path: root/buildbot/buildbot-source/buildbot/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 147 deletions
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot-source/buildbot/ b/buildbot/buildbot-source/buildbot/
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index bc85a016d..000000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot-source/buildbot/
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-"""Base classes handy for use with PB clients.
-from twisted.spread import pb
-from twisted.spread.pb import PBClientFactory
-from twisted.internet import protocol
-from twisted.python import log
-class NewCredPerspective(pb.Avatar):
- def attached(self, mind):
- return self
- def detached(self, mind):
- pass
-class ReconnectingPBClientFactory(PBClientFactory,
- protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory):
- """Reconnecting client factory for PB brokers.
- Like PBClientFactory, but if the connection fails or is lost, the factory
- will attempt to reconnect.
- Instead of using f.getRootObject (which gives a Deferred that can only
- be fired once), override the gotRootObject method.
- Instead of using the newcred f.login (which is also one-shot), call
- f.startLogin() with the credentials and client, and override the
- gotPerspective method.
- Instead of using the oldcred f.getPerspective (also one-shot), call
- f.startGettingPerspective() with the same arguments, and override
- gotPerspective.
- gotRootObject and gotPerspective will be called each time the object is
- received (once per successful connection attempt). You will probably want
- to use obj.notifyOnDisconnect to find out when the connection is lost.
- If an authorization error occurs, failedToGetPerspective() will be
- invoked.
- To use me, subclass, then hand an instance to a connector (like
- TCPClient).
- """
- def __init__(self):
- PBClientFactory.__init__(self)
- self._doingLogin = False
- self._doingGetPerspective = False
- def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
- PBClientFactory.clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason)
- # Twisted-1.3 erroneously abandons the connection on non-UserErrors.
- # To avoid this bug, don't upcall, and implement the correct version
- # of the method here.
- if self.continueTrying:
- self.connector = connector
- self.retry()
- def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
- PBClientFactory.clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason,
- reconnecting=True)
- RCF = protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory
- RCF.clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason)
- def clientConnectionMade(self, broker):
- self.resetDelay()
- PBClientFactory.clientConnectionMade(self, broker)
- if self._doingLogin:
- self.doLogin(self._root)
- if self._doingGetPerspective:
- self.doGetPerspective(self._root)
- self.gotRootObject(self._root)
- def __getstate__(self):
- # this should get folded into ReconnectingClientFactory
- d = self.__dict__.copy()
- d['connector'] = None
- d['_callID'] = None
- return d
- # oldcred methods
- def getPerspective(self, *args):
- raise RuntimeError, "getPerspective is one-shot: use startGettingPerspective instead"
- def startGettingPerspective(self, username, password, serviceName,
- perspectiveName=None, client=None):
- self._doingGetPerspective = True
- if perspectiveName == None:
- perspectiveName = username
- self._oldcredArgs = (username, password, serviceName,
- perspectiveName, client)
- def doGetPerspective(self, root):
- # oldcred getPerspective()
- (username, password,
- serviceName, perspectiveName, client) = self._oldcredArgs
- d = self._cbAuthIdentity(root, username, password)
- d.addCallback(self._cbGetPerspective,
- serviceName, perspectiveName, client)
- d.addCallbacks(self.gotPerspective, self.failedToGetPerspective)
- # newcred methods
- def login(self, *args):
- raise RuntimeError, "login is one-shot: use startLogin instead"
- def startLogin(self, credentials, client=None):
- self._credentials = credentials
- self._client = client
- self._doingLogin = True
- def doLogin(self, root):
- # newcred login()
- d = self._cbSendUsername(root, self._credentials.username,
- self._credentials.password, self._client)
- d.addCallbacks(self.gotPerspective, self.failedToGetPerspective)
- # methods to override
- def gotPerspective(self, perspective):
- """The remote avatar or perspective (obtained each time this factory
- connects) is now available."""
- pass
- def gotRootObject(self, root):
- """The remote root object (obtained each time this factory connects)
- is now available. This method will be called each time the connection
- is established and the object reference is retrieved."""
- pass
- def failedToGetPerspective(self, why):
- """The login process failed, most likely because of an authorization
- failure (bad password), but it is also possible that we lost the new
- connection before we managed to send our credentials.
- """
- log.msg("ReconnectingPBClientFactory.failedToGetPerspective")
- if why.check(pb.PBConnectionLost):
- log.msg("we lost the brand-new connection")
- # retrying might help here, let clientConnectionLost decide
- return
- # probably authorization
- self.stopTrying() # logging in harder won't help
- log.err(why)