path: root/buildbot/buildbot-source/buildbot/slave/
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Diffstat (limited to 'buildbot/buildbot-source/buildbot/slave/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1824 deletions
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot-source/buildbot/slave/ b/buildbot/buildbot-source/buildbot/slave/
deleted file mode 100644
index bda6ab305..000000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot-source/buildbot/slave/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1824 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: buildbot.test.test_slavecommand -*-
-import os, os.path, re, signal, shutil, types, time
-from twisted.internet.protocol import ProcessProtocol
-from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
-from twisted.python import log, failure, runtime
-from buildbot.twcompat import implements, which
-from buildbot.slave.interfaces import ISlaveCommand
-from buildbot.slave.registry import registerSlaveCommand
-cvs_ver = '$Revision$'[1+len("Revision: "):-2]
-# version history:
-# >=1.17: commands are interruptable
-# >=1.28: Arch understands 'revision', added Bazaar
-# >=1.33: Source classes understand 'retry'
-# >=1.39: Source classes correctly handle changes in branch (except Git)
-# Darcs accepts 'revision' (now all do but Git) (well, and P4Sync)
-# Arch/Baz should accept 'build-config'
-class CommandInterrupted(Exception):
- pass
-class TimeoutError(Exception):
- pass
-class AbandonChain(Exception):
- """A series of chained steps can raise this exception to indicate that
- one of the intermediate ShellCommands has failed, such that there is no
- point in running the remainder. 'rc' should be the non-zero exit code of
- the failing ShellCommand."""
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<AbandonChain rc=%s>" % self.args[0]
-def getCommand(name):
- possibles = which(name)
- if not possibles:
- raise RuntimeError("Couldn't find executable for '%s'" % name)
- return possibles[0]
-def rmdirRecursive(dir):
- """This is a replacement for shutil.rmtree that works better under
- windows. Thanks to Bear at the OSAF for the code."""
- if not os.path.exists(dir):
- return
- if os.path.islink(dir):
- os.remove(dir)
- return
- for name in os.listdir(dir):
- full_name = os.path.join(dir, name)
- # on Windows, if we don't have write permission we can't remove
- # the file/directory either, so turn that on
- if == 'nt':
- if not os.access(full_name, os.W_OK):
- os.chmod(full_name, 0600)
- if os.path.isdir(full_name):
- rmdirRecursive(full_name)
- else:
- # print "removing file", full_name
- os.remove(full_name)
- os.rmdir(dir)
-class ShellCommandPP(ProcessProtocol):
- debug = False
- def __init__(self, command):
- self.command = command
- def connectionMade(self):
- if self.debug:
- log.msg("ShellCommandPP.connectionMade")
- if not self.command.process:
- if self.debug:
- log.msg(" assigning self.command.process: %s" %
- (self.transport,))
- self.command.process = self.transport
- if self.command.stdin:
- if self.debug: log.msg(" writing to stdin")
- self.transport.write(self.command.stdin)
- # TODO: maybe we shouldn't close stdin when using a PTY. I can't test
- # this yet, recent debian glibc has a bug which causes thread-using
- # test cases to SIGHUP trial, and the workaround is to either run
- # the whole test with /bin/sh -c " ".join(argv) (way gross) or to
- # not use a PTY. Once the bug is fixed, I'll be able to test what
- # happens when you close stdin on a pty. My concern is that it will
- # SIGHUP the child (since we are, in a sense, hanging up on them).
- # But it may well be that keeping stdout open prevents the SIGHUP
- # from being sent.
- #if not self.command.usePTY:
- if self.debug: log.msg(" closing stdin")
- self.transport.closeStdin()
- def outReceived(self, data):
- if self.debug:
- log.msg("ShellCommandPP.outReceived")
- self.command.addStdout(data)
- def errReceived(self, data):
- if self.debug:
- log.msg("ShellCommandPP.errReceived")
- self.command.addStderr(data)
- def processEnded(self, status_object):
- if self.debug:
- log.msg("ShellCommandPP.processEnded", status_object)
- # status_object is a Failure wrapped around an
- # error.ProcessTerminated or and error.ProcessDone.
- # requires twisted >= 1.0.4 to overcome a bug in
- sig = status_object.value.signal
- rc = status_object.value.exitCode
- self.command.finished(sig, rc)
-class ShellCommand:
- # This is a helper class, used by SlaveCommands to run programs in a
- # child shell.
- notreally = False
- def __init__(self, builder, command,
- workdir, environ=None,
- sendStdout=True, sendStderr=True, sendRC=True,
- timeout=None, stdin=None, keepStdout=False):
- """
- @param keepStdout: if True, we keep a copy of all the stdout text
- that we've seen. This copy is available in
- self.stdout, which can be read after the command
- has finished.
- """
- self.builder = builder
- self.command = command
- self.sendStdout = sendStdout
- self.sendStderr = sendStderr
- self.sendRC = sendRC
- self.workdir = workdir
- self.environ = os.environ.copy()
- if environ:
- if (self.environ.has_key('PYTHONPATH')
- and environ.has_key('PYTHONPATH')):
- # special case, prepend the builder's items to the existing
- # ones. This will break if you send over empty strings, so
- # don't do that.
- environ['PYTHONPATH'] = (environ['PYTHONPATH']
- + os.pathsep
- + self.environ['PYTHONPATH'])
- # this will proceed to replace the old one
- self.environ.update(environ)
- self.stdin = stdin
- self.timeout = timeout
- self.timer = None
- self.keepStdout = keepStdout
- # usePTY=True is a convenience for cleaning up all children and
- # grandchildren of a hung command. Fall back to usePTY=False on
- # systems where ptys cause problems.
- self.usePTY = self.builder.usePTY
- if runtime.platformType != "posix":
- self.usePTY = False # PTYs are posix-only
- if stdin is not None:
- # for .closeStdin to matter, we must use a pipe, not a PTY
- self.usePTY = False
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<slavecommand.ShellCommand '%s'>" % self.command
- def sendStatus(self, status):
- self.builder.sendUpdate(status)
- def start(self):
- # return a Deferred which fires (with the exit code) when the command
- # completes
- if self.keepStdout:
- self.stdout = ""
- self.deferred = defer.Deferred()
- try:
- self._startCommand()
- except:
- log.msg("error in ShellCommand._startCommand")
- log.err()
- # pretend it was a shell error
- self.deferred.errback(AbandonChain(-1))
- return self.deferred
- def _startCommand(self):
- log.msg("ShellCommand._startCommand")
- if self.notreally:
- self.sendStatus({'header': "command '%s' in dir %s" % \
- (self.command, self.workdir)})
- self.sendStatus({'header': "(not really)\n"})
- self.finished(None, 0)
- return
- self.pp = ShellCommandPP(self)
- if type(self.command) in types.StringTypes:
- if runtime.platformType == 'win32':
- argv = ['/bin/bash', '-c', self.command]
- else:
- # for posix, use /bin/sh. for other non-posix, well, doesn't
- # hurt to try
- argv = ['/bin/bash', '-c', self.command]
- else:
- if runtime.platformType == 'win32':
- #argv = [os.environ['COMSPEC'], '/c'] + list(self.command)
- argv = = ['/bin/bash', '-c', self.command]
- else:
- argv = self.command
- # self.stdin is handled in ShellCommandPP.connectionMade
- # first header line is the command in plain text, argv joined with
- # spaces. You should be able to cut-and-paste this into a shell to
- # obtain the same results. If there are spaces in the arguments, too
- # bad.
- msg = " ".join(argv)
- log.msg(" " + msg)
- self.sendStatus({'header': msg+"\n"})
- # then comes the secondary information
- msg = " in dir %s" % (self.workdir,)
- if self.timeout:
- msg += " (timeout %d secs)" % (self.timeout,)
- log.msg(" " + msg)
- self.sendStatus({'header': msg+"\n"})
- # then the argv array for resolving unambiguity
- msg = " argv: %s" % (argv,)
- log.msg(" " + msg)
- self.sendStatus({'header': msg+"\n"})
- # then the environment, since it sometimes causes problems
- msg = " environment: %s" % (self.environ,)
- log.msg(" " + msg)
- self.sendStatus({'header': msg+"\n"})
- # win32eventreactor's spawnProcess (under twisted <= 2.0.1) returns
- # None, as opposed to all the posixbase-derived reactors (which
- # return the new Process object). This is a nuisance. We can make up
- # for it by having the ProcessProtocol give us their .transport
- # attribute after they get one. I'd prefer to get it from
- # spawnProcess because I'm concerned about returning from this method
- # without having a valid self.process to work with. (if kill() were
- # called right after we return, but somehow before connectionMade
- # were called, then kill() would blow up).
- self.process = None
- p = reactor.spawnProcess(self.pp, argv[0], argv,
- self.environ,
- self.workdir,
- usePTY=self.usePTY)
- # connectionMade might have been called during spawnProcess
- if not self.process:
- self.process = p
- # connectionMade also closes stdin as long as we're not using a PTY.
- # This is intended to kill off inappropriately interactive commands
- # better than the (long) hung-command timeout. ProcessPTY should be
- # enhanced to allow the same childFDs argument that Process takes,
- # which would let us connect stdin to /dev/null .
- if self.timeout:
- self.timer = reactor.callLater(self.timeout, self.doTimeout)
- def addStdout(self, data):
- if self.sendStdout: self.sendStatus({'stdout': data})
- if self.keepStdout: self.stdout += data
- if self.timer: self.timer.reset(self.timeout)
- def addStderr(self, data):
- if self.sendStderr: self.sendStatus({'stderr': data})
- if self.timer: self.timer.reset(self.timeout)
- def finished(self, sig, rc):
- log.msg("command finished with signal %s, exit code %s" % (sig,rc))
- if sig is not None:
- rc = -1
- if self.sendRC:
- if sig is not None:
- self.sendStatus(
- {'header': "process killed by signal %d\n" % sig})
- self.sendStatus({'rc': rc})
- if self.timer:
- self.timer.cancel()
- self.timer = None
- d = self.deferred
- self.deferred = None
- if d:
- d.callback(rc)
- else:
- log.msg("Hey, command %s finished twice" % self)
- def failed(self, why):
- log.msg("ShellCommand.failed: command failed: %s" % (why,))
- if self.timer:
- self.timer.cancel()
- self.timer = None
- d = self.deferred
- self.deferred = None
- if d:
- d.errback(why)
- else:
- log.msg("Hey, command %s finished twice" % self)
- def doTimeout(self):
- self.timer = None
- msg = "command timed out: %d seconds without output" % self.timeout
- self.kill(msg)
- def kill(self, msg):
- # This may be called by the timeout, or when the user has decided to
- # abort this build.
- if self.timer:
- self.timer.cancel()
- self.timer = None
- if hasattr(self.process, "pid"):
- msg += ", killing pid %d" %
- log.msg(msg)
- self.sendStatus({'header': "\n" + msg + "\n"})
- hit = 0
- if runtime.platformType == "posix":
- try:
- # really want to kill off all child processes too. Process
- # Groups are ideal for this, but that requires
- # spawnProcess(usePTY=1). Try both ways in case process was
- # not started that way.
- # the test suite sets self.KILL=None to tell us we should
- # only pretend to kill the child. This lets us test the
- # backup timer.
- sig = None
- if self.KILL is not None:
- sig = getattr(signal, "SIG"+ self.KILL, None)
- if self.KILL == None:
- log.msg("self.KILL==None, only pretending to kill child")
- elif sig is None:
- log.msg("signal module is missing SIG%s" % self.KILL)
- elif not hasattr(os, "kill"):
- log.msg("os module is missing the 'kill' function")
- else:
- log.msg("trying os.kill(-pid, %d)" % (sig,))
- os.kill(, sig)
- log.msg(" signal %s sent successfully" % sig)
- hit = 1
- except OSError:
- # probably no-such-process, maybe because there is no process
- # group
- pass
- if not hit:
- try:
- if self.KILL is None:
- log.msg("self.KILL==None, only pretending to kill child")
- else:
- log.msg("trying process.signalProcess('KILL')")
- self.process.signalProcess(self.KILL)
- log.msg(" signal %s sent successfully" % (self.KILL,))
- hit = 1
- except OSError:
- # could be no-such-process, because they finished very recently
- pass
- if not hit:
- log.msg("signalProcess/os.kill failed both times")
- if runtime.platformType == "posix":
- # we only do this under posix because the win32eventreactor
- # blocks here until the process has terminated, while closing
- # stderr. This is weird.
- self.pp.transport.loseConnection()
- # finished ought to be called momentarily. Just in case it doesn't,
- # set a timer which will abandon the command.
- self.timer = reactor.callLater(self.BACKUP_TIMEOUT,
- self.doBackupTimeout)
- def doBackupTimeout(self):
- log.msg("we tried to kill the process, and it wouldn't die.."
- " finish anyway")
- self.timer = None
- self.sendStatus({'header': "SIGKILL failed to kill process\n"})
- if self.sendRC:
- self.sendStatus({'header': "using fake rc=-1\n"})
- self.sendStatus({'rc': -1})
- self.failed(TimeoutError("SIGKILL failed to kill process"))
-class TCSHShellCommand:
- # This is a helper class, used by SlaveCommands to run programs in a
- # child shell.
- notreally = False
- def __init__(self, builder, command,
- workdir, environ=None,
- sendStdout=True, sendStderr=True, sendRC=True,
- timeout=None, stdin=None, keepStdout=False):
- """
- @param keepStdout: if True, we keep a copy of all the stdout text
- that we've seen. This copy is available in
- self.stdout, which can be read after the command
- has finished.
- """
- self.builder = builder
- self.command = command
- self.sendStdout = sendStdout
- self.sendStderr = sendStderr
- self.sendRC = sendRC
- self.workdir = workdir
- self.environ = os.environ.copy()
- if environ:
- if (self.environ.has_key('PYTHONPATH')
- and environ.has_key('PYTHONPATH')):
- # special case, prepend the builder's items to the existing
- # ones. This will break if you send over empty strings, so
- # don't do that.
- environ['PYTHONPATH'] = (environ['PYTHONPATH']
- + os.pathsep
- + self.environ['PYTHONPATH'])
- # this will proceed to replace the old one
- self.environ.update(environ)
- self.stdin = stdin
- self.timeout = timeout
- self.timer = None
- self.keepStdout = keepStdout
- # usePTY=True is a convenience for cleaning up all children and
- # grandchildren of a hung command. Fall back to usePTY=False on
- # systems where ptys cause problems.
- self.usePTY = self.builder.usePTY
- if runtime.platformType != "posix":
- self.usePTY = False # PTYs are posix-only
- if stdin is not None:
- # for .closeStdin to matter, we must use a pipe, not a PTY
- self.usePTY = False
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<slavecommand.ShellCommand '%s'>" % self.command
- def sendStatus(self, status):
- self.builder.sendUpdate(status)
- def start(self):
- # return a Deferred which fires (with the exit code) when the command
- # completes
- if self.keepStdout:
- self.stdout = ""
- self.deferred = defer.Deferred()
- try:
- self._startCommand()
- except:
- log.msg("error in ShellCommand._startCommand")
- log.err()
- # pretend it was a shell error
- self.deferred.errback(AbandonChain(-1))
- return self.deferred
- def _startCommand(self):
- log.msg("ShellCommand._startCommand")
- if self.notreally:
- self.sendStatus({'header': "command '%s' in dir %s" % \
- (self.command, self.workdir)})
- self.sendStatus({'header': "(not really)\n"})
- self.finished(None, 0)
- return
- self.pp = ShellCommandPP(self)
- if type(self.command) in types.StringTypes:
- if runtime.platformType == 'win32':
- argv = ['/usr/bin/tcsh', '-c', self.command]
- else:
- # for posix, use /bin/sh. for other non-posix, well, doesn't
- # hurt to try
- argv = ['/usr/bin/tcsh', '-c', self.command]
- else:
- if runtime.platformType == 'win32':
- argv = [os.environ['COMSPEC'], '/c'] + list(self.command)
- else:
- argv = self.command
- # self.stdin is handled in ShellCommandPP.connectionMade
- # first header line is the command in plain text, argv joined with
- # spaces. You should be able to cut-and-paste this into a shell to
- # obtain the same results. If there are spaces in the arguments, too
- # bad.
- msg = " ".join(argv)
- log.msg(" " + msg)
- self.sendStatus({'header': msg+"\n"})
- # then comes the secondary information
- msg = " in dir %s" % (self.workdir,)
- if self.timeout:
- msg += " (timeout %d secs)" % (self.timeout,)
- log.msg(" " + msg)
- self.sendStatus({'header': msg+"\n"})
- # then the argv array for resolving unambiguity
- msg = " argv: %s" % (argv,)
- log.msg(" " + msg)
- self.sendStatus({'header': msg+"\n"})
- # then the environment, since it sometimes causes problems
- msg = " environment: %s" % (self.environ,)
- log.msg(" " + msg)
- self.sendStatus({'header': msg+"\n"})
- # win32eventreactor's spawnProcess (under twisted <= 2.0.1) returns
- # None, as opposed to all the posixbase-derived reactors (which
- # return the new Process object). This is a nuisance. We can make up
- # for it by having the ProcessProtocol give us their .transport
- # attribute after they get one. I'd prefer to get it from
- # spawnProcess because I'm concerned about returning from this method
- # without having a valid self.process to work with. (if kill() were
- # called right after we return, but somehow before connectionMade
- # were called, then kill() would blow up).
- self.process = None
- p = reactor.spawnProcess(self.pp, argv[0], argv,
- self.environ,
- self.workdir,
- usePTY=self.usePTY)
- # connectionMade might have been called during spawnProcess
- if not self.process:
- self.process = p
- # connectionMade also closes stdin as long as we're not using a PTY.
- # This is intended to kill off inappropriately interactive commands
- # better than the (long) hung-command timeout. ProcessPTY should be
- # enhanced to allow the same childFDs argument that Process takes,
- # which would let us connect stdin to /dev/null .
- if self.timeout:
- self.timer = reactor.callLater(self.timeout, self.doTimeout)
- def addStdout(self, data):
- if self.sendStdout: self.sendStatus({'stdout': data})
- if self.keepStdout: self.stdout += data
- if self.timer: self.timer.reset(self.timeout)
- def addStderr(self, data):
- if self.sendStderr: self.sendStatus({'stderr': data})
- if self.timer: self.timer.reset(self.timeout)
- def finished(self, sig, rc):
- log.msg("command finished with signal %s, exit code %s" % (sig,rc))
- if sig is not None:
- rc = -1
- if self.sendRC:
- if sig is not None:
- self.sendStatus(
- {'header': "process killed by signal %d\n" % sig})
- self.sendStatus({'rc': rc})
- if self.timer:
- self.timer.cancel()
- self.timer = None
- d = self.deferred
- self.deferred = None
- if d:
- d.callback(rc)
- else:
- log.msg("Hey, command %s finished twice" % self)
- def failed(self, why):
- log.msg("ShellCommand.failed: command failed: %s" % (why,))
- if self.timer:
- self.timer.cancel()
- self.timer = None
- d = self.deferred
- self.deferred = None
- if d:
- d.errback(why)
- else:
- log.msg("Hey, command %s finished twice" % self)
- def doTimeout(self):
- self.timer = None
- msg = "command timed out: %d seconds without output" % self.timeout
- self.kill(msg)
- def kill(self, msg):
- # This may be called by the timeout, or when the user has decided to
- # abort this build.
- if self.timer:
- self.timer.cancel()
- self.timer = None
- if hasattr(self.process, "pid"):
- msg += ", killing pid %d" %
- log.msg(msg)
- self.sendStatus({'header': "\n" + msg + "\n"})
- hit = 0
- if runtime.platformType == "posix":
- try:
- # really want to kill off all child processes too. Process
- # Groups are ideal for this, but that requires
- # spawnProcess(usePTY=1). Try both ways in case process was
- # not started that way.
- # the test suite sets self.KILL=None to tell us we should
- # only pretend to kill the child. This lets us test the
- # backup timer.
- sig = None
- if self.KILL is not None:
- sig = getattr(signal, "SIG"+ self.KILL, None)
- if self.KILL == None:
- log.msg("self.KILL==None, only pretending to kill child")
- elif sig is None:
- log.msg("signal module is missing SIG%s" % self.KILL)
- elif not hasattr(os, "kill"):
- log.msg("os module is missing the 'kill' function")
- else:
- log.msg("trying os.kill(-pid, %d)" % (sig,))
- os.kill(, sig)
- log.msg(" signal %s sent successfully" % sig)
- hit = 1
- except OSError:
- # probably no-such-process, maybe because there is no process
- # group
- pass
- if not hit:
- try:
- if self.KILL is None:
- log.msg("self.KILL==None, only pretending to kill child")
- else:
- log.msg("trying process.signalProcess('KILL')")
- self.process.signalProcess(self.KILL)
- log.msg(" signal %s sent successfully" % (self.KILL,))
- hit = 1
- except OSError:
- # could be no-such-process, because they finished very recently
- pass
- if not hit:
- log.msg("signalProcess/os.kill failed both times")
- if runtime.platformType == "posix":
- # we only do this under posix because the win32eventreactor
- # blocks here until the process has terminated, while closing
- # stderr. This is weird.
- self.pp.transport.loseConnection()
- # finished ought to be called momentarily. Just in case it doesn't,
- # set a timer which will abandon the command.
- self.timer = reactor.callLater(self.BACKUP_TIMEOUT,
- self.doBackupTimeout)
- def doBackupTimeout(self):
- log.msg("we tried to kill the process, and it wouldn't die.."
- " finish anyway")
- self.timer = None
- self.sendStatus({'header': "SIGKILL failed to kill process\n"})
- if self.sendRC:
- self.sendStatus({'header': "using fake rc=-1\n"})
- self.sendStatus({'rc': -1})
- self.failed(TimeoutError("SIGKILL failed to kill process"))
-class Command:
- if implements:
- implements(ISlaveCommand)
- else:
- __implements__ = ISlaveCommand
- """This class defines one command that can be invoked by the build master.
- The command is executed on the slave side, and always sends back a
- completion message when it finishes. It may also send intermediate status
- as it runs (by calling builder.sendStatus). Some commands can be
- interrupted (either by the build master or a local timeout), in which
- case the step is expected to complete normally with a status message that
- indicates an error occurred.
- These commands are used by BuildSteps on the master side. Each kind of
- BuildStep uses a single Command. The slave must implement all the
- Commands required by the set of BuildSteps used for any given build:
- this is checked at startup time.
- All Commands are constructed with the same signature:
- c = CommandClass(builder, args)
- where 'builder' is the parent SlaveBuilder object, and 'args' is a
- dict that is interpreted per-command.
- The setup(args) method is available for setup, and is run from __init__.
- The Command is started with start(). This method must be implemented in a
- subclass, and it should return a Deferred. When your step is done, you
- should fire the Deferred (the results are not used). If the command is
- interrupted, it should fire the Deferred anyway.
- While the command runs. it may send status messages back to the
- buildmaster by calling self.sendStatus(statusdict). The statusdict is
- interpreted by the master-side BuildStep however it likes.
- A separate completion message is sent when the deferred fires, which
- indicates that the Command has finished, but does not carry any status
- data. If the Command needs to return an exit code of some sort, that
- should be sent as a regular status message before the deferred is fired .
- Once builder.commandComplete has been run, no more status messages may be
- sent.
- If interrupt() is called, the Command should attempt to shut down as
- quickly as possible. Child processes should be killed, new ones should
- not be started. The Command should send some kind of error status update,
- then complete as usual by firing the Deferred.
- .interrupted should be set by interrupt(), and can be tested to avoid
- sending multiple error status messages.
- If .running is False, the bot is shutting down (or has otherwise lost the
- connection to the master), and should not send any status messages. This
- is checked in Command.sendStatus .
- """
- # builder methods:
- # sendStatus(dict) (zero or more)
- # commandComplete() or commandInterrupted() (one, at end)
- debug = False
- interrupted = False
- running = False # set by Builder, cleared on shutdown or when the
- # Deferred fires
- def __init__(self, builder, stepId, args):
- self.builder = builder
- self.stepId = stepId # just for logging
- self.args = args
- self.setup(args)
- def setup(self, args):
- """Override this in a subclass to extract items from the args dict."""
- pass
- def start(self):
- """Start the command. self.running will be set just before this is
- called. This method should return a Deferred that will fire when the
- command has completed. The Deferred's argument will be ignored.
- This method should be overridden by subclasses."""
- raise NotImplementedError, "You must implement this in a subclass"
- def sendStatus(self, status):
- """Send a status update to the master."""
- if self.debug:
- log.msg("sendStatus", status)
- if not self.running:
- log.msg("would sendStatus but not .running")
- return
- self.builder.sendUpdate(status)
- def interrupt(self):
- """Override this in a subclass to allow commands to be interrupted.
- May be called multiple times, test and set self.interrupted=True if
- this matters."""
- pass
- # utility methods, mostly used by SlaveShellCommand and the like
- def _abandonOnFailure(self, rc):
- if type(rc) is not int:
- log.msg("weird, _abandonOnFailure was given rc=%s (%s)" % \
- (rc, type(rc)))
- assert isinstance(rc, int)
- if rc != 0:
- raise AbandonChain(rc)
- return rc
- def _sendRC(self, res):
- self.sendStatus({'rc': 0})
- def _checkAbandoned(self, why):
- log.msg("_checkAbandoned", why)
- why.trap(AbandonChain)
- log.msg(" abandoning chain", why.value)
- self.sendStatus({'rc': why.value.args[0]})
- return None
-class SlaveShellCommand(Command):
- """This is a Command which runs a shell command. The args dict contains
- the following keys:
- - ['command'] (required): a shell command to run. If this is a string,
- it will be run with /bin/sh (['/bin/sh', '-c', command]). If it is a
- list (preferred), it will be used directly.
- - ['workdir'] (required): subdirectory in which the command will be run,
- relative to the builder dir
- - ['env']: a dict of environment variables to augment/replace os.environ
- - ['want_stdout']: 0 if stdout should be thrown away
- - ['want_stderr']: 0 if stderr should be thrown away
- - ['not_really']: 1 to skip execution and return rc=0
- - ['timeout']: seconds of silence to tolerate before killing command
- ShellCommand creates the following status messages:
- - {'stdout': data} : when stdout data is available
- - {'stderr': data} : when stderr data is available
- - {'header': data} : when headers (command start/stop) are available
- - {'rc': rc} : when the process has terminated
- """
- def start(self):
- args = self.args
- sendStdout = args.get('want_stdout', True)
- sendStderr = args.get('want_stderr', True)
- # args['workdir'] is relative to Builder directory, and is required.
- assert args['workdir'] is not None
- workdir = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, args['workdir'])
- timeout = args.get('timeout', None)
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, args['command'],
- workdir, environ=args.get('env'),
- timeout=timeout,
- sendStdout=sendStdout, sendStderr=sendStderr,
- sendRC=True)
- self.command = c
- d = self.command.start()
- return d
- def interrupt(self):
- self.interrupted = True
- self.command.kill("command interrupted")
-registerSlaveCommand("shell", SlaveShellCommand, cvs_ver)
-class SlaveTCSHShellCommand(Command):
- """This is a Command which runs a shell command. The args dict contains
- the following keys:
- - ['command'] (required): a shell command to run. If this is a string,
- it will be run with /bin/sh (['/bin/sh', '-c', command]). If it is a
- list (preferred), it will be used directly.
- - ['workdir'] (required): subdirectory in which the command will be run,
- relative to the builder dir
- - ['env']: a dict of environment variables to augment/replace os.environ
- - ['want_stdout']: 0 if stdout should be thrown away
- - ['want_stderr']: 0 if stderr should be thrown away
- - ['not_really']: 1 to skip execution and return rc=0
- - ['timeout']: seconds of silence to tolerate before killing command
- ShellCommand creates the following status messages:
- - {'stdout': data} : when stdout data is available
- - {'stderr': data} : when stderr data is available
- - {'header': data} : when headers (command start/stop) are available
- - {'rc': rc} : when the process has terminated
- """
- def start(self):
- args = self.args
- sendStdout = args.get('want_stdout', True)
- sendStderr = args.get('want_stderr', True)
- # args['workdir'] is relative to Builder directory, and is required.
- assert args['workdir'] is not None
- workdir = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, args['workdir'])
- timeout = args.get('timeout', None)
- c = TCSHShellCommand(self.builder, args['command'],
- workdir, environ=args.get('env'),
- timeout=timeout,
- sendStdout=sendStdout, sendStderr=sendStderr,
- sendRC=True)
- self.command = c
- d = self.command.start()
- return d
- def interrupt(self):
- self.interrupted = True
- self.command.kill("command interrupted")
-registerSlaveCommand("tcsh", SlaveTCSHShellCommand, cvs_ver)
-class DummyCommand(Command):
- """
- I am a dummy no-op command that by default takes 5 seconds to complete.
- See L{buildbot.process.step.RemoteDummy}
- """
- def start(self):
- self.d = defer.Deferred()
- log.msg(" starting dummy command [%s]" % self.stepId)
- self.timer = reactor.callLater(1, self.doStatus)
- return self.d
- def interrupt(self):
- if self.interrupted:
- return
- self.timer.cancel()
- self.timer = None
- self.interrupted = True
- self.finished()
- def doStatus(self):
- log.msg(" sending intermediate status")
- self.sendStatus({'stdout': 'data'})
- timeout = self.args.get('timeout', 5) + 1
- self.timer = reactor.callLater(timeout - 1, self.finished)
- def finished(self):
- log.msg(" dummy command finished [%s]" % self.stepId)
- if self.interrupted:
- self.sendStatus({'rc': 1})
- else:
- self.sendStatus({'rc': 0})
- self.d.callback(0)
-registerSlaveCommand("dummy", DummyCommand, cvs_ver)
-class SourceBase(Command):
- """Abstract base class for Version Control System operations (checkout
- and update). This class extracts the following arguments from the
- dictionary received from the master:
- - ['workdir']: (required) the subdirectory where the buildable sources
- should be placed
- - ['mode']: one of update/copy/clobber/export, defaults to 'update'
- - ['revision']: If not None, this is an int or string which indicates
- which sources (along a time-like axis) should be used.
- It is the thing you provide as the CVS -r or -D
- argument.
- - ['patch']: If not None, this is a tuple of (striplevel, patch)
- which contains a patch that should be applied after the
- checkout has occurred. Once applied, the tree is no
- longer eligible for use with mode='update', and it only
- makes sense to use this in conjunction with a
- ['revision'] argument. striplevel is an int, and patch
- is a string in standard unified diff format. The patch
- will be applied with 'patch -p%d <PATCH', with
- STRIPLEVEL substituted as %d. The command will fail if
- the patch process fails (rejected hunks).
- - ['timeout']: seconds of silence tolerated before we kill off the
- command
- - ['retry']: If not None, this is a tuple of (delay, repeats)
- which means that any failed VC updates should be
- reattempted, up to REPEATS times, after a delay of
- DELAY seconds. This is intended to deal with slaves
- that experience transient network failures.
- """
- sourcedata = ""
- def setup(self, args):
- # if we need to parse the output, use this environment. Otherwise
- # command output will be in whatever the buildslave's native language
- # has been set to.
- self.env = os.environ.copy()
- self.env['LC_ALL'] = "C"
- self.workdir = args['workdir']
- self.mode = args.get('mode', "update")
- self.revision = args.get('revision')
- self.patch = args.get('patch')
- self.timeout = args.get('timeout', 120)
- self.retry = args.get('retry')
- # VC-specific subclasses should override this to extract more args.
- # Make sure to upcall!
- def start(self):
- self.sendStatus({'header': "starting " + self.header + "\n"})
- self.command = None
- # self.srcdir is where the VC system should put the sources
- if self.mode == "copy":
- self.srcdir = "source" # hardwired directory name, sorry
- else:
- self.srcdir = self.workdir
- self.sourcedatafile = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir,
- self.srcdir,
- ".buildbot-sourcedata")
- d = defer.succeed(None)
- # do we need to clobber anything?
- if self.mode in ("copy", "clobber", "export"):
- d.addCallback(self.doClobber, self.workdir)
- if not (self.sourcedirIsUpdateable() and self.sourcedataMatches()):
- # the directory cannot be updated, so we have to clobber it.
- # Perhaps the master just changed modes from 'export' to
- # 'update'.
- d.addCallback(self.doClobber, self.srcdir)
- d.addCallback(self.doVC)
- if self.mode == "copy":
- d.addCallback(self.doCopy)
- if self.patch:
- d.addCallback(self.doPatch)
- d.addCallbacks(self._sendRC, self._checkAbandoned)
- return d
- def interrupt(self):
- self.interrupted = True
- if self.command:
- self.command.kill("command interrupted")
- def doVC(self, res):
- if self.interrupted:
- raise AbandonChain(1)
- if self.sourcedirIsUpdateable() and self.sourcedataMatches():
- d = self.doVCUpdate()
- d.addCallback(self.maybeDoVCFallback)
- else:
- d = self.doVCFull()
- d.addBoth(self.maybeDoVCRetry)
- d.addCallback(self._abandonOnFailure)
- d.addCallback(self._handleGotRevision)
- d.addCallback(self.writeSourcedata)
- return d
- def sourcedataMatches(self):
- try:
- olddata = open(self.sourcedatafile, "r").read()
- if olddata != self.sourcedata:
- return False
- except IOError:
- return False
- return True
- def _handleGotRevision(self, res):
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.parseGotRevision)
- d.addCallback(lambda got_revision:
- self.sendStatus({'got_revision': got_revision}))
- return d
- def parseGotRevision(self):
- """Override this in a subclass. It should return a string that
- represents which revision was actually checked out, or a Deferred
- that will fire with such a string. If, in a future build, you were to
- pass this 'got_revision' string in as the 'revision' component of a
- SourceStamp, you should wind up with the same source code as this
- checkout just obtained.
- It is probably most useful to scan self.command.stdout for a string
- of some sort. Be sure to set keepStdout=True on the VC command that
- you run, so that you'll have something available to look at.
- If this information is unavailable, just return None."""
- return None
- def writeSourcedata(self, res):
- open(self.sourcedatafile, "w").write(self.sourcedata)
- return res
- def sourcedirIsUpdateable(self):
- raise NotImplementedError("this must be implemented in a subclass")
- def doVCUpdate(self):
- raise NotImplementedError("this must be implemented in a subclass")
- def doVCFull(self):
- raise NotImplementedError("this must be implemented in a subclass")
- def maybeDoVCFallback(self, rc):
- if type(rc) is int and rc == 0:
- return rc
- if self.interrupted:
- raise AbandonChain(1)
- msg = "update failed, clobbering and trying again"
- self.sendStatus({'header': msg + "\n"})
- log.msg(msg)
- d = self.doClobber(None, self.srcdir)
- d.addCallback(self.doVCFallback2)
- return d
- def doVCFallback2(self, res):
- msg = "now retrying VC operation"
- self.sendStatus({'header': msg + "\n"})
- log.msg(msg)
- d = self.doVCFull()
- d.addBoth(self.maybeDoVCRetry)
- d.addCallback(self._abandonOnFailure)
- return d
- def maybeDoVCRetry(self, res):
- """We get here somewhere after a VC chain has finished. res could
- be::
- - 0: the operation was successful
- - nonzero: the operation failed. retry if possible
- - AbandonChain: the operation failed, someone else noticed. retry.
- - Failure: some other exception, re-raise
- """
- if isinstance(res, failure.Failure):
- if self.interrupted:
- return res # don't re-try interrupted builds
- res.trap(AbandonChain)
- else:
- if type(res) is int and res == 0:
- return res
- if self.interrupted:
- raise AbandonChain(1)
- # if we get here, we should retry, if possible
- if self.retry:
- delay, repeats = self.retry
- if repeats >= 0:
- self.retry = (delay, repeats-1)
- msg = ("update failed, trying %d more times after %d seconds"
- % (repeats, delay))
- self.sendStatus({'header': msg + "\n"})
- log.msg(msg)
- d = defer.Deferred()
- d.addCallback(lambda res: self.doVCFull())
- d.addBoth(self.maybeDoVCRetry)
- reactor.callLater(delay, d.callback, None)
- return d
- return res
- def doClobber(self, dummy, dirname):
- # TODO: remove the old tree in the background
-## workdir = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.workdir)
-## deaddir = self.workdir + ".deleting"
-## if os.path.isdir(workdir):
-## try:
-## os.rename(workdir, deaddir)
-## # might fail if deaddir already exists: previous deletion
-## # hasn't finished yet
-## # start the deletion in the background
-## # TODO: there was a solaris/NetApp/NFS problem where a
-## # process that was still running out of the directory we're
-## # trying to delete could prevent the rm-rf from working. I
-## # think it stalled the rm, but maybe it just died with
-## # permission issues. Try to detect this.
-## os.commands("rm -rf %s &" % deaddir)
-## except:
-## # fall back to sequential delete-then-checkout
-## pass
- d = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, dirname)
- if runtime.platformType != "posix":
- # if we're running on w32, use rmtree instead. It will block,
- # but hopefully it won't take too long.
- rmdirRecursive(d)
- return defer.succeed(0)
- command = ["rm", "-rf", d]
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, command, self.builder.basedir,
- sendRC=0, timeout=self.timeout)
- self.command = c
- # sendRC=0 means the rm command will send stdout/stderr to the
- # master, but not the rc=0 when it finishes. That job is left to
- # _sendRC
- d = c.start()
- d.addCallback(self._abandonOnFailure)
- return d
- def doCopy(self, res):
- # now copy tree to workdir
- fromdir = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.srcdir)
- todir = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.workdir)
- if runtime.platformType != "posix":
- shutil.copytree(fromdir, todir)
- return defer.succeed(0)
- command = ['cp', '-r', '-p', fromdir, todir]
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, command, self.builder.basedir,
- sendRC=False, timeout=self.timeout)
- self.command = c
- d = c.start()
- d.addCallback(self._abandonOnFailure)
- return d
- def doPatch(self, res):
- patchlevel, diff = self.patch
- command = [getCommand("patch"), '-p%d' % patchlevel]
- dir = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.workdir)
- # mark the directory so we don't try to update it later
- open(os.path.join(dir, ".buildbot-patched"), "w").write("patched\n")
- # now apply the patch
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, command, dir,
- sendRC=False, timeout=self.timeout,
- stdin=diff)
- self.command = c
- d = c.start()
- d.addCallback(self._abandonOnFailure)
- return d
-class CVS(SourceBase):
- """CVS-specific VC operation. In addition to the arguments handled by
- SourceBase, this command reads the following keys:
- ['cvsroot'] (required): the CVSROOT repository string
- ['cvsmodule'] (required): the module to be retrieved
- ['branch']: a '-r' tag or branch name to use for the checkout/update
- ['login']: a string for use as a password to 'cvs login'
- ['global_options']: a list of strings to use before the CVS verb
- """
- header = "cvs operation"
- def setup(self, args):
- SourceBase.setup(self, args)
- self.vcexe = getCommand("cvs")
- self.vcexeoo = "./"
- self.cvsroot = args['cvsroot']
- self.cvsmodule = args['cvsmodule']
- self.global_options = args.get('global_options', [])
- self.branch = args.get('branch')
- self.login = args.get('login')
- self.sourcedata = "%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (self.cvsroot, self.cvsmodule,
- self.branch)
- def sourcedirIsUpdateable(self):
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.builder.basedir,
- self.srcdir, ".buildbot-patched")):
- return False
- return os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.builder.basedir,
- self.srcdir, "CVS"))
- def start(self):
- if self.login is not None:
- # need to do a 'cvs login' command first
- d = self.builder.basedir
- command = ([self.vcexe, '-d', self.cvsroot] + self.global_options
- + ['login'])
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, command, d,
- sendRC=False, timeout=self.timeout,
- stdin=self.login+"\n")
- self.command = c
- d = c.start()
- d.addCallback(self._abandonOnFailure)
- d.addCallback(self._didLogin)
- return d
- else:
- return self._didLogin(None)
- def _didLogin(self, res):
- # now we really start
- return SourceBase.start(self)
- def doVCUpdate(self):
- d = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.srcdir)
- #command = [self.vcexe, '-z3'] + self.global_options + ['update', '-dP']
- command = [self.vcexeoo]
- if self.branch:
- # command += ['-r', self.branch]
- command += [self.branch]
- #if self.revision:
- # command += ['-D', self.revision]
- command += [self.cvsmodule]
- command += ['up']
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, command, d,
- sendRC=False, timeout=self.timeout)
- self.command = c
- return c.start()
- def doVCFull(self):
- d = self.builder.basedir
- if self.mode == "export":
- verb = "export"
- else:
- verb = "checkout"
- #command = ([self.vcexe, '-d', self.cvsroot, '-z3'] +
- # self.global_options +
- # [verb, '-N', '-d', self.srcdir])
- command = [self.vcexeoo]
- if self.branch:
- # command += ['-r', self.branch]
- command += [self.branch]
- #if self.revision:
- # command += ['-D', self.revision]
- command += [self.cvsmodule]
- command += ['co']
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, command, d,
- sendRC=False, timeout=self.timeout)
- self.command = c
- return c.start()
- def parseGotRevision(self):
- # CVS does not have any kind of revision stamp to speak of. We return
- # the current timestamp as a best-effort guess, but this depends upon
- # the local system having a clock that is
- # reasonably-well-synchronized with the repository.
- return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime())
-registerSlaveCommand("cvs", CVS, cvs_ver)
-class SVN(SourceBase):
- """Subversion-specific VC operation. In addition to the arguments
- handled by SourceBase, this command reads the following keys:
- ['svnurl'] (required): the SVN repository string
- """
- header = "svn operation"
- def setup(self, args):
- SourceBase.setup(self, args)
- self.vcexe = getCommand("svn")
- self.svnurl = args['svnurl']
- self.sourcedata = "%s\n" % self.svnurl
- def sourcedirIsUpdateable(self):
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.builder.basedir,
- self.srcdir, ".buildbot-patched")):
- return False
- return os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.builder.basedir,
- self.srcdir, ".svn"))
- def doVCUpdate(self):
- revision = self.args['revision'] or 'HEAD'
- # update: possible for mode in ('copy', 'update')
- d = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.srcdir)
- command = [self.vcexe, 'update', '--revision', str(revision)]
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, command, d,
- sendRC=False, timeout=self.timeout,
- keepStdout=True)
- self.command = c
- return c.start()
- def doVCFull(self):
- revision = self.args['revision'] or 'HEAD'
- d = self.builder.basedir
- if self.mode == "export":
- command = [self.vcexe, 'export', '--revision', str(revision),
- self.svnurl, self.srcdir]
- else:
- # mode=='clobber', or copy/update on a broken workspace
- command = [self.vcexe, 'checkout', '--revision', str(revision),
- self.svnurl, self.srcdir]
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, command, d,
- sendRC=False, timeout=self.timeout,
- keepStdout=True)
- self.command = c
- return c.start()
- def parseGotRevision(self):
- # svn checkout operations finish with 'Checked out revision 16657.'
- # svn update operations finish the line 'At revision 16654.'
- # But we don't use those. Instead, run 'svnversion'.
- svnversion_command = getCommand("svnversion")
- # older versions of 'svnversion' (1.1.4) require the WC_PATH
- # argument, newer ones (1.3.1) do not.
- command = [svnversion_command, "."]
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, command,
- os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.srcdir),
- environ=self.env,
- sendStdout=False, sendStderr=False, sendRC=False,
- keepStdout=True)
- c.usePTY = False
- d = c.start()
- def _parse(res):
- r = c.stdout.strip()
- got_version = None
- try:
- got_version = int(r)
- except ValueError:
- msg =("SVN.parseGotRevision unable to parse output "
- "of svnversion: '%s'" % r)
- log.msg(msg)
- self.sendStatus({'header': msg + "\n"})
- return got_version
- d.addCallback(_parse)
- return d
-registerSlaveCommand("svn", SVN, cvs_ver)
-class Darcs(SourceBase):
- """Darcs-specific VC operation. In addition to the arguments
- handled by SourceBase, this command reads the following keys:
- ['repourl'] (required): the Darcs repository string
- """
- header = "darcs operation"
- def setup(self, args):
- SourceBase.setup(self, args)
- self.vcexe = getCommand("darcs")
- self.repourl = args['repourl']
- self.sourcedata = "%s\n" % self.repourl
- self.revision = self.args.get('revision')
- def sourcedirIsUpdateable(self):
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.builder.basedir,
- self.srcdir, ".buildbot-patched")):
- return False
- if self.revision:
- # checking out a specific revision requires a full 'darcs get'
- return False
- return os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.builder.basedir,
- self.srcdir, "_darcs"))
- def doVCUpdate(self):
- assert not self.revision
- # update: possible for mode in ('copy', 'update')
- d = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.srcdir)
- command = [self.vcexe, 'pull', '--all', '--verbose']
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, command, d,
- sendRC=False, timeout=self.timeout)
- self.command = c
- return c.start()
- def doVCFull(self):
- # checkout or export
- d = self.builder.basedir
- command = [self.vcexe, 'get', '--verbose', '--partial',
- '--repo-name', self.srcdir]
- if self.revision:
- # write the context to a file
- n = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, ".darcs-context")
- f = open(n, "wb")
- f.write(self.revision)
- f.close()
- # tell Darcs to use that context
- command.append('--context')
- command.append(n)
- command.append(self.repourl)
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, command, d,
- sendRC=False, timeout=self.timeout)
- self.command = c
- d = c.start()
- if self.revision:
- d.addCallback(self.removeContextFile, n)
- return d
- def removeContextFile(self, res, n):
- os.unlink(n)
- return res
- def parseGotRevision(self):
- # we use 'darcs context' to find out what we wound up with
- command = [self.vcexe, "changes", "--context"]
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, command,
- os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.srcdir),
- environ=self.env,
- sendStdout=False, sendStderr=False, sendRC=False,
- keepStdout=True)
- c.usePTY = False
- d = c.start()
- d.addCallback(lambda res: c.stdout)
- return d
-registerSlaveCommand("darcs", Darcs, cvs_ver)
-class Git(SourceBase):
- """Git specific VC operation. In addition to the arguments
- handled by SourceBase, this command reads the following keys:
- ['repourl'] (required): the Cogito repository string
- """
- header = "git operation"
- def setup(self, args):
- SourceBase.setup(self, args)
- self.repourl = args['repourl']
- #self.sourcedata = "" # TODO
- def sourcedirIsUpdateable(self):
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.builder.basedir,
- self.srcdir, ".buildbot-patched")):
- return False
- return os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.builder.basedir,
- self.srcdir, ".git"))
- def doVCUpdate(self):
- d = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.srcdir)
- command = ['cg-update']
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, command, d,
- sendRC=False, timeout=self.timeout)
- self.command = c
- return c.start()
- def doVCFull(self):
- d = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.srcdir)
- os.mkdir(d)
- command = ['cg-clone', '-s', self.repourl]
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, command, d,
- sendRC=False, timeout=self.timeout)
- self.command = c
- return c.start()
-registerSlaveCommand("git", Git, cvs_ver)
-class Arch(SourceBase):
- """Arch-specific (tla-specific) VC operation. In addition to the
- arguments handled by SourceBase, this command reads the following keys:
- ['url'] (required): the repository string
- ['version'] (required): which version (i.e. branch) to retrieve
- ['revision'] (optional): the 'patch-NN' argument to check out
- ['archive']: the archive name to use. If None, use the archive's default
- ['build-config']: if present, give to 'tla build-config' after checkout
- """
- header = "arch operation"
- buildconfig = None
- def setup(self, args):
- SourceBase.setup(self, args)
- self.vcexe = getCommand("tla")
- self.archive = args.get('archive')
- self.url = args['url']
- self.version = args['version']
- self.revision = args.get('revision')
- self.buildconfig = args.get('build-config')
- self.sourcedata = "%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (self.url, self.version,
- self.buildconfig)
- def sourcedirIsUpdateable(self):
- if self.revision:
- # Arch cannot roll a directory backwards, so if they ask for a
- # specific revision, clobber the directory. Technically this
- # could be limited to the cases where the requested revision is
- # later than our current one, but it's too hard to extract the
- # current revision from the tree.
- return False
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.builder.basedir,
- self.srcdir, ".buildbot-patched")):
- return False
- return os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.builder.basedir,
- self.srcdir, "{arch}"))
- def doVCUpdate(self):
- # update: possible for mode in ('copy', 'update')
- d = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.srcdir)
- command = [self.vcexe, 'replay']
- if self.revision:
- command.append(self.revision)
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, command, d,
- sendRC=False, timeout=self.timeout)
- self.command = c
- return c.start()
- def doVCFull(self):
- # to do a checkout, we must first "register" the archive by giving
- # the URL to tla, which will go to the repository at that URL and
- # figure out the archive name. tla will tell you the archive name
- # when it is done, and all further actions must refer to this name.
- command = [self.vcexe, 'register-archive', '--force', self.url]
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, command, self.builder.basedir,
- sendRC=False, keepStdout=True,
- timeout=self.timeout)
- self.command = c
- d = c.start()
- d.addCallback(self._abandonOnFailure)
- d.addCallback(self._didRegister, c)
- return d
- def _didRegister(self, res, c):
- # find out what tla thinks the archive name is. If the user told us
- # to use something specific, make sure it matches.
- r ='Registering archive: (\S+)\s*$', c.stdout)
- if r:
- msg = "tla reports archive name is '%s'" %
- log.msg(msg)
- self.builder.sendUpdate({'header': msg+"\n"})
- if self.archive and != self.archive:
- msg = (" mismatch, we wanted an archive named '%s'"
- % self.archive)
- log.msg(msg)
- self.builder.sendUpdate({'header': msg+"\n"})
- raise AbandonChain(-1)
- self.archive =
- assert self.archive, "need archive name to continue"
- return self._doGet()
- def _doGet(self):
- ver = self.version
- if self.revision:
- ver += "--%s" % self.revision
- command = [self.vcexe, 'get', '--archive', self.archive,
- '--no-pristine',
- ver, self.srcdir]
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, command, self.builder.basedir,
- sendRC=False, timeout=self.timeout)
- self.command = c
- d = c.start()
- d.addCallback(self._abandonOnFailure)
- if self.buildconfig:
- d.addCallback(self._didGet)
- return d
- def _didGet(self, res):
- d = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.srcdir)
- command = [self.vcexe, 'build-config', self.buildconfig]
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, command, d,
- sendRC=False, timeout=self.timeout)
- self.command = c
- d = c.start()
- d.addCallback(self._abandonOnFailure)
- return d
- def parseGotRevision(self):
- # using code from tryclient.TlaExtractor
- # 'tla logs --full' gives us ARCHIVE/BRANCH--REVISION
- # 'tla logs' gives us REVISION
- command = [self.vcexe, "logs", "--full", "--reverse"]
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, command,
- os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.srcdir),
- environ=self.env,
- sendStdout=False, sendStderr=False, sendRC=False,
- keepStdout=True)
- c.usePTY = False
- d = c.start()
- def _parse(res):
- tid = c.stdout.split("\n")[0].strip()
- slash = tid.index("/")
- dd = tid.rindex("--")
- #branch = tid[slash+1:dd]
- baserev = tid[dd+2:]
- return baserev
- d.addCallback(_parse)
- return d
-registerSlaveCommand("arch", Arch, cvs_ver)
-class Bazaar(Arch):
- """Bazaar (/usr/bin/baz) is an alternative client for Arch repositories.
- It is mostly option-compatible, but archive registration is different
- enough to warrant a separate Command.
- ['archive'] (required): the name of the archive being used
- """
- def setup(self, args):
- Arch.setup(self, args)
- self.vcexe = getCommand("baz")
- # baz doesn't emit the repository name after registration (and
- # grepping through the output of 'baz archives' is too hard), so we
- # require that the buildmaster configuration to provide both the
- # archive name and the URL.
- self.archive = args['archive'] # required for Baz
- self.sourcedata = "%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (self.url, self.version,
- self.buildconfig)
- # in _didRegister, the regexp won't match, so we'll stick with the name
- # in self.archive
- def _doGet(self):
- # baz prefers ARCHIVE/VERSION. This will work even if
- # my-default-archive is not set.
- ver = self.archive + "/" + self.version
- if self.revision:
- ver += "--%s" % self.revision
- command = [self.vcexe, 'get', '--no-pristine',
- ver, self.srcdir]
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, command, self.builder.basedir,
- sendRC=False, timeout=self.timeout)
- self.command = c
- d = c.start()
- d.addCallback(self._abandonOnFailure)
- if self.buildconfig:
- d.addCallback(self._didGet)
- return d
- def parseGotRevision(self):
- # using code from tryclient.BazExtractor
- command = [self.vcexe, "tree-id"]
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, command,
- os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.srcdir),
- environ=self.env,
- sendStdout=False, sendStderr=False, sendRC=False,
- keepStdout=True)
- c.usePTY = False
- d = c.start()
- def _parse(res):
- tid = c.stdout.strip()
- slash = tid.index("/")
- dd = tid.rindex("--")
- #branch = tid[slash+1:dd]
- baserev = tid[dd+2:]
- return baserev
- d.addCallback(_parse)
- return d
-registerSlaveCommand("bazaar", Bazaar, cvs_ver)
-class Mercurial(SourceBase):
- """Mercurial specific VC operation. In addition to the arguments
- handled by SourceBase, this command reads the following keys:
- ['repourl'] (required): the Cogito repository string
- """
- header = "mercurial operation"
- def setup(self, args):
- SourceBase.setup(self, args)
- self.vcexe = getCommand("hg")
- self.repourl = args['repourl']
- self.sourcedata = "%s\n" % self.repourl
- self.stdout = ""
- self.stderr = ""
- def sourcedirIsUpdateable(self):
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.builder.basedir,
- self.srcdir, ".buildbot-patched")):
- return False
- # like Darcs, to check out a specific (old) revision, we have to do a
- # full checkout. TODO: I think 'hg pull' plus 'hg update' might work
- if self.revision:
- return False
- return os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.builder.basedir,
- self.srcdir, ".hg"))
- def doVCUpdate(self):
- d = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.srcdir)
- command = [self.vcexe, 'pull', '--update', '--verbose']
- if self.args['revision']:
- command.extend(['--rev', self.args['revision']])
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, command, d,
- sendRC=False, timeout=self.timeout,
- keepStdout=True)
- self.command = c
- d = c.start()
- d.addCallback(self._handleEmptyUpdate)
- return d
- def _handleEmptyUpdate(self, res):
- if type(res) is int and res == 1:
- if self.command.stdout.find("no changes found") != -1:
- # 'hg pull', when it doesn't have anything to do, exits with
- # rc=1, and there appears to be no way to shut this off. It
- # emits a distinctive message to stdout, though. So catch
- # this and pretend that it completed successfully.
- return 0
- return res
- def doVCFull(self):
- d = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.srcdir)
- command = [self.vcexe, 'clone']
- if self.args['revision']:
- command.extend(['--rev', self.args['revision']])
- command.extend([self.repourl, d])
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, command, self.builder.basedir,
- sendRC=False, timeout=self.timeout)
- self.command = c
- return c.start()
- def parseGotRevision(self):
- # we use 'hg identify' to find out what we wound up with
- command = [self.vcexe, "identify"]
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, command,
- os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.srcdir),
- environ=self.env,
- sendStdout=False, sendStderr=False, sendRC=False,
- keepStdout=True)
- d = c.start()
- def _parse(res):
- m ='^(\w+)', c.stdout)
- return
- d.addCallback(_parse)
- return d
-registerSlaveCommand("hg", Mercurial, cvs_ver)
-class P4Sync(SourceBase):
- """A partial P4 source-updater. Requires manual setup of a per-slave P4
- environment. The only thing which comes from the master is P4PORT.
- 'mode' is required to be 'copy'.
- ['p4port'] (required): host:port for server to access
- ['p4user'] (optional): user to use for access
- ['p4passwd'] (optional): passwd to try for the user
- ['p4client'] (optional): client spec to use
- """
- header = "p4 sync"
- def setup(self, args):
- SourceBase.setup(self, args)
- self.vcexe = getCommand("p4")
- self.p4port = args['p4port']
- self.p4user = args['p4user']
- self.p4passwd = args['p4passwd']
- self.p4client = args['p4client']
- def sourcedirIsUpdateable(self):
- return True
- def doVCUpdate(self):
- d = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, self.srcdir)
- command = [self.vcexe]
- if self.p4port:
- command.extend(['-p', self.p4port])
- if self.p4user:
- command.extend(['-u', self.p4user])
- if self.p4passwd:
- command.extend(['-P', self.p4passwd])
- if self.p4client:
- command.extend(['-c', self.p4client])
- command.extend(['sync'])
- if self.revision:
- command.extend(['@' + self.revision])
- env = {}
- c = ShellCommand(self.builder, command, d, environ=env,
- sendRC=False, timeout=self.timeout)
- self.command = c
- return c.start()
- def doVCFull(self):
- return self.doVCUpdate()
-registerSlaveCommand("p4sync", P4Sync, cvs_ver)