path: root/scratch/mono-uno-bridge/typedescription.cs
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 645 deletions
diff --git a/scratch/mono-uno-bridge/typedescription.cs b/scratch/mono-uno-bridge/typedescription.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 369a4a448..000000000
--- a/scratch/mono-uno-bridge/typedescription.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,645 +0,0 @@
- *
- * $RCSfile: $
- *
- * $Revision: $
- *
- * last change: $Author: $ $Date: $
- *
- * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
- * either of the following licenses
- *
- * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
- * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
- *
- * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
- *
- * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
- * =============================================
- * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
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- *
- * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
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- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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- * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- *
- * All Rights Reserved.
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- * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
- *
- *
- ************************************************************************/
-namespace uno.Typelib {
-using System;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-/** Holds a weak reference to a type description.
-[ StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
-public unsafe struct TypeDescriptionReference
- /** reference count of type; don't ever modify this by yourself, use
- typedescriptionreference_acquire() and typedescriptionreference_release()
- */
- public int nRefCount;
- /** number of static references of type, because of the fact that some types are needed
- until program termination and are commonly held static.
- */
- public int nStaticRefCount;
- /** type class of type
- */
- public int eTypeClass;
- /** fully qualified name of type.
- */
- public uno.rtl.UString * pTypeName;
- /** pointer to full typedescription; this value is only valid if the type is never swapped out
- */
- public TypeDescription * pType;
- /** pointer to optimize the runtime; not for public use
- */
- public void * pUniqueIdentifier;
- /** reserved for future use; 0 if not used
- */
- public void * pReserved;
- [ DllImport("uno_cppu", EntryPoint="typelib_typedescriptionreference_acquire") ]
- public static extern void Acquire(/* TypeDescriptionReference */ void *td);
- [ DllImport("uno_cppu", EntryPoint="typelib_typedescriptionreference_release") ]
- public static extern void Release(/* TypeDescriptionReference */ void *td);
- [ DllImport("uno_cppu", EntryPoint="typelib_typedescriptionreference_new") ]
- public static extern void New(TypeDescriptionReference **ppTDR,
- int /* enum typelib_TypeClass */ eTypeClass,
- /* uno.rtl.UString */ void *pTypeName);
- [ DllImport("uno_cppu", EntryPoint="typelib_static_type_getByTypeClass") ]
- public static extern TypeDescriptionReference **GetByTypeClass(
- int /* enum typelib_TypeClass */ eTypeClass);
- [ DllImport("uno_cppu", EntryPoint="typelib_typedescriptionreference_getDescription") ]
- public static extern void GetDescription(
- TypeDescription ** ppRet, /* TypeDescriptionReference */ void * pRef);
-/** Full type description of a type. Memory layout of this struct is identical to the
- TypeDescriptionReference for the first six members.
- So a typedescription can be used as type reference.
-[ StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
-public unsafe struct TypeDescription
- /** reference count; don't ever modify this by yourself, use
- typedescription_acquire() and typedescription_release()
- */
- public int nRefCount;
- /** number of static references of type, because of the fact that some types are needed
- until program termination and are commonly held static.
- */
- public int nStaticRefCount;
- /** type class of type
- */
- public int eTypeClass;
- /** fully qualified name of type.
- */
- public uno.rtl.UString * pTypeName;
- /** pointer to self to distinguish reference from description; for internal use only
- */
- public TypeDescription * pSelf;
- /** pointer to optimize the runtime; not for public use
- */
- public void * pUniqueIdentifier;
- /** reserved for future use; 0 if not used
- */
- public void * pReserved;
- /** flag to determine whether the description is complete:
- compound and union types lack of member names, enums lack of member types and names,
- interfaces lack of members and table init.
- Call typedescription_complete() if false.
- */
- public byte bComplete;
- /** size of type
- */
- public int nSize;
- /** alignment of type
- */
- public int nAlignment;
- /** pointer to weak reference
- */
- public TypeDescriptionReference * pWeakRef;
- /** determines, if type can be unloaded (and it is possible to reloaded it)
- */
- public byte bOnDemand;
- /* FIXME move to TypeDescriptionReference */
- public static TypeDescriptionReference *VoidType
- {
- get { return null; /* FIXME, use typelib_static_type_getByTypeClass(VOID) */ }
- }
- [ DllImport("uno_cppu", EntryPoint="typelib_typedescription_getByName") ]
- public static extern void GetByName(TypeDescription **pTD,
- /* uno.rtl.UString */ void *name);
- [ DllImport("uno_cppu", EntryPoint="typelib_typedescription_acquire") ]
- public static extern void Acquire(/* TypeDescription */ void *td);
- [ DllImport("uno_cppu", EntryPoint="typelib_typedescription_release") ]
- public static extern void Release(/* TypeDescription */ void *td);
- [ DllImport("uno_cppu", EntryPoint="typelib_typedescription_complete") ]
- public static extern bool Complete(TypeDescription **pTD);
-/** Type description for exception types.
-[ StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
-public unsafe struct CompoundTypeDescription
- /** inherits all members of TypeDescription
- */
- public TypeDescription aBase;
- /** pointer to base type description, else 0
- */
- public CompoundTypeDescription * pBaseTypeDescription;
- /** number of members
- */
- public int nMembers;
- /** byte offsets of each member including the size the base type
- */
- public int * pMemberOffsets;
- /** members of the struct or exception
- */
- public TypeDescriptionReference ** ppTypeRefs;
- /** member names of the struct or exception.
- */
- public uno.rtl.UString ** ppMemberNames;
- Type description for struct types.
- This is only used to represent plain struct types and instantiated
- polymorphic struct types; there is no representation of polymorphic struct
- type templates at this level.
- @since UDK 3.2.0
- */
-[ StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
-public unsafe struct StructTypeDescription
- /**
- Derived from CompoundTypeDescription.
- */
- public CompoundTypeDescription aBase;
- /**
- Flags for direct members, specifying whether they are of parameterized
- type (true) or explict type (false).
- For a plain struct type, this is a null pointer.
- */
- public byte * pParameterizedTypes;
-/** Type description of a union. The type class of this description is TypeClass_UNION.
-[ StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
-public unsafe struct UnionTypeDescription
- /** inherits all members of TypeDescription
- */
- public TypeDescription aBase;
- /** type of the discriminant
- */
- public TypeDescriptionReference * pDiscriminantTypeRef;
- /** union default descriminant
- */
- public long nDefaultDiscriminant;
- /** union default member type (may be 0)
- */
- public TypeDescriptionReference * pDefaultTypeRef;
- /** number of union member types
- */
- public int nMembers;
- /** union member discriminant values (same order as idl declaration)
- */
- public long * pDiscriminants;
- /** union member value types (same order as idl declaration)
- */
- public TypeDescriptionReference ** ppTypeRefs;
- /** union member value names (same order as idl declaration)
- */
- public uno.rtl.UString ** ppMemberNames;
- /** union value offset for data access
- */
- public int nValueOffset;
-/** Type description of an array or sequence.
-[ StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
-public unsafe struct IndirectTypeDescription
- /** inherits all members of TypeDescription
- */
- public TypeDescription aBase;
- /** array, sequence: pointer to element type
- */
- public TypeDescriptionReference * pType;
-/** Type description of an array.
-[ StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
-public unsafe struct ArrayTypeDescription
- /** inherits all members of IndirectTypeDescription
- */
- public IndirectTypeDescription aBase;
- /** number of dimensions
- */
- public int nDimensions;
- /** number of total array elements
- */
- public int nTotalElements;
- /** array of dimensions
- */
- public int * pDimensions;
-/** Type description of an enum. The type class of this description is TypeClass_ENUM.
-[ StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
-public unsafe struct EnumTypeDescription
- /** inherits all members of TypeDescription
- */
- public TypeDescription aBase;
- /** first value of the enum
- */
- public int nDefaultEnumValue;
- /** number of enum values
- */
- public int nEnumValues;
- /** names of enum values
- */
- public uno.rtl.UString ** ppEnumNames;
- /** values of enum (corresponding to names in similar order)
- */
- public int * pEnumValues;
-/** Description of an interface method parameter.
-[ StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
-public unsafe struct MethodParameter
- /** name of parameter
- */
- public uno.rtl.UString * pName;
- /** type of parameter
- */
- public TypeDescriptionReference * pTypeRef;
- /** true: the call type of this parameter is [in] or [inout]
- false: the call type of this parameter is [out]
- */
- public byte bIn;
- /** true: the call type of this parameter is [out] or [inout]
- false: the call type of this parameter is [in]
- */
- public byte bOut;
-/** Common base type description of InterfaceMethodTypeDescription and
- InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription.
-[ StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
-public unsafe struct InterfaceMemberTypeDescription
- /** inherits all members of TypeDescription
- */
- public TypeDescription aBase;
- /** position of member in the interface including the number of members of
- any base interfaces
- */
- public int nPosition;
- /** name of member
- */
- public uno.rtl.UString * pMemberName;
-/** Type description of an interface method. The type class of this description is
- TypeClass_INTERFACE_METHOD. The size and the alignment are 0.
-[ StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
-public unsafe struct InterfaceMethodTypeDescription
- /** inherits all members of InterfaceMemberTypeDescription
- */
- public InterfaceMemberTypeDescription aBase;
- /** type of the return value
- */
- public TypeDescriptionReference * pReturnTypeRef;
- /** number of parameters
- */
- public int nParams;
- /** array of parameters
- */
- public MethodParameter * pParams;
- /** number of exceptions
- */
- public int nExceptions;
- /** array of exception types
- */
- public TypeDescriptionReference ** ppExceptions;
- /** determines whether method is declared oneway
- */
- public byte bOneWay;
- /** the interface description this method is a member of
- @since #i21150#
- */
- public InterfaceTypeDescription * pInterface;
- /** the inherited direct base method (null for a method that is not
- inherited)
- @since UDK 3.2.0
- */
- public TypeDescriptionReference * pBaseRef;
- /** if pBaseRef is null, the member position of this method within
- pInterface, not counting members inherited from bases; if pBaseRef is
- not null, the index of the direct base within pInterface from which this
- method is inherited
- @since UDK 3.2.0
- */
- public int nIndex;
-/** The description of an interface attribute. The type class of this description is
- TypeClass_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE. The size and the alignment are 0.
-[ StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
-public unsafe struct InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription
- /** inherits all members of InterfaceMemberTypeDescription
- */
- public InterfaceMemberTypeDescription aBase;
- /** determines whether attribute is read only
- */
- public byte bReadOnly;
- /** type of the attribute
- */
- public TypeDescriptionReference * pAttributeTypeRef;
- /** the interface description this attribute is a member of
- @since #i21150#
- */
- public InterfaceTypeDescription * pInterface;
- /** the inherited direct base attribute (null for an attribute that is not
- inherited)
- @since UDK 3.2.0
- */
- public TypeDescriptionReference * pBaseRef;
- /** if pBaseRef is null, the member position of this attribute within
- pInterface, not counting members inherited from bases; if pBaseRef is
- not null, the index of the direct base within pInterface from which this
- attribute is inherited
- @since UDK 3.2.0
- */
- public int nIndex;
- /** number of getter exceptions
- @since UDK 3.2.0
- */
- public int nGetExceptions;
- /** array of getter exception types
- @since UDK 3.2.0
- */
- public TypeDescriptionReference ** ppGetExceptions;
- /** number of setter exceptions
- @since UDK 3.2.0
- */
- public int nSetExceptions;
- /** array of setter exception types
- @since UDK 3.2.0
- */
- public TypeDescriptionReference ** ppSetExceptions;
-/// @HTML
-/** Type description of an interface.
- <p>Not all members are always initialized (not yet initialized members being
- null); there are three levels:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Minimally, only <code>aBase</code>,
- <code>pBaseTypeDescription</code>, <code>aUik</code>,
- <code>nBaseTypes</code>, and <code>ppBaseTypes</code> are initialized;
- <code>aBase.bComplete</code> is false. This only happens when an
- interface type description is created with
- <code>static_mi_interface_type_init</code> or
- <code>static_interface_type_init</code>.</li>
- <li>At the next level, <code>nMembers</code>, <code>ppMembers</code>,
- <code>nAllMembers</code>, <code>ppAllMembers</code> are also
- initialized; <code>aBase.bComplete</code> is still false. This happens
- when an interface type description is created with
- <code>typedescription_newMIInterface</cocde> or
- <code>typedescription_newInterface</code>.</li>
- <li>At the final level, <code>pMapMemberIndexToFunctionIndex</code>,
- <code>nMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex</code>, and
- <code>pMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex</code> are also initialized;
- <code>aBase.bComplete</code> is true. This happens after a call to
- <code>typedescription_complete</code>.</li>
- </ul>
-[ StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
-public unsafe struct InterfaceTypeDescription
-/// @NOHTML
- /** inherits all members of TypeDescription
- */
- public TypeDescription aBase;
- /** pointer to base type description, else 0
- @deprecated
- use nBaseTypes and ppBaseTypes instead
- */
- public InterfaceTypeDescription * pBaseTypeDescription;
- /** unique identifier of interface
- */
- public Uik aUik;
- /** number of members
- */
- public int nMembers;
- /** array of members; references attributes or methods
- */
- public TypeDescriptionReference ** ppMembers;
- /** number of members including members of base interface
- */
- public int nAllMembers;
- /** array of members including members of base interface; references attributes or methods
- */
- public TypeDescriptionReference ** ppAllMembers;
- /** array mapping index of the member description to an index doubling for read-write
- attributes (called function index); size of array is nAllMembers
- */
- public int * pMapMemberIndexToFunctionIndex;
- /** number of members plus number of read-write attributes
- */
- public int nMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex;
- /** array mapping function index to member index; size of arry is nMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex
- */
- public int * pMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex;
- /** number of base types
- @since UDK 3.2.0
- */
- public int nBaseTypes;
- /** array of base type descriptions
- @since UDK 3.2.0
- */
- public InterfaceTypeDescription ** ppBaseTypes;
- [ DllImport("uno_cppu", EntryPoint="typelib_typedescription_release") ]
- public static extern void Release(/* InterfaceTypeDescription */ void *td);
- [ DllImport("uno_cppu", EntryPoint="typelib_typedescription_acquire") ]
- public static extern void Acquire(/* InterfaceTypeDescription */ void *td);
- [ DllImport("uno_cppu", EntryPoint="typelib_typedescription_equals") ]
- public static extern bool Equal(/* InterfaceTypeDescription */ void *td1, /* InterfaceTypeDescription */ void *td2);
-/** Init struct of compound members for typedescription_new().
-[ StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
-public unsafe struct CompoundMember_Init
- /** type class of compound member
- */
- public int eTypeClass;
- /** name of type of compound member
- For a member of an instantiated polymorphic struct type that is of
- parameterized type, this will be a null pointer.
- */
- public uno.rtl.UString * pTypeName;
- /** name of compound member
- */
- public uno.rtl.UString * pMemberName;
- Init struct of members for typedescription_newStruct().
- @since UDK 3.2.0
- */
-[ StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
-public struct StructMember_Init
- /**
- Derived from CompoundMember_Init;
- */
- public CompoundMember_Init aBase;
- /**
- Flag specifying whether the member is of parameterized type (true) or
- explict type (false).
- */
- public byte bParameterizedType;
-/** Init struct of interface methods for typedescription_new().
-[ StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
-public unsafe struct Parameter_Init
- /** type class of parameter
- */
- public int eTypeClass;
- /** name of parameter
- */
- public uno.rtl.UString * pTypeName;
- /** name of parameter
- */
- public uno.rtl.UString * pParamName;
- /** true, if parameter is [in] or [inout]
- */
- public byte bIn;
- /** true, if parameter is [out] or [inout]
- */
- public byte bOut;
-/** Init struct of union types for typedescription_newUnion().
-[ StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
-public unsafe struct Union_Init
- /** union member discriminant
- */
- public long nDiscriminant;
- /** union member name
- */
- public uno.rtl.UString * pMemberName;
- /** union member type
- */
- public TypeDescriptionReference * pTypeRef;