/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "colorscale.hxx" #include "document.hxx" #include "formulacell.hxx" #include "fillinfo.hxx" #include "iconsets.hrc" #include "scresid.hxx" #include "tokenarray.hxx" #include "refupdatecontext.hxx" #include #include class ScFormulaListener : public SvtListener { private: std::vector maCells; mutable bool mbDirty; ScDocument* mpDoc; void startListening(ScTokenArray* pTokens, const ScAddress& rPos); public: ScFormulaListener(ScFormulaCell* pCell); virtual ~ScFormulaListener(); void Notify( const SfxHint& rHint ) SAL_OVERRIDE; bool NeedsRepaint() const; }; ScFormulaListener::ScFormulaListener(ScFormulaCell* pCell): mbDirty(false), mpDoc(pCell->GetDocument()) { startListening( pCell->GetCode(), pCell->aPos ); } void ScFormulaListener::startListening(ScTokenArray* pArr, const ScAddress& rPos) { pArr->Reset(); formula::FormulaToken* t; while ( ( t = pArr->GetNextReferenceRPN() ) != NULL ) { switch (t->GetType()) { case formula::svSingleRef: { ScAddress aCell = t->GetSingleRef()->toAbs(rPos); if (aCell.IsValid()) mpDoc->StartListeningCell(aCell, this); maCells.push_back(aCell); } break; case formula::svDoubleRef: { const ScSingleRefData& rRef1 = *t->GetSingleRef(); const ScSingleRefData& rRef2 = *t->GetSingleRef2(); ScAddress aCell1 = rRef1.toAbs(rPos); ScAddress aCell2 = rRef2.toAbs(rPos); if (aCell1.IsValid() && aCell2.IsValid()) { if (t->GetOpCode() == ocColRowNameAuto) { // automagically if ( rRef1.IsColRel() ) { // ColName aCell2.SetRow(MAXROW); } else { // RowName aCell2.SetCol(MAXCOL); } } mpDoc->StartListeningArea(ScRange(aCell1, aCell2), false, this); maCells.push_back(ScRange(aCell1, aCell2)); } } break; default: ; // nothing } } } namespace { struct StopListeningCell { StopListeningCell(ScDocument* pDoc, SvtListener* pListener): mpDoc(pDoc), mpListener(pListener) {} void operator()(const ScRange& rRange) { for(SCTAB nTab = rRange.aStart.Tab(), nTabEnd = rRange.aEnd.Tab(); nTab <= nTabEnd; ++nTab) { for(SCCOL nCol = rRange.aStart.Col(), nColEnd = rRange.aEnd.Col(); nCol <= nColEnd; ++nCol) { for(SCROW nRow = rRange.aStart.Row(), nRowEnd = rRange.aEnd.Row(); nRow <= nRowEnd; ++nRow) { mpDoc->EndListeningCell(ScAddress(nCol, nRow, nTab), mpListener); } } } } private: ScDocument* mpDoc; SvtListener* mpListener; }; } ScFormulaListener::~ScFormulaListener() { std::for_each(maCells.begin(), maCells.end(), StopListeningCell(mpDoc, this)); } void ScFormulaListener::Notify( const SfxHint& ) { mbDirty = true; } bool ScFormulaListener::NeedsRepaint() const { bool bRet = mbDirty; mbDirty = false; return bRet; } ScColorScaleEntry::ScColorScaleEntry(): mnVal(0), meType(COLORSCALE_VALUE) { } ScColorScaleEntry::ScColorScaleEntry(double nVal, const Color& rCol): mnVal(nVal), maColor(rCol), meType(COLORSCALE_VALUE) { } ScColorScaleEntry::ScColorScaleEntry(const ScColorScaleEntry& rEntry): mnVal(rEntry.mnVal), maColor(rEntry.maColor), meType(rEntry.meType) { if(rEntry.mpCell) { mpCell.reset(new ScFormulaCell(*rEntry.mpCell, *rEntry.mpCell->GetDocument(), rEntry.mpCell->aPos, SC_CLONECELL_NOMAKEABS_EXTERNAL)); mpCell->StartListeningTo( mpCell->GetDocument() ); mpListener.reset(new ScFormulaListener(mpCell.get())); } } ScColorScaleEntry::ScColorScaleEntry(ScDocument* pDoc, const ScColorScaleEntry& rEntry): mnVal(rEntry.mnVal), maColor(rEntry.maColor), mpCell(), meType(rEntry.meType) { if(rEntry.mpCell) { mpCell.reset(new ScFormulaCell(*rEntry.mpCell, *rEntry.mpCell->GetDocument(), rEntry.mpCell->aPos, SC_CLONECELL_NOMAKEABS_EXTERNAL)); mpCell->StartListeningTo( pDoc ); mpListener.reset(new ScFormulaListener(mpCell.get())); } } ScColorScaleEntry::~ScColorScaleEntry() { if(mpCell) mpCell->EndListeningTo(mpCell->GetDocument()); } void ScColorScaleEntry::SetFormula( const OUString& rFormula, ScDocument* pDoc, const ScAddress& rAddr, formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar eGrammar ) { mpCell.reset(new ScFormulaCell( pDoc, rAddr, rFormula, eGrammar )); mpCell->StartListeningTo( pDoc ); mpListener.reset(new ScFormulaListener(mpCell.get())); } const ScTokenArray* ScColorScaleEntry::GetFormula() const { if(mpCell) { return mpCell->GetCode(); } return NULL; } OUString ScColorScaleEntry::GetFormula( formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar eGrammar ) const { OUString aFormula; if(mpCell) { mpCell->GetFormula(aFormula, eGrammar); } return aFormula; } double ScColorScaleEntry::GetValue() const { if(mpCell) { mpCell->Interpret(); if(mpCell->IsValue()) return mpCell->GetValue(); return std::numeric_limits::max(); } return mnVal; } void ScColorScaleEntry::SetValue(double nValue) { mnVal = nValue; mpCell.reset(); } void ScColorScaleEntry::UpdateReference( sc::RefUpdateContext& rCxt ) { if (!mpCell) return; mpCell->UpdateReference(rCxt); mpListener.reset(new ScFormulaListener(mpCell.get())); } void ScColorScaleEntry::UpdateInsertTab( sc::RefUpdateInsertTabContext& rCxt ) { if (!mpCell) return; mpCell->UpdateInsertTab(rCxt); mpListener.reset(new ScFormulaListener(mpCell.get())); } void ScColorScaleEntry::UpdateDeleteTab( sc::RefUpdateDeleteTabContext& rCxt ) { if (!mpCell) return; mpCell->UpdateDeleteTab(rCxt); mpListener.reset(new ScFormulaListener(mpCell.get())); } void ScColorScaleEntry::UpdateMoveTab( sc::RefUpdateMoveTabContext& rCxt ) { if (!mpCell) return; SCTAB nTabNo = rCxt.getNewTab(mpCell->aPos.Tab()); mpCell->UpdateMoveTab(rCxt, nTabNo); mpListener.reset(new ScFormulaListener(mpCell.get())); } bool ScColorScaleEntry::NeedsRepaint() const { if(mpListener) return mpListener->NeedsRepaint(); return false; } void ScColorScaleEntry::SetColor(const Color& rColor) { maColor = rColor; } ScColorFormat::ScColorFormat(ScDocument* pDoc) : ScFormatEntry(pDoc) , mpParent(NULL) { } ScColorFormat::~ScColorFormat() { } void ScColorFormat::SetParent( ScConditionalFormat* pParent ) { mpParent = pParent; } ScColorScaleFormat::ScColorScaleFormat(ScDocument* pDoc): ScColorFormat(pDoc) { } ScColorScaleFormat::ScColorScaleFormat(ScDocument* pDoc, const ScColorScaleFormat& rFormat): ScColorFormat(pDoc) { for(const_iterator itr = rFormat.begin(); itr != rFormat.end(); ++itr) { maColorScales.push_back(new ScColorScaleEntry(pDoc, *itr)); } } ScColorFormat* ScColorScaleFormat::Clone(ScDocument* pDoc) const { return new ScColorScaleFormat(pDoc, *this); } ScColorScaleFormat::~ScColorScaleFormat() { } void ScColorScaleFormat::AddEntry( ScColorScaleEntry* pEntry ) { maColorScales.push_back( pEntry ); } void ScColorScaleEntry::SetType( ScColorScaleEntryType eType ) { meType = eType; if(eType != COLORSCALE_FORMULA) { mpCell.reset(); mpListener.reset(); } } double ScColorScaleFormat::GetMinValue() const { const_iterator itr = maColorScales.begin(); if(itr->GetType() == COLORSCALE_VALUE || itr->GetType() == COLORSCALE_FORMULA) return itr->GetValue(); else { return getMinValue(); } } double ScColorScaleFormat::GetMaxValue() const { ColorScaleEntries::const_reverse_iterator itr = maColorScales.rbegin(); if(itr->GetType() == COLORSCALE_VALUE || itr->GetType() == COLORSCALE_FORMULA) return itr->GetValue(); else { return getMaxValue(); } } void ScColorScaleFormat::calcMinMax(double& rMin, double& rMax) const { rMin = GetMinValue(); rMax = GetMaxValue(); } const ScRangeList& ScColorFormat::GetRange() const { return mpParent->GetRange(); } std::vector& ScColorFormat::getValues() const { if(!mpCache) { mpCache.reset(new ScColorFormatCache); std::vector& rValues = mpCache->maValues; size_t n = GetRange().size(); const ScRangeList& aRanges = GetRange(); for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { const ScRange* pRange = aRanges[i]; SCTAB nTab = pRange->aStart.Tab(); SCCOL nColStart = pRange->aStart.Col(); SCROW nRowStart = pRange->aStart.Row(); SCCOL nColEnd = pRange->aEnd.Col(); SCROW nRowEnd = pRange->aEnd.Row(); if(nRowEnd == MAXROW) { bool bShrunk = false; mpDoc->ShrinkToUsedDataArea(bShrunk, nTab, nColStart, nRowStart, nColEnd, nRowEnd, false); } for(SCCOL nCol = nColStart; nCol <= nColEnd; ++nCol) { for(SCROW nRow = nRowStart; nRow <= nRowEnd; ++nRow) { ScAddress aAddr(nCol, nRow, nTab); CellType eType = mpDoc->GetCellType(aAddr); if(eType == CELLTYPE_VALUE) { double aVal = mpDoc->GetValue(nCol, nRow, nTab); rValues.push_back(aVal); } else if(eType == CELLTYPE_FORMULA) { ScFormulaCell *pCell = mpDoc->GetFormulaCell(aAddr); if (pCell && pCell->IsValue()) { double aVal = mpDoc->GetValue(nCol, nRow, nTab); rValues.push_back(aVal); } } } } } std::sort(rValues.begin(), rValues.end()); } return mpCache->maValues; } double ScColorFormat::getMinValue() const { std::vector& rValues = getValues(); if(rValues.empty()) return 0; return rValues[0]; } double ScColorFormat::getMaxValue() const { std::vector& rValues = getValues(); if(rValues.empty()) return 0; return rValues[rValues.size()-1]; } void ScColorFormat::startRendering() { mpCache.reset(); } void ScColorFormat::endRendering() { mpCache.reset(); } namespace { sal_uInt8 GetColorValue( double nVal, double nVal1, sal_uInt8 nColVal1, double nVal2, sal_uInt8 nColVal2 ) { if (nVal <= nVal1) return nColVal1; if (nVal >= nVal2) return nColVal2; sal_uInt8 nColVal = static_cast((nVal - nVal1)/(nVal2-nVal1)*(nColVal2-nColVal1))+nColVal1; return nColVal; } Color CalcColor( double nVal, double nVal1, const Color& rCol1, double nVal2, const Color& rCol2) { sal_uInt8 nColRed = GetColorValue(nVal, nVal1, rCol1.GetRed(), nVal2, rCol2.GetRed()); sal_uInt8 nColBlue = GetColorValue(nVal, nVal1, rCol1.GetBlue(), nVal2, rCol2.GetBlue()); sal_uInt8 nColGreen = GetColorValue(nVal, nVal1, rCol1.GetGreen(), nVal2, rCol2.GetGreen()); return Color(nColRed, nColGreen, nColBlue); } /** * @param rVector sorted vector of the array * @param fPercentile percentile */ double GetPercentile( const std::vector& rArray, double fPercentile ) { size_t nSize = rArray.size(); size_t nIndex = (size_t)::rtl::math::approxFloor( fPercentile * (nSize-1)); double fDiff = fPercentile * (nSize-1) - ::rtl::math::approxFloor( fPercentile * (nSize-1)); std::vector::const_iterator iter = rArray.begin() + nIndex; if (fDiff == 0.0) return *iter; else { double fVal = *iter; iter = rArray.begin() + nIndex+1; return fVal + fDiff * (*iter - fVal); } } } double ScColorScaleFormat::CalcValue(double nMin, double nMax, ScColorScaleFormat::const_iterator& itr) const { switch(itr->GetType()) { case COLORSCALE_PERCENT: return nMin + (nMax-nMin)*(itr->GetValue()/100); case COLORSCALE_MIN: return nMin; case COLORSCALE_MAX: return nMax; case COLORSCALE_PERCENTILE: { std::vector& rValues = getValues(); if(rValues.size() == 1) return rValues[0]; else { double fPercentile = itr->GetValue()/100.0; return GetPercentile(rValues, fPercentile); } } default: break; } return itr->GetValue(); } Color* ScColorScaleFormat::GetColor( const ScAddress& rAddr ) const { CellType eCellType = mpDoc->GetCellType(rAddr); if(eCellType != CELLTYPE_VALUE && eCellType != CELLTYPE_FORMULA) return NULL; if (eCellType == CELLTYPE_FORMULA) { ScFormulaCell *pCell = mpDoc->GetFormulaCell(rAddr); if (!pCell || !pCell->IsValue()) return NULL; } // now we have for sure a value double nVal = mpDoc->GetValue(rAddr); if (maColorScales.size() < 2) return NULL; double nMin = std::numeric_limits::max(); double nMax = std::numeric_limits::min(); calcMinMax(nMin, nMax); // this check is for safety if(nMin >= nMax) return NULL; const_iterator itr = begin(); double nValMin = CalcValue(nMin, nMax, itr); Color rColMin = itr->GetColor(); ++itr; double nValMax = CalcValue(nMin, nMax, itr); Color rColMax = itr->GetColor(); ++itr; while(itr != end() && nVal > nValMax) { rColMin = rColMax; nValMin = nValMax; rColMax = itr->GetColor(); nValMax = CalcValue(nMin, nMax, itr); ++itr; } Color aColor = CalcColor(nVal, nValMin, rColMin, nValMax, rColMax); return new Color(aColor); } void ScColorScaleFormat::UpdateReference( sc::RefUpdateContext& rCxt ) { for(iterator itr = begin(); itr != end(); ++itr) itr->UpdateReference(rCxt); } void ScColorScaleFormat::UpdateInsertTab( sc::RefUpdateInsertTabContext& rCxt ) { for (iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) it->UpdateInsertTab(rCxt); } void ScColorScaleFormat::UpdateDeleteTab( sc::RefUpdateDeleteTabContext& rCxt ) { for (iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) it->UpdateDeleteTab(rCxt); } void ScColorScaleFormat::UpdateMoveTab( sc::RefUpdateMoveTabContext& rCxt ) { for (iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) it->UpdateMoveTab(rCxt); } bool ScColorScaleFormat::NeedsRepaint() const { for(const_iterator itr = begin(), itrEnd = end(); itr != itrEnd; ++itr) { if(itr->NeedsRepaint()) return true; } return false; } bool ScColorScaleFormat::CheckEntriesForRel(const ScRange& rRange) const { bool bNeedUpdate = false; for(const_iterator itr = begin(); itr != end(); ++itr) { ScColorScaleEntryType eType = itr->GetType(); switch(eType) { case COLORSCALE_MIN: case COLORSCALE_MAX: bNeedUpdate = true; break; case COLORSCALE_FORMULA: return true; default: break; } } // TODO: check also if the changed value is the new min/max // or has been the old min/max value bNeedUpdate = bNeedUpdate && GetRange().Intersects(rRange); return bNeedUpdate; } void ScColorScaleFormat::DataChanged(const ScRange& rRange) { bool bNeedUpdate = CheckEntriesForRel(rRange); if(bNeedUpdate) { mpDoc->RepaintRange(GetRange()); } } condformat::ScFormatEntryType ScColorScaleFormat::GetType() const { return condformat::COLORSCALE; } ScColorScaleFormat::iterator ScColorScaleFormat::begin() { return maColorScales.begin(); } ScColorScaleFormat::const_iterator ScColorScaleFormat::begin() const { return maColorScales.begin(); } ScColorScaleFormat::iterator ScColorScaleFormat::end() { return maColorScales.end(); } ScColorScaleFormat::const_iterator ScColorScaleFormat::end() const { return maColorScales.end(); } size_t ScColorScaleFormat::size() const { return maColorScales.size(); } ScDataBarFormat::ScDataBarFormat(ScDocument* pDoc): ScColorFormat(pDoc) { } ScDataBarFormat::ScDataBarFormat(ScDocument* pDoc, const ScDataBarFormat& rFormat): ScColorFormat(pDoc), mpFormatData(new ScDataBarFormatData(*rFormat.mpFormatData)) { } void ScDataBarFormat::SetDataBarData( ScDataBarFormatData* pData ) { mpFormatData.reset(pData); } const ScDataBarFormatData* ScDataBarFormat::GetDataBarData() const { return mpFormatData.get(); } ScColorFormat* ScDataBarFormat::Clone(ScDocument* pDoc) const { return new ScDataBarFormat(pDoc, *this); } condformat::ScFormatEntryType ScDataBarFormat::GetType() const { return condformat::DATABAR; } void ScDataBarFormat::UpdateReference( sc::RefUpdateContext& rCxt ) { mpFormatData->mpUpperLimit->UpdateReference(rCxt); mpFormatData->mpLowerLimit->UpdateReference(rCxt); } void ScDataBarFormat::UpdateInsertTab( sc::RefUpdateInsertTabContext& rCxt ) { mpFormatData->mpUpperLimit->UpdateInsertTab(rCxt); mpFormatData->mpLowerLimit->UpdateInsertTab(rCxt); } void ScDataBarFormat::UpdateDeleteTab( sc::RefUpdateDeleteTabContext& rCxt ) { mpFormatData->mpUpperLimit->UpdateDeleteTab(rCxt); mpFormatData->mpLowerLimit->UpdateDeleteTab(rCxt); } void ScDataBarFormat::UpdateMoveTab( sc::RefUpdateMoveTabContext& rCxt ) { mpFormatData->mpUpperLimit->UpdateMoveTab(rCxt); mpFormatData->mpLowerLimit->UpdateMoveTab(rCxt); } bool ScDataBarFormat::NeedsRepaint() const { return mpFormatData->mpUpperLimit->NeedsRepaint() || mpFormatData->mpLowerLimit->NeedsRepaint(); } namespace { bool NeedUpdate(ScColorScaleEntry* pEntry) { switch(pEntry->GetType()) { case COLORSCALE_MIN: case COLORSCALE_MAX: case COLORSCALE_FORMULA: case COLORSCALE_AUTO: return true; default: return false; } } } void ScDataBarFormat::DataChanged(const ScRange& rRange) { bool bNeedUpdate = NeedUpdate(mpFormatData->mpUpperLimit.get()); bNeedUpdate |= NeedUpdate(mpFormatData->mpLowerLimit.get()); bNeedUpdate &= GetRange().Intersects(rRange); if(bNeedUpdate) { mpDoc->RepaintRange(GetRange()); } } double ScDataBarFormat::getMin(double nMin, double nMax) const { switch(mpFormatData->mpLowerLimit->GetType()) { case COLORSCALE_MIN: return nMin; case COLORSCALE_AUTO: return std::min(0, nMin); case COLORSCALE_PERCENT: return nMin + (nMax-nMin)/100*mpFormatData->mpLowerLimit->GetValue(); case COLORSCALE_PERCENTILE: { double fPercentile = mpFormatData->mpLowerLimit->GetValue()/100.0; std::vector& rValues = getValues(); return GetPercentile(rValues, fPercentile); } default: break; } return mpFormatData->mpLowerLimit->GetValue(); } double ScDataBarFormat::getMax(double nMin, double nMax) const { switch(mpFormatData->mpUpperLimit->GetType()) { case COLORSCALE_MAX: return nMax; case COLORSCALE_AUTO: return std::max(0, nMax); case COLORSCALE_PERCENT: return nMin + (nMax-nMin)/100*mpFormatData->mpUpperLimit->GetValue(); case COLORSCALE_PERCENTILE: { double fPercentile = mpFormatData->mpUpperLimit->GetValue()/100.0; std::vector& rValues = getValues(); return GetPercentile(rValues, fPercentile); } default: break; } return mpFormatData->mpUpperLimit->GetValue(); } ScDataBarInfo* ScDataBarFormat::GetDataBarInfo(const ScAddress& rAddr) const { CellType eCellType = mpDoc->GetCellType(rAddr); if(eCellType != CELLTYPE_VALUE && eCellType != CELLTYPE_FORMULA) return NULL; if (eCellType == CELLTYPE_FORMULA) { ScFormulaCell *pCell = mpDoc->GetFormulaCell(rAddr); if (!pCell || !pCell->IsValue()) return NULL; } // now we have for sure a value double nValMin = getMinValue(); double nValMax = getMaxValue(); double nMin = getMin(nValMin, nValMax); double nMax = getMax(nValMin, nValMax); double nValue = mpDoc->GetValue(rAddr); ScDataBarInfo* pInfo = new ScDataBarInfo(); if(mpFormatData->meAxisPosition == databar::NONE) { if(nValue <= nMin) { pInfo->mnLength = 0; } else if(nValue >= nMax) { pInfo->mnLength = 100; } else { double nDiff = nMax - nMin; pInfo->mnLength = (nValue - nMin)/nDiff*100.0; } pInfo->mnZero = 0; } else { double nMinPositive = 0; double nMaxNegative = 0; //calculate the zero position first if(mpFormatData->meAxisPosition == databar::AUTOMATIC) { if(nMin < 0) { if(nMax < 0) pInfo->mnZero = 100; else { pInfo->mnZero = -100*nMin/(nMax-nMin); } } else pInfo->mnZero = 0; // if max or min is used we may need to adjust it // for the length calculation if (mpFormatData->mpLowerLimit->GetType() == COLORSCALE_MIN && nMin > 0) nMinPositive = nMin; if (mpFormatData->mpUpperLimit->GetType() == COLORSCALE_MAX && nMax < 0) nMaxNegative = nMax; } else if( mpFormatData->meAxisPosition == databar::MIDDLE) pInfo->mnZero = 50; //calculate the length if(nValue < 0) { if (nValue < nMin) pInfo->mnLength = -100; else pInfo->mnLength = -100 * (nValue-nMaxNegative)/(nMin-nMaxNegative); } else { if ( nValue > nMax ) pInfo->mnLength = 100; else pInfo->mnLength = (nValue-nMinPositive)/(nMax-nMinPositive)*100; } } // set color if(mpFormatData->mbNeg && nValue < 0) { if(mpFormatData->mpNegativeColor) { pInfo->maColor = *mpFormatData->mpNegativeColor.get(); } else { // default negative color is red pInfo->maColor = COL_LIGHTRED; } } else pInfo->maColor = mpFormatData->maPositiveColor; pInfo->mbGradient = mpFormatData->mbGradient; pInfo->mbShowValue = !mpFormatData->mbOnlyBar; pInfo->maAxisColor = mpFormatData->maAxisColor; return pInfo; } ScIconSetFormat::ScIconSetFormat(ScDocument* pDoc): ScColorFormat(pDoc), mpFormatData(new ScIconSetFormatData) { } ScIconSetFormat::ScIconSetFormat(ScDocument* pDoc, const ScIconSetFormat& rFormat): ScColorFormat(pDoc), mpFormatData(new ScIconSetFormatData(*rFormat.mpFormatData)) { } ScColorFormat* ScIconSetFormat::Clone( ScDocument* pDoc ) const { return new ScIconSetFormat(pDoc, *this); } void ScIconSetFormat::SetIconSetData( ScIconSetFormatData* pFormatData ) { mpFormatData.reset( pFormatData ); } const ScIconSetFormatData* ScIconSetFormat::GetIconSetData() const { return mpFormatData.get(); } ScIconSetInfo* ScIconSetFormat::GetIconSetInfo(const ScAddress& rAddr) const { CellType eCellType = mpDoc->GetCellType(rAddr); if(eCellType != CELLTYPE_VALUE && eCellType != CELLTYPE_FORMULA) return NULL; if (eCellType == CELLTYPE_FORMULA) { ScFormulaCell *pCell = mpDoc->GetFormulaCell(rAddr); if (!pCell || !pCell->IsValue()) return NULL; } // now we have for sure a value double nVal = mpDoc->GetValue(rAddr); if (mpFormatData->maEntries.size() < 2) return NULL; double nMin = GetMinValue(); double nMax = GetMaxValue(); // this check is for safety if(nMin > nMax) return NULL; sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; const_iterator itr = begin(); ++itr; double nValMax = CalcValue(nMin, nMax, itr); ++itr; while(itr != end() && nVal >= nValMax) { ++nIndex; nValMax = CalcValue(nMin, nMax, itr); ++itr; } if(nVal >= nValMax) ++nIndex; ScIconSetInfo* pInfo = new ScIconSetInfo; if(mpFormatData->mbReverse) { sal_Int32 nMaxIndex = mpFormatData->maEntries.size() - 1; pInfo->nIconIndex = nMaxIndex - nIndex; } else pInfo->nIconIndex = nIndex; pInfo->eIconSetType = mpFormatData->eIconSetType; pInfo->mbShowValue = mpFormatData->mbShowValue; return pInfo; } condformat::ScFormatEntryType ScIconSetFormat::GetType() const { return condformat::ICONSET; } void ScIconSetFormat::DataChanged( const ScRange& ) { } void ScIconSetFormat::UpdateReference( sc::RefUpdateContext& rCxt ) { for(iterator itr = begin(); itr != end(); ++itr) { itr->UpdateReference(rCxt); } } void ScIconSetFormat::UpdateInsertTab( sc::RefUpdateInsertTabContext& rCxt ) { for(iterator itr = begin(); itr != end(); ++itr) { itr->UpdateInsertTab(rCxt); } } void ScIconSetFormat::UpdateDeleteTab( sc::RefUpdateDeleteTabContext& rCxt ) { for(iterator itr = begin(); itr != end(); ++itr) { itr->UpdateDeleteTab(rCxt); } } void ScIconSetFormat::UpdateMoveTab( sc::RefUpdateMoveTabContext& rCxt ) { for(iterator itr = begin(); itr != end(); ++itr) { itr->UpdateMoveTab(rCxt); } } bool ScIconSetFormat::NeedsRepaint() const { for(const_iterator itr = begin(); itr != end(); ++itr) { if(itr->NeedsRepaint()) return true; } return false; } ScIconSetFormat::iterator ScIconSetFormat::begin() { return mpFormatData->maEntries.begin(); } ScIconSetFormat::const_iterator ScIconSetFormat::begin() const { return mpFormatData->maEntries.begin(); } ScIconSetFormat::iterator ScIconSetFormat::end() { return mpFormatData->maEntries.end(); } ScIconSetFormat::const_iterator ScIconSetFormat::end() const { return mpFormatData->maEntries.end(); } double ScIconSetFormat::GetMinValue() const { const_iterator itr = begin(); if(itr->GetType() == COLORSCALE_VALUE || itr->GetType() == COLORSCALE_FORMULA) return itr->GetValue(); else { return getMinValue(); } } double ScIconSetFormat::GetMaxValue() const { boost::ptr_vector::const_reverse_iterator itr = mpFormatData->maEntries.rbegin(); if(itr->GetType() == COLORSCALE_VALUE || itr->GetType() == COLORSCALE_FORMULA) return itr->GetValue(); else { return getMaxValue(); } } double ScIconSetFormat::CalcValue(double nMin, double nMax, ScIconSetFormat::const_iterator& itr) const { switch(itr->GetType()) { case COLORSCALE_PERCENT: return nMin + (nMax-nMin)*(itr->GetValue()/100); case COLORSCALE_MIN: return nMin; case COLORSCALE_MAX: return nMax; case COLORSCALE_PERCENTILE: { std::vector& rValues = getValues(); if(rValues.size() == 1) return rValues[0]; else { double fPercentile = itr->GetValue()/100.0; return GetPercentile(rValues, fPercentile); } } default: break; } return itr->GetValue(); } ScIconSetMap* ScIconSetFormat::getIconSetMap() { static ScIconSetMap aIconSetMap[] = { { "3Arrows", IconSet_3Arrows, 3 }, { "3ArrowsGray", IconSet_3ArrowsGray, 3 }, { "3Flags", IconSet_3Flags, 3 }, { "3TrafficLights1", IconSet_3TrafficLights1, 3 }, { "3TrafficLights2", IconSet_3TrafficLights2, 3 }, { "3Signs", IconSet_3Signs, 3 }, { "3Symbols", IconSet_3Symbols, 3 }, { "3Symbols2", IconSet_3Symbols2, 3 }, { "3Smilies", IconSet_3Smilies, 3 }, { "3ColorSmilies", IconSet_3ColorSmilies, 3 }, { "4Arrows", IconSet_4Arrows, 4 }, { "4ArrowsGray", IconSet_4ArrowsGray, 4 }, { "4RedToBlack", IconSet_4RedToBlack, 4 }, { "4Rating", IconSet_4Rating, 4 }, { "4TrafficLights", IconSet_4TrafficLights, 4 }, { "5Arrows", IconSet_5Arrows, 5 }, { "5ArrowsGray", IconSet_5ArrowsGray, 5 }, { "5Rating", IconSet_5Ratings, 5 }, { "5Quarters", IconSet_5Quarters, 5 }, { NULL, IconSet_3Arrows, 0 } }; return aIconSetMap; } namespace { const sal_Int32 a3TrafficLights1[] = { BMP_ICON_SET_CIRCLES1_RED, BMP_ICON_SET_CIRCLES1_YELLOW, BMP_ICON_SET_CIRCLES1_GREEN }; const sal_Int32 a3TrafficLights2[] = { BMP_ICON_SET_TRAFFICLIGHTS_RED, BMP_ICON_SET_TRAFFICLIGHTS_YELLOW, BMP_ICON_SET_TRAFFICLIGHTS_GREEN }; const sal_Int32 a3Arrows[] = { BMP_ICON_SET_COLORARROWS_DOWN, BMP_ICON_SET_COLORARROWS_SAME, BMP_ICON_SET_COLORARROWS_UP }; const sal_Int32 a3ArrowsGray[] = { BMP_ICON_SET_GRAYARROWS_DOWN, BMP_ICON_SET_GRAYARROWS_SAME, BMP_ICON_SET_GRAYARROWS_UP }; const sal_Int32 a3Flags[] = { BMP_ICON_SET_FLAGS_RED, BMP_ICON_SET_FLAGS_YELLOW, BMP_ICON_SET_FLAGS_GREEN }; const sal_Int32 a3Smilies[] = { BMP_ICON_SET_POSITIVE_YELLOW_SMILIE, BMP_ICON_SET_NEUTRAL_YELLOW_SMILIE, BMP_ICON_SET_NEGATIVE_YELLOW_SMILIE }; const sal_Int32 a3ColorSmilies[] = { BMP_ICON_SET_POSITIVE_GREEN_SMILIE, BMP_ICON_SET_NEUTRAL_YELLOW_SMILIE, BMP_ICON_SET_NEGATIVE_RED_SMILIE }; const sal_Int32 a4Arrows[] = { BMP_ICON_SET_COLORARROWS_DOWN, BMP_ICON_SET_COLORARROWS_SLIGHTLY_DOWN, BMP_ICON_SET_COLORARROWS_SLIGHTLY_UP, BMP_ICON_SET_COLORARROWS_UP }; const sal_Int32 a4ArrowsGray[] = { BMP_ICON_SET_GRAYARROWS_DOWN, BMP_ICON_SET_GRAYARROWS_SLIGHTLY_DOWN, BMP_ICON_SET_GRAYARROWS_SLIGHTLY_UP, BMP_ICON_SET_GRAYARROWS_UP }; const sal_Int32 a5Arrows[] = { BMP_ICON_SET_COLORARROWS_DOWN, BMP_ICON_SET_COLORARROWS_SLIGHTLY_DOWN, BMP_ICON_SET_COLORARROWS_SAME, BMP_ICON_SET_COLORARROWS_SLIGHTLY_UP, BMP_ICON_SET_COLORARROWS_UP }; const sal_Int32 a5ArrowsGray[] = { BMP_ICON_SET_GRAYARROWS_DOWN, BMP_ICON_SET_GRAYARROWS_SLIGHTLY_DOWN, BMP_ICON_SET_GRAYARROWS_SAME, BMP_ICON_SET_GRAYARROWS_SLIGHTLY_UP, BMP_ICON_SET_GRAYARROWS_UP }; const sal_Int32 a4TrafficLights[] = { BMP_ICON_SET_CIRCLES1_GRAY, BMP_ICON_SET_CIRCLES1_RED, BMP_ICON_SET_CIRCLES1_YELLOW, BMP_ICON_SET_CIRCLES1_GREEN }; const sal_Int32 a5Quarters[] = { BMP_ICON_SET_PIES_EMPTY, BMP_ICON_SET_PIES_ONE_QUARTER, BMP_ICON_SET_PIES_HALF, BMP_ICON_SET_PIES_THREE_QUARTER, BMP_ICON_SET_PIES_FULL, }; const sal_Int32 a3Symbols1[] = { BMP_ICON_SET_SYMBOLS1_CROSS, BMP_ICON_SET_SYMBOLS1_EXCLAMATION_MARK, BMP_ICON_SET_SYMBOLS1_CHECK }; const sal_Int32 a3Signs[] = { BMP_ICON_SET_SHAPES_DIAMOND, BMP_ICON_SET_SHAPES_TRIANGLE, BMP_ICON_SET_SHAPES_CIRCLE }; const sal_Int32 a4RedToBlack[] = { BMP_ICON_SET_CIRCLES2_DARK_GRAY, BMP_ICON_SET_CIRCLES2_LIGHT_GRAY, BMP_ICON_SET_CIRCLES2_LIGHT_RED, BMP_ICON_SET_CIRCLES2_DARK_RED }; const sal_Int32 a4Ratings[] = { BMP_ICON_SET_BARS_ONE_QUARTER, BMP_ICON_SET_BARS_HALF, BMP_ICON_SET_BARS_THREE_QUARTER, BMP_ICON_SET_BARS_FULL }; const sal_Int32 a5Ratings[] = { BMP_ICON_SET_BARS_EMPTY, BMP_ICON_SET_BARS_ONE_QUARTER, BMP_ICON_SET_BARS_HALF, BMP_ICON_SET_BARS_THREE_QUARTER, BMP_ICON_SET_BARS_FULL }; struct ScIconSetBitmapMap { ScIconSetType eType; const sal_Int32* nBitmaps; }; static const ScIconSetBitmapMap aBitmapMap[] = { { IconSet_3Arrows, a3Arrows }, { IconSet_3ArrowsGray, a3ArrowsGray }, { IconSet_3Flags, a3Flags }, { IconSet_3Signs, a3Signs }, { IconSet_3Symbols, a3Symbols1 }, { IconSet_3Symbols2, a3Symbols1 }, { IconSet_3TrafficLights1, a3TrafficLights1 }, { IconSet_3TrafficLights2, a3TrafficLights2 }, { IconSet_3Smilies, a3Smilies }, { IconSet_3ColorSmilies, a3ColorSmilies }, { IconSet_4Arrows, a4Arrows }, { IconSet_4ArrowsGray, a4ArrowsGray }, { IconSet_4Rating, a4Ratings }, { IconSet_4RedToBlack, a4RedToBlack }, { IconSet_4TrafficLights, a4TrafficLights }, { IconSet_5Arrows, a5Arrows }, { IconSet_5ArrowsGray, a5ArrowsGray }, { IconSet_5Quarters, a5Quarters }, { IconSet_5Ratings, a5Ratings } }; } BitmapEx& ScIconSetFormat::getBitmap( ScIconSetType eType, sal_Int32 nIndex ) { static std::map< sal_Int32, BitmapEx > aIconSetBitmaps; sal_Int32 nBitmap = -1; for(size_t i = 0; i < SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aBitmapMap); ++i) { if(aBitmapMap[i].eType == eType) { nBitmap = *(aBitmapMap[i].nBitmaps + nIndex); break; } } assert( nBitmap != -1 ); std::map::iterator itr = aIconSetBitmaps.find( nBitmap ); if(itr != aIconSetBitmaps.end()) return itr->second; BitmapEx aBitmap = BitmapEx(ScResId(nBitmap)); std::pair aPair( nBitmap, aBitmap ); std::pair::iterator, bool> itrNew = aIconSetBitmaps.insert(aPair); assert(itrNew.second); return itrNew.first->second; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */