path: root/buildbot/buildbot-source/build/lib/buildbot/slave/
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Diffstat (limited to 'buildbot/buildbot-source/build/lib/buildbot/slave/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 495 deletions
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot-source/build/lib/buildbot/slave/ b/buildbot/buildbot-source/build/lib/buildbot/slave/
deleted file mode 100644
index 40b9b4798..000000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot-source/build/lib/buildbot/slave/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,495 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/python
-import time, os, os.path, re, sys
-from twisted.spread import pb
-from twisted.python import log, usage, failure
-from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
-from twisted.application import service, internet
-from twisted.cred import credentials
-from buildbot.util import now
-from buildbot.pbutil import ReconnectingPBClientFactory
-from buildbot.slave import registry
-# make sure the standard commands get registered
-from buildbot.slave import commands
-class NoCommandRunning(pb.Error):
- pass
-class WrongCommandRunning(pb.Error):
- pass
-class UnknownCommand(pb.Error):
- pass
-class Master:
- def __init__(self, host, port, username, password):
- = host
- self.port = port
- self.username = username
- self.password = password
-class SlaveBuild:
- """This is an object that can hold state from one step to another in the
- same build. All SlaveCommands have access to it.
- """
- def __init__(self, builder):
- self.builder = builder
-class SlaveBuilder(pb.Referenceable, service.Service):
- """This is the local representation of a single Builder: it handles a
- single kind of build (like an all-warnings build). It has a name and a
- home directory. The rest of its behavior is determined by the master.
- """
- stopCommandOnShutdown = True
- # remote is a ref to the Builder object on the master side, and is set
- # when they attach. We use it to detect when the connection to the master
- # is severed.
- remote = None
- # .build points to a SlaveBuild object, a new one for each build
- build = None
- # .command points to a SlaveCommand instance, and is set while the step
- # is running. We use it to implement the stopBuild method.
- command = None
- # .remoteStep is a ref to the master-side BuildStep object, and is set
- # when the step is started
- remoteStep = None
- def __init__(self, name, not_really):
- #service.Service.__init__(self) # Service has no __init__ method
- self.setName(name)
- self.not_really = not_really
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<SlaveBuilder '%s'>" %
- def setServiceParent(self, parent):
- service.Service.setServiceParent(self, parent)
- = self.parent
- # note that self.parent will go away when the buildmaster's config
- # file changes and this Builder is removed (possibly because it has
- # been changed, so the Builder will be re-added again in a moment).
- # This may occur during a build, while a step is running.
- def setBuilddir(self, builddir):
- assert self.parent
- self.builddir = builddir
- self.basedir = os.path.join(, self.builddir)
- if not os.path.isdir(self.basedir):
- os.mkdir(self.basedir)
- def stopService(self):
- service.Service.stopService(self)
- if self.stopCommandOnShutdown:
- self.stopCommand()
- def activity(self):
- bot = self.parent
- if bot:
- buildslave = bot.parent
- if buildslave:
- bf =
- bf.activity()
- def remote_setMaster(self, remote):
- self.remote = remote
- self.remote.notifyOnDisconnect(self.lostRemote)
- def remote_print(self, message):
- log.msg("SlaveBuilder.remote_print(%s): message from master: %s" %
- (, message))
- if message == "ping":
- return self.remote_ping()
- def remote_ping(self):
- log.msg("SlaveBuilder.remote_ping(%s)" % self)
- if and
- debugOpts =
- if debugOpts.get("stallPings"):
- log.msg(" debug_stallPings")
- timeout, timers = debugOpts["stallPings"]
- d = defer.Deferred()
- t = reactor.callLater(timeout, d.callback, None)
- timers.append(t)
- return d
- if debugOpts.get("failPingOnce"):
- log.msg(" debug_failPingOnce")
- class FailPingError(pb.Error): pass
- del debugOpts['failPingOnce']
- raise FailPingError("debug_failPingOnce means we should fail")
- def lostRemote(self, remote):
- log.msg("lost remote")
- self.remote = None
- def lostRemoteStep(self, remotestep):
- log.msg("lost remote step")
- self.remoteStep = None
- if self.stopCommandOnShutdown:
- self.stopCommand()
- # the following are Commands that can be invoked by the master-side
- # Builder
- def remote_startBuild(self):
- """This is invoked before the first step of any new build is run. It
- creates a new SlaveBuild object, which holds slave-side state from
- one step to the next."""
- = SlaveBuild(self)
- log.msg("%s.startBuild" % self)
- def remote_startCommand(self, stepref, stepId, command, args):
- """
- This gets invoked by L{buildbot.process.step.RemoteCommand.start}, as
- part of various master-side BuildSteps, to start various commands
- that actually do the build. I return nothing. Eventually I will call
- .commandComplete() to notify the master-side RemoteCommand that I'm
- done.
- """
- self.activity()
- if self.command:
- log.msg("leftover command, dropping it")
- self.stopCommand()
- try:
- factory, version = registry.commandRegistry[command]
- except KeyError:
- raise UnknownCommand, "unrecognized SlaveCommand '%s'" % command
- self.command = factory(self, stepId, args)
- log.msg(" startCommand:%s [id %s]" % (command,stepId))
- self.remoteStep = stepref
- self.remoteStep.notifyOnDisconnect(self.lostRemoteStep)
- self.command.running = True
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.command.start)
- d.addCallback(lambda res: None)
- d.addBoth(self.commandComplete)
- return None
- def remote_interruptCommand(self, stepId, why):
- """Halt the current step."""
- log.msg("asked to interrupt current command: %s" % why)
- self.activity()
- if not self.command:
- # TODO: just log it, a race could result in their interrupting a
- # command that wasn't actually running
- log.msg(" .. but none was running")
- return
- self.command.interrupt()
- def stopCommand(self):
- """Make any currently-running command die, with no further status
- output. This is used when the buildslave is shutting down or the
- connection to the master has been lost. Interrupt the command,
- silence it, and then forget about it."""
- if not self.command:
- return
- log.msg("stopCommand: halting current command %s" % self.command)
- self.command.running = False # shut up!
- self.command.interrupt() # die!
- self.command = None # forget you!
- # sendUpdate is invoked by the Commands we spawn
- def sendUpdate(self, data):
- """This sends the status update to the master-side
- L{buildbot.process.step.RemoteCommand} object, giving it a sequence
- number in the process. It adds the update to a queue, and asks the
- master to acknowledge the update so it can be removed from that
- queue."""
- if not self.running:
- # .running comes from service.Service, and says whether the
- # service is running or not. If we aren't running, don't send any
- # status messages.
- return
- # the update[1]=0 comes from the leftover 'updateNum', which the
- # master still expects to receive. Provide it to avoid significant
- # interoperability issues between new slaves and old masters.
- if self.remoteStep:
- update = [data, 0]
- updates = [update]
- d = self.remoteStep.callRemote("update", updates)
- d.addCallback(self.ackUpdate)
- d.addErrback(self._ackFailed, "SlaveBuilder.sendUpdate")
- def ackUpdate(self, acknum):
- self.activity() # update the "last activity" timer
- def ackComplete(self, dummy):
- self.activity() # update the "last activity" timer
- def _ackFailed(self, why, where):
- log.msg("SlaveBuilder._ackFailed:", where)
- #log.err(why) # we don't really care
- # this is fired by the Deferred attached to each Command
- def commandComplete(self, failure):
- if failure:
- log.msg("SlaveBuilder.commandFailed", self.command)
- log.err(failure)
- # failure, if present, is a failure.Failure. To send it across
- # the wire, we must turn it into a pb.CopyableFailure.
- failure = pb.CopyableFailure(failure)
- failure.unsafeTracebacks = True
- else:
- # failure is None
- log.msg("SlaveBuilder.commandComplete", self.command)
- self.command = None
- if not self.running:
- return
- if self.remoteStep:
- self.remoteStep.dontNotifyOnDisconnect(self.lostRemoteStep)
- d = self.remoteStep.callRemote("complete", failure)
- d.addCallback(self.ackComplete)
- d.addErrback(self._ackFailed, "sendComplete")
- self.remoteStep = None
- def remote_shutdown(self):
- print "slave shutting down on command from master"
- reactor.stop()
-class Bot(pb.Referenceable, service.MultiService):
- """I represent the slave-side bot."""
- usePTY = None
- name = "bot"
- def __init__(self, basedir, usePTY, not_really=0):
- service.MultiService.__init__(self)
- self.basedir = basedir
- self.usePTY = usePTY
- self.not_really = not_really
- = {}
- def startService(self):
- assert os.path.isdir(self.basedir)
- service.MultiService.startService(self)
- def remote_getDirs(self):
- return filter(lambda d: os.path.isdir(d), os.listdir(self.basedir))
- def remote_getCommands(self):
- commands = {}
- for name, (factory, version) in registry.commandRegistry.items():
- commands[name] = version
- return commands
- def remote_setBuilderList(self, wanted):
- retval = {}
- for (name, builddir) in wanted:
- b =, None)
- if b:
- if b.builddir != builddir:
- log.msg("changing builddir for builder %s from %s to %s" \
- % (name, b.builddir, builddir))
- b.setBuilddir(builddir)
- else:
- b = SlaveBuilder(name, self.not_really)
- b.usePTY = self.usePTY
- b.setServiceParent(self)
- b.setBuilddir(builddir)
-[name] = b
- retval[name] = b
- for name in
- if not name in map(lambda a: a[0], wanted):
- log.msg("removing old builder %s" % name)
- del([name])
- return retval
- def remote_print(self, message):
- log.msg("message from master:", message)
- def remote_getSlaveInfo(self):
- """This command retrieves data from the files in SLAVEDIR/info/* and
- sends the contents to the buildmaster. These are used to describe
- the slave and its configuration, and should be created and
- maintained by the slave administrator. They will be retrieved each
- time the master-slave connection is established.
- """
- files = {}
- basedir = os.path.join(self.basedir, "info")
- if not os.path.isdir(basedir):
- return files
- for f in os.listdir(basedir):
- filename = os.path.join(basedir, f)
- if os.path.isfile(filename):
- files[f] = open(filename, "r").read()
- return files
- def debug_forceBuild(self, name):
- d = self.perspective.callRemote("forceBuild", name)
- d.addCallbacks(log.msg, log.err)
-class BotFactory(ReconnectingPBClientFactory):
- # 'keepaliveInterval' serves two purposes. The first is to keep the
- # connection alive: it guarantees that there will be at least some
- # traffic once every 'keepaliveInterval' seconds, which may help keep an
- # interposed NAT gateway from dropping the address mapping because it
- # thinks the connection has been abandoned. The second is to put an upper
- # limit on how long the buildmaster might have gone away before we notice
- # it. For this second purpose, we insist upon seeing *some* evidence of
- # the buildmaster at least once every 'keepaliveInterval' seconds.
- keepaliveInterval = None # None = do not use keepalives
- # 'keepaliveTimeout' seconds before the interval expires, we will send a
- # keepalive request, both to add some traffic to the connection, and to
- # prompt a response from the master in case all our builders are idle. We
- # don't insist upon receiving a timely response from this message: a slow
- # link might put the request at the wrong end of a large build message.
- keepaliveTimeout = 30 # how long we will go without a response
- keepaliveTimer = None
- activityTimer = None
- lastActivity = 0
- unsafeTracebacks = 1
- perspective = None
- def __init__(self, keepaliveInterval, keepaliveTimeout):
- ReconnectingPBClientFactory.__init__(self)
- self.keepaliveInterval = keepaliveInterval
- self.keepaliveTimeout = keepaliveTimeout
- def startedConnecting(self, connector):
- ReconnectingPBClientFactory.startedConnecting(self, connector)
- self.connector = connector
- def gotPerspective(self, perspective):
- ReconnectingPBClientFactory.gotPerspective(self, perspective)
- self.perspective = perspective
- try:
- except:
- log.msg("unable to set SO_KEEPALIVE")
- if not self.keepaliveInterval:
- self.keepaliveInterval = 10*60
- self.activity()
- if self.keepaliveInterval:
- log.msg("sending application-level keepalives every %d seconds" \
- % self.keepaliveInterval)
- self.startTimers()
- def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
- self.connector = None
- ReconnectingPBClientFactory.clientConnectionFailed(self,
- connector, reason)
- def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
- self.connector = None
- self.stopTimers()
- self.perspective = None
- ReconnectingPBClientFactory.clientConnectionLost(self,
- connector, reason)
- def startTimers(self):
- assert self.keepaliveInterval
- assert not self.keepaliveTimer
- assert not self.activityTimer
- # Insist that doKeepalive fires before checkActivity. Really, it
- # needs to happen at least one RTT beforehand.
- assert self.keepaliveInterval > self.keepaliveTimeout
- # arrange to send a keepalive a little while before our deadline
- when = self.keepaliveInterval - self.keepaliveTimeout
- self.keepaliveTimer = reactor.callLater(when, self.doKeepalive)
- # and check for activity too
- self.activityTimer = reactor.callLater(self.keepaliveInterval,
- self.checkActivity)
- def stopTimers(self):
- if self.keepaliveTimer:
- self.keepaliveTimer.cancel()
- self.keepaliveTimer = None
- if self.activityTimer:
- self.activityTimer.cancel()
- self.activityTimer = None
- def activity(self, res=None):
- self.lastActivity = now()
- def doKeepalive(self):
- # send the keepalive request. If it fails outright, the connection
- # was already dropped, so just log and ignore.
- self.keepaliveTimer = None
- log.msg("sending app-level keepalive")
- d = self.perspective.callRemote("keepalive")
- d.addCallback(self.activity)
- d.addErrback(self.keepaliveLost)
- def keepaliveLost(self, f):
- log.msg("BotFactory.keepaliveLost")
- def checkActivity(self):
- self.activityTimer = None
- if self.lastActivity + self.keepaliveInterval < now():
- log.msg("BotFactory.checkActivity: nothing from master for "
- "%d secs" % (now() - self.lastActivity))
- return
- self.startTimers()
- def stopFactory(self):
- ReconnectingPBClientFactory.stopFactory(self)
- self.stopTimers()
-class BuildSlave(service.MultiService):
- botClass = Bot
- # debugOpts is a dictionary used during unit tests.
- # debugOpts['stallPings'] can be set to a tuple of (timeout, []). Any
- # calls to remote_print will stall for 'timeout' seconds before
- # returning. The DelayedCalls used to implement this are stashed in the
- # list so they can be cancelled later.
- # debugOpts['failPingOnce'] can be set to True to make the slaveping fail
- # exactly once.
- def __init__(self, host, port, name, passwd, basedir, keepalive,
- usePTY, keepaliveTimeout=30, umask=None, debugOpts={}):
- service.MultiService.__init__(self)
- self.debugOpts = debugOpts.copy()
- bot = self.botClass(basedir, usePTY)
- bot.setServiceParent(self)
- = bot
- if keepalive == 0:
- keepalive = None
- self.umask = umask
- bf = = BotFactory(keepalive, keepaliveTimeout)
- bf.startLogin(credentials.UsernamePassword(name, passwd), client=bot)
- self.connection = c = internet.TCPClient(host, port, bf)
- c.setServiceParent(self)
- def waitUntilDisconnected(self):
- # utility method for testing. Returns a Deferred that will fire when
- # we lose the connection to the master.
- if not
- return defer.succeed(None)
- d = defer.Deferred()
- res: d.callback(None))
- return d
- def startService(self):
- if self.umask is not None:
- os.umask(self.umask)
- service.MultiService.startService(self)
- def stopService(self):
- = 0
- service.MultiService.stopService(self)
- # now kill the TCP connection
- # twisted >2.0.1 does this for us, and leaves _connection=None
- if self.connection._connection:
- self.connection._connection.disconnect()