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authorBeniamino Galvani <>2023-06-27 14:05:04 +0200
committerBeniamino Galvani <>2023-06-27 14:29:17 +0200
commit2b8197d0dcebdfa743073f1bc0f6c778685ff530 (patch)
parentc7d5caf81e60d2fa5196358575020b55d56f4d63 (diff)
docs: add device internal documentation
Add documentation about the implementation of NMDevice.
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index 0000000000..bc2bbdf46e
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diff --git a/docs/internal/device-state-machine.png b/docs/internal/device-state-machine.png
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index 0000000000..35eca6c4cd
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Binary files differ
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--- /dev/null
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+What is a device
+In NetworkManager, a device represents an object that allows some sort
+of network configuration; it can be a regular Linux network interface
+(physical as Ethernet or Wi-Fi; or virtual as a bridge or a VLAN), but
+it can also be an entity that does not have a link object in the
+kernel; examples of the latter kind are modems and OVS bridges/ports.
+NetworkManager automatically creates device objects at runtime based
+on the device found on the system. It also creates special devices,
+called *unrealized* devices that represent potential devices,
+e.g. that don't exist yet but will exist when a given connection gets
+activated. See the section "Unrealized devices" for more details.
+Each device has several properties; the most important are:
+ - `iface`: the name of the interface.
+ - `ifindex`: for devices backed by a kernel link, this is the kernel
+ interface index.
+ - `ip_ifindex`: some devices have multiple kernel link associated. In
+ such case, `ifindex` is the index of the base link, while
+ `ip_ifindex` is the index of the link on which IP configuration
+ should be made. For example when activating a PPPoE connection, the
+ device has `ifindex` referring to the Ethernet link and
+ `ip_ifindex` to the PPP one.
+ - `state`: the current state of the device in the device state
+ machine, see the next sections.
+ - `l3cfg`: the L3Cfg instance takes care of configuring IP on one
+ ifindex.
+The device object also is exposed on D-Bus, with properties, methods
+and signals, see the `interface_info_device` structure.
+To configure a device, NetworkManager needs to activate a connection
+profile on it. This happens for two reasons:
+ - it was requested by the user via the `ActivateConnection()` and
+ `AddAndActivateConnection()` API methods, which are handled by
+ functions `impl_manager_activate_connection()` and
+ `impl_manager_add_and_activate_connection()`;
+ - it is the result of an internal decision; in this case the
+ activation is handled by `nm_manager_activate_connection()`; the
+ reason can be:
+ - the connection profile is activated automatically (for example,
+ at startup) because it is configured to auto-connect;
+ - the connection profile is being activated as a dependency of
+ another profile; for example:
+ - a port profile (e.g. bridge port) always depends on the
+ corresponding controller profile (e.g. bridge);
+ - a controller profile can be configured to automatically
+ activate port profiles;
+ - during a checkpoint rollback;
+ - etc.
+The activation starts by first creating a `NMActiveConnection`
+object. This is a abstract type used to track the state of the
+activation on a specific device; it has two implementations:
+`NMActRequest` for regular devices and `NMVpnConnection` for VPNs.
+Two important fields of an active connection object are:
+ - the *settings-connection*: this is a pointer to the connection
+ being activated; it points to the connection in `NMSettings` and
+ always reflects the latest changes in the profile;
+ - the *applied-connection*: similar to the *settings-connection*, but
+ this is a copy of the original *settings-connection* done at the
+ time the activation started. During the current activation, the
+ properties to configure are always read from this applied
+ connection because they shouldn't change even if the profile is
+ modified.
+Unrealized devices
+We said that to start an activation we need a profile and a
+device. What happens if the device doesn't already exist because it is
+a virtual one (such as a bridge or a vlan)?
+This problem is currently solved in NetworkManager by having a special
+kind of devices, *unrealized* devices. Those are 'potential' devices,
+that don't exist in kernel; they are created to represent the device
+for each virtual profile. Technically speaking, a device is unrealized
+when the `real` flag is set to zero in the device private struct.
+When NetworkManager decides to activate a virtual profile, the
+corresponding device gets realized by calling
+`nm_device_create_and_realize()` and then the activation proceeds as
+for physical devices.
+Object hierarchy
+In the NetworkManager code a device is a `NMDevice` object, which has
+several subclasses; each subclass represents a specific kind of device
+(`NMDeviceEthernet`, `NMDeviceWifi`, `NMDeviceBridge`, etc.), and can
+reimplement properties and methods of the superclass to customize the
+behavior (see `struct _NMDeviceClass`).
+To show how this is used in practice, let's look at function
+`nm_device_is_available()`, which indicates whether a device is ready
+to be activated. The function calls the virtual method `is_available()`:
+nm_device_is_available(NMDevice *self, NMDeviceCheckDevAvailableFlags flags)
+ ...
+ return NM_DEVICE_GET_CLASS(self)->is_available(self, flags);
+`NMDevice` has a generic implementation of that method which performs
+generic checks:
+static gboolean
+is_available(NMDevice *self, NMDeviceCheckDevAvailableFlags flags)
+ NMDevicePrivate *priv = NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE(self);
+ if (priv->carrier || priv->ignore_carrier)
+ return TRUE;
+ ...
+ return FALSE;
+A Ethernet device needs additional checks and so it reimplements the
+method to check that the MAC address is already set:
+static gboolean
+is_available(NMDevice *device, NMDeviceCheckDevAvailableFlags flags)
+ if (!NM_DEVICE_CLASS(nm_device_ethernet_parent_class)
+ ->is_available(device, flags))
+ return FALSE;
+ return !!nm_device_get_initial_hw_address(device);
+Note how the function first chains up by calling the `NMDevice`
+implementation and then it performs an additional check. This pattern
+is heavily used in NetworkManager.
+Device states
+Each device behaves according to a state machine that looks like this:
+![Device state machine](device-state-machine.png "Device state machine")
+While the implementation of the state machine is done in different
+functions in `nm-device.c`, the core part is in `_set_state_full()`.
+The states are:
+ * UNMANAGED: this is the initial state and means that the device is
+ not managed by NetworkManager. The unmanaged state is tracked via a
+ bitmap of flags, and the device stays in this state while at least
+ one flag is set. See the section "Unmanaged flags" below for more
+ details. Once all unmanaged flags are cleared, the device is ready
+ to become UNAVAILABLE. The state transition is done in function
+ `_set_unmanaged_flags()`, which changes the states to UNMANAGED or
+ UNAVAILABLE depending on the value of the flags. Note that even if
+ it's not displayed in the diagram, the UNMANAGED state can be
+ reached by virtually every other state when a unmanaged flag
+ becomes set.
+ * UNAVAILABLE: the device is managed by NetworkManager, but is not
+ available for use. Reasons may include the wireless switched off,
+ missing firmware, no ethernet carrier, missing supplicant or modem
+ manager, etc. When a device becomes available, it can transition to
+ DISCONNECTED; this decision is taken in various places by
+ scheduling a check via `nm_device_queue_recheck_available()`.
+ * DISCONNECTED: the device can be activated, but is currently
+ idle and not connected to a network. When entering this state from
+ a state that belongs to the activation sequence or from
+ FAILED/DEACTIVATING, a cleanup of previous configuration is
+ done. If there is an activation queued, it's started; otherwise,
+ `NMPolicy` reacts to the state change and calls
+ `nm_policy_device_recheck_auto_activate_schedule()` to check if
+ there a connection that can be auto-activated on the device.
+ * PREPARE: this is the first state of an activation; in this
+ state some initial operation are performed, such as changing the
+ MAC address, setting physical link properties, and anything else
+ required to connect to the requested network.
+ This state is entered via
+ `nm_device_activate_schedule_stage1_device_prepare()`. When
+ finished, `nm_device_activate_schedule_stage2_device_config()` is
+ used to transition to the CONFIG state. Those functions are
+ re-entrant, in the sense that when a device is in a given state and
+ needs that an operation completes (or a condition becomes true), it
+ can wait and then invoke the same function again; in that way it
+ re-enters the same state, where all the conditions are evaluated
+ again and if possible the device will transition to the next state.
+ * CONFIG: the device is connecting to the requested network.
+ This may include operations like associating with the Wi-Fi AP,
+ dialing the modem, connecting to the remote Bluetooth device, etc.
+ * NEED_AUTH: the device requires more information to continue
+ connecting to the requested network. This includes secrets like
+ WiFi passphrases, login passwords, PIN codes, etc.
+ * IP_CONFIG: this state is entered via
+ `nm_device_activate_schedule_stage3_ip_config()`, and is where IP
+ addresses and routes are assigned to the device. Function
+ `_dev_ip_state_check()` checks that the configuration is terminated
+ according the connection configuration; if so, it moves the device
+ to state IP_CHECK.
+ * IP_CHECK: in this state, NetworkManager waits that the gateway
+ can be pinged successfully if the property
+ `connection.gateway-ping-timeout` is set. By default this step is a
+ no op since the property is unset. After the optional ping, the
+ dispatcher `pre-up` event is emitted, and the device goes to
+ * SECONDARIES: connections have a `connection.secondaries` property
+ that specifies a list of UUID of connections of type VPN that can
+ be activated automatically when the connection goes up. If there
+ are any secondaries, they are activated in this stage; note that
+ since this operation involves other devices, it is done in
+ `NMPolicy`, upon the emission of the state change signal handled in
+ `nm-policy.c:device_state_changed()`. After any secondaries are
+ activated, the devices transitions to state ACTIVATED.
+ * ACTIVATED: the device has a network connection. Upon entering this
+ state the device emits the `up` dispatcher event. The device
+ remains is this state until the connection is deactivated or until
+ it fails.
+ * DEACTIVATING: a disconnection from the current network
+ connection was requested, and the device is cleaning up resources
+ used for that connection. In this state the `pre-down` dispatcher
+ event is emitted. When finished, the devices goes again to
+ DISCONNECTED and the `down` dispatch event is fired.
+ * FAILED: the device failed to connect to the requested network
+ and is cleaning up the connection request. This state can be
+ reached from any state belonging to the activation. When the
+ cleanup is done, the device goes to DISCONNECTED. If the device was
+ previously activated, the `down` dispatcher event is emitted.
+Unmanaged devices
+Each device has a mask of flags representing reasons why the device is
+unmanaged; when at least of of those flags is set, the device goes to
+state UNMANAGED. When all flags are cleared, the device moves to state
+UNAVAILABLE. The unmanaged flags are currently:
+ - SLEEPING: the system is suspended, or networking is disabled
+ - QUITTING: NetworkManager is shutting down.
+ - PLATFORM_INIT: NetworkManager is waiting for udev to announce
+ the device. Note that NetworkManager can't touch the device until
+ then because udev might perform operations on it (such as renaming
+ or changing the MAC). Unrealized devices (see later) have this
+ flag set.
+ - USER_EXPLICIT: when unmanaged by explicit user decision
+ (e.g. via a D-Bus command).
+ - USER_SETTINGS: when unmanaged by user decision via the
+ settings plugin (for example `keyfile.unmanaged-devices` or
+ ifcfg-rh's `NM_CONTROLLED=no`). Although this is
+ user-configuration it cannot be overruled and is
+ authoritative. That is because users may depend on dropping a
+ ifcfg-rh file to ensure the device is unmanaged.
+ - USER_CONF: when unmanaged by user decision via the
+ NetworkManager.conf ("unmanaged" in the [device]
+ section). Contrary to USER_SETTINGS, this can be overwritten via
+ D-Bus.
+ - BY_DEFAULT: this flag is no longer used.
+ - USER_UDEV: unmanaged via a udev rule.
+ - EXTERNAL_DOWN: unmanaged because the interface was not created by
+ NetworkManager and is currently down.
+Note that the unmanaged flags are tracked via two variables
+`unmanaged_mask` and `unmanaged_flags`; in this way each flag is in
+practice a tri-state variable with possible values TRUE (unmanaged),
+FALSE (managed) and UNSET.
+External devices and sys-iface-state
+Even if a device is managed, that doesn't mean that NetworkManager is
+actively configuring it. When a device is created externally (for
+example via `ip link`) and has an IP configuration, NetworkManager
+creates a in-memory connection representing the configuration
+parameters on the interface such as IP addresses, routes, DNS, etc.;
+the connection appears as active but NetworkManager doesn't actually
+touch the interface. The external status is tracked in the
+`sys-iface-state` member, which can have the following values:
+ - EXTERNAL: the interface is not touched by NM.
+ - ASSUME: this value is deprecated; it used to mean that NM should manage the device without fully reconfiguring it. Now, the interface is either managed on external.
+ - MANAGED: the interface is fully managed.
+ - REMOVED: the link was removed externally.