriteAttributes(int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,struct FSEND_t)
+ const char * value9
+ 0
+ class std::shared_ptr<class sax_fastparser::FastSerializerHelper> & XclExpXmlStream::WriteAttributes(int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,struct FSEND_t)
+ const char * value12
+ 0
+ class std::shared_ptr<class sax_fastparser::FastSerializerHelper> & XclExpXmlStream::WriteAttributes(int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,struct FSEND_t)
+ const char * value13
+ 0
+ class std::shared_ptr<class sax_fastparser::FastSerializerHelper> & XclExpXmlStream::WriteAttributes(int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,struct FSEND_t)
+ const char * value14
+ 0
+ class std::shared_ptr<class sax_fastparser::FastSerializerHelper> & XclExpXmlStream::WriteAttributes(int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,struct FSEND_t)
+ const char * value7
+ 0
+ class std::shared_ptr<class sax_fastparser::FastSerializerHelper> & XclExpXmlStream::WriteAttributes(int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,struct FSEND_t)
+ const char * value5
+ 0
+ class std::shared_ptr<class sax_fastparser::FastSerializerHelper> & XclExpXmlStream::WriteAttributes(int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,struct FSEND_t)
+ const char * value11
+ 0
+ class std::shared_ptr<class sax_fastparser::FastSerializerHelper> & XclExpXmlStream::WriteAttributes(int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,struct FSEND_t)
+ const char * value6
+ 0
+ class std::shared_ptr<class sax_fastparser::FastSerializerHelper> & XclExpXmlStream::WriteAttributes(int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,int,const char *,struct FSEND_t)
+ const char * value10
+ 0
+ void XclExpString::Assign(char16_t)
+ char16_t cChar
+ 0
+ void XclExpString::AppendTrailingFormat(unsigned short)
+ unsigned short nFontIdx
+ 0
+ unsigned short XclExpString::GetChar(unsigned short) const
+ unsigned short nCharIdx
+ 0
+ unsigned short XclExpFontBuffer::Insert(const class SvxFont &,enum XclExpColorType)
+ enum XclExpColorType eColorType
+ 0
+ unsigned short XclExpFontBuffer::Insert(const class SfxItemSet &,short,enum XclExpColorType,_Bool)
+ enum XclExpColorType eColorType
+ 0
+ void XclExpSingleCellBase::XclExpSingleCellBase(unsigned short,unsigned long,const struct XclAddress &,unsigned int)
+ unsigned long nContSize
+ 0
+ void XclExpSingleCellBase::XclExpSingleCellBase(const class XclExpRoot &,unsigned short,unsigned long,const struct XclAddress &,const class ScPatternAttr *,short,unsigned int)
+ short nScript
+ 1
+ void XclImpControlHelper::ReadSourceRangeFormula(class XclImpStream &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bWithBoundSize
+ 1
+ class ScAddress XclImpAddressConverter::CreateValidAddress(const struct XclAddress &,short,_Bool)
+ _Bool bWarn
+ 0
+ void XclImpPageSettings::SetPaperSize(unsigned short,_Bool)
+ _Bool bPortrait
+ 0
+ void XclImpPageSettings::SetPaperSize(unsigned short,_Bool)
+ unsigned short nXclPaperSize
+ 0
+ void XclImpRootData::XclImpRootData(enum XclBiff,class SfxMedium &,class tools::SvRef<class SotStorage>,class ScDocument &,unsigned short)
+ unsigned short eTextEnc
+ 1
+ void XclRange::XclRange(enum ScAddress::Uninitialized)
+ enum ScAddress::Uninitialized e
+ 0
+ class tools::Rectangle XclObjAnchor::GetRect(const class XclRoot &,short,enum MapUnit) const
+ enum MapUnit eMapUnit
+ 0
+ void XclTokenArray::XclTokenArray(_Bool)
+ _Bool bVolatile
+ 0
+ void XclTokenArrayIterator::XclTokenArrayIterator(const class ScTokenArray &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bSkipSpaces
+ 1
+ void XclTokenArrayIterator::XclTokenArrayIterator(const class XclTokenArrayIterator &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bSkipSpaces
+ 1
+ void XclGuid::XclGuid(unsigned int,unsigned short,unsigned short,unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char)
+ unsigned char nData45
+ 0
+ void XclGuid::XclGuid(unsigned int,unsigned short,unsigned short,unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char)
+ unsigned char nData43
+ 0
+ struct com::sun::star::sheet::FormulaToken & oox::xls::FormulaParserImpl::getOperandToken(unsigned long,unsigned long)
+ unsigned long nTokenIndex
+ 0
+ struct com::sun::star::sheet::FormulaToken & oox::xls::FormulaParserImpl::getOperandToken(unsigned long,unsigned long)
+ unsigned long nOpIndex
+ 0
+ void ScMySharedData::SetDrawPageHasForms(const int,_Bool)
+ _Bool bHasForms
+ 1
+ void XMLTableStylesContext::XMLTableStylesContext(class SvXMLImport &,unsigned short,const class rtl::OUString &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::xml::sax::XAttributeList> &,const _Bool)
+ unsigned short nPrfx
+ 0
+ void Func_SetType::Func_SetType(int)
+ int nType
+ 0
+ void Func_Select::Func_Select(_Bool)
+ _Bool bSelect
+ 0
+ void ScAccessibleDocument::RemoveChild(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessible> &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bFireEvent
+ 1
+ class SvTreeListEntry * ScAcceptChgDlg::AppendFilteredAction(const class ScChangeAction *,enum ScChangeActionState,class SvTreeListEntry *,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bDelMaster
+ 0
+ class SvTreeListEntry * ScAcceptChgDlg::AppendFilteredAction(const class ScChangeAction *,enum ScChangeActionState,class SvTreeListEntry *,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bDisabled
+ 0
+ _Bool ScDBDocFunc::RepeatDB(const class rtl::OUString &,_Bool,_Bool,short)
+ _Bool bApi
+ 1
+ void ScDocFunc::SetValueCells(const class ScAddress &,const class std::__debug::vector<double, class std::allocator<double> > &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bInteraction
+ 1
+ void ScDocFunc::PutData(const class ScAddress &,class ScEditEngineDefaulter &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bApi
+ 1
+ _Bool ScDocFunc::SetCellText(const class ScAddress &,const class rtl::OUString &,_Bool,_Bool,_Bool,const enum formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar)
+ _Bool bApi
+ 1
+ void ScDocFunc::SetNoteText(const class ScAddress &,const class rtl::OUString &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bApi
+ 0
+ _Bool ScDocFunc::SetTabBgColor(class std::__debug::vector<struct ScUndoTabColorInfo, class std::allocator<struct ScUndoTabColorInfo> > &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bApi
+ 0
+ void ScDocFunc::SetTableVisible(short,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bApi
+ 1
+ _Bool ScDocFunc::FillSimple(const class ScRange &,const class ScMarkData *,enum FillDir,_Bool)
+ _Bool bApi
+ 0
+ _Bool ScDocFunc::FillAuto(class ScRange &,const class ScMarkData *,enum FillDir,enum FillCmd,enum FillDateCmd,unsigned long,double,double,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bRecord
+ 1
+ void ScNavigatorDialogWrapper::ScNavigatorDialogWrapper(class vcl::Window *,unsigned short,class SfxBindings *,struct SfxChildWinInfo *)
+ unsigned short nId
+ 0
+ int ScDPSubtotalOptDlg::FindListBoxEntry(const class ListBox &,const class rtl::OUString &,int) const
+ int nStartPos
+ 1
+ void ScConversionParam::ScConversionParam(enum ScConversionType)
+ enum ScConversionType eConvType
+ 0
+ void ScConversionParam::ScConversionParam(enum ScConversionType,struct o3tl::strong_int<unsigned short, struct LanguageTypeTag>,int,_Bool)
+ int nOptions
+ 0
+ void ScConversionParam::ScConversionParam(enum ScConversionType,struct o3tl::strong_int<unsigned short, struct LanguageTypeTag>,int,_Bool)
+ _Bool bIsInteractive
+ 1
+ void ScConversionParam::ScConversionParam(enum ScConversionType,struct o3tl::strong_int<unsigned short, struct LanguageTypeTag>,int,_Bool)
+ enum ScConversionType eConvType
+ 1
+ void ScConversionParam::ScConversionParam(enum ScConversionType,struct o3tl::strong_int<unsigned short, struct LanguageTypeTag>,struct o3tl::strong_int<unsigned short, struct LanguageTypeTag>,const class vcl::Font &,int,_Bool)
+ _Bool bIsInteractive
+ 0
+ void FormulaTemplate::autoReplaceUses3D(_Bool)
+ _Bool bUse3D
+ 0
+ void AddressWalker::push(short,int,short)
+ short aRelativeTab
+ 0
+ void ScTabView::ClickCursor(short,int,_Bool)
+ _Bool bControl
+ 0
+ void ScTabView::MoveCursorAbs(short,int,enum ScFollowMode,_Bool,_Bool,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bControl
+ 0
+ void ScTabView::MoveCursorScreen(short,int,enum ScFollowMode,_Bool)
+ enum ScFollowMode eMode
+ 1
+ void ScTabView::MoveCursorScreen(short,int,enum ScFollowMode,_Bool)
+ _Bool bShift
+ 0
+ void ScTabView::MoveCursorScreen(short,int,enum ScFollowMode,_Bool)
+ short nMovX
+ 0
+ void ScMoveUndo::ScMoveUndo(class ScDocShell *,class ScDocument *,class ScRefUndoData *,enum ScMoveUndoMode)
+ enum ScMoveUndoMode eRefMode
+ 1
+ class Point ScViewData::GetScrPos(short,int,enum ScHSplitPos) const
+ int nWhereY
+ 0
+ class Point ScViewData::GetScrPos(short,int,enum ScVSplitPos) const
+ short nWhereX
+ 0
+ _Bool ScVbaEventsHelper::isSelectionChanged(const class com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<class com::sun::star::uno::Any> &,int)
+ int nIndex
+ 0
+ class com::sun::star::uno::Any ScVbaEventsHelper::createWorksheet(const class com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<class com::sun::star::uno::Any> &,int) const
+ int nIndex
+ 0
+ class com::sun::star::uno::Any ScVbaEventsHelper::createRange(const class com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<class com::sun::star::uno::Any> &,int) const
+ int nIndex
+ 0
+ class com::sun::star::uno::Any ScVbaEventsHelper::createHyperlink(const class com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<class com::sun::star::uno::Any> &,int) const
+ int nIndex
+ 0
+ class com::sun::star::uno::Any ScVbaEventsHelper::createWindow(const class com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<class com::sun::star::uno::Any> &,int) const
+ int nIndex
+ 0
+ class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class ooo::vba::excel::XRange> ScVbaRange::getArea(int)
+ int nIndex
+ 0
+ int GetDiffDate360(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet> &,int,int,_Bool)
+ _Bool bUSAMethod
+ 1
+ int GetDaysInYear(int,int,int)
+ int nDate
+ 0
+ int GetDaysInYear(int,int,int)
+ int nNullDate
+ 0
+ void sca::analysis::SortedIndividualInt32List::InsertHolidayList(const class sca::analysis::ScaAnyConverter &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Any &,int,_Bool)
+ _Bool bInsertOnWeekend
+ 0
+ int sca::analysis::ScaAnyConverter::getInt32(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet> &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Any &,int)
+ int nDefault
+ 0
+ class com::sun::star::uno::Any sd::CustomAnimationEffect::getProperty(int,const class rtl::OUString &,enum sd::EValue)
+ enum sd::EValue eValue
+ 0
+ _Bool sd::CustomAnimationEffect::setProperty(int,const class rtl::OUString &,enum sd::EValue,const class com::sun::star::uno::Any &)
+ enum sd::EValue eValue
+ 0
+ class com::sun::star::uno::Any sd::CustomAnimationEffect::getTransformationProperty(int,enum sd::EValue)
+ enum sd::EValue eValue
+ 1
+ _Bool sd::CustomAnimationEffect::setTransformationProperty(int,enum sd::EValue,const class com::sun::star::uno::Any &)
+ enum sd::EValue eValue
+ 1
+ void sd::ShapeList::seekShape(unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nIndex
+ 0
+ class tools::SvRef<class sd::DrawDocShell> SdMiscTest::Load(const class rtl::OUString &,int)
+ int nFormat
+ 0
+ const class SdrPage * SdModelTestBase::GetPage(int,class tools::SvRef<class sd::DrawDocShell>)
+ int nPage
+ 1
+ class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::text::XTextField> SdModelTestBase::getTextFieldFromPage(int,int,int,int,class tools::SvRef<class sd::DrawDocShell>)
+ int nPara
+ 0
+ class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::text::XTextField> SdModelTestBase::getTextFieldFromPage(int,int,int,int,class tools::SvRef<class sd::DrawDocShell>)
+ int nRun
+ 0
+ unsigned int PPTWriterBase::GetMasterIndex(enum PageType)
+ enum PageType ePageType
+ 0
+ void oox::core::PowerPointExport::WriteAnimationCondition(const class std::shared_ptr<class sax_fastparser::FastSerializerHelper> &,class com::sun::star::uno::Any &,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bWriteEvent
+ 0
+ void oox::core::PowerPointExport::WriteAnimationNodeCommonPropsStart(const class std::shared_ptr<class sax_fastparser::FastSerializerHelper> &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::animations::XAnimationNode> &,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bSingle
+ 1
+ void ppt::AnimationExporter::exportNode(class SvStream &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::animations::XAnimationNode> &,const unsigned short,const unsigned short,const int,const _Bool,const short)
+ const unsigned short nInstance
+ 1
+ void FieldEntry::FieldEntry(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nStart
+ 0
+ void sd::DrawDocShell::DrawDocShell(class SdDrawDocument *,enum SfxObjectCreateMode,_Bool,enum DocumentType)
+ _Bool bSdDataObj
+ 1
+ void sd::DrawDocShell::DrawDocShell(class SdDrawDocument *,enum SfxObjectCreateMode,_Bool,enum DocumentType)
+ enum SfxObjectCreateMode eMode
+ 0
+ void sd::GraphicDocShell::GraphicDocShell(enum SfxObjectCreateMode,_Bool,enum DocumentType)
+ _Bool bSdDataObj
+ 1
+ void sd::GraphicDocShell::GraphicDocShell(enum SfxModelFlags,_Bool,enum DocumentType)
+ enum DocumentType
+ 1
+ void sd::GraphicDocShell::GraphicDocShell(enum SfxModelFlags,_Bool,enum DocumentType)
+ _Bool bSdDataObj
+ 0
+ void sd::NavigatorChildWindow::NavigatorChildWindow(class vcl::Window *,unsigned short,class SfxBindings *,struct SfxChildWinInfo *)
+ unsigned short
+ 0
+ void sd::SlideShow::pause(_Bool)
+ _Bool bPause
+ 0
+ void sd::TemplateDir::EnableSorting(_Bool)
+ _Bool bSortingEnabled
+ 0
+ void sd::ToolBarManager::SetToolBarShell(enum sd::ToolBarManager::ToolBarGroup,int)
+ enum sd::ToolBarManager::ToolBarGroup eGroup
+ 1
+ void sd::tools::ConfigurationAccess::ConfigurationAccess(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext> &,const class rtl::OUString &,const enum sd::tools::ConfigurationAccess::WriteMode)
+ const enum sd::tools::ConfigurationAccess::WriteMode eMode
+ 1
+ void SdAnimationPrmsUndoAction::SetPathObj(class SdrPathObj *,class SdrPathObj *)
+ class SdrPathObj * pTheOldPath
+ 0
+ void SdXImpressDocument::SdXImpressDocument(class SdDrawDocument *,_Bool)
+ _Bool bClipBoard
+ 1
+ _Bool sd::View::IsPresObjSelected(_Bool,_Bool,_Bool,_Bool) const
+ _Bool bOnMasterPage
+ 1
+ void sd::slidesorter::cache::BitmapCache::CacheEntry::CacheEntry(int,_Bool)
+ _Bool bIsPrecious
+ 1
+ void sd::slidesorter::controller::Animator::Animation::Animation(const class std::function<void (double)> &,const double,const double,const double,const int,const class std::function<void (void)> &)
+ const double nStartOffset
+ 0
+ short ConfigurationAccess::GetConfigProperty(const enum PPPOptimizerTokenEnum,const short) const
+ const short nDefault
+ 0
+ oslFileError pdfi::Buffering::read(char *,short,unsigned long *)
+ short count
+ 1
+ void sdext::presenter::PresenterTextView::SetOffset(const double,const double)
+ const double nLeft
+ 0
+ void SfxWorkWindow::SetChildWindowVisible_Impl(unsigned int,_Bool,enum SfxVisibilityFlags)
+ _Bool
+ 1
+ void slideshow::internal::Layer::Layer(enum slideshow::internal::Layer::Dummy)
+ enum slideshow::internal::Layer::Dummy eFlag
+ 0
+ const struct SmErrorDesc * SmParser::GetError(unsigned long)
+ unsigned long i
+ 0
+ class SmRect & SmRect::ExtendBy(const class SmRect &,enum RectCopyMBL,_Bool)
+ _Bool bKeepVerAlignParams
+ 1
+ class SmRect & SmRect::ExtendBy(const class SmRect &,enum RectCopyMBL,_Bool)
+ enum RectCopyMBL eCopyMode
+ 0
+ const class rtl::OUString SmFontFormatList::GetFontFormatId(const struct SmFontFormat &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bAdd
+ 1
+ type-parameter-?-? * query(class store::OStoreObject *,type-parameter-?-? *)
+ type-parameter-?-? *
+ 0
+ void NamePassRecord::RemovePasswords(signed char)
+ signed char nStatus
+ 1
+ _Bool ImpSvNumberInputScan::IsDatePatternNumberOfType(unsigned short,char16_t)
+ unsigned short nNumber
+ 0
+ const class Size & SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetItemSize(enum IcnViewFieldType) const
+ enum IcnViewFieldType
+ 1
+ void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SetColumn(unsigned short,const class SvxIconChoiceCtrlColumnInfo &)
+ unsigned short nIndex
+ 0
+ const class SvxIconChoiceCtrlColumnInfo * SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetColumn(unsigned short) const
+ unsigned short nIndex
+ 0
+ void ValueItemAcc::FireAccessibleEvent(short,const class com::sun::star::uno::Any &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Any &)
+ short nEventId
+ 1
+ void SvImpLBox::FindMostRight(class SvTreeListEntry *,class SvTreeListEntry *)
+ class SvTreeListEntry * EntryToIgnore
+ 0
+ void SvImpLBox::SelectEntry(class SvTreeListEntry *,_Bool)
+ _Bool bSelect
+ 0
+ void SdrMoveXItem::SdrMoveXItem(long)
+ long n
+ 0
+ void SdrMoveYItem::SdrMoveYItem(long)
+ long n
+ 0
+ void SdrMeasureTextAutoAngleItem::SdrMeasureTextAutoAngleItem(_Bool)
+ _Bool bOn
+ 1
+ void SdrRotateAllItem::SdrRotateAllItem(long)
+ long nAngle
+ 0
+ void SdrRotateOneItem::SdrRotateOneItem(long)
+ long nAngle
+ 0
+ void SdrHorzShearAllItem::SdrHorzShearAllItem(long)
+ long nAngle
+ 0
+ void SdrVertShearAllItem::SdrVertShearAllItem(long)
+ long nAngle
+ 0
+ void SdrHorzShearOneItem::SdrHorzShearOneItem(long)
+ long nAngle
+ 0
+ void SdrVertShearOneItem::SdrVertShearOneItem(long)
+ long nAngle
+ 0
+ void (anonymous namespace)::ToggleSaveToModule::ToggleSaveToModule(class SvxSearchDialog &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bValue
+ 0
+ void GalleryBrowser1::SelectTheme(unsigned short)
+ unsigned short nThemePos
+ 0
+ signed char svxform::NavigatorTree::implExecuteDataTransfer(const class svxform::OControlTransferData &,signed char,const class Point &,_Bool)
+ _Bool _bDnD
+ 1
+ void FmXFormShell::didPrepareClose(_Bool)
+ _Bool _bDid
+ 1
+ _Bool FmXFormView::createControlLabelPair(class OutputDevice &,int,int,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet> &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::util::XNumberFormats> &,unsigned short,const class rtl::OUString &,class SdrUnoObj *&,class SdrUnoObj *&,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::sdbc::XDataSource> &,const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,const int)
+ int _nXOffsetMM
+ 0
+ void SdrOle2ObjImpl::SdrOle2ObjImpl(_Bool,const class svt::EmbeddedObjectRef &)
+ _Bool bFrame
+ 0
+ void sdr::table::RangeIterator::RangeIterator<T>(const type-parameter-?-? &,const type-parameter-?-? &,_Bool)
+ const type-parameter-?-? & rStart
+ 0
+ void SwSbxValue::SwSbxValue(long)
+ long n
+ 0
+ void SwCharFormat::SwCharFormat(class SwAttrPool &,const char *,class SwCharFormat *)
+ class SwCharFormat * pDerivedFrom
+ 0
+ _Bool SwCursorShell::GotoMark(const class sw::mark::IMark *const,_Bool)
+ _Bool bAtStart
+ 1
+ void SwDBField::ChgValue(double,_Bool)
+ _Bool bVal
+ 1
+ signed char SwDoc::SetFlyFrameAnchor(class SwFrameFormat &,class SfxItemSet &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bNewFrames
+ 0
+ void SwDoc::CorrAbs(const class SwNodeIndex &,const struct SwPosition &,const int,_Bool)
+ _Bool bMoveCursor
+ 1
+ void SwDoc::CorrRel(const class SwNodeIndex &,const struct SwPosition &,const int,_Bool)
+ const int nOffset
+ 0
+ void SwDoc::SetCounted(const class SwPaM &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bCounted
+ 1
+ const class SwNumRule * SwDoc::SearchNumRule(const struct SwPosition &,const _Bool,const _Bool,const _Bool,int,class rtl::OUString &,const _Bool)
+ const _Bool bOutline
+ 0
+ const class SwNumRule * SwDoc::SearchNumRule(const struct SwPosition &,const _Bool,const _Bool,const _Bool,int,class rtl::OUString &,const _Bool)
+ const _Bool bForward
+ 0
+ const class SvNumberFormatter * SwDoc::GetNumberFormatter(_Bool) const
+ _Bool bCreate
+ 1
+ void SwDoc::dumpAsXml(struct _xmlTextWriter *) const
+ struct _xmlTextWriter *
+ 0
+ _Bool SwExtraRedlineTable::DeleteTableRowRedline(class SwDoc *,const class SwTableLine &,_Bool,unsigned short)
+ _Bool bSaveInUndo
+ 1
+ _Bool SwExtraRedlineTable::DeleteTableCellRedline(class SwDoc *,const class SwTableBox &,_Bool,unsigned short)
+ _Bool bSaveInUndo
+ 1
+ void SwHiddenTextField::SwHiddenTextField(class SwHiddenTextFieldType *,_Bool,const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,_Bool,unsigned short)
+ _Bool bConditional
+ 1
+ void SwHiddenTextField::SwHiddenTextField(class SwHiddenTextFieldType *,_Bool,const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,_Bool,unsigned short)
+ _Bool bHidden
+ 0
+ void SwDocInfoField::SwDocInfoField(class SwDocInfoFieldType *,unsigned short,const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nFormat
+ 0
+ const class SwFrameFormat * SwFEShell::GetFlyNum(unsigned long,enum FlyCntType,_Bool) const
+ _Bool bIgnoreTextBoxes
+ 0
+ const class SwFrameFormat * SwFEShell::GetFlyNum(unsigned long,enum FlyCntType,_Bool) const
+ enum FlyCntType eType
+ 1
+ class std::__debug::vector<const class SwFrameFormat *, class std::allocator<const class SwFrameFormat *> > SwFEShell::GetFlyFrameFormats(enum FlyCntType,_Bool)
+ _Bool bIgnoreTextBoxes
+ 1
+ void SwTextFormatColl::SwTextFormatColl(class SwAttrPool &,const char *,class SwTextFormatColl *,unsigned short)
+ class SwTextFormatColl * pDerFrom
+ 0
+ void SwGrfFormatColl::SwGrfFormatColl(class SwAttrPool &,const char *,class SwGrfFormatColl *)
+ class SwGrfFormatColl * pDerFrom
+ 0
+ void SwFrameFormat::SwFrameFormat(class SwAttrPool &,const char *,class SwFrameFormat *,unsigned short,const unsigned short *)
+ const unsigned short * pWhichRange
+ 0
+ _Bool IDocumentRedlineAccess::AppendTableRowRedline(class SwTableRowRedline *,_Bool)
+ _Bool bCallDelete
+ 0
+ _Bool IDocumentRedlineAccess::AppendTableCellRedline(class SwTableCellRedline *,_Bool)
+ _Bool bCallDelete
+ 0
+ _Bool IDocumentRedlineAccess::AcceptRedline(unsigned long,_Bool)
+ _Bool bCallDelete
+ 1
+ _Bool IDocumentRedlineAccess::RejectRedline(unsigned long,_Bool)
+ _Bool bCallDelete
+ 1
+ unsigned long IDocumentUndoRedo::GetUndoActionCount(const _Bool) const
+ const _Bool bCurrentLevel
+ 1
+ int SwIndex::operator--(int)
+ ###1
+ 0
+ void SwGrfNode::SwGrfNode(const class SwNodeIndex &,const class GraphicObject &,class SwGrfFormatColl *,class SwAttrSet *)
+ class SwAttrSet * pAutoAttr
+ 0
+ unsigned long SwNodeIndex::operator++(int)
+ ###1
+ 0
+ unsigned long SwNodeIndex::operator--(int)
+ ###1
+ 0
+ void SwNodeRange::SwNodeRange(class SwNodes &,unsigned long,unsigned long)
+ unsigned long nEndIdx
+ 0
+ void SwOLENode::SwOLENode(const class SwNodeIndex &,const class svt::EmbeddedObjectRef &,class SwGrfFormatColl *,class SwAttrSet *)
+ class SwAttrSet * pAutoAttr
+ 0
+ void SwTextNode::CopyText(class SwTextNode *const,const class SwIndex &,const int,const _Bool)
+ const _Bool bForceCopyOfAllAttrs
+ 1
+ _Bool SwTextNode::GetExpandText(class SwTextNode &,const class SwIndex *,int,int,_Bool,_Bool,_Bool) const
+ _Bool bWithNum
+ 0
+ void SwPaM::SwPaM(const class SwNodeIndex &,const class SwNodeIndex &,long,long,class SwPaM *)
+ class SwPaM * pRing
+ 0
+ void SwPaM::SwPaM(const class SwNodeIndex &,int,const class SwNodeIndex &,int,class SwPaM *)
+ class SwPaM * pRing
+ 0
+ void SwPaM::SwPaM(const class SwNodeIndex &,int,class SwPaM *)
+ class SwPaM * pRing
+ 0
+ _Bool SwPaM::Find(const class SfxPoolItem &,_Bool,const struct SwMoveFnCollection &,const class SwPaM *,_Bool)
+ _Bool bValue
+ 0
+ void SwWriter::SwWriter(class SvStream &,class SwCursorShell &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bWriteAll
+ 0
+ void SwWriter::SwWriter(class SvStream &,class SwPaM &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bWriteAll
+ 0
+ void SwWriter::SwWriter(class SfxMedium &,class SwCursorShell &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bWriteAll
+ 1
+ void AbstractSwSelGlossaryDlg::SelectEntryPos(int)
+ int nIdx
+ 0
+ _Bool SwCursor::SelectWordWT(class SwViewShell *,short,const class Point *)
+ short nWordType
+ 1
+ void SwModule::ApplyRulerMetric(enum FieldUnit,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bWeb
+ 0
+ void SwUndoDelLayFormat::ChgShowSel(_Bool)
+ _Bool bNew
+ 0
+ void SwModelTestBase::executeImportExport(const char *,const char *)
+ const char * pPassword
+ 0
+ void FailTest::executeImportTest(const char *,const char *)
+ const char *
+ 0
+ void SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::SwAccessibleEvent_Impl(enum SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::EventType,class SwAccessibleContext *,const class sw::access::SwAccessibleChild &,const enum AccessibleStates)
+ enum SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::EventType eT
+ 0
+ void PercentHdl::PercentHdl(unsigned long,unsigned long,class SwDocShell *)
+ unsigned long nStt
+ 0
+ _Bool lcl_InsDelSelLine(class SwTableLine *,struct CR_SetLineHeight &,long,_Bool)
+ _Bool bCheck
+ 1
+ _Bool lcl_InsDelSelLine(class SwTableLine *,struct CR_SetLineHeight &,long,_Bool)
+ long nDist
+ 0
+ void SwHistory::CopyAttr(class SwpHints *,const unsigned long,const int,const int,const _Bool)
+ const int nStart
+ 0
+ const class rtl::OUString & SwFont::GetName(const enum SwFontScript) const
+ const enum SwFontScript nWhich
+ 0
+ class rtl::OUString SwTOXInternational::ToUpper(const class rtl::OUString &,int) const
+ int nPos
+ 0
+ void SwWrongList::InsertSubList(int,int,unsigned short,class SwWrongList *)
+ int nNewLen
+ 1
+ void SwTextSizeInfo::SwTextSizeInfo(class SwTextFrame *,const int)
+ const int nIndex
+ 0
+ void RedlineFlagsInternGuard::RedlineFlagsInternGuard(class SwDoc &,enum RedlineFlags,enum RedlineFlags)
+ enum RedlineFlags eNewRedlineFlags
+ 0
+ unsigned short HTMLTable::GetBottomCellSpace(unsigned short,unsigned short) const
+ unsigned short nRowSpan
+ 1
+ class SwTableLine * HTMLTable::MakeTableLine(class SwTableBox *,unsigned short,unsigned short,unsigned short,unsigned short)
+ unsigned short nLeftCol
+ 0
+ void SwHTMLParser::BuildTableCell(class HTMLTable *,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bReadOptions
+ 1
+ void SwHTMLWriter::OutBackground(const class SfxItemSet &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bGraphic
+ 0
+ void SwFltRedline::SwFltRedline(unsigned short,unsigned long,const class DateTime &,unsigned short,unsigned long)
+ unsigned short eTypePrev_
+ 0
+ unsigned short SwWriteTable::GetRelWidth(unsigned short,unsigned short) const
+ unsigned short nColSpan
+ 1
+ void myImplHelpers::IfBeforeStart::IfBeforeStart(int)
+ int nStart
+ 0
+ void MSWordExportBase::OutputItemSet(const class SfxItemSet &,_Bool,_Bool,unsigned short,_Bool)
+ unsigned short nScript
+ 1
+ void MSWordExportBase::NearestAnnotationMark(int &,const int,_Bool)
+ _Bool bNextPositionOnly
+ 0
+ void WW8_WrMagicTable::Append(int,unsigned long)
+ int nCp
+ 0
+ void WW8_WrMagicTable::Append(int,unsigned long)
+ unsigned long nData
+ 0
+ class rtl::OUString Sttb::getStringAtIndex(unsigned int)
+ unsigned int
+ 1
+ _Bool SwWW8ImplReader::SetUpperSpacing(class SwPaM &,int)
+ int nSpace
+ 0
+ void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Obj(unsigned short,const unsigned char *,short)
+ short nLen
+ 1
+ class rtl::OUString read_uInt8_BeltAndBracesString(class SvStream &,unsigned short)
+ unsigned short eEnc
+ 1
+ void WW8PLCFx_PCD::WW8PLCFx_PCD(const class WW8Fib &,class WW8PLCFpcd *,int,_Bool)
+ int nStartCp
+ 0
+ void WW8PLCFx_SEPX::WW8PLCFx_SEPX(class SvStream *,class SvStream *,const class WW8Fib &,int)
+ int nStartCp
+ 0
+ void WW8PLCFx_SubDoc::WW8PLCFx_SubDoc(class SvStream *,const class WW8Fib &,int,long,long,long,long,long)
+ int nStartCp
+ 0
+ class ww8::WW8TableNodeInfo * ww8::WW8TableInfo::processTableLine(const class SwTable *,const class SwTableLine *,unsigned int,unsigned int,class ww8::WW8TableNodeInfo *,class std::__debug::map<unsigned int, class ww8::WW8TableNodeInfoInner *, struct std::greater<unsigned int>, class std::allocator<struct std::pair<const unsigned int, class ww8::WW8TableNodeInfoInner *> > > &)
+ unsigned int nDepth
+ 1
+ void ConditionEdit::ShowBrackets(_Bool)
+ _Bool bShow
+ 0
+ void SwEditWin::StdDrawMode(enum SdrObjKind,_Bool)
+ enum SdrObjKind eSdrObjectKind
+ 0
+ void SwFrameControlsManager::RemoveControlsByType(enum FrameControlType,const class SwFrame *)
+ enum FrameControlType eType
+ 0
+ void SwFlyFrameAttrMgr::SetLRSpace(long,long)
+ long nRight
+ 0
+ void SwFlyFrameAttrMgr::SetLRSpace(long,long)
+ long nLeft
+ 0
+ void SwFlyFrameAttrMgr::SetULSpace(long,long)
+ long nBottom
+ 0
+ void SwFlyFrameAttrMgr::SetULSpace(long,long)
+ long nTop
+ 0
+ void SwMailMergeConfigItem::SetIndividualGreeting(_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bInEMail
+ 0
+ void SwWrtShell::EndDrag(const class Point *,_Bool)
+ _Bool bProp
+ 0
+ long SwWrtShell::KillSelection(const class Point *,_Bool)
+ _Bool bProp
+ 0
+ long SwWrtShell::KillSelection(const class Point *,_Bool)
+ const class Point * pPt
+ 0
+ _Bool SwWrtShell::GotoMark(const class sw::mark::IMark *const,_Bool)
+ _Bool bSelect
+ 0
+ const class SwRangeRedline * SwWrtShell::GotoRedline(unsigned long,_Bool)
+ _Bool bSelect
+ 1
+ class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::io::XOutputStream> tdoc_ucp::ContentProvider::queryOutputStream(const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,_Bool) const
+ _Bool bTruncate
+ 1
+ class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::io::XStream> tdoc_ucp::ContentProvider::queryStream(const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,_Bool) const
+ _Bool bTruncate
+ 0
+ void webdav_ucp::DAVResourceAccess::PROPFIND(const enum webdav_ucp::Depth,class std::__debug::vector<struct webdav_ucp::DAVResourceInfo, class std::allocator<struct webdav_ucp::DAVResourceInfo> > &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::ucb::XCommandEnvironment> &)
+ const enum webdav_ucp::Depth nDepth
+ 0
+ void webdav_ucp::DAVOptionsCache::setHeadAllowed(const class rtl::OUString &,_Bool)
+ _Bool HeadAllowed
+ 0
+ class com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<struct com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue> ScVbaCommandBarControls::CreateMenuItemData(const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,unsigned short,const class com::sun::star::uno::Any &,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool isEnabled
+ 1
+ class com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<struct com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue> ScVbaCommandBarControls::CreateMenuItemData(const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,unsigned short,const class com::sun::star::uno::Any &,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool isVisible
+ 1
+ class rtl::OUString ImplEntryList::GetSelectEntry(int) const
+ int nIndex
+ 0
+ void ImplListBoxWindow::EnableMouseMoveSelect(_Bool)
+ _Bool bMouseMoveSelect
+ 1
+ void OpenGLProgram::SetVertexAttrib(unsigned int &,const class rtl::OString &,int,unsigned int,unsigned char,int,const void *)
+ unsigned char bNormalized
+ 0
+ void OpenGLSalGraphicsImpl::ImplSetClipBit(const class vcl::Region &,unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nMask
+ 1
+ _Bool OpenGLSalGraphicsImpl::UseLine(unsigned int,double,float,_Bool)
+ _Bool bUseAA
+ 1
+ void OpenGLSalGraphicsImpl::DrawConvexPolygon(const class tools::Polygon &,_Bool)
+ _Bool blockAA
+ 1
+ void OpenGLSalGraphicsImpl::DrawAlphaTexture(class OpenGLTexture &,const struct SalTwoRect &,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bInverted
+ 1
+ void OpenGLSalGraphicsImpl::DrawAlphaTexture(class OpenGLTexture &,const struct SalTwoRect &,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool pPremultiplied
+ 1
+ void SalGraphics::GetFontMetric(class tools::SvRef<class ImplFontMetricData> &,int)
+ int nFallbackLevel
+ 0
+ void SalGraphics::copyArea(long,long,long,long,long,long,_Bool)
+ _Bool bWindowInvalidate
+ 1
+ int SalLayout::CalcAsianKerning(unsigned int,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bVertical
+ 0
+ void vcl::ScriptRun::reset(const char16_t *,int,int)
+ int start
+ 0
+ void vcl::unx::GtkPrintWrapper::print_job_send(struct _GtkPrintJob *,void (*)(struct _GtkPrintJob *, void *, struct _GError *),void *,void (*)(void *)) const
+ void (*)(void *) dnotify
+ 0
+ void vcl::unx::GtkPrintWrapper::print_job_send(struct _GtkPrintJob *,void (*)(struct _GtkPrintJob *, void *, struct _GError *),void *,void (*)(void *)) const
+ void (*)(struct _GtkPrintJob *, void *, struct _GError *) callback
+ 0
+ void vcl::unx::GtkPrintWrapper::print_job_send(struct _GtkPrintJob *,void (*)(struct _GtkPrintJob *, void *, const struct _GError *),void *,void (*)(void *)) const
+ void * user_data
+ 0
+ void vcl::unx::GtkPrintWrapper::print_job_send(struct _GtkPrintJob *,void (*)(struct _GtkPrintJob *, void *, struct _GError *),void *,void (*)(void *)) const
+ void * user_data
+ 0
+ void vcl::unx::GtkPrintWrapper::print_job_send(struct _GtkPrintJob *,void (*)(struct _GtkPrintJob *, void *, const struct _GError *),void *,void (*)(void *)) const
+ void (*)(struct _GtkPrintJob *, void *, const struct _GError *) callback
+ 0
+ void vcl::unx::GtkPrintWrapper::print_job_send(struct _GtkPrintJob *,void (*)(struct _GtkPrintJob *, void *, const struct _GError *),void *,void (*)(void *)) const
+ void (*)(void *) dnotify
+ 0
+ void vcl::unx::GtkPrintWrapper::print_unix_dialog_set_support_selection(struct _GtkPrintUnixDialog *,int) const
+ int support_selection
+ 1
+ void vcl::unx::GtkPrintWrapper::print_unix_dialog_set_has_selection(struct _GtkPrintUnixDialog *,int) const
+ int has_selection
+ 1
+ void psp::PrinterGfx::PSSetFont(const class rtl::OString &,unsigned short)
+ unsigned short nEncoding
+ 0
+ void psp::PrinterGfx::PSHexString(const unsigned char *,short)
+ short nLen
+ 1
+ struct BitmapBuffer * X11SalBitmap::ImplCreateDIB(unsigned long,class SalX11Screen,long,long,long,long,long,_Bool)
+ long nX
+ 0
+ struct BitmapBuffer * X11SalBitmap::ImplCreateDIB(unsigned long,class SalX11Screen,long,long,long,long,long,_Bool)
+ long nY
+ 0
+ const class tools::Rectangle & vcl_sal::WMAdaptor::getWorkArea(int) const
+ int n
+ 0
+ void vcl_sal::WMAdaptor::shade(class X11SalFrame *,_Bool) const
+ _Bool bToShaded
+ 1
+ class rtl::OUString FilterConfigCache::GetExportWildcard(unsigned short,int)
+ int nEntry
+ 0
+ void WMFWriter::WMFRecord_SetBkMode(_Bool)
+ _Bool bTransparent
+ 1
+ void BasePixelPtr::BasePixelPtr(unsigned char *)
+ unsigned char * p
+ 0
+ void MenuFloatingWindow::EnableScrollMenu(_Bool)
+ _Bool b
+ 1
+ struct MenuItemData * MenuItemList::Insert(unsigned short,enum MenuItemType,enum MenuItemBits,const class rtl::OUString &,class Menu *,unsigned long,const class rtl::OString &)
+ enum MenuItemType eType
+ 1
+ void (anonymous namespace)::RandRWrapper::XRRSelectInput(struct _XDisplay *,unsigned long,int)
+ int i_nMask
+ 1
+ XRenderPictFormat * XRenderPeer::FindStandardFormat(int) const
+ int nFormat
+ 0
+ void XRenderPeer::CompositeTrapezoids(int,unsigned long,unsigned long,const XRenderPictFormat *,int,int,const struct _XTrapezoid *,int) const
+ int nXSrc
+ 0
+ void XRenderPeer::CompositeTrapezoids(int,unsigned long,unsigned long,const XRenderPictFormat *,int,int,const struct _XTrapezoid *,int) const
+ int nYSrc
+ 0
+ void writerfilter::Stream::text(const unsigned char *,unsigned long)
+ unsigned long len
+ 1
+ void writerfilter::ooxml::OOXMLDocument::resolveFootnote(class writerfilter::Stream &,unsigned int,const int)
+ unsigned int aNoteType
+ 0
+ void writerfilter::ooxml::OOXMLDocument::resolveEndnote(class writerfilter::Stream &,unsigned int,const int)
+ unsigned int aNoteType
+ 0
+ void writerfilter::dmapper::TDefTableHandler::fillCellProperties(unsigned long,const class std::shared_ptr<class writerfilter::dmapper::TablePropertyMap> &) const
+ unsigned long nCell
+ 0
+ void writerfilter::ooxml::OOXMLHexValue::OOXMLHexValue(unsigned int)
+ unsigned int nValue
+ 0
+ void writerfilter::ooxml::OOXMLStreamImpl::OOXMLStreamImpl(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext> &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::io::XInputStream> &,enum writerfilter::ooxml::OOXMLStream::StreamType_t,_Bool)
+ enum writerfilter::ooxml::OOXMLStream::StreamType_t nType
+ 1
+ void chelp::DataBaseIterator::DataBaseIterator(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext> &,class chelp::Databases &,const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bHelpText
+ 1
+ void chelp::DataBaseIterator::DataBaseIterator(class chelp::Databases &,const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,_Bool)
+ _Bool bHelpText
+ 0
+ void XMLTextFieldExport::ProcessIntegerDef(enum xmloff::token::XMLTokenEnum,int,int)
+ int nDefault
+ 0
+ void XMLTextFieldExport::ProcessDateTime(enum xmloff::token::XMLTokenEnum,double,_Bool,_Bool,_Bool,unsigned short)
+ _Bool bOmitDurationIfZero
+ 1
+ void XMLTextFieldExport::ProcessDateTime(enum xmloff::token::XMLTokenEnum,int,_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool bIsDuration
+ 1
+ void xmloff::PropertyDescription::PropertyDescription(const class rtl::OUString &,const unsigned short,const enum xmloff::token::XMLTokenEnum,class rtl::Reference<class xmloff::PropertyHandlerBase> (*const)(enum xmloff::PropertyId),const enum xmloff::PropertyId,const enum xmloff::PropertyGroup)
+ const enum xmloff::PropertyGroup i_propertyGroup
+ 0
+ void XMLIndexTemplateContext::XMLIndexTemplateContext(class SvXMLImport &,class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet> &,unsigned short,const class rtl::OUString &,const SvXMLEnumMapEntry<type-parameter-?-?> *,enum xmloff::token::XMLTokenEnum,const char **,const _Bool *,_Bool)
+ _Bool bTOC_
+ 0
+ _Bool XMLSectionExport::IsMuteSection(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::text::XTextContent> &,_Bool) const
+ _Bool bDefault
+ 0
+ const class XMLTransformerContext * XMLTransformerBase::GetAncestorContext(unsigned int) const
+ unsigned int i
+ 1
+ void xmlscript::ElementDescriptor::read(const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,_Bool)
+ _Bool forceAttribute
+ 0
+ void DocumentDigitalSignatures::ImplViewSignatures(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::embed::XStorage> &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::io::XInputStream> &,enum DocumentSignatureMode,_Bool)
+ _Bool bReadOnly
+ 1