path: root/samples/source/XMPScanner.hpp
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authorHubert Figuiere <>2010-07-03 18:47:03 -0700
committerHubert Figuiere <>2010-07-03 18:47:03 -0700
commit42dbac60f15e038270d6e0c7285caba8256e86f1 (patch)
tree20e9475cdbac75d325bdab92fea34068d93536f6 /samples/source/XMPScanner.hpp
parent88af812fde414aca8f9add90bc800ea3d8e9a281 (diff)
Update to XMP SDK 5.1.2
Diffstat (limited to 'samples/source/XMPScanner.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 330 deletions
diff --git a/samples/source/XMPScanner.hpp b/samples/source/XMPScanner.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c8b6fa..0000000
--- a/samples/source/XMPScanner.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __XMPScanner_hpp__
-#define __XMPScanner_hpp__
-// =================================================================================================
-// Copyright 2002-2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated
-// All Rights Reserved.
-// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
-// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
-// Adobe patent application tracking #P435, entitled 'Unique markers to simplify embedding data of
-// one format in a file with a different format', inventors: Sean Parent, Greg Gilley.
-// =================================================================================================
-#include "XMP_Environment.h" // ! This must be the first include.
-#include <list>
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-#include <memory>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include "XMP_Const.h"
-// =================================================================================================
-// The XMPScanner class is used to scan a stream of input for XMP packets. A scanner object is
-// constructed then fed the input through a series of calls to Scan. Report may be called at any
-// time to get the current knowledge of the input.
-// A packet starts when a valid header is found and ends when a valid trailer is found. If the
-// header contains a "bytes" attribute, additional whitespace must follow.
-// *** RESTRICTIONS: The current implementation of the scanner has the the following restrictions:
-// - The input must be presented in order.
-// - Not fully thread safe, don't make concurrent calls to the same XMPScanner object.
-// =================================================================================================
-class XMPScanner {
- // =============================================================================================
- // The entire input stream is represented as a series of snips. Each snip defines one portion
- // of the input stream that either has not been seen, has been seen and contains no packets, is
- // exactly one packet, or contains the start of an unfinished packet. Adjacent snips with the
- // same state are merged, so the number of snips is always minimal.
- //
- // A newly constructed XMPScanner object has one snip covering the whole input with a state
- // of "not seen". A block of input that contains a full XMP packet is split into 3 parts: a
- // (possibly empty) raw input snip, the packet, and another (possibly empty) raw input snip. A
- // block of input that contains the start of an XMP packet is split into two snips, a (possibly
- // empty) raw input snip and the packet start; the following snip must be a "not seen" snip.
- //
- // It is possible to have ill-formed packets. These have a syntactically valid header and
- // trailer, but some semantic error. For example, if the "bytes" attribute length does not span
- // to the end of the trailer, or if the following packet begins within trailing padding.
- enum {
- eNotSeenSnip, // This snip has not been seen yet.
- ePendingSnip, // This snip is an input buffer being processed.
- eRawInputSnip, // This snip is raw input, it doesn't contain any part of an XMP packet.
- eValidPacketSnip, // This snip is a complete, valid XMP packet.
- ePartialPacketSnip, // This snip contains the start of a possible XMP packet.
- eBadPacketSnip // This snip contains a complete, but semantically incorrect XMP packet.
- };
- typedef XMP_Uns8 SnipState;
- enum { // The values allow easy testing for 16/32 bit and big/little endian.
- eChar8Bit = 0,
- eChar16BitBig = 2,
- eChar16BitLittle = 3,
- eChar32BitBig = 4,
- eChar32BitLittle = 5
- };
- typedef XMP_Uns8 CharacterForm;
- enum {
- eChar16BitMask = 2, // These constant shouldn't be used directly, they are mainly
- eChar32BitMask = 4, // for the CharFormIsXyz macros below.
- eCharLittleEndianMask = 1
- };
- #define CharFormIs16Bit(f) ( ((int)(f) & XMPScanner::eChar16BitMask) != 0 )
- #define CharFormIs32Bit(f) ( ((int)(f) & XMPScanner::eChar32BitMask) != 0 )
- #define CharFormIsBigEndian(f) ( ((int)(f) & XMPScanner::eCharLittleEndianMask) == 0 )
- #define CharFormIsLittleEndian(f) ( ((int)(f) & XMPScanner::eCharLittleEndianMask) != 0 )
- struct SnipInfo {
- XMP_Int64 fOffset; // The byte offset of this snip within the input stream.
- XMP_Int64 fLength; // The length in bytes of this snip.
- SnipState fState; // The state of this snip.
- bool fOutOfOrder; // If true, this snip was seen before the one in front of it.
- char fAccess; // The read-only/read-write access from the end attribute.
- CharacterForm fCharForm; // How the packet is divided into characters.
- const char * fEncodingAttr; // The value of the encoding attribute, if any, with nulls removed.
- XMP_Int64 fBytesAttr; // The value of the bytes attribute, -1 if not present.
- SnipInfo() :
- fOffset ( 0 ),
- fLength ( 0 ),
- fState ( eNotSeenSnip ),
- fOutOfOrder ( false ),
- fAccess ( ' ' ),
- fCharForm ( eChar8Bit ),
- fEncodingAttr ( "" ),
- fBytesAttr( -1 )
- { }
- SnipInfo ( SnipState state, XMP_Int64 offset, XMP_Int64 length ) :
- fOffset ( offset ),
- fLength ( length ),
- fState ( state ),
- fOutOfOrder ( false ),
- fAccess ( ' ' ),
- fCharForm ( eChar8Bit ),
- fEncodingAttr ( "" ),
- fBytesAttr( -1 )
- { }
- };
- typedef std::vector<SnipInfo> SnipInfoVector;
- XMPScanner ( XMP_Int64 streamLength );
- // Constructs a new XMPScanner object for a stream with the given length.
- ~XMPScanner();
- long GetSnipCount();
- // Returns the number of snips that the stream has been divided into.
- bool StreamAllScanned();
- // Returns true if all of the stream has been seen.
- void Scan ( const void * bufferOrigin, XMP_Int64 bufferOffset, XMP_Int64 bufferLength );
- // Scans the given part of the input, incorporating it in to the known snips.
- // The bufferOffset is the offset of this block of input relative to the entire stream.
- // The bufferLength is the length in bytes of this block of input.
- void Report ( SnipInfoVector & snips );
- // Produces a report of what is known about the input stream.
- class ScanError : public std::logic_error {
- public:
- ScanError() throw() : std::logic_error ( "" ) {}
- explicit ScanError ( const char * message ) throw() : std::logic_error ( message ) {}
- virtual ~ScanError() throw() {}
- };
-private: // XMPScanner
- class PacketMachine;
- class InternalSnip {
- public:
- SnipInfo fInfo; // The public info about this snip.
- std::auto_ptr<PacketMachine> fMachine; // The state machine for "active" snips.
- InternalSnip ( XMP_Int64 offset, XMP_Int64 length );
- InternalSnip ( const InternalSnip & );
- ~InternalSnip ();
- }; // InternalSnip
- typedef std::list<InternalSnip> InternalSnipList;
- typedef InternalSnipList::iterator InternalSnipIterator;
- class PacketMachine {
- public:
- XMP_Int64 fPacketStart; // Byte offset relative to the entire stream.
- XMP_Int32 fPacketLength; // Length in bytes to the end of the trailer processing instruction.
- XMP_Int32 fBytesAttr; // The value of the bytes attribute, -1 if not present.
- std::string fEncodingAttr; // The value of the encoding attribute, if any, with nulls removed.
- CharacterForm fCharForm; // How the packet is divided into characters.
- char fAccess; // The read-only/read-write access from the end attribute.
- bool fBogusPacket; // True if the packet has an error such as a bad "bytes" attribute value.
- void ResetMachine();
- enum TriState {
- eTriNo,
- eTriMaybe,
- eTriYes
- };
- TriState FindNextPacket();
- void AssociateBuffer ( XMP_Int64 bufferOffset, const void * bufferOrigin, XMP_Int64 bufferLength );
- PacketMachine ( XMP_Int64 bufferOffset, const void * bufferOrigin, XMP_Int64 bufferLength );
- ~PacketMachine();
- private: // PacketMachine
- PacketMachine() {}; // ! Hide the default constructor.
- enum RecognizerKind {
- eFailureRecognizer, // Not really recognizers, special states to end one buffer's processing.
- eSuccessRecognizer,
- eLeadInRecognizer, // Anything up to the next '<'.
- eHeadStartRecorder, // Save the starting offset, count intervening nulls.
- eHeadStartRecognizer, // The literal string "?xpacket begin=".
- eBOMRecognizer, // Recognize and record the quoted byte order marker.
- eIDTagRecognizer, // The literal string " id=".
- eIDOpenRecognizer, // The opening quote for the ID.
- eIDValueRecognizer, // The literal string "W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d".
- eIDCloseRecognizer, // The closing quote for the ID.
- eAttrSpaceRecognizer_1, // The space before an attribute.
- eAttrNameRecognizer_1, // The name of an attribute.
- eAttrValueRecognizer_1, // The equal sign and quoted string value for an attribute.
- eAttrValueRecorder_1, // Record the value of an attribute.
- eHeadEndRecognizer, // The string literal "?>".
- eBodyRecognizer, // The packet body, anything up to the next '<'.
- eTailStartRecognizer, // The string literal "?xpacket end=".
- eAccessValueRecognizer, // Recognize and record the quoted r/w access mode.
- eAttrSpaceRecognizer_2, // The space before an attribute.
- eAttrNameRecognizer_2, // The name of an attribute.
- eAttrValueRecognizer_2, // The equal sign and quoted string value for an attribute.
- eAttrValueRecorder_2, // Record the value of an attribute.
- eTailEndRecognizer, // The string literal "?>".
- ePacketEndRecognizer, // Look for trailing padding, check and record the packet size.
- eCloseOutRecognizer, // Look for final nulls for little endian multibyte characters.
- eRecognizerCount
- };
- XMP_Int64 fBufferOffset; // The offset of the data buffer within the input stream.
- const char * fBufferOrigin; // The starting address of the data buffer for this snip.
- const char * fBufferPtr; // The current postion in the data buffer.
- const char * fBufferLimit; // The address one past the last byte in the data buffer.
- RecognizerKind fRecognizer; // Which recognizer is currently active.
- signed long fPosition; // The internal position within a string literal, etc.
- unsigned char fBytesPerChar; // The number of bytes per logical character, 1, 2, or 4.
- unsigned char fBufferOverrun; // Non-zero if suspended while skipping intervening nulls.
- char fQuoteChar; // The kind of quote seen at the start of a quoted value.
- std::string fAttrName; // The name for an arbitrary attribute (other than "begin" and "id").
- std::string fAttrValue; // The value for an arbitrary attribute (other than "begin" and "id").
- void SetNextRecognizer ( RecognizerKind nextRecognizer );
- typedef TriState (* RecognizerProc) ( PacketMachine *, const char * );
- static TriState
- FindLessThan ( PacketMachine * ths, const char * which );
- static TriState
- MatchString ( PacketMachine * ths, const char * literal );
- static TriState
- MatchChar ( PacketMachine * ths, const char * literal );
- static TriState
- MatchOpenQuote ( PacketMachine * ths, const char * /* unused */ );
- static TriState
- MatchCloseQuote ( PacketMachine * ths, const char * /* unused */ );
- static TriState
- CaptureAttrName ( PacketMachine * ths, const char * /* unused */ );
- static TriState
- CaptureAttrValue ( PacketMachine * ths, const char * /* unused */ );
- static TriState
- RecordStart ( PacketMachine * ths, const char * /* unused */ );
- static TriState
- RecognizeBOM ( PacketMachine * ths, const char * /* unused */ );
- static TriState
- RecordHeadAttr ( PacketMachine * ths, const char * /* unused */ );
- static TriState
- CaptureAccess ( PacketMachine * ths, const char * /* unused */ );
- static TriState
- RecordTailAttr ( PacketMachine * ths, const char * /* unused */ );
- static TriState
- CheckPacketEnd ( PacketMachine * ths, const char * /* unused */ );
- static TriState
- CheckFinalNulls ( PacketMachine * ths, const char * /* unused */ );
- struct RecognizerInfo {
- RecognizerProc proc;
- RecognizerKind successNext;
- RecognizerKind failureNext;
- const char * literal;
- };
- }; // PacketMachine
- XMP_Int64 fStreamLength;
- InternalSnipList fInternalSnips;
- void
- SplitInternalSnip ( InternalSnipIterator snipPos, XMP_Int64 relOffset, XMP_Int64 newLength );
- InternalSnipIterator
- MergeInternalSnips ( InternalSnipIterator firstPos, InternalSnipIterator secondPos );
- InternalSnipIterator
- PrevSnip ( InternalSnipIterator snipPos );
- InternalSnipIterator
- NextSnip ( InternalSnipIterator snipPos );
- #if DEBUG
- void DumpSnipList ( const char * title );
- #endif
-}; // XMPScanner
-#endif // __XMPScanner_hpp__