diff options
authorCarsten Driesner <>2011-01-12 16:07:04 +0100
committerCarsten Driesner <>2011-01-12 16:07:04 +0100
commit0f029bd13462f28ae38bd1371c7c7b42dd992bdc (patch)
parent1c90aa6d259d8ae21552856c1407ff6f1b3a13a1 (diff)
removetooltypes01: #i112600# Exchange misleading sal_uIntPtr with sal_uLong in rsc
15 files changed, 131 insertions, 131 deletions
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscclass.hxx b/rsc/inc/rscclass.hxx
index d0a66cd2b301..e849a9969d07 100644
--- a/rsc/inc/rscclass.hxx
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscclass.hxx
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class RscClass : public RscTop
struct RscClassInst{
- sal_uIntPtr nVarDflt;
+ sal_uLong nVarDflt;
Atom nVarName; // Variablenname
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscclobj.hxx b/rsc/inc/rscclobj.hxx
index a1eb7affc23d..75277813a8cb 100644
--- a/rsc/inc/rscclobj.hxx
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscclobj.hxx
@@ -51,18 +51,18 @@ DECLARE_LIST( RscInconsList, RscInconsistent * )
class ObjNode : public IdNode{
RscId aRscId; // Id der Resource
CLASS_DATA pRscObj;// pointer to a resourceobject
- sal_uIntPtr lFileKey;// Dateischluessel
+ sal_uLong lFileKey;// Dateischluessel
using NameNode::Search;
using NameNode::Insert;
- ObjNode( const RscId & rId, CLASS_DATA pData, sal_uIntPtr lKey );
- ObjNode * DelObjNode( RscTop * pClass, sal_uIntPtr lFileKey );
+ ObjNode( const RscId & rId, CLASS_DATA pData, sal_uLong lKey );
+ ObjNode * DelObjNode( RscTop * pClass, sal_uLong lFileKey );
sal_uInt32 GetId() const;
RscId GetRscId(){ return( aRscId ); }
- sal_uIntPtr GetFileKey(){ return lFileKey; };
+ sal_uLong GetFileKey(){ return lFileKey; };
ObjNode* Search( const RscId &rName ) const{
// search the index in the b-tree
return( (ObjNode *)IdNode::Search( rName ) );
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscdb.hxx b/rsc/inc/rscdb.hxx
index 4ddfb24df289..76552a455fa7 100644
--- a/rsc/inc/rscdb.hxx
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscdb.hxx
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class RscTypCont
ByteString aSearchPath; // Suchen der Bitmap, Icon, Pointer
ByteString aSysSearchPath; // aSearchPath plus language specific paths
sal_uInt32 nUniqueId; // eindeutiger Id fuer Systemresourcen
- sal_uIntPtr nFilePos; // Position in der Datei ( MTF )
+ sal_uLong nFilePos; // Position in der Datei ( MTF )
sal_uInt32 nPMId; // eindeutiger Id fuer PM-Rseourcefile
// muss groesser als RSC_VERSIONCONTROL_ID sein
RscTop * pRoot; // Zeiger auf die Wurzel vom Typenbaum
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ class RscTypCont
void InsWinBit( RscTop * pClass, const ByteString & rName,
Atom nVal );
- void WriteInc( FILE * fOutput, sal_uIntPtr lKey );
+ void WriteInc( FILE * fOutput, sal_uLong lKey );
RscBool aBool;
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ public:
RscNameTable aNmTb; // Tabelle fuer Namen
RscFileTab aFileTab; // Tabelle der Dateinamen
sal_uInt32 nFlags;
- std::map<sal_uInt64, sal_uIntPtr> aIdTranslator; //Ordnet Resourcetypen und Id's einen Id zu
+ std::map<sal_uInt64, sal_uLong> aIdTranslator; //Ordnet Resourcetypen und Id's einen Id zu
//(unter PM), oder eine Dateiposition (MTF)
RscTypCont( RscError *, RSCBYTEORDER_TYPE, const ByteString & rSearchPath, sal_uInt32 nFlags );
@@ -338,23 +338,23 @@ public:
CLASS_DATA Search( Atom typ, const RscId & rId );
void Delete( Atom typ, const RscId & rId );
// loescht alle Resourceobjekte diese Datei
- void Delete( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey );
+ void Delete( sal_uLong lFileKey );
RscTop * GetRoot() { return( pRoot ); };
sal_uInt32 PutSysName( sal_uInt32 nRscTyp, char * pName, sal_uInt32 nConst,
sal_uInt32 nId, sal_Bool bFirst );
void ClearSysNames();
ERRTYPE WriteRc( WriteRcContext& rContext );
- void WriteSrc( FILE * fOutput, sal_uIntPtr nFileIndex,
+ void WriteSrc( FILE * fOutput, sal_uLong nFileIndex,
CharSet nCharSet, sal_Bool bName = sal_True );
- ERRTYPE WriteHxx( FILE * fOutput, sal_uIntPtr nFileKey);
- ERRTYPE WriteCxx( FILE * fOutput, sal_uIntPtr nFileKey,
+ ERRTYPE WriteHxx( FILE * fOutput, sal_uLong nFileKey);
+ ERRTYPE WriteCxx( FILE * fOutput, sal_uLong nFileKey,
const ByteString & rHxxName );
void WriteSyntax( FILE * fOutput );
void WriteRcCtor( FILE * fOutput );
- void FillNameIdList( REResourceList * pList, sal_uIntPtr lFileKey );
+ void FillNameIdList( REResourceList * pList, sal_uLong lFileKey );
sal_Bool MakeConsistent( RscInconsList * pList );
sal_uInt32 PutTranslatorKey( sal_uInt64 nKey );
- void IncFilePos( sal_uIntPtr nOffset ){ nFilePos += nOffset; }
+ void IncFilePos( sal_uLong nOffset ){ nFilePos += nOffset; }
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscdef.hxx b/rsc/inc/rscdef.hxx
index 68dc47a47419..8900c5708c99 100644
--- a/rsc/inc/rscdef.hxx
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscdef.hxx
@@ -125,15 +125,15 @@ friend class RscDefineList;
friend class RscDefTree;
friend class RscExpression;
friend class RscId;
- sal_uIntPtr lFileKey; // zu welcher Datei gehoert das Define
+ sal_uLong lFileKey; // zu welcher Datei gehoert das Define
sal_uInt32 nRefCount; // Wieviele Referenzen auf dieses Objekt
sal_Int32 lId; // Identifier
RscExpression * pExp; // Ausdruck
- RscDefine( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
+ RscDefine( sal_uLong lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
sal_Int32 lDefId );
- RscDefine( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
+ RscDefine( sal_uLong lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
RscExpression * pExpression );
void IncRef(){ nRefCount++; }
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ protected:
using StringNode::Search;
RscDefine * Search( const char * );
- sal_uIntPtr GetFileKey() const { return lFileKey; }
+ sal_uLong GetFileKey() const { return lFileKey; }
sal_Bool Evaluate();
sal_Int32 GetNumber() const { return lId; }
ByteString GetMacro();
@@ -160,13 +160,13 @@ friend class RscFile;
friend class RscFileTab;
// pExpression wird auf jedenfall Eigentum der Liste
- RscDefine * New( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
- sal_Int32 lDefId, sal_uIntPtr lPos );
- RscDefine * New( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
- RscExpression * pExpression, sal_uIntPtr lPos );
+ RscDefine * New( sal_uLong lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
+ sal_Int32 lDefId, sal_uLong lPos );
+ RscDefine * New( sal_uLong lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
+ RscExpression * pExpression, sal_uLong lPos );
sal_Bool Befor( const RscDefine * pFree, const RscDefine * pDepend );
sal_Bool Remove( RscDefine * pDef );
- sal_Bool Remove( sal_uIntPtr nIndex );
+ sal_Bool Remove( sal_uLong nIndex );
sal_Bool Remove();
void WriteAll( FILE * fOutput );
@@ -188,10 +188,10 @@ public:
/********************** R S C F I L E ************************************/
class RscDepend {
- sal_uIntPtr lKey;
+ sal_uLong lKey;
- RscDepend( sal_uIntPtr lIncKey ){ lKey = lIncKey; };
- sal_uIntPtr GetFileKey(){ return lKey; }
+ RscDepend( sal_uLong lIncKey ){ lKey = lIncKey; };
+ sal_uLong GetFileKey(){ return lKey; }
DECLARE_LIST( RscDependList, RscDepend * )
@@ -210,9 +210,9 @@ public:
- sal_Bool InsertDependFile( sal_uIntPtr lDepFile, sal_uIntPtr lPos );
- void RemoveDependFile( sal_uIntPtr lDepFile );
- sal_Bool Depend( sal_uIntPtr lDepend, sal_uIntPtr lFree );
+ sal_Bool InsertDependFile( sal_uLong lDepFile, sal_uLong lPos );
+ void RemoveDependFile( sal_uLong lDepFile );
+ sal_Bool Depend( sal_uLong lDepend, sal_uLong lFree );
void SetIncFlag(){ bIncFile = sal_True; };
sal_Bool IsIncFile(){ return bIncFile; };
@@ -235,25 +235,25 @@ public:
class RscFileTab : public RscSubFileTab {
RscDefTree aDefTree;
- sal_uIntPtr Find( const ByteString & rName );
+ sal_uLong Find( const ByteString & rName );
RscDefine * FindDef( const char * );
RscDefine * FindDef( const ByteString& rStr ) { return FindDef( rStr.GetBuffer() ); }
- RscDefine * FindDef( sal_uIntPtr lKey, const ByteString & );
+ RscDefine * FindDef( sal_uLong lKey, const ByteString & );
- sal_Bool Depend( sal_uIntPtr lDepend, sal_uIntPtr lFree );
- sal_Bool TestDef( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey, sal_uIntPtr lPos,
+ sal_Bool Depend( sal_uLong lDepend, sal_uLong lFree );
+ sal_Bool TestDef( sal_uLong lFileKey, sal_uLong lPos,
const RscDefine * pDefDec );
- sal_Bool TestDef( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey, sal_uIntPtr lPos,
+ sal_Bool TestDef( sal_uLong lFileKey, sal_uLong lPos,
const RscExpression * pExpDec );
- RscDefine * NewDef( sal_uIntPtr lKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
- sal_Int32 lId, sal_uIntPtr lPos );
- RscDefine * NewDef( sal_uIntPtr lKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
- RscExpression *, sal_uIntPtr lPos );
+ RscDefine * NewDef( sal_uLong lKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
+ sal_Int32 lId, sal_uLong lPos );
+ RscDefine * NewDef( sal_uLong lKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
+ RscExpression *, sal_uLong lPos );
sal_Bool ChangeDef( const ByteString & rDefName, sal_Int32 lId );
sal_Bool ChangeDef( const ByteString & rDefName, RscExpression * );
@@ -264,11 +264,11 @@ public:
const ByteString & rNewName );
// Alle Defines die in dieser Datei Definiert sind loeschen
- void DeleteFileContext( sal_uIntPtr lKey );
- void DeleteFile( sal_uIntPtr lKey );
- sal_uIntPtr NewCodeFile( const ByteString & rName );
- sal_uIntPtr NewIncFile( const ByteString & rName, const ByteString & rPath );
- RscFile * GetFile( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey ){ return Get( lFileKey ); }
+ void DeleteFileContext( sal_uLong lKey );
+ void DeleteFile( sal_uLong lKey );
+ sal_uLong NewCodeFile( const ByteString & rName );
+ sal_uLong NewIncFile( const ByteString & rName, const ByteString & rPath );
+ RscFile * GetFile( sal_uLong lFileKey ){ return Get( lFileKey ); }
#endif // _RSCDEF_HXX
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscinst.hxx b/rsc/inc/rscinst.hxx
index 5e21d31ea88c..107060dd863c 100644
--- a/rsc/inc/rscinst.hxx
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscinst.hxx
@@ -152,35 +152,35 @@ public:
// Array mit Dateinamen
RscFileTab* GetFileTab();
// Eine Dateinamen-Instanz holen
- RscFile * GetFileStruct( sal_uIntPtr lKey );
+ RscFile * GetFileStruct( sal_uLong lKey );
- sal_uIntPtr AddSrcFile( const ByteString & rFileName );
- sal_uIntPtr AddHrcFile( const ByteString & rFileName );
+ sal_uLong AddSrcFile( const ByteString & rFileName );
+ sal_uLong AddHrcFile( const ByteString & rFileName );
// Traegt die Include-Dateien in die Abhaengigkeitsliste
// von lFileKey ein
- void ScanForIncFiles( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey );
- void RemoveFile( sal_uIntPtr lKey );
+ void ScanForIncFiles( sal_uLong lFileKey );
+ void RemoveFile( sal_uLong lKey );
// Suche ueber alle DEFINES
RscDefine * FindDef( const ByteString & rName );
- sal_uIntPtr GetFileKey( const ByteString & rFileName );
+ sal_uLong GetFileKey( const ByteString & rFileName );
class RscHrc
- sal_uIntPtr lFileKey; // Index der Instanz
+ sal_uLong lFileKey; // Index der Instanz
RscDataBase * pDataBase;// Datenbasis
// Kompilerinstanz erzeugen
- RscHrc( RscDataBase * pDBase, sal_uIntPtr lKey );
+ RscHrc( RscDataBase * pDBase, sal_uLong lKey );
// Daten von Datei uebernehmen
ERRTYPE ReadFile();
- sal_uIntPtr GetFileKey() const { return lFileKey; }
+ sal_uLong GetFileKey() const { return lFileKey; }
void SetDirty( sal_Bool bSet );
sal_Bool IsDirty();
@@ -190,16 +190,16 @@ public:
ByteString GetFileName();
//Depend-Datei anhaengen
- void InsertDepend( sal_uIntPtr lKey, sal_uIntPtr lPos );
+ void InsertDepend( sal_uLong lKey, sal_uLong lPos );
// DefineList holen
RscDefineList * GetDefineList();
// Suche ueber all DEFINES im Zugriff
RscDefine * FindDef( const ByteString & rName );
ERRTYPE NewDef( const ByteString & rMacroName, sal_Int32 lValue,
- sal_uIntPtr lPos );
+ sal_uLong lPos );
ERRTYPE NewDef( const ByteString & rMacroName, const ByteString & rMacro,
- sal_uIntPtr lPos );
+ sal_uLong lPos );
ERRTYPE ChangeDef( const ByteString & rMacroName, sal_Int32 lValue );
ERRTYPE ChangeDef( const ByteString & rMacroName,
const ByteString & rMacro );
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ public:
class RscSrc : public RscHrc {
// Kompilerinstanz erzeugen
- RscSrc( RscDataBase * pDBase, sal_uIntPtr lKey );
+ RscSrc( RscDataBase * pDBase, sal_uLong lKey );
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscpar.hxx b/rsc/inc/rscpar.hxx
index 0f3a3f8c1ad1..952c4670616c 100644
--- a/rsc/inc/rscpar.hxx
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscpar.hxx
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ class RscFileInst
sal_uInt32 nErrorPos; // Position des ersten Fehlers
sal_Bool bIncLine; // Muss Zeilennummer incrementiert werden
sal_uInt32 nLineNo; // Zeile in der Eingabedatei
- sal_uIntPtr lFileIndex; // Index auf Eingabedatei
- sal_uIntPtr lSrcIndex; // Index auf Basisdatei
+ sal_uLong lFileIndex; // Index auf Eingabedatei
+ sal_uLong lSrcIndex; // Index auf Basisdatei
FILE * fInputFile; // Eingabedatei
char * pInput; // Lesepuffer
sal_uInt32 nInputBufLen; // Laenge des Lesepuffers
@@ -59,15 +59,15 @@ class RscFileInst
RscTypCont * pTypCont;
void Init(); // ctor initialisieren
- RscFileInst( RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uIntPtr lIndexSrc,
- sal_uIntPtr lFileIndex, FILE * fFile );
- RscFileInst( RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uIntPtr lIndexSrc,
- sal_uIntPtr lFileIndex, const ByteString & );
+ RscFileInst( RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uLong lIndexSrc,
+ sal_uLong lFileIndex, FILE * fFile );
+ RscFileInst( RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uLong lIndexSrc,
+ sal_uLong lFileIndex, const ByteString & );
sal_Bool IsEof() const { return bEof; }
- void SetFileIndex( sal_uIntPtr lFIndex ) { lFileIndex = lFIndex; }
- sal_uIntPtr GetFileIndex() { return( lFileIndex ); }
- sal_uIntPtr GetSrcIndex() { return( lSrcIndex ); }
+ void SetFileIndex( sal_uLong lFIndex ) { lFileIndex = lFIndex; }
+ sal_uLong GetFileIndex() { return( lFileIndex ); }
+ sal_uLong GetSrcIndex() { return( lSrcIndex ); }
void SetLineNo( sal_uInt32 nLine ) { nLineNo = nLine; }
sal_uInt32 GetLineNo() { return( nLineNo ); }
sal_uInt32 GetScanPos() { return( nScanPos ); }
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscrsc.hxx b/rsc/inc/rscrsc.hxx
index 1bf311b4eb76..711b686f8a27 100644
--- a/rsc/inc/rscrsc.hxx
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscrsc.hxx
@@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ public:
ByteString GetTmpFileName(); // Die Dateien werden geloescht
// Include Statements lesen
- ERRTYPE IncludeParser( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey );
- ERRTYPE ParseOneFile( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey, const RscCmdLine::OutputFile* pOutputFile, const WriteRcContext* pContext );
+ ERRTYPE IncludeParser( sal_uLong lFileKey );
+ ERRTYPE ParseOneFile( sal_uLong lFileKey, const RscCmdLine::OutputFile* pOutputFile, const WriteRcContext* pContext );
void EndCompile();
diff --git a/rsc/source/misc/rscdbl.cxx b/rsc/source/misc/rscdbl.cxx
index 868e38b71d69..7afde9e7c65b 100644
--- a/rsc/source/misc/rscdbl.cxx
+++ b/rsc/source/misc/rscdbl.cxx
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ void FillSubList( RSCINST & rInst, REResourceList * pList )
void FillListObj( ObjNode * pObjNode, RscTop * pRscTop,
- REResourceList * pList, sal_uIntPtr lFileKey )
+ REResourceList * pList, sal_uLong lFileKey )
if( pObjNode ){
if( pObjNode->GetFileKey() == lFileKey ){
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ void FillListObj( ObjNode * pObjNode, RscTop * pRscTop,
-void FillList( RscTop * pRscTop, REResourceList * pList, sal_uIntPtr lFileKey ){
+void FillList( RscTop * pRscTop, REResourceList * pList, sal_uLong lFileKey ){
if( pRscTop ){
FillList( (RscTop*)pRscTop->Left(), pList, lFileKey );
@@ -114,6 +114,6 @@ void FillList( RscTop * pRscTop, REResourceList * pList, sal_uIntPtr lFileKey ){
-void RscTypCont::FillNameIdList( REResourceList * pList, sal_uIntPtr lFileKey ){
+void RscTypCont::FillNameIdList( REResourceList * pList, sal_uLong lFileKey ){
FillList( pRoot, pList, lFileKey );
diff --git a/rsc/source/parser/rscdb.cxx b/rsc/source/parser/rscdb.cxx
index e14d406b3bbc..51df773ef182 100644
--- a/rsc/source/parser/rscdb.cxx
+++ b/rsc/source/parser/rscdb.cxx
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ sal_uInt32 RscTypCont :: PutSysName( sal_uInt32 nRscTyp, char * pFileName,
if( bFirst && !bId1 )
pSysEntry->nKey = 1;
- aSysLst.Insert( pSysEntry, (sal_uIntPtr)0 );
+ aSysLst.Insert( pSysEntry, (sal_uLong)0 );
aSysLst.Insert( pSysEntry, LIST_APPEND );
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ sal_uInt32 RscTypCont :: PutSysName( sal_uInt32 nRscTyp, char * pFileName,
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 21.06.90
-void RscTypCont :: WriteInc( FILE * fOutput, sal_uIntPtr lFileKey )
+void RscTypCont :: WriteInc( FILE * fOutput, sal_uLong lFileKey )
RscFile * pFName;
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ private:
ERRTYPE aError; // Enthaelt den ersten Fehler
RscTypCont* pTypCont;
FILE * fOutput; // AusgabeDatei
- sal_uIntPtr lFileKey; // Welche src-Datei
+ sal_uLong lFileKey; // Welche src-Datei
RscTop * pClass;
DECL_LINK( CallBackWriteRc, ObjNode * );
@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ void RscEnumerateObj :: WriteRcFile( RscWriteRc & rMem, FILE * fOut ){
sal_uInt32 nSize = (nCount * (sizeof(sal_uInt64)+sizeof(sal_Int32))) + sizeof(sal_Int32);
rMem.Put( nCount ); //Anzahl speichern
- for( std::map< sal_uInt64, sal_uIntPtr >::const_iterator it =
+ for( std::map< sal_uInt64, sal_uLong >::const_iterator it =
pTypCont->aIdTranslator.begin(); it != pTypCont->aIdTranslator.end(); ++it )
// Schluessel schreiben
@@ -703,7 +703,7 @@ public:
return aEnumObj.aError;
- ERRTYPE WriteSrc( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey )
+ ERRTYPE WriteSrc( sal_uLong lFileKey )
aEnumObj.lFileKey = lFileKey;
@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ public:
return aEnumObj.aError;
- ERRTYPE WriteCxx( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey )
+ ERRTYPE WriteCxx( sal_uLong lFileKey )
aEnumObj.lFileKey = lFileKey;
@@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ public:
return aEnumObj.aError;
- ERRTYPE WriteHxx( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey )
+ ERRTYPE WriteHxx( sal_uLong lFileKey )
aEnumObj.lFileKey = lFileKey;
@@ -829,7 +829,7 @@ ERRTYPE RscTypCont::WriteRc( WriteRcContext& rContext )
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 27.06.90
-void RscTypCont :: WriteSrc( FILE * fOutput, sal_uIntPtr nFileKey,
+void RscTypCont :: WriteSrc( FILE * fOutput, sal_uLong nFileKey,
CharSet /*nCharSet*/, sal_Bool bName )
RscFile * pFName;
@@ -887,7 +887,7 @@ void RscTypCont :: WriteSrc( FILE * fOutput, sal_uIntPtr nFileKey,
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 30.05.91
-ERRTYPE RscTypCont :: WriteHxx( FILE * fOutput, sal_uIntPtr nFileKey )
+ERRTYPE RscTypCont :: WriteHxx( FILE * fOutput, sal_uLong nFileKey )
fprintf( fOutput, "#include <tools/rc.hxx>\n" );
fprintf( fOutput, "#include <tools/resid.hxx>\n" );
@@ -953,7 +953,7 @@ ERRTYPE RscTypCont :: WriteHxx( FILE * fOutput, sal_uIntPtr nFileKey )
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 30.05.91
-ERRTYPE RscTypCont::WriteCxx( FILE * fOutput, sal_uIntPtr nFileKey,
+ERRTYPE RscTypCont::WriteCxx( FILE * fOutput, sal_uLong nFileKey,
const ByteString & rHxxName )
RscEnumerateRef aEnumRef( this, pRoot, fOutput );
@@ -1019,14 +1019,14 @@ void RscTypCont::WriteRcCtor
class RscDel
- sal_uIntPtr lFileKey;
+ sal_uLong lFileKey;
DECL_LINK( Delete, RscTop * );
- RscDel( RscTop * pRoot, sal_uIntPtr lKey );
+ RscDel( RscTop * pRoot, sal_uLong lKey );
-inline RscDel::RscDel( RscTop * pRoot, sal_uIntPtr lKey )
+inline RscDel::RscDel( RscTop * pRoot, sal_uLong lKey )
lFileKey = lKey;
pRoot->EnumNodes( LINK( this, RscDel, Delete ) );
@@ -1040,7 +1040,7 @@ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( RscDel, Delete, RscTop *, pNode )
IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( RscDel, Delete, RscTop *, pNode )
-void RscTypCont :: Delete( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey ){
+void RscTypCont :: Delete( sal_uLong lFileKey ){
// Resourceinstanzen loeschen
RscDel aDel( pRoot, lFileKey );
// Defines loeschen
diff --git a/rsc/source/parser/rsclex.cxx b/rsc/source/parser/rsclex.cxx
index b165d1bb6abb..c8e02d792c6b 100755
--- a/rsc/source/parser/rsclex.cxx
+++ b/rsc/source/parser/rsclex.cxx
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ void IncludeParser( RscFileInst * pFileInst )
int nToken; // Wert des Tokens
YYSTYPE aYYSType; // Daten des Tokens
RscFile * pFName; // Filestruktur
- sal_uIntPtr lKey; // Fileschluessel
+ sal_uLong lKey; // Fileschluessel
RscTypCont * pTypCon = pFileInst->pTypCont;
pFName = pTypCon->aFileTab.Get( pFileInst->GetFileIndex() );
diff --git a/rsc/source/parser/rscpar.cxx b/rsc/source/parser/rscpar.cxx
index 359e1a3390e0..c7c09f8275da 100644
--- a/rsc/source/parser/rscpar.cxx
+++ b/rsc/source/parser/rscpar.cxx
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ void RscFileInst::Init()
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 06.06.91
-RscFileInst::RscFileInst( RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uIntPtr lIndexSrc,
- sal_uIntPtr lFIndex, FILE * fFile )
+RscFileInst::RscFileInst( RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uLong lIndexSrc,
+ sal_uLong lFIndex, FILE * fFile )
pTypCont = pTC;
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ RscFileInst::RscFileInst( RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uIntPtr lIndexSrc,
pInput = (char *)rtl_allocateMemory( nInputBufLen );
-RscFileInst::RscFileInst( RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uIntPtr lIndexSrc,
- sal_uIntPtr lFIndex, const ByteString& rBuf )
+RscFileInst::RscFileInst( RscTypCont * pTC, sal_uLong lIndexSrc,
+ sal_uLong lFIndex, const ByteString& rBuf )
pTypCont = pTC;
diff --git a/rsc/source/res/rscclass.cxx b/rsc/source/res/rscclass.cxx
index 3df83a72c7be..465e55a1e2cd 100644
--- a/rsc/source/res/rscclass.cxx
+++ b/rsc/source/res/rscclass.cxx
@@ -203,9 +203,9 @@ void RscClass::SetVarDflt( CLASS_DATA pData, sal_uInt32 nEle, sal_Bool bSet )
pClass = (RscClassInst *)(pData + nSuperSize );
if( bSet )
- pClass->nVarDflt |= ((sal_uIntPtr)1 << nEle);
+ pClass->nVarDflt |= ((sal_uLong)1 << nEle);
- pClass->nVarDflt &= ~((sal_uIntPtr)1 << nEle);
+ pClass->nVarDflt &= ~((sal_uLong)1 << nEle);
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ sal_Bool RscClass::IsDflt( CLASS_DATA pData, sal_uInt32 nEle )
sal_Bool bRet;
pClass = (RscClassInst *)(pData + nSuperSize );
- if( pClass->nVarDflt & ((sal_uIntPtr)1 << nEle) )
+ if( pClass->nVarDflt & ((sal_uLong)1 << nEle) )
bRet = sal_True;
bRet = sal_False;
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ RSCINST RscClass::Create
((RscClassInst *)(aInst.pData + nSuperSize))->nVarDflt =
((RscClassInst *)(rDflt.pData + nSuperSize))->nVarDflt;
- ((RscClassInst *)(aInst.pData + nSuperSize))->nVarDflt = ~((sal_uIntPtr)0);
+ ((RscClassInst *)(aInst.pData + nSuperSize))->nVarDflt = ~((sal_uLong)0);
for( i = 0; i < nEntries; i++ )
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ ERRTYPE RscClass::SetVariable
- if( nEntries > (sizeof( sal_uIntPtr ) * 8) )
+ if( nEntries > (sizeof( sal_uLong ) * 8) )
// Bereich fuer Default zu klein
RscExit( 16 );
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ void RscClass::SetToDefault( const RSCINST & rInst )
aTmpI.pClass->SetToDefault( aTmpI );
- pClass->nVarDflt = ~((sal_uIntPtr)0); // alles auf Default
+ pClass->nVarDflt = ~((sal_uLong)0); // alles auf Default
RscTop::SetToDefault( rInst );
diff --git a/rsc/source/res/rscclobj.cxx b/rsc/source/res/rscclobj.cxx
index 67955c193cf0..632633d8d542 100644
--- a/rsc/source/res/rscclobj.cxx
+++ b/rsc/source/res/rscclobj.cxx
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ ObjNode * RefNode :: GetObjNode( const RscId & rRscId ){
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.05.91
-ObjNode::ObjNode( const RscId & rId, CLASS_DATA pData, sal_uIntPtr lKey ){
+ObjNode::ObjNode( const RscId & rId, CLASS_DATA pData, sal_uLong lKey ){
pRscObj = pData;
aRscId = rId;
lFileKey = lKey;
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ ObjNode::ObjNode( const RscId & rId, CLASS_DATA pData, sal_uIntPtr lKey ){
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 09.12.91
-ObjNode * ObjNode::DelObjNode( RscTop * pClass, sal_uIntPtr nFileKey ){
+ObjNode * ObjNode::DelObjNode( RscTop * pClass, sal_uLong nFileKey ){
ObjNode * pRetNode = this;
if( Right() )
diff --git a/rsc/source/rsc/rsc.cxx b/rsc/source/rsc/rsc.cxx
index 683db3a2a29f..8e9379738fed 100644
--- a/rsc/source/rsc/rsc.cxx
+++ b/rsc/source/rsc/rsc.cxx
@@ -348,9 +348,9 @@ RscCmdLine::~RscCmdLine()
ByteString *pString;
- while( NULL != (pString = aInputList.Remove( (sal_uIntPtr)0 )) )
+ while( NULL != (pString = aInputList.Remove( (sal_uLong)0 )) )
delete pString;
- while( NULL != (pString = aSymbolList.Remove( (sal_uIntPtr)0 )) )
+ while( NULL != (pString = aSymbolList.Remove( (sal_uLong)0 )) )
delete pString;
@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ void RscCompiler::EndCompile()
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 21.06.91
-ERRTYPE RscCompiler :: IncludeParser( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey )
+ERRTYPE RscCompiler :: IncludeParser( sal_uLong lFileKey )
FILE * finput;
RscFile * pFName;
@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ ERRTYPE RscCompiler :: IncludeParser( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey )
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 26.06.91
-ERRTYPE RscCompiler :: ParseOneFile( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey,
+ERRTYPE RscCompiler :: ParseOneFile( sal_uLong lFileKey,
const RscCmdLine::OutputFile* pOutputFile,
const WriteRcContext* pContext )
diff --git a/rsc/source/tools/rscdef.cxx b/rsc/source/tools/rscdef.cxx
index 8d7f4610b3db..6231bbd92aae 100644
--- a/rsc/source/tools/rscdef.cxx
+++ b/rsc/source/tools/rscdef.cxx
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ ByteString RscId::GetMacro() const
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 01.11.91
-RscDefine::RscDefine( sal_uIntPtr lKey, const ByteString & rDefName, sal_Int32 lDefId )
+RscDefine::RscDefine( sal_uLong lKey, const ByteString & rDefName, sal_Int32 lDefId )
: StringNode( rDefName )
nRefCount = 0;
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ RscDefine::RscDefine( sal_uIntPtr lKey, const ByteString & rDefName, sal_Int32 l
pExp = NULL;
-RscDefine::RscDefine( sal_uIntPtr lKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
+RscDefine::RscDefine( sal_uLong lKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
RscExpression * pExpression )
: StringNode( rDefName )
@@ -410,8 +410,8 @@ ByteString RscDefine::GetMacro()
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 04.11.91
-RscDefine * RscDefineList::New( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
- sal_Int32 lDefId, sal_uIntPtr lPos )
+RscDefine * RscDefineList::New( sal_uLong lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
+ sal_Int32 lDefId, sal_uLong lPos )
RscDefine * pDef;
@@ -421,8 +421,8 @@ RscDefine * RscDefineList::New( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefNam
return pDef;
-RscDefine * RscDefineList::New( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
- RscExpression * pExpression, sal_uIntPtr lPos )
+RscDefine * RscDefineList::New( sal_uLong lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
+ RscExpression * pExpression, sal_uLong lPos )
RscDefine * pDef;
@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ sal_Bool RscDefineList::Remove( RscDefine * pDef ){
return( NULL != pDef );
-sal_Bool RscDefineList::Remove( sal_uIntPtr lIndex ){
+sal_Bool RscDefineList::Remove( sal_uLong lIndex ){
RscDefine * pDef = RscSubDefList::Remove( lIndex );
if( pDef ){
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ sal_Bool RscDefineList::Remove( sal_uIntPtr lIndex ){
sal_Bool RscDefineList::Remove(){
RscDefine * pDef;
- pDef = RscSubDefList::Remove( (sal_uIntPtr)0 );
+ pDef = RscSubDefList::Remove( (sal_uLong)0 );
if( pDef ){
@@ -728,11 +728,11 @@ RscFile :: RscFile(){
RscFile :: ~RscFile(){
- RscDepend * pDep = Remove( (sal_uIntPtr)0 );
+ RscDepend * pDep = Remove( (sal_uLong)0 );
while( pDep ){
delete pDep;
- pDep = Remove( (sal_uIntPtr)0 );
+ pDep = Remove( (sal_uLong)0 );
//von hinten nach vorne ist besser wegen der Abhaengigkeiten
@@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ RscFile :: ~RscFile(){
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 12.11.91
-sal_Bool RscFile::Depend( sal_uIntPtr lDepend, sal_uIntPtr lFree ){
+sal_Bool RscFile::Depend( sal_uLong lDepend, sal_uLong lFree ){
RscDepend * pDep;
pDep = Last();
@@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ sal_Bool RscFile::Depend( sal_uIntPtr lDepend, sal_uIntPtr lFree ){
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 06.01.92
-sal_Bool RscFile :: InsertDependFile( sal_uIntPtr lIncFile, sal_uIntPtr lPos )
+sal_Bool RscFile :: InsertDependFile( sal_uLong lIncFile, sal_uLong lPos )
RscDepend * pDep;
@@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ sal_Bool RscFile :: InsertDependFile( sal_uIntPtr lIncFile, sal_uIntPtr lPos )
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 18.11.91
-void RscFile :: RemoveDependFile( sal_uIntPtr lDepFile )
+void RscFile :: RemoveDependFile( sal_uLong lDepFile )
RscDepend * pDep = Last();
@@ -973,7 +973,7 @@ RscFileTab :: ~RscFileTab(){
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 16.05.91
-sal_uIntPtr RscFileTab :: Find( const ByteString & rName )
+sal_uLong RscFileTab :: Find( const ByteString & rName )
RscFile * pFName;
@@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ RscDefine * RscFileTab::FindDef( const char * pName ){
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 01.11.91
-RscDefine * RscFileTab::FindDef( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey, const ByteString & rName )
+RscDefine * RscFileTab::FindDef( sal_uLong lFileKey, const ByteString & rName )
RscDefine * pDef = FindDef( rName );
@@ -1030,7 +1030,7 @@ RscDefine * RscFileTab::FindDef( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey, const ByteString & rName
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 08.11.91
-sal_Bool RscFileTab::Depend( sal_uIntPtr lDepend, sal_uIntPtr lFree ){
+sal_Bool RscFileTab::Depend( sal_uLong lDepend, sal_uLong lFree ){
if( lDepend == lFree )
return sal_True;
@@ -1055,7 +1055,7 @@ sal_Bool RscFileTab::Depend( sal_uIntPtr lDepend, sal_uIntPtr lFree ){
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 14.01.92
-sal_Bool RscFileTab::TestDef( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey, sal_uIntPtr lPos,
+sal_Bool RscFileTab::TestDef( sal_uLong lFileKey, sal_uLong lPos,
const RscDefine * pDefDec )
if( lFileKey == pDefDec->GetFileKey() ){
@@ -1079,7 +1079,7 @@ sal_Bool RscFileTab::TestDef( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey, sal_uIntPtr lPos,
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 14.01.92
-sal_Bool RscFileTab::TestDef( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey, sal_uIntPtr lPos,
+sal_Bool RscFileTab::TestDef( sal_uLong lFileKey, sal_uLong lPos,
const RscExpression * pExpDec )
if( !pExpDec )
@@ -1113,8 +1113,8 @@ sal_Bool RscFileTab::TestDef( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey, sal_uIntPtr lPos,
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 04.11.91
-RscDefine * RscFileTab::NewDef( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
- sal_Int32 lId, sal_uIntPtr lPos )
+RscDefine * RscFileTab::NewDef( sal_uLong lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
+ sal_Int32 lId, sal_uLong lPos )
RscDefine * pDef = FindDef( rDefName );
@@ -1141,8 +1141,8 @@ RscDefine * RscFileTab::NewDef( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefNam
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 04.11.91
-RscDefine * RscFileTab::NewDef( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
- RscExpression * pExp, sal_uIntPtr lPos )
+RscDefine * RscFileTab::NewDef( sal_uLong lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
+ RscExpression * pExp, sal_uLong lPos )
RscDefine * pDef = FindDef( rDefName );
@@ -1245,7 +1245,7 @@ sal_Bool RscFileTab::ChangeDef( const ByteString & rDefName,
RscDefine * pDef = FindDef( rDefName );
RscFile * pFile;
- sal_uIntPtr lPos = 0;
+ sal_uLong lPos = 0;
if( pDef ){
pFile = GetFile( pDef->GetFileKey() );
@@ -1303,7 +1303,7 @@ sal_Bool RscFileTab::ChangeDefName( const ByteString & rDefName,
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 09.12.91
-void RscFileTab :: DeleteFileContext( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey ){
+void RscFileTab :: DeleteFileContext( sal_uLong lFileKey ){
RscFile * pFName;
pFName = GetFile( lFileKey );
@@ -1315,7 +1315,7 @@ void RscFileTab :: DeleteFileContext( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey ){
aDefTree.Remove( pDef );
pDef = pFName->aDefLst.Next();
- while( pFName->aDefLst.Remove( (sal_uIntPtr)0 ) ) ;
+ while( pFName->aDefLst.Remove( (sal_uLong)0 ) ) ;
@@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ void RscFileTab :: DeleteFileContext( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey ){
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 16.05.91
-void RscFileTab :: DeleteFile( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey ){
+void RscFileTab :: DeleteFile( sal_uLong lFileKey ){
RscFile * pFName;
//Defines freigeben
@@ -1355,9 +1355,9 @@ void RscFileTab :: DeleteFile( sal_uIntPtr lFileKey ){
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 16.05.91
-sal_uIntPtr RscFileTab :: NewCodeFile( const ByteString & rName )
+sal_uLong RscFileTab :: NewCodeFile( const ByteString & rName )
- sal_uIntPtr lKey;
+ sal_uLong lKey;
RscFile * pFName;
lKey = Find( rName );
@@ -1381,10 +1381,10 @@ sal_uIntPtr RscFileTab :: NewCodeFile( const ByteString & rName )
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 16.05.91
-sal_uIntPtr RscFileTab :: NewIncFile( const ByteString & rName,
+sal_uLong RscFileTab :: NewIncFile( const ByteString & rName,
const ByteString & rPath )
- sal_uIntPtr lKey;
+ sal_uLong lKey;
RscFile * pFName;
lKey = Find( rName );