path: root/doc/macro-compile-parse.txt
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diff --git a/doc/macro-compile-parse.txt b/doc/macro-compile-parse.txt
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index 9c79f6c68..000000000
--- a/doc/macro-compile-parse.txt
+++ /dev/null
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-the whole Parse chain is generally set in motion via
- while ( SbiParser::Parse() )
-for the purpose of example consider the following module code
-line: content
-1 REM ***** BASIC *****
-3 Sub Main
-4 n = 52
-5 cMAX = 10.234
-6 Dim mRangeArray(0, 0) as String
-7 ReDim mRangeArray(CInt(cMAX), n) as String
-8 'msgbox ( ("here"), cInt(2) , "foo" )
-9 End Sub
-this compiles into the following pcode
-SbiRuntime::StepSTMNT (3, 0)
-SbiRuntime::StepSTMNT (4, 0)
-SbiRuntime::StepFIND (2, 12)
-SbiRuntime::StepLOADI (52)
-SbiRuntime::StepSTMNT (5, 0)
-SbiRuntime::StepFIND (3, 12)
-SbiRuntime::StepLOADNC (4)
-SbiRuntime::StepSTMNT (6, 0)
-SbiRuntime::StepLOCAL (5, 8)
-SbiRuntime::StepLOADI (0)
-SbiRuntime::StepBASED (0)
-SbiRuntime::StepLOADI (0)
-SbiRuntime::StepBASED (0)
-SbiRuntime::StepFIND (32773, 8)
-SbiRuntime::StepSTMNT (7, 0)
-SbiRuntime::StepFIND (5, 8)
-SbiRuntime::StepFIND (3, 12)
-SbiRuntime::StepRTL (32774, 2)
-SbiRuntime::StepBASED (0)
-SbiRuntime::StepFIND (2, 12)
-SbiRuntime::StepBASED (0)
-SbiRuntime::StepFIND (32773, 8)
-SbiRuntime::StepSTMNT (9, 0)
-REM and its line contents are practically ignored as they are not compilable content, ditto the blank lines, the Next significate line to be processed is
-Sub Main
-which initially yields the SUB token, SUB is processed as follows
- SbiParser::Peek()
- tests for end of file
- if true ( generates code ( JMP 0 ) for that ) and returns FALSE to terminate the compile
- test for end of line
- calls Next() and return TRUE ( indicating more stuff to parse )
-the main SbiParser::Parse function sets detects the main statements to process like function/subroutine etc. ( keywords are picked up from StmntTable in parser.cxx, note in addition to the Statements the appropriate handlers (functions) are also defined e.g. SbiParser::SubFunc )
- A SUB, FUNCTION or PROPERY results in a STATEMENT getting generated
- SbiParser::DefProc
- create a SbiProcdecl by calling SbiParser::ProcDecl
- a new SbiProcDef is created to hold procedure related info e.g. ( scope ( static, public etc. ) params defined for the procedure, local variables, return type )
- if public the SbiProcDecl instance is added to aPublics ( list of public procedures )
- SbiParser::pProc is set to the current procedure
- OpenBlock() is called ( with SUB token )
- creates a SbiParseStack ( and sets SbiParser::pStack to that )
- StmntBlock( ENDSUB )
- does a while loop on Parse ( e.g. recursive call )
- SbiParse::Parse()
-1st iter
- processes the tokens e.g. like line 4 "n = 52"
- the first token to be read is n which doesn't match anything token is deemed to be a SYMBOL ( e.g. to be resolved later or at runtime, basically a SYMBOL is a lhs arg or a procedure call )
- a SYMBOL is treated as follows
- strange Next()/Push() call combination where Next() returns the previously "Peeked" SYMBOL, followed by a Push() to ensure Next() will be set up to return SYMBOL again
- a STATEMENT is generated
- SbiParser::Symbol() is called
- which creates a SbiExpression aVar( this, SbSYMBOL ) [1]
- peeks at the next symbol to decide whether this is a procedure/object call or EQ ( it is in this case EQ )
- aVar.Gen( eRecMode ) ( from above ) is called the value of eRecMode refects whether this is EQ or call
- calls SbiExprNode::GenElement( SbiOpcode eOp )(..) which generates a eOp _FIND e.g. ( StepFIND( id, type ) )
- pGen->Gen( _FIND.... ) where pGen is a SbiCodeGen
- note: first call of SbiCodeGen::Gen will generate a statement ( STMNT ) prior ti the desired type ( so in fact this will generates StepSTMNT(..) followed by StepFIND
- the above generates the lhs of the assignment
- for the rhs another SbiExpression is created e.g. SbiExpression aExpr(this) - note the lack a SbSYMBOL in the ctor [3]
- aExpr.Gen() is called ( which generates _NUMBER with 52 )
- and then a _PUT is forced
-2nd iter
- processes newline
-3rd iter
- processes cMAX = 10.234
- the processing is identical to the previous processing for "n = 52"
-4th iter
- Dim mRangeArray(0, 0) as String
- fixed token to be consumed is of course the Dim
- from the StmntTable we know SbiParser::DIM
- First a STMNT is generated
- then SbiParser::Dim()
- calls SbiParser::DefVar()
- calls SbiParser::VarDecl
- if the peeked token is a LPARAM then
- creates pDim = new SbiDimList( this );
- loops around each comma delimited expression ( and creates a SbiExpression for those )
- call TypeDecl to see if there is a 'as something' following the variable declaration
- add the SbiSymDef returned from SbiParser::VarDecl to the localvariables
- another STMNT is emmited
- An expression is created from the SbiSymDef returned from SbiParser::VarDecl ( no further parsing here, it's already done, it just sets up the info in the SbiExpression to allow the appropriate p-code to be emitted )
- calling the Gen() on the the SbiExrNode recusively calls each SbiExprNode via aVar.pNext ( where aVar is essentially struture containing a linked list of more nodes, paramaters ( SbiExprList ( ARGC/ARGV ) ) & a symbol definition.
-this essentially results in the following pcode generated for the line above
-SbiRuntime::StepLOCAL (5, 8) aVar.pNext->Gen() ( I think )
-SbiRuntime::StepARGC aVar.pVar->Gen() - results in the SbiExprList->Gen()
-SbiRuntime::StepLOADI (0)
-SbiRuntime::StepBASED (0)
-SbiRuntime::StepLOADI (0)
-SbiRuntime::StepBASED (0)
-SbiRuntime::StepFIND (32773, 8)
-5th iter
-7: ReDim mRangeArray(CInt(cMAX), n) as String
- this follows nearly the same path as above with the exception that a secodary sub-parsing happens for CInt(cMAX) which results in some extra processing for the RTL function ( and it's paramaters )
-SbiExpression() this class is passed an instance of the parser and all of the work is done in the ctor,
- basically depending of the type passed either
- SbiExpression::Term() or SbiExpression::Boolean() are called which return a SbiExprNode ( )
- SbiExpression::Term()
- can handle a following '.' DOT and associated processing or..
- locks the column ( why? ) pParser->LockColumn
- Peeks at the following TOKEN
- if the peeked token == ASSIGN
- unlocks the column if its and Assign and returns a new SbiExprNode( represents a single or list of expressions left to right *I think* )
- if its a KeyWord and it's compatible and == INPUT then INPUT is turned into SYMBOL and returned, otherwise an Error is generated ( looks like INPUT has been filtered out here ) - check with other compat filtering to see why here, is this useful for filtering out other vba specific bits?
- the is a check to see if parameters follow
- if so then SbiParameters are created ( which can create further SbiExpressions etc. )
- see if the current symbol ( "n" ) at the stage is in the pParser->pPool or if its in the RTL library e.g. pParser->CheckRTLForSym( aSym, eType );
- if we don't have a symbol definition for the symbol then
- create a new symbol definition via AddSym[2]
- create a new SbiExprNode
- the SbiExprNode always has a valid instance of SbiParameters associated with it ( event if there are no paramaters ) so a new SbiParameters is created
- column is unlocked and the SbiNode created previously is returned
-A symbol definintion is defined by the SbiSymDef class, it of course defines the name of the symbol, it's type, it's scope, and can of course also define it's own symbols ( e.g. if the symbol is a procedure )
-SbiExpression::SbiExpression calles
- SbiExpression::Boolean() is called for a Standard expression
- SbiExpNode pNd is created for from SbiExpression::Like()
- SbiExpression::Like() calls SbiExprNode* pNd = Cat(), which inturn calls AddSub, Mod, IntDiv, MulDiv, Exp, Unary,
- in the case of "n = 52" in Unary() pNd is set to result of Operand()
- Operand()
- just returns a new SbiExpression for a simple number, result falls back through each of the previous AddSub(), Mod(), IntDiv() etc. calls
-The Tokenizer
-The tokenizer is a strange beast that operates with
-Next() & Peek() semantics,
-there is no point talking about how the strings in the module are processed, suffice to say the SbiParser has the following inheritance
- |
- |
-where SbiScanner does the hard lifting wrt parsing the raw lines into Symbols
-you would think would return the next symbol ( lookahead ) and it *sortof* works like this
-if ePush IS NIL then ePush is set to result of Next() ( what sets ePush )
-eCurTok is allways set to ePush ( this is the strange bit for me )
-eCurTok is returned
-so it seems if you call Peek() you will get the Next() token only if you didn't call Peek() previously
-basically if Peek() was called previously ( and then Next() returns the value previoulsy 'Peeked' at ( and sets up ePush to NIL to force either next call to Peek() or next call to Next() to read the next token ) - what makes this strange for me is the fact that Peek() modifies the current token ( e.g. eCurTok )
-if ePush ISN'T NIL ( NIL is the initial and terminating state ) eCurTok is set to ePush and ePush is set to NIL
-otherwise is gets the next symbol ( via NextSym() which populates aSym )
-aSym is compared with the tokens in pTokTable
- pTokTable contains keywords and symbols like ( &,+,And,Goto,If etc... ) { populated from aTokTable_Basic }
-when aSym matches something from pTokTable then it is handled in the 'special' labled code branch ( urky ) c/c++ mix
- 'special' branch can cause recursion if the symbol is 'LINE' or 'END' ( this is so END FUNCTION, END SUB, LINE INPUT etc. will be resolved as single tokens
- if the aSym is neither LINE or END then some further magic happens like
- * detecting datatype symbols e.g. INTEGER, DOUBLE, OBJECT etc.
- * detecting As
- * suppressing compatibility only tokens ( like CLASSMODULE, ENUM etc. )
- these are supressed by returning the SYMBOL token