xdg-utils test TODO list: 1. Test the following not-called options: xdg-desktop-icon --novendor xdg-desktop-menu --novendor xdg-email --utf8 xdg-icon-resource --novendor --theme --context 2. Better test the following poorly tested options: xdg-desktop-menu --noupdate xdg-icon-resource --noupdate 3. Make the shinythings/webmirror example into a test case. All parts are currently tested, so this _should_ be an easy pass. 4. Modify testrun and include/testcontrol.sh to print the file name of the test being run, rather than the function name. This is more difficult than it would seem, since the framework is designed to be run by TET for interoperability with the LSB effort. TET mandates that tests be functions named ic1 ... icN. Additionally, the framework allows tests to be repeated.