This document describes the procedure to produce incremental patch for the NovellWin32ISO installers. This is somewhat hard to automate. This document is very much a work in progress, written and updated while working out how this actually should be done. Read with a large pinch of salt. The NovellWin32ISO builds are identified by the full three-part PACKAGEVERSION from openoffice.lst (2.0.4, for instance) suffixed by a dash and a counter, starting from 1 in the first build. The first distributed NovellWin32ISO build of 2.0.4 is thus 2.0.4-1. The "PATCHLEVEL" we talk about below is a NovellWin32ISO concept, not to be confused with other things related to "patching" that might have similar names in the upstream installer-building Perl code (much of which is undocumented, and even probably unfinished, or remains of procedures never fully implemented, or whatever). So when you see mentions of patching and updating in solenv/bin/modules/installer/*.pm etc, note that this has nothing to do with the Windows Installer patching stuff described here. For the first build, build 1, PATCHLEVEL is 0. For build 2 it is 1, etc. Yeah, this is illogical, I should have called the first build 2.0.4-0. The idea is that the original build directory is kept, and only incremental changes are done. Only those projects where there has been code changes (i.e. updated ooo-build patches that affect the project) since the previous build are rebuilt. Thus the files that are included in each build's installer are mostly from the original build, only those that have actual changes are fresher. - Rename build/$tag/instsetoo_native/ to OpenOffice-$previous (where $previous is the previous build counter). Ditto for OpenOffice_languagepack, although I don't think there would be any point in producing Windows Installer patch installers for language packs. - Add a new marker to ChangeLog indicating at which stage this build was done. - Edit novell-win32-vrb-branding.diff, increment the PATCHLEVEL value. This means that DLLs built from now on (once the patch is applied) will get a new version number. - Run make patch.apply. - Run sh doc/ - Run make and interrupt it when it starts the main build with "Building project solenv", i.e. after having done the upstream configure script and set_soenv stuff. - Inspect ChangeLog entries since the last marker. Go to build/$tag, source In each project directly affected by changes since the last marker, to a build && deliver. Be careful to do this in the correct order in case a patch since the last release build has changed the API of some project, but I sure hope that won't happen. For 2.0.4-2 vs. 2.0.4-1, the projects affected by patches changed seem to be, in a hopefully correct order: officecfg sfx2 sc binfilter (but nothing that affected what gets built had changed) helpcontent2 For 2.0.4-4 vs. 2.0.4-2, they are: offapi scp2 scsolver fpicker basic sfx2 filter (because of the added MOOX xcu fragments) sc sysui (jimmac's new icons) desktop (-"-) Note carefully what changed/new files get delivered, just for double-checking later. To find out the correct order to build && deliver, given we know what projects are affected, go to postprocess and run: build --all --show | grep 'Building project' |grep -E ' (offapi|sfx2|scsolver|sc|scp2|basic|filter|fpicker)$' (use the relevant list of projects in the grep, of course.) - Remove sfx2/ and do a build && deliver in sfx2, too, if not already done above. - Go to postprocess, build & deliver. - Go to instsetoo_native. Edit util/ to avoid building language packs. Do a build there. - Do an administrative install of previous build(s), and of what you just built: cd build/OOO_2_0_4/instsetoo_native/OpenOffice-2/msi/install/en-US_ar_cs_blabla msiexec /a openofficeorg20.msi cd build/OOO_2_0_4/instsetoo_native/OpenOffice-1/msi/install/en-US_ar_cs_blabla msiexec /a openofficeorg20.msi cd build/OOO_2_0_4/instsetoo_native/OpenOffice/msi/install/en-US_ar_cs_blabla msiexec /a openofficeorg20.msi for instance, for 2.0.4-1 and 2.0.4-2: install into c:\tmp\OOo-2.0.4-1-admin and c:\tmp\OOo-2.0.4-2-admin - Make a new folder for the patch installer, for instance c:\tmp\OOo-2.0.4-1-2-patch. Note that a Windows Installer patch can contain several patch pairs; for instance, we can eventually have a single patch (.msp file) that patches 2.0.4-1 to 2.0.4-4, 2.0.4-2 to 2.0.4-4, and 2.0.4-3 to 2.0.4-4. For simplicity, below I talk just about a patch for one update, from 2.0.4-1 to 2.0.4-2. - Create a Patch Creation Properties (.pcp) file, for instance openofficeorg20.pcp. Copy the Samples/SysMgmt/Msi/Patching/TEMPLATE.PCP file from the Platform SDK. A dump of the relevant tables in that file for the 2.0.4-1 to 2.0.4-2 and 2.0.4-1 and -2 to 2.0.4-4 patches is included below. Remember to generate a new GUID for the patch in the PatchGUID property in the Properties table. - Add PATCHLEVEL to the last part of the ProductVersion in the Properties table of the .msi file in the "upgraded" administrative installation. For instance, for 2.0.4-1, the ProductVersion property is 2.0.9073, and for 2.0.4-2 this was manually changed to 2.0.9074, and for 2.0.4-4 to 2.0.9076. Some typical MS braindamage here: The ProductVersion property is documented to be three digits: uchar.uchar.ushort, i.e. the first two <= 255, the last <= 65535. So we can't use the same kind of version number as for the FileVersion column in the File table, which is four ushorts, and constructed as OOO_MAJOR . OOO_MINOR*100+OOO_MICRO . BUILDID . PATCHLEVEL For files that are changed in 2.0.4-2, that would be 2.4.9073.1. This sucks, yeah. But just incrementing the last part (buildid) hopefully won't cause any trouble, even though it is misleading, as the real buildid of course is the same for all NovellWin32ISO 2.0.4-x builds. (Recall that "buildid" in OOo means a number corresponding to the milestone, it has nothing to do with actual "builds" by distributors of OOo, like NovellWin32ISO builds. For the milestone OOO_2_0_4 the OOo buildid is 9073.) Hmm, even though documentation says that the ProductVersion property should be three parts as above (uchar.uchar.ushort), in reality many of the .msi files out there, even from Microsoft, have four-part ProductVersion properties. The Value column in the Property table is a string, so there is nothing in the MSI format that prevents this, although it is of course questionable how Windows Installer accepts other that three-part ProductVersion properties. Oh well... - Run msimsp to find the differences between the two above installations, verify that the DLL and EXE files that have changed indeed have the updated version in their VRBs. msimsp -s openofficeorg20.pcp -p openofficeorg20.msp -l logfile.log Read the logfile looking for which files have changed - This step and the two following don't seem to actually be necessary. Windows Installer will patch a file even if its version number stays the same. It is also tedious manual work: Edit the corresponding rows (updated DLLs, EXEs, and nonversioned files) in openofficeorg20.msi in the second administrative installation, change the final number of the FileVersion rows in the File table to the patchlevel in question. For versioned files (DLLs and EXEs) I guess it is best if the version of the file recorded in Windows Installer is the same as the one in the file's VRB block, though, but even that doesn't seem to be necessary. - Run msimsp again - Verify that the changed files are indeed exactly those for which you edited the FileVersion, no more, no less. ================ Exports (.idt files) of the non-empty tables in the Patch Creation Properties (.pcp) file used when creating the 2.0.4-1 to 2.0.4-2 patch. I have also added some comments. ==> ImageFamilies: Family MediaSrcPropName MediaDiskId FileSequenceStart DiskPrompt VolumeLabel s8 S72 I2 I2 S128 S32 ImageFamilies Family OOo OOoSrcPropName 100 11000 The number of files in OOo is under 11000, so we start files introduced by patches at 11000. ==> PatchMetadata: Company Property Value S72 s72 l0 PatchMetadata Company Property AllowRemoval 1 Classification update CreationTimeUTC 2006-11-21 17:00 Description 2.0.4-1/2 DisplayName 2.0.4-1/2 ManufacturerName Novell, Inc. MoreInfoURL TargetProductName 2.0.4 The Description and DisplayName strings don't have any prescribed format, that "2.0.4-1/2" is just a convention I invented to indicate a patch from 2.0.4-1 to 2.0.4-2. ==> Properties: Name Value s72 L0 Properties Name AllowProductCodeMismatches 1 AllowProductVersionMajorMismatches 1 ApiPatchingSymbolFlags 0x00000000 DontRemoveTempFolderWhenFinished 1 IncludeWholeFilesOnly 0 ListOfPatchGUIDsToReplace ListOfTargetProductCodes * MinimumRequiredMsiVersion 300 PatchGUID {489E4A5F-830E-425D-BFA6-6E1C57D35CF6} PatchOutputPath openofficeorg20.msp SEQUENCE_DATA_GENERATION_DISABLED 1 The PatchGUID must be unique for each .msp file. ==> TargetImages: Target MsiPath SymbolPaths Upgraded Order ProductValidateFlags IgnoreMissingSrcFiles s13 s255 S255 s13 i2 S16 i2 TargetImages Target 2p0p4d1 c:\tmp\OOo-2.0.4-1-admin\openofficeorg20.msi 2p0p4d2 1 0 The Target and Upgraded fields must be alphanumeric, thus I transformed periods to "p" and dashes to "d", i.e. 2.0.4-1 became 2p0p4d1... ==> UpgradedImages: Upgraded MsiPath PatchMsiPath SymbolPaths Family s13 s255 S255 S255 s8 UpgradedImages Upgraded 2p0p4d2 c:\tmp\OOo-2.0.4-2-admin\openofficeorg20.msi OOo ================ Corresponding exports of the non-empty tables in the pcp file used when creating the 2.0.4-1 and 2.0.4-2 to 2.0.4-4 patch. This patch is capable of upgrading either 2.0.4-1 or 2.0.4-2 to 2.0.4-4. (2.0.4-3 was an intermediate build that I just made the en-US -only installer for. Here we had to add rows to the UpgradedFiles_OptionalData table so that the msvcr71.dll and msvcp71.dll files were included in the patch as whole files. These files changed when running build in postprocess as they were rebased to a different address than in the earlier builds. Of course, the base addess is just one field in the PE header, so being able to have a binary patch for them would have been extremely nice. But unfortunately, as the versions (in the VRB) of these files didn't change, and we don't generate MsiFileHash entries for dll and exe files, there is no way Windows Installer can verify that it would be patching the right file. Thus we have to include the "new" ones (with just the base address change) in toto. When starting a new base build plus patch chain (OO.o 2.1?) we should begin calculating MsiFileHash values also for versioned files, to avoid this issue. ==> ImageFamilies: Family MediaSrcPropName MediaDiskId FileSequenceStart DiskPrompt VolumeLabel s8 S72 I2 I2 S128 S32 ImageFamilies Family OOo OOoSrcPropName 100 11000 ==> PatchMetadata: Company Property Value S72 s72 l0 PatchMetadata Company Property AllowRemoval 1 Classification update CreationTimeUTC 2006-12-14 22:00 Description 2.0.4-1+2/4 DisplayName 2.0.4-1+2/4 ManufacturerName Novell, Inc. MoreInfoURL TargetProductName 2.0.4 ==> Properties: Name Value s72 L0 Properties Name AllowProductCodeMismatches 1 AllowProductVersionMajorMismatches 1 ApiPatchingSymbolFlags 0x00000000 DontRemoveTempFolderWhenFinished 1 IncludeWholeFilesOnly 0 ListOfPatchGUIDsToReplace ListOfTargetProductCodes * MinimumRequiredMsiVersion 300 PatchGUID {D79AFC12-0A1B-4E9D-9C29-4128BBDE0365} PatchOutputPath openofficeorg20.msp I removed the SEQUENCE_DATA_GENERATION_DISABLED property. ==> TargetImages: Target MsiPath SymbolPaths Upgraded Order ProductValidateFlags IgnoreMissingSrcFiles s13 s255 S255 s13 i2 S16 i2 TargetImages Target 2p0p4d1 c:\tmp\OOo-2.0.4-1-admin\openofficeorg20.msi 2p0p4d4 1 0 2p0p4d2 c:\tmp\OOo-2.0.4-2-admin\openofficeorg20.msi 2p0p4d4 2 0 I don't know whether the values in the Order columns actually are needed or not. ==> UpgradedFiles_OptionalData Upgraded FTK SymbolPaths AllowIgnoreOnPatchError IncludeWholeFile s13 s255 S255 I2 I2 UpgradedFiles_OptionalData Upgraded FTK 2p0p4d4 msvcp71.dll 1 2p0p4d4 msvcr71.dll 1 See above why we need to mention msvcr71.dll and msvcp71.dll here. ==> UpgradedImages: Upgraded MsiPath PatchMsiPath SymbolPaths Family s13 s255 S255 S255 s8 UpgradedImages Upgraded 2p0p4d4 c:\tmp\OOo-2.0.4-4-admin\openofficeorg20.msi OOo