Shawn T. Amundson Build fix Olivier Andrieu PNG backend Peter Dennis Bartok Bug fix for clipping Dave Beckett Build fixes, Debian packaging Andrew Chant Adding const where needed John Ellson First font/glyph extents functions Richard Henderson "slim" macros for better shared libraries James Henstridge Build fixes related to freetype Graydon Hoare Support for non-render X server, first real text support Thomas Hunger Initial version of cairo_in_stroke/fill Kristian Høgsberg PDF backend Alexander Larsson Profiling and performance fixes. Jordi Mas Bug fix for cairo_show_text Keith Packard Original concept, polygon tessellation, dashing, font metrics rewrite Christof Petig Build fixes related to freetype David Reveman New pattern API, glitz backend Calum Robinson Quartz backend Jamey Sharp Surface/font backend virtualization, XCB backend Bill Spitzak Build fix to find Xrender.h without xrender.pc Owen Taylor Font support rewrite Sasha Vasko Build fix to compile without xlib backend Vladimir Vukicevic Bug fix for clipping Carl Worth Original library, support for paths, images Richard D. Worth Build fixes for cygwin (please let us know if we have missed anyone)