path: root/source/XMPCore/XMPMeta-Serialize.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'source/XMPCore/XMPMeta-Serialize.cpp')
1 files changed, 1352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/XMPCore/XMPMeta-Serialize.cpp b/source/XMPCore/XMPMeta-Serialize.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73c0d2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/XMPCore/XMPMeta-Serialize.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1352 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2002-2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// Adobe patent application tracking #P435, entitled 'Unique markers to simplify embedding data of
+// one format in a file with a different format', inventors: Sean Parent, Greg Gilley.
+// =================================================================================================
+#include "XMP_Environment.h" // ! This must be the first include!
+#include "XMPCore_Impl.hpp"
+#include "XMPMeta.hpp"
+#include "XMP_Version.h"
+#include "UnicodeInlines.incl_cpp"
+#include "UnicodeConversions.hpp"
+#if XMP_DebugBuild
+ #include <iostream>
+using namespace std;
+#if XMP_WinBuild
+ #pragma warning ( disable : 4533 ) // initialization of '...' is skipped by 'goto ...'
+ #pragma warning ( disable : 4702 ) // unreachable code
+ #pragma warning ( disable : 4800 ) // forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)
+// *** Use the XMP_PropIsXyz (Schema, Simple, Struct, Array, ...) macros
+// *** Add debug codegen checks, e.g. that typical masking operations really work
+// *** Change all uses of strcmp and strncmp to XMP_LitMatch and XMP_LitNMatch
+// =================================================================================================
+// Local Types and Constants
+// =========================
+static const char * kPacketHeader = "<?xpacket begin=\"\xEF\xBB\xBF\" id=\"W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d\"?>";
+static const char * kPacketTrailer = "<?xpacket end=\"w\"?>"; // ! The w/r is at [size-4].
+static const char * kPXMP_PacketStart = "<pxmp:XMP_Packet";
+static const char * kPXMP_PacketEnd = "</pxmp:XMP_Packet>";
+static const char * kPXMP_SchemaGroup = "XMP_SchemaGroup";
+static const char * kRDF_XMPMetaStart = "<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x=\"adobe:ns:meta/\" x:xmptk=\"";
+static const char * kRDF_XMPMetaEnd = "</x:xmpmeta>";
+static const char * kRDF_RDFStart = "<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=\"\">";
+static const char * kRDF_RDFEnd = "</rdf:RDF>";
+static const char * kRDF_SchemaStart = "<rdf:Description rdf:about=";
+static const char * kRDF_SchemaEnd = "</rdf:Description>";
+static const char * kRDF_StructStart = "<rdf:Description>";
+static const char * kRDF_StructEnd = "</rdf:Description>";
+static const char * kRDF_BagStart = "<rdf:Bag>";
+static const char * kRDF_BagEnd = "</rdf:Bag>";
+static const char * kRDF_SeqStart = "<rdf:Seq>";
+static const char * kRDF_SeqEnd = "</rdf:Seq>";
+static const char * kRDF_AltStart = "<rdf:Alt>";
+static const char * kRDF_AltEnd = "</rdf:Alt>";
+static const char * kRDF_ItemStart = "<rdf:li>";
+static const char * kRDF_ItemEnd = "</rdf:li>";
+static const char * kRDF_ValueStart = "<rdf:value>";
+static const char * kRDF_ValueEnd = "</rdf:value>";
+// =================================================================================================
+// Static Variables
+// ================
+// =================================================================================================
+// Local Utilities
+// ===============
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// EstimateRDFSize
+// ---------------
+// *** Pull the strlen(kXyz) calls into constants.
+static size_t
+EstimateRDFSize ( const XMP_Node * currNode, XMP_Index indent, size_t indentLen )
+ size_t outputLen = 2 * (indent*indentLen + currNode->name.size() + 4); // The property element tags.
+ if ( ! currNode->qualifiers.empty() ) {
+ // This node has qualifiers, assume it is written using rdf:value and estimate the qualifiers.
+ indent += 2; // Everything else is indented inside the rdf:Description element.
+ outputLen += 2 * ((indent-1)*indentLen + strlen(kRDF_StructStart) + 2); // The rdf:Description tags.
+ outputLen += 2 * (indent*indentLen + strlen(kRDF_ValueStart) + 2); // The rdf:value tags.
+ for ( size_t qualNum = 0, qualLim = currNode->qualifiers.size(); qualNum < qualLim; ++qualNum ) {
+ const XMP_Node * currQual = currNode->qualifiers[qualNum];
+ outputLen += EstimateRDFSize ( currQual, indent, indentLen );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( currNode->options & kXMP_PropValueIsStruct ) {
+ indent += 1;
+ outputLen += 2 * (indent*indentLen + strlen(kRDF_StructStart) + 2); // The rdf:Description tags.
+ } else if ( currNode->options & kXMP_PropValueIsArray ) {
+ indent += 2;
+ outputLen += 2 * ((indent-1)*indentLen + strlen(kRDF_BagStart) + 2); // The rdf:Bag/Seq/Alt tags.
+ outputLen += 2 * currNode->children.size() * (strlen(kRDF_ItemStart) + 2); // The rdf:li tags, indent counted in children.
+ } else if ( ! (currNode->options & kXMP_SchemaNode) ) {
+ outputLen += currNode->value.size(); // This is a leaf value node.
+ }
+ for ( size_t childNum = 0, childLim = currNode->children.size(); childNum < childLim; ++childNum ) {
+ const XMP_Node * currChild = currNode->children[childNum];
+ outputLen += EstimateRDFSize ( currChild, indent+1, indentLen );
+ }
+ return outputLen;
+} // EstimateRDFSize
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DeclareOneNamespace
+// -------------------
+static void
+DeclareOneNamespace ( const XMP_VarString & nsPrefix,
+ const XMP_VarString & nsURI,
+ XMP_VarString & usedNS, // ! A catenation of the prefixes with colons.
+ XMP_VarString & outputStr,
+ XMP_StringPtr newline,
+ XMP_StringPtr indentStr,
+ XMP_Index indent )
+ size_t nsPos = usedNS.find ( nsPrefix );
+ if ( nsPos == XMP_VarString::npos ) {
+ outputStr += newline;
+ for ( ; indent > 0; --indent ) outputStr += indentStr;
+ outputStr += "xmlns:";
+ outputStr += nsPrefix;
+ outputStr[outputStr.size()-1] = '='; // Change the colon to =.
+ outputStr += '"';
+ outputStr += nsURI;
+ outputStr += '"';
+ usedNS += nsPrefix;
+ }
+} // DeclareOneNamespace
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DeclareElemNamespace
+// --------------------
+static void
+DeclareElemNamespace ( const XMP_VarString & elemName,
+ XMP_VarString & usedNS,
+ XMP_VarString & outputStr,
+ XMP_StringPtr newline,
+ XMP_StringPtr indentStr,
+ XMP_Index indent )
+ size_t colonPos = elemName.find ( ':' );
+ if ( colonPos != XMP_VarString::npos ) {
+ XMP_VarString nsPrefix ( elemName.substr ( 0, colonPos+1 ) );
+ XMP_StringMapPos prefixPos = sNamespacePrefixToURIMap->find ( nsPrefix );
+ XMP_Enforce ( prefixPos != sNamespacePrefixToURIMap->end() );
+ DeclareOneNamespace ( nsPrefix, prefixPos->second, usedNS, outputStr, newline, indentStr, indent );
+ }
+} // DeclareElemNamespace
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DeclareUsedNamespaces
+// ---------------------
+// ??? Should iterators be passed by reference to avoid temp copies?
+static void
+DeclareUsedNamespaces ( const XMP_Node * currNode,
+ XMP_VarString & usedNS,
+ XMP_VarString & outputStr,
+ XMP_StringPtr newline,
+ XMP_StringPtr indentStr,
+ XMP_Index indent )
+ if ( currNode->options & kXMP_SchemaNode ) {
+ // The schema node name is the URI, the value is the prefix.
+ DeclareOneNamespace ( currNode->value, currNode->name, usedNS, outputStr, newline, indentStr, indent );
+ } else if ( currNode->options & kXMP_PropValueIsStruct ) {
+ for ( size_t fieldNum = 0, fieldLim = currNode->children.size(); fieldNum < fieldLim; ++fieldNum ) {
+ const XMP_Node * currField = currNode->children[fieldNum];
+ DeclareElemNamespace ( currField->name, usedNS, outputStr, newline, indentStr, indent );
+ }
+ }
+ for ( size_t childNum = 0, childLim = currNode->children.size(); childNum < childLim; ++childNum ) {
+ const XMP_Node * currChild = currNode->children[childNum];
+ DeclareUsedNamespaces ( currChild, usedNS, outputStr, newline, indentStr, indent );
+ }
+ for ( size_t qualNum = 0, qualLim = currNode->qualifiers.size(); qualNum < qualLim; ++qualNum ) {
+ const XMP_Node * currQual = currNode->qualifiers[qualNum];
+ DeclareElemNamespace ( currQual->name, usedNS, outputStr, newline, indentStr, indent );
+ DeclareUsedNamespaces ( currQual, usedNS, outputStr, newline, indentStr, indent );
+ }
+} // DeclareUsedNamespaces
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// EmitRDFArrayTag
+// ---------------
+// ??? Should iterators be passed by reference to avoid temp copies?
+enum {
+ kIsStartTag = true,
+ kIsEndTag = false
+static void
+EmitRDFArrayTag ( XMP_OptionBits arrayForm,
+ XMP_VarString & outputStr,
+ XMP_StringPtr newline,
+ XMP_StringPtr indentStr,
+ XMP_Index indent,
+ XMP_Index arraySize,
+ bool isStartTag )
+ if ( (! isStartTag) && (arraySize == 0) ) return;
+ for ( XMP_Index level = indent; level > 0; --level ) outputStr += indentStr;
+ if ( isStartTag ) {
+ outputStr += "<rdf:";
+ } else {
+ outputStr += "</rdf:";
+ }
+ if ( arrayForm & kXMP_PropArrayIsAlternate ) {
+ outputStr += "Alt";
+ } else if ( arrayForm & kXMP_PropArrayIsOrdered ) {
+ outputStr += "Seq";
+ } else {
+ outputStr += "Bag";
+ }
+ if ( isStartTag && (arraySize == 0) ) outputStr += '/';
+ outputStr += '>';
+ outputStr += newline;
+} // EmitRDFArrayTag
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// AppendNodeValue
+// ---------------
+// Append a property or qualifier value to the output with appropriate XML escaping. The escaped
+// characters for elements and attributes are '&', '<', '>', and ASCII controls (tab, LF, CR). In
+// addition, '"' is escaped for attributes. For efficiency, this is done in a double loop. The outer
+// loop makes sure the whole value is processed. The inner loop does a contiguous unescaped run
+// followed by one escaped character (if we're not at the end).
+// We depend on parsing and SetProperty logic to make sure there are no invalid ASCII controls in
+// the XMP values. The XML spec only allows tab, LF, and CR. Others are not even allowed as
+// numeric escape sequences.
+enum {
+ kForAttribute = true,
+ kForElement = false
+static void
+AppendNodeValue ( XMP_VarString & outputStr, const XMP_VarString & value, bool forAttribute )
+ unsigned char * runStart = (unsigned char *) value.c_str();
+ unsigned char * runLimit = runStart + value.size();
+ unsigned char * runEnd;
+ unsigned char ch;
+ while ( runStart < runLimit ) {
+ for ( runEnd = runStart; runEnd < runLimit; ++runEnd ) {
+ ch = *runEnd;
+ if ( forAttribute && (ch == '"') ) break;
+ if ( (ch < 0x20) || (ch == '&') || (ch == '<') || (ch == '>') ) break;
+ }
+ outputStr.append ( (char *) runStart, (runEnd - runStart) );
+ if ( runEnd < runLimit ) {
+ if ( ch < 0x20 ) {
+ XMP_Assert ( (ch == kTab) || (ch == kLF) || (ch == kCR) );
+ char hexBuf[16];
+ memcpy ( hexBuf, "&#xn;", 10 ); // AUDIT: Length of "&#xn;" is 5, hexBuf size is 16.
+ hexBuf[3] = kHexDigits[ch&0xF];
+ outputStr.append ( hexBuf, 5 );
+ } else {
+ if ( ch == '"' ) {
+ outputStr += "&quot;";
+ } else if ( ch == '<' ) {
+ outputStr += "&lt;";
+ } else if ( ch == '>' ) {
+ outputStr += "&gt;";
+ } else {
+ XMP_Assert ( ch == '&' );
+ outputStr += "&amp;";
+ }
+ }
+ ++runEnd;
+ }
+ runStart = runEnd;
+ }
+} // AppendNodeValue
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CanBeRDFAttrProp
+// ----------------
+static bool
+CanBeRDFAttrProp ( const XMP_Node * propNode )
+ if ( propNode->name[0] == '[' ) return false;
+ if ( ! propNode->qualifiers.empty() ) return false;
+ if ( propNode->options & kXMP_PropValueIsURI ) return false;
+ if ( propNode->options & kXMP_PropCompositeMask ) return false;
+ return true;
+} // CanBeRDFAttrProp
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// IsRDFAttrQualifier
+// ------------------
+static XMP_StringPtr sAttrQualifiers[] = { "xml:lang", "rdf:resource", "rdf:ID", "rdf:bagID", "rdf:nodeID", "" };
+static bool
+IsRDFAttrQualifier ( XMP_VarString qualName )
+ for ( size_t i = 0; *sAttrQualifiers[i] != 0; ++i ) {
+ if ( qualName == sAttrQualifiers[i] ) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+} // IsRDFAttrQualifier
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// SerializePrettyRDFProperty
+// --------------------------
+// Recursively handles the "value" for a node. It does not matter if it is a top level property, a
+// field of a struct, or an item of an array. The indent is that for the property element. An
+// xml:lang qualifier is written as an attribute of the property start tag, not by itself forcing
+// the qualified property form. The patterns below mostly ignore attribute qualifiers like xml:lang.
+// Except for the one struct case, attribute qualifiers don't affect the output form.
+// <ns:UnqualifiedSimpleProperty>value</ns:UnqualifiedSimpleProperty>
+// <ns:UnqualifiedStructProperty rdf:parseType="Resource"> (If no rdf:resource qualifier)
+// ... Fields, same forms as top level properties
+// </ns:UnqualifiedStructProperty>
+// <ns:ResourceStructProperty rdf:resource="URI"
+// ... Fields as attributes
+// >
+// <ns:UnqualifiedArrayProperty>
+// <rdf:Bag> or Seq or Alt
+// ... Array items as rdf:li elements, same forms as top level properties
+// </rdf:Bag>
+// </ns:UnqualifiedArrayProperty>
+// <ns:QualifiedProperty rdf:parseType="Resource">
+// <rdf:value> ... Property "value" following the unqualified forms ... </rdf:value>
+// ... Qualifiers looking like named struct fields
+// </ns:QualifiedProperty>
+static void
+SerializePrettyRDFProperty ( const XMP_Node * propNode,
+ XMP_VarString & outputStr,
+ XMP_StringPtr newline,
+ XMP_StringPtr indentStr,
+ XMP_Index indent,
+ bool emitAsRDFValue = false )
+ XMP_Index level;
+ bool emitEndTag = true;
+ bool indentEndTag = true;
+ XMP_OptionBits propForm = propNode->options & kXMP_PropCompositeMask;
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Determine the XML element name. Open the start tag with the name and attribute qualifiers.
+ XMP_StringPtr elemName = propNode->name.c_str();
+ if ( emitAsRDFValue ) {
+ elemName= "rdf:value";
+ } else if ( *elemName == '[' ) {
+ elemName = "rdf:li";
+ }
+ for ( level = indent; level > 0; --level ) outputStr += indentStr;
+ outputStr += '<';
+ outputStr += elemName;
+ #define isCompact false
+ bool hasGeneralQualifiers = isCompact; // Might also become true later.
+ bool hasRDFResourceQual = false;
+ for ( size_t qualNum = 0, qualLim = propNode->qualifiers.size(); qualNum < qualLim; ++qualNum ) {
+ const XMP_Node * currQual = propNode->qualifiers[qualNum];
+ if ( ! IsRDFAttrQualifier ( currQual->name ) ) {
+ hasGeneralQualifiers = true;
+ } else {
+ if ( currQual->name == "rdf:resource" ) hasRDFResourceQual = true;
+ if ( ! emitAsRDFValue ) {
+ outputStr += ' ';
+ outputStr += currQual->name;
+ outputStr += "=\"";
+ AppendNodeValue ( outputStr, currQual->value, kForAttribute );
+ outputStr += '"';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // --------------------------------------------------------
+ // Process the property according to the standard patterns.
+ if ( hasGeneralQualifiers && (! emitAsRDFValue) ) {
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // This node has general, non-attribute, qualifiers. Emit using the qualified property form.
+ // ! The value is output by a recursive call ON THE SAME NODE with emitAsRDFValue set.
+ if ( hasRDFResourceQual ) {
+ XMP_Throw ( "Can't mix rdf:resource and general qualifiers", kXMPErr_BadRDF );
+ }
+ outputStr += " rdf:parseType=\"Resource\">";
+ outputStr += newline;
+ SerializePrettyRDFProperty ( propNode, outputStr, newline, indentStr, indent+1, true );
+ for ( size_t qualNum = 0, qualLim = propNode->qualifiers.size(); qualNum < qualLim; ++qualNum ) {
+ const XMP_Node * currQual = propNode->qualifiers[qualNum];
+ if ( IsRDFAttrQualifier ( currQual->name ) ) continue;
+ SerializePrettyRDFProperty ( currQual, outputStr, newline, indentStr, indent+1 );
+ }
+ } else {
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // This node has no general qualifiers. Emit using an unqualified form.
+ if ( propForm == 0 ) {
+ // --------------------------
+ // This is a simple property.
+ if ( propNode->options & kXMP_PropValueIsURI ) {
+ outputStr += " rdf:resource=\"";
+ AppendNodeValue ( outputStr, propNode->value, kForAttribute );
+ outputStr += "\"/>";
+ outputStr += newline;
+ emitEndTag = false;
+ } else if ( propNode->value.empty() ) {
+ outputStr += "/>";
+ outputStr += newline;
+ emitEndTag = false;
+ } else {
+ outputStr += '>';
+ AppendNodeValue ( outputStr, propNode->value, kForElement );
+ indentEndTag = false;
+ }
+ } else if ( propForm & kXMP_PropValueIsArray ) {
+ // This is an array.
+ outputStr += '>';
+ outputStr += newline;
+ EmitRDFArrayTag ( propForm, outputStr, newline, indentStr, indent+1, propNode->children.size(), kIsStartTag );
+ if ( XMP_ArrayIsAltText(propNode->options) ) NormalizeLangArray ( (XMP_Node*)propNode );
+ for ( size_t childNum = 0, childLim = propNode->children.size(); childNum < childLim; ++childNum ) {
+ const XMP_Node * currChild = propNode->children[childNum];
+ SerializePrettyRDFProperty ( currChild, outputStr, newline, indentStr, indent+2 );
+ }
+ EmitRDFArrayTag ( propForm, outputStr, newline, indentStr, indent+1, propNode->children.size(), kIsEndTag );
+ } else if ( ! hasRDFResourceQual ) {
+ // This is a "normal" struct, use the rdf:parseType="Resource" form.
+ XMP_Assert ( propForm & kXMP_PropValueIsStruct );
+ if ( propNode->children.size() == 0 ) {
+ outputStr += " rdf:parseType=\"Resource\"/>";
+ outputStr += newline;
+ emitEndTag = false;
+ } else {
+ outputStr += " rdf:parseType=\"Resource\">";
+ outputStr += newline;
+ for ( size_t childNum = 0, childLim = propNode->children.size(); childNum < childLim; ++childNum ) {
+ const XMP_Node * currChild = propNode->children[childNum];
+ SerializePrettyRDFProperty ( currChild, outputStr, newline, indentStr, indent+1 );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // This is a struct with an rdf:resource attribute, use the "empty property element" form.
+ XMP_Assert ( propForm & kXMP_PropValueIsStruct );
+ for ( size_t childNum = 0, childLim = propNode->children.size(); childNum < childLim; ++childNum ) {
+ const XMP_Node * currChild = propNode->children[childNum];
+ if ( ! CanBeRDFAttrProp ( currChild ) ) {
+ XMP_Throw ( "Can't mix rdf:resource and complex fields", kXMPErr_BadRDF );
+ }
+ outputStr += newline;
+ for ( level = indent+1; level > 0; --level ) outputStr += indentStr;
+ outputStr += ' ';
+ outputStr += currChild->name;
+ outputStr += "=\"";
+ outputStr += currChild->value;
+ outputStr += '"';
+ }
+ outputStr += "/>";
+ outputStr += newline;
+ emitEndTag = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // ----------------------------------
+ // Emit the property element end tag.
+ if ( emitEndTag ) {
+ if ( indentEndTag ) for ( level = indent; level > 0; --level ) outputStr += indentStr;
+ outputStr += "</";
+ outputStr += elemName;
+ outputStr += '>';
+ outputStr += newline;
+ }
+} // SerializePrettyRDFProperty
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// SerializePrettyRDFSchema
+// ------------------------
+// Each schema's properties are written in a separate rdf:Description element. All of the necessary
+// namespaces are declared in the rdf:Description element. The baseIndent is the base level for the
+// entire serialization, that of the x:xmpmeta element. An xml:lang qualifier is written as an
+// attribute of the property start tag, not by itself forcing the qualified property form.
+// <rdf:Description rdf:about="TreeName"
+// xmlns:ns="URI" ... >
+// ... The actual properties of the schema, see SerializePrettyRDFProperty
+// <!-- ns1:Alias is aliased to ns2:Actual --> ... If alias comments are wanted
+// </rdf:Description>
+static void
+SerializePrettyRDFSchema ( const XMP_VarString & treeName,
+ const XMP_Node * schemaNode,
+ XMP_VarString & outputStr,
+ XMP_OptionBits options,
+ XMP_StringPtr newline,
+ XMP_StringPtr indentStr,
+ XMP_Index baseIndent )
+ XMP_Assert ( schemaNode->options & kXMP_SchemaNode );
+ XMP_Assert ( schemaNode->qualifiers.empty() );
+ // Write the rdf:Description start tag with the namespace declarations.
+ XMP_Index level;
+ for ( level = baseIndent+2; level > 0; --level ) outputStr += indentStr;
+ outputStr += kRDF_SchemaStart;
+ outputStr += '"';
+ outputStr += treeName;
+ outputStr += '"';
+ size_t totalLen = 8; // Start at 8 for "xml:rdf:".
+ XMP_cStringMapPos currPos = sNamespacePrefixToURIMap->begin();
+ XMP_cStringMapPos endPos = sNamespacePrefixToURIMap->end();
+ for ( ; currPos != endPos; ++currPos ) totalLen += currPos->first.size();
+ XMP_VarString usedNS;
+ usedNS.reserve ( totalLen );
+ usedNS = "xml:rdf:";
+ DeclareUsedNamespaces ( schemaNode, usedNS, outputStr, newline, indentStr, baseIndent+4 );
+ outputStr += ">";
+ outputStr += newline;
+ // Write alias comments, if wanted.
+ if ( options & kXMP_WriteAliasComments ) { // *** Hoist into a routine, used for Plain XMP also.
+ #if 0 // *** Buggy, disable for now.
+ XMP_cAliasMapPos aliasPos = sRegisteredAliasMap->begin();
+ XMP_cAliasMapPos aliasEnd = sRegisteredAliasMap->end();
+ for ( ; aliasPos != aliasEnd; ++aliasPos ) {
+ size_t nsPos = aliasPos->first.find ( schemaNode->value );
+ if ( nsPos == XMP_VarString::npos ) continue;
+ XMP_Assert ( nsPos == 0 );
+ for ( level = baseIndent+3; level > 0; --level ) outputStr += indentStr;
+ outputStr += "<!-- ";
+ outputStr += aliasPos->first;
+ outputStr += " is aliased to ";
+ for ( size_t step = 1, stepLim = aliasPos->second.size(); step != stepLim; ++step ) {
+ outputStr += aliasPos->second[step].step;
+ }
+ outputStr += " -->";
+ outputStr += newline;
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ // Write each of the schema's actual properties.
+ for ( size_t propNum = 0, propLim = schemaNode->children.size(); propNum < propLim; ++propNum ) {
+ const XMP_Node * currProp = schemaNode->children[propNum];
+ SerializePrettyRDFProperty ( currProp, outputStr, newline, indentStr, baseIndent+3 );
+ }
+ // Write the rdf:Description end tag.
+ for ( level = baseIndent+2; level > 0; --level ) outputStr += indentStr;
+ outputStr += kRDF_SchemaEnd;
+ outputStr += newline;
+} // SerializePrettyRDFSchema
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// SerializeCompactRDFAttrProps
+// ----------------------------
+// Write each of the parent's simple unqualified properties as an attribute. Returns true if all
+// of the properties are written as attributes.
+static bool
+SerializeCompactRDFAttrProps ( const XMP_Node * parentNode,
+ XMP_VarString & outputStr,
+ XMP_StringPtr newline,
+ XMP_StringPtr indentStr,
+ XMP_Index indent )
+ size_t prop, propLim;
+ bool allAreAttrs = true;
+ for ( prop = 0, propLim = parentNode->children.size(); prop != propLim; ++prop ) {
+ const XMP_Node * currProp = parentNode->children[prop];
+ if ( ! CanBeRDFAttrProp ( currProp ) ) {
+ allAreAttrs = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ outputStr += newline;
+ for ( XMP_Index level = indent; level > 0; --level ) outputStr += indentStr;
+ outputStr += currProp->name;
+ outputStr += "=\"";
+ AppendNodeValue ( outputStr, currProp->value, kForAttribute );
+ outputStr += '"';
+ }
+ return allAreAttrs;
+} // SerializeCompactRDFAttrProps
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// SerializeCompactRDFElemProps
+// ----------------------------
+// Recursively handles the "value" for a node that must be written as an RDF property element. It
+// does not matter if it is a top level property, a field of a struct, or an item of an array. The
+// indent is that for the property element. The patterns bwlow ignore attribute qualifiers such as
+// xml:lang, they don't affect the output form.
+// <ns:UnqualifiedStructProperty-1
+// ... The fields as attributes, if all are simple and unqualified
+// />
+// <ns:UnqualifiedStructProperty-2 rdf:parseType="Resource">
+// ... The fields as elements, if none are simple and unqualified
+// </ns:UnqualifiedStructProperty-2>
+// <ns:UnqualifiedStructProperty-3>
+// <rdf:Description
+// ... The simple and unqualified fields as attributes
+// >
+// ... The compound or qualified fields as elements
+// </rdf:Description>
+// </ns:UnqualifiedStructProperty-3>
+// <ns:UnqualifiedArrayProperty>
+// <rdf:Bag> or Seq or Alt
+// ... Array items as rdf:li elements, same forms as top level properties
+// </rdf:Bag>
+// </ns:UnqualifiedArrayProperty>
+// <ns:QualifiedProperty rdf:parseType="Resource">
+// <rdf:value> ... Property "value" following the unqualified forms ... </rdf:value>
+// ... Qualifiers looking like named struct fields
+// </ns:QualifiedProperty>
+// *** Consider numbered array items, but has compatibility problems.
+// *** Consider qualified form with rdf:Description and attributes.
+static void
+SerializeCompactRDFElemProps ( const XMP_Node * parentNode,
+ XMP_VarString & outputStr,
+ XMP_StringPtr newline,
+ XMP_StringPtr indentStr,
+ XMP_Index indent )
+ XMP_Index level;
+ for ( size_t prop = 0, propLim = parentNode->children.size(); prop != propLim; ++prop ) {
+ const XMP_Node * propNode = parentNode->children[prop];
+ if ( CanBeRDFAttrProp ( propNode ) ) continue;
+ bool emitEndTag = true;
+ bool indentEndTag = true;
+ XMP_OptionBits propForm = propNode->options & kXMP_PropCompositeMask;
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Determine the XML element name, write the name part of the start tag. Look over the
+ // qualifiers to decide on "normal" versus "rdf:value" form. Emit the attribute
+ // qualifiers at the same time.
+ XMP_StringPtr elemName = propNode->name.c_str();
+ if ( *elemName == '[' ) elemName = "rdf:li";
+ for ( level = indent; level > 0; --level ) outputStr += indentStr;
+ outputStr += '<';
+ outputStr += elemName;
+ #define isCompact false
+ bool hasGeneralQualifiers = isCompact; // Might also become true later.
+ bool hasRDFResourceQual = false;
+ for ( size_t qualNum = 0, qualLim = propNode->qualifiers.size(); qualNum < qualLim; ++qualNum ) {
+ const XMP_Node * currQual = propNode->qualifiers[qualNum];
+ if ( ! IsRDFAttrQualifier ( currQual->name ) ) {
+ hasGeneralQualifiers = true;
+ } else {
+ if ( currQual->name == "rdf:resource" ) hasRDFResourceQual = true;
+ outputStr += ' ';
+ outputStr += currQual->name;
+ outputStr += "=\"";
+ AppendNodeValue ( outputStr, currQual->value, kForAttribute );
+ outputStr += '"';
+ }
+ }
+ // --------------------------------------------------------
+ // Process the property according to the standard patterns.
+ if ( hasGeneralQualifiers ) {
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // The node has general qualifiers, ones that can't be attributes on a property element.
+ // Emit using the qualified property pseudo-struct form. The value is output by a call
+ // to SerializePrettyRDFProperty with emitAsRDFValue set.
+ // *** We're losing compactness in the calls to SerializePrettyRDFProperty.
+ // *** Should refactor to have SerializeCompactRDFProperty that does one node.
+ outputStr += " rdf:parseType=\"Resource\">";
+ outputStr += newline;
+ SerializePrettyRDFProperty ( propNode, outputStr, newline, indentStr, indent+1, true );
+ size_t qualNum = 0;
+ size_t qualLim = propNode->qualifiers.size();
+ if ( propNode->options & kXMP_PropHasLang ) ++qualNum;
+ for ( ; qualNum < qualLim; ++qualNum ) {
+ const XMP_Node * currQual = propNode->qualifiers[qualNum];
+ SerializePrettyRDFProperty ( currQual, outputStr, newline, indentStr, indent+1 );
+ }
+ } else {
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // This node has only attribute qualifiers. Emit as a property element.
+ if ( propForm == 0 ) {
+ // --------------------------
+ // This is a simple property.
+ if ( propNode->options & kXMP_PropValueIsURI ) {
+ outputStr += " rdf:resource=\"";
+ AppendNodeValue ( outputStr, propNode->value, kForAttribute );
+ outputStr += "\"/>";
+ outputStr += newline;
+ emitEndTag = false;
+ } else if ( propNode->value.empty() ) {
+ outputStr += "/>";
+ outputStr += newline;
+ emitEndTag = false;
+ } else {
+ outputStr += '>';
+ AppendNodeValue ( outputStr, propNode->value, kForElement );
+ indentEndTag = false;
+ }
+ } else if ( propForm & kXMP_PropValueIsArray ) {
+ // -----------------
+ // This is an array.
+ outputStr += '>';
+ outputStr += newline;
+ EmitRDFArrayTag ( propForm, outputStr, newline, indentStr, indent+1, propNode->children.size(), kIsStartTag );
+ if ( XMP_ArrayIsAltText(propNode->options) ) NormalizeLangArray ( (XMP_Node*)propNode );
+ SerializeCompactRDFElemProps ( propNode, outputStr, newline, indentStr, indent+2 );
+ EmitRDFArrayTag ( propForm, outputStr, newline, indentStr, indent+1, propNode->children.size(), kIsEndTag );
+ } else {
+ // ----------------------
+ // This must be a struct.
+ XMP_Assert ( propForm & kXMP_PropValueIsStruct );
+ bool hasAttrFields = false;
+ bool hasElemFields = false;
+ size_t field, fieldLim;
+ for ( field = 0, fieldLim = propNode->children.size(); field != fieldLim; ++field ) {
+ XMP_Node * currField = propNode->children[field];
+ if ( CanBeRDFAttrProp ( currField ) ) {
+ hasAttrFields = true;
+ if ( hasElemFields ) break; // No sense looking further.
+ } else {
+ hasElemFields = true;
+ if ( hasAttrFields ) break; // No sense looking further.
+ }
+ }
+ if ( hasRDFResourceQual && hasElemFields ) {
+ XMP_Throw ( "Can't mix rdf:resource qualifier and element fields", kXMPErr_BadRDF );
+ }
+ if ( propNode->children.size() == 0 ) {
+ // Catch an empty struct as a special case. The case below would emit an empty
+ // XML element, which gets reparsed as a simple property with an empty value.
+ outputStr += " rdf:parseType=\"Resource\"/>";
+ outputStr += newline;
+ emitEndTag = false;
+ } else if ( ! hasElemFields ) {
+ // All fields can be attributes, use the emptyPropertyElt form.
+ SerializeCompactRDFAttrProps ( propNode, outputStr, newline, indentStr, indent+1 );
+ outputStr += "/>";
+ outputStr += newline;
+ emitEndTag = false;
+ } else if ( ! hasAttrFields ) {
+ // All fields must be elements, use the parseTypeResourcePropertyElt form.
+ outputStr += " rdf:parseType=\"Resource\">";
+ outputStr += newline;
+ SerializeCompactRDFElemProps ( propNode, outputStr, newline, indentStr, indent+1 );
+ } else {
+ // Have a mix of attributes and elements, use an inner rdf:Description.
+ outputStr += '>';
+ outputStr += newline;
+ for ( level = indent+1; level > 0; --level ) outputStr += indentStr;
+ outputStr += "<rdf:Description";
+ SerializeCompactRDFAttrProps ( propNode, outputStr, newline, indentStr, indent+2 );
+ outputStr += ">";
+ outputStr += newline;
+ SerializeCompactRDFElemProps ( propNode, outputStr, newline, indentStr, indent+1 );
+ for ( level = indent+1; level > 0; --level ) outputStr += indentStr;
+ outputStr += kRDF_StructEnd;
+ outputStr += newline;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // ----------------------------------
+ // Emit the property element end tag.
+ if ( emitEndTag ) {
+ if ( indentEndTag ) for ( level = indent; level > 0; --level ) outputStr += indentStr;
+ outputStr += "</";
+ outputStr += elemName;
+ outputStr += '>';
+ outputStr += newline;
+ }
+ }
+} // SerializeCompactRDFElemProps
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// SerializeCompactRDFSchemas
+// --------------------------
+// All properties from all schema are written in a single rdf:Description element, as are all of the
+// necessary namespace declarations. The baseIndent is the base level for the entire serialization,
+// that of the x:xmpmeta element. The x:xmpmeta and rdf:RDF elements have already been written.
+// Top level simple unqualified properties are written as attributes of the (only) rdf:Description
+// element. Structs, arrays, and qualified properties are written by SerializeCompactRDFElemProp. An
+// xml:lang qualifier on a simple property prevents the attribute form.
+// <rdf:Description rdf:about="TreeName"
+// xmlns:ns="URI" ...
+// ns:UnqualifiedSimpleProperty="value" ... >
+// ... The remaining properties of the schema, see SerializeCompactRDFElemProps
+// </rdf:Description>
+static void
+SerializeCompactRDFSchemas ( const XMP_Node & xmpTree,
+ XMP_VarString & outputStr,
+ XMP_StringPtr newline,
+ XMP_StringPtr indentStr,
+ XMP_Index baseIndent )
+ XMP_Index level;
+ size_t schema, schemaLim;
+ // Begin the rdf:Description start tag.
+ for ( level = baseIndent+2; level > 0; --level ) outputStr += indentStr;
+ outputStr += kRDF_SchemaStart;
+ outputStr += '"';
+ outputStr +=;
+ outputStr += '"';
+ // Write all necessary xmlns attributes.
+ size_t totalLen = 8; // Start at 8 for "xml:rdf:".
+ XMP_cStringMapPos currPos = sNamespacePrefixToURIMap->begin();
+ XMP_cStringMapPos endPos = sNamespacePrefixToURIMap->end();
+ for ( ; currPos != endPos; ++currPos ) totalLen += currPos->first.size();
+ XMP_VarString usedNS;
+ usedNS.reserve ( totalLen );
+ usedNS = "xml:rdf:";
+ for ( schema = 0, schemaLim = xmpTree.children.size(); schema != schemaLim; ++schema ) {
+ const XMP_Node * currSchema = xmpTree.children[schema];
+ DeclareUsedNamespaces ( currSchema, usedNS, outputStr, newline, indentStr, baseIndent+4 );
+ }
+ // Write the top level "attrProps" and close the rdf:Description start tag.
+ bool allAreAttrs = true;
+ for ( schema = 0, schemaLim = xmpTree.children.size(); schema != schemaLim; ++schema ) {
+ const XMP_Node * currSchema = xmpTree.children[schema];
+ allAreAttrs &= SerializeCompactRDFAttrProps ( currSchema, outputStr, newline, indentStr, baseIndent+3 );
+ }
+ if ( ! allAreAttrs ) {
+ outputStr += ">";
+ outputStr += newline;
+ } else {
+ outputStr += "/>";
+ outputStr += newline;
+ return; // ! Done if all properties in all schema are written as attributes.
+ }
+ // Write the remaining properties for each schema.
+ for ( schema = 0, schemaLim = xmpTree.children.size(); schema != schemaLim; ++schema ) {
+ const XMP_Node * currSchema = xmpTree.children[schema];
+ SerializeCompactRDFElemProps ( currSchema, outputStr, newline, indentStr, baseIndent+3 );
+ }
+ // Write the rdf:Description end tag.
+ // *** Elide the end tag if everything (all props in all schema) is an attr.
+ for ( level = baseIndent+2; level > 0; --level ) outputStr += indentStr;
+ outputStr += kRDF_SchemaEnd;
+ outputStr += newline;
+} // SerializeCompactRDFSchemas
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// SerializeAsRDF
+// --------------
+// <?xpacket begin... ?>
+// <x:xmpmeta xmlns:x=... >
+// <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=... >
+// ... The properties, see SerializePrettyRDFSchema or SerializeCompactRDFSchemas
+// </rdf:RDF>
+// </x:xmpmeta>
+// <?xpacket end... ?>
+// *** Need to strip empty arrays?
+// *** Option to strip/keep empty structs?
+// *** Need to verify handling of rdf:type qualifiers in pretty and compact.
+// *** Need to verify round tripping of rdf:ID and similar qualifiers, see RDF 7.2.21.
+// *** Check cases of rdf:resource plus explicit attr qualifiers (like xml:lang).
+static void
+SerializeAsRDF ( const XMPMeta & xmpObj,
+ XMP_VarString & headStr, // Everything up to the padding.
+ XMP_VarString & tailStr, // Everything after the padding.
+ XMP_OptionBits options,
+ XMP_StringPtr newline,
+ XMP_StringPtr indentStr,
+ XMP_Index baseIndent )
+ const size_t treeNameLen =;
+ const size_t indentLen = strlen ( indentStr );
+ // First estimate the worst case space and reserve room in the output string. This optimization
+ // avoids reallocating and copying the output as it grows. The initial count does not look at
+ // the values of properties, so it does not account for character entities, e.g. &#xA; for newline.
+ // Since there can be a lot of these in things like the base 64 encoding of a large thumbnail,
+ // inflate the count by 1/4 (easy to do) to accommodate.
+ // *** Need to include estimate for alias comments.
+ size_t outputLen = 2 * (strlen(kPacketHeader) + strlen(kRDF_XMPMetaStart) + strlen(kRDF_RDFStart) + 3*baseIndent*indentLen);
+ for ( size_t schemaNum = 0, schemaLim = xmpObj.tree.children.size(); schemaNum < schemaLim; ++schemaNum ) {
+ const XMP_Node * currSchema = xmpObj.tree.children[schemaNum];
+ outputLen += 2*(baseIndent+2)*indentLen + strlen(kRDF_SchemaStart) + treeNameLen + strlen(kRDF_SchemaEnd) + 2;
+ outputLen += EstimateRDFSize ( currSchema, baseIndent+2, indentLen );
+ }
+ outputLen += (outputLen >> 2); // Inflate by 1/4, an empirical fudge factor.
+ // Now generate the RDF into the head string as UTF-8.
+ XMP_Index level;
+ headStr.erase();
+ headStr.reserve ( outputLen );
+ // Write the packet header PI.
+ if ( ! (options & kXMP_OmitPacketWrapper) ) {
+ for ( level = baseIndent; level > 0; --level ) headStr += indentStr;
+ headStr += kPacketHeader;
+ headStr += newline;
+ }
+ // Write the xmpmeta element's start tag.
+ for ( level = baseIndent; level > 0; --level ) headStr += indentStr;
+ headStr += kRDF_XMPMetaStart;
+ headStr += kXMPCore_VersionMessage "\">";
+ headStr += newline;
+ // Write the rdf:RDF start tag.
+ for ( level = baseIndent+1; level > 0; --level ) headStr += indentStr;
+ headStr += kRDF_RDFStart;
+ headStr += newline;
+ // Write all of the properties.
+ if ( options & kXMP_UseCompactFormat ) {
+ SerializeCompactRDFSchemas ( xmpObj.tree, headStr, newline, indentStr, baseIndent );
+ } else {
+ if ( xmpObj.tree.children.size() > 0 ) {
+ for ( size_t schemaNum = 0, schemaLim = xmpObj.tree.children.size(); schemaNum < schemaLim; ++schemaNum ) {
+ const XMP_Node * currSchema = xmpObj.tree.children[schemaNum];
+ SerializePrettyRDFSchema (, currSchema, headStr, options, newline, indentStr, baseIndent );
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( XMP_Index level = baseIndent+2; level > 0; --level ) headStr += indentStr;
+ headStr += kRDF_SchemaStart; // Special case an empty XMP object.
+ headStr += '"';
+ headStr +=;
+ headStr += "\"/>";
+ headStr += newline;
+ }
+ }
+ // Write the rdf:RDF end tag.
+ for ( level = baseIndent+1; level > 0; --level ) headStr += indentStr;
+ headStr += kRDF_RDFEnd;
+ headStr += newline;
+ // Write the xmpmeta end tag.
+ for ( level = baseIndent; level > 0; --level ) headStr += indentStr;
+ headStr += kRDF_XMPMetaEnd;
+ headStr += newline;
+ // Write the packet trailer PI into the tail string as UTF-8.
+ tailStr.erase();
+ if ( ! (options & kXMP_OmitPacketWrapper) ) {
+ tailStr.reserve ( strlen(kPacketTrailer) + (strlen(indentStr) * baseIndent) );
+ for ( level = baseIndent; level > 0; --level ) tailStr += indentStr;
+ tailStr += kPacketTrailer;
+ if ( options & kXMP_ReadOnlyPacket ) tailStr[tailStr.size()-4] = 'r';
+ }
+ // ! This assert is just a performance check, to see if the reserve was enough.
+ // *** XMP_Assert ( headStr.size() <= outputLen );
+ // *** Don't use an assert. Think of some way to track this without risk of aborting the client.
+} // SerializeAsRDF
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// SerializeToBuffer
+// -----------------
+XMPMeta::SerializeToBuffer ( XMP_StringPtr * rdfString,
+ XMP_StringLen * rdfSize,
+ XMP_OptionBits options,
+ XMP_StringLen padding,
+ XMP_StringPtr newline,
+ XMP_StringPtr indentStr,
+ XMP_Index baseIndent ) const
+ XMP_Assert ( (rdfString != 0) && (rdfSize != 0) && (newline != 0) && (indentStr != 0) );
+ // Fix up some default parameters.
+ enum { kDefaultPad = 2048 };
+ size_t unicodeUnitSize = 1;
+ XMP_OptionBits charEncoding = options & kXMP_EncodingMask;
+ if ( charEncoding != kXMP_EncodeUTF8 ) {
+ if ( options & _XMP_UTF16_Bit ) {
+ if ( options & _XMP_UTF32_Bit ) XMP_Throw ( "Can't use both _XMP_UTF16_Bit and _XMP_UTF32_Bit", kXMPErr_BadOptions );
+ unicodeUnitSize = 2;
+ } else if ( options & _XMP_UTF32_Bit ) {
+ unicodeUnitSize = 4;
+ } else {
+ XMP_Throw ( "Can't use _XMP_LittleEndian_Bit by itself", kXMPErr_BadOptions );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( options & kXMP_OmitAllFormatting ) {
+ newline = " "; // ! Yes, a space for "newline". This ensures token separation.
+ indentStr = "";
+ } else {
+ if ( *newline == 0 ) newline = "\xA"; // Linefeed
+ if ( *indentStr == 0 ) {
+ indentStr = " ";
+ if ( ! (options & kXMP_UseCompactFormat) ) indentStr = " ";
+ }
+ }
+ if ( options & kXMP_ExactPacketLength ) {
+ if ( options & (kXMP_OmitPacketWrapper | kXMP_IncludeThumbnailPad) ) {
+ XMP_Throw ( "Inconsistent options for exact size serialize", kXMPErr_BadOptions );
+ }
+ if ( (padding & (unicodeUnitSize-1)) != 0 ) {
+ XMP_Throw ( "Exact size must be a multiple of the Unicode element", kXMPErr_BadOptions );
+ }
+ } else if ( options & kXMP_ReadOnlyPacket ) {
+ if ( options & (kXMP_OmitPacketWrapper | kXMP_IncludeThumbnailPad) ) {
+ XMP_Throw ( "Inconsistent options for read-only packet", kXMPErr_BadOptions );
+ }
+ padding = 0;
+ } else if ( options & kXMP_OmitPacketWrapper ) {
+ if ( options & kXMP_IncludeThumbnailPad ) {
+ XMP_Throw ( "Inconsistent options for non-packet serialize", kXMPErr_BadOptions );
+ }
+ padding = 0;
+ } else {
+ if ( padding == 0 ) padding = kDefaultPad * unicodeUnitSize;
+ if ( options & kXMP_IncludeThumbnailPad ) {
+ if ( ! this->DoesPropertyExist ( kXMP_NS_XMP, "Thumbnails" ) ) padding += (10000 * unicodeUnitSize); // *** Need a better estimate.
+ }
+ }
+ // Serialize as UTF-8, then convert to UTF-16 or UTF-32 if necessary, and assemble with the padding and tail.
+ std::string tailStr;
+ SerializeAsRDF ( *this, *sOutputStr, tailStr, options, newline, indentStr, baseIndent );
+ if ( charEncoding == kXMP_EncodeUTF8 ) {
+ if ( options & kXMP_ExactPacketLength ) {
+ size_t minSize = sOutputStr->size() + tailStr.size();
+ if ( minSize > padding ) XMP_Throw ( "Can't fit into specified packet size", kXMPErr_BadSerialize );
+ padding -= minSize; // Now the actual amount of padding to add.
+ }
+ size_t newlineLen = strlen ( newline );
+ if ( padding < newlineLen ) {
+ sOutputStr->append ( padding, ' ' );
+ } else {
+ padding -= newlineLen; // Write this newline last.
+ while ( padding >= (100 + newlineLen) ) {
+ sOutputStr->append ( 100, ' ' );
+ *sOutputStr += newline;
+ padding -= (100 + newlineLen);
+ }
+ sOutputStr->append ( padding, ' ' );
+ *sOutputStr += newline;
+ }
+ *sOutputStr += tailStr;
+ } else {
+ // Need to convert the encoding. Swap the UTF-8 into a local string and convert back. Assemble everything.
+ XMP_VarString utf8Str, newlineStr;
+ bool bigEndian = ((charEncoding & _XMP_LittleEndian_Bit) == 0);
+ if ( charEncoding & _XMP_UTF16_Bit ) {
+ std::string padStr ( " " ); padStr[0] = 0; // Assume big endian.
+ utf8Str.swap ( *sOutputStr );
+ ToUTF16 ( (UTF8Unit*)utf8Str.c_str(), utf8Str.size(), sOutputStr, bigEndian );
+ utf8Str.swap ( tailStr );
+ ToUTF16 ( (UTF8Unit*)utf8Str.c_str(), utf8Str.size(), &tailStr, bigEndian );
+ if ( options & kXMP_ExactPacketLength ) {
+ size_t minSize = sOutputStr->size() + tailStr.size();
+ if ( minSize > padding ) XMP_Throw ( "Can't fit into specified packet size", kXMPErr_BadSerialize );
+ padding -= minSize; // Now the actual amount of padding to add (in bytes).
+ }
+ utf8Str.assign ( newline );
+ ToUTF16 ( (UTF8Unit*)utf8Str.c_str(), utf8Str.size(), &newlineStr, bigEndian );
+ size_t newlineLen = newlineStr.size();
+ if ( padding < newlineLen ) {
+ for ( int i = padding/2; i > 0; --i ) *sOutputStr += padStr;
+ } else {
+ padding -= newlineLen; // Write this newline last.
+ while ( padding >= (200 + newlineLen) ) {
+ for ( int i = 100; i > 0; --i ) *sOutputStr += padStr;
+ *sOutputStr += newlineStr;
+ padding -= (200 + newlineLen);
+ }
+ for ( int i = padding/2; i > 0; --i ) *sOutputStr += padStr;
+ *sOutputStr += newlineStr;
+ }
+ *sOutputStr += tailStr;
+ } else {
+ std::string padStr ( " " ); padStr[0] = padStr[1] = padStr[2] = 0; // Assume big endian.
+ UTF8_to_UTF32_Proc Converter = UTF8_to_UTF32BE;
+ if ( charEncoding & _XMP_LittleEndian_Bit ) {
+ padStr[0] = ' '; padStr[1] = padStr[2] = padStr[3] = 0;
+ Converter = UTF8_to_UTF32LE;
+ }
+ utf8Str.swap ( *sOutputStr );
+ ToUTF32 ( (UTF8Unit*)utf8Str.c_str(), utf8Str.size(), sOutputStr, bigEndian );
+ utf8Str.swap ( tailStr );
+ ToUTF32 ( (UTF8Unit*)utf8Str.c_str(), utf8Str.size(), &tailStr, bigEndian );
+ if ( options & kXMP_ExactPacketLength ) {
+ size_t minSize = sOutputStr->size() + tailStr.size();
+ if ( minSize > padding ) XMP_Throw ( "Can't fit into specified packet size", kXMPErr_BadSerialize );
+ padding -= minSize; // Now the actual amount of padding to add (in bytes).
+ }
+ utf8Str.assign ( newline );
+ ToUTF32 ( (UTF8Unit*)utf8Str.c_str(), utf8Str.size(), &newlineStr, bigEndian );
+ size_t newlineLen = newlineStr.size();
+ if ( padding < newlineLen ) {
+ for ( int i = padding/4; i > 0; --i ) *sOutputStr += padStr;
+ } else {
+ padding -= newlineLen; // Write this newline last.
+ while ( padding >= (400 + newlineLen) ) {
+ for ( int i = 100; i > 0; --i ) *sOutputStr += padStr;
+ *sOutputStr += newlineStr;
+ padding -= (400 + newlineLen);
+ }
+ for ( int i = padding/4; i > 0; --i ) *sOutputStr += padStr;
+ *sOutputStr += newlineStr;
+ }
+ *sOutputStr += tailStr;
+ }
+ }
+ // Return the finished string.
+ *rdfString = sOutputStr->c_str();
+ *rdfSize = sOutputStr->size();
+} // SerializeToBuffer
+// =================================================================================================