path: root/tests/image.c
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2016-04-29tests: inforce gstreamer code-styleVíctor Manuel Jáquez Leal1-371/+287
2013-11-22legal: update copyright notice dates.Gwenole Beauchesne1-0/+2
2013-11-22legal: add per-file authorship information.Gwenole Beauchesne1-0/+1
Credit original authors on a per-file basis as we cannot expect people to know all country-specific rules, or bother browsing through the git history.
2013-08-23tests: image: allow creation of images with interleaved patterns.Gwenole Beauchesne1-20/+93
Add image_generate_full() function to create interleaved color rectangles. If flags is zero, the whole frame is generated with a unique pattern. If flags is non-zero, then each field is handled individually.
2013-08-23tests: image: fix conversion from RGB to YUV.Gwenole Beauchesne1-3/+3
Fix RGB to YUV conversion to preserve full data range.
2013-07-26tests: image: try to upload images through vaDeriveImage() too.Gwenole Beauchesne1-0/+10
On some platforms, vaPutImage() would fail even if it does not involve color format conversion or scaling, whereas copying raw pixels through vaDeriveImage() could work instead.
2013-07-26tests: image: add support for packed YUV formats.Gwenole Beauchesne1-0/+38
Add support for packed YUV 4:2:2 formats, i.e. YUY2 and UYVY.
2013-07-26tests: image: fix generation of I420/YV12 images.Gwenole Beauchesne1-2/+2
U/V planes were reversed, thus producing invalid images.
2013-07-26tests: image: fix string representation for GstVideoFormat.Gwenole Beauchesne1-2/+2
2013-07-15Fix new video format API.Gwenole Beauchesne1-1/+1
Fix new internal video format API, based on GstVideoFormat, to not clobber with system symbols. So replace the gst_video_format_* prefix with gst_vaapi_video_format_ prefix, even if the format type remains GstVideoFormat.
2013-07-09tests: port to new video format API.Gwenole Beauchesne1-6/+6
2013-05-07tests: cope with new GstVaapiMiniObject objects.Gwenole Beauchesne1-2/+2
2013-03-20tests: fix license templates.Gwenole Beauchesne1-1/+1
2013-01-11subpicture: add support for global-alpha.Holger Kaelberer1-2/+2
Add the necessary helpers in GstVaapiDisplay to determine whether subpictures with global alpha are supported or not. Also add accessors in GstVaapiSubpicture to address this feature. Signed-off-by: Gwenole Beauchesne <>
2012-01-16legal: fix copyright notices to include "Copyright" term.Gwenole Beauchesne1-1/+1
2011-10-19switch tests licence to LGPL v2.1+warly1-11/+12
2011-06-14Update copyright notice.Gwenole Beauchesne1-1/+1
2010-03-26Move code around.gb1-0/+39
2010-03-26Factor out image utilities.gb1-0/+320