[Unit] Description=Accounts Service # In order to avoid races with identity-providing services like SSSD or # winbind, we need to ensure that Accounts Service starts after # nss-user-lookup.target After=nss-user-lookup.target Wants=nss-user-lookup.target [Service] Type=dbus BusName=org.freedesktop.Accounts ExecStart=@libexecdir@/accounts-daemon Environment=GVFS_DISABLE_FUSE=1 Environment=GIO_USE_VFS=local Environment=GVFS_REMOTE_VOLUME_MONITOR_IGNORE=1 [Install] # We pull this in by graphical.target instead of waiting for the bus # activation, to speed things up a little: gdm uses this anyway so it is nice # if it is already around when gdm wants to use it and doesn't have to wait for # it. WantedBy=graphical.target