In a simple build scenario / to get started use: ./build-ooo OOO_STABLE_1 --checkout then (you need to be a sudoer): ./package-ooo OOO_STABLE_1 --clean Other files: - misc. configuration options install-icons - install artwork and icons, re-scale existing icons using ImageMagic. nothing - input swallowing dummy, to kill RPM find-requires / provides. tinder-build - used on the tinderbox to build and package OO.o in a loop. - build lists of unused symbols in an installed set. - turn unused symbol lists into linker maps. - install lang-packs and build-per lang .spec files. openoffice-xlate-lang - map between several language identifiers. linkoo - program to link a build tree into an install image. ootouch - utility - give it some of your stack trace, and it will go touch files contianing that, meaning you can build debug=true easily to get debugging symbols...