path: root/public/include/client-glue/TXMPFiles.incl_cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'public/include/client-glue/TXMPFiles.incl_cpp')
1 files changed, 347 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/public/include/client-glue/TXMPFiles.incl_cpp b/public/include/client-glue/TXMPFiles.incl_cpp
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/public/include/client-glue/TXMPFiles.incl_cpp
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+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2002-2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+// ================================================================================================
+/// \file TXMPFiles.incl_cpp
+/// \brief The implementation of the TXMPFiles template class.
+#if WIN_ENV
+ #pragma warning ( disable : 4003 ) // not enough actual parameters for macro
+ #pragma warning ( disable : 4800 ) // forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)
+#include "client-glue/WXMP_Common.hpp"
+#include "client-glue/WXMPFiles.hpp"
+// =================================================================================================
+// Implementation Guidelines
+// =========================
+// The implementations of the template functions are very stylized. The jobs done in this code are:
+// 1. ...
+// =================================================================================================
+#ifndef XMPFiles_TraceCTorDTor
+ #define XMPFiles_TraceCTorDTor 0
+#if XMPFiles_TraceCTorDTor
+ class XFPeek { // Hack to peek at the client ref count in the internal object.
+ public:
+ XFPeek();
+ virtual ~XFPeek();
+ XMP_Int32 clientRefs;
+ };
+// =================================================================================================
+GetVersionInfo ( XMP_VersionInfo * versionInfo )
+ WrapNoCheckVoid ( zXMPFiles_GetVersionInfo_1 ( versionInfo ) );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ WrapCheckBool ( ok, zXMPFiles_Initialize_2 ( 0 ) );
+ return ok;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Initialize ( XMP_OptionBits options )
+ WrapCheckBool ( ok, zXMPFiles_Initialize_2 ( options ) );
+ return ok;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ WrapNoCheckVoid ( zXMPFiles_Terminate_1() );
+// =================================================================================================
+static XMPFilesRef Default_CTor()
+ WrapCheckXMPFilesRef ( newRef, zXMPFiles_CTor_1() );
+ return newRef;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TXMPFiles() : xmpFilesRef(Default_CTor())
+ #if XMPFiles_TraceCTorDTor
+ XFPeek* xfPtr = (XFPeek*)this->xmpFilesRef;
+ printf ( "Default construct TXMPFiles @ %.8X, ref = %.8X, count = %d\n", this, xfPtr, xfPtr->clientRefs );
+ #endif
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TXMPFiles ( const TXMPFiles<tStringObj> & original ) : xmpFilesRef(original.xmpFilesRef)
+ WXMPFiles_IncrementRefCount_1 ( this->xmpFilesRef );
+ #if XMPFiles_TraceCTorDTor
+ XFPeek* xfPtr = (XFPeek*)this->xmpFilesRef;
+ printf ( "Copy construct TXMPFiles @ %.8X, ref = %.8X, count = %d\n", this, xfPtr, xfPtr->clientRefs );
+ #endif
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+operator= ( const TXMPFiles<tStringObj> & rhs )
+ #if XMPFiles_TraceCTorDTor
+ XFPeek* xfLHS = (XFPeek*)this->xmpFilesRef;
+ XFPeek* xfRHS = (XFPeek*)rhs.xmpFilesRef;
+ printf ( "Assign TXMPFiles, lhs @ %.8X, rhs @ %.8X\n", this, &rhs );
+ printf ( " original lhs ref = %.8X, count = %d\n", xfLHS, xfLHS->clientRefs );
+ printf ( " original rhs ref = %.8X, count = %d\n", xfRHS, xfRHS->clientRefs );
+ #endif
+ XMPFilesRef oldRef = this->xmpFilesRef; // ! Decrement last so errors leave client object OK.
+ this->xmpFilesRef = rhs.xmpFilesRef;
+ WXMPFiles_IncrementRefCount_1 ( this->xmpFilesRef ); // Increment the count on the new ref.
+ WXMPFiles_DecrementRefCount_1 ( oldRef ); // Decrement the count on the old ref.
+ #if XMPFiles_TraceCTorDTor
+ printf ( " result lhs ref = %.8X, count = %d\n", xfLHS, xfLHS->clientRefs );
+ #endif
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TXMPFiles ( XMPFilesRef _xmpFilesRef ) : xmpFilesRef(_xmpFilesRef)
+ WXMPFiles_IncrementRefCount_1 ( this->xmpFilesRef );
+ #if XMPFiles_TraceCTorDTor
+ XFPeek* xfPtr = (XFPeek*)this->xmpFilesRef;
+ printf ( "Ref construct TXMPFiles @ %.8X, ref = %.8X, count = %d\n", this, xfPtr, xfPtr->clientRefs );
+ #endif
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TXMPFiles ( XMP_StringPtr filePath,
+ XMP_FileFormat format /* = kXMP_UnknownFile */,
+ XMP_OptionBits openFlags /* = 0 */ ) : xmpFilesRef(Default_CTor())
+ #if XMPFiles_TraceCTorDTor
+ XFPeek* xfPtr = (XFPeek*)this->xmpFilesRef;
+ printf ( "File construct TXMPFiles @ %.8X, ref = %.8X, count = %d\n", this, xfPtr, xfPtr->clientRefs );
+ #endif
+ bool ok = this->OpenFile ( filePath, format, openFlags );
+ if ( ! ok ) throw XMP_Error ( kXMPErr_NoFileHandler, "OpenFile returned false" );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TXMPFiles ( const tStringObj & filePath,
+ XMP_FileFormat format /* = kXMP_UnknownFile */,
+ XMP_OptionBits openFlags /* = 0 */ ) : xmpFilesRef(Default_CTor())
+ #if XMPFiles_TraceCTorDTor
+ XFPeek* xfPtr = (XFPeek*)this->xmpFilesRef;
+ printf ( "File construct TXMPFiles @ %.8X, ref = %.8X, count = %d\n", this, xfPtr, xfPtr->clientRefs );
+ #endif
+ bool ok = this->OpenFile ( filePath.c_str(), format, openFlags );
+ if ( ! ok ) throw XMP_Error ( kXMPErr_NoFileHandler, "OpenFile returned false" );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+~TXMPFiles () throw()
+ #if XMPFiles_TraceCTorDTor
+ XFPeek* xfPtr = (XFPeek*)this->xmpFilesRef;
+ printf ( "Destruct TXMPFiles @ %.8X, ref= %.8X, count = %d\n", this, xfPtr, xfPtr->clientRefs );
+ #endif
+ WXMPFiles_DecrementRefCount_1 ( this->xmpFilesRef );
+ this->xmpFilesRef = 0;
+// =================================================================================================
+GetFormatInfo ( XMP_FileFormat format,
+ XMP_OptionBits * flags )
+ WrapCheckBool ( found, zXMPFiles_GetFormatInfo_1 ( format, flags ) );
+ return found;
+// =================================================================================================
+ return this->xmpFilesRef;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OpenFile ( XMP_StringPtr filePath,
+ XMP_FileFormat format /* = kXMP_UnknownFile */,
+ XMP_OptionBits openFlags /* =0 */ )
+ WrapCheckBool ( ok, zXMPFiles_OpenFile_1 ( filePath, format, openFlags ) );
+ return ok;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+OpenFile ( const tStringObj & filePath,
+ XMP_FileFormat format /* = kXMP_UnknownFile */,
+ XMP_OptionBits openFlags /* =0 */ )
+ return this->OpenFile ( filePath.c_str(), format, openFlags );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CloseFile ( XMP_OptionBits closeFlags /* =0 */ )
+ WrapCheckVoid ( zXMPFiles_CloseFile_1 ( closeFlags ) );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+GetFileInfo ( tStringObj * filePath /* = 0 */,
+ XMP_OptionBits * openFlags /* =0 */,
+ XMP_FileFormat * format /* = 0 */,
+ XMP_OptionBits * handlerFlags /* =0 */ )
+ XMP_StringPtr pathStr;
+ XMP_StringLen pathLen;
+ WrapCheckBool ( isOpen, zXMPFiles_GetFileInfo_1 ( &pathStr, &pathLen, openFlags, format, handlerFlags ) );
+ if ( isOpen ) {
+ if ( filePath != 0 ) filePath->assign ( pathStr, pathLen );
+ WXMPFiles_UnlockObj_1 ( this->xmpFilesRef );
+ }
+ return isOpen;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+SetAbortProc ( XMP_AbortProc abortProc,
+ void * abortArg )
+ WrapCheckVoid ( zXMPFiles_SetAbortProc_1 ( abortProc, abortArg ) );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+GetXMP ( SXMPMeta * xmpObj /* = 0 */,
+ tStringObj * xmpPacket /* = 0 */,
+ XMP_PacketInfo * packetInfo /* =0 */ )
+ XMP_StringPtr xmpStr;
+ XMP_StringLen xmpLen;
+ XMPMetaRef xmpRef = 0;
+ if ( xmpObj != 0 ) {
+ SXMPUtils::RemoveProperties ( xmpObj, 0, 0, kXMPUtil_DoAllProperties );
+ // *** Need an SXMPMeta::Clear method:
+ xmpRef = xmpObj->GetInternalRef();
+ }
+ WrapCheckBool ( hasXMP, zXMPFiles_GetXMP_1 ( xmpRef, &xmpStr, &xmpLen, packetInfo ) );
+ if ( hasXMP ) {
+ if ( xmpPacket != 0 ) xmpPacket->assign ( xmpStr, xmpLen );
+ WXMPFiles_UnlockObj_1 ( this->xmpFilesRef );
+ }
+ return hasXMP;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+GetThumbnail ( XMP_ThumbnailInfo * tnailInfo )
+ WrapCheckBool ( hasTNail, zXMPFiles_GetThumbnail_1 ( tnailInfo ) );
+ return hasTNail;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PutXMP ( const SXMPMeta & xmpObj )
+ WrapCheckVoid ( zXMPFiles_PutXMP_1 ( xmpObj.GetInternalRef(), 0, 0 ) );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PutXMP ( XMP_StringPtr xmpPacket,
+ XMP_StringLen xmpLength /* = kXMP_UseNullTermination */ )
+ WrapCheckVoid ( zXMPFiles_PutXMP_1 ( 0, xmpPacket, xmpLength ) );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PutXMP ( const tStringObj & xmpPacket )
+ this->PutXMP ( xmpPacket.c_str(), xmpPacket.size() );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CanPutXMP ( const SXMPMeta & xmpObj )
+ WrapCheckBool ( canPut, zXMPFiles_CanPutXMP_1 ( xmpObj.GetInternalRef(), 0, 0 ) );
+ return canPut;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CanPutXMP ( XMP_StringPtr xmpPacket,
+ XMP_StringLen xmpLength /* = kXMP_UseNullTermination */ )
+ WrapCheckBool ( canPut, zXMPFiles_CanPutXMP_1 ( 0, xmpPacket, xmpLength ) );
+ return canPut;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CanPutXMP ( const tStringObj & xmpPacket )
+ return this->CanPutXMP ( xmpPacket.c_str(), xmpPacket.size() );
+// =================================================================================================