tag name0.8.2 (b8ff3894d919a949137b7281a35c0a5b6bd3b3f6)
tag date2016-08-01 14:33:07 +0200
tagged byStef Walter <>
tagged objectcommit 2fd6c6abd3...
- Use keytab for realm and NetBIOS name when delete-computer - Patch adcli.xml to fix documentation [93913] - Remove \n or \r\n from password on stdin [78448] - Update the documentation about the default kerberos cache [96544] - Fix check for EAGAIN or EINTR [71257] -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iEYEABECAAYFAlefQYcACgkQe/sRCNknZa9e+QCfdwauQ8oKbluhzVG4vdy/w1zf 7r8An3mqc0pVZZ6UPoz09MjGgHOhATrq =eqfS -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----