path: root/public/include/client-glue/TXMPIterator.incl_cpp
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1 files changed, 226 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/public/include/client-glue/TXMPIterator.incl_cpp b/public/include/client-glue/TXMPIterator.incl_cpp
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+++ b/public/include/client-glue/TXMPIterator.incl_cpp
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+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2002-2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+// ================================================================================================
+/// \file TXMPIterator.incl_cpp
+/// \brief The implementation of the TXMPIterator template class.
+#include "XMP.hpp"
+#include "client-glue/WXMP_Common.hpp"
+#include "client-glue/WXMPIterator.hpp"
+// =================================================================================================
+// Implementation Guidelines
+// =========================
+// The implementations of the template functions are very stylized. The jobs done in this code are:
+// 1. Set up the xmpIter template data member in the constructors.
+// 2. Call through to the appropriate WXMPIterator function.
+// 3. Copy returned strings and release the threading lock.
+// The various kinds of functions follow similar patterns, first assuming no returned string:
+// Constructors - Use an initializer for the xmpIter data member to call the WXMPIterator constructor.
+// Destructor - Let the WXMPIterator destructor be implicitly called for the xmpIter data member.
+// Static function - Simply call the corresponding WXMPIterator static function.
+// Non-static function - Simply call the corresponding WXMPIterator function using xmpIter.
+// If a member function has returned strings the code looks roughly like this:
+// <<<callthrough>>>
+// <<<checkfailure>>>
+// if ( <<<appropriate>>> ) {
+// if ( outStr != 0 ) outStr->assign ( outPtr, outLen );
+// <<<unlock>>>
+// }
+// return result;
+// The <<<callthrough>>> is the call to the wrapper, and <<<checkfailure>>> is the check and throw
+// if the wrapper reports failure. The <<<appropriate>>> check is used to determine if the string
+// should actually be assigned. For example, GetProperty can't assign the value if the property
+// does not exist. There is no <<<appropriate>>> check if it isn't, well, appropriate. Outputs are
+// always passed as explicit pointers, and null can be passed if the string is not wanted. The
+// inner implementation holds the threading lock if an output string is returned, regardless of
+// whether the client wants it or not (which the implementation does not know).
+// =================================================================================================
+#ifndef XMP_TraceCTorDTor
+ #define XMP_TraceCTorDTor 0
+#if XMP_TraceCTorDTor
+ class XIPeek { // Hack to peek at the client ref count in the internal object.
+ public:
+ XIPeek();
+ virtual ~XIPeek();
+ XMP_Int32 clientRefs;
+ };
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define PropIterCTor(xmpRef,schemaNS,propName,options) \
+ WrapCheckIterRef ( newRef, zXMPIterator_PropCTor_1 ( xmpRef, schemaNS, propName, options ) ); \
+ this->iterRef = newRef
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define TableIterCTor(schemaNS,propName,options) \
+ WrapCheckIterRef ( newRef, zXMPIterator_TableCTor_1 ( schemaNS, propName, options ) ); \
+ this->iterRef = newRef
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TXMPIterator ( const TXMPIterator<tStringObj> & original ) : iterRef(original.iterRef)
+ WXMPIterator_IncrementRefCount_1 ( this->iterRef );
+ #if XMP_TraceCTorDTor
+ XIPeek* xiPtr = (XIPeek*)this->iterRef;
+ printf ( "Copy construct TXMPIterator @ %.8X, ref = %.8X, count = %d\n", this, xiPtr, xiPtr->clientRefs );
+ #endif
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+operator= ( const TXMPIterator<tStringObj> & rhs )
+ #if XMP_TraceCTorDTor
+ XIPeek* xiLHS = (XIPeek*)this->iterRef;
+ XIPeek* xiRHS = (XIPeek*)rhs.iterRef;
+ printf ( "Assign TXMPIterator, lhs @ %.8X, rhs @ %.8X\n", this, &rhs );
+ printf ( " original lhs ref = %.8X, count = %d\n", xiLHS, xiLHS->clientRefs );
+ printf ( " original rhs ref = %.8X, count = %d\n", xiRHS, xiRHS->clientRefs );
+ #endif
+ XMPIteratorRef oldRef = this->iterRef; // ! Decrement last so errors leave client object OK.
+ this->iterRef = rhs.iterRef;
+ WXMPIterator_IncrementRefCount_1 ( this->iterRef );
+ WXMPIterator_DecrementRefCount_1 ( oldRef );
+ #if XMP_TraceCTorDTor
+ printf ( " result lhs ref = %.8X, count = %d\n", xiLHS, xiLHS->clientRefs );
+ #endif
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TXMPIterator() : iterRef(0)
+ throw XMP_Error ( kXMPErr_Unavailable, "No default construction for XMP iterators" );
+ #if XMP_TraceCTorDTor
+ XIPeek* xiPtr = (XIPeek*)this->iterRef;
+ printf ( "Default construct TXMPIterator @ %.8X, ref = %.8X, count = %d\n", this, xiPtr, xiPtr->clientRefs );
+ #endif
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TXMPIterator ( const TXMPMeta<tStringObj> & xmpObj,
+ XMP_StringPtr schemaNS,
+ XMP_StringPtr propName,
+ XMP_OptionBits options /* = 0 */ ) : iterRef(0)
+ PropIterCTor ( xmpObj.GetInternalRef(), schemaNS, propName, options );
+ #if XMP_TraceCTorDTor
+ XIPeek* xiPtr = (XIPeek*)this->iterRef;
+ printf ( "Construct property TXMPIterator @ %.8X, ref = %.8X, count = %d\n", this, xiPtr, xiPtr->clientRefs );
+ #endif
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TXMPIterator ( const TXMPMeta<tStringObj> & xmpObj,
+ XMP_StringPtr schemaNS,
+ XMP_OptionBits options /* = 0 */ ) : iterRef(0)
+ PropIterCTor ( xmpObj.GetInternalRef(), schemaNS, "", options );
+ #if XMP_TraceCTorDTor
+ XIPeek* xiPtr = (XIPeek*)this->iterRef;
+ printf ( "Construct schema TXMPIterator @ %.8X, ref = %.8X, count = %d\n", this, xiPtr, xiPtr->clientRefs );
+ #endif
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TXMPIterator ( const TXMPMeta<tStringObj> & xmpObj,
+ XMP_OptionBits options /* = 0 */ ) : iterRef(0)
+ PropIterCTor ( xmpObj.GetInternalRef(), "", "", options );
+ #if XMP_TraceCTorDTor
+ XIPeek* xiPtr = (XIPeek*)this->iterRef;
+ printf ( "Construct tree TXMPIterator @ %.8X, ref = %.8X, count = %d\n", this, xiPtr, xiPtr->clientRefs );
+ #endif
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TXMPIterator ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS,
+ XMP_StringPtr propName,
+ XMP_OptionBits options ) : iterRef(0)
+ TableIterCTor ( schemaNS, propName, options );
+ #if XMP_TraceCTorDTor
+ XIPeek* xiPtr = (XIPeek*)this->iterRef;
+ printf ( "Construct table TXMPIterator @ %.8X, ref = %.8X, count = %d\n", this, xiPtr, xiPtr->clientRefs );
+ #endif
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+~TXMPIterator () throw()
+ #if XMP_TraceCTorDTor
+ XIPeek* xiPtr = (XIPeek*)this->iterRef;
+ printf ( "Destruct TXMPIterator @ %.8X, ref = %.8X, count = %d\n", this, xiPtr, xiPtr->clientRefs );
+ #endif
+ WXMPIterator_DecrementRefCount_1 ( this->iterRef );
+ this->iterRef = 0;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Next ( tStringObj * schemaNS /* = 0 */,
+ tStringObj * propPath /* = 0 */,
+ tStringObj * propValue /* = 0 */,
+ XMP_OptionBits * options /* = 0 */ )
+ XMP_StringPtr schemaPtr = 0;
+ XMP_StringLen schemaLen = 0;
+ XMP_StringPtr pathPtr = 0;
+ XMP_StringLen pathLen = 0;
+ XMP_StringPtr valuePtr = 0;
+ XMP_StringLen valueLen = 0;
+ WrapCheckBool ( found, zXMPIterator_Next_1 ( &schemaPtr, &schemaLen, &pathPtr, &pathLen, &valuePtr, &valueLen, options ) );
+ if ( found ) {
+ if ( schemaNS != 0 ) schemaNS->assign ( schemaPtr, schemaLen );
+ if ( propPath != 0 ) propPath->assign ( pathPtr, pathLen );
+ if ( propValue != 0 ) propValue->assign ( valuePtr, valueLen );
+ WXMPUtils_UnlockIter_1 ( this->iterRef, 0 );
+ }
+ return found;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Skip ( XMP_OptionBits options )
+ WrapCheckVoid ( zXMPIterator_Skip_1 ( options ) );
+// =================================================================================================