path: root/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/impress/
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Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/impress/')
1 files changed, 332 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/impress/ b/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/impress/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..eeeeb5effb6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/impress/
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+' This file is part of
+' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+' version 3 along with If not, see
+' <>
+' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* Owner :
+'* short description : Impress User-Scenario: Beginner makes presentation.
+testcase i_us2_pres1
+ dim Result1, Result2 as integer
+ dim iPictures as integer
+ dim PresentationFile1 as string
+ PresentationFile1 = (ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user\work\PwrPres1.odp"))
+ kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ printlog "New - Wizard - Presentation."
+ FileAutopilotPresentation
+ printlog "Called File-Autopilot-Presentation."
+ printlog "Create from Template"
+ kontext "AutoPilotPraesentation1"
+ FromTemplate.Check
+ 'This part is for language-indepencancy
+ if gOOO = TRUE then
+ TemplateRegion.Select (1)
+ printlog "Choose a Presentation"
+ TemplateList.Select (2)
+ else
+ TemplateRegion.Select (1)
+ if TemplateList.GetItemCount < 40 then
+ TemplateRegion.Select (2)
+ if TemplateList.GetItemCount < 40 then
+ TemplateRegion.Select (3)
+ if TemplateList.GetItemCount < 40 then
+ Warnlog " No Templates selectable in the wizard. Please check."
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ printlog "Choose a Presentation"
+ TemplateList.Select (4)
+ endif
+ printlog "Next"
+ Nextbutton.Click
+ sleep (1)
+ Backbutton.Click
+ sleep (1)
+ Nextbutton.Click
+ printlog " Switched to the second Wizard-page."
+ sleep (1)
+ printlog "Presentations"
+ kontext "AutoPilotPraesentation2"
+ printlog "Output: Screen"
+ if gOOO = TRUE then '
+ Background.Select (2)
+ if Backgroundchoice.GetItemCount < 2 then
+ Background.Select (1)
+ if Backgroundchoice.GetItemCount = 0 then
+ Warnlog " No Backgrounds selectable in the wizard. Please check."
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ endif
+ Backgroundchoice.Select (2)
+ else 'StarOffice
+ Background.Select (3)
+ if Backgroundchoice.GetItemCount < 10 then
+ Background.Select (2)
+ if Backgroundchoice.GetItemCount < 10 then
+ Background.Select (3)
+ if Backgroundchoice.GetItemCount < 10 then
+ Warnlog " No Backgrounds selectable in the wizard. Please check."
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ Backgroundchoice.Select (5)
+ endif
+ Screen.Check
+ printlog "Next"
+ Nextbutton.Click
+ printlog " Switched to the third Wizard-page."
+ sleep (1)
+ kontext "AutoPilotPraesentation3"
+ printlog "Random Effect. Random Speed. Click through every choice."
+ Effect.Select (15)
+ Speed.Select (3)
+ WaitSlot (5000)
+ Automatic.Check
+ Timebutton.SetText "00:00:15"
+ Break.SetText "00:00:20"
+ Logo.Check
+ printlog "Next"
+ Nextbutton.Click
+ printlog " Switched to the fourth Wizard-page."
+ sleep (1)
+ kontext "AutoPilotPraesentation4"
+ printlog "Fill in some company-name-subject-text"
+ AddName.SetText "Lala1"
+ AddTopic.SetText "Lala2"
+ Askinformation.SetText "Lala3"
+ printlog "Next"
+ Nextbutton.Click
+ printlog " Switched to the fifth Wizard-page."
+ sleep (1)
+ kontext "AutoPilotPraesentation5"
+ Summary.Check
+ printlog "Create"
+ WaitSlot (2000)
+ AutoPilotPraesentation5.OK
+ sleep (1)
+ printlog " Pressed 'Create'."
+ printlog "Add a Slide via Insert - Slide."
+ Kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ hTypeKeys "What we will talk about"
+ gMouseClick 1,1
+ Kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ DocumentImpress.UseMenu
+ hMenuSelectNr (4)
+ hMenuSelectNr (1)
+ call sSelectEmptyLayout
+ sleep (1)
+ kontext "Slides"
+ SlidesControl.TypeKeys "<HOME><RETURN>"
+ kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ DocumentImpress.TypeKeys "<TAB>Text we just wrote..."
+ printlog "Switch to the second slide."
+ kontext "Slides"
+ SlidesControl.TypeKeys "<DOWN><RETURN>"
+ SlidesControl.TypeKeys "<RETURN>"
+ kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ printlog "Insert three lines with text, all with different formatting."
+ call hTextrahmenErstellen ("First line with text",20,50,70,50)
+ call hTextrahmenErstellen ("Second line with text",20,60,70,60)
+ call hTextrahmenErstellen ("Third line with text",20,70,70,70)
+ printlog "Go down to the eleventh slide."
+ kontext "Slides"
+ SlidesControl.TypeKeys "<HOME>"
+ SlidesControl.TypeKeys "<PAGEDOWN>", 10
+ SlidesControl.TypeKeys "<RETURN>"
+ printlog "Insert Smiley, + two circles around the eyes, + two new pupils,"
+ printlog "placed at some interesteing place inside the circles."
+ Kontext "Toolbar"
+ SymbolShapes.TearOff
+ sleep (1)
+ kontext "SymbolShapes"
+ SymbolShapesSmiley.Click
+ sleep (1)
+ kontext "DrawingObjectbar"
+ AreaFilling.TypeKeys "<HOME>"
+ AreaFilling.TypeKeys "<DOWN>", 10
+ printlog "Select (11) 'Lime-Green"
+ AreaFilling.TypeKeys "<RETURN>"
+ sleep (1)
+ gMouseMove (53,50,90,80)
+ Kontext "Toolbar"
+ Ellipsen.Click
+ kontext "SymbolShapes"
+ SymbolShapes.Close
+ Kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ gMouseMove (60,43,70,65)
+ hTypeKeys "<Escape>"
+ Kontext "Toolbar"
+ Ellipsen.Click
+ gMouseMove (65,57,69,63)
+ hTypeKeys "<Escape>"
+ Kontext "Toolbar"
+ Ellipsen.Click
+ gMouseMove (70,50,82,65)
+ hTypeKeys "<Escape>"
+ Kontext "Toolbar"
+ Ellipsen.Click
+ gMouseMove (77,57,80,63)
+ hTypeKeys "<Escape>"
+ sleep (1)
+ printlog "Insert new slide."
+ kontext "Slides"
+ printlog "get to the last slide."
+ SlidesControl.TypeKeys "<PAGEDOWN>", 15
+ SlidesControl.TypeKeys "<RETURN>"
+ printlog "Delete the two fields the stylist has."
+ kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ gMouseClick 1,1
+ EditSelectAll
+ DocumentImpress.TypeKeys "<DELETE>"
+ printlog "Insert-Picture-From File. (some crazy picture which fits the theme)"
+ InsertGraphicsFromFile
+ Kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg"
+ printlog "Open graphic"
+ Dateiname.SetText ConvertPath (gTesttoolPath + "global\input\graf_inp\ball.eps")
+ Oeffnen.Click
+ gMouseClick 1,1
+ printlog "Add a text above the picture. 'There is movement..."
+ call hTextrahmenErstellen ("There is movement...",20,20,70,30)
+ printlog "Add a new slide."
+ InsertSlide
+ printlog " Inserted new slide."
+ kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ printlog "Bla bla about everything..."
+ call hTextrahmenErstellen ("Bla bla about everything...",20,20,70,30)
+ printlog "Add a new slide."
+ InsertSlide
+ printlog " Inserted new slide."
+ kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ printlog "Write text: Q & A"
+ call hTextrahmenErstellen ("Q & A",20,20,70,30)
+ DocumentImpress.TypeKeys "<SHIFT HOME>"
+ sleep (1)
+ printlog "Add a new slide."
+ InsertSlide
+ kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ printlog "Thanks for listening, time for coffee... (ending)"
+ call hTextrahmenErstellen ("Class dismissed...",20,20,70,30)
+ printlog "Save Document"
+ call hFileSaveAsKill (PresentationFile1)
+ printlog "OK saved at ", PresentationFile1
+ sleep (1)
+ printlog "Close Document"
+ Call hCloseDocument
+endcase 'i_us2_pres1
+testcase i_us2_pres2
+ qaerrorlog "not yet ready."
+ goto endsub
+ dim Result1, Result2 as integer
+ dim iPictures as integer
+ dim PresentationFile1, PresentationFile2, PresentationFileToBeLoaded as string
+ PresentationFile1 = (ConvertPath (gTesttoolPath + "graphics\required\input\rightfont.odp"))
+ PresentationFile2 = (ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user\work\xxxxxx9.odp"))
+ kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ printlog "New - Wizard - Presentation"
+ FileAutopilotPresentation
+ printlog " Called File-Autopilot-Presentation."
+ printlog "Create from Template"
+ kontext "AutoPilotPraesentation1"
+ EmptyPresentation.Check
+ AutoPilotPraesentation1.TypeKeys "<DOWN>"
+ sleep (3)
+ AutoPilotPraesentation1.TypeKeys "<DOWN>"
+ if Existingpresentation.IsChecked(5) then
+ printlog " Pressing down worked fine"
+ else
+ warnlog " Pressing down didnt work as expected."
+ endif
+ printlog "Click the Open-button"
+ ExistingOpen.Click
+ printlog "Check if the Open-dialogue is there"
+ kontext "GeneralFileDialog"
+ if GeneralFileDialog.Exists(10) = FALSE then
+ warnlog " Open-file-dialogue didnt show up."
+ else
+ GeneralFileDialog.Cancel
+ endif
+ sleep (3)
+ kontext "AutoPilotPraesentation1"
+ AutoPilotPraesentation1.TypeKeys "<SHIFT TAB>"
+ AutoPilotPraesentation1.TypeKeys "<UP>"
+ AutoPilotPraesentation1.TypeKeys "<DOWN>"
+ AutoPilotPraesentation1.TypeKeys "<TAB><TAB>"
+ sleep (1)
+ Existinglist.TypeKeys "<HOME>"
+ sleep (1)
+ Existinglist.TypeKeys "<DOWN>"
+ sleep (3)
+ if Existinglist.GetSelText = "" then
+ Warnlog " No entries in the recently-opened-files-list. Check if it's correct."
+ else
+ PresentationFileToBeLoaded = Existinglist.GetSelText
+ AutoPilotPraesentation1.OK
+ endif
+ kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ if DocumentImpress.Exists(10) = FALSE then
+ if DocumentImpress.StatusIsProgress = FALSE then
+ sleep (10)
+ if DocumentImpress.StatusIsProgress then
+ warnlog " Took over 20 seconds to load the document Document: " + PresentationFileToBeLoaded + ". Stalled?"
+ endif
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ else
+ printlog " Document " + PresentationFileToBeLoaded + " seemed to have been loaded correctly."
+ endif
+ sleep (3)
+ if DocumentImpress.StatusIsProgress then
+ sleep (5)
+ endif
+ printlog "Save Document"
+ call hFileSaveAsKill (PresentationFile2)
+ printlog "OK saved at ", PresentationFile2
+ sleep (1)
+ printlog "Close Document"
+ Call hCloseDocument
+endcase 'i_us2_pres2