# # # This file is part of the LibreOffice project. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed # with this work for additional information regarding copyright # ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache # License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . # import uno import traceback from .PeerConfig import PeerConfig from .UIConsts import UIConsts from ..common.PropertyNames import PropertyNames from com.sun.star.awt import Rectangle from com.sun.star.awt.PosSize import POS class UnoDialog(object): createDict = False dictProperties = None BisHighContrastModeActivated = None xVclWindowPeer = None def __init__(self, xMSF, PropertyNames, PropertyValues): try: self.xMSF = xMSF self.ControlList = {} self.xDialogModel = xMSF.createInstance( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogModel") self.xUnoDialog = xMSF.createInstance( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialog") self.xUnoDialog.setModel(self.xDialogModel) self.m_oPeerConfig = None self.xWindowPeer = None except Exception: traceback.print_exc() def getPeerConfiguration(self): if self.m_oPeerConfig is None: self.m_oPeerConfig = PeerConfig(self) return self.m_oPeerConfig def getMAPConversionFactor(self, ControlName): xControl2 = self.xUnoDialog.getControl(ControlName) aSize = xControl2.Size dblMAPWidth = xControl2.Model.Width return (aSize.Width / dblMAPWidth) def getpreferredLabelSize(self, LabelName, sLabel): xControl2 = self.xUnoDialog.getControl(LabelName) OldText = xControl2.Text xControl2.setText(sLabel) aSize = xControl2.PreferredSize xControl2.setText(OldText) return aSize def removeSelectedItems(self, xListBox): SelList = xListBox.SelectedItemsPos Sellen = SelList.length i = Sellen - 1 while i >= 0: xListBox.removeItems(SelList[i], 1) i -= 1 def getListBoxItemCount(self, _xListBox): # This function may look ugly, but this is the only way to check # the count of values in the model,which is always right. # the control is only a view and could be right or not. fieldnames = getModel(_xListBox).StringItemList return fieldnames.length def getSelectedItemPos(self, _xListBox): ipos = getModel(_xListBox).SelectedItems return ipos[0] def isListBoxSelected(self, _xListBox): ipos = getModel(_xListBox).SelectedItems return ipos.length > 0 ''' The problem with setting the visibility of controls is that changing the current step of a dialog will automatically make all controls visible. The PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP property always wins against the property "visible". Therefore a control meant to be invisible is placed on a step far far away. Afterwards the step property of the dialog has to be set with "repaintDialogStep". As the performance of that method is very bad it should be used only once for all controls @param controlname the name of the control @param bIsVisible sets the control visible or invisible ''' def setControlVisible(self, controlname, bIsVisible): try: iCurControlStep = int(getControlProperty( controlname, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP)) iCurDialogStep = int(self.xDialogModel.Step) if bIsVisible: setControlProperty( controlname, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP, iCurDialogStep) else: setControlProperty( controlname, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP, UIConsts.INVISIBLESTEP) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() # repaints the currentDialogStep def repaintDialogStep(self): try: ncurstep = int(self.xDialogModel.Step) self.xDialogModel.Step = 99 self.xDialogModel.Step = ncurstep except Exception: traceback.print_exc() def insertControlModel(self, serviceName, componentName, sPropNames, oPropValues): try: xControlModel = self.xDialogModel.createInstance(serviceName) uno.invoke(xControlModel, "setPropertyValues", (sPropNames, oPropValues)) self.xDialogModel.insertByName(componentName, xControlModel) xControlModel.Name = componentName except Exception: traceback.print_exc() aObj = self.xUnoDialog.getControl(componentName) return aObj def setFocus(self, ControlName): oFocusControl = self.xUnoDialog.getControl(ControlName) oFocusControl.setFocus() def selectListBoxItem(self, xListBox, iFieldsSelIndex): if iFieldsSelIndex > -1: FieldCount = xListBox.getItemCount() if FieldCount > 0: if iFieldsSelIndex < FieldCount: xListBox.selectItemPos(iFieldsSelIndex, True) else: xListBox.selectItemPos((short)(iFieldsSelIndex - 1), True) # deselects a Listbox. MultipleMode is not supported def deselectListBox(self, _xBasisListBox): oListBoxModel = getModel(_xBasisListBox) sList = oListBoxModel.StringItemList oListBoxModel.StringItemList = [[],[]] oListBoxModel.StringItemList = sList def calculateDialogPosition(self, FramePosSize): # Todo:check if it would be useful or possible to create a dialog peer # that can be used for the messageboxes to # maintain modality when they pop up. CurPosSize = self.xUnoDialog.getPosSize() WindowHeight = FramePosSize.Height WindowWidth = FramePosSize.Width DialogWidth = CurPosSize.Width DialogHeight = CurPosSize.Height iXPos = ((WindowWidth / 2) - (DialogWidth / 2)) iYPos = ((WindowHeight / 2) - (DialogHeight / 2)) self.xUnoDialog.setPosSize( iXPos, iYPos, DialogWidth, DialogHeight, POS) ''' @param FramePosSize @return 0 for cancel, 1 for ok @throws com.sun.star.uno.Exception ''' def executeDialog(self, FramePosSize): if self.xUnoDialog.getPeer() is None: raise AttributeError( "Please create a peer, using your own frame") self.calculateDialogPosition(FramePosSize) if self.xWindowPeer is None: self.createWindowPeer() self.xVclWindowPeer = self.xWindowPeer self.BisHighContrastModeActivated = self.isHighContrastModeActivated() return self.xUnoDialog.execute() def setVisible(self, parent): self.calculateDialogPosition(parent.xUnoDialog.getPosSize()) if self.xWindowPeer == None: self.createWindowPeer() self.xUnoDialog.setVisible(True) ''' @param parent @return 0 for cancel, 1 for ok @throws com.sun.star.uno.Exception ''' def executeDialogFromParent(self, parent): return self.executeDialog(parent.xUnoDialog.PosSize) ''' @param XComponent @return 0 for cancel, 1 for ok @throws com.sun.star.uno.Exception ''' def executeDialogFromComponent(self, xComponent): if xComponent is not None: w = xComponent.ComponentWindow if w is not None: return self.executeDialog(w.PosSize) return self.executeDialog( Rectangle (0, 0, 640, 400)) def modifyFontWeight(self, ControlName, FontWeight): oFontDesc = FontDescriptor.FontDescriptor() oFontDesc.Weight = FontWeight setControlProperty(ControlName, "FontDescriptor", oFontDesc) ''' create a peer for this dialog, using the given peer as a parent. @param parentPeer @return @throws java.lang.Exception ''' def createWindowPeer(self, parentPeer=None): self.xUnoDialog.setVisible(False) xToolkit = self.xMSF.createInstance("com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit") if parentPeer is None: parentPeer = xToolkit.getDesktopWindow() self.xUnoDialog.createPeer(xToolkit, parentPeer) self.xWindowPeer = self.xUnoDialog.getPeer() return self.xUnoDialog.getPeer() # deletes the first entry when this is equal to "DelEntryName" # returns true when a new item is selected def deletefirstListboxEntry(self, ListBoxName, DelEntryName): xListBox = self.xUnoDialog.getControl(ListBoxName) FirstItem = xListBox.getItem(0) if FirstItem.equals(DelEntryName): SelPos = xListBox.getSelectedItemPos() xListBox.removeItems(0, 1) if SelPos > 0: setControlProperty(ListBoxName, "SelectedItems", [SelPos]) xListBox.selectItemPos((short)(SelPos - 1), True) @classmethod def setEnabled(self, control, enabled): control.Model.Enabled = enabled @classmethod def getModel(self, control): return control.getModel() @classmethod def getDisplayProperty(self, xServiceInfo): if xServiceInfo.supportsService( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlFixedTextModel"): return PropertyNames.PROPERTY_LABEL elif xServiceInfo.supportsService( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlButtonModel"): return PropertyNames.PROPERTY_LABEL elif xServiceInfo.supportsService( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlCurrencyFieldModel"): return "Value" elif xServiceInfo.supportsService( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDateFieldModel"): return "Date" elif xServiceInfo.supportsService( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlFixedLineModel"): return PropertyNames.PROPERTY_LABEL elif xServiceInfo.supportsService( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlFormattedFieldModel"): return "EffectiveValue" elif xServiceInfo.supportsService( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlNumericFieldModel"): return "Value" elif xServiceInfo.supportsService( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlPatternFieldModel"): return "Text" elif xServiceInfo.supportsService( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlProgressBarModel"): return "ProgressValue" elif xServiceInfo.supportsService( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlTimeFieldModel"): return "Time" elif xServiceInfo.supportsService( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlImageControlModel"): return PropertyNames.PROPERTY_IMAGEURL elif xServiceInfo.supportsService( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlRadioButtonModel"): return PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STATE elif xServiceInfo.supportsService( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlCheckBoxModel"): return PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STATE elif xServiceInfo.supportsService( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlEditModel"): return "Text" elif xServiceInfo.supportsService( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlComboBoxModel"): return "Text" elif xServiceInfo.supportsService( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlListBoxModel"): return "SelectedItems" else: return "" def isHighContrastModeActivated(self): if (self.xVclWindowPeer is not None): if (self.BisHighContrastModeActivated is None): nUIColor = 0 try: nUIColor = self.xVclWindowPeer.getProperty("DisplayBackgroundColor") except IllegalArgumentException: traceback.print_exc() return False # TODO: The following methods could be wrapped in an own class implementation nRed = self.getRedColorShare(nUIColor) nGreen = self.getGreenColorShare(nUIColor) nBlue = self.getBlueColorShare(nUIColor) nLuminance = ((nBlue * 28 + nGreen * 151 + nRed * 77) / 256) bisactivated = (nLuminance <= 25) self.BisHighContrastModeActivated = bool(bisactivated) return bisactivated; else: return self.BisHighContrastModeActivated else: return False def getRedColorShare(self, _nColor): nRed = _nColor / 65536 nRedModulo = _nColor % 65536 nGreen = nRedModulo / 256 nGreenModulo = (nRedModulo % 256) nBlue = nGreenModulo return nRed def getGreenColorShare(self, _nColor): nRed = _nColor / 65536 nRedModulo = _nColor % 65536 nGreen = nRedModulo / 256 return nGreen def getBlueColorShare(self, _nColor): nRed = _nColor / 65536 nRedModulo = _nColor % 65536 nGreen = nRedModulo / 256 nGreenModulo = (nRedModulo % 256) nBlue = nGreenModulo return nBlue def getWizardImageUrl(self, _nResId, _nHCResId): if (self.isHighContrastModeActivated()): return "private:resource/wzi/image/" + str(_nHCResId) else: return "private:resource/wzi/image/" + str(_nResId) def getImageUrl(self, _surl, _shcurl): if (self.isHighContrastModeActivated()): return _shcurl else: return _surl