XDG_VFS_KDE =========== !!! hint: to turn off the error messages run kdebugdialog !!! xdg_vfs_kde is a command line client for KIO. It can read and write files, list directories, open file-dialogs,... File-data is not stored in temporary files, but instead is pushed/pulled via stdin and stdout. The aim of 'xdg_vfs_kde' is to give third party desktop applications access to KIO. It could be hidden behind a generic 'xdg_vfs' script, which switches between KIO, Gnome-VFS,... command line clients. Samples: ======== -) reading a file $ xdg_vfs_kde get file:///etc/lilo.conf $ xdg_vfs_kde get http://www.freedesktop.org will stream a remote file to stdout which could be read into the hosts applications memory via the C-function popen(..,'r'); $ xdg_vfs_kde openfiledlg --instant-get will open a file-dialog to browse to a remote or local file and instantly stream the file-data of the selected file to stdout. $ xdg_vfs_kde openfiledlg --instant-get --qry-fileinfo --slow-mime --tagged By adding those switches xdg_vfs_kde will also 'stat' the remote file and try to detect it's mime-type, size,... -) writing a file $ cat /etc/passwd | xdg_vfs_kde put ftp://user@host/mydir/file.txt or use something like popen(..,'w') to stream file-data to create a remote file. -) listing a directory $ xdg_vfs_kde ls sftp://user@host/dir/ There are two operation modes: ============================== *) single command *) shell mode (like the command-line ftp client). In shell mode the host application can talk to 'xdg_vfs_kde' by connecting to the stdin and stdout pipes to execute a sequence of vfs commands. (for instance QProcess or functions like g_spawn_async_with_pipes() allow connecting to stdin and stdout of a child process) The advantage of shell mode is that passwords are kept in memory (the user doesn't have log in again and again) and avoiding startup-delay when executing multiple commands (for instance if the client application is a file-manager) Tagged-mode: ============ the -t, --tagged option tells xdg_vfs_kde to add 'labels' when a command returns multiple 'parts'. For instance > xdg_vfs_kde openfiledlg --instant-get --qry-fileinfo --tagged will return an [OpenFileDlg], a [FileInfo] and a [Data] section. Escaping file data: =================== When operating in shell- or tagged- mode you will need an escape character to signal the end of binary data. This is done via the -e and --escape-data switch. By default '~' is the escape character. '~~' has to be treated as single '~' and '~\n' as EOF. The escape-character can be changed by the -e35 or --escape-data=35 option. (when you want to use '#' ASCII 35 as escape character) Usage screen: ============= Usage: xdg_vfs [command] [options] [filename] Commands: get [filename] : remote file->stdout info [file or dir] : stat a remote file->stdout put [filename] : stdin->create remote file ls [dir] : list directory openfiledlg [dir] : show open file dialog and return selected file savefiledlg [dir] [fname] : show save file dialog and return selected file shell : interactive mode Options: -t, --tagged : tagged mode (file-data should be escaped) -i, --qry-fileinfo : qry file-info when retrieving a file --show-metadata : show metadata when retrieving a file requires tagged mode! -m, --slow-mime : more accurate mime-type detection (slow) -e, --escape-data : escape file data (for end of data detection) -eXXX, --escape-data=XXX : set and use a user defined escape character XXX = ascii code! --end-seperator= : add a custom seperator inbetween blocks --overwrite : allow overwriting files (put) --instant-get : openfiledilog instant get file->stdout --instant-put : savefiledilog instant put file from stdin