path: root/scratch/writer/gdbinit-cbosdo
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scratch/writer/gdbinit-cbosdo')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 726 deletions
diff --git a/scratch/writer/gdbinit-cbosdo b/scratch/writer/gdbinit-cbosdo
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f773ed29..000000000
--- a/scratch/writer/gdbinit-cbosdo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,726 +0,0 @@
-handle SIGPWR nostop noprint
-handle SIGXCPU nostop noprint
-handle SIG33 nostop noprint
-# define "pu" command to display sal_Unicode *
-def pu
- set $uni = $arg0
- set $len = $arg1
- set $i = 0
- printf "\""
- while (*$uni && $i++<$len && $i<255)
- if (*$uni < 0x80)
- printf "%c", *(char*)$uni++
- else
- printf "\\x%x", *(short*)$uni++
- end
- end
- printf "\"\n"
-# define "pus" command to display rtl_uString
-def pus
- if ($arg0.buffer)
- pu $arg0.buffer $arg0.length
- else
- print "Invalid/non-initialized rtl_uString."
- end
-# define "pou" command to display rtl::OUString
-def pou
- if ($arg0.pData)
- pus $arg0.pData
- else
- print "Invalid/non-initialized OUString."
- end
-# define "ptu" command to display tools (Uni)String
-def ptu
- if ($arg0.mpData)
- pu $arg0.mpData->maStr $arg0.mpData->mnLen
- else
- print "Invalid/non-initialized tools String."
- end
-define pIndent
- set $level = $arg0
- set $iLevel = 0
- while ( $iLevel < $level )
- printf "\t"
- set $iLevel = $iLevel + 1
- end
-define pNodeType
- if ($sw_node->nNodeType==1)
- printf "ND_ENDNODE "
- end
- if ($sw_node->nNodeType==2)
- printf "ND_STARTNODE "
- end
- if ($sw_node->nNodeType==6)
- printf "ND_TABLENODE "
- end
- if ($sw_node->nNodeType==8)
- printf "ND_TEXTNODE "
- end
- if ($sw_node->nNodeType==0x10)
- printf "ND_GRFNODE "
- end
- if ($sw_node->nNodeType==0x20)
- printf "ND_OLENODE "
- end
- if ($sw_node->nNodeType==0x38)
- printf "ND_CONTENTNODE "
- end
- if ($sw_node->nNodeType==0x30)
- printf "ND_NOTXTNODE "
- end
- if ($sw_node->nNodeType==0x42)
- printf "ND_SECTIONNODE "
- end
-define dump_pSfxItemSet
- printf "count=%i\n", $arg0->_nCount
- set $is_i=0
- set $is_k=0
- while($arg0->_pWhichRanges[$is_i]!=0)
- printf "[%i; %i]\n", $arg0->_pWhichRanges[$is_i], $arg0->_pWhichRanges[$is_i+1]
- set $is_j=$arg0->_pWhichRanges[$is_i]
- while($is_j<=$arg0->_pWhichRanges[$is_i+1])
- if ($arg0->_aItems[$is_k]!=0)
- printf "%i %i %p\n", $is_k, $is_j, $arg0->_aItems[$is_k]
- end
- set $is_j++
- set $is_k++
- end
- set $is_i=$is_i+2
- end
-define dump_pSwUndo
- set $su_i=0
- while ($su_i<$arg0->nA)
- set $su_n=((SwUndo**)($arg0->pData))[$su_i]
- printf "%i %p %i\n", $su_i, $su_n, $su_n->nId
- set $su_i++
- end
-define pnodesarr
- set $sw_size = $arg0->nSize
- set $iNodes = 0
- set $indent = 0
- while ( $iNodes++<$sw_size && $iNodes<255 )
- set $sw_node=$arg0[$iNodes-1]
- if ( $sw_node->nNodeType == 1 )
- set $indent = $indent - 1
- end
- pIndent $indent
- printf "%d ", $iNodes - 1
- pNodeType
-# printf "- SoS: %d", $sw_node->pStartOfSection->nOffset
- if ( $sw_node->nNodeType == 2 || $sw_node->nNodeType == 6 || $sw_node->nNodeType == 0x42 )
- printf ", EoS: %d", $sw_node->GetStartNode( )->pEndOfSection->nOffset
- set $indent = $indent + 1
- end
- if ( $sw_node->IsTxtNode( ) )
- printf ", Text: "
- set $sw_txt = $sw_node->GetTxtNode( )->GetTxt()
- ptu $sw_txt
- else
- printf "\n"
- end
- end
-# #
-# STL GDB evaluators/views/utilities #
-# #
-# The new GDB commands:
-# are entirely non instrumental
-# do not depend on any "inline"(s) - e.g. size(), [], etc
-# are extremely tolerant to debugger settings
-# This file should be "included" in .gdbinit as following:
-# source stl-views.gdb or just paste it into your .gdbinit file
-# The following STL containers are currently supported:
-# std::vector<T> -- via pvector command
-# std::list<T> -- via plist command
-# std::map<T,T> -- via pmap command
-# std::multimap<T,T> -- via pmap command
-# std::set<T> -- via pset command
-# std::multiset<T> -- via pset command
-# std::deque<T> -- via pdequeue command
-# std::stack<T> -- via pstack command
-# std::queue<T> -- via pqueue command
-# std::priority_queue<T> -- via ppqueue command
-# std::bitset<n> -- via pbitset command
-# std::string -- via pstring command
-# std::widestring -- via pwstring command
-# The end of this file contains (optional) C++ beautifiers
-# #
-# CopyRight @ 2008 - Dan C Marinescu - All Rights Reserved under GPL V3. #
-# #
-# Email: #
-# #
-# std::vector<>
-define pvector
-if $argc == 0
-help pvector
-set $size = $arg0._M_impl._M_finish - $arg0._M_impl._M_start
-set $capacity = $arg0._M_impl._M_end_of_storage - $arg0._M_impl._M_start
-set $size_max = $size - 1
-if $argc == 1
-set $i = 0
-while $i < $size
-printf "elem[%u]: ", $i
-p *($arg0._M_impl._M_start + $i)
-set $i++
-if $argc == 2
-set $idx = $arg1
-if $idx < 0 || $idx > $size_max
-printf "idx1, idx2 are not in acceptable range: [0..%u].\n", $size_max
-printf "elem[%u]: ", $idx
-p *($arg0._M_impl._M_start + $idx)
-if $argc == 3
-set $start_idx = $arg1
-set $stop_idx = $arg2
-if $start_idx > $stop_idx
-set $tmp_idx = $start_idx
-set $start_idx = $stop_idx
-set $stop_idx = $tmp_idx
-if $start_idx < 0 || $stop_idx < 0 || $start_idx > $size_max || $stop_idx > $size_max
-printf "idx1, idx2 are not in acceptable range: [0..%u].\n", $size_max
-set $i = $start_idx
-while $i <= $stop_idx
-printf "elem[%u]: ", $i
-p *($arg0._M_impl._M_start + $i)
-set $i++
-if $argc > 0
-printf "Vector size = %u\n", $size
-printf "Vector capacity = %u\n", $capacity
-printf "Element "
-whatis $arg0._M_impl._M_start
-document pvector
-Prints std::vector<T> information.
-Syntax: pvector <vector> <idx1> <idx2>
-Note: idx, idx1 and idx2 must be in acceptable range [0..<vector>.size()-1].
-pvector v - Prints vector content, size, capacity and T typedef
-pvector v 0 - Prints element[idx] from vector
-pvector v 1 2 - Prints elements in range [idx1..idx2] from vector
-# std::list<>
-define plist
-if $argc == 0
-help plist
-set $head = &$arg0._M_impl._M_node
-set $current = $arg0->_M_impl->_M_node->_M_next
-set $size = 0
-while $current != $head
-if $argc == 2
-printf "elem[%u]: ", $size
-p *($arg1*)($current + 1)
-if $argc == 3
-if $size == $arg2
-printf "elem[%u]: ", $size
-p *($arg1*)($current + 1)
-set $current = $current->_M_next
-set $size++
-printf "List size = %u \n", $size
-if $argc == 1
-printf "List "
-whatis $arg0
-printf "Use plist <variable_name> <element_type> to see the elements in the list.\n"
-document plist
-Prints std::list<T> information.
-Syntax: plist <list> <T> <idx>: Prints list size, if T defined all elements or just element at idx
-plist l - prints list size and definition
-plist l int - prints all elements and list size
-plist l int 2 - prints the third element in the list (if exists) and list size
-# std::map and std::multimap
-define pmap
-if $argc == 0
-help pmap
-set $tree = $arg0
-set $i = 0
-set $node = $tree->_M_t->_M_impl->_M_header->_M_left
-set $end = $tree->_M_t->_M_impl->_M_header
-set $tree_size = $tree->_M_t->_M_impl->_M_node_count
-if $argc == 1
-printf "Map "
-whatis $tree
-printf "Use pmap <variable_name> <left_element_type> <right_element_type> to see the elements in the map.\n"
-if $argc == 3
-while $i < $tree_size
-set $value = (void *)($node + 1)
-printf "elem[%u]->left: ", $i
-p *($arg1*)$value
-set $value = $value + 4
-printf "elem[%u]->right: ", $i
-p *($arg2*)$value
-if $node->_M_right != 0
-set $node = $node->_M_right
-while $node->_M_left != 0
-set $node = $node->_M_left
-set $tmp_node = $node->_M_parent
-while $node == $tmp_node->_M_right
-set $node = $tmp_node
-set $tmp_node = $tmp_node->_M_parent
-if $node->_M_right != $tmp_node
-set $node = $tmp_node
-set $i++
-if $argc == 4
-set $idx = $arg3
-set $ElementsFound = 0
-while $i < $tree_size
-set $value = (void *)($node + 1)
-if *($arg1*)$value == $idx
-printf "elem[%u]->left: ", $i
-p *($arg1*)$value
-set $value = $value + 4
-printf "elem[%u]->right: ", $i
-p *($arg2*)$value
-set $ElementsFound++
-if $node->_M_right != 0
-set $node = $node->_M_right
-while $node->_M_left != 0
-set $node = $node->_M_left
-set $tmp_node = $node->_M_parent
-while $node == $tmp_node->_M_right
-set $node = $tmp_node
-set $tmp_node = $tmp_node->_M_parent
-if $node->_M_right != $tmp_node
-set $node = $tmp_node
-set $i++
-printf "Number of elements found = %u\n", $ElementsFound
-if $argc == 5
-set $idx1 = $arg3
-set $idx2 = $arg4
-set $ElementsFound = 0
-while $i < $tree_size
-set $value = (void *)($node + 1)
-set $valueLeft = *($arg1*)$value
-set $valueRight = *($arg2*)($value + 4)
-if $valueLeft == $idx1 && $valueRight == $idx2
-printf "elem[%u]->left: ", $i
-p $valueLeft
-printf "elem[%u]->right: ", $i
-p $valueRight
-set $ElementsFound++
-if $node->_M_right != 0
-set $node = $node->_M_right
-while $node->_M_left != 0
-set $node = $node->_M_left
-set $tmp_node = $node->_M_parent
-while $node == $tmp_node->_M_right
-set $node = $tmp_node
-set $tmp_node = $tmp_node->_M_parent
-if $node->_M_right != $tmp_node
-set $node = $tmp_node
-set $i++
-printf "Number of elements found = %u\n", $ElementsFound
-printf "Map size = %u\n", $tree_size
-document pmap
-Prints std::map<TLeft and TRight> or std::multimap<TLeft and TRight> information. Works for std::multimap as well.
-Syntax: pmap <map> <TtypeLeft> <TypeRight> <valLeft> <valRight>: Prints map size, if T defined all elements or just element(s) with val(s)
-pmap m - prints map size and definition
-pmap m int int - prints all elements and map size
-pmap m int int 20 - prints the element(s) with left-value = 20 (if any) and map size
-pmap m int int 20 200 - prints the element(s) with left-value = 20 and right-value = 200 (if any) and map size
-# std::set and std::multiset
-define pset
-if $argc == 0
-help pset
-set $tree = $arg0
-set $i = 0
-set $node = $tree->_M_t->_M_impl->_M_header->_M_left
-set $end = $tree->_M_t->_M_impl->_M_header
-set $tree_size = $tree->_M_t->_M_impl->_M_node_count
-if $argc == 1
-printf "Set "
-whatis $tree
-printf "Use pset <variable_name> <element_type> to see the elements in the set.\n"
-if $argc == 2
-while $i < $tree_size
-set $value = (void *)($node + 1)
-printf "elem[%u]: ", $i
-p *($arg1*)$value
-if $node->_M_right != 0
-set $node = $node->_M_right
-while $node->_M_left != 0
-set $node = $node->_M_left
-set $tmp_node = $node->_M_parent
-while $node == $tmp_node->_M_right
-set $node = $tmp_node
-set $tmp_node = $tmp_node->_M_parent
-if $node->_M_right != $tmp_node
-set $node = $tmp_node
-set $i++
-if $argc == 3
-set $idx = $arg2
-set $ElementsFound = 0
-while $i < $tree_size
-set $value = (void *)($node + 1)
-if *($arg1*)$value == $idx
-printf "elem[%u]: ", $i
-p *($arg1*)$value
-set $ElementsFound++
-if $node->_M_right != 0
-set $node = $node->_M_right
-while $node->_M_left != 0
-set $node = $node->_M_left
-set $tmp_node = $node->_M_parent
-while $node == $tmp_node->_M_right
-set $node = $tmp_node
-set $tmp_node = $tmp_node->_M_parent
-if $node->_M_right != $tmp_node
-set $node = $tmp_node
-set $i++
-printf "Number of elements found = %u\n", $ElementsFound
-printf "Set size = %u\n", $tree_size
-document pset
-Prints std::set<T> or std::multiset<T> information. Works for std::multiset as well.
-Syntax: pset <set> <T> <val>: Prints set size, if T defined all elements or just element(s) having val
-pset s - prints set size and definition
-pset s int - prints all elements and the size of s
-pset s int 20 - prints the element(s) with value = 20 (if any) and the size of s
-# std::dequeue
-define pdequeue
-if $argc == 0
-help pdequeue
-set $size = 0
-set $start_cur = $arg0._M_impl._M_start._M_cur
-set $start_last = $arg0._M_impl._M_start._M_last
-set $start_stop = $start_last
-while $start_cur != $start_stop
-p *$start_cur
-set $start_cur++
-set $size++
-set $finish_first = $arg0._M_impl._M_finish._M_first
-set $finish_cur = $arg0._M_impl._M_finish._M_cur
-set $finish_last = $arg0._M_impl._M_finish._M_last
-if $finish_cur < $finish_last
-set $finish_stop = $finish_cur
-set $finish_stop = $finish_last
-while $finish_first != $finish_stop
-p *$finish_first
-set $finish_first++
-set $size++
-printf "Dequeue size = %u\n", $size
-document pdequeue
-Prints std::dequeue<T> information.
-Syntax: pdequeue <dequeue>: Prints dequeue size, if T defined all elements
-Deque elements are listed "left to right" (left-most stands for front and right-most stands for back)
-pdequeue d - prints all elements and size of d
-# std::stack
-define pstack
-if $argc == 0
-help pstack
-set $start_cur = $arg0.c._M_impl._M_start._M_cur
-set $finish_cur = $arg0.c._M_impl._M_finish._M_cur
-set $size = $finish_cur - $start_cur
-set $i = $size - 1
-while $i >= 0
-p *($start_cur + $i)
-set $i--
-printf "Stack size = %u\n", $size
-document pstack
-Prints std::stack<T> information.
-Syntax: pstack <stack>: Prints all elements and size of the stack
-Stack elements are listed "top to buttom" (top-most element is the first to come on pop)
-pstack s - prints all elements and the size of s
-# std::queue
-define pqueue
-if $argc == 0
-help pqueue
-set $start_cur = $arg0.c._M_impl._M_start._M_cur
-set $finish_cur = $arg0.c._M_impl._M_finish._M_cur
-set $size = $finish_cur - $start_cur
-set $i = 0
-while $i < $size
-p *($start_cur + $i)
-set $i++
-printf "Queue size = %u\n", $size
-document pqueue
-Prints std::queue<T> information.
-Syntax: pqueue <queue>: Prints all elements and the size of the queue
-Queue elements are listed "top to bottom" (top-most element is the first to come on pop)
-pqueue q - prints all elements and the size of q
-# std::priority_queue
-define ppqueue
-if $argc == 0
-help ppqueue
-set $size = $arg0.c._M_impl._M_finish - $arg0.c._M_impl._M_start
-set $capacity = $arg0.c._M_impl._M_end_of_storage - $arg0.c._M_impl._M_start
-set $i = $size - 1
-while $i >= 0
-p *($arg0.c._M_impl._M_start + $i)
-set $i--
-printf "Priority queue size = %u\n", $size
-printf "Priority queue capacity = %u\n", $capacity
-document ppqueue
-Prints std::priority_queue<T> information.
-Syntax: ppqueue <priority_queue>: Prints all elements, size and capacity of the priority_queue
-Priority_queue elements are listed "top to buttom" (top-most element is the first to come on pop)
-ppqueue pq - prints all elements, size and capacity of pq
-# std::bitset
-define pbitset
-if $argc == 0
-help pbitset
-p /t $arg0._M_w
-document pbitset
-Prints std::bitset<n> information.
-Syntax: pbitset <bitset>: Prints all bits in bitset
-pbitset b - prints all bits in b
-# std::string
-define pstring
-if $argc == 0
-help pstring
-printf "String \t\t\t= \"%s\"\n", $arg0._M_data()
-printf "String size/length \t= %u\n", $arg0._M_rep()->_M_length
-printf "String capacity \t= %u\n", $arg0._M_rep()->_M_capacity
-printf "String ref-count \t= %d\n", $arg0._M_rep()->_M_refcount
-document pstring
-Prints std::string information.
-Syntax: pstring <string>
-pstring s - Prints content, size/length, capacity and ref-count of string s
-# std::wstring
-define pwstring
-if $argc == 0
-help pwstring
-call printf("WString \t\t= \"%ls\"\n", $arg0._M_data())
-printf "WString size/length \t= %u\n", $arg0._M_rep()->_M_length
-printf "WString capacity \t= %u\n", $arg0._M_rep()->_M_capacity
-printf "WString ref-count \t= %d\n", $arg0._M_rep()->_M_refcount
-document pwstring
-Prints std::wstring information.
-Syntax: pwstring <wstring>
-pwstring s - Prints content, size/length, capacity and ref-count of wstring s
-# C++ related beautifiers
-#set print pretty on
-#set print object on
-#set print static-members on
-#set print vtbl on
-#set print demangle on
-#set demangle-style gnu-v3
-#set print sevenbit-strings off