Translations ------------ All translations come from CVS repository and they are not modified by ooo-build unless you provide your own GSI files. How to update translations -------------------------- You can put GSI_$lang.sdf file into $SRCDIR (obviously ooo-build/src) directory. You can put GSI files for more than one language safely. All GSI files are automatically recognized and used by build scripts. I have updated GSI file, what should I do? ------------------------------------------ Your build is completed and you have updated GSI file. What should you do? 1) put updated GSI_$lang.sdf file into $SRCDIR 2) remove related line in ooo-build/stamp/build.extra.translations 3) remove ooo-build/stamp/build 4) run make again to re-localize and re-build your ooo-build tree Where are the extra sources available? -------------------------------------- Pavel Janik collected some. They can be found at:*/Build-*/build/Files/2.0/ He uses the following script to update some of them: #!/bin/sh echo "Estonian: et" wget bunzip2 -f GSI_et.sdf.bz2 echo "Slovak: sk" wget "*checkout*/sk/gsi/GSI_sk.sdf.gz?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/plain" mv GSI_sk.sdf.gz* GSI_sk.sdf.gz gunzip -f GSI_sk.sdf.gz echo "Hungarian: hu" wget*checkout*/hu/hu-po-2/hu.sdf.bz2 bunzip2 -f hu.sdf.bz2 mv hu.sdf GSI_hu.sdf echo "Norwegian: nb" wget bunzip2 -f GSI_nb.sdf.bz2 echo "Norwegian: nn" wget bunzip2 -f GSI_nn.sdf.bz2