path: root/testautomation/global/tools/includes/optional/
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Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation/global/tools/includes/optional/')
1 files changed, 492 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/global/tools/includes/optional/ b/testautomation/global/tools/includes/optional/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..46dc9b350393
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/global/tools/includes/optional/
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+' This file is part of
+' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+' version 3 along with If not, see
+' <>
+' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : XML search routines II
+' #1 GetXMLValueLineExtra ' DEPRECATED depending on
+' #1 XMLWellFormed ' Checks the well formness of a XML file.
+' #1 GetXMLValue2 ' OBSOLETE: XML search routine (as TT has no SAX included we have used that rountine)
+' #1 GetBodiesItemStyleName ' DEPRECATED used by ../xml/level1/inc/
+' #1 GetLineInXMLBody ' DEPRECATED used by ../xml/level1/inc/ and ../
+' #1 GetItemStyleName ' DEPRECATED used by ../xml/level1/inc/
+' #1 GetXMLElementPath ' Gets the elementpath in a DOM tree (mostly used for [automatic-]styles)
+' #1 fWhereIsXMLElementInBody ' Gets the elementpath in a DOM tree in the second level (mostly body elements)
+function GetXMLValueLineExtra ( sXMLfile as String, sXMLsectionMaster as String, sXMLsection as String, sGroupTyp as String, sGroupName as String ) as String
+'///+ Input:<ul><li>sXMLfile =&gt; Filename with full path</li>
+'///+ <li>sXMLsectionMaster =&gt; The master-section (mostly in the filename without extension)</li>
+'///+ <li>sXMLsection =&gt; Full way to the item</li>
+'///+ <li>sGroupTyp =&gt; First entry after tag</li>
+'///+ <li>sGroupName =&gt; Value of first entry</li></ul>
+ GetXMLValueLineExtra = GetXMLValueGlobal ( sXMLfile, sXMLsectionMaster, sXMLsection + " " + sGroupTyp + "=" + Chr(34) + sGroupName + Chr(34),,, TRUE )
+end function
+function GetXMLItemInstance ( sXMLfile as String, sXMLsectionMaster as String, sXMLsection as String ) as String
+'/// Input:<ul><li>sXMLfile =&gt; Filename with full path</li>
+'///+ <li>sXMLsectionMaster =&gt; The master-section (mostly in the filename without extension)</li>
+'///+ <li>sXMLsection =&gt; Full way to the item</li></ul>
+ Dim sLine, sLine2 as String
+ Dim iStart, iEnd, i, iStr, iLen as Integer
+ sLine = GetXMLValueLine ( sXMLfile, sXMLsectionMaster, sXMLsection )
+ sLine2 = lcase ( sLine )
+ iStr = Instr ( sLine2, "instance" )
+ iLen = len ( sLine2 )
+ iStart = 0
+ if iStr=0 then
+ GetXMLItemInstance = "false"
+ exit function
+ else
+ for i=iStr to iLen
+ if iStart = 0 then
+ if Mid ( sLine2, i, 1 ) = Chr(34) then iStart = i
+ else
+ if Mid ( sLine2, i, 1 ) = Chr(34) then
+ iEnd = i
+ i= iLen + 1
+ end if
+ end if
+ next i
+ end if
+ if iStart = 0 then
+ GetXMLItemInstance = ""
+ else
+ GetXMLItemInstance = Mid ( sLine, iStart+1, iEnd - iStart - 1 )
+ end if
+end function
+function GetXMLItemEncoding ( sXMLfile as String, sXMLsectionMaster as String, sXMLsection as String ) as String
+'/// Input: <ul><li>sXMLfile =&gt; Filename with full path</li>
+'///+ <li>sXMLsectionMaster =&gt; The master-section (mostly in the filename without extension)</li>
+'///+ <li>sXMLsection =&gt; Full way to the item</li></ul>
+ Dim sLine, sLine2 as String
+ Dim iStart, iEnd, i, iStr, iLen as Integer
+ sLine = GetXMLValueLine ( sXMLfile, sXMLsectionMaster, sXMLsection )
+ sLine2 = lcase ( sLine )
+ iStr = Instr ( sLine2, "encoding" )
+ iLen = len ( sLine2 )
+ iStart = 0
+ if iStr=0 then
+ GetXMLItemEncoding = "false"
+ exit function
+ else
+ for i=iStr to iLen
+ if iStart = 0 then
+ if Mid ( sLine2, i, 1 ) = Chr(34) then iStart = i
+ else
+ if Mid ( sLine2, i, 1 ) = Chr(34) then
+ iEnd = i
+ i= iLen + 1
+ end if
+ end if
+ next i
+ end if
+ if iStart = 0 then
+ GetXMLItemEncoding = ""
+ else
+ GetXMLItemEncoding = Mid ( sLine, iStart+1, iEnd - iStart - 1 )
+ end if
+end function
+function XMLWellFormed ( sFileName as String, optional bDebug as Boolean ) as Boolean
+'/// Input: File name as string
+'/// <i>(obsolete: Debug)</i>
+'/// Return: TRUE or FALSE
+ Dim InputstreamXML as string
+ XMLWellFormed = FALSE
+ if IsMissing(bDebug) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "Debugmode 'XMLWellFormed' is obsolete. FUNCTION is now a native TestTool function!"
+ end if
+ InputstreamXML = SAXCheckWellFormed(sFileName)
+ if InputstreamXML <> "" then
+ warnlog "Problem was found: " & InputstreamXML
+ else
+ printlog "File: '" & sFileName & "' is well formed."
+ XMLWellFormed = TRUE
+ end if
+end function
+function GetXMLValue2 ( sXMLfile as String, sXMLsectionMaster as String, sXMLsection as String ) as String
+'/// Input: <ul><li>sXMLfile =&gt; Filename with full path</li></ul>
+ Dim lsList(10) as String
+ Dim sInterim, sInterim2 as String
+ Dim i, ii, iLen, ibegin ,iEnd as Integer
+ sInterim = GetXMLValueLine ( sXMLfile, sXMLsectionMaster, sXMLsection,,, )
+ if sInterim = "" then
+ GetXMLValue2 = ""
+ exit function
+ end if
+ i = ExtractSections ( sXMLsection, lsList() )
+ sInterim2 = lsList(i)
+ iLen = len ( sInterim )
+ ii = len ( sInterim2 ) + 1
+ for i=ii to iLen
+ if mid( sInterim, i, 1 ) = ">" then
+ iBegin = i+1
+ i=iLen+1
+ end if
+ next i
+ iEnd = ( iLen - ii - 1 ) - iBegin
+ GetXMLValue2 = Mid ( sInterim, iBegin, iEnd )
+end function
+function GetBodiesItemStyleName ( AXMLfile as string , WhichItem as string , HowOften as integer , OPTIONAL B ) as string
+' Author: Joerg Sievers
+'/// With GetBodiesItemStyleName you can get the NAME of a STYLE from
+'///+ a item in the BODY of a XML-file.
+'/// <blockquote>OPTIONAL PARAMETER
+'///+ If there are more than one &quot;style-name&quot; tags in ONE line, you
+'///+ have to use an optional parameter.
+'/// <i>see also</i>:<ul>
+'///+ <li>GetXMLValueLineExtra</li></ul>
+'/// <u>simple Example</u>:
+'///+ String = GetBodiesStyleName (&quot;example.sxc&quot;) , &quot;table:table-row&quot; , 2)
+'///+ Return: The second STYLE-NAME of the &apos;table-row&apos;-tag in the office:body
+'/// <u>Example with optional parameter</u>:
+'///+ XML-line you want to parse for the text:span style-name and it is the second
+'///+ text:span-attribute in the office:body-section:
+'///+ <blockquote>
+'///+ &lt;text:p text:style-name=&quot;P1&quot;&gt;&lt;text:span text:style-name=&quot;T1&quot;&gt;The first text&lt;/text:span&gt;&lt;/text:p&gt;
+'///+ &lt;text:p text:style-name=&quot;P4&quot;&gt;&lt;text:span text:style-name=&quot;T4&quot;&gt;Just a text&lt;/text:span&gt;&lt;/text:p&gt;
+'///+ </blockquote>
+'///+ then you have to use:
+'///+ String = GetBodiesStyleName (&quot;example.sxc&quot;) , &quot;table:table-row&quot; , 2 , 1)
+'///+ The first ineteger (2) is for the second <text:span-entry in the file.
+'///+ The OPTIONAL second integer is the 'ONE' AFTER the first tag in the same line.
+ Dim FileNum as integer
+ Dim XMLRawLine as string
+ Dim XMLCLearedLine as string
+ Dim a as integer
+ Dim i as integer
+ Dim FoundEntry as boolean
+ Dim DelLeft as integer
+ Dim ItemPosInString as integer
+ Dim XMLCLearedLineWithoutLeft as string
+ Dim DelRight as integer
+ Dim XMLCLearedAndSeperatedLine as string
+ if Dir ( AXMLfile ) = "" then
+ warnlog "GetBodiesItemStyleName(...) : '" & AXMLfile & "' is missing!"
+ exit function
+ end if
+ WhichItem = "<" & WhichItem
+ a = 0
+ FoundEntry = FALSE
+ FileNum = FreeFile
+ Open AXMLfile For Input As #FileNum
+ Do until EOF(#FileNum) = TRUE OR FoundEntry = TRUE
+ Line input #FileNum, XMLRawLine
+' deleting tabs and spaces
+ XMLCLearedLine = TrimTab ( Trim ( XMLRawLine ) )
+' jumping to the office:body
+ if InStr(XMLCLearedLine , "<office:document-") <> 0 then
+ Do until EOF(#FileNum) = TRUE OR FoundEntry = TRUE
+ Line input #FileNum, XMLRawLine
+ XMLCLearedLine = TrimTab ( Trim ( XMLRawLine ) )
+' if the count of the item is the same as the one searching for...
+ ItemPosInString = InStr(XMLCLearedLine , WhichItem)
+ if ItemPosInString <> 0 then
+' warnlog "Debug: ItemPosInString = '" & ItemPosInString & "'"
+' Is there more than one time the 'WhichItem' in this line?
+ if IsMissing(B) = FALSE then
+ For i = 1 to B
+ DelLeft = InStr(XMLCLearedLine , "style-name=" & CHR$(34))
+ XMLCLearedLineWithoutLeft = Mid(XMLCLearedLine, DelLeft+12)
+ XMLCLearedLine = XMLCLearedLineWithoutLeft
+ Next i
+ end if
+ a = a+1
+ if a=HowOften then
+' searching for exakt attribute stylename="
+ DelLeft = InStr(XMLCLearedLine , "style-name=" & CHR$(34))
+' extrcting, stripping all things after the style-name-attribute (=12 chars)
+ XMLCLearedLineWithoutLeft = Mid(XMLCLearedLine, DelLeft+12)
+' extracting the real name without the "
+ DelRight = InStr(XMLCLearedLineWithoutLeft , CHR$(34))
+' stripping it
+ XMLCLearedAndSeperatedLine = Mid(XMLCLearedLineWithoutLeft, 1 , DelRight-1)
+ GetBodiesItemStyleName = GetBodiesItemStyleName+XMLCLearedAndSeperatedLine
+ FoundEntry = TRUE
+ end if
+ end if
+ loop
+ end if
+ loop
+ Close #FileNum
+end function
+function GetLineInXMLBody ( AXMLfile as string , WhichItem as string , HowOften as integer) as string
+'Author: Joerg Sievers
+'/// With this function you can extract a whole line in &lt;office:body&gt;
+'///+ of a XML document. It is important to give this routine the
+'///+ correct <ITEM and the count in <office:body>.
+'/// <u>simple Example</u>:
+'///+ We want to find the 2nd (!) table:table-row item
+'///+ &lt;table:table-row table:style-name=&quot;ro2&quot; table:visibility=&quot;collapse&quot;&gt;
+'///+ String = GetLineInXMLBody(gOfficePath & ConvertPath(&quot;Content.xml&quot;) , &quot;table:table-row&quot; , 2)
+'///+ Return: The whole line of the second &apos;table:table-row&apos;-item.
+ Dim FileNum as integer
+ Dim XMLRawLine as string
+ Dim XMLCLearedLine as string
+ Dim a as integer
+ Dim FoundEntry as boolean
+ Dim ItemPosInString as integer
+ if Dir ( AXMLfile ) = "" then
+ warnlog "GetLineInXMLBody(...) : '" & AXMLfile & "' is missing!"
+ exit function
+ end if
+ WhichItem = "<" & WhichItem
+ a = 0
+ FoundEntry = FALSE
+ FileNum = FreeFile
+ Open AXMLfile For Input As #FileNum
+ Do until EOF(#FileNum) = TRUE OR FoundEntry = TRUE
+ Line input #FileNum, XMLRawLine
+' deleting tabs and spaces
+ XMLCLearedLine = TrimTab ( Trim ( XMLRawLine ) )
+' jumping to the office:body
+ if InStr(XMLCLearedLine , "office:body") <> 0 then
+ Do until EOF(#FileNum) = TRUE OR FoundEntry = TRUE
+ Line input #FileNum, XMLRawLine
+ XMLCLearedLine = TrimTab ( Trim ( XMLRawLine ) )
+' if the count of the item is the same as the one searching for...
+ ItemPosInString = InStr(XMLCLearedLine , WhichItem)
+ if ItemPosInString <> 0 then
+ a = a+1
+ if a=HowOften then
+ GetLineInXMLBody = XMLCLearedLine
+' printlog "Debug from 'GetLineInXMLBody'-function: '" & XMLCLearedLine & "'"
+ FoundEntry = TRUE
+ end if
+ end if
+ loop
+ end if
+ loop
+ Close #FileNum
+end function
+function GetItemStyleName ( sMainElement$ , sUsedElement$ , sElement$ , sCount as integer , sStyleName$ ) as string
+'Author: Joerg Sievers
+'/// With GetItemStyleName you can get the NAME of a STYLE in ANY
+'///+ Element in a main element (like office:body-content) of a XML-file.
+'///+ If the second parameter is the SAME as the third one, you are not going into the
+'///+ third area. You will stay in the DOM in the second, where e.g. table:table element could
+'///+ be found.
+'/// <u>simple Example</u>:
+'///+ String = GetItemStyleName ( &quot;office:body&quot;, &quot;table:table&quot;, &quot;table:table-row&quot; , 3 , &quot;table:style-name&quot; )
+'///+ Return: The (attribute) name of the 3rd table-row node in a Writer document.
+'///+ With this name you can search in the style-section for the correct values.
+ Dim InputstreamXML as integer
+ Dim i as integer
+ Dim a as integer
+ Dim xElementName as string
+ 'Read the file and go to the main DOM node
+ SAXSeekElement(1)
+' If you need a debug mode, enable the printlog entries
+' -----------------------------------------------------
+' printlog " +-- function: GetItemStyleName ---------------------------"
+' printlog " | Main Node : " & SAXGetElementName
+ 'Go to the main element (like office:body, office:script, office:automatic-styles, etc.)
+ SAXSeekElement(sMainElement$)
+' printlog " | Main Element : " & sMainElement$
+ if sUsedElement$ <> sElement$ then
+ SAXSeekElement(sUsedElement$)
+' printlog " | Used Element : " & sUsedElement$
+ end if
+ InputstreamXML = SaxGetChildCount
+' printlog " | Count of Children : " & InputstreamXML
+ for i = 1 to InputstreamXML
+ SAXSeekElement(i)
+ if SAXGetNodeType = NodeTypeElement then
+ xElementName = SAXGetElementName
+ if xElementName = sElement$ then
+ a= a+1
+' printlog "("& i & " / " & a & ") Element:" & xElementName
+ if a = sCount then
+ GetItemStyleName = SAXGetAttributeValue(sStyleName$)
+' printlog " | Name of Element : " & GetItemStyleName
+ exit for
+ end if
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement(0)
+ end if
+ next i
+' printlog " +---------------------------------------------------------"
+end function
+function GetXMLElementPath ( sMainElement$ , sUsedElement$ , sStyleName$, sStyleNameValue$ ) as string
+'Author: Joerg Sievers
+'///+ Returns the path (in a DOM tree) for an exact named element.
+'///+ With this string it is possible to navigate easily to a named
+'///+ element with <i>SAXSeekElement</i>-function.
+ Dim InputstreamXML as integer
+ Dim i as integer
+ Dim xAttributeValue as string
+ Dim a as integer
+ Dim xElementName as string
+ 'Read the file and go to the main DOM node
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ SAXSeekElement(1)
+ InputstreamXML = SaxGetChildCount
+' If you need a debug mode, enable the printlog entries
+' -----------------------------------------------------
+' printlog " +-- function: GetXMLElementPath --------------------------"
+' printlog " | Main Node : " & SAXGetElementName
+ 'Go to the main element (like office:body, office:script, office:automatic-styles, etc.)
+ SAXSeekElement(sMainElement$)
+' printlog " | Main Element : " & sMainElement$
+ InputstreamXML = SaxGetChildCount
+' printlog " | Count of Children : " & InputstreamXML
+ for i = 1 to InputstreamXML
+ SAXSeekElement(i)
+ xElementName = SAXGetElementName(i)
+ if xElementName = sUsedElement$ then
+ xAttributeValue = SAXGetAttributeValue(sStyleName$)
+ if xAttributeValue = sStyleNameValue$ then
+' printlog " | Elementname (" & i & ") : " & xElementName
+' printlog " | Attribute value : " & xAttributeValue
+ GetXMLElementPath = SAXGetElementPath
+ exit for
+ end if
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement(0)
+ next i
+' printlog " +---------------------------------------------------------"
+end function
+function fWhereIsXMLElementInBody ( sSubDocumentRootElement as string , sDocumentRootElement as string , sWhichElement as string , OPTIONAL A ) as string
+Dim iXMLElements as integer
+Dim k as integer
+Dim iXMLElementsInSecondLayer as integer
+Dim i as integer
+'/// A function to parse a XML DOM of an office document and return the <i>Elementpath</i>
+'///+ of an element where you can search for in the <u>second level</u>.
+'/// Input:<ol><li>Which element to be searched for</li>
+'///+ <li><i>SubDocumentRootElement</i>:
+'///+ <ul><li>office:document-meta</li>
+'///+ <li>office:document-styles</li>
+'///+ <li>office:document-content</li>
+'///+ <li>office:document-settings</li></ul></li>
+'///+ <li><i>DocumentRootElement</i>:
+'///+ <ul><li>office:meta</li>
+'///+ <li>office:settings</li>
+'///+ <li>office:scripts</li>
+'///+ <li>office:font-decls</li>
+'///+ <li>office:styles</li>
+'///+ <li>office:automatic-styles</li>
+'///+ <li>office:master-styles</li>
+ '///+ <li>office:body</li></ul></li></ol>
+iXMLElements = SAXGetChildCount
+ 'If you need debug information, change next line value to TRUE
+ EnableQAErrors = FALSE
+ QAErrorLog "Debug: = "& iXMLElements
+for i = 1 to iXMLElements
+ if SAXHasElement(i) = TRUE then
+ SAXSeekElement(i)
+ QAErrorLog "Debug: [" & i & "] = +- "& SAXGetElementname(i)
+ iXMLElementsInSecondLayer = SAXGetChildCount
+ QAErrorLog "Debug: [" & i & "] = +- "& iXMLElementsInSecondLayer
+ if iXMLElementsInSecondLayer <> 0 then
+ for k = 1 to iXMLElementsInSecondLayer
+ SAXSeekElement(k)
+ if SAXGetNodeType = NodeTypeElement then
+ QAErrorLog "Debug: [" & k & "] = +- "& SAXGetElementName(k)
+ if IsMissing(A) then
+ if SAXGetElementName(k) = sWhichElement then
+ fWhereIsXMLElementInBody = SAXGetElementPath
+ QAErrorLog "Debug: =" & fWhereIsXMLElementInBody
+ exit function
+ end if
+ else
+ if SAXGetElementName((k-1)+A) = sWhichElement then
+ SAXSeekElement(0)
+ SAXSeekElement(sWhichElement , A)
+ QAErrorLog "Debug: =" & SAXGetChildCount
+ fWhereIsXMLElementInBody = SAXGetElementPath
+ QAErrorLog "Debug: =" & fWhereIsXMLElementInBody
+ exit function
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement(0)
+ next k
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement(0)
+ end if
+next i
+end function