path: root/docs/design/part-MT-refcounting.txt
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authorThibault Saunier <>2016-12-05 18:16:34 -0300
committerThibault Saunier <>2016-12-06 14:08:14 -0300
commitd1c79fc1774c80873b956bfb187ad57042deedbb (patch)
tree3f9a620c1d9acbcd516bbf5e8fa314b6dcf352c0 /docs/design/part-MT-refcounting.txt
parentdbe3d2b328113b468e19adc2ff39acc22e151069 (diff)
docs: Remove design doc as they have been moved to gst-docs
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/design/part-MT-refcounting.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 417 deletions
diff --git a/docs/design/part-MT-refcounting.txt b/docs/design/part-MT-refcounting.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c4919b91b5..0000000000
--- a/docs/design/part-MT-refcounting.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
-Conventions for thread a safe API
-The GStreamer API is designed to be thread safe. This means that API functions
-can be called from multiple threads at the same time. GStreamer internally uses
-threads to perform the data passing and various asynchronous services such as
-the clock can also use threads.
-This design decision has implications for the usage of the API and the objects
-which this document explains.
-MT safety techniques
-Several design patterns are used to guarantee object consistency in GStreamer.
-This is an overview of the methods used in various GStreamer subsystems.
- All shared objects have a refcount associated with them. Each reference
- obtained to the object should increase the refcount and each reference lost
- should decrease the refcount.
- The refcounting is used to make sure that when another thread destroys the
- object, the ones which still hold a reference to the object do not read from
- invalid memory when accessing the object.
- Refcounting is also used to ensure that mutable data structures are only
- modified when they are owned by the calling code.
- It is a requirement that when two threads have a handle on an object, the
- refcount must be more than one. This means that when one thread passes an
- object to another thread it must increase the refcount. This requirement makes
- sure that one thread cannot suddenly dispose the object making the other
- thread crash when it tries to access the pointer to invalid memory.
-Shared data structures and writability:
- All objects have a refcount associated with them. Each reference obtained to
- the object should increase the refcount and each reference lost should
- decrease the refcount.
- Each thread having a refcount to the object can safely read from the object.
- but modifications made to the object should be preceded with a
- _get_writable() function call. This function will check the refcount of the
- object and if the object is referenced by more than one instance, a copy is
- made of the object that is then by definition only referenced from the calling
- thread. This new copy is then modifiable without being visible to other
- refcount holders.
- This technique is used for information objects that, once created, never
- change their values. The lifetime of these objects is generally short, the
- objects are usually simple and cheap to copy/create.
- The advantage of this method is that no reader/writers locks are needed. all
- threads can concurrently read but writes happen locally on a new copy. In most
- cases _get_writable() can avoid a real copy because the calling method is the
- only one holding a reference, which makes read/write very cheap.
- The drawback is that sometimes 1 needless copy can be done. This would happen
- when N threads call _get_writable() at the same time, all seeing that N
- references are held on the object. In this case 1 copy too many will be done.
- This is not a problem in any practical situation because the copy operation is
- fast.
-Mutable substructures:
- Special techniques are necessary to ensure the consistency of compound shared
- objects. As mentioned above, shared objects need to have a reference count of
- 1 if they are to be modified. Implicit in this assumption is that all parts of
- the shared object belong only to the object. For example, a GstStructure in
- one GstCaps object should not belong to any other GstCaps object. This
- condition suggests a parent-child relationship: structures can only be added
- to parent object if they do not already have a parent object.
- In addition, these substructures must not be modified while more than one code
- segment has a reference on the parent object. For example, if the user creates
- a GstStructure, adds it to a GstCaps, and the GstCaps is then referenced by
- other code segments, the GstStructure should then become immutable, so that
- changes to that data structure do not affect other parts of the code. This
- means that the child is only mutable when the parent's reference count is 1,
- as well as when the child structure has no parent.
- The general solution to this problem is to include a field in child structures
- pointing to the parent's atomic reference count. When set to NULL, this
- indicates that the child has no parent. Otherwise, procedures that modify the
- child structure must check if the parent's refcount is 1, and otherwise must
- cause an error to be signaled.
- Note that this is an internal implementation detail; application or plugin
- code that calls _get_writable() on an object is guaranteed to receive an
- object of refcount 1, which must then be writable. The only trick is that a
- pointer to a child structure of an object is only valid while the calling code
- has a reference on the parent object, because the parent is the owner of the
- child.
-Object locking:
- For objects that contain state information and generally have a longer
- lifetime, object locking is used to update the information contained in the
- object.
- All readers and writers acquire the lock before accessing the object. Only one
- thread is allowed access the protected structures at a time.
- Object locking is used for all objects extending from GstObject such as
- GstElement, GstPad.
- Object locking can be done with recursive locks or regular mutexes. Object
- locks in GStreamer are implemented with mutexes which cause deadlocks when
- locked recursively from the same thread. This is done because regular mutexes
- are cheaper.
-Atomic operations
- Atomic operations are operations that are performed as one consistent
- operation even when executed by multiple threads. They do however not use the
- conventional aproach of using mutexes to protect the critical section but rely
- on CPU features and instructions.
- The advantages are mostly speed related since there are no heavyweight locks
- involved. Most of these instructions also do not cause a context switch in case
- of concurrent access but use a retry mechanism or spinlocking.
- Disadvantages are that each of these instructions usually cause a cache flush
- on multi-CPU machines when two processors perform concurrent access.
- Atomic operations are generally used for refcounting and for the allocation of
- small fixed size objects in a memchunk. They can also be used to implement a
- lockfree list or stack.
-Compare and swap
- As part of the atomic operations, compare-and-swap (CAS) can be used to access
- or update a single property or pointer in an object without having to take a
- lock.
- This technique is currently not used in GStreamer but might be added in the
- future in performance critical places.
-* Locking involved:
- - atomic operations for refcounting
- - object locking
- All objects should have a lock associated with them. This lock is used to keep
- internal consistency when multiple threads call API function on the object.
- For objects that extend the GStreamer base object class this lock can be
- obtained with the macros GST_OBJECT_LOCK() and GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK(). For other object that do
- not extend from the base GstObject class these macros can be different.
-* refcounting
- All new objects created have the FLOATING flag set. This means that the object
- is not owned or managed yet by anybody other than the one holding a reference
- to the object. The object in this state has a reference count of 1.
- Various object methods can take ownership of another object, this means that
- after calling a method on object A with an object B as an argument, the object
- B is made sole property of object A. This means that after the method call you
- are not allowed to access the object anymore unless you keep an extra
- reference to the object. An example of such a method is the _bin_add() method.
- As soon as this function is called in a Bin, the element passed as an argument
- is owned by the bin and you are not allowed to access it anymore without
- taking a _ref() before adding it to the bin. The reason being that after the
- _bin_add() call disposing the bin also destroys the element.
- Taking ownership of an object happens through the process of "sinking" the
- object. the _sink() method on an object will decrease the refcount of the
- object if the FLOATING flag is set. The act of taking ownership of an object
- is then performed as a _ref() followed by a _sink() call on the object.
- The float/sink process is very useful when initializing elements that will
- then be placed under control of a parent. The floating ref keeps the object
- alive until it is parented, and once the object is parented you can forget
- about it.
- also see part-relations.txt
-* parent-child relations
- One can create parent-child relationships with the _object_set_parent()
- method. This method refs and sinks the object and assigns its parent property
- to that of the managing parent.
- The child is said to have a weak link to the parent since the refcount of the
- parent is not increased in this process. This means that if the parent is
- disposed it has to unset itself as the parent of the object before disposing
- itself, else the child object holds a parent pointer to invalid memory.
- The responsibilities for an object that sinks other objects are summarised as:
- - taking ownership of the object
- - call _object_set_parent() to set itself as the object parent, this call
- will _ref() and _sink() the object.
- - keep reference to object in a datastructure such as a list or array.
- - on dispose
- - call _object_unparent() to reset the parent property and unref the
- object.
- - remove the object from the list.
- also see part-relations.txt
-* Properties
- Most objects also expose state information with public properties in the
- object. Two types of properties might exist: accessible with or without
- holding the object lock. All properties should only be accessed with their
- corresponding macros. The public object properties are marked in the .h files
- with /*< public >*/. The public properties that require a lock to be held are
- marked with /*< public >*/ /* with <lock_type> */, where <lock_type> can be
- "LOCK" or "STATE_LOCK" or any other lock to mark the type(s) of lock to be
- held.
- Example:
- in GstPad there is a public property "direction". It can be found in the
- section marked as public and requiring the LOCK to be held. There exists
- also a macro to access the property.
- struct _GstRealPad {
- ...
- /*< public >*/ /* with LOCK */
- ...
- GstPadDirection direction;
- ...
- };
- #define GST_RPAD_DIRECTION(pad) (GST_REAL_PAD_CAST(pad)->direction)
- Accessing the property is therefore allowed with the following code example:
- direction = GST_RPAD_DIRECTION (pad);
-* Property lifetime
- All properties requiring a lock can change after releasing the associated
- lock. This means that as long as you hold the lock, the state of the
- object regarding the locked properties is consistent with the information
- obtained. As soon as the lock is released, any values acquired from the
- properties might not be valid anymore and can as best be described as a
- snapshot of the state when the lock was held.
- This means that all properties that require access beyond the scope of the
- critial section should be copied or refcounted before releasing the lock.
- Most object provide a _get_<property>() method to get a copy or refcounted
- instance of the property value. The caller should not wory about any locks
- but should unref/free the object after usage.
- Example:
- the following example correctly gets the peer pad of an element. It is
- required to increase the refcount of the peer pad because as soon as the
- lock is released, the peer could be unreffed and disposed, making the
- pointer obtained in the critical section point to invalid memory.
- peer = GST_RPAD_PEER (pad);
- if (peer)
- gst_object_ref (GST_OBJECT (peer));
- ... use peer ...
- if (peer)
- gst_object_unref (GST_OBJECT (peer));
- Note that after releasing the lock the peer might not actually be the peer
- anymore of the pad. If you need to be sure it is, you need to extend the
- critical section to include the operations on the peer.
- The following code is equivalent to the above but with using the functions
- to access object properties.
- peer = gst_pad_get_peer (pad);
- if (peer) {
- ... use peer ...
- gst_object_unref (GST_OBJECT (peer));
- }
- Example:
- Accessing the name of an object makes a copy of the name. The caller of the
- function should g_free() the name after usage.
- GST_OBJECT_LOCK (object)
- name = g_strdup (GST_OBJECT_NAME (object));
- ... use name ...
- g_free (name);
- or:
- name = gst_object_get_name (object);
- ... use name ...
- g_free (name);
-* Accessor methods
- For aplications it is encouraged to use the public methods of the object. Most
- useful operations can be performed with the methods so it is seldom required
- to access the public fields manually.
- All accessor methods that return an object should increase the refcount of the
- returned object. The caller should _unref() the object after usage. Each
- method should state this refcounting policy in the documentation.
-* Accessing lists
- If the object property is a list, concurrent list iteration is needed to get
- the contents of the list. GStreamer uses the cookie mechanism to mark the last
- update of a list. The list and the cookie are protected by the same lock. Each
- update to a list requires the following actions:
- - acquire lock
- - update list
- - update cookie
- - release lock
- Updating the cookie is usually done by incrementing its value by one. Since
- cookies use guint32 its wraparound is for all practical reasons is not a
- problem.
- Iterating a list can safely be done by surrounding the list iteration with a
- lock/unlock of the lock.
- In some cases it is not a good idea to hold the lock for a long time while
- iterating the list. The state change code for a bin in GStreamer, for example,
- has to iterate over each element and perform a blocking call on each of them
- potentially causing infinite bin locking. In this case the cookie can be used
- to iterate a list.
- Example:
- The following algorithm iterates a list and reverses the updates in the
- case a concurrent update was done to the list while iterating. The idea is
- that whenever we reacquire the lock, we check for updates to the cookie to
- decide if we are still iterating the right list.
- /* grab list and cookie */
- cookie = object->list_cookie;
- list = object-list;
- while (list) {
- GstObject *item = GST_OBJECT (list->data);
- /* need to ref the item before releasing the lock */
- gst_object_ref (item);
- ... use/change item here...
- /* release item here */
- gst_object_unref (item);
- if (cookie != object->list_cookie) {
- /* handle rollback caused by concurrent modification
- * of the list here */
- ...rollback changes to items...
- /* grab new cookie and list */
- cookie = object->list_cookie;
- list = object->list;
- }
- else {
- list = g_list_next (list);
- }
- }
-* GstIterator
- GstIterator provides an easier way of retrieving elements in a concurrent
- list. The following code example is equivalent to the previous example.
- Example:
- it = _get_iterator(object);
- while (!done) {
- switch (gst_iterator_next (it, &item)) {
- ... use/change item here...
- /* release item here */
- gst_object_unref (item);
- break;
- /* handle rollback caused by concurrent modification
- * of the list here */
- ...rollback changes to items...
- /* resync iterator to start again */
- gst_iterator_resync (it);
- break;
- done = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- gst_iterator_free (it);