.\" nm-system-settings(8) manual page .\" .\" Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat, Inc. .\" .TH "nm-system-settings" "8" "1 February 2010" "" .SH NAME nm\-system\-settings \- NetworkManager system settings daemon .SH SYNOPSIS .B nm-system-settings [\-\-debug] [\-\-config=] [\-\-plugins=,plugin2>,...] .SH DESCRIPTION The \fInm\-system\-settings\fP daemon provides system-wide configuration to \fBNetworkManager\fP(8) by translating distribution\-specific network configuration files into a format usable by NetworkManager and NetworkManager-enabled applications. The daemon is spawned automatically by NetworkManager and enabled applications and is not usually run by itself. .SH OPTIONS The following options are supported: .TP .I "\-\-config=" Specify configuration file identifying plugins and plugin configuration. If not specified, the default value of '/NetworkManager/nm\-system\-settings.conf' is used. See \fBnm\-system\-settings.conf\fP(5) for more information on configuration file and the arguments below. .TP .I "\-\-plugins=,,..." List plugins used to manage system\-wide connection settings. This list has precedence over plugins specified in the configuration file. Currently supported plugins are: keyfile, ifcfg\-rh, ifcfg\-suse, ifupdown. See \fBnm\-system\-settings.conf\fP(5) for more information on the plugins. .TP .I "\-\-debug" Direct logging and debugging output to stdout instead of syslog. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR http://live.gnome.org/NetworkManager/SystemSettings .sp .BR NetworkManager (8), .BR nm\-system\-settings.conf (8), .BR nm\-tool (1).