path: root/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/impress/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/impress/')
1 files changed, 762 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/impress/ b/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/impress/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4f19f254b055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/impress/
@@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+' This file is part of
+' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+' version 3 along with If not, see
+' <>
+' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* Owner :
+'* short description : Tests the shaddow-function on a picture
+' #1 tiPenginefast
+testcase tiPenginefast
+' dim i,t,q as integer
+' dim e as string
+ dim sFileName as string
+'/// the Presentation-Engine consists of showing the presentation, with all it's effects. ///'
+'/// Create a new presentation. ///'
+ Call hNewDocument
+ sleep 1
+ '/// Open the test-file. ///'
+ Call hDateiOeffnen (gTesttoolpath + "graphics\required\input\allshapes.odp") 'effects.odp")
+ '/// Start the slideshow. ///'
+ CALL hTypeKeys "<F5>"
+ sleep (5)
+ kontext "DocumentPresentation"
+ DocumentPresentation.TypeKeys "<SPACE>"
+ '/// Wait for the presentation to reach a certain moment. ///'
+ sleep (10)
+ DocumentPresentation.TypeKeys "<SPACE>"
+ sleep (7)
+ DocumentPresentation.TypeKeys "<SPACE>"
+ sleep (7)
+ DocumentPresentation.TypeKeys "<SPACE>"
+ sleep (7)
+ '/// Press "Space" again, to continue with slide two. ///'
+ DocumentPresentation.TypeKeys "<SPACE>"
+ sleep (7)
+ DocumentPresentation.TypeKeys "<SPACE>"
+ sleep (7)
+ DocumentPresentation.TypeKeys "<SPACE>"
+ sleep (7)
+ DocumentPresentation.TypeKeys "<SPACE>"
+ sleep (7)
+ '/// And press "Space" again, to exit the presentation-mode. ///'
+ DocumentPresentation.TypeKeys "<SPACE>"
+ FileClose
+ Call hNewDocument
+ sleep 1
+ '/// Open the test-file. ///'
+ Call hDateiOeffnen (gTesttoolpath + "graphics\required\input\effects.odp")
+ '/// Start the slideshow. ///'
+ CALL hTypeKeys "<F5>"
+ sleep (200)
+ '/// Press "Space" again, to continue with slide two. ///'
+ kontext "DocumentPresentation"
+ DocumentPresentation.TypeKeys "<SPACE>"
+ sleep (40)
+ printlog "End of first page."
+ DocumentPresentation.TypeKeys "<SPACE>"
+ sleep (12)
+ printlog "End of second page."
+ DocumentPresentation.TypeKeys "<SPACE>"
+ sleep (25)
+ printlog "End of third page."
+ DocumentPresentation.TypeKeys "<SPACE>"
+ sleep (15)
+ printlog "End of fourth page."
+ DocumentPresentation.TypeKeys "<SPACE>"
+ sleep (2)
+ printlog "End of fifth page."
+ DocumentPresentation.TypeKeys "<SPACE>"
+ printlog "End of sixth page."
+ DocumentPresentation.TypeKeys "<SPACE>"
+ sleep (5)
+ printlog "End of seventh page."
+ DocumentPresentation.TypeKeys "<SPACE>"
+ sleep (1)
+ printlog "End of eight page."
+ DocumentPresentation.TypeKeys "<SPACE>"
+ sleep (1)
+ printlog "End of ninth page."
+ DocumentPresentation.TypeKeys "<SPACE>"
+ sleep (1)
+ printlog "End of tenth page."
+ DocumentPresentation.TypeKeys "<SPACE>"
+ sleep (7)
+ printlog "End of eleventh page."
+ if DocumentPresentation.Exists then
+ warnlog "DocumentPresentation shouldnt be visible right now."
+ DocumentPresentation.TypeKeys "<SPACE>"
+ else
+ printlog "Presentation ended correctly."
+ kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ end if
+'/// Insert a new slide. ///'
+' InsertSlide
+' sleep 2
+' hTypekeys "<Pagedown>"
+' sleep 2
+'/// Menu: Slideshow: Check every menu-item. ///'
+' #1 tSlideShowSlideShow
+' #1 tSlideShowRehearseTimings
+' #1 tSlideShowSlideShowSettings
+' #1 tSlideShowCustomSlideShow
+' #1 tSlideShowSlideTransition
+' #1 tSlideShowShowHideSlide
+' Slideshow menu 1 - Slide show
+' Slideshow menu 2 - Slide show settings
+' Slideshow menu 3 - Rehearse timings
+' Slideshow menu 4 - Interaction
+' Slideshow menu 6 - Slide Transition
+' Slideshow menu 7 - Show / Hide slide
+' Slideshow menu 8 - Custom Slide show
+'Printlog " Here starts the test "
+'Presentation - Start / Stop. Different ways to do it.
+'Presentation - Effects.
+'/// Slideshow Settings: Range: test all three alternatives. ///'
+'/// Test if the Slideshow-types (Default, Window, Auto) works. ///'
+'/// Check if the checkboxes works. ///'
+'/// Close dialogue. ///'
+'/// Add an object. ///'
+'/// Custom Animation: Add an Animation to the object. ///'
+'/// Run the slideshow. ///'
+'/// Change to the next effect and continue through every animation in ///'
+'/// Entrance, Emphasis, Exit and Motion Paths. ///'
+'/// While testing - test the speed-choices for every kind of animation. ///'
+'/// Check if the "Change" and "Remove"-buttons. ///'
+'/// Check the Start, "Direction" and "Speed" variables. ///'
+'/// Add two effects to one object and change the order. ///'
+'/// Try the Play and "Slide Show"-button. ///'
+'/// Try the Automatic preview-button. ///'
+'/// Slidetransition. ///'
+'/// Go through every kind of effect, speed, and sound. ///'
+'/// Check loop until next sound. ///'
+'/// Check the Advance slide with mouseclick-function. ///'
+'/// Check the "Apply to all slides", "Play", and "Slide Show"-buttons. ///'
+'/// Check Automatic preview. ///'
+'/// Some effects doesnt have a right / left orientation. Test these. ///'
+'/// Possibility: check random effects and see if something hangs. ///'
+'/// Load/Save-test: Does the settings last? ///'
+'/// Are two different objects dependant or independent from each other? ///'
+'/// Close Application ///'
+ Call hCloseDocument
+ Printlog "Finished Optional-test for Presentation-Engine"
+testcase tSlideShowInteraction
+ Dim Datei$
+ Dim i as integer
+ Dim Zaehler as integer
+ dim b115364 as boolean
+ Datei$ =ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user\work\interac.sxi")
+' '/// save file as presentation with name '"user\\work\\diashow.sxi")' ///'
+' hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill ( sFile , gImpressFilter, FALSE )
+' Printlog "saved presetation: '" + sFile + "'"
+ '/// open application ///'
+ Call hNewDocument
+ sleep 5
+ setStartCurrentPage(FALSE) '/// Set "start with current page to OFF ///'
+ '/// call 'Insert->Slide' three times and name the slides 2, 3, 4 and create a rectangle on it ///'
+ '///+ we now have 4 slides ?! :-) ///'
+ for i = 2 to 4
+ InsertSlide
+ sleep 2
+ hTypekeys "<Pagedown>"
+ sleep 2
+ Call hRechteckErstellen (i*10,i*10,i*20,i*20)
+ sleep 2
+ next i
+ '/// check state of navigator ! expected: closed -> open navigator ///'
+ Kontext "Navigator"
+ if Navigator.exists then
+ warnlog "Navigator: already open :-("
+ else
+ printlog "Navigator: NOT available :-( will be opened now!"
+ ViewNavigator
+ endif
+ sleep 3
+ '/// Slide Show->Interaction ///'
+ SlideShowInteraction
+ Kontext "TabInteraktion"
+ sleep 1
+ if AktionBeiMausklick.GetItemCount = 13 Then
+ Printlog "- List is complete"
+ else
+ Warnlog "- Number of possible actions is wrong. It should be: 13, but it is: " + AktionBeiMausklick.GetItemCount
+ end if
+ sleep 1
+ AktionBeiMausklick.Select 1 'Keine Aktion bei Mausclick
+ Printlog (AktionBeiMausklick.GetSelText + " chosen")
+ If Durchsuchen.IsVisible then Warnlog "- Control should be invisible because AktionBeiMausklick = " + AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelText
+ sleep 1
+ Kontext "TabInteraktion"
+ AktionBeiMausklick.Select 2 'Sprung zur vorhergehenden Seite
+ Printlog (AktionBeiMausklick.GetSelText + " chosen")
+ if Durchsuchen.IsVisible Then Warnlog "- Control should be invisible, beacause Action = " + AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelText
+ TabInteraktion.OK
+ sleep 2
+ Kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ gMouseClick 90,90
+ sleep 1
+ gMouseClick 50,50
+ sleep 2
+ Kontext "NavigatorDraw"
+ sleep 2
+ if Not Liste.GetSelIndex = 3 Then
+ Warnlog "- jumped to wrong slide"
+ else
+ Printlog "- jumped to correct slide"
+ end if
+ sleep 1
+ Kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ EditSelectAll
+ sleep 1
+ SlideShowInteraction
+ sleep 2
+ Kontext "TabInteraktion"
+ 3 'Sprung zur naechsten Seite
+ Printlog (AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelText + " chosen")
+ TabInteraktion.OK
+ sleep 1
+ Kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ gMouseClick 90,90
+ sleep 2
+ gMouseClick 50,50
+ Kontext "NavigatorDraw"
+ if Liste.GetSelIndex <> 4 Then
+ Warnlog "- Jumped to wrong slide"
+ else
+ Printlog " Jumped to correct slide"
+ end if
+ sleep 1
+ kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ EditSelectAll
+ sleep 1
+ SlideShowInteraction
+ sleep 1
+ Kontext "TabInteraktion"
+ 4 'Sprung zur ersten Seite
+ Printlog AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelText
+ sleep 1
+ TabInteraktion.OK
+ sleep 1
+ Kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ gMouseClick 90,90
+ gMouseClick 50,50
+ Kontext "NavigatorDraw"
+ if Liste.GetSelIndex <> 1 Then Warnlog "- jumped to wrong slide"
+ Letzte.Click 'Liste.Select 4
+ Kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ EditSelectAll
+ sleep 2
+ try
+ SlideShowInteraction
+ catch
+ warnlog "SlideshowInteraction diasabled :-("
+ endcatch
+ Kontext "TabInteraktion"
+ 5 'Sprung zur letzten Seite
+ printlog AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelText
+ TabInteraktion.OK
+ sleep 1
+ Kontext "NavigatorDraw"
+ if Not Liste.GetSelIndex = 1 Then Warnlog "- jumped to wrong slide"
+ kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ Call hRechteckErstellen 20,20,50,50
+ sleep 1
+ EditSelectAll
+ sleep 1
+ try
+ FormatGroupGroup
+ catch
+ warnlog "GROUP?"
+ endcatch
+ sleep 1
+ SlideShowInteraction
+ Kontext "TabInteraktion"
+ 6 'Sprung zu Seite oder Objekt
+ printlog AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelText
+ sleep 2
+ if Not ListeSprungZuSeiteObjekt.IsVisible Then Warnlog " list seems to be invisible"
+ Seite.SetText S2
+ Suchen.Click
+ if ListeSprungZuSeiteObjekt.GetSelIndex <> 3 Then Warnlog " Search does not work"
+ printlog ListeSprungZuSeiteObjekt.GetSelIndex
+ TabInteraktion.OK
+ sleep 1
+ Kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ gMouseClick 90,90
+ gMouseClick 25,25,
+ sleep 2
+ Kontext "NavigatorDraw"
+ if Liste.GetSelIndex <> 2 Then Warnlog "- Jumped to wrong destination"
+ printlog Liste.GetSelIndex
+ Liste.Select 4
+ Kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ EditSelectAll
+ sleep 1
+ Kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ EditSelectAll
+ sleep 1
+ SlideShowInteraction
+ Kontext "TabInteraktion"
+ sleep 1
+ AktionBeiMausKlick.Select 7 'Sprung zu Dokument
+ Printlog AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelText + " chosen"
+ try
+ Durchsuchen.Click
+ sleep 1
+ Kontext "OeffnenDlg"
+ sleep 1
+ Dateiname.SetText ConvertPath (gTesttoolPath + "graphics\required\input\recht_49.sxi")
+ Oeffnen.Click
+ sleep 10
+ ' check if the document is writable
+ if fIsDocumentWritable = false then
+ ' make the document writable and check if it's succesfull
+ if fMakeDocumentWritable = false then
+ warnlog "The document can't be make writeable. Test stopped."
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ endif
+ catch
+ Warnlog "- Search button could not be accessed"
+ endcatch
+ sleep 1
+ Kontext "TabInteraktion"
+ sleep 1
+ TabInteraktion.OK
+ sleep 3
+ Kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ DocumentImpress.MouseDown 90,90
+ DocumentImpress.MouseUp 90,90
+ sleep 2
+ Kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ DocumentImpress.Mousedown 30,30
+ kontext
+ b115364 = false
+ if messagebox.exists then
+ printlog "baeh: '" + messagebox.gettext + "'"
+ try
+ messagebox.ok ' was default in so7
+ catch
+ warnlog "behaviour changed #115364# mother document gets closed :-("
+ if fileExists(ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user\work\bug115364.sxi")) then
+ kill ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user\work\bug115364.sxi")
+ endif
+ messagebox.yes ' don't save changes, before going on!
+ b115364 = true
+ kontext "SpeichernDlg"
+ Dateiname.setText ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user\work\bug115364.sxi")
+ sleep 10
+ endcatch
+ else
+ printlog "OK :-)"
+ endif
+ Kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ DocumentImpress.MouseUp 30,30
+ try
+ ViewDrawing
+ sleep 1
+ Kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ DocumentImpress.MouseDown 25,25
+ DocumentImpress.MouseUp 25,25
+ catch
+ Warnlog "- Jump to document did not work or preview window did not appear"
+ endcatch
+ sleep 2
+ if (not b115364) then
+ Call hCloseDocument
+ else
+ Call hCloseDocument
+ hDateiOeffnen (ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user\work\bug115364.sxi"))
+ endif
+ sleep 5
+ Kontext "NavigatorDraw"
+ sleep 1
+ Kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ EditSelectAll
+ sleep 1
+ SlideShowInteraction
+ Kontext "TabInteraktion"
+ sleep 1
+ AktionBeiMausKlick.Select 9
+ Printlog AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelText + " chosen"
+ sleep 1
+ Tabinteraktion.OK
+ sleep 2
+ SlideShowInteraction
+ Kontext "TabInteraktion"
+ sleep 1
+ if not AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelIndex = 9 Then Warnlog "- Not the right action chosen"
+ sleep 1
+ AktionBeiMausKlick.Select 9 'Klang abspielen
+ Printlog AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelText + "- chosen"
+ sleep 1
+ Tabinteraktion.OK
+ sleep 2
+ Kontext "NavigatorDraw"
+ sleep 1
+ Liste.Select 2
+ Kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ EditSelectAll
+ sleep 1
+ SlideShowInteraction
+ Kontext "TabInteraktion"
+ sleep 1
+ Durchsuchen.Click
+ sleep 1
+ Kontext "OeffnenDlg"
+ sleep 1
+ Dateiname.SetText ConvertPath (gTesttoolPath + "graphics\required\input\blip.wav")
+ sleep 1
+ Oeffnen.Click
+ sleep 1
+ Kontext "Active"
+ if Active.Exists Then
+ Warnlog Active.GetText + " Gallery might be empty"
+ Active.OK
+ sleep 1
+ Kontext "OeffnenDlg"
+ OeffnenDlg.Cancel
+ sleep 1
+ end if
+ Kontext "TabInteraktion"
+ SetClipboard Klangwahl.GetText
+ TabInteraktion.OK
+ sleep 1
+ SlideShowInteraction
+ Kontext "TabInteraktion"
+ sleep 1
+ if Klangwahl.GetText <> GetClipboardText then Warnlog "- Not the right sound chosen"
+ TabInteraktion.OK
+ sleep 1
+ InsertGraphicsFromFile
+ sleep 1
+ Kontext "GrafikeinfuegenDlg"
+ sleep 1
+ if Verknuepfen.IsChecked then Verknuepfen.UnCheck
+ Dateiname.SetText ConvertPath (gTesttoolPath + "global\input\graf_inp\enter.bmp")
+ Oeffnen.Click
+ sleep 3
+ Kontext "NavigatorDraw"
+ sleep 1
+ Liste.Select 4
+ sleep 1
+ SlideShowInteraction
+ Kontext "TabInteraktion"
+ sleep 1
+ AktionBeiMausKlick.Select 11 'Objektaktion ausfuehren
+ Printlog AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelText + " chosen"
+ sleep 1
+ Zaehler=Effekt.GetItemCount
+ for i=1 to Zaehler
+ Effekt.Select i
+ Printlog Effekt.GetSelText + " chosen"
+ if i=1 Then
+ if Langsam.IsEnabled Then Warnlog "- Control should not be enabled, because no effect chosen"
+ if Mittel.IsEnabled Then Warnlog "- Control should not be enabled, because no effect chosen"
+ if Schnell.IsEnabled Then Warnlog "- Control should not be enabled, because no effect chosen"
+ end if
+ sleep 1
+ TabInteraktion.OK
+ sleep 1
+ SlideShowInteraction
+ Kontext "TabInteraktion"
+ sleep 1
+ next i
+ TabInteraktion.OK
+ sleep 1
+ SlideShowInteraction
+ Kontext "TabInteraktion"
+ sleep 1
+ AktionBeiMausKlick.Select 10 'Objekt ausblenden
+ Printlog AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelText + " chosen"
+ ListeObjektAktion.Select 1
+ sleep 1
+ TabInteraktion.OK
+ sleep 1
+ gMouseClick 90,90
+ sleep 1
+ gMouseClick 55,55
+ sleep 1
+ Kontext "DocumentImage"
+ SlideShowInteraction
+ Kontext "TabInteraktion"
+ sleep 1
+ AktionBeiMausKlick.Select 13 'Makro
+ Printlog AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelText + " chosen"
+ sleep 2
+ Durchsuchen.Click
+ sleep 5
+ Kontext "Makro"
+ sleep 5
+ Makro.Cancel
+ sleep 2
+ Kontext "TabInteraktion"
+ sleep 1
+ TabInteraktion.OK
+ sleep 3
+ SlideShowInteraction
+ Kontext "TabInteraktion"
+ sleep 2
+ if not AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelIndex = 12 Then Warnlog "- Wrong action used"
+ sleep 1
+ AktionBeiMausKlick.Select 14 'Praesentation beenden
+ Printlog AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelText
+ Tabinteraktion.OK
+ sleep 1
+ SlideShowPresentationSettings
+ Kontext "Bildschirmpraesentation"
+ if not Fenster.IsChecked Then Fenster.Check
+ BildschirmPraesentation.OK
+ sleep 2
+ Kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ DocumentImpress.TypeKeys "<MOD1 F2>"
+ sleep 5
+ Kontext "DocumentPresentation"
+ sleep 2
+ DocumentPresentation.MouseDown 50,50
+ DocumentPresentation.MouseUp 50,50
+ sleep 5
+ try
+ Kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ EditSelectAll
+ Printlog "- Slideshow ended at right point"
+ catch
+ Warnlog "- Program is still in slideshow mode"
+ Kontext "DocumentPresentation"
+ DocumentPresentation.TypeKeys "<ESCAPE>"
+ endcatch
+ Kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ DocumentImpress.TypeKeys "<SHIFT MOD1 F5>"
+ sleep 3
+ setStartCurrentPage(TRUE) '/// Set "start with current page to ON = Default ///'
+ Call hCloseDocument
+' Slideshow menu 5 - Custom Animation
+testcase tSlideShowCustomAnimation
+ dim bError as boolean
+ '/// open application ///'
+ Call hNewDocument
+ '/// create textbox with text ///'
+ Call hTextrahmenErstellen ("Test text to test text effects", 10, 10, 20, 40 )
+ '/// Slide Show->Custom Animation... ///'
+ SlideShowCustomAnimation
+ Kontext "Tasks"
+ '/// click button 'Add...' ///'
+ '/// Dialog 'Custom Animation' comes up ///'
+ kontext
+ '/// Switch to TabPage: Entrance ///'
+ active.setPage(TabEntrance)
+ kontext "TabEntrance"
+ if TabEntrance.exists(5) then
+ DialogTest(TabEntrance)
+ '/// select in the listbox 'Effects' the second entry ///'
+ Speed.getItemCount
+ AutomaticPreview.unCheck
+ sleep 1
+ AutomaticPreview.Check
+ kontext
+ '/// Switch to TabPage: Emphasis ///'
+ active.setPage(TabEmphasis)
+ kontext "TabEmphasis"
+ if TabEmphasis.exists(5) then
+ DialogTest(TabEmphasis)
+ else
+ bError = true
+ warnlog "Impress:Tasks Pane:Custom Animation:TabEmphasis tabPage doesn't work."
+ endif
+ kontext
+ '/// Switch to TabPage: Exit ///'
+ active.setPage(TabExit)
+ kontext "TabExit"
+ if TabExit.exists(5) then
+ DialogTest(TabExit)
+ else
+ bError = true
+ warnlog "Impress:Tasks Pane:Custom Animation:TabExit tabPage doesn't work."
+ endif
+ kontext
+ '/// Switch to TabPage: Motion Paths ///'
+ active.setPage(TabMotionPaths)
+ kontext "TabMotionPaths"
+ if TabMotionPaths.exists(5) then
+ DialogTest(TabMotionPaths)
+ else
+ bError = true
+ warnlog "Impress:Tasks Pane:Custom Animation:TabMotionPaths tabPage doesn't work."
+ endif
+ '/// Close dialog 'Custom Animation' with 'OK' ///'
+ TabMotionPaths.OK
+ bError = false
+ else
+ bError = true
+ warnlog "Impress:Tasks Pane:Custom Animation:Add... button didn't work."
+ endif
+ Kontext "Tasks"
+ if (NOT bError) then
+ '/// click button 'Change...' ///'
+ '/// Dialog 'Custom Animation' comes up ///'
+ kontext
+ '/// Switch to TabPage: Entrance ///'
+ active.setPage(TabEntrance)
+ kontext "TabEntrance"
+ if (NOT TabEntrance.exists(5)) then
+ warnlog "Impress:Tasks Pane:Custom Animation:Change... button didn't work."
+ endif
+ TabEntrance.cancel
+ Kontext "Tasks"
+ EffectStart.getItemCount
+ if EffectProperty.isEnabled then
+ EffectProperty.getItemCount
+ endif
+ '/// CLick on button '...' (Options) ///'
+ kontext "TabEffect"
+ if TabEffect.exists(5) then
+ dialogTest(TabEffect)
+ Sound.getItemCount
+ AfterAnimation.getItemCount
+ '/// switch to TabPage 'Timing' ///'
+ Kontext
+ active.setPage TabTiming
+ kontext "TabTiming"
+ if TabTiming.exists(5) then
+ dialogTest(TabTiming)
+ TimingStart.getItemCount
+ Delay.getText
+ Speed.getItemCount
+ Repeat.getItemCount
+ Rewind.ischecked
+ TriggerAnimate.isChecked
+ TriggerStart.isChecked
+ Shape.getItemCount
+ else
+ warnlog "Impress:Tasks Pane:Custom Animation:Effect Options: Timing TabPage didn't work."
+ endif
+ '/// switch to TabPage 'Timing' ///'
+ Kontext
+ active.setPage TabTextAnimation
+ kontext "TabTextAnimation"
+ if TabTextAnimation.exists(5) then
+ dialogTest(TabTextAnimation)
+ GroupText.getItemCount
+ AnimateAttachedShape.isChecked
+ TabTextAnimation.cancel
+ else
+ warnlog "Impress:Tasks Pane:Custom Animation:Effect Options: TextAnimation TabPage didn't work."
+ endif
+ else
+ warnlog "Impress:Tasks Pane:Custom Animation:... button didn't work."
+ endif
+ Kontext "Tasks"
+ EffectSpeed.getItemCount
+ EffectList.getItemCount
+ sleep 1
+ kontext "DocumentPresentation"
+ if DocumentPresentation.exists (5) then
+ printlog "Presentation started :-)"
+ DocumentPresentation.typeKeys "<escape>"
+ else
+ warnlog "Impress:Tasks Pane:Custom Animation:Slide Show button doesn't start slideshow!"
+ endif
+ kontext "Tasks"
+ EffectAutomaticPreview.isChecked
+ '/// click button 'Remove' ///'
+ endif
+ '/// close application ///'
+ Call hCloseDocument