// Keyboard layout for Congo. default partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "basic" { name[Group1]= "French (Democratic Republic of the Congo)"; key.type[Group1] = "FOUR_LEVEL"; key {[ grave, asciitilde, U0303 ]}; // combining tilde key {[ ampersand, 1, numbersign ]}; key {[ U0301, 2, at ]}; // combining acute key {[ U0300, 3, guillemotleft ]}; // combining grave key {[ parenleft, 4, bracketleft ]}; key {[ braceleft, 5, less ]}; key {[braceright, 6, greater ]}; key {[parenright, 7, bracketright ]}; key {[ U0302, 8, guillemotright ]}; // combining circumflex key {[ U030C, 9, U030D ]}; // combining caron, combining verical line above key {[ U0308, 0, at ]}; // combining diaeresis key {[ minus, underscore, percent, degree ]}; key {[ equal, plus, multiply, division ]}; key {[ a, A, ae, AE ]}; key {[ z, Z ]}; key {[ e, E, oe, OE ]}; key {[ r, R ]}; key {[ t, T ]}; key {[ y, Y ]}; key {[ u, U, U0289, U0244 ]}; // ʉ Ʉ key {[ i, I, U0268, U0197 ]}; // ɨ Ɨ key {[ o, O, oslash, Oslash ]}; key {[ p, P ]}; key {[ U025B, U0190, asciicircum ]}; // ɛ Ɛ key {[ asterisk, asciicircum, dollar ]}; key {[ q, Q ]}; key {[ s, S ]}; key {[ d, D ]}; key {[ f, F ]}; key {[ g, G ]}; key {[ h, H ]}; key {[ j, J ]}; key {[ k, K ]}; key {[ l, L ]}; key {[ m, M ]}; key {[ U0254, U0186 ]}; // ɔ Ɔ key {[ quotedbl, backslash, bar ]}; key {[ backslash, bar ]}; key {[ w, W ]}; key {[ x, X ]}; key {[ c, C ]}; key {[ v, V ]}; key {[ b, B ]}; key {[ n, N, eng, ENG ]}; key {[ comma, question, U0327 ]}; // combining cedilla key {[ semicolon, period ]}; key {[ colon, slash ]}; key {[ exclam, apostrophe, U2019 ]}; // single comma quotation mark key {[ space, space, nobreakspace, U202F ]}; // narrow no-break space include "level3(ralt_switch)" };