// Keyboard layouts for Romania. // The first two layouts conform to the Romanian standard SR 13392:2004, // adopted in 2004 by ASRO, "Asociația de Standardizare din România". // // The default layout is the Programmers layout because keyboards that are // engraved according to the primary layout from the standard are lacking. // The "std" variant, further down, implements the primary layout. // // Diacritics with cedillas, as in ISO-8859-2, are no longer supported. This // error has been corrected in ISO-889-16 through using commabelow accents. // Pre-Vista MS-compatible layout ("winkeys" variant) generates commabelow // accents too now. // // Created by Cristian Gafton, (C) 2000 // Modified by Marius Andreiana, (C) 2001 // Completed by Dumitru Moldovan, (C) 2001, 2004-2008, 2020 default partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "basic" { // This Programmers/RO_US layout has always been the "de facto" standard // in the Linux/Unix world, and is therefore the default here, although // it is the secondary layout in the Romanian standard. It is fully // compatible with a US keyboard (ignoring the Euro on AltGr+5). include "us" name[Group1]="Romanian"; key {[ 1, exclam, dead_tilde ]}; key {[ 2, at, dead_caron ]}; key {[ 3, numbersign, dead_circumflex ]}; key {[ 4, dollar, dead_breve ]}; key {[ 5, percent, dead_abovering ]}; key {[ 6, asciicircum, dead_ogonek ]}; key {[ 7, ampersand, dead_grave ]}; key {[ 8, asterisk, dead_abovedot ]}; key {[ 9, parenleft, dead_acute ]}; key {[ 0, parenright, dead_doubleacute ]}; key {[ minus, underscore, dead_diaeresis, endash ]}; key {[ equal, plus, dead_cedilla, plusminus ]}; key {[ q, Q, acircumflex, Acircumflex ]}; key {[ w, W, ssharp, U1e9e ]}; key {[ e, E, EuroSign ]}; key {[ t, T, U021b, U021a ]}; // ț Ț key {[ i, I, icircumflex, Icircumflex ]}; key {[ p, P, section ]}; key {[ bracketleft, braceleft, doublelowquotemark ]}; key {[ bracketright, braceright, rightdoublequotemark ]}; key {[ a, A, abreve, Abreve ]}; key {[ s, S, U0219, U0218 ]}; // ș Ș key {[ d, D, dstroke, Dstroke ]}; key {[ l, L, lstroke, Lstroke ]}; key {[ backslash, bar ]}; key {[ c, C, copyright ]}; key {[ comma, less, guillemotleft ]}; key {[ period, greater, guillemotright ]}; key {[ KP_Delete, KP_Decimal, KP_Separator, KP_Separator ]}; include "level3(ralt_switch)" }; partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "std" { // Primary layout in the Romanian standard, implemented here as a variant // because Romanian users prefer the secondary layout of the standard. include "us" name[Group1]="Romanian (standard)"; key {[doublelowquotemark,rightdoublequotemark, grave, asciitilde]}; key {[ 1, exclam, dead_tilde ]}; key {[ 2, at, dead_caron ]}; key {[ 3, numbersign, dead_circumflex ]}; key {[ 4, dollar, dead_breve ]}; key {[ 5, percent, dead_abovering ]}; key {[ 6, asciicircum, dead_ogonek ]}; key {[ 7, ampersand, dead_grave ]}; key {[ 8, asterisk, dead_abovedot ]}; key {[ 9, parenleft, dead_acute ]}; key {[ 0, parenright, dead_doubleacute ]}; key {[ minus, underscore, dead_diaeresis, endash ]}; key {[ equal, plus, dead_cedilla, plusminus ]}; key {[ e, E, EuroSign ]}; key {[ p, P, section ]}; key {[ abreve, Abreve, bracketleft, braceleft ]}; key {[ icircumflex, Icircumflex, bracketright, braceright ]}; key {[ acircumflex, Acircumflex, backslash, bar ]}; key {[ s, S, ssharp, U1e9e ]}; key {[ d, D, dstroke, Dstroke ]}; key {[ l, L, lstroke, Lstroke ]}; key {[ U0219, U0218, semicolon, colon ]}; // ș Ș key {[ U021b, U021a, apostrophe, quotedbl ]}; // ț Ț key {[ backslash, bar ]}; key {[ c, C, copyright ]}; key {[ comma, semicolon, less, guillemotleft ]}; key {[ period, colon, greater, guillemotright ]}; key {[ KP_Delete, KP_Separator, KP_Decimal, KP_Decimal ]}; include "level3(ralt_switch)" }; partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "winkeys" { // Romanian (legacy) QWERTZ keyboard layout, as available on Windows 10, // but with the correct commabelow accents and the Euro sign on AltGr+e. // Some Romanian hardware keyboards are still built like this. // Older Romanian hardware keyboards might be slightly different. // Created by Manfred Pohler, (C) 2003 // Updated by Dumitru Moldovan, (C) 2020 include "us" name[Group1]="Romanian (Windows)"; key {[ bracketright, bracketleft ]}; key {[ 1, exclam, asciitilde ]}; key {[ 2, quotedbl, dead_caron ]}; key {[ 3, numbersign, dead_circumflex ]}; key {[ 4, currency, dead_breve ]}; key {[ 5, percent, dead_abovering ]}; key {[ 6, ampersand, dead_ogonek ]}; key {[ 7, slash, dead_grave ]}; key {[ 8, parenleft, dead_abovedot ]}; key {[ 9, parenright, dead_acute ]}; key {[ 0, equal, dead_doubleacute ]}; key {[ plus, question, dead_diaeresis ]}; key {[ apostrophe, asterisk, dead_cedilla ]}; key {[ q, Q, backslash ]}; key {[ w, W, bar ]}; key {[ e, E, EuroSign ]}; key {[ z, Z ]}; key {[ abreve, Abreve, division ]}; key {[ icircumflex, Icircumflex, multiply ]}; key {[ s, S, dstroke ]}; key {[ d, D, Dstroke ]}; key {[ k, K, lstroke ]}; key {[ l, L, Lstroke ]}; key {[ U0219, U0218, dollar ]}; // ș Ș key {[ U021b, U021a, ssharp ]}; // ț Ț key {[ acircumflex, Acircumflex ]}; key {[ less, greater ]}; key {[ y, Y ]}; key {[ v, V, at ]}; key {[ b, B, braceleft ]}; key {[ n, N, braceright ]}; key {[ m, M, section ]}; key {[ comma, semicolon, less ]}; key {[ period, colon, greater ]}; key {[ minus, underscore ]}; key {[ KP_Delete, KP_Separator, KP_Decimal, KP_Decimal ]}; include "level3(ralt_switch)" }; // EXTRAS: partial xkb_symbols "crh_dobruja" { // Romania-specific Crimean Tatar (Crimean Turkish) Q layout, not yet standard. // Reşat SABIQ , 2009, 2011 // Özgür Qarahan , 2009 include "ua(crh)" name[Group1]="Crimean Tatar (Dobruja Q)"; key {[ w, W, abreve, Abreve ]}; key {[ t, T, U021b, U021a ]}; // ț Ț key {[ p, P, section ]}; key {[ s, S, U0219, U0218 ]}; // ș Ș key {[ ibreve, Ibreve, j, J ]}; key {[ m, M, trademark, masculine ]}; }; partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "ergonomic" { // This layout is optimized for fast touch-typing in Romanian on a // US keyboard, and works by swapping out symbols infrequently used // in written Romanian (q, w, y, k) in favor of native ones, thus // reducing the need to use modifier keys. // Created by Gabriel Somlo, (C) 2011 include "ro(basic)" name[Group1]="Romanian (ergonomic Touchtype)"; key {[ abreve, Abreve, q, Q ]}; key {[ U0219, U0218, w, W ]}; key {[ U021b, U021a, y, Y ]}; key {[ a, A, acircumflex, Acircumflex ]}; key {[ icircumflex, Icircumflex, k, K ]}; }; partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "sun_type6" { include "sun_vndr/ro(sun_type6)" };