/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include "util.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(_WIN32) #if !defined WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #endif #include #endif #include #include "sunjre.hxx" #include "vendorlist.hxx" #include "diagnostics.h" #ifdef MACOSX #include "util_cocoa.hxx" #endif using namespace osl; using namespace std; using ::rtl::Reference; #ifdef _WIN32 #define HKEY_SUN_JRE L"Software\\JavaSoft\\Java Runtime Environment" #define HKEY_SUN_SDK L"Software\\JavaSoft\\Java Development Kit" #endif #if defined( UNX ) && !defined( MACOSX ) namespace { char const *g_arJavaNames[] = { "", "j2re", "j2se", "j2sdk", "jdk", "jre", "java" }; /* These are directory names which could contain multiple java installations. */ char const *g_arCollectDirs[] = { "", #ifndef JVM_ONE_PATH_CHECK "j2re/", "j2se/", "j2sdk/", "jdk/", "jre/", "java/", #endif "jvm/" }; /* These are directories in which a java installation is looked for. */ char const *g_arSearchPaths[] = { #ifndef JVM_ONE_PATH_CHECK "", "usr/", "usr/local/", #ifdef X86_64 "usr/lib64/", #endif "usr/lib/", "usr/bin/" #else JVM_ONE_PATH_CHECK #endif }; } #endif // UNX && !MACOSX namespace jfw_plugin { #if defined(_WIN32) static bool getSDKInfoFromRegistry(vector & vecHome); static bool getJREInfoFromRegistry(vector& vecJavaHome); #endif namespace { bool addJREInfo( rtl::Reference const & info, std::vector> & infos) { if (std::none_of(infos.begin(), infos.end(), InfoFindSame(info->getHome()))) { infos.push_back(info); return true; } else { return false; } } bool getAndAddJREInfoByPath( const OUString& path, std::vector > & allInfos, std::vector > & addedInfos) { rtl::Reference aInfo = getJREInfoByPath(path); if (aInfo.is()) { if (addJREInfo(aInfo, allInfos)) { addedInfos.push_back(aInfo); } return true; } else { return false; } } } namespace { class FileHandleGuard { public: explicit FileHandleGuard(oslFileHandle & rHandle): m_rHandle(rHandle) {} inline ~FileHandleGuard(); FileHandleGuard(const FileHandleGuard&) = delete; FileHandleGuard& operator=(const FileHandleGuard&) = delete; oslFileHandle & getHandle() { return m_rHandle; } private: oslFileHandle & m_rHandle; }; } inline FileHandleGuard::~FileHandleGuard() { if (m_rHandle != nullptr) { if (osl_closeFile(m_rHandle) != osl_File_E_None) { OSL_FAIL("unexpected situation"); } } } namespace { class FileHandleReader { public: enum Result { RESULT_OK, RESULT_EOF, RESULT_ERROR }; explicit FileHandleReader(oslFileHandle & rHandle): m_aGuard(rHandle), m_nSize(0), m_nIndex(0), m_bLf(false) {} Result readLine(OString * pLine); private: enum { BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 }; char m_aBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; FileHandleGuard m_aGuard; int m_nSize; int m_nIndex; bool m_bLf; }; } FileHandleReader::Result FileHandleReader::readLine(OString * pLine) { OSL_ENSURE(pLine, "specification violation"); for (bool bEof = true;; bEof = false) { if (m_nIndex == m_nSize) { sal_uInt64 nRead = 0; switch (osl_readFile( m_aGuard.getHandle(), m_aBuffer, sizeof(m_aBuffer), &nRead)) { case osl_File_E_PIPE: //HACK! for windows nRead = 0; [[fallthrough]]; case osl_File_E_None: if (nRead == 0) { m_bLf = false; return bEof ? RESULT_EOF : RESULT_OK; } m_nIndex = 0; m_nSize = static_cast< int >(nRead); break; case osl_File_E_INTR: continue; default: return RESULT_ERROR; } } if (m_bLf && m_aBuffer[m_nIndex] == 0x0A) ++m_nIndex; m_bLf = false; int nStart = m_nIndex; while (m_nIndex != m_nSize) switch (m_aBuffer[m_nIndex++]) { case 0x0D: m_bLf = true; [[fallthrough]]; case 0x0A: *pLine += std::string_view(m_aBuffer + nStart, m_nIndex - 1 - nStart); //TODO! check for overflow, and not very efficient return RESULT_OK; } *pLine += std::string_view(m_aBuffer + nStart, m_nIndex - nStart); //TODO! check for overflow, and not very efficient } } namespace { class AsynchReader: public salhelper::Thread { size_t m_nDataSize; std::unique_ptr m_arData; FileHandleGuard m_aGuard; virtual ~AsynchReader() override {} void execute() override; public: explicit AsynchReader(oslFileHandle & rHandle); /** only call this function after this thread has finished. That is, call join on this instance and then call getData. */ OString getData(); }; } AsynchReader::AsynchReader(oslFileHandle & rHandle): Thread("jvmfwkAsyncReader"), m_nDataSize(0), m_aGuard(rHandle) { } OString AsynchReader::getData() { return OString(m_arData.get(), m_nDataSize); } void AsynchReader::execute() { const sal_uInt64 BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; char aBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; while (true) { sal_uInt64 nRead; //the function blocks until something could be read or the pipe closed. switch (osl_readFile( m_aGuard.getHandle(), aBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &nRead)) { case osl_File_E_PIPE: //HACK! for windows nRead = 0; [[fallthrough]]; case osl_File_E_None: break; default: return; } if (nRead == 0) { break; } else if (nRead <= BUFFER_SIZE) { //Save the data we have in m_arData into a temporary array std::unique_ptr arTmp( new char[m_nDataSize]); if (m_nDataSize != 0) { memcpy(arTmp.get(), m_arData.get(), m_nDataSize); } //Enlarge m_arData to hold the newly read data m_arData.reset(new char[static_cast(m_nDataSize + nRead)]); //Copy back the data that was already in m_arData memcpy(m_arData.get(), arTmp.get(), m_nDataSize); //Add the newly read data to m_arData memcpy(m_arData.get() + m_nDataSize, aBuffer, static_cast(nRead)); m_nDataSize += static_cast(nRead); } } } bool getJavaProps(const OUString & exePath, #ifdef JVM_ONE_PATH_CHECK const OUString & homePath, #endif std::vector >& props, bool * bProcessRun) { bool ret = false; OSL_ASSERT(!exePath.isEmpty()); OUString usStartDir; //We need to set the CLASSPATH in case the office is started from //a different directory. The JREProperties.class is expected to reside //next to the plugin, except on macOS where it is in ../Resources/java relative //to the plugin. OUString sThisLib; if (!osl_getModuleURLFromAddress(reinterpret_cast(&getJavaProps), & sThisLib.pData)) { return false; } sThisLib = getDirFromFile(sThisLib); OUString sClassPath; if (osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sThisLib.pData, & sClassPath.pData) != osl_File_E_None) { return false; } #ifdef MACOSX if (!JvmfwkUtil_isLoadableJVM(exePath)) return false; if (sClassPath.endsWith("/")) sClassPath += "../Resources/java/"; else sClassPath += "/../Resources/java"; #endif //prepare the arguments OUString arg0 = "-Dfile.encoding=UTF8"; OUString arg1 = "-classpath";// + sClassPath; OUString arg2 = sClassPath; OUString arg3("JREProperties"); rtl_uString *args[] = {arg0.pData, arg1.pData, arg2.pData, arg3.pData}; oslProcess javaProcess= nullptr; oslFileHandle fileOut= nullptr; oslFileHandle fileErr= nullptr; FileHandleReader stdoutReader(fileOut); rtl::Reference< AsynchReader > stderrReader(new AsynchReader(fileErr)); JFW_TRACE2("Executing: " + exePath); oslProcessError procErr = osl_executeProcess_WithRedirectedIO( exePath.pData,//usExe.pData, args, SAL_N_ELEMENTS(args), //sal_uInt32 nArguments, osl_Process_HIDDEN, //oslProcessOption Options, nullptr, //oslSecurity Security, usStartDir.pData,//usStartDir.pData,//usWorkDir.pData, //rtl_uString *strWorkDir, nullptr, //rtl_uString *strEnvironment[], 0, // sal_uInt32 nEnvironmentVars, &javaProcess, //oslProcess *pProcess, nullptr,//oslFileHandle *pChildInputWrite, &fileOut,//oslFileHandle *pChildOutputRead, &fileErr);//oslFileHandle *pChildErrorRead); if( procErr != osl_Process_E_None) { JFW_TRACE2("Execution failed"); *bProcessRun = false; SAL_WARN("jfw", "osl_executeProcess failed (" << ret << "): \"" << exePath << "\""); return ret; } else { JFW_TRACE2("Java executed successfully"); *bProcessRun = true; } //Start asynchronous reading (different thread) of error stream stderrReader->launch(); //Use this thread to read output stream FileHandleReader::Result rs = FileHandleReader::RESULT_OK; JFW_TRACE2("Properties found:"); while (true) { OString aLine; rs = stdoutReader.readLine( & aLine); if (rs != FileHandleReader::RESULT_OK) break; OUString sLine = OStringToOUString(aLine, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); JFW_TRACE2(" \"" << sLine << "\""); sLine = sLine.trim(); if (sLine.isEmpty()) continue; //The JREProperties class writes key value pairs, separated by '=' sal_Int32 index = sLine.indexOf('='); OSL_ASSERT(index != -1); OUString sKey = sLine.copy(0, index); OUString sVal = sLine.copy(index + 1); #ifdef JVM_ONE_PATH_CHECK //replace absolute path by linux distro link OUString sHomeProperty("java.home"); if(sHomeProperty.equals(sKey)) { sVal = homePath + "/jre"; } #endif props.emplace_back(sKey, sVal); } if (rs != FileHandleReader::RESULT_ERROR && !props.empty()) ret = true; //process error stream data stderrReader->join(); JFW_TRACE2("Java wrote to stderr:\" " << stderrReader->getData() << " \""); TimeValue waitMax= {5 ,0}; procErr = osl_joinProcessWithTimeout(javaProcess, &waitMax); OSL_ASSERT(procErr == osl_Process_E_None); osl_freeProcessHandle(javaProcess); return ret; } #if defined(_WIN32) static bool getJavaInfoFromRegistry(const wchar_t* szRegKey, vector& vecJavaHome) { HKEY hRoot; if (RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szRegKey, 0, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, &hRoot) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwIndex = 0; const DWORD BUFFSIZE = 1024; wchar_t bufVersion[BUFFSIZE]; FILETIME fileTime; DWORD nNameLen = sizeof(bufVersion); // Iterate over all subkeys of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment while (RegEnumKeyExW(hRoot, dwIndex, bufVersion, &nNameLen, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &fileTime) != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { HKEY hKey; // Open a Java Runtime Environment sub key, e.g. "1.4.0" if (RegOpenKeyExW(hRoot, bufVersion, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwType; DWORD dwTmpPathLen= 0; // Get the path to the JavaHome every JRE entry // Find out how long the string for JavaHome is and allocate memory to hold the path if( RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"JavaHome", nullptr, &dwType, nullptr, &dwTmpPathLen)== ERROR_SUCCESS) { unsigned char* szTmpPath= static_cast(malloc(dwTmpPathLen+sizeof(sal_Unicode))); // According to https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/ms724911, the application should ensure // that the string is properly terminated before using it for (DWORD i = 0; i < sizeof(sal_Unicode); ++i) szTmpPath[dwTmpPathLen + i] = 0; // Get the path for the runtime lib if(RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"JavaHome", nullptr, &dwType, szTmpPath, &dwTmpPathLen) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // There can be several version entries referring with the same JavaHome,e.g 1.4 and 1.4.1 OUString usHome(reinterpret_cast(szTmpPath)); // check if there is already an entry with the same JavaHomeruntime lib // if so, we use the one with the more accurate version OUString usHomeUrl; if (osl_getFileURLFromSystemPath(usHome.pData, & usHomeUrl.pData) == osl_File_E_None) { bool bAppend= true; //iterate over the vector with java home strings for (auto const& javaHome : vecJavaHome) { if(usHomeUrl.equals(javaHome)) { bAppend= false; break; } } // Save the home dir if(bAppend) { vecJavaHome.push_back(usHomeUrl); } } } free( szTmpPath); RegCloseKey(hKey); } } dwIndex ++; nNameLen = BUFFSIZE; } RegCloseKey(hRoot); } return true; } bool getSDKInfoFromRegistry(vector & vecHome) { return getJavaInfoFromRegistry(HKEY_SUN_SDK, vecHome); } bool getJREInfoFromRegistry(vector& vecJavaHome) { return getJavaInfoFromRegistry(HKEY_SUN_JRE, vecJavaHome); } static void addJavaInfoFromWinReg( std::vector > & allInfos, std::vector > & addedInfos) { // Get Java s from registry std::vector vecJavaHome; if(getSDKInfoFromRegistry(vecJavaHome)) { // create impl objects for (auto const& javaHome : vecJavaHome) { getAndAddJREInfoByPath(javaHome, allInfos, addedInfos); } } vecJavaHome.clear(); if(getJREInfoFromRegistry(vecJavaHome)) { for (auto const& javaHome : vecJavaHome) { getAndAddJREInfoByPath(javaHome, allInfos, addedInfos); } } vecJavaHome.clear(); if (getJavaInfoFromRegistry(L"Software\\JavaSoft\\JDK", vecJavaHome)) { for (auto const & javaHome: vecJavaHome) { getAndAddJREInfoByPath(javaHome, allInfos, addedInfos); } } vecJavaHome.clear(); if (getJavaInfoFromRegistry(L"Software\\JavaSoft\\JRE", vecJavaHome)) { for (auto const & javaHome: vecJavaHome) { getAndAddJREInfoByPath(javaHome, allInfos, addedInfos); } } } #endif // _WIN32 void bubbleSortVersion(vector >& vec) { if(vec.empty()) return; int size= vec.size() - 1; int cIter= 0; // sort for version for(int i= 0; i < size; i++) { for(int j= size; j > 0 + cIter; j--) { rtl::Reference& cur= vec.at(j); rtl::Reference& next= vec.at(j-1); int nCmp = 0; // comparing invalid SunVersion s is possible, they will be less than a // valid version //check if version of current is recognized, by comparing it with itself try { (void)cur->compareVersions(cur->getVersion()); } catch (MalformedVersionException &) { nCmp = -1; // current < next } //The version of cur is valid, now compare with the second version if (nCmp == 0) { try { nCmp = cur->compareVersions(next->getVersion()); } catch (MalformedVersionException & ) { //The second version is invalid, therefore it regards less. nCmp = 1; } } if(nCmp == 1) // cur > next { std::swap(cur, next); } } ++cIter; } } void addJREInfoFromBinPath( const OUString& path, vector> & allInfos, std::vector> & addedInfos) { // file:///c:/jre/bin //map: jre/bin/java.exe for ( sal_Int32 pos = 0; gVendorMap[pos].sVendorName != nullptr; ++pos ) { vector vecPaths; getJavaExePaths_func pFunc = gVendorMap[pos].getJavaFunc; int size = 0; char const* const* arExePaths = (*pFunc)(&size); vecPaths = getVectorFromCharArray(arExePaths, size); //make sure argument path does not end with '/' OUString sBinPath = path; if (path.endsWith("/")) sBinPath = path.copy(0, path.getLength() - 1); for (auto const& looppath : vecPaths) { //the map contains e.g. jre/bin/java.exe //get the directory where the executable is contained OUString sHome; sal_Int32 index = looppath.lastIndexOf('/'); if (index == -1) { //map contained only : "java.exe, then the argument //path is already the home directory sHome = sBinPath; } else { // jre/bin/jre -> jre/bin OUString sMapPath = looppath.copy(0, index); index = sBinPath.lastIndexOf(sMapPath); if (index != -1 && (index + sMapPath.getLength() == sBinPath.getLength()) && sBinPath[index - 1] == '/') { sHome = sBinPath.copy(index - 1); } } if (!sHome.isEmpty() && getAndAddJREInfoByPath(path, allInfos, addedInfos)) { return; } } } } vector > addAllJREInfos( bool checkJavaHomeAndPath, std::vector> & allInfos) { vector > addedInfos; #if defined(_WIN32) // Get Javas from the registry addJavaInfoFromWinReg(allInfos, addedInfos); #endif // _WIN32 if (checkJavaHomeAndPath) { addJavaInfoFromJavaHome(allInfos, addedInfos); //this function should be called after addJavaInfosDirScan. //Otherwise in SDKs Java may be started twice addJavaInfosFromPath(allInfos, addedInfos); } #ifdef UNX addJavaInfosDirScan(allInfos, addedInfos); #endif bubbleSortVersion(addedInfos); return addedInfos; } vector getVectorFromCharArray(char const * const * ar, int size) { vector vec; for( int i = 0; i < size; i++) { OUString s(ar[i], strlen(ar[i]), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); vec.push_back(s); } return vec; } /** Checks if the path is a directory. Links are resolved. In case of an error the returned string has the length 0. Otherwise the returned string is the "resolved" file URL. */ static OUString resolveDirPath(const OUString & path) { OUString ret; salhelper::LinkResolver aResolver(osl_FileStatus_Mask_Type | osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileURL); if (aResolver.fetchFileStatus(path) == osl::FileBase::E_None) { //check if this is a directory if (aResolver.m_aStatus.getFileType() == FileStatus::Directory) { #ifndef JVM_ONE_PATH_CHECK ret = aResolver.m_aStatus.getFileURL(); #else ret = path; #endif } } return ret; } /** Checks if the path is a file. If it is a link to a file than it is resolved. */ static OUString resolveFilePath(const OUString & path) { OUString ret; salhelper::LinkResolver aResolver(osl_FileStatus_Mask_Type | osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileURL); if (aResolver.fetchFileStatus(path) == osl::FileBase::E_None) { //check if this is a file if (aResolver.m_aStatus.getFileType() == FileStatus::Regular) { #ifndef JVM_ONE_PATH_CHECK ret = aResolver.m_aStatus.getFileURL(); #else ret = path; #endif } } return ret; } rtl::Reference getJREInfoByPath( const OUString& path) { rtl::Reference ret; static vector vecBadPaths; static map > mapJREs; OUString sFilePath; vector > props; OUString sResolvedDir = resolveDirPath(path); // If this path is invalid then there is no chance to find a JRE here if (sResolvedDir.isEmpty()) { return nullptr; } //check if the directory path is good, that is a JRE was already recognized. //Then we need not detect it again //For example, a sun JDK contains /bin/java and /jre/bin/java. //When /bin/java has been found then we need not find /jre/bin/java. //Otherwise we would execute java two times for every JDK found. auto entry2 = find_if(mapJREs.cbegin(), mapJREs.cend(), SameOrSubDirJREMap(sResolvedDir)); if (entry2 != mapJREs.end()) { JFW_TRACE2("JRE found again (detected before): " << sResolvedDir); return entry2->second; } for ( sal_Int32 pos = 0; gVendorMap[pos].sVendorName != nullptr; ++pos ) { vector vecPaths; getJavaExePaths_func pFunc = gVendorMap[pos].getJavaFunc; int size = 0; char const* const* arExePaths = (*pFunc)(&size); vecPaths = getVectorFromCharArray(arExePaths, size); bool bBreak = false; for (auto const& looppath : vecPaths) { //if the path is a link, then resolve it //check if the executable exists at all //path can be only "file:///". Then do not append a '/' //sizeof counts the terminating 0 OUString sFullPath; if (path.getLength() == sizeof("file:///") - 1) sFullPath = sResolvedDir + looppath; else sFullPath = sResolvedDir + "/" + looppath; sFilePath = resolveFilePath(sFullPath); if (sFilePath.isEmpty()) { //The file path (to java exe) is not valid auto ifull = find(vecBadPaths.cbegin(), vecBadPaths.cend(), sFullPath); if (ifull == vecBadPaths.cend()) { vecBadPaths.push_back(sFullPath); } continue; } auto ifile = find(vecBadPaths.cbegin(), vecBadPaths.cend(), sFilePath); if (ifile != vecBadPaths.cend()) { continue; } auto entry = mapJREs.find(sFilePath); if (entry != mapJREs.end()) { JFW_TRACE2("JRE found again (detected before): " << sFilePath); return entry->second; } bool bProcessRun= false; if (!getJavaProps(sFilePath, #ifdef JVM_ONE_PATH_CHECK sResolvedDir, #endif props, & bProcessRun)) { //The java executable could not be run or the system properties //could not be retrieved. We can assume that this java is corrupt. vecBadPaths.push_back(sFilePath); //If there was a java executable, that could be run but we did not get //the system properties, then we also assume that the whole Java installation //does not work. In a jdk there are two executables. One in jdk/bin and the other //in jdk/jre/bin. We do not search any further, because we assume that if one java //does not work then the other does not work as well. This saves us to run java //again which is quite costly. if (bProcessRun) { // 1.3.1 special treatment: jdk/bin/java and /jdk/jre/bin/java are links to //a script, named .java_wrapper. The script starts jdk/bin/sparc/native_threads/java //or jdk/jre/bin/sparc/native_threads/java. The script uses the name with which it was //invoked to build the path to the executable. It we start the script directly as .java_wrapper //then it tries to start a jdk/.../native_threads/.java_wrapper. Therefore the link, which //is named java, must be used to start the script. getJavaProps(sFullPath, #ifdef JVM_ONE_PATH_CHECK sResolvedDir, #endif props, & bProcessRun); // Either we found a working 1.3.1 // Or the java is broken. In both cases we stop searching under this "root" directory bBreak = true; break; } //sFilePath is no working java executable. We continue with another possible //path. else { continue; } } //sFilePath is a java and we could get the system properties. We proceed with this //java. else { bBreak = true; break; } } if (bBreak) break; } if (props.empty()) { return rtl::Reference(); } //find java.vendor property OUString sVendorName; for (auto const& prop : props) { if (prop.first == "java.vendor") { sVendorName = prop.second; break; } } auto knownVendor = false; if (!sVendorName.isEmpty()) { //find the creator func for the respective vendor name for ( sal_Int32 c = 0; gVendorMap[c].sVendorName != nullptr; ++c ) { OUString sNameMap(gVendorMap[c].sVendorName, strlen(gVendorMap[c].sVendorName), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US); if (sNameMap == sVendorName) { ret = createInstance(gVendorMap[c].createFunc, props); knownVendor = true; break; } } } // For unknown vendors, try SunInfo as fallback: if (!knownVendor) { ret = createInstance(SunInfo::createInstance, props); } if (!ret.is()) { vecBadPaths.push_back(sFilePath); } else { JFW_TRACE2("Found JRE: " << sResolvedDir << " at: " << path); mapJREs.emplace(sResolvedDir, ret); mapJREs.emplace(sFilePath, ret); } return ret; } Reference createInstance(createInstance_func pFunc, const vector >& properties) { Reference aBase = (*pFunc)(); if (aBase.is()) { if (!aBase->initialize(properties)) aBase = nullptr; } return aBase; } inline OUString getDirFromFile(const OUString& usFilePath) { sal_Int32 index = usFilePath.lastIndexOf('/'); return usFilePath.copy(0, index); } void addJavaInfosFromPath( std::vector> & allInfos, std::vector> & addedInfos) { #if !defined JVM_ONE_PATH_CHECK // Get Java from PATH environment variable char *szPath= getenv("PATH"); if(!szPath) return; OUString usAllPath(szPath, strlen(szPath), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; do { OUString usToken = usAllPath.getToken( 0, SAL_PATHSEPARATOR, nIndex ); OUString usTokenUrl; if(File::getFileURLFromSystemPath(usToken, usTokenUrl) == File::E_None) { if(!usTokenUrl.isEmpty()) { OUString usBin; if(usTokenUrl == ".") { OUString usWorkDirUrl; if(osl_Process_E_None == osl_getProcessWorkingDir(&usWorkDirUrl.pData)) usBin= usWorkDirUrl; } else if(usTokenUrl == "..") { OUString usWorkDir; if(osl_Process_E_None == osl_getProcessWorkingDir(&usWorkDir.pData)) usBin= getDirFromFile(usWorkDir); } else { usBin = usTokenUrl; } if(!usBin.isEmpty()) { addJREInfoFromBinPath(usBin, allInfos, addedInfos); } } } } while ( nIndex >= 0 ); #endif } void addJavaInfoFromJavaHome( std::vector> & allInfos, std::vector> & addedInfos) { #if !defined JVM_ONE_PATH_CHECK // Get Java from JAVA_HOME environment // Note that on macOS is it not normal at all to have a JAVA_HOME environment // variable. We set it in our build environment for build-time programs, though, // so it is set when running unit tests that involve Java functionality. (Which affects // at least CppunitTest_dbaccess_dialog_save, too, and not only the JunitTest ones.) char *szJavaHome= getenv("JAVA_HOME"); if(szJavaHome) { OUString sHome(szJavaHome, strlen(szJavaHome), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); OUString sHomeUrl; if(File::getFileURLFromSystemPath(sHome, sHomeUrl) == File::E_None) { getAndAddJREInfoByPath(sHomeUrl, allInfos, addedInfos); } } #endif } bool makeDriveLetterSame(OUString * fileURL) { bool ret = false; DirectoryItem item; if (DirectoryItem::get(*fileURL, item) == File::E_None) { FileStatus status(osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileURL); if (item.getFileStatus(status) == File::E_None) { *fileURL = status.getFileURL(); ret = true; } } return ret; } #ifdef UNX #ifdef __sun void addJavaInfosDirScan( std::vector> & allInfos, std::vector> & addedInfos) { JFW_TRACE2("Checking /usr/jdk/latest"); getAndAddJREInfoByPath("file:////usr/jdk/latest", allInfos, addedInfos); } #else void addJavaInfosDirScan( std::vector> & allInfos, std::vector> & addedInfos) { #ifdef MACOSX // Ignore all but Oracle's JDK as loading Apple's Java and Oracle's JRE // will cause macOS's JavaVM framework to display a dialog and invoke // exit() when loaded via JNI on macOS 10.10 Directory aDir("file:///Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines"); if (aDir.open() == File::E_None) { DirectoryItem aItem; while (aDir.getNextItem(aItem) == File::E_None) { FileStatus aStatus(osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileURL); if (aItem.getFileStatus(aStatus) == File::E_None) { OUString aItemURL( aStatus.getFileURL() ); if (aItemURL.getLength()) { aItemURL += "/Contents/Home"; if (DirectoryItem::get(aItemURL, aItem) == File::E_None) getAndAddJREInfoByPath(aItemURL, allInfos, addedInfos); } } } aDir.close(); } #else // MACOSX OUString excMessage = "[Java framework] sunjavaplugin: " "Error in function addJavaInfosDirScan in util.cxx."; int cJavaNames= SAL_N_ELEMENTS(g_arJavaNames); std::unique_ptr sarJavaNames(new OUString[cJavaNames]); OUString *arNames = sarJavaNames.get(); for(int i= 0; i < cJavaNames; i++) arNames[i] = OUString(g_arJavaNames[i], strlen(g_arJavaNames[i]), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); int cSearchPaths= SAL_N_ELEMENTS(g_arSearchPaths); std::unique_ptr sarPathNames(new OUString[cSearchPaths]); OUString *arPaths = sarPathNames.get(); for(int c = 0; c < cSearchPaths; c++) arPaths[c] = OUString(g_arSearchPaths[c], strlen(g_arSearchPaths[c]), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); int cCollectDirs = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(g_arCollectDirs); std::unique_ptr sarCollectDirs(new OUString[cCollectDirs]); OUString *arCollectDirs = sarCollectDirs.get(); for(int d = 0; d < cCollectDirs; d++) arCollectDirs[d] = OUString(g_arCollectDirs[d], strlen(g_arCollectDirs[d]), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); for( int ii = 0; ii < cSearchPaths; ii ++) { OUString usDir1("file:///" + arPaths[ii]); DirectoryItem item; if(DirectoryItem::get(usDir1, item) == File::E_None) { for(int j= 0; j < cCollectDirs; j++) { OUString usDir2(usDir1 + arCollectDirs[j]); // prevent that we scan the whole /usr, /usr/lib, etc directories if (!arCollectDirs[j].isEmpty()) { //usr/java/xxx //Examining every subdirectory Directory aCollectionDir(usDir2); Directory::RC openErr = aCollectionDir.open(); switch (openErr) { case File::E_None: break; case File::E_NOENT: case File::E_NOTDIR: continue; case File::E_ACCES: JFW_TRACE2("Could not read directory " << usDir2 << " because of missing access rights"); continue; default: JFW_TRACE2("Could not read directory " << usDir2 << ". Osl file error: " << openErr); continue; } DirectoryItem curIt; File::RC errNext = File::E_None; while( (errNext = aCollectionDir.getNextItem(curIt)) == File::E_None) { FileStatus aStatus(osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileURL); File::RC errStatus = File::E_None; if ((errStatus = curIt.getFileStatus(aStatus)) != File::E_None) { JFW_TRACE2(excMessage + "getFileStatus failed with error " << errStatus); continue; } JFW_TRACE2("Checking if directory: " << aStatus.getFileURL() << " is a Java"); getAndAddJREInfoByPath( aStatus.getFileURL(), allInfos, addedInfos); } JFW_ENSURE(errNext == File::E_None || errNext == File::E_NOENT, "[Java framework] sunjavaplugin: " "Error while iterating over contents of " + usDir2 + ". Osl file error: " + OUString::number(openErr)); } else { //usr/java //When we look directly into a dir like /usr, /usr/lib, etc. then we only //look for certain java directories, such as jre, jdk, etc. We do not want //to examine the whole directory because of performance reasons. DirectoryItem item2; if(DirectoryItem::get(usDir2, item2) == File::E_None) { for( int k= 0; k < cJavaNames; k++) { // /usr/java/j2re1.4.0 OUString usDir3(usDir2 + arNames[k]); DirectoryItem item3; if(DirectoryItem::get(usDir3, item3) == File::E_None) { //remove trailing '/' sal_Int32 islash = usDir3.lastIndexOf('/'); if (islash == usDir3.getLength() - 1 && (islash > RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH("file://"))) usDir3 = usDir3.copy(0, islash); getAndAddJREInfoByPath( usDir3, allInfos, addedInfos); } } } } } } } #endif // MACOSX } #endif // ifdef __sun #endif // ifdef UNX } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */