/* * Copyright © 2013 Intel Corporation * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library. If not, see . * */ /******************************************************************************* This file is used to generating the gbe kernel binary. These binary may be used in CL API, such as enqueue memory We generate the binary in build time to improve the performance. *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "backend/program.h" #include "backend/program.hpp" #include "backend/src/sys/platform.hpp" #include "src/cl_device_data.h" using namespace std; #define FILE_NOT_FIND_ERR 1 #define FILE_MAP_ERR 2 #define FILE_BUILD_FAILED 3 #define FILE_SERIALIZATION_FAILED 4 static uint32_t gen_pci_id = 0; class program_build_instance { protected: string prog_path; string build_opt; static string bin_path; static bool str_fmt_out; int fd; int file_len; const char* code; gbe::Program* gbe_prog; public: program_build_instance (void) : fd(-1), file_len(0), code(NULL), gbe_prog(NULL) { } explicit program_build_instance (const char* file_path, const char* option = NULL) : prog_path(file_path), build_opt(option), fd(-1), file_len(0), code(NULL), gbe_prog(NULL) { } ~program_build_instance () { if (code) { munmap((void *)(code), file_len); code = NULL; } if (fd >= 0) close(fd); if (gbe_prog) gbe_program_delete(reinterpret_cast(gbe_prog)); } program_build_instance(program_build_instance&& other) = default; #if 0 { #define SWAP(ELT) \ do { \ auto elt = this->ELT; \ this->ELT = other.ELT; \ other.ELT = elt; \ } while(0) SWAP(fd); SWAP(code); SWAP(file_len); SWAP(prog_path); SWAP(build_opt); #undef SWAP } #endif explicit program_build_instance(const program_build_instance& other) = delete; program_build_instance& operator= (const program_build_instance& other) { /* we do not want to be Lvalue copied, but operator is needed to instance the template of vector. */ assert(1); return *this; } const char* file_map_open (void) throw (int); const char* get_code (void) { return code; } const string& get_program_path (void) { return prog_path; } int get_size (void) { return file_len; } void print_file (void) { cout << code << endl; } void dump (void) { cout << "program path: " << prog_path << endl; cout << "Build option: " << build_opt << endl; print_file(); } static void set_str_fmt_out (bool flag) { str_fmt_out = flag; } static int set_bin_path (const char* path) { if (bin_path.size()) return 0; bin_path = path; return 1; } void build_program(void) throw(int); void serialize_program(void) throw(int); }; string program_build_instance::bin_path; bool program_build_instance::str_fmt_out = false; #define OUTS_UPDATE_SZ(elt) SERIALIZE_OUT(elt, oss, header_sz) #define OUTF_UPDATE_SZ(elt) SERIALIZE_OUT(elt, ofs, header_sz) void program_build_instance::serialize_program(void) throw(int) { ofstream ofs; ostringstream oss; size_t sz = 0, header_sz = 0; ofs.open(bin_path, ofstream::out | ofstream::trunc | ofstream::binary); char src_hw_info[4]=""; if(IS_IVYBRIDGE(gen_pci_id)){ src_hw_info[0]='I'; src_hw_info[1]='V'; src_hw_info[2]='B'; if(IS_BAYTRAIL_T(gen_pci_id)){ src_hw_info[0]='B'; src_hw_info[1]='Y'; src_hw_info[2]='T'; } }else if(IS_HASWELL(gen_pci_id)){ src_hw_info[0]='H'; src_hw_info[1]='S'; src_hw_info[2]='W'; }else if(IS_BROADWELL(gen_pci_id)){ src_hw_info[0]='B'; src_hw_info[1]='D'; src_hw_info[2]='W'; }else if(IS_CHERRYVIEW(gen_pci_id)){ src_hw_info[0]='C'; src_hw_info[1]='H'; src_hw_info[2]='V'; }else if(IS_SKYLAKE(gen_pci_id)){ src_hw_info[0]='S'; src_hw_info[1]='K'; src_hw_info[2]='L'; } if (str_fmt_out) { if(gen_pci_id){ //add header to differeciate from llvm bitcode binary. // (5 bytes: 1 byte for binary type, 4 byte for bc code, 'GENC' is for gen binary.) char gen_header[6] = "\0GENC"; OUTS_UPDATE_SZ(gen_header[0]); OUTS_UPDATE_SZ(gen_header[1]); OUTS_UPDATE_SZ(gen_header[2]); OUTS_UPDATE_SZ(gen_header[3]); OUTS_UPDATE_SZ(gen_header[4]); OUTS_UPDATE_SZ(src_hw_info[0]); OUTS_UPDATE_SZ(src_hw_info[1]); OUTS_UPDATE_SZ(src_hw_info[2]); } string array_name = "Unknown_name_array"; unsigned long last_slash = bin_path.rfind("/"); unsigned long last_dot = bin_path.rfind("."); if (last_slash != string::npos && last_dot != string::npos) array_name = bin_path.substr(last_slash + 1, last_dot - 1 - last_slash); ofs << "#include " << "\n"; ofs << "char " << array_name << "[] = {" << "\n"; if(gen_pci_id){ sz = gbe_prog->serializeToBin(oss); sz += header_sz; }else{ char *llvm_binary; size_t bin_length = gbe_program_serialize_to_binary((gbe_program)gbe_prog, &llvm_binary, 1); oss.write(llvm_binary, bin_length); sz += bin_length; } for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; i++) { unsigned char c = oss.str().c_str()[i]; char asic_str[9]; sprintf(asic_str, "%2.2x", c); ofs << "0x"; ofs << asic_str << ((i == sz - 1) ? "" : ", "); } ofs << "};\n"; string array_size = array_name + "_size"; ofs << "size_t " << array_size << " = " << sz << ";" << "\n"; } else { if(gen_pci_id){ //add header to differeciate from llvm bitcode binary. // (5 bytes: 1 byte for binary type, 4 byte for bc code, 'GENC' is for gen binary.) char gen_header[6] = "\0GENC"; OUTF_UPDATE_SZ(gen_header[0]); OUTF_UPDATE_SZ(gen_header[1]); OUTF_UPDATE_SZ(gen_header[2]); OUTF_UPDATE_SZ(gen_header[3]); OUTF_UPDATE_SZ(gen_header[4]); OUTF_UPDATE_SZ(src_hw_info[0]); OUTF_UPDATE_SZ(src_hw_info[1]); OUTF_UPDATE_SZ(src_hw_info[2]); sz = gbe_prog->serializeToBin(ofs); }else{ char *llvm_binary; size_t bin_length = gbe_program_serialize_to_binary((gbe_program)gbe_prog, &llvm_binary, 1); ofs.write(llvm_binary, bin_length); sz+=bin_length; } } ofs.close(); if (!sz) { throw FILE_SERIALIZATION_FAILED; } } void program_build_instance::build_program(void) throw(int) { gbe_program opaque = NULL; if(gen_pci_id){ opaque = gbe_program_new_from_source(gen_pci_id, code, 0, build_opt.c_str(), NULL, NULL); }else{ opaque = gbe_program_compile_from_source(0, code, NULL, 0, build_opt.c_str(), NULL, NULL); } if (!opaque) throw FILE_BUILD_FAILED; gbe_prog = reinterpret_cast(opaque); if(gen_pci_id){ assert(gbe_program_get_kernel_num(opaque)); } } const char* program_build_instance::file_map_open(void) throw(int) { void * address; /* Open the file */ fd = ::open(prog_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { throw FILE_NOT_FIND_ERR; } /* Map it */ file_len = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); address = mmap(0, file_len, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if (address == NULL) { throw FILE_MAP_ERR; } code = reinterpret_cast(address); return code; } typedef vector prog_vector; int main (int argc, const char **argv) { prog_vector prog_insts; vector argv_saved; const char* build_opt; const char* file_path; int i; int oc; deque used_index; if (argc < 2) { cout << "Usage: kernel_path [-pbuild_parameter] [-obin_path] [-tgen_pci_id]" << endl; return 0; } used_index.assign(argc, 0); /* because getopt will re-sort the argv, so we save here. */ for (i=0; i< argc; i++) { argv_saved.push_back(string(argv[i])); } while ( (oc = getopt(argc, (char * const *)argv, "t:o:p:s")) != -1 ) { switch (oc) { case 'p': { int opt_index; if (argv[optind-1][0] == '-') {// -pXXX like opt_index = optind - 1; } else { // Must be -p XXXX mode opt_index = optind - 2; used_index[opt_index + 1] = 1; } /* opt must follow the file name.*/ if ((opt_index < 2 ) || argv[opt_index-1][0] == '-') { cout << "Usage note: Building option must follow file name" << endl; return 1; } file_path = argv[opt_index - 1]; build_opt = optarg; prog_insts.push_back(program_build_instance(file_path, build_opt)); break; } case 'o': if (!program_build_instance::set_bin_path(optarg)) { cout << "Can not specify the bin path more than once." << endl; return 1; } used_index[optind-1] = 1; break; case 't': { char *s = optarg; if (optarg[0] == '0' && (optarg[1] == 'x' || optarg[1] == 'X')) s += 2; if (s[0] < '0' || s[0] > '9') { cout << "Invalid target option argument" << endl; return 1; } std::stringstream str(s); str >> std::hex >> gen_pci_id; used_index[optind-1] = 1; break; } case 's': program_build_instance::set_str_fmt_out(true); used_index[optind-1] = 1; break; case ':': cout << "Miss the file option argument" << endl; return 1; default: cout << "Unknown opt" << endl; } } for (i=1; i < argc; i++) { //cout << argv_saved[i] << endl; if (argv_saved[i].size() && argv_saved[i][0] != '-') { if (used_index[i]) continue; string file_name = argv_saved[i]; prog_vector::iterator result = find_if(prog_insts.begin(), prog_insts.end(), [&](program_build_instance & prog_inst)-> bool { bool result = false; if (prog_inst.get_program_path() == file_name) result = true; return result; }); if (result == prog_insts.end()) { prog_insts.push_back(program_build_instance(file_name.c_str(), "")); } } } for (auto& inst : prog_insts) { try { inst.file_map_open(); inst.build_program(); inst.serialize_program(); } catch (int & err_no) { if (err_no == FILE_NOT_FIND_ERR) { cout << "can not open the file " << inst.get_program_path() << endl; } else if (err_no == FILE_MAP_ERR) { cout << "map the file " << inst.get_program_path() << " failed" << endl; } else if (err_no == FILE_BUILD_FAILED) { cout << "build the file " << inst.get_program_path() << " failed" << endl; } else if (err_no == FILE_SERIALIZATION_FAILED) { cout << "Serialize the file " << inst.get_program_path() << " failed" << endl; } return -1; } } //for (auto& inst : prog_insts) { // inst.dump(); //} return 0; }