path: root/source/XMPFiles/FileHandlers/AVI_Handler.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'source/XMPFiles/FileHandlers/AVI_Handler.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 498 deletions
diff --git a/source/XMPFiles/FileHandlers/AVI_Handler.cpp b/source/XMPFiles/FileHandlers/AVI_Handler.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 96a11ec..0000000
--- a/source/XMPFiles/FileHandlers/AVI_Handler.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,498 +0,0 @@
-// =================================================================================================
-// Copyright 2002-2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated
-// All Rights Reserved
-// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
-// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
-// =================================================================================================
-#include "AVI_Handler.hpp"
-#include "RIFF_Support.hpp"
-#if XMP_WinBuild
- #include <vfw.h>
- #ifndef formtypeAVI
- #define formtypeAVI MakeFourCC('A', 'V', 'I', ' ')
- #else
- #error "formtypeAVI already defined"
- #endif
-using namespace std;
-#define kXMPUserDataType MakeFourCC ( '_', 'P', 'M', 'X' ) /* Yes, backwards! */
-// FourCC codes for the RIFF chunks
-#define aviTimeChunk MakeFourCC('I','S','M','T')
-#define avihdrlChunk MakeFourCC('h','d','r','l')
-#define myOrgTimeChunk MakeFourCC('t','c','_','O') /* 0x4f5f6374 */
-#define myAltTimeChunk MakeFourCC('t','c','_','A')
-#define myOrgReelChunk MakeFourCC('r','n','_','O') /* 0x4f5f6e72 */
-#define myAltReelChunk MakeFourCC('r','n','_','A')
-#define myCommentChunk MakeFourCC('c','m','n','t')
-#define myTimeList MakeFourCC('T','d','a','t') /* 0x74616454 */
-#define myCommentList MakeFourCC('C','d','a','t')
-#define TIMELEN 18
-#define REELLEN 40
-#define REALTIMELEN 11
-#define COMMENTLEN 256
-/* list id (4 bytes) + four tags hdrs (8 each) + 2 TIMEs + 2 REELs */
-#define PR_AVI_TIMELEN (12 + 2 * (8 + TIMELEN) + 2 * (8 + REELLEN))
-#define kStartTimecode "startTimecode"
-#define kTimeValue "timeValue"
-#define kAltTimecode "altTimecode"
-#define kTapeName "tapeName"
-#define kAltTapeName "altTapeName"
-#define kLogComment "logComment"
-// =================================================================================================
-/// \file AVI_Handler.cpp
-/// \brief File format handler for AVI.
-/// This header ...
-// =================================================================================================
-// =================================================================================================
-// AVI_MetaHandlerCTor
-// ====================
-XMPFileHandler * AVI_MetaHandlerCTor ( XMPFiles * parent )
- return new AVI_MetaHandler ( parent );
-} // AVI_MetaHandlerCTor
-// =================================================================================================
-// AVI_CheckFormat
-// ===============
-// An AVI file must begin with "RIFF", a 4 byte little endian length, then "AVI ". The length should
-// be fileSize-8, but we don't bother checking this here.
-bool AVI_CheckFormat ( XMP_FileFormat format,
- XMP_StringPtr filePath,
- LFA_FileRef fileRef,
- XMPFiles * parent )
- IgnoreParam(format); IgnoreParam(parent);
- XMP_Assert ( format == kXMP_AVIFile );
- if ( fileRef == 0 ) return false;
- enum { kBufferSize = 12 };
- XMP_Uns8 buffer [kBufferSize];
- LFA_Seek ( fileRef, 0, SEEK_SET );
- LFA_Read ( fileRef, buffer, kBufferSize );
- // "RIFF" is 52 49 46 46, "AVI " is 41 56 49 20
- if ( (! CheckBytes ( &buffer[0], "\x52\x49\x46\x46", 4 )) ||
- (! CheckBytes ( &buffer[8], "\x41\x56\x49\x20", 4 )) ) return false;
- return true;
-} // AVI_CheckFormat
-// =================================================================================================
-// AVI_MetaHandler::AVI_MetaHandler
-// ================================
-AVI_MetaHandler::AVI_MetaHandler ( XMPFiles * _parent )
- this->parent = _parent;
- this->handlerFlags = kAVI_HandlerFlags;
- this->stdCharForm = kXMP_Char8Bit;
-} // AVI_MetaHandler::AVI_MetaHandler
-// =================================================================================================
-// AVI_MetaHandler::~AVI_MetaHandler
-// =================================
- // Nothing to do.
-} // AVI_MetaHandler::~AVI_MetaHandler
-// =================================================================================================
-// AVI_MetaHandler::UpdateFile
-// ===========================
-void AVI_MetaHandler::UpdateFile ( bool doSafeUpdate )
- bool ok;
- if ( ! this->needsUpdate ) return;
- if ( doSafeUpdate ) XMP_Throw ( "AVI_MetaHandler::UpdateFile: Safe update not supported", kXMPErr_Unavailable );
- XMP_StringPtr packetStr = xmpPacket.c_str();
- XMP_StringLen packetLen = (XMP_StringLen)xmpPacket.size();
- if ( packetLen == 0 ) return;
- // Make sure we're writing an even number of bytes as required by the RIFF specification.
- if ( (xmpPacket.size() & 1) == 1 ) xmpPacket.push_back ( ' ' );
- XMP_Assert ( (xmpPacket.size() & 1) == 0 );
- packetStr = xmpPacket.c_str(); // ! Make sure they are current.
- packetLen = (XMP_StringLen)xmpPacket.size();
- LFA_FileRef fileRef(this->parent->fileRef);
- if ( fileRef == 0 ) return;
- RIFF_Support::RiffState riffState;
- long numTags = RIFF_Support::OpenRIFF ( fileRef, riffState );
- if ( numTags == 0 ) return;
- ok = RIFF_Support::PutChunk ( fileRef, riffState, formtypeAVI, kXMPUserDataType, (char*)packetStr, packetLen );
- if ( ! ok ) return; // If there's an error writing the chunk, bail.
- ok = CreatorAtom::Update ( this->xmpObj, fileRef, formtypeAVI, riffState );
- if ( ! ok ) return;
- // Update legacy metadata
- std::string startTimecodeString, altTimecodeString, orgReelString, altReelString, logCommentString;
- this->xmpObj.GetStructField ( kXMP_NS_DM, kStartTimecode, kXMP_NS_DM, kTimeValue, &startTimecodeString, 0 );
- this->xmpObj.GetStructField ( kXMP_NS_DM, kAltTimecode, kXMP_NS_DM, kTimeValue, &altTimecodeString, 0 );
- this->xmpObj.GetProperty ( kXMP_NS_DM, kTapeName, &orgReelString, 0 );
- this->xmpObj.GetProperty ( kXMP_NS_DM, kAltTapeName, &altReelString, 0 );
- this->xmpObj.GetProperty ( kXMP_NS_DM, kLogComment, &logCommentString, 0 );
- if ( startTimecodeString.size() != 0 ) {
- // I'm not sure why we copy into this 12 char buffer, but this is what Premiere code does.
- char aviTime [12];
- memset ( aviTime, 0, 12 );
- memcpy ( aviTime,, 11 ); // AUDIT: 11 is less than 12
- RewriteChunk ( fileRef, riffState, aviTimeChunk, avihdrlChunk, aviTime );
- }
- if ( logCommentString.size() != 0 ) {
- ok = FindChunk ( riffState, myCommentChunk, myCommentList, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
- if ( ok ) {
- // Always rewrite the comment string, even if empty, so the user can erase it.
- RIFF_Support::RewriteChunk ( fileRef, riffState, myCommentChunk, myCommentList, logCommentString.c_str() );
- } else {
- ok = MakeChunk ( fileRef, riffState, formtypeAVI, PR_AVI_COMMENTLEN );
- if ( ! ok ) return; // If there's an error making a chunk, bail
- RIFF_Support::ltag listtag;
- = MakeUns32LE ( FOURCC_LIST );
- listtag.len = MakeUns32LE ( PR_AVI_COMMENTLEN - 8 );
- listtag.subid = MakeUns32LE ( myCommentList );
- LFA_Write ( fileRef, &listtag, 12 );
- RIFF_Support::WriteChunk ( fileRef, myCommentChunk, logCommentString.c_str(), COMMENTLEN );
- }
- }
- ok = RIFF_Support::FindChunk ( riffState, myOrgTimeChunk, myTimeList, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
- if ( ok ) {
- if ( startTimecodeString.size() != 0 ) {
- RewriteChunk ( fileRef, riffState, myOrgTimeChunk, myTimeList, startTimecodeString.c_str() );
- }
- if ( altTimecodeString.size() != 0 ) {
- RewriteChunk ( fileRef, riffState, myAltTimeChunk, myTimeList, altTimecodeString.c_str() );
- }
- // Always rewrite the reel strings, even if empty, so the user can erase them.
- RewriteChunk ( fileRef, riffState, myOrgReelChunk, myTimeList, orgReelString.c_str() );
- RewriteChunk ( fileRef, riffState, myAltReelChunk, myTimeList, altReelString.c_str() );
- } else {
- // We don't have the legacy part yet. If none of the XMP items exist then don't do anything.
- // Otherwise, add all 4 even if empty. This is the original logic from way back.
- bool haveAnyXMP = ( (! startTimecodeString.empty()) || (! altTimecodeString.empty()) ||
- (! orgReelString.empty()) || (! altReelString.empty()) );
- if ( haveAnyXMP ) {
- ok = MakeChunk ( fileRef, riffState, formtypeAVI, PR_AVI_TIMELEN );
- if ( ! ok ) return; // If there's an error making a chunk, bail
- RIFF_Support::ltag listtag;
- = MakeUns32LE ( FOURCC_LIST );
- listtag.len = MakeUns32LE ( PR_AVI_TIMELEN - 8 );
- listtag.subid = MakeUns32LE ( myTimeList );
- LFA_Write(fileRef, &listtag, 12);
- RIFF_Support::WriteChunk ( fileRef, myOrgTimeChunk, startTimecodeString.c_str(), TIMELEN );
- RIFF_Support::WriteChunk ( fileRef, myAltTimeChunk, altTimecodeString.c_str(), TIMELEN );
- RIFF_Support::WriteChunk ( fileRef, myOrgReelChunk, orgReelString.c_str(), REELLEN );
- RIFF_Support::WriteChunk ( fileRef, myAltReelChunk, altReelString.c_str(), REELLEN );
- }
- }
- this->needsUpdate = false;
-} // AVI_MetaHandler::UpdateFile
-// =================================================================================================
-// AVI_MetaHandler::WriteFile
-// ==========================
-void AVI_MetaHandler::WriteFile ( LFA_FileRef sourceRef,
- const std::string & sourcePath )
- IgnoreParam(sourceRef); IgnoreParam(sourcePath);
- XMP_Throw ( "AVI_MetaHandler::WriteFile: Not supported", kXMPErr_Unavailable );
-} // AVI_MetaHandler::WriteFile
-// =================================================================================================
-static void StripSimpleEmpty ( SXMPMeta * xmp, XMP_StringPtr ns, XMP_StringPtr prop )
- // Small hack to clean up bad data. There are cases of code writing xmpDM:startTimecode and
- // xmpDM:altTimecode as simple properties with empty values. They are supposed to be structs.
- std::string value;
- XMP_OptionBits flags;
- bool found = xmp->GetProperty ( ns, prop, &value, &flags );
- if ( found && XMP_PropIsSimple(flags) && value.empty() ) {
- xmp->DeleteProperty ( ns, prop );
- }
-// =================================================================================================
-// AVI_MetaHandler::CacheFileData
-// ==============================
-void AVI_MetaHandler::CacheFileData()
- bool ok;
- this->containsXMP = false;
- LFA_FileRef fileRef ( this->parent->fileRef ); //*** simplify to assignment
- if ( fileRef == 0 ) return;
- bool updateFile = XMP_OptionIsSet ( this->parent->openFlags, kXMPFiles_OpenForUpdate );
- if ( updateFile ) {
- // Workaround for bad files in the field that have a bad size in the outermost RIFF chunk.
- // Repair the cases where the length is too long (beyond EOF). Don't repair a length that is
- // less than EOF, we don't know if there actually are multiple top level chunks. There is
- // also a check and "runtime repair" inside ReadTag, needed for read-only file access.
- XMP_Int64 fileLen = LFA_Measure ( fileRef );
- XMP_Uns32 riffLen;
- LFA_Seek ( fileRef, 4, SEEK_SET );
- LFA_Read ( fileRef, &riffLen, 4 );
- riffLen = GetUns32LE ( &riffLen );
- if ( (fileLen >= 8) && ((XMP_Int64)riffLen > (fileLen - 8)) ) { // Is the initial chunk too long?
- bool repairFile = XMP_OptionIsSet ( this->parent->openFlags, kXMPFiles_OpenRepairFile );
- if ( ! repairFile ) {
- XMP_Throw ( "Initial RIFF tag exceeds file length", kXMPErr_BadValue );
- } else {
- riffLen = MakeUns32LE ( (XMP_Uns32)fileLen - 8 );
- LFA_Seek ( fileRef, 4, SEEK_SET );
- LFA_Write ( fileRef, &riffLen, 4 );
- }
- }
- }
- // Contnue with normal processing.
- RIFF_Support::RiffState riffState;
- long numTags = RIFF_Support::OpenRIFF ( fileRef, riffState );
- if ( numTags == 0 ) return; //*** shouldn't we throw ? XMP_Throw("invalid file format") or such?
- // Determine the size of the metadata
- unsigned long bufferSize(0);
- ok = RIFF_Support::GetRIFFChunk ( fileRef, riffState, kXMPUserDataType /* _PMX, the xmp packet */, 0, 0, 0, &bufferSize);
- if ( ! ok ) {
- packetInfo.writeable = true; // If no packet found, created packets will be writeable.
- } else if ( bufferSize > 0 ) {
- // Size and clear the buffer
- this->xmpPacket.reserve ( bufferSize );
- this->xmpPacket.assign ( bufferSize, ' ' );
- // Get the metadata
- XMP_Uns64 xmpPacketPosition;
- ok = RIFF_Support::GetRIFFChunk ( fileRef, riffState, kXMPUserDataType /* _PMX, the xmp packet */, 0, 0,
- (char*)this->xmpPacket.c_str(), &bufferSize, &xmpPacketPosition );
- if ( ok ) {
- this->packetInfo.offset = xmpPacketPosition;
- this->packetInfo.length = bufferSize;
- this->xmpObj.ParseFromBuffer ( this->xmpPacket.c_str(), (XMP_StringLen)this->xmpPacket.size() );
- this->containsXMP = true;
- }
- }
- // Reconcile legacy metadata.
- std::string aviTimeString, orgTimeString, altTimeString, projectPathString;
- unsigned long aviTimeSize, orgTimeSize, altTimeSize;
- StripSimpleEmpty ( &this->xmpObj, kXMP_NS_DM, kStartTimecode );
- StripSimpleEmpty ( &this->xmpObj, kXMP_NS_DM, kAltTimecode );
- ok = RIFF_Support::GetRIFFChunk ( fileRef, riffState, aviTimeChunk, avihdrlChunk, 0, 0, &aviTimeSize );
- if ( ok ) {
- aviTimeString.reserve ( aviTimeSize );
- aviTimeString.assign ( aviTimeSize, ' ' );
- RIFF_Support::GetRIFFChunk ( fileRef, riffState, aviTimeChunk, avihdrlChunk, 0, (char*)aviTimeString.c_str(), &aviTimeSize );
- }
- ok = RIFF_Support::GetRIFFChunk ( fileRef, riffState, myOrgTimeChunk, myTimeList, 0, 0, &orgTimeSize );
- if ( ok ) {
- orgTimeString.reserve ( orgTimeSize );
- orgTimeString.assign ( orgTimeSize, ' ' );
- RIFF_Support::GetRIFFChunk ( fileRef, riffState, myOrgTimeChunk, myTimeList, 0, (char*)orgTimeString.c_str(), &orgTimeSize );
- }
- ok = RIFF_Support::GetRIFFChunk ( fileRef, riffState, myAltTimeChunk, myTimeList, 0, 0, &altTimeSize );
- if ( ok ) {
- altTimeString.reserve ( altTimeSize );
- altTimeString.assign ( altTimeSize, ' ' );
- RIFF_Support::GetRIFFChunk ( fileRef, riffState, myAltTimeChunk, myTimeList, 0, (char*)altTimeString.c_str(), &altTimeSize );
- }
- if ( (! aviTimeString.empty()) && orgTimeString.empty() && (altTimeString.empty()) ) {
- // If we have an avi time, and not the org or alt, use the avi. I suspect this is for some earlier backwards compatibility.
- std::string xmpString;
- this->xmpObj.GetStructField ( kXMP_NS_DM, kStartTimecode, kXMP_NS_DM, kTimeValue, &xmpString, 0 );
- if ( ( 0, REALTIMELEN, aviTimeString, 0, REALTIMELEN ) ) {
- this->xmpObj.SetStructField ( kXMP_NS_DM, kStartTimecode, kXMP_NS_DM, kTimeValue, aviTimeString, 0 );
- this->containsXMP = true;
- }
- } else {
- // Otherwise, check the original and alt timecodes.
- if ( ! orgTimeString.empty() ) {
- std::string xmpString;
- this->xmpObj.GetStructField ( kXMP_NS_DM, kStartTimecode, kXMP_NS_DM, kTimeValue, &xmpString, 0 );
- if ( ( 0, REALTIMELEN, orgTimeString, 0, REALTIMELEN ) ) {
- this->xmpObj.SetStructField ( kXMP_NS_DM, kStartTimecode, kXMP_NS_DM, kTimeValue, orgTimeString, 0 );
- this->containsXMP = true;
- }
- }
- if ( ! altTimeString.empty() ) {
- std::string xmpString;
- this->xmpObj.GetStructField ( kXMP_NS_DM, kAltTimecode, kXMP_NS_DM, kTimeValue, &xmpString, 0 );
- if ( ( 0, REALTIMELEN, altTimeString, 0, REALTIMELEN ) ) {
- this->xmpObj.SetStructField ( kXMP_NS_DM, kAltTimecode, kXMP_NS_DM, kTimeValue, altTimeString, 0 );
- this->containsXMP = true;
- }
- }
- }
- unsigned long orgReelSize;
- ok = RIFF_Support::GetRIFFChunk ( fileRef, riffState, myOrgReelChunk, myTimeList, 0, 0, &orgReelSize );
- if ( ok ) {
- std::string orgReelString;
- orgReelString.reserve ( orgReelSize );
- orgReelString.assign ( orgReelSize, ' ' );
- RIFF_Support::GetRIFFChunk ( fileRef, riffState, myOrgReelChunk, myTimeList, 0, (char*)orgReelString.c_str(), &orgReelSize );
- if ( ! orgReelString.empty() ) {
- std::string xmpString;
- this->xmpObj.GetProperty ( kXMP_NS_DM, kTapeName, &xmpString, 0 );
- if ( ( 0, REELLEN, orgReelString, 0, REELLEN ) ) {
- this->xmpObj.SetProperty ( kXMP_NS_DM, kTapeName, orgReelString, 0 );
- this->containsXMP = true;
- }
- }
- }
- unsigned long altReelSize;
- ok = RIFF_Support::GetRIFFChunk ( fileRef, riffState, myAltReelChunk, myTimeList, 0, 0, &altReelSize );
- if ( ok ) {
- std::string altReelString;
- altReelString.reserve ( altReelSize );
- altReelString.assign ( altReelSize, ' ' );
- RIFF_Support::GetRIFFChunk ( fileRef, riffState, myAltReelChunk, myTimeList, 0, (char*)altReelString.c_str(), &altReelSize );
- if ( ! altReelString.empty() ) {
- std::string xmpString;
- this->xmpObj.GetProperty ( kXMP_NS_DM, kAltTapeName, &xmpString, 0 );
- if ( ( 0, REELLEN, altReelString, 0, REELLEN ) ) {
- this->xmpObj.SetProperty ( kXMP_NS_DM, kAltTapeName, altReelString, 0 );
- this->containsXMP = true;
- }
- }
- }
- unsigned long logCommentSize;
- ok = RIFF_Support::GetRIFFChunk ( fileRef, riffState, myCommentChunk, myCommentList, 0, 0, &logCommentSize );
- if ( ok ) {
- std::string logCommentString;
- logCommentString.reserve ( logCommentSize );
- logCommentString.assign ( logCommentSize, ' ' );
- RIFF_Support::GetRIFFChunk ( fileRef, riffState, myCommentChunk, myCommentList, 0, (char*)logCommentString.c_str(), &logCommentSize );
- if ( ! logCommentString.empty() ) {
- std::string xmpString;
- this->xmpObj.GetProperty ( kXMP_NS_DM, kLogComment, &xmpString, 0 );
- if ( ( logCommentString ) ) {
- this->xmpObj.SetProperty ( kXMP_NS_DM, kLogComment, logCommentString, 0 );
- this->containsXMP = true;
- }
- }
- }
- CreatorAtom::Import ( this->xmpObj, fileRef, riffState );
- //// Update the xmpPacket, as the xmpObj might have been updated with legacy info.
- //// Produce packet of same size [1781657]
- //try {
- // this->xmpObj.SerializeToBuffer ( &this->xmpPacket,
- // (kXMP_UseCompactFormat | kXMP_ExactPacketLength) , packetInfo.length );
- //} catch ( XMP_Error ) {
- // this->xmpObj.SerializeToBuffer ( &this->xmpPacket, (kXMP_UseCompactFormat ) );
- //}
- // removed for [1781657] this->packetInfo.offset = kXMPFiles_UnknownOffset;
- // removed for [1781657] this->packetInfo.length = (XMP_StringLen)this->xmpPacket.size();
- this->processedXMP = this->containsXMP;
-} // AVI_MetaHandler::CacheFileData