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authorCaolán McNamara <>2017-07-27 15:41:16 +0100
committerCaolán McNamara <>2017-07-27 16:12:19 +0100
commit221dae68df80298e81e6e6549636f3528f5c8bc3 (patch)
parent998e3d5cef63cb9c512737bce65519f5a86ba019 (diff)
Related: tdf#106872 factor out getting selected shapes
Change-Id: I765c482a41e9681a1eb145c1833cc94f35a27db3
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/unoobj/viewuno.cxx b/sc/source/ui/unoobj/viewuno.cxx
index 56a8f44a75f6..6abd3678be04 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/unoobj/viewuno.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/unoobj/viewuno.cxx
@@ -848,6 +848,34 @@ sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScTabViewObj::select( const uno::Any& aSelection )
return bRet;
+ uno::Reference<drawing::XShapes> getSelectedShapes(SdrView& rDrawView)
+ {
+ uno::Reference<drawing::XShapes> xShapes;
+ const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = rDrawView.GetMarkedObjectList();
+ const size_t nMarkCount = rMarkList.GetMarkCount();
+ if (nMarkCount)
+ {
+ // generate ShapeCollection (like in SdXImpressView::getSelection in Draw)
+ // XInterfaceRef will be returned and it has to be UsrObject-XInterface
+ xShapes = drawing::ShapeCollection::create(comphelper::getProcessComponentContext());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nMarkCount; ++i)
+ {
+ SdrObject* pDrawObj = rMarkList.GetMark(i)->GetMarkedSdrObj();
+ if (pDrawObj)
+ {
+ uno::Reference<drawing::XShape> xShape( pDrawObj->getUnoShape(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ if (
+ xShapes->add(xShape);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return xShapes;
+ }
uno::Any SAL_CALL ScTabViewObj::getSelection()
SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
@@ -856,34 +884,12 @@ uno::Any SAL_CALL ScTabViewObj::getSelection()
if (pViewSh)
// is something selected in drawing layer?
SdrView* pDrawView = pViewSh->GetSdrView();
if (pDrawView)
- const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = pDrawView->GetMarkedObjectList();
- const size_t nMarkCount = rMarkList.GetMarkCount();
- if (nMarkCount)
- {
- // generate ShapeCollection (like in SdXImpressView::getSelection in Draw)
- // XInterfaceRef will be returned and it has to be UsrObject-XInterface
- uno::Reference< drawing::XShapes > xShapes = drawing::ShapeCollection::create(
- comphelper::getProcessComponentContext());
- uno::Reference<uno::XInterface> xRet(xShapes);
- for (size_t i=0; i<nMarkCount; ++i)
- {
- SdrObject* pDrawObj = rMarkList.GetMark(i)->GetMarkedSdrObj();
- if (pDrawObj)
- {
- uno::Reference<drawing::XShape> xShape( pDrawObj->getUnoShape(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
- if (
- xShapes->add(xShape);
- }
- }
+ uno::Reference<uno::XInterface> xRet(getSelectedShapes(*pDrawView));
+ if (
return uno::makeAny(xRet);
- }
// otherwise sheet (cell) selection